Association Green Tea, Jeunes contre le Sida et la drogue Tamanrasset

National Network

BP 35 Ksar El Fougani Centre ville Tamanrasset


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Voir la fiche technique
Mission and Objectives

Objectif principal
Prévention des Infections Sexuellement.. Transmissibles et particulièrement du SIDA .. et lutte contre la toxicomanie.
L'objectif est de faire émerger et d'entendre le besoin des personnes faisant appel au GREEN TEA , et d'y répondre au mieux.
Dans ce but, l'GREEN TEA :
- écoute de façon personnalisée et confidentielle toutes les demandes lui parvenant,
- informe et met à la disposition des publics des documents sur les IST, le VIH/Sida,
- diffuse du matériel de protection,
- oriente si nécessaire.
Qu'elles soient destinées à tous ou plus spécifiquement dédiées à des publics prioritaires (jeunes, migrants, personnes incarcérées), les actions de prévention de GREEN TEA se caractérisent par la création d'un espace de parole adapté au public ciblé et visant à favoriser l'appropriation des messages de prévention.
Pour améliorer le vécu des personnes et des familles concernées par le VIH/Sida, GREEN TEA propose les services suivants :
- accompagnement social, soutien à la vie quotidienne
- soutien psychologique.

Main Projects / Activities

Voir la fiche du projet

Contact (1) Full Name
Guemmama Mohamed
Head of the organisation
Guemmama Mohamed

Association Jeunesse Plus - Draria - Alger

National Network

N°13, Lotissement ACHELI, Route de Saoula, Commune de DRARIA,
16000 Alger

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Composé de six membres du bureau directif, 3700 membres adhérents dont une soixantaine actifs, les ressources budgétaires proviennent essentiellement de cotisations et de dons des amis de l'association, et pour les sources de financement il s'agit d'un mini projet financé par la commission européenne sur l'ouverture du dialogue démocratique de la jeunesse. Nous avons organisé plusieurs formations (entre autres; Gestion positive des conflits, écriture de projets, formation de formateurs, préservation de le vie humaine...), des échanges avec d'autres associations notamment l'Etoile Culturelle d'Akbou sur la création de conseils consultatifs de jeunes, l'association Santé Sidi el Houari d'Oran sur le patrimoine et l'environnement...
Mission and Objectives

Notre association active dans le domaine de l'enfance et la jeunesse, nous mettons en place une série d'activités (Formations, journées de sensibilisation sur les droits humains et de l'enfant...) ayant pour objectifs principaux l'ouverture du dialogue entre les jeunes citoyens et les élus locaux, responsabilisation de la jeunesse à travers le volontariat et divers autres événements concordant avec l'actualité (Fêtes nationales, internationales et religieuses...)

Main Projects / Activities

Création de Conseils Consultatifs de Jeunes dans quelques régions de l'Algérie, Formation de la jeunesse, Création d'un Ciné-club enfant et adulte avec débats autour de l'actualité, promotion de la santé et préservation de l'environnement...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En travaillant en collaboration avec les acteurs déjà présents et en proposant conjointement des projets visant la citoyenneté, la jeunesse et sa participation dans le développement local.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour partager l'expérience que nous avons et profiter de l'expérience de nos futurs partenaires, partager des idées et des perspectives d'avenir, tisser des liens avec d'autres associations maghrébines et méditerranéennes, renforcer les bases de notre association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. SEGHIER Mohamed Amine
Head of the organisation
Mr. SEGHIER Mohamed Amine

Buğday Association for Ecological Living / Buğday Ekolojik Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği

National Network

Asmalımescit Mah. Nergis Sok. No: 8/8 34430 Beyoğlu

+90 212 252 52 55
+90 212 252 52 56
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+90 532 173 35 64
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. Others
General Information
Buğday has a Board that has a more strategical mission and a Coordination Committee that manages the Association in daily basis. It currently has 13 employees, the number changes according to active projects. Sources of funding: Membership fees, donations, project grants, campaigns Modalities of action: Concrete projects
Mission and Objectives

The Buğday Association for Supporting Ecological Living is founded to promote greater awareness,understanding and sensitivity to “ecological living” by individuals and society as
a whole. Buğday works on a wide range of issues relating to ecological living, including:
• Support for the expansion of organic agriculture, especially the development of a healthy domestic market;
• Maintenance of traditional farming methods supporting nature;
• Conservation of local seed varieties;
• Encouraging sustainable communities that live in harmony with nature;
• Developing eco-agro tourism in Turkey;
• Monitoring and contributing to the development of national policies with regards organic agriculture, rural development and nature conservation;
• Raising awareness at urban level in a wide range of different sectors
Buğday's aim is to create and enhance the ecological living awareness of the individuals and the society as a whole; to find and provide solutions for problems arising from the
degradation of ecological balances by creating inspiring models and to support ecological living.

