Municipality of Ravenna - European Policies Office

National Network

Via Raul Gardini, 20 - 48100 Ravenna

0039 0544/482545
Telephone (other)
0039 0544/482845
00 39 0544/482844
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The European Office’s staff is made of 4 employees and it works as a coordinator of European projects in partnership with other staff of Municipality Departments and local organizations. Our European Office is part of two international networks: ALDA, Association of Local Democracy Agencies; and the Association: Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities and Towns. Municipality of Ravenna is part of SERN, Sweden Emilia Romagna Network. Twining: Marocco (Region of Meknés). City Networks: City of Chichester (UK); City of Chartes (F); City of Speyer (D).
Mission and Objectives

European Office is an operating structure created in order to promote the access and the participation to EU programmes and funding opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

Our services provide: Actions aimed making aware of EU topics;
Organization of meetings, conferences and workshops; editing and distribution of a periodical Newsletter about EU funding opportunities; Project formulation and editing in the framework of EU Calls for Proposals;
Technical assistance to the Municipality Departments and local organisations for the management of financed projects; Partner search;
Activation of relationships with the DGs of the European Commission and National Agencies; Participation to “City Networks”;
Capacity training for administrative personnel.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Maurizio Cortesi
Head of the organisation
Mr. Maurizio Cortesi


National Network

S. Polo 2035
30123 Venezia


+39 0412348805
+39 0415241847
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3471663989
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
MeRiFor stands for "Mediterraneo Ricerca e Formazione". It is a non-profit Association that developed in the framework of Master MIM, involving the University of Venice and several other partners spread around the Mediterranena Basin. The association is managed by a Scientific Commettee, shaped up by young and experienced researchers who deal with education and research concerning intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean . MeRifor has a limited amount of budgetary resources, which vary year by year and can be evaluated in about between 5000€ and 8000€. Source of founding also vary, having being both public (Veneto Region), Foundations (Fondazione Venezia, Fondazione Paralleli). Concrete projects include a yearly international conference usually focused on one specific country of the Southern Mediterranean Basin (2009: Algeria, 2008: Social Movements in the Mediterranen, 2007: Lebanon, etc.)
Mission and Objectives

MeRiFor aims at spreading knowledge and research engagemnts on the following subjects: 1. Mediterranean Migration, 2. History and politics of the Mediterranena, 3. Environment and sustainability in the Mediterranean Coastal areas, 4. Inter-cultural dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

As mentioned before, at the moment the main activity of the Association concerns the organisation of one yearly conference introducing one Mediterranen country per year and to publish the proceedings of each conference. Moreover, the Associations deals with teaching Arabic and Hebrew at several university, as well as promoting intercultural dialogue among university curricula. MeRiFor aims at enlarging its fields of activities, keeping as main axle the promotion of dialogue and mutual knowledge between cultures, through research, teaching and education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Alvise Vianello
Head of the organisation
Prof. Emanuela Trevisan Semi
Contact (2) Full Name
Agnese Boscarol

University of Teramo Faculty of Law

National Network

campus coste sant'agostino
64100 Teramo


+39 347.50.68.775
Telephone (other)
+39 340. 339.4082
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Human Rights and Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean.
Scope of the Project is to explore the reception of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the philosophical and juridical traditions of the Mediterranean countries and their significance in the promotion of intercultural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
gianluca sadun bordoni
Contact (2) Full Name
paola bernardini

European Training Foundation

National Network

Villa Gualino, Viale Settimio Severo, 35
10133, Torino

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The European Training Foundation is an agency of the European Union based in Turin, Italy . It became operational in 1994. The ETF currently employs approximately 130 staff and has an annual budget of about 18 million €. We recruit and deploy experts from multiple disciplines to handle complex and multidimensional topics in a team environment, in order to create new knowledge, insight and solutions.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to help transition and developing countries to harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems in the context of the Eu's external relations policy.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities are structured around a series of projects that take place in the partner countries to facilitate the reform of vocational education and training and employment systems. All activities we carry out aim at providing services to the European Commission, our partner countries and the EU Member States.
We support our partner countries by providing opportunities for policy learning on reform strategies to policy makers and key stakeholders in the countries. We provide advice on vocational education and training policy and innovative approaches in EU and relevant good practice from other partner countries. We seek to enable policy makers to integrate their reform efforts within the overall support framework provided by the EU. We also support our partner countries to develop participatory policy development to ensure ownership and sustainability for the reform process.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gerard Mayen
Head of the organisation
Madlen Serban

Associazione ONG Italiane

National Network

Via Giovanni Devoti 16 – 00167

+39 06 66019202
+39 06 66032774
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Association of Italian NGOs gathers more than 160 NGOs and its governing body is the National Council, formed by 15 elected members among who the Executive Board is chosen. It employs 2 staff people for the secretariat. The Association has a budget of 180.000,00 Euros, whose sources are the annual fee paid by its associated. The total amount of the associated organizations’ revenue is about 300 millions Euros. The Association acts mainly through its member organisations, organizing seminars, awareness campaigns, lobby and advocacy activities.
Mission and Objectives

