Fundació General de la Universitat de Valencia (General Foundation of the University of Valencia)

National Network

Amadeo de Saboya, 4 (46010) Valencia, Spain

+34 963 531 063
Telephone (other)
+34 963 983 6119
+36 963 531 090
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
FUNDACIO GENERAL DE LA UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA (FGUV) is a public body created by the University of Valencia in 1983, whose primordial aim is to cooperate in the accomplishment of the targets of the University of Valencia. Our staff is made up of ninety-three persons spread over different departments. Sources of funding: 70% public and 30% private. Our range of activities includes the promotion and development of different cultural activities, cooperation to development in different countries, the promotion of employment for undergraduates and postgraduates and support to disabled. FGUV is a member of different networks and associations at a local and European level, such as the Spanish Association of Foundations, ENCATC, Leo-net, European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring, Eumed, Elsir Mundus.
Mission and Objectives

Its main objectives are supporting education, research, cultural dissemination, and the overall human development of potential recipients through different action lines:
-Promotion and development of different cultural activities particularly in the field of painting, music creation and theatre
-Collaboration in organising conferences, courses, or academic and scientific seminars and promotion of the publishing of books
-Promotion and management of development cooperation projects at a local and International level
-Collaboration and support to student guidance programmes in the disabled and employment areas.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of the FGUV are related to culture:
- ARTS: The University of Valencia’s exhibition hall welcomes in its many rooms, exhibitions in the field of painting, photography, drawing, throughout the year by great national and international artists.
- MUSICAL ACTIVITIES: the Philharmonic Orchestra of University of Valencia and the University Choir
- THEATRE: annual programs, permanent workshops, Theatre Group and Performances of “Erasmus Scene”.
Furthermore, the FGUV is an important cultural tool for the University of Valencia and fulfills its tasks through these centres:
- EUROPEAN DOCUMENTATION CENTRE: designed by the European Commission to collect and disseminate the European Union’s publications for the purposes of research and education.
- EMPLOYMENT: through the Observatory of job insertion and occupational guidance, whose main aim is to facilitate and promote the employment of all University students and graduates.
- DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION: the FGUV manages development co-operation projects, that promote sustainable economic growth and improvements in the living standards in emerging economies, promoting the dialogue,
- DISABLED: We provide aid for disabled students

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The FGUV is a university foundation which develops actions in different cultural fields, such as painting, photography, drawing, music, theatre and dance. One of our objectives is to encourage and disseminate the creative activity among University students.
The FGUV promotes respect for others and international cooperation among people, through activities to raise awareness of the importance of human rights (seminars, lectures and publications). Also, the FGUV manages the UNESCO Chair in Development Studies that promotes cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace.
Furthermore, the FGUV focuses on building co-operation with educational institutions in emerging economies (mainly in South America), working in development cooperation projects.
The FGUV works for people with disabilities to ensure the principle of equal opportunities. In the area of employment, we develop lines of work for the Promotion of Integration of disabled university students.
As a university foundation, the FGUV has set up a network of communication with different Universities and institutions from around the world who help us to develop projects to work towards achieving targets set by the University of Valencia.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is an opportunity to exchange ideas on approaches and best practices with other organizations, have the opportunity to develop joint projects, promote intercultural dialogue, diversity among different cultures from the Euro-Mediterranean region. Promoting a commitment to share values that transcend our social, religious and other cultural difference, such as peace, human rights, democracy

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristóbal Suria Luengo
Head of the organisation
Esteban Morcillo Sánchez- President and Rector of the University of Valencia
Contact (2) Full Name
Paula Iranzo Calpe

Fundación Kontrast

National Network

C. Sant Agustí, 3-5. Baixos
08012 Barcelona

Barcelona ( Catalunya)

(+34) 934 762 034
93 476 20 31
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The organization chart is formed by the Council of full member, the Board member (governing body), a delegate committee (executing body) and an advisory committee (consultants). Altogether, there are 2 paid employees and several volunteering staff. The budgetary resources available per 2012 it’s about 6.300,00 Euros. The sources of funding are the donations from board members as well as private donors. Although the FK offered grants for research in the past, the current main project of the organization is the “Third cycle students program”, which consists on providing further education to Third World students with excellent academic records from developing countries. The Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), the faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management and the Autonomous Solidarity foundation (FAS).
Mission and Objectives

The Fundació Kontrast was created in 2001 with the aim to collaborate for the sustainable development of the Third World.
To achieve this aim, a group of companies and professionals joined forces and resources to create the foundation.
The main objective of FK is to create and maximize activities focusing on the promotion of the social, economical and cultural development of the disadvantaged collectives of the Third World. Thus, the FK aims to be a platform for ideas and proposals, oriented to improve the ways of cooperation between collectives and territories.
Therefore, the FK gathers companies and professionals in order to provide their participation in the activities of the organization so it can achieve a bigger social impact. With the creation of a common space for dialogue in which converge the different initiatives and contributions, its intended to achieve greater efficacy than would be obtained individually.