Main Projects / Activities

• 100% Organic Markets (Şişli, Kartal, Bakırköy, Beylikdüzü, Konya, Kayseri, and Seferihisar, Burhaniye) -
• Community Based Ecological Farming (garden model)
• Organic Farm Network (TaTuTa Project) -
• Seed Exchange Network -
• MoFAL (Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock) Organic Agriculture Steering Committee
• Communication for Rural Population in EU Accession
• Policy Making for National Ecological Agriculture
• Turkey’s first ecology magazine: Buğday Magazine
• Buğday Ecological Life Guide
• Ecological Agenda
• Farmer Newspaper
• Weekly e-newsletter
• Radio show on “Açık Radyo”
• Books & booklets
• Mount Ida Ecological Settlement
• Çamtepe Ecological Living Center -
School of Life , Homeopathy School, Compost Workshop, School of Tales, Nature Observatory
School, Natural Construction Workshop, Ecological Social Entrepreneurship Camp, Eco-Yoga
• Mount Ida Initiative
• 3,200 members and 3,000 registered volunteers
• Reaches 100,000 people each week on social media
• E-mail database of 20,000 people
• A nationwide network uniting 88 farms and 140 ecological companies

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Buğday is currently working on organising an NGO forum as a part of the Organic World Congress that will be organised in Istanbul in October 2014. This is a good opportunity to bring NGOs together and initiate partnerships and may be a good starting point in contributing to the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF network because we find it important that the NGOs work together to reach bigger objectives. They are stronger and they can make themselves heard much better if they can work together. Being a part of such networks opens the possibilities to new partnerships and synergies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Duygu Kayadelen

Centre Youth Association

National Network

Erdei Ferenc utca 16.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Organization of the association which was founded in 2001: the association is governed by 5 board members, and the leader is the boss of the association. The association employs 2 fellow workers, who control the operation of the office of Debrecen. The main members of the Human Recourses are volunteering High School & University Students. Important to point out, that we have 19 trainees in our Internship Program. The association has a broad network connection, in which there are educational institutions, municipalities, NGO’s, companies, etc. In special emphasize we maintain contacts with nearly 150-200 educational institutions as a regional organization. The association also has European Partnership; one of these is the European Voluntary System, in which we are an accredited sending and host organization. The other is the “Portal of good news” international project. The association generally had about 10-12 million forints revenues and outlays, which are from sponsors and from calls. Moreover, it has personal incomes from the services and organizations.

Mission and Objectives

Our association’s targets are people from age 10 to 30. Those, who want to do something to their community by themselves. We ensure the space and time for them to become an important part of the society. The openness, the creativity and the trust are confessed to common values by the participants of the association. In our community these values are realized through assistances and teamwork. We provide supports to informal organizations structurally, within associational limits. Moreover, we consider the volunteer network operation to our mission, in the North Plain regions. Those young, who are in connection with us, get a several experiences, which will be normative in their further life.

Main Projects / Activities

• volunteering: we ensure volunteering possibilities to the youth : e.g. at animal shelters, nursing homes, children’s homes, oncology, and even environmental protection • community space: we ensure space and possibility to the young in communal program organizing, meetings and in social appearances • talent search: we are an accredited talent searcher center, we search the talented young and we ensure them to perform at events or at exhibitions • trainings: we organizes different trainings for young • international youth facilities: we work on international cooperation, we organize and take place in international changes, moreover we are members of the cross-bordered social network • European Volunteering Service: we work as a sending and host organization • sports, health education: we organize youth and sport programs e.g. mass sports, amateur sports • student government: we ensure help and professional background to both primary and high school “student governments” • youth events: we organize sport and mental competitions, gala parties and voluntary festivals • environment protection: garbage collection, tree planting and landscaping • drug prevention

