IACE - Instituto de Asuntos Culturales España

National Network

Pico de Majalasna, 4-3m

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Multicultural Board of Directors (5) / 24 members The ONG has recently being re-activated, modifying its deeds according to the new Spanish Law 1/2002 and being accepted November 20th, 2008 Source of funding: Own- by giving facilitation services and delivering training on Facilitative Leadership and Participatory Methods (after being translated and adapted from English to Spanish) - Source: Institute of Cultural Affairs International (www.ica-international.org) Action: through non-formal and formal training in Spain and Latin American Countries, Development cooperation projects
Mission and Objectives

IACE: "Dedicados al crecimiento y desarrollo del factor humano, a través de la participación"
MISIÓN: “Promover una cultura de participación y procesos de calidad que conlleven un compromiso y empoderamiento del factor humano dentro y fuera de la sociedad española.
Promoting a participatory culture and intercultural /diversity quality processes for building peoples´s capacity for shared social commitment, empowerment, growth and development withinn Spanish-speaking communities.
“Formar y promover el desarrollo y crecimiento del factor humano dentro de las organizaciones y equipos de trabajo para fomentar una sociedad interactiva basada en el consenso, la capacidad dialógica y compromiso de sus integrantes.
Los ámbitos de actuación son aquellos donde el factor humano representa y es considerado pieza clave.”

Main Projects / Activities

International Cooperaton for Development (2009) Awaraness Campaign for preventing sexual abuse and violence towards children and teenageres, in 4 regions of Peru. Face to face and virtual training for central and local government authorities, staff, health and educational local authorities and staff and grass root organizations mostly based in rural areas of Apurimac, Cuzco, Arequipa, Cajamarca: Jaén and San Ignacio.
1st Technology of Participation Spanish Trainers training, which started on February and going on up to December.
Empowering and advising religious organizations worlwide to transform their current structure and culture management to a more participatory and horizontal one with the support of new technology. (Oblatas del Santísimo Redentor, IBVM - Irish Nuns, Hospital San Juan de Dios, Lima)
Delivering formal training through universities in Spain and Peru on Facilitation skills and Facilitative Leadership.

Contact (1) Full Name
Catalina Quiroz
Head of the organisation
Mark Abbott
Contact (2) Full Name
Fernando García

Recreatura Art & Culture

National Network

Na Jordana, 2, 3°
46003 Valencia


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
General Information
We are a newly established non-governmental organisation in Valencia (Spain) which aims at fostering the idea of an active European citizenship through the organisation of innovative and creative cultural events. We seek to raise awareness among a public in Valencia on social and political topics such as sustainable development, intercultural dialogue, or gender issues. Our main geographical focus is Valencia and its outskirts so far, but we would like to open our network more and more to international cooperations, in particular across Europe and the Mediterranean. At the moment, we are a voluntary organisation, managed by a Governing Board (President, Vice-President, Spokesperson, Treasurer, and Secretary), all experienced experts in the arts and international cooperation projects. In addition, we have 40 members and friends and are constantly growing. Our annual budget is made up of membership fees, local/regional funding (Culture and Youth funds of the Region and City of Valencia), private sponsoring (website, translations, catering) and through in-kind contributions by our partner organisations (Institut Francais, UNESCO, Mercado de Fuencarral, Asociació Juvenil Amics de la Casa de la Demanà, Intermon Oxfam and others). In addition, in addition to the participation in the ALF campaign "Restore Trust, Rebuild Bridges", we are currently preparing our first European cooperation with the Association of the Local Democracy Agencies, a European NGO with focus on active citizenship activities. Our estimated annual budget this year amounts to approximately 40,000Euro. Since February, we have organised one event per month: launch and networking event at the Mercado de Fuencarral of Valencia; a guided tour through a photo exhibition of Axel Huette at the IVAM in Valencia; a European Film Night on Climate Change; and a Summer Festival on Environmental Awareness Raising at El Saler (close to Valencia). Our next programmed events include the photomarathon in September; a film event on gender issues; a guided bike tour through difficult suburbs of Valencia and an innovative training scheme on active European citizenship for NGOs and local authorities.
Mission and Objectives

Our main objective is to foster an active European citizenship and raise awareness on political and social issues (such as climate change, intercultural dialogue, gender issues and so forth) through the organisation of innovative and creative cultural events.
In more concrete:
a) Development and promotion of cultural activities relating to a European/international focus such as exhibitions, themed nights, talks and discussions, promotion of the theatre, literature, films and documentaries, and so forth.
b) Promotion, stimulation and advancement of knowledge about the European Union, social and political issues, bringing together Europeans living together in Valencia to foster a European/international spirit among citizens.
c) Promotion of exchange, dialogue and collaboration with other associations having the same interest in promoting culture and art in all its facets as an intrinsic part of an active European citizenship.
d) Dissemination of activities through a website and creating a network of contacts to help develop new projects for the same purpose.

