مؤسسة ديسك للتنمية والتأهيل المؤسسي

National Network

٢٨ عمارات العبور، مصر الجديدة

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
تهتم مؤسسة ديسك للتنمية والتأهيل المؤسسي بنشر وتعليم مبادئ حقوق الانسان والديمقراطية، والدفاع عن الحريات، وذل من خلال الدعم المباشر لتمكين افراد المجتمع ومنظماته من الاستخدام الامثل للموارد والامكانات.
Mission and Objectives

المساهمة في تحسبن جودة حياة المواطنين من خلال دعم تنمية قدراتهم كأفراد ومؤسسات والمساهمة في التنمية الفكرية والثقافية للمجتمع من خلال تأصيل مفاهيم حقوق الانسان والحريات

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع انت شاهد للمراقبة الشعبية الاليكترونية للانتخابات المصرية
مشروع نشوف للمراقبة الشعبية الاليكترونية للانتخابات التونسية
مشروع يوشاهدر للمراقبة الشعبية الاليكترونية للانتخابات الليبية
مشروع نزاهة لتعزيز الشفافية والمسائلة - مصر
مشروع تمكين لدعم مشاركة الفتيات في سن المدرسة فس الحياه العامة - مصر
مشروع الديمقراطية من خلال الفن - مصر
مشروع دعم البنية التحتية للبرلمان العراقي

Contact (1) Full Name
اسلام محمد عبد الفتاح

مؤسسة ابني مصر لتنمية المجتمع والتدريب

National Network

محافظة سوهاج مدينة ناصر امام مستشفي راشد حماد عمارة 3 الدورالثاني

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
المؤسسة اهلية تتكون من الاعضاء المؤسسين وعددهم 7اعضاء والموظفين سكرتيرة قائمة بالاعمال الادارية للمؤسسة والمحاسب المتابع للشئون الماليه للمؤسسة والمؤسسة حديثة الاشهار وفي ظروف غاية الصعوبه بمعني ان الرؤية للوطن باكمله غير واضحه ولذلك تقوم هي علي التبرعات من الاعضاء المؤسسين لها وذلك لدفع متطلبات المؤسسة من رواتب وايجار وتكاليف الندوات والدوارت التدريبيه كنوع من المساعده لادارة عجلة البناء وجاري منذ الاشهار مراسلة الجهات المناحه وفي انتظار الرد قريبا .
Mission and Objectives

المساعدة في تغيير السياسات التي تؤثرسلبا علي الشباب في المجتمع وتعزيز مفاهيم ممارسة الديمقراطية بشكل صحيح وتصحيح المفاهيم الحاطئة للديمقراطية التي تخدم مفاهيم الشراكة والمواطنة ونبذ العنف.

Main Projects / Activities

ندوات توعيه للمراة والطفل وذي الاحتاجات الخاصه واسرهم وتدريبات للشباب والفتيات في مجال حقوق الانسان والمراة والديمقراطية والبيئة.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال الندوات والدورات التدريبية التعريف بالشبكة ودورها واهدافها وخاصة في الصعيد .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

توسيع نطاق التعارف من خلال الاعضاء المشاركين في الشبكة وكذلك تبادل وجهات النظر والحوار في الموضوعات المطروحه علي الساحه الدوليه .

Contact (1) Full Name
احمد ابوالحمدعبدالعال
Head of the organisation
مصطفي البدري محمد