Main Projects / Activities

“The Third Cycle Students”:
This program aims to bring closer cultures, helping developing countries by financing the stay of brilliant students without means in Spanish universities, in order to carry out third cycle studies (master’s degree or postgraduate). The selected students, besides of attending to those studies, will acquire personal experience, that will be able to transfer to their own countries once they return, favoring its development.
After two years of preparation, the program was implemented for the first time in 2011, with the arrival of the first student that came from the Caddi Ayyad University, in Marrakech. He coursed the master degree in Event Management –Business tourism of the EUTDH from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Fundació Kontrast can contribute as an active part of the Network, spreading its objectives and trying to connect more organizations to the Network in order to increase its membership.
In order to do so, the FK’s webpage will have a URL link to the Anna Lindh Foundation web page. Besides, the FK has a large database of Spanish and Catalan civil society organizations (NGO’s, Foundations and charities) and Fundació Kontrast is going to spread the Anna Lindh Foundationd and Fundació Kontrast collaboration to all of them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Fundació Kontrast aims to link our organization to ALF network because one of our main priorities is to find potential partners in order to keep its main program, as well as other organizations that focus on the same field, in order to exchange experience and line works that can improve the “TCS” program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Miquel Flamarich Tarrassa ( President)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Miquel Flamarich Tarrassa ( President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Guillem Vich ( Director)

Asociación Cultural Cine en Ruta

National Network

PLaza de Callao, 1
28013 - Madrid


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Cine en Ruta is a non-profit cultural association. Structure of the Association: President - Diego Rodriguez Blazquez Vice-President - Pablo Caballero Marcos Secretariat - Ana Isabel Palacios Treasurer - Guillermo Hita Pascual Annual Budgetary Resources:46.000,00 (2011) Sources of Funding: Spain Ministry of Culture - Department of Cultural Industries Spain Ministry of Culture - Institute for Cinema and Audiovisula Arts (ICAA) Cervantes Institutes Local councils Actions: 14,4kms - Intercultural Dialogue between the Mediterranean two shores Spanish Cinema on the Route - Itinerant show case of recent Spanish Cinema Main partners: Tanger's Cinematheque; Tetuan's Mediterranean Film Festival; Andalusia Film Library; Local Councils; Medit (Mediterranean Film Festival of Ciutadella, Menorca); Arab Institue of Madrid, UNESCO, CIMA (Spanish Associaction of Woman of Film ans Audiovisual Sector); Spanish Film Academy.
Mission and Objectives

Principal aims, as detailed in the foundation act, are:
-promoting Spanish, Latin American and European Cinema excluded from convention circuits of exhibition
- foster and support the work of woman in the fields of arts and cinema.
- promote any kind of cultural initiatives
- improve cultural access to a wide range of people

Main Projects / Activities

“14,4kms - Intercultural Dialogue between the Mediterranean two shores”: its principal aim is through encourage intercultural dialogue Northern and Southern Mediterranean countries by using cinema and culture as a tool to promote mutual respect. The project has the additional aim of fostering women filmmakers. Under the name of Women "Filmmakers from both shores of Mediterranean", features films and documentaries directed from Spanish, Lebanese, Tunisian, Algerian and Palestinian women directors have been shown in Cordoba, Granada, Tangier and Tetuan between February and March 2012.
Spanish Cinema On the route - itinerant showcase of recent Spanish cinema. Its principal aim is to promote a selection of best Spanish recent films, not so well known, bringing them to a wide audience in Spain and around the world. Within this general purpose, special attention is given to the works of women filmmakers, which only represents an average of 9% of the Spanish film industry.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In Spain there are many organizations, which deal with intercultural dialogue and Mediterranean relationship. Despite of that, most of the time they do not interact between them.
We will work as a connection among the different members of the network that actively participate in the promotion of cultural sensibilities co-existing in the Euro-Mediterranean area by artistic means such as, film, art, music.
Thanks to our experience as cultural management, we have a solid, positive track record in developing cultural projects at national and international scale, connecting institutions, local agents and professionals. Creating synergies and encouraging cooperation is our motto.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF runs the largest Network of organizations involved in the promotion of intercultural dialogue across the Mediterranean. To be a member would allow us to reach new partners in the region, establishing synergies with other organizations, enhancing projects International dimensions and results. Entitling participation in training seminars and thematic meetings, join the network also broaden our understanding of the regional context, gaining access to Euro-Mediterranean cultural trends.

