Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo ‘Danilo Dolci”

National Network

Via Gorizia n. 22 - 90133 Palermo, Italy

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Amico Dolci

IEMed - European Institute of the Mediterranean

National Network

C/ Girona 20, 5ème étage
08010 - Barcelona

+34 932 449 850
+34 932470165
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
Structure: IEMed is a public consortium directed by: * A Board of management in which the Government of Catalonia takes part, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs for the Co-operation of the Spanish Government and the Town hall of Barcelona. * A High Committee formed by companies, universities and organizations of the civil company. * A Orientation Council formed by Mediterranean personalities of prestige.
Mission and Objectives

* To support knowledge, through research and study
* To bring a successful conclusion in activities of formation and disclosure
* To encourage the participation of the civil company according to the Process of Barcelona
* To contribute the Mediterranean projection of the Catalan and Spanish institutions
* To take part in projects of development cooperation
* To work for the Mediterranean networks
* To organize exposures and cultural activities
* To publish books and periodic publications
* Act as an observer of Mediterranean reality

Main Projects / Activities

Actor of Civil Society:
- Civil Euromed Forum
- Spanish network of the Anna Lindh Foundation
- Observatory of Women in the Mediterranean
- North Africa Business and Development Forum
- Euro-region Centre of ressources and services
- Conferences, seminars and congresses
- Analyzing and Delphi investigations
- Stock Exchanges for the publication of research tasks
- Master in mediterranean studies
- Spreading the mediterranean cultures
- Collaboration in projects of cooperation
- Mediterranean tribune
- Books and documentation
- Library. event-rooms and media library
- Observation of the mediterranean policies (MedObs)
- Road Shows
- Support for mediterranean projects
- Trainings
- Sharing conerence room - diffusion, communication, participation:
- Directory of the Mediterranean
- Review ideas
- Quaderns revue of the Mediterranean
- collection of mediterranean monographies
Cultural Centre:
- historical exposures
- Exposures of contemporary art
- Cultural weeks
- Cultural cooperations and exchanges
Think Tank
- Barcelona Process
- Dialogue between the Cultures and Civilizations
- The Maghreb and his relationship with the EU
- The Spanish foreign policy and the radiation of Catalonia in the Mediterranean

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Angels Roque
Head of the organisation
Senén Florensa
Contact (2) Full Name
Carina Soriano

GRECS - Resolució de Conflictes

National Network

Ctra. Barcelona, 12-14, 3r 6a
17001 - Girona

972 200 545
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
659 928 933
Mobile Phone (other)
618 616 863
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The staff of the GREC is trained by specialists in management and conflict resolution since various contexts of social sciences: sociology, political science, right, psychology, pedagogy. The source of the financing are the incomes obtained by the projects carried out, of which a part corresponds to subsidies of public administrations. The principal methods of action are the projects, the consultation and teaching. We take part in projects jointly with universities, town halls and other organizations. GREC is an organization specialized in the prevention and the resolution of conflicts of very diverse aspects through formulas and methodologies of mediation and management of the conflicts.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

* Project "Mapa de Conflictes comunitaris I públics has the ciutat of Plane Girona" "of the Community and public Conflicts in the town of Gérone", with the support of Àrea de Participació I Relacions Ciutadanes of Ajuntament de Girona.
* Project "the mediateca dels conflictes" "the media library of the conflicts" creation of an open space and interactive one line for the young people.
* Price NAFENT, for projects of intervention in favour of user-friendliness in the social context of the young people, addressed to all the educational centers of the secondary.
* activities for the centers of education of the various public administrations.
* Formation of Young Agents of User-friendliness. Pla de Ciutadania I Immigració del Segrià.
* 2e. Edition of Postgrau Mediació comunitària I Resolució of conflictes públics. UdG Foundation: Innovation and Formation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Montserrat serrats
Head of the organisation
Ferran Camps Campos