مركز الضمير للقانون والحقوق الإنسانية

National Network

شارع الجمهورية أمام شونة بنك مصر بجوار موقف شربين بلقاس دقهليه مصر
مدينة بلقاس

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
تم العمل بمركز الضمير منذ عام 2010 وبعد ذلك تم اشهار المركز فى عام 2012 وتم العمل بهيكل ادارى على راسه المدير العام كما هو بعقد التاسيس ويعمل بالمركز سبعه افراد منهم المدير العام ويتوافر لدى المركز حاليا بعض المطبوعات والنشرات التى يقوم المركز بتوزيعها على المشاركين فى الدورات وورش العمل والتى قام بطبع بعضها المركز اومن المؤسسات التى تهتم بمجال حقوق الانسان وكذلك لما هومتاح من امكانيات لدينا وحاليا نقوم بالعمل والتنسيق مع بعض المؤسسات الحكوميه والغير حكوميه من اجل القيام بعمل ورش العمل والتدريبات التى تستهدف فئات كثيره من المجتمع وبالاخص الشباب والطلاب فى المرحله الثانويه والجامعيه وتكون عن معرفة الحقوق والواجبات وحق حرية التعبير والحوار مع الاخر وثقافة الحوار وتبادل الاراء وتبادل الثقافات وعن الحقوق القانونيه والدستوريه وكافة القوانين الخاصه بحقوق الانسان .
Mission and Objectives

يقوم المركز على عده اهداف وهاعمال وهى :- إعداد الدراسات والأبحاث القانونيه و الحقوقيه و الدستوريه و نشر الوعى بالحقوق القانونيه والدستوريه والحقوق الإنسانيه والتعرف على كل القوانين و الموثيق الدوليه والمعاهدات والاتفاقيات والبروتوكولات الخاصه بها و العمل على تطوير البنيه التشريعية بما يتلائم مع الدستور المصرى والمواثيق الدوليه والعمل والقيام بالتدريب على المتابعه و المراقبه على الانتخابات وكذلك متابعة ومراقبة الانتخابات و تقديم المساعده القانونية والقضائية وفق ما نص عليها قانون المحاماه .
وتقوم الشركه بتحقيق هذه الأغراض عن طريق رفع الدعاوى و المرافعه أمام المحاكم وإصدار كتب وكتيبات ودراسات وأبحاث ونشرات وإعداد دورات تدربيه وورش عمل وندوات ولقاءات ومؤتمرات .
تحقق الشركه الأغراض السابقه من خلال مجموعه من الانشطه الغير هادفة للربح .

Main Projects / Activities

المشاريع الرئيسيه للمركز تكون عن نشر الوعى لدى فئات المجتمع المختلفه فى مجال حقوق الانسان والتعرف بها والقوانين والاتفاقيات والبروتوكولات التى تنظمها وكذلك عن معرفة الحقوق والواجبات وحق حرية التعبير والحوار مع الاخر وثقافة الحوار وتبادل الاراء وتبادل الثقافات وعن الحقوق القانونيه والدستوريه وكافة القانين المتعلقه بها ويكون ذلك عن طريق ورش العمل والتدريبات والعمل الميدانى والدراسات والكتب والنشرات التى يصدرها المركز .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

يمكننى المساهمه فى نشر اهداف المنظمه من خلال مركزنا والتى هى من اولويات واهدف المركز وكذلك التواصل مع قاعده عريضه فى المحيط الجغرافى الذى يتواجد به المركز وكذلك التواصل مع المؤسسات والمركز الاخرى لنشر الوعى والفكر بالاهداف المشتركه مع الشبكه والوصوال الى عدداكثر من المستفدين من الدورات والتدريبات التى يتلقاها اعضاء المركز لكى تصل الى جميع الفئات وخروج جيل جديد على درايه بمجريات الامور والثقافات الاخرى التى يجب علينا ان نقوم بتوعية عليها وانشاءه للقدره الى التحاور والتلاقى فكريا مع ثقافة الشعوب الاخرى

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نريد ان ننضم الى المؤسسه وذلك للاستفاده من الخبرات التى تضمها المنظمه وكذلك الاستفاده من البعثات والتدريبات التى تقوم بها وكذلك تدريب كوادار المركز ليصبحوا بكافأه عاليه وكذلك المساعده للحصول على نشر الفكر الخاص بالمركز واهدافه وكذلك الاستفاده من كيفية تنفيذ المشروعات والتسويق للفكره وامكانيه الحصوال على تمويل لها وانجاحها وكذلك الربط بين اعضاء المنظمه وكذلك تبدال الخبرات والثقافات مع المركز والمنظمات الاخرى الاعضاء ونشر فكرة الحوار والتبادل الثقافى ممايجعل المركز يخقق اهدافه ونشاطته مع شركاء اخرين سواء داخليا اوخارجيا وهذا مايمناه كل العاملين بهذا المجال ونامل ان ننال من عضويتنا شرف التواصل مع الاخرين ونشر الثقافه الخاصه بنا والتعرف على ثقافة الاخرين .