Main Projects / Activities

Since February, we have organised one event per month:
- launch and networking event at the Mercado de Fuencarral of Valencia
- a guided tour through a photo exhibition of Axel Huette at the IVAM in Valencia
- a European Film Night on Climate Change at the Institut Francais of Valencia in the presence of the Mexican film maker Horacio Alcalá and star cook "Eddie"
- a Summer Festival on Environmental Awareness Raising at El Saler (close to Valencia) in cooperation with the Associació Juvenil Amics Casa de la Demanà.
Our next programmed events include a photomarathon on peace and intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean in September (in cooperation with the Anna-Lindh-Foundation9; a film event on gender issues; a guided bike tour through difficult suburbs of Valencia and an innovative training scheme on active European citizenship for NGOs and local authorities (in cooperation with the Association of the Local Democracy Agencies).

Contact (1) Full Name
Anne-Marie Melster, President
Head of the organisation
Anne-Marie Melster, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Dorothee Fischer, VIce-President

La Torna - CICDES - Centre Internacional de Cooperació i Desenvolupament Sostenible

National Network

Carrer de Cuba núm. 2 (H.E. Can Guardiola)

+34 931921574
+34 932741392
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+34 610702056
Mobile Phone (other)
+34 697392041
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
La Torna, des le moment de sa fondation en 1994, a été composée par de nombreux professionnels (spécialistes en géographie, agronomie, santé, éducation, services sociaux et droit) motivés devant la possibilité de porter à terme des actions déontologiquement rigoureuses et éthiquement impeccables. La cohérence et la conséquence font partie du capital humain qui permet de consolider notre philosophie. La Torna dans l'acutalité elle est composée pour 7 membres et elle coopère à autre entité avec siège au Maroc,renommée Safrà. Nos ressources budgétaires disponibles à peu près ils sont quelques-uns 400.000€ annuelles. Nos sources de financement proviennent principalement en un 95% d'organes publics d'Etats et en 5% du secteur privé. Les modalités d'action de nous projets ils sont: l'education, programmes pour la population e programmes de devéloppement soutenables. Le partenaires pricipaux associés aux notres projets ils son: les gouvernements des états marocain et espagnol en matière de mineurs migratoires.
Mission and Objectives

* La Torna est une association non gouvernementale indépendante qui travaille pour favoriser les dynamiques de transformation et d’amélioration des domaines humains et territoriaux dans lesquels elle intervient.
* Nous imaginons, créons et exécutons des projets pour améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes et l’environnement.
* Nous participons à la transformation sociale à travers des projets publiques et privés, en nous positionnant comme professionnels et comme citoyens à l’entour d’initiatives de justice, prospérité et liberté sociales.

Main Projects / Activities

Nous avons des actions en train et des contacts permanents au Brésil et au Maroc. La Torna a participé dans des projets de gestion néo-ruraux au Brésil, en faisant l’assessorat en matière de traitement d’eaux, structures de population, et en éducation et gouvernabilité.
La Torna a été active dans des séminaires célébrés à l’entour de projets URBAL de l’Union Européenne, pour l’amélioration des indicateurs de pauvreté dans des villes moyennes du Brésil, Pérou et Argentine.
Au Maroc La Torna participe à l’amélioration d’équipements socio éducatifs et socio sanitaires dans des quartiers de la ville de Zagora avec d’hauts index d’exclusion sociale.
À Tanger La Torna est responsable de la mise en fonctionnement et de la direction du Programme Catalogne Magreb d’action gouvernementale conjointe entre le Maroc et la Catalogne, et responsable de l’action devant les deux gouvernements et l’Union Européenne, programme qui s'adresse à tous ces mineurs, que, en résidant dans des centres propres ou concertés, sous tutelle administrative de la DGAIA (Département du Gouvernement de la Catalogne), et dont de la connaissance de leurs familles s'ait, ils veuillent retourner au Maroc, en provoquant le regroupement familier, la scolarisation et de la formation professionnelle et l'insertion socio de travail au moyen des ressources prévus dans le Programme.
Projet de développement local intégral à la municipalité de Rasquera: Depuis l'année 2006 La Torna elle collabore avec la Mairie de Rasquera dans la formulation d'un modèle propre de développement intégral à la municipalité sur la base des potentialités du territoire, le maintien et renforcement des activités traditionnelles, de la rendibilització du patrimoine agricole et culturel et de la promotion de ces nouvelles initiatives qu'elles permettent un développement harmonique avec l'humeur même de la population.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andreu Camps i Figuerola
Head of the organisation
Helena Ullastres i Palou
Contact (2) Full Name
Magali Corinne Prat