The Association of the Italian NGOs acts consistently with the principles expressed in the "Development NGOs' Chart in the European Union". The Association represents Italian organisations dealing with international co-operation and fair trade, in order to arouse and affirm values and culture of international solidarity, the defence and promotion of fundamental rights of all people and all populations.
Being a coalition, the Association of the Italian NGOs, is committed to represent its Member Organisations (MOs) in contexts like Governmental co-operation with developing countries, international solidarity networks, international organisations, Institutions, international events.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association of Italian NGOs, contributes to the elaboration of national and European strategies and policies of cooperation, by focussing on issues of non-governmental and development organizations in its relationship with national, European and international institution and with civil society.
It promotes synergies with the other organizations of the civil society regarding the issues of fundamental rights of the populations of the PVS, of the relationships of fairness and justice at political, economic and social level, of the peace and the sustainable development

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Brugnaletti
Head of the organisation
Sergio Marelli – President


National Network

Via Borgosesia, 30, 10145

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Non for profit organization. Management board: 1 chairman, 1 director, 2 counselors Staff: 3 full-time, 3 part-time employees, 4 consultants. Budgetary resources in 2005: 449.640 € Funding: Local institutions (Comune Torino, Regione Piemonte, Provincia Torino), foundations (Don Mario Operti, Compagnia San Paolo, CRT, Unidea), other private funding. Modalities of action: concrete cooperation projects, exchanges, seminars, training, intercultural education, studies, publications. Main partners: Comune Torino, Provincia Torino, Regione Piemonte, Compagnia San Paolo, Turin and Catania Universities, North-South Center, Khouribga Provincial Delegation of the Education Ministry, Moroccan Youth Ministry, APPSDS (Khouribga), CICSN (Casablanca), Carmel School (Haifa), Ghaza Municipality, Al Ghad Association (Cairo).
Mission and Objectives

Cicsene is a local cooperation and development organization. Its original purpose is to find new solutions to the problem of housing and social, cultural and economic habitat, in countries in the South and in the North of the world, by means of integrated local development programs.
Cicsene has developed four branches for its work: Progetto casa, Tecniche urbane, Pianeta possibile, Percorsi internazionali. In particular, Pianeta Possibile department promotes intercultural education, educational cooperation and exchange among associations, schools, universities and local bodies of North and South of the world, in particular euro-mediterranean area.

Main Projects / Activities

Cicsene’s Pianeta Possibile department focuses on cooperation with Mediterranean countries and areas of major migration. It:
? carries out educational materials and information towards intercultural relationship.
? proposes intercultural education activities, school exchanges and cooperation.
? studies and spreads methods and strategies for the daily practice of interculture.
? tries to establish relationships between educational bodies in the Mediterranean region, supporting the relationship between different realities and starting cooperation experiences.
? aims to the living together of different realities and to social cohesion promoting participation.
? plans and carries out cultural events and educational and citizenship courses.
For further information:

Contact (1) Full Name
Gianfranco Cattai
Head of the organisation
Gianfranco Cattai

Poznaję Foundation

National Network

pl. Solidarności 1/3/5, 53-661 Wrocław

733 311 300
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The foundation acts since 2013but its members have been working in 'Cognosco' foundation before. During that time, we participated and organized many projects. We created project called 'Krakowski Oxford' which was financially supported by 'Youth in Action' agency. It was addressed to young people who wanted to improve their language skills and also enrich their knowledge about diverse fields of living in contemporary Europe (like democracy, environmental protection, human rights etc.). Many youths participated in that project which positively affects their knowledge and increased their chaces on the labour market. Our foundation created also legal advice center, where the lawyers (volunteers) advised in legal matters to imprecunious people. We also organized graphic workshops for children in difficult life situation and many other initiatives. We are interested in projects connected with sustainable development and ecology, education of youths, democratic' attitude dissemination, cultural integration and exchange. We currently have many partners in Europe, for example from Croatia, Hungary or Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have gained much experience since we worked. We have essential knowledge to run projects and to join other organizations in their initiatives. We have a headquarter in one of the biggest cities in Poland - Wrocław. We are planning to develop our activity next year by organizing some projects. One among the others will be bikes' travel across Europe in July which aim is to connect people with passion for bicycle' riding. In the meanwhile, we would like to organize some projects and participate in others (like non-formal education project in Thessaloniki). We are inviting for cooperation partners interested in organization projects connected with: -EU promotion and EU citizenship promotion -sustainable development and ecology -culture -language education -democracydissemination -non-formal education suport -out-school activietes -NGO support
Mission and Objectives

Main aim of the Foundation activity is non-formal education of the youths in different fields. We organize projects connected with: ecology and sustainable development, democracy dissemination, intercultural integration and youth exchange. Our activity is wider and has more interdisciplinary character than traditional school education. Knowledge is gained by experience which is implemented into normal life. Therefore, young people broaden the range not only of practical and theoretical knowledge but also increase their chances on the labour market.