Contact (1) Full Name
Annamaria Scaramella
Head of the organisation
Diego Rodriguez Blazquez
Contact (2) Full Name
Pablo Caballero

Freunde der arabischen Kinemathek, Berlin e.V. (Friends of the Arab Cinematheque, Berlin)

National Network

Potsdamer Str. 151
10783 Berlin

+49 (0) 30 40 30 18 63
+49 (0) 30 40 30 18 64
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The non-profit association Freunde der arabischen Kinemathek, Berlin e.V. (Friends of the Arab Cinematheque) was founded in 2004 by intellectuals and culture professionals in Berlin to present and promote Arab Film art. Through its focus on film and visual arts, the association presents fresh perspectives from the Arab world to the German public. The work of the association is mainly funded by its members and private donations, while some projects find funding and support by cultural funds and institutions such as the Goethe Institut. The association works politically and ideologically independent and cooperates with Arab and international partners, as well as local partners in the field of culture.
Mission and Objectives

The association aims to raise attention towards Arab film and culture in the German cultural landscape and to establish a network for intercultural dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

ALFILM – Arab Film Festival Berlin – was initiated as an annual venue to provide a platform for Arab film production in Germany, where stereotypes are confronted with original stories and images. Along to presenting a panorama of films from the Arab world, ALFILM aims to discover emerging filmmakers and to access new narratives and challenges. Beyond that, ALFILM offers filmmakers, producers, experts, and distributors a forum for artistic exchange, allowing further cooperation and development of new projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fadi Abdelnour
Head of the organisation
Dr. Issam Haddad
Contact (2) Full Name
Claudia Jubeh

institut DIALOG transnational e.V.

National Network

Konzepthaus Jahnstraße 23
09126 Chemnitz

+49 171 68 355 28
+49 228 92 880 70
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Our organisation offers further education to certify dialogue facilitators, and trainings for certified dialogue facilitators who are working in various fields. It hosts the European Network for Dialogue Facilitation, the Youth Dialogue Academy was founded to educate young people in facilitating dialogic communication by developing and implementing dialogic skills. In international context the institut DIALOG transnational e.V. is promoting the development of cooperation projects for enhancing common and mutual learning to better understand each other, and building a solid ground for intercultural respect, peaceful co-laboration and co-creativity. In implementing our work, we intent to strengthen the potentials for sustainable developments of people, organisations and societies.

Mission and Objectives

Dialog transnational is an registered organisation that is focused on * Dialogue facilitation and Training of Trainers for Dialogue Facilitation * Education and learning for change/transformation processes * Training of Trainers, training for male /female multipliers in gender mainstreaming contexts * Organizational development and Systemic consultancy * Research in several disciplines supporting dialogue development * The association is characterized by profound knowledge and experiences with regard to research-based project development and implementation of projects aiming at the promotion of a sustainable development of individuals and societies. We put in practice innovative methods of project implementation and co-operation and transfer these targets into educational and learning arrangements for different target groups at different levels and in different cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

> facilitating dialogue for different target groups > development of European projects to promote transformation processes > workshops, seminars, lectures on different subjects, systemic consulting > train the trainer (ToT) offers for large group interventions and dialogue facilitating​

Contact (1) Full Name
Sebastian-Alexander Greve & Katrin Schweiker
Head of the organisation
Dr. Heidemarie Wünsche-Piétzka
Contact (2) Full Name
Til Seier


National Network


+90 5356073101
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+90 5515542699
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 5356073101
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Our organisation has 17 members , 5 the board of directors. we execute our association with the donation of our members. We help needed families or students with clothing , food or scholarship.
Mission and Objectives

We aim to get together different cultures , to establish intercultural dialogue , to expose the similarities not differences and to expose brotherhood and cooperation .

Main Projects / Activities

We helped needed families or students with clothing , food or scholarship.
We held lots of trips to differnt cities in different regions in Turkey to see the differences between the life styles , standards and cultures. We gave big feasts for people who were fasting.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Jordan Media Institute

National Network

Airport Road, behind Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Munir Balqar Street.
Amman 11181

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

JMI works on two main tracks: the academia which is a one-year master's degree affered to 26 students per year in journalism and new media, the faculty members include 7 lecturers and professors from different Arab countries in addition to occasional guest lecturers from around the world, JMI has radio and TV studios fully equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, in addition to a book library, online library, and equipment library, in addition to the auditorium which can host 70 people. the second track is the training a program development which usually targets journalists from Jordan and the Arab countries through programs and projects, the staff members are 20 people, the budget available every year is around 500.000$ from different donors on national, regional, and international levels. Ghaith Al Shokairi was the former contact person.