Contact (1) Full Name
محمد عمر صادق ابراهيم
Head of the organisation
محمد عمر صادق ابراهيم

New Horizon Association for Social Development

National Network

54, New Fustat City, Old Cairo

002 02 29188510
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
002 01006689074
Mobile Phone (other)
002 01006250759
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
New Horizon is officially registered as NGO in the Egyptian ministry of social solidarity.we have some strategies like rights based approach toward development projects, participatory approach towards developing and implementing projects in target comm, unities needs based approach towards community and target group needs, comprehensive approach, collaborating with governmental bodies, international/regional agencies and local NGOs. NHASD has around 40 full time stuff, 70 part timers and more than 200 volunteers. Main modalities of action are projects. Partners and supporters: Australian Embassy (Egypt), Barclays, Cairo Petroleum Wives, CCFD (France), CRTDA (Lebanon) Caritas, CIDA (Canada), CIDEAL (Spain), Church development Service Germany (EED), Drosos Foundation, Egyptian Government Institutions, European Commission (Egypt), Finnish Embassy (Egypt), Global Environment Facility (GEF)/UNDP, GTZ, Japanese Embassy (Egypt), Irish Embassy (Egypt), National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM), National Council for Women (NCW), Presbyterian Church (USA), Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Oxfam Novib, Rotary El Fustat, Sawiris Foundation (Egypt), Save the Children (USA and UK), UNODC, USAID, World Bank, WHO, Save the Children youth, Diakonia.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to empower the poor and most neglected communities by advancing sustainable community-based development, giving the poor equal right to participate and engage in shaping their political, economic and social environment, and to exercise their right to a socio-economic sustainable livelihood and to access fundamental social services
Overall Overall Overall Overall Overall Overall Overall Overall Objectives bjectives bjectives bjectives bjectives bjectives bjectives bjectives bjectives bjectives
 Invest in human capacity and empower the most vulnerable groups of society
 Encourage the formation of sustainable community structures and develop institutional capacities of civil society
 Demonstrate models for development initiatives that lead to a comprehensive improvement of underprivileged people’s life

Main Projects / Activities

NHASD development focus:Education, Capacity building, Environmental sustainability, Gender equality, Children at risk protection, Youth empowerment, Organic agriculture, Solidarity tourism, intercultural activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have long and rich experience in development. NHASD works in large number of communities in Egypt. Also we have around 39 local communities work as our partners, so through all these channels we can contribute new experiences, communications and connections

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to expand NHASD network with other NGOs and organizations in different regions and cultures and finding new grounds of cooperation.Also generating new fields of exchanging experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
sarah kamel aly
Head of the organisation
Nady kamel youssef
Contact (2) Full Name
cameron cowie

Hawaa Future Development

National Network

Headquarter: El matar street next to Khalid Bin Al Waleed school- El Monira- Imbaba

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
• The Board structure: the society board composed of 7 members (4 women and 3 men). • The general assembly composed of 60members (27 males and 33 females). • The beneficiaries of the society activities: Females (73 %) - Males (27 %) • The society team work: the females represent 60% and males are 40 %. The most important agencies, which Eve association deals with:  National Agencies 1) National Council for Women. 2) National Council for Childhood and Motherhood. 3) Social Fund for Development. 4) Giza Governorate. 5) General Federation of Private associations. 6) Alliance for Arab Women  International Agencies 1. Egyptian Swiss Fund. 2. Save the Children. 3. UNICEF. 4. The John Snow International. 5. Service Center non-governmental organizations. 6. Canadian International Development Agency. 7. Organization Internews International. 8. The Suzanne Mubarak International Women for Peace. 9. The European Union. 10. United Nations Development Program.
Mission and Objectives

mission: Family and environment development, in order to make a positive change in society and improve the quality of women and children life through implementing social, cultural, educational, environmental, and health programs and projects. These programs based on self-reliance on the society and social capital powers in facing the community problems. hawaa association working with principle of volunteerism and community participation of all society segments, and investing the available resources to achieve a comprehensive development for Egypt. objectives: 1) The association programs based on the scientific approach and research studies. 2) Promote the culture of the volunteerism among youth. 3) Support rights approach in dealing with women and child issues. 4) Raise the awareness of community participation and self-reliance on community resources. 5) Help in capacity building and provide with technical support. 6) Encourage networking and experiences exchange between several organizations and association. 7) Women empowerment. 8) Education development.