Fundación Sevilla Acoge / Sevilla Acoge Foundation

National Network

Avda. Cristo de la Expiración s/n
Bajo del Puente del Cachorro


954 90 29 60
954 90 18 19
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
635 50 65 71
Mobile Phone (other)
653 77 61 89
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Organizational structure: Board of directors (12 members: President, Secretary, Treasurer, other board members). The foundation has 14 employees and 70 volunteers. Budgetary recourses available per year – 1 million euros. It consists of public recourses (80%), private recourses (10%) and revenue (10%). As of modalities of action, Sevilla Acoge Foundation (thereafter SAF) provides public services (welcoming, labour orientation, social insertion, legal consultations, etc.), organizes trainings, participates in various programmes (Andalucia Orienta, Caixa Proinfancia), European and international projects (e.g. Leonardo da Vinci), has cooperation projects in Bolivia, Senegal, Marroco. SAF is also part of European Voluntary Service as a host and sending organization. Among its many partners are: Junta of Andalusia (government of the autonomous community of Andalusia), CEPAIM Foundation (Consortium of entities working in the field of integration of immigrants), FAMSI (Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for the International Solidarity), and many others.
Mission and Objectives

Sevilla Acoge Foundation regards as its mission the aid and promotion of social and occupational integration of immigrants settled in the province of Seville. One of its objectives is to also work with native population in order to create environment where mutual enrichment, respect for diversities and promotion of cultural identities can flourish. Our organization works for a change of values, for a social transformation that would lead to a new social model where people of different cultures, religions and origins can have a place and live peacefully together, and where their freedoms and rights are respected, protected and promoted. In Sevilla Acoge Foundation we strive for three main goals: right to full citizenship, social integration, and intercultural living together.

Main Projects / Activities

The foundation provides public services (welcoming, labour orientation, social and legal consultations, social insertion), mediation services between professionals and users, trainings for social workers, public health specialists, etc. Also holds educational workshops on migration issues, organizes trainings on co-development projects as well as practical seminars on how to set up and manage a social project. The organization has its social educators working with immigrants at schools and colleges. It also participates in various national and international programmes, like ¨Andalucia Orienta¨(labour market orientation for unemployed citizens), EVS (European Voluntary Service), Leonardo da Vinci, etc. It also runs cooperation projects in Bolivia, Senegal, Marocco.
Among organization´s many international projects, the following ones are the most recent: ¨Behind the Threshold¨under the programme ¨European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals¨, 2012-2014, with partners from Italy, Portugal, Belgium; ¨MILE – Managing Migration and Integration at Local Level¨ under the programme URBACTII, 2007-2009, with partners from Italy, France, Greece, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania; COPFIM (Consulente e progettista di formazione individualizzata per immigrati) under the programme Leonardo da Vinci, 2004-2006, with partners from Italy, France and Romania.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer our network of partners and experience in the field. Our foundation will make a trustworthy and active partner in joint projects and activities of ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF will provide possibilities to make partnerships with organizations of the national networks. We see it as an opportunity to set up cooperation projects that will help us to complete our mission and to also contribute to the projects of ALF members when they fall into our field of actions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Manuel Vicente Sánchez E.
Head of the organisation
Omar El Hartiti Hmamou (President)

Observatori Blanquerna de Comunicació, Religió i Cultura (Blanquerna Observatory on Media, Religion and Culture)

National Network

Carrer Valldonzella 23
Barcelona, 08001

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
Sources of funding: our Observatory is part of the Blanquerna Foundation. We have a Director, a Deputy Director and different members (professors of the Faculty on International Relations and Communication). We have been granted for a 230.000 2 years project from the EU (50% for our institutions and partners) Main partners: University of Scotland, Sigtuna Foundation, Museum of Christianity in Slovenija Other grants: DGAR (Religious Affairs General Direction), Catalan Gouvernement, 5.000 euros to establish our Observatory
Mission and Objectives