GES - Gabinet d'Estudis Socials

National Network

C/ARAGÓ 281, 2.2. esquerra

+34 93 487 38 16
Telephone (other)
+34 93 487 41 62
+34 93 215 88 15
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
.The Gabinet d’Estudis Socials (GES) is a co-operative with 4 employed members and and 4 volunters and has no dependency on any other public or private institution. .The GES annual budget for 2010 is between 160/180 thousand euros .Our founds come all from our costumers. About us: The Gabinet d’Estudis Socials (GES) is a co-operative with full legal power to operate at national and European levels. GES was founded in 1983 and has no dependency on any other public or private institutions. GES focuses its activity in the fields of policy and social services with a significant incidence in Migration, Poverty, Exclusion and the Labour Market. GES also devotes a special attention to Social Economy. .Our main partners at European level are: ADEL, Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union (FRA),Industrial Relations Service (IRS),VITA Europe. At national level: ACISI, CEPAIM and USOC as main partners.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is the research into and promote the knowledge of social sciences applied to the labour market, to social, economic and demographic structures, to social policies and to social services
.GES focuses its activity in the fields of policy and social services with a significant incidence in Migration, Poverty, Exclusion and the Labour Market, also devotes a special attention to Social Economy.

Main Projects / Activities

Undocumented Workers Transition (UWT),The impact of the Racial Equality Directive, Mapping study on the trade unions’ practices in fighting discrimination and promoting diversity, participation in the evaluation of the European Year Against Racism (RAXEN)

Contact (1) Full Name
Contact (2) Full Name

GRITIM - UPF - Grup Interdisciplinari de Recerca sobre Immigració

National Network

C/ Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27, Barcelona 08005

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
GRITIM-UPF is a multi-departmental group at Universitat Pompeu Fabra made up of researchers from different disciplines. Structure: Coordination (Ricard Zapata-Barrero) Coordination Assistance (Nuria Franco Guillén) GRITIM-UPF Council (18 members) PhD Students and Research Collaborators (11 members) GRITIM-UPF activities are carried out with the support of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra's infrastructures and funded by several research projects (http://upf.edu/gritim/projectes/). Modalities of Action: Teaching and Training (including an Official Master in Immigration Management) Knowledge Transfer (Seminar series, Workshop Series, Working Paper Series and Newsletter) Public Policy Actions (Reports, Recommendations) Current Research Projects: European Union: ACCEPT. Spanish Ministry of Science: Fronteras. Forum of Federations: Immigrant integration in Federations. Partners involved in the research group's activities: IEMed and CIDOB Foundation
Mission and Objectives

The group's main objectives are to promote theoretical and applied research related to political and social agendas.
Priority 1. Multidisciplinarity: Promotion of research in social sciences from a multidisciplinary perspective (politics, sociology, international relations, literature, law, economics, languages), promoting a methodological pluralism.
Priority 2. Innovation: Special interest in research on innovative aspects of the current academic debate, and to link the research agenda with the political and social agenda in Europe.
Priority 3. Transfer of knowledge: Promotion in professional and research training at the third cycle. Promotion and exchange of knowledge between academia, society and politics. Reception of prestigious researchers, young researchers with international projection and doctoral students with quality references.