Main Projects / Activities

main activities on 2010-2013 : 1. Draft of Adolescent Health 2009-20100 of the National Council for Childhood 2. and Motherhood The status of learning community Beirut from 2009 to now, the UNESCO 3. Regional Office German exchange experiences The Egyptian administration Small Projects League of Arab States Draft Anti-Violence against Child societal responsibility 2009 General Union Associations 4. towards a better tomorrow for youth in cooperation with the National Foundation for Development 5. to provide job opportunities for low-income youth in cooperation with the Sawiris Foundation for Development 6. trafficking in women societal responsibility in collaboration with the National Council for Women 7. future leaders in collaboration with the Organization of Internews International 8. young people make the difference in cooperation with the Near East Foundation 9. safe cities in collaboration with the United Nations Fund for Women and the CARE

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Ekbal Amir El Samalouty
Head of the organisation
Prof. Ekbal Amir El Samalouty
Contact (2) Full Name
soad hussien

Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL)

National Network

6 Hussen Kamal Street - Dokki - Giza - 6 Floor - Apartment 22

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL) is a registered NGO with the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity (#3236) with the mission of activating women’s political participation and supporting women’s legal and political rights that approved by national law and international conventions. Vision: AEFL is seeking to create Egyptian women who can defend their rights and work to spread values of gender equality, justice, and freedom within Egyptian society through awareness programs, research studies and networking with governmental and non governmental institutions concerned with women issues. Mission: AEFL works towards spreading the values of gender equality, justice, and freedom within Egyptian society, encouraging girls and ladies to get their political, social and legal rights through achieving the following goals: 1) Empower women to defend their political, legal, and social rights. 2) Raise awareness of women’s political status and the importance of activating their role within Egyptian society. 3) Build a strong front of female lawyers who are qualified and involved in both political and public life. 4) Raise awareness of the international conventions and instruments protecting human, particularly women’s, rights in order to change the culture of the community. AEFL’s policies for working are as follows: Provide services for women in general and female lawyers in particular within the Lawyers Syndicate and its branches in five governorates (Giza, Beni Swif, El-Manya, Qena, and Aswan). These services will ensure women’s freedom from gender discrimination, regardless of the economic, political, social conditions that they are living in. AEFL believes in a woman’s right to hold any organizational position, as stated in their developmental and human rights plans. AEFL’s work focuses on the principle of transparency for better performance and permanent success and superiority. Members of AEFL: The General Assembly of AFFL is 96 female members representatives from five governorates (Giza, Beni Swif, El-Manya, Qena, Aswan). Board of Directors: AEFL has a Board of Directors which includes 9 female members representing five governorates (Giza, Beni Swif, El-Manya, Qena, and Aswan). Internal Administration of AEFL: AEFL has a guideline of policies and procedures, which organize and guide the administrative and financial work within the association, the relation between manger and executive directors, and the relationship between the association and other organizations.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: AEFL works towards spreading the values of gender equality, justice, and freedom within Egyptian society, encouraging girls and ladies to get their political, social and legal rights through achieving the following goals: 1) Empower women to defend their political, legal, and social rights. 2) Raise awareness of women’s political status and the importance of activating their role within Egyptian society. 3) Build a strong front of female lawyers who are qualified and involved in both political and public life. 4) Raise awareness of the international conventions and instruments protecting human, particularly women’s, rights in order to change the culture of the community

Main Projects / Activities

: The Danish- Egyptian Dialogue Institute (DEDI) Mama Cash : National Endowment for Democracy ( NED) : Global Fund for Women (GFW) : Mediterranean Women Fund Development Fund for African Women Open Society Foundations- Arab International foundation for electoral systems (IFES) Swiss embassy in Cairo : European Union

Contact (1) Full Name
Rabha Fathi
Job Title
Board Chairman
Head of the organisation
Rabha Fathy