-To foster interreligious dialogue through media, religion and culture studies
-To be a reference point in Spain for this issues embracing different and plural visions
-To disseminate information, agenda, resources... on media and religion in contemporary European society
-To educate through a Masters Programme in Digital Media and Religion
-To establish a network of institutions and individuals interested in Religion from an accademical but also general point of view

Main Projects / Activities

-Project Leaders in the RISECI Project (Religion in the Shaping of the European Cultural Identity). Main partners together with Sweeden, Scotland and Slovenija (2013-2015, cofinanced by the EU, Culture Programme)
-Master on Digital Media, Religion and Organizational Communication (2n edition)
-Conference on Religion and News Media with Prof. Setewart M. Hoover, director, Center for Media, Religion and Culture (Boulder, Colorado), february 2012
-Conference on Understanding Religion in a Networked Society, Prof. Heidi Cambell, A & M University, Texas

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Observatory could bring academicians into the field, and the outputs of our common research with our existing partners in Europe.
Since we can interact also in different european languages as greek, italian, french or english, we think that would be also an asset in our context.
Our institution is focused on new media so it is something we could also bring and share in our territory.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Observatory wants to be part of a larger network to share and learn new ways to engage in the intercultural and inter religious dialogue. We have followed the ALF activities during the past and would be very happy to interact and grow with you in the intersection that is our main strength: media, religion and culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miriam Diez Bosch
Head of the organisation
Miriam Diez Bosch (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Jordi Sànches Torrents

Cyprus Food and Nutrition Museum

National Network

5 Christianas Christofidou street, Egkomi, 2417

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
We are a non-profit, non governmental organization, which is administered by 3 board of directors. Members of our society come from various disciplines and areas: Historians, Food Scientists, Nutritionists, Food Editors in newspapers, Food Journalists, Computer Scientists, Museologists, Museum Educators, Educators, Teachers, Chefs. Skills and Expertise Offered: Study of traditional foods from various disciplines, provide profiles and history of traditional foods, connect network with important research centers on traditional foods in Europe, offer know –how on methodology for archiving food -and drink-related information and data from European regions and develop a unified platform for sharing knowledge, present case studies and profiles of successful commercialized traditional products, assist in promotion of gastronomic tourism and training personnel working in the touristic sector . Assist in organization of activities to promote traditional foods. Sources of income come from members' subscriptions and research projects.
Mission and Objectives

Cyprus Food and Nutrition Museum is a non profit Cultural and Research society which aims at conducting and undertaking initiatives and activities to promote knowledge and practice of traditional foods. We have developed an electronic depository of data related to food history and culture: The Cyprus Food Virtual Museum,where information, along with visual representations, from the prehistoric till the current time, on the use of Cypriot traditional foods, associated everyday practices and meals, recipes, tools, and processing techniques have been digitized.

Main Projects / Activities

Cyprus Food and Nutrition Museum is an associate partner of the Virtual Museum Transnational Network Network (V-musT.net!), the Learning Museum Network. We are participating in the development of Food & Drink Europeana (the largest digitized encyclopedia in Europe) and in the Leonardo Da Vinci exchange program "Culinary Bridges across Europe", which aims to get acquainted with the gastronomic culture of Europe. Members of our team have participated in several national funded research programs and bilateral projects and have established collaborations with various research centers in Europe and elsewhere.
At a national level, amongst others, we have established the national contest in traditional cooking among children and youth, we are organizing practical workshops on traditional cookery and educational museulogy workshops on the folklore of food.