Main Projects / Activities

The Seminar Series are organised on a monthly basis with the objective of allowing researchers to expose their own research, regardless of whether it is at an initial stage, or accomplished.
The Workshop Series are organised on a trimester basis with the aim of bringing together policymakers, stakeholders, practitioners and academics. The main purpose is to offer a ground for debating common issues in the field of immigration and diversity.
Project ACCEPT:Tolerance, Pluralism and Social Cohesion: Responding to the Challenges of the 21st Century in Europe. ACCEPT debates the principles, practices, and institutional arrangements that are needed to promote tolerance and acceptance of cultural differences.
Fronteras: Political Theory of Borders: Policies and movement of persons in the Euromediterranean. The Objective is to develop a Borders Political Theory that will inform new policy guidelines, especially those related to the management of the movement of persons, and that that will also provide answers to associated political problems.
GRITIM-UPF WP Series. The purpose is to disseminate academic research work-in-progress that contributes to the European approach on immigration and diversity. Its contents are related to the GRITIM-UPF research areas

Contact (1) Full Name
Ricard Zapata-Barrero
Head of the organisation
Ricard Zapata-Barrero
Contact (2) Full Name
Núria Franco Guillén

SODEPAU - Solidaritat, Desenvolupament i Pau

National Network

Pg. Salvat Papasseït,1 08003 Barcelona ( Spain)
08003 Barcelona

+34 93 301 01 71
+34 93 342 48 90
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Sodepau est une association à but non-lucratif avec 100 membres associés. L’assemblée annuelle est l’organe supérieur de prise de décisions où le budget est approuvé, la stratégie du travail définie et où le comité directeur de l’association est choisi. Les membres associés peuvent être élus comme membres du comité directeur et participer dans les groupes de travail. Au même temps, l’association a une structure technique professionnelle sous la direction du comité directeur composé par 6 membres. Le budget de l’association en 2009 a été de 1.014.008,86€, desquels le 87,79% proviennent de ressources budgétaires publiques au niveau de l’État, régional et local, et le 12,2% de ressources budgétaires privées. Les principaux modalités d’action sont les projets de coopération au développement, tourisme solidaire, production et organisation d’événements culturels, et activités de formation. Les principaux partenaires sont: SODEV, AMDH, AIC, HWC, CFDA, BeirutDC.
Mission and Objectives

SODEPAU veut être un outil de dynamisation sociale de promotion de la solidarité, la sensibilisation dans notre société et le dialogue interculturel; ainsi qu'un outil d’appui aux démarches de développement locale et communautaire dans le pays du sud de la Méditerranée. Les différentes voies d’expression artistique et culturel (cinéma, expositions, théâtre, etc.) que nous utilisons nous permettent une approximation aux réalités sociales et politiques de ces pays, ainsi que pour promouvoir les valeurs de la paix, l’égalité, la justice et les droits humains. On cherche à contribuer et promouvoir un vrai dialogue en établissant des liens et ponts parmi les mouvements sociaux catalans et ceux de la rive sud méditerranéenne et en offrant un cadre de participation et relations mutuelles avec les collectifs d’émigrés du Maghreb et Mashreq avec qui nous collaborons. On a le but de ne pas rester seulement dans le plan théorique mais d’établir des liens réels entre personnes et pour approfondir dans la connaissance mutuelle.

Main Projects / Activities

Programme de promotion et défense des droits humains, sociaux et culturels entre les lycéens et enseignants au Maroc, entre la population d'origine marocain en Catalogne et la population en générale. Programme Promethée, Ibn Rochd et Université DESC. Programme de promotion de la jeunesse dans la province de Chefchauen. Maroc. Programme d'appuie aux victimes et familles des victimes des Disparitions Forcées dans le basin Méditerranéen. Programme d'appuie au développement communautaire et du tissu associative dans la région de Missour (Maroc). Programme d'appuie aux initiatives de santé en Cisjordanie. Programme « Le cinéma comme outil de participation, sensibilisation et dynamisation sociale » Promotion du tourisme solidaire en Méditerranée, appuie à la consolidation du réseau AREMDT. Promotion de l'économie sociale et solidaire au Maroc, appuie à la REMESS. Marathon Culturel « Marhaba Palestine » en Catalogne.