International Development Support & Consulting

National Network

84 D Gesr Elsuez Street , 3rd Floor

+202 22 59 74 46
Telephone (other)
+202 012 24 01 43 07
+202 22 59 74 46
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+202 01114534655
Mobile Phone (other)
+202 012 29 22 00 46
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
International Development Support & Consulting (IDSC) is a registered development consultancy (number 24851) based in Cairo. Established on 28/5/2007, IDSC has provided creative solutions to developmental challenges in the field of health, economic development, gender, women rights, child labor and NGO capacity building. Our people are professionals who have expertise in monitoring and evaluation, project design, community mapping, and mobilizing communities. IDSC uses its yearly operational budget (about 3 million Egyptian pounds) applying principles of gender equality, good governance, and decentralization.
Mission and Objectives

Our Vision: A vibrant civil society that can effectively mobilize resources and utilize capacities to promote rights-based sustainable development. Our Mission: Reducing poverty in the Egyptian and Arab communities through empowering people politically, economically, and providing access to integrated development rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Empowerment Project funded by USAID and implemented by Relief International, IDSC and other partners, will provide youth with the skills necessary to effectively communicate with and contribute to their communities, as well as the ability to assume leadership at a local level. In addition, the YEP program will provide youth with problem solving, critical thinking, and leadership skills necessary to take the lead in addressing challenges hindering the democratic process in their specific localities. Finally, the project will also establish six youth centers in six different governorates to serve as political awareness academies and create an on-line portal in which interactive training curricula pertaining to issues tackled during the project are shared. Promote Communication Between Workers and Business Owners funded by MEPI aimed to promote Egyptian workers rights and civic engagement by empowering Trade Union Committees. Through this project IDSC raised the awareness of 1000 workers on economic, social and political rights.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

IDSC will act as an open source of information for the network members especially in the areas of IDSC experience (including. labor market, employment, civic education, youth political participation). Also IDSC has 6 field offices located all over Egypt which can be available for any member along with a grass root database of more than 6000 young youth located in these field offices.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through joining ALF network, IDSC is seeking to increase its access to national and international NGOs with similar mission and objectives , in order to exchange experience and to cultivate multicultural partnerships. Also IDSC would like to share best practices in Egypt and specifically with IDSC implemented projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maged Hosny Awaid Girgis
Job Title
Head of the organization
Head of the organisation
Maged Hosny Awaid Girgis
Contact (2) Full Name
shady Amin

Free Egypt Association in Minia

National Network

1 - Basic: Minya manor Shaheen T. unions housing 2 Flat Building 1 Second Floor
2 - sub: Abukerkas: Fikry Pasha Street second floor next to Dr. / Ahmed


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
الحاكمية/ Gouvernance الحكم المحلي/ Local governance المراهقة/ Adolescence العولمة/ Globalization العمل/ Employment حقوق المرأة / Women rights حقوق الطفل/ Children rights حقوق الإنسان/ Human rights النوع الاجتماعي/ Gender الصحة الإنجابية/ Reproductive health مكافحة الفقر/ Poverty alleviation البيئة/ Environment الإسثمار/ Investment حل النزاعات/ Conflict resolution الإقراض الصغير/ Micro credit المقاولة/ Entreprenariat المشاركة السياسية/ Political Participation صنع القرار/ Making decision مناهضة العنف المبنى علي النوع الاجتماعي/ Combat Gender based violence Field of Interest 1 - Project loans young graduates 2 - Draft encourage girls Egypt on civic participation 3 - National Program to empower the family and against female genital mutilation 4 - Draft a new step for a bright future 5 - Draft NGO Support emerging (Cotter CAIR) 6 - Draft culture environment-friendly solar water heaters 7 - reel for your initiative
Mission and Objectives