Contact (1) Full Name
Chrystalleni Lazarou
Head of the organisation
Chrystalleni Lazarou

C.E.S.T.A.S Centre of Health Education and Appropriate Health Technologies

National Network

Via Ranzani 13/5/f, cap 40127

+39 051 25 50 53
+39 051 42 11 317
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
1. CESTAS is a non-profit organisation, and a NGO recognised by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it has a main headquarter in Bologna with a library and a training and education centre, and a headquarter in Jesi (AN). Number of staff employed: 18; CESTAS is part of the COCIS, COONGER, ASSOCIAZIONE DELLE ONG ITALIANE, participates in CCU (consorzio cooperazione universitaria) and in many other European and international network, namely OKO INTERNATIONAL. 2. balance sheet: active: 9.610643,48- red: 9.604296,68 Euro Total amount of financial resources: 1.950.541,99 Euro(2004) Net: 6.346,80 Euro 3. Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union, Local Governments and private donors. 4. Mainly scholarships (CESTAS organises every year a Master course for students coming from developing countries); concrete projects 5. Universities, Ministries of Health and Cooperation in developing countries, Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Abruzzo regions
Mission and Objectives

The organization’s aim is to promote knowledge, study and initiatives concerning the struggle against underdevelopment and hunger worldwide; its activities are based on the value of human solidarity and on the defense of human rights

Main Projects / Activities

CESTAS projects, carries out and manages programs of international development cooperation both by itself and together with other public and private, national and foreign NGOs and agencies. CESTAS promotes equality as a basis for new development paradigm, working against discrimination by gender, race and/o ethnicity, religion and/or ideology, handicap, age. Defense of children and teenager’s rights is particularly regarded.
CESTAS projects, carries out and manages civil service activities and information campaigns addressed to the public opinion about interdependence, solidarity, intercultural, people’s cooperation, peace and development education, and cultural integration.
CESTAS is working for professional and refresher training in Italy and abroad. As a certified professional training and education centre, it promotes Master’s programs, specialization courses for citizens from the European Union and developing countries in order to train managers and experts of sustainable development

Contact (1) Full Name
Irene Viola
Head of the organisation
Uber Alberti

Federazione internazionale per lo sviluppo sostenibile e la lotta alla povertà nel mediterraneo Mar Nero

National Network

Stazione Marittima, Autorità Portuale di Venezia, Fabbricato 255, 30135 Venezia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
General Information
The organism of the Federation are: a. the Assembly; b. the Managing Committee; c. the Presidency d. The Auditors board;
Mission and Objectives

The Association “International Federation for Sustainable Development and Fight Against Poverty in the Mediterranean-Black Sea" was founded in 2004 on the basis of the positive experience acquired within the framework of the SeaM project, supported by the European Commission (DG Enlargement and DG Regional Policies) and of the Italian Ministry of Environment. The project gave birth to the network composed by 188 partners belonging to 37 different countries, and gathering cultural, social, economic private and public institutions, ngos, associations, non governmental agencies, studies and research institutes and universities.
Now the association is composed by 217 members belonging to 39 different Euro-Mediterranean and Black Sea countries, by representing, then, more than 1,6 million female and male citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities focus on the Mediterranean-Black Sea area that has common historical traditions ( for example the Mediterranean basin was called also White Sea in contraposition with the Black Sea) made up of political, social, economic and cultural meetings but also fights among different civilizations (in fact the area gathers also the members of the 3 main monotheistic religions.
Actually this area is crossed by a number of political, social, economic and cultural problems of complex and difficult solution. But all the Mediterranean-Black Sea citizens recognize indistinctively the need to solve the environmental menaces and those related to the sustainable development issues: in fact these ones involve both the southern and the northern river of the Mediterranean-Black Sea and are unequivocally linked to the common destine of the citizens living in these countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Russo Roberto
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Michela Reghellin

ComeUnaMarea Onlus

National Network

18 dominici street
90146 Palermo PA

+39 6374371
+39 0916884070
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3394352947
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3472337481
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

ComeUnaMarea Onlus, founded in Palermo in 2005, is a no profit cultural association  implementing eco-compatible development models and social equity.

It is engaged in the valorisation and promotion of the historical, artistic, environmental and ethno-anthropological heritage of Sicilian territory

The organization, active in the social and voluntary sector, promotes the safeguarding of human rights, equal opportunities and implementing initiatives to combat gender violence.