Mission and Objectives

vision: to become a center of excellence in journalism education in the middle east that improves skills and ensures adherence to ethical and professional values mission: to train journalists to the highest professional standards values: professionalism: to prepare students for the challenges of the marketplace by emphasizing accuracy, objectivity, independence, and ethical practices; innovation: cutting-edge facilities and courses in new media that meet the challenges that respond to the fast changing media trends

Main Projects / Activities

one-year master's degree in journalism and new media in addition to other projects: monitoring gender issues in Jordanian media outlets human rights reporting cross-cultural exchange programs specialized reporting in different domains

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

program development strategies designing of events, programs, seminars, conferences networking

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

JMI believes in the power of networks and coalitions in the civil society and that is one main reason for strength of civil society and its role, JMI as well believes that the network of ALF both in Jordan and on an international level would fulfill what JMI believes in.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rami Eleimat
Job Title
projects manager
Head of the organisation
HRH Princess Rym Ali


National Network

Piet Heinstraat 12
7511 JE Enschede


053 4840 840
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
SLO is a National Institute for Curriculum Development and has a public task in the triangle of policy, practice and science.
Mission and Objectives

SLO aims to (both longitudinal and horizontal) content consistency in education and focuses on the sectors of primary education, special education, secondary education and vocational training. The activities of SLO cover in general all disciplines.

Main Projects / Activities

- Conference: Appropriate perspectives in practice
- Conference: Culture in the mirror

Contact (1) Full Name
Theo Beker

Dutch Foundation for Literature

National Network

Nieuwe Prinsengracht 89
1018 VR Amsterdam
The Netherlands


+31 20 520 73 00
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Dutch Foundation For Literature has the task of supporting writers and translators, and of promoting Dutch literature abroad. It invests in the quality and diversity of literature through grants for writers, translators, publishers and festivals, and contributes to the production and distribution of Dutch and Frisian literature at home and abroad. With the support of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, it aims to promote a thriving literary climate, embedded in literary history and attuned to the latest developments in the publishing industry.
Mission and Objectives

The Dutch Foundation For Literature has the task of supporting writers and translators, and of promoting Dutch literature abroad. It invests in the quality and diversity of literature through grants for writers, translators, publishers and festivals, and contributes to the production and distribution of Dutch and Frisian literature at home and abroad. With the support of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, it aims to promote a thriving literary climate, embedded in literary history and attuned to the latest developments in the publishing industry.

Main Projects / Activities

In the past two decades, Dutch literature and the Dutch book have featured as the focal theme of organized literary events at many international bookfairs, such as those in Frankfurt (1993), Barcelona (1995), Gothenburg (1997), London (1999), Tokyo (2000), Turin (2001), Paris (2003) and Beijing (2011).

Contact (1) Full Name
Fleur van Koppen

Generations of Changemakers

National Network

Westeinde 101
2512 GW The Hague

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Our dream is to see a world with more humanity, with more connections among people, with more of sharing and creating hope for everyone We believe that changemakers (Youth Organizations, NGOs, Donor Agencies, and Individuals) across all generations can bring effective changes by first connecting to their authentic values, working together, sharing the passion to empower and enabling local people to act.

Mission and Objectives

OUR MISSION Support young changemakers to sustain their passion to bring positive changes in their countries by building their capacity and connecting them to experienced changemakers! We aim to create a platform for generations (current young, experienced and individuals) of changemakers across the globe to be inspired and complement each other in creation of a better future

Main Projects / Activities

Bridge the Generations gap of changemakers to change within and work together for a better future- is our vision. We believe changes are possible by changing within and sharing responsibilities. Enabling Local Youths to Act Reducing Competition for Funds Supporting Youth Organizations to sustain their passion to bring about positive changes

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our aim and motivation join the network is to stay in contact with member organizations and work together to bring about positive changes where it is needed. Thus we will be active with the Network, also share our learnings to inspire the fellow members as well as to be inspired by their impact stories. We will be there for ALF Network whenever they need us.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a start up organization, it will be great to work with experienced organizations. Being in contact with a group of organizations will keep us motivated and inspired. As ALF Network is recognized with the number of members, inspiring projects and support for the network it is an opportunity to be connected to the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bharath Nataraj
Head of the organisation
Bharath Nataraj