Main Projects / Activities

Planned Projects:
May 2014
Europarliament election promotion
July 2014
Integration of the youths coming from the countries being in conflict and also tribesmen with immigrants e.g. Flemings and Walloons, Germans and Turks, Slovaks and Gypsies, Poles and Silesians on the grounds of good practices from the same countries e.g. Dutch and Germans, Poles and Kashubs. Project will be executed in a form of bike’s backpacking camp.
September 2014
Development of pro-ecological attitudes among youths across the Europe by the development of geoparks.
Partnership in other activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can participate in projects connected with the fields underlined above. We can also be a partner in executing other projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Maciej Lipiec
Head of the organisation
Stanisław Lipiec
Contact (2) Full Name
Łukasz Lechowicz

Circolo Culturale Africa Ancona (CCA)

National Network

Via San Spiridione 5/a

0039 071 2072585
0039 071 2072585
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 333 2151332
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1.Circolo Culturale Africa is a regional NGO which promotes general awakening and in depth analysis of themes such as the North-South world disparities, immigration and intercultural themes, the nexus between migration and development, fair trade, international co-operation. 2.The budgetary resources 225.000€ circa (year 2006) 3.The organisation is also an ethnic restaurant that allows to raise funds for the activities and other funds are raised at local, regional, national and European level. 4.The modalities of action are concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, festival, newsletter, research documentation centre, hosting and sending volunteers. 5. Main partners are Praxis (Greece), BBF (Germany), YOFI (Israel), Wi’am and YAP (Palestine), JYEG (Jordan), IOM (Tunis), Everything is possible (UK), Network contac 23 (Belgium), Casal del Raval (Spain), Stream (Poland), IRSH (Albania), Dar Chabbab (Algeria), DPNA (Lebanon), Millennium Center (Romania), Associativismo (Portugal).
Mission and Objectives

The CCA is an association of volunteers, which promotes general awakening and in depth analysis of themes such as the North-South world relationship, immigration and intercultural themes, fair trade, international co-operation. Promoting co-development, peace, human rights and co-operation among people along with all the fields we can raise a civil battle against every evidence of ignorance, intolerance, racism and alienation, are or could potentially be action areas of our organisation.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities among the several we promote are: organization of a Euro-Med exchange and CMS, 'People Festival' in Ancona; the creation and opening of a research Documentation centre for the Active Citizenship; 10 volunteers hosted within a framework of an EVS; sending volunteers, Africa Movie Festival; we send a newsletter every two weeks to 10.300 mails address and another one 400 mails dedicated to young people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Sospiro Gabriele
Head of the organisation
Mr. Sospiro Gabriele

Informagiovani a Palermo

National Network

Via della Giraffa, 35

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The association is fully managed by volunteers, budget for 2009 is about 45.000 euro, mainly coming from Youth in Action programme for seminars and youth exchanges dealing with volunteering and social inclusion of disadvantaged youth. Main activities at local level are the management of an online database of projects, programmes, opportunities and info on European programmes ( and awareness raising campaigns addressed to disadvantaged youth. At international level, main activities are workcamps, youth exchanges, seminars. Main partners are the Office for social affairs for youth of the Ministry of Justice, the Youth in Action programme, and 30 organizations from 17 different EU(and EU-Med) countries.
Mission and Objectives

Promote the right to information as a fundamental right and promote social inclusion of disadvantaged and marginalized youth.

Main Projects / Activities

As said, the main projects are the management of the database, at local level, and the implementation of seminars, youth exchanges and information activities at international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pietro Galluccio
Head of the organisation
President: Pietro Galluccio

25 FPS, Udruga za audio-vizualna istraživanja

National Network

Nova Ves 18
10000 Zagreb

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

25 FPS Association for Audio-Visual Research is a Zagreb-based non-profit organization. Established in 2004, its main activities are organizing 25 FPS Festival, an annual international film festival promoting artists’ film and video, experimental and innovative works; publishing; education in new media and cinema culture and promotion of short films. With approximate annual budget of 85.000 EUR Association 25 FPS' sources of funding are mainly from national and local public funds, and low percentage in private sources because of the non-commercial projects involving international, regional and national partners in audiovisual sector, cinema, and visual arts.

Mission and Objectives

25 FPS Association promotes non-commercial forms of audiovisual activities and cinema culture by including individuals and groups on local, regional and international level, encouraging creative artistic work, exchanging best practice experiences and public advocacy. Its main objectives are: advocacy for development of contemporary independent culture and audiovisual activities; organizing and developing contents and manifestations promoting innovative audiovisual artistic expression as well as preserving independent contemporary culture; fostering education and connecting partners in audiovisual sector on national and international level; promoting Croatian films regionally and internationally.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects are 25 FPS Festival, annual international film festival; book publishing: When Animation Meets the Living, 2007, Austrian Avant-Garde Cinema, 2008, Expanded Cinema, 2009, Visual Music, 2013, History of Experimental Film and Video, 2013; Max MSP workshops (2011), film workshops 2011-.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Kožul
Head of the organisation
Marina Kožul