ComeUnaMarea Onlus collaborates with the schools by activating non-formal education paths.

In the multicultural field it acts as an intermediary between different cultures to promote the peaceful coexistence among peoples of the earth.

The organization carries out projects to protect the environment and education to healthy lifestyles.

It also acts as a human resource incubator, through the "Intercultural Time Bank", an innovative form of social economy.

ComeUnaMarea Onlus conducts cultural events at national and international level.  


Mission and Objectives

ComeUnaMarea is inspired by the principles of solidarity, subsidiarity, democracy and pluralism.

The Association pursues civic  and socially useful aims by carrying out one or more activities of general interest, mainly through voluntary work.


Fields of activities:

Democracy/Active citizenship


Human rights


Intercultural dialogue

Non-formal learning

Peace and conflict

Sustainable development


Main Projects / Activities

ComeUnaMarea operates at  national and European contest.

Its activities are financially supported by financial contributions from the European Union, public institutions and donations.

It has participated in EU Programs in the field of non-formal learning as LLP Programme Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, Youth in Action, ERASMUS + and Europe for Citizens Programme.

The projects that received funding from Anna Lindh Foundation are:

2008  "Between Culture and Language - a journey of flavours"

2010 for the 'IMAP' project

2020 for the 'RinF Recycle in Fashion' project

The organization took part in UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development Campaign 2013/14/15 and is involved in actions for:

- European Week for Waste Reduction (SERR)

- Cerealia Festival

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are partner in Cerealia Festival http://www.cerealialudi.org/en/

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

RIDE-APS promotes the value of the Euro-Mediterranean, African and Middle Eastern national, religious, cultural and social collective identities, encouraging closer interaction and respect for fundamental human rights and equality between genders, while highlighting shared interests.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Bruno Concetta
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Bruno Concetta
Contact (2) Full Name
Musso Marco


National Network


++39 0523 332613
Telephone (other)
++39 0523 315578
++39 0523 338428
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
++39 335 7050050
Mobile Phone (other)
++39 349 3877466
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Teatro Gioco Vita, une des premières réalités italiennes protagoniste du mouvement pour l’animation théâtrale est né en 1971. Il est reconnu par le Ministère des Activités Culturelles en tant que Théâtre Stable d’Innovation pour Jeune Public. La compagnie est specialisée dans le domaine du théatre d'ombres.La Compagnie, de laquelle Fabrizio Montecchi est le responsable artistique, est engagée non seulement dans la production de spectacles, mais aussi dans la création d’ateliers pour les écoles et pour les jeunes. Le sources de financement sont: l'Etat, la Région Emilia Romagna, la ville de Piacenza, la vente des spectacles et des ateliers, les partenaires privés. Le budget annuel est environ 1.800.000,00 euros.
Mission and Objectives

Donner une contribution originale au théâtre pour jeunes, parmis le language du théatre d'ombres, qui est la base de chaque production de Teatro Gioco Vita. Recherche de nouveau formes et lannguages, production de spectacles, workshops autour du théatre d'ombres, formation et education au théatre sont les moyens pour réaliser ces objectifs.

Main Projects / Activities

Deux lieux, l’Atelier des Ombres et San Bartolomeo, sont les lieux de productions et de recherche de Teatro Gioco Vita. Les théâtres (le Teatro Comunale Filodrammatici et le Teatro Municipale de Piacenza, le Teatro Verdi de Castelsangiovanni), sont une grande maison dans laquelle l’expérience, la réalisation de festivals de théâtre, l’accueil, les échanges culturels, lieux où l’on projette des parcours artistiques et culturels pour la compagnie et le travail sur le territoire.
Teatro Gioco Vita soutient l’activité sur le territoire de Plaisance et du département (direction artistique et responsable de l’organisation de la Saison de Prose du Teatro Municipale de Piacenza, organisation de festivals de théâtre et autres événements culturels, accueil, atelier, formation) de dimension toujours plus internationale

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name