1 - the establishment of development projects and programs that deal directly with the problems that hinder rights in obtaining all their human rights and to achieve social equality and working to promote the local community.
2 - improve the level of economic and social status of women.
3 - the construction of projects that spread awareness of the rights of women in all aspects and work to achieve gender equality and non-discrimination in the formation on the basis of gender.
4 - the construction of projects that keeps prevent dropouts and improve educational efficiency.
5 - Implementation of the thought of development rights, which helps to educate citizens about their rights and linked including by the State and obtaining them.
6 - Implementation of projects that reduce child labor and ensure the safety of working children and preserve their rights
7 - General community culture development with members of the community at all developmental patterns and commensurate with the customs and traditions and the fight against harmful habits.
8 - attention to human development and training of cadres and leaders of youth (Alfattaan and girls) within local communities on development programs to increase their political awareness and instill love of belonging and citizenship.
9 - to raise awareness among members of the community and attention to issues that affect the community.
10 - literacy, publishing and educational development.
11 - to provide job opportunities for young graduates.
12 - the construction of projects that work on the care and protection of the family.
13 - the construction of projects that work to serve and preserve the environment from pollution.
14 - the construction of projects that raise awareness of health and work to improve and facilitate the health services to citizens

Main Projects / Activities

1. Implementation of educational activities and educational, cultural, health, social and sports and art, especially in the education sector in order to raise the standard of education in Egypt to reduce the school dropout phenomenon.
2. Lending to small project within the geographic targeting project funded by the Social Fund for Development through the qualitative Federation of women working in the field.
3. Lending project for young graduates in conjunction with the operation of young graduates.
4. Implementation of a previous research study private (youth employment - circumcision - illiteracy - dropouts - political participation)
5. Empowerment Project funded by USAID for development: "support civic participation for girls Egypt, where they are implementing activities that encourage girls from the age of 15: 23 years of civic and popular in the community and the ability to make a decision.
6. Participate in the implementation of the project girl-friendly schools in cooperation with the Coptic Evangelical queens Assembly where the technical supervisor of workflow chapters inside Abukerkas center.
7. Project Youth Dialogue forum in cooperation with the Coptic Evangelical Organization in Cairo, where the Assembly through the forum implementing initiatives to support youth culture of acceptance of the other and dialogue.
8. Community service projects and access to the marginalized and disadvantaged groups and provide services of through Egypt goodness Foundation in charitable support for families through the distribution of food and meat processing brides and implementation of projects that raise the economic situation of low-income people
Volunteer projects and Self-Assembly of a variety of objectives, activities and serving diverse society

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through Fterh door dialogue with the community around me as well as we are through we execute Assembly Youth Dialogue Forum the same way and your goals therefore will benefit by opening another door and transfer experience for youth and community

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because it will contribute to widen the circle of our own relations in addition to the skills Acassapna dialogue and acceptance of the other and different skills

Contact (1) Full Name
Eman Mohammed Abdella
Head of the organisation
Zeinab Abdel Fadeel
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Hamdy Mohamed


National Network

Boulevard de l'Empereur 15 - 1000

02 513 99 62
Telephone (other)
02 502 35 02
02 502 49 47
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
- Fédération des organisations de jeunes. 7 employés et 13 Organisations de jeunes affiliés. - 39.000 euros - Communauté Française de Belgique - Projets concrets, coordination de projets, échanges, formations, - Nos 13 associations affiliés, ainsi que plusieurs organisations de jeunes de la fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, AMO, MJ, CNAPD, Le conseil de la jeunesse, achACT.
Mission and Objectives

La première finalité de notre association est de favoriser le développement d'une citoyenneté responsable, active, critique et solidaire chez les jeunes par une prise de conscience et une connaissance des réalités de la société, des attitudes de responsabilité et de participation active à la vie sociale, économique, culturelle et politique ainsi que la mise en œuvre et la promotion d'activités socioculturelles et d’éducation permanente.
Projeunes a comme but de contribuer au développement des jeunes, de leurs aptitudes personnelles, en vue de les aider à devenir des citoyens actifs, responsables et critiques au sein de la société.
Projeunes preste en faveur de ses membres des missions de coordination, de concertation, d’information et de conseils, de services et de formations. Projeunes contribue, par divers moyens et services, au développement des actions de ses membres effectifs favorisant l’éducation, la formation, l’information, la défense et la promotion des droits des jeunes.