Contact (1) Full Name
Meritxell Bragulat Vallverdú
Head of the organisation
Montserrat Abad Carrilla
Contact (2) Full Name
José Nieto Rico

COGAMI - Confederación Gallega de Personas con Discapacidades

National Network

Rua Modesto Brocos Nº7, 3º Blq. Baixo CP 15704 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
Santiago de Compostela

00 34 981 574 698
00 3 4 981 574 670
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
COGAMI , (Galician Confederation of People with Disabilities), it´s a NGO in a regional environment, created in 1990 and which was declared of public utility since 2004. It´s constituted by 17 direct members: four Regional Federations, two autonomic entities, and eleven local associations. At the same time, the four Federations are constituted by other associations to forma n associative movement which goes beyond 50 entities. Nowadays, its headquarters are in Santiago de Compostela y 6 local offices are placed in Ferrol, A Coruña, Lugo,Orense, Pontevedra (2 offices) and in Vigo (3 offices). The Activities and Management Areas include a wide range of professionals such as social workers, guidance counselors, formers,psychologists, lawyers, economists,… who nowadays come to 97 people working full-time work. For the practical articulation of the mission and objectives of teh entity, COGAMI has divided into activities and Management areas. The main Partner entities of our projects are the Public Administration, as to nacional level as to regional one, and several Spanish foundations (Fundación Caser, Fundación La Caixa, Fundación Luis Vives, etc. In the International side we have coworked with several Partners as Wolverhampton University (UK), Women´s Wisdom (UK) and Valakupiai Rehabilitation Centre (LT), etc…
Mission and Objectives

To achieve the inclusion of people with disabilities in all the social fields, through the defense and the promotion of their Rights, through the demand of a social change, the empowerment and the coordination of the cooperativism and the assistance to services which satisfy their needs and their expectations.

Main Projects / Activities

The projects which have been developed in COGAMI, are related to the disability´s World: labour insertion programmes,formation, social intervention, spare and leisure time, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since our entity we Could contribute with our experience of more than 21 years working with and for people with disabilities in the Galician Autonomous Region ( in the north-west of Spain).At the same time, we belong to other disability organizations in a regional level and a nacional one: CERMI-GALICIA (regional), EAPN-GALICIA (regional) and COCEMFE (national), with ensures us to have capacity to Spread the work of the net to the whole nacional region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We look for a cultural, formative and human enrichment, due to be able to share and learn best practices of other entities. ALF is a big net of nets andi t offers this choice

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Charo Lema Castiñeira
Head of the organisation
Mr. Anxo Antón Queiruga Vila
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. David Silva Gómez

Grupo de Investigación IXBILIA

National Network

Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad de Filología, c/ Palos de la Frontera, s/n
CP 41004, Sevilla


+34 954551570
Telephone (other)
+34 954551573
+34 954551573
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
• Research Group formed by 18 members specialized in different aspects of the Arab and Muslim world studies. 6 of them are University professors (Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad de Extremadura), and the rest are professionals. They are all coordinated by the University Professor Rafael Valencia. • Budgetary resources available in a year: grants and aids of the Andalusian Research Plan (Junta de Andalucia), prívate research contracts or specific research programs, grants and aids of the Universidad de Sevilla • Sources of funding: Aids granted to research projects and activities by the Andalusian government (Junta de Andalucía) and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture. • Modalities of action: research projects in association with other institutions and academic and cultural associations of North Africa, conferences and workshops for Spanish and Moroccan university students aimed at raising awareness, and educating • Our main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are: al-Andalus Cultural Association (Martil, Tetuan: http://agora.ya.com/centroalandalus), Tetuán-Asmir Association (Tetuan: http://www.tetouanasmir.org), Abdelmalek Essaadi University (Tangiers-Tetuan: www.uae.ma), and different centers of the Instituto Cervantes network in Morocco (www.cervantes.es).
Mission and Objectives

Our basic mission is to contribute through research, formative activities and publications to the study of and cooperation with the Arab World at academic and cultural levels.
We aim at fostering knowledge of the history of the Arab world; underlying the role played by Spanish-Moroccan relations on Euro-Arab and Euro-Maghreb I relations; help Spanish public to get acquainted with Contemporary Arabic literature as a showcase of the cultural richness and heterogeneity of contemporary Arab societies; promoting the study of Arab and Muslim communities settled in Europe, with special focus on Spain; reflecting on the question of migration and social inclusion mechanisms, as well as the emergence of new frontier cultures, taking Spain as the main example; promoting North-South cooperation as a key objective across all our actions.

Main Projects / Activities

Research Project (2011):
• Women and Muslim communities in Sevilla (present)
Formative activities (2011):
• Workshop on Cross-Cultural Mediation (4th edition)
• Conference on North Africa (9th edition)
• Roundtable North Africa and the media (1st edition)
Publishing activities (2011):
• Cuadernos Alfar-Ixbilia: bilingual publication of Spanish and Moroccan relevant literary figures (since 2007, 10 titles)
• Monographies: result of the different member’s research activities (since 1998, 12 titles)
For more information, please check our website.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• Supporting academic collaboration between Spanish and Moroccan universities and institutions; strengthening already existing networks between North Africa and Andalucía (South of Spain); offering formative activities and academic actions aimed at fostering mutual cultural awareness and peaceful co-existence between Europe and the Maghreb; publicizing research and actions designed to boost Euro-Mediterranean cultural cooperation; contributing to the elimination of stereotyping and Islamophobic discourses that attempt against co-existence and equality in today’s global and multicultural society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

• Because our activities can contribute to the ALF’s objectives related to Euro-Maghrebi cooperation, especially in the case of Spanish-Moroccan cultural relations. Also we can offer the ALF an academic platform and a established working group of scholars already working on different aspects of North African societies. Additionally, some of our Spanish and Moroccan partners already belong to ALF and we would like to undertake future activities with them channeled through ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Torres García
Head of the organisation
Rafael Valencia Rodríguez
Contact (2) Full Name
Rocío Velasco de Castro

AMC - Associació Món Comunicació amb visió de gènere

National Network

Concilio de Trento, 42 -5º-5ª

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Asociación sin animo de lucro de 14 asociadas/os: No hay empleados. Unos 6000 euros al año. Subvenciones y trabajos de comunicación: proyectos diversos, seminarios, foramción.
Mission and Objectives

Asociación sin animo de lucro dedicada a promover el empoderamiento de las mujeres periodistas y comunicadoras de la mediterránea, visibilizar las actividades y propuestas de las mujeres, y colaborar en formación y liderazgo en femenino.

Main Projects / Activities

Colaboración en la edición de La Independent.cat. Colaboración en el Consell de Dones de sant Martí, realizacion de santamrtiambveudedona.cat, Premios no sexistas de l'Associació de Dones Periodistes de Catalunya, cursos de Formación Colegio de Periodistas y Sindicato de Periodistas, realización durante 2 años del Newsletter de "Dones de Meditarránea" de la Xarxa Internacional de Dones Periodistes i Comunicadores, a la que pertenecemos.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Poniendo el acento en el tema del género y fortaleciendo las redes y el contactos con las mujeres representativas de las riberas sur y norte del Mediterráneo.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Para acceder a una red mas amplia de grupos y actividades de la mediterránea.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elena Tarifa
Head of the organisation
Julia López
Contact (2) Full Name
Yoly González

Dones del Món - Barcelona

National Network

Armengol 2-8, Barcelona (08003)

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
General Information
We're a young association created to allow women's civil and political empowerment. The majority of us are immigrant women, around fourthies, with a very little political experience. And, the ones with political experience, its from other country or culture. So, to be real citizens, we're making reunions, seminars, conferences. So, we can talk about different topics, like the legislative organizations; the comparison between laws; the women rights, and so on... We work in feminism, as a tool to became conscious minded. We also try to visit buildings, like the Catalan Parlament; or the European one. There we can make interviews to the politicians and then we can confront experiences. Travelling is also a good way to engage confidence, and to put women out of their normal rol. We normally make other activities, around the abortion laws; the immigrant situation in the country, and all other issues that affect us, for example against racism, or xenophobia. Our budget is really small, because we only ask for financiation if we're travelling, or inviting people to Barcelona. And we'd found good allies in the European Parliament.
Mission and Objectives

Our main objective is to allow women to became conscious of themselves, their importance in the society, and the immense influence they can have in politics.
We are walking in the feminist road; but, as immigrant women we're also fighting for reach political goals (against racism; against fascism; to allow political visualization of women), all of that with a lot of local women.
We believe that in the constructions of the projects grows the confidence. And that confidence is essential win the stereotypes.

Main Projects / Activities

Till now, our main goal was to create confidence in women.
And lot of them are now participating as representatives of DONES DEL MÓN in the "Consells de Dones" (Women Councils) not only in Barcelona neighborhoods, but also in the City's one.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Making difusion; offering our network to be partners; bringing our views to different projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we think we can show our experience, and also we can learn from other's ones.
Nowadays things and projects are thought for young people (and that's very very important), but, many adult women couldn't enjoy their youth as "person", but only as workers, or mothers... and we try to allow them to do that difficult step with us.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mercedes Silvano
Head of the organisation
Mercedes Silvano