Main Projects / Activities

Nous représentons activement 13 organisations de jeunes en Belgique francophone, notre travail s’inscrit dans une logique de continuité à travers la défense et la promotion des droits des jeunes, de l’émancipation sociale et d’égalité des chances.
Dans ce contexte, nous avons toujours veillé à développer des outils pédagogiques, d’information, de formation et d’analyse, pour la sensibilisation d'un plus large public par rapport à la situation de la jeunesse.
Nous avons, de la même manière, une expérience déterminante dans l'utilisation des outils de médiation culturelle dans le cadre de projets d'échange et de sensibilisation ; ainsi que dans le tissage de partenariats de projets et la consolidation de ponts inter professionnels dans le milieu associatif.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons contribuer à l'ensemble du réseau, à partir de notre expérience en tant qu'Organisation de Jeunesse. Des longues années d’expérience dans le secteur de la jeunesse où nous avons pu développer toute un expertise à travers de la réalisation des projets au niveau national et international. Nous essayons de tisser des liens forts, entre jeunes issus de milieux socio-culturels différents, cela afin d'impulser chez les jeunes une réflexion collective sur l'importance de la solidarité et du savoir vivre-ensemble dans une société mixte, pluraliste, multiculturelle ; dans laquelle la jeunesse est essentielle pour le maintien et l'amélioration d'une citoyenneté active et réelle.
Nous voulons, également contribuer au réseau, en créant des opportunités de reliances intergénérationnelles autour d'un enjeu sociétal impératif : la jeunesse et la multiculturalité.
Cela ouvre la possibilité de se rencontrer, d’échanger des points de vue, de partager des idées et des connaissances, ainsi que de réfléchir à la mise en œuvre de nouveaux espaces collectifs de rencontres citoyennes, où l’utilisation des outils d’expression culturelle et artistique, représentent un axe essentiel dans la construction d'une réelle émancipation culturelle.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous sommes convaincues que les synergies qui peuvent se dégager de la construction et le maintien d'un tissu social stable et solide, sont indispensables pour la structuration d'un modèle de société plus équitable. Un modèle où la société civil joue un rôle fondamental dans les diverses processus de participation démocratique.
Nous croyons donc, que le fait d'appartenir au réseau FAL, nous donne l'opportunité de tisser de nouveaux liens avec des autres acteurs sociaux et d'enrichir notre réflexion par rapport aux différentes thématiques développées autour de la Région Euromed, ainsi que d'envisager concrètement la création d'un travail de partenariat avec des autres associations du réseaux, pour la mise en place, ultérieurement, de projets qui puissent mettre en valeur les défis et la richesse du dialogue interculturel.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicolas Fernandez
Head of the organisation
Carlos Crespo
Contact (2) Full Name
Carlos Crespo

Associazione Culturale BANSHEE

National Network

Via Luca Giordano, 93 -80128

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Banshee: An Introduction The cultural association Banshee was born in 2010 in Naples by three college students with a common passion archaeology, in the beginning the association was a meeting point for experts in the field of cultural heritage who gathered for sessions of experimental archeology, drafts of articles, web content creation theme . The love for travelling pushes the founder of Banshee to be interested in the fascinating world of cultural exchanges in Europe , dealing first volunteer in the short and long term , workshops and work camps abroad. The experience now enables the creation of a new profile association founded on the principles of non-formal method of working on the issues : • Intercultural ; • Human rights education ; • Arts and culture; • European Consciousness ; • Active Citizenship ; • Anti- discrimination; • Volunteer ; • Living Memory ; • Nature , Environment and Ecology ; • International cooperation ; • Youth Mobility • Work in a team and / or team building activities • Training through the organization and / or coordination of work camps and Workshops .
Mission and Objectives

The Mission for the years 2014-2015 is the creation of a network with local Italians partners who offer to host volunteers and who have to propose projects and working for a time ranging from 7 to 15 days , suggesting the realities interesting from the point of view training and education , fields of interest pass by the realities of organic farming , food and wine , natural parks , workshops engaged in the social and safeguarding of cultural assets .

Main Projects / Activities

Banshee is active on the territory for projects of preservation, protection and monitoring of the artistic and cultural heritage and environment.
From the 2011 Banshee is a poin of refer for Young people that want to go abroad for volunteering and cultural exchanges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Franesco Saverio Quatrano
Head of the organisation
Luca Negroni