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In our opinion, the partner relations among the association and the schools are substantially contributed to the national system in Hungary. Furthermore, the experiences came by the juvenile exercises are really significant. We can use our complex media connections, and the extensive domestic and international network of contacts, from which we have to mention the EVS. Through the European Voluntary Service out target that the Hungarian young could be also able to be trainee abroad, broaden their horizons, meet and learn the acceptance of multiculturalism, acknowledge the other, and practice the tolerance. Now, we have several volunteers abroad, and at our Association there are 2 Turkish and one Italian girls work as volunteers. By the reception of volunteers the association has lot fine practice, and in 2011 we earned the price “Év önkéntese program” (The voluntary of the year), which means a serious recognition. We organize trainings and special programs for the students at 150 schools of the North Plain.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In our viewpoint, providing a wide range of vision and accept the multiculturalism is become more important in the youth education. We believe that the improvement of the youth’s social and lifestyle competencies are really important e.g. tolerance, empathy, communication. Internationally, we would like to evolve more partner connections, and take part in projects which are for the development of the youth, and which provide non-formal learning possibilities, with or within Europe. In our opinion the targets of Anna Lindh Foundation are largely as same as our mission and our goals, so we believe that the cooperation with the members of the system is possible.

Contact (1) Full Name
János Bálega
Head of the organisation
Mr János Bálega


National Network

pretoriusstraat 2

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
De Gangmakerij is a collective of heart-working people in Leiden
Mission and Objectives

We want to make the world a better place and stimulate: entrepreneurship, innovation, inspiration and the giveconomy. We also want to help people to follow their heart.

Main Projects / Activities

We organize diffrent activitities and events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Chiara vd Berg
Head of the organisation
Chiara vd Berg


National Network

26 avenue Claude Vellefaux

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association loi 1901. Sous le parrainage de M. Bertrand Delanoe, Maire de Paris. - Financements privés et publics : Fondation Mimeta, fondation Al Mawred al Taqafi, Fondation Orange, Institut Français + Mairie de Paris, ONTT, etc. - Partenaires associatifs et opérationnels : ACL Association citoyenneté et libertés, ASSIDJE Association de sauvegarde de Djerba, les amis de la medina, OVC Organisation volonté et citoyenneté, etc. - Réseaux : Arterial Network, Afrifestnet, Anna Lindh, CIN Cultural Innovators Network, Roberto Cimetta.
Mission and Objectives

Pop In a pour finalité le développement local, social et humain par l’économie créative.
Ses objectifs sont :
- Développer les échanges interculturels, particulièrement entre la Tunisie et le reste du monde.
- Agir à la démocratisation et à la décentralisation culturelle.
- Renforcer la liberté d'expression et la professionnalisation des artistes émergents.
- Soutenir et travailler en réseau avec les sociétés civiles citoyennes.
- Participer au développement d'un tourisme culturel durable.
- Tisser des liens entre patrimoine et création actuelle.

Main Projects / Activities

Festival POP IN DJERBA, premier festival des musiques pop, rock et electro en Tunisie.
Cet évènement décentralisé donne l'accès à la culture aux populations du sud.
20 groupes de la zone euro-mena sont réunis chaque année pour créer ensemble, se produire librement sur scène dans un contexte professionnel. Les spectacles de rue vont à la rencontre de la population, notamment des jeunes publics.
Un village citoyen réunis les associations locales impliquées dans la diffusion de la culture démocratique et le classement de l'île multiculturelle de Djerba au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Le marché artisanal met en lumière les savoir-faire ancestraux de l'île.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons contribuer en participant aux évènement de réseau, ainsi qu'à toute consultation émise par le chef de file.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons participer activement au networking de la FAL pour etre informés des projets de pairs, échanger nos expériences, tisser des liens avec d'autres structures, suivre l'actualité du secteur et les innovations culturelles de la zone euro-med.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kamel Salih
Head of the organisation
Kamel Salih
Contact (2) Full Name
Emmanuelle Boireau

caravane Théâtre

National Network

Caravane Théâtre Chez M Besnard Jean Pierre 1 rue Ammar Boutalba Apt N° 17 31100 Toulouse

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Groupement d'association région Toulousaine (cvesmp) collectif de voyages solidaires.Jksms Inde Jaipur. Médecins du monde.Undp.PSI 2tats unis. (population service international.Unicef.Diverses associations au Maroc (essaouira, Zagora, Safi, Rabat..., en Tunisie diverses maisons des jeunes et les CAD . centres d'art dramatique(Tunis, Gafsa, Mahares,Medenine, Djerba, El kef,SidiBouzid etc. .Etc.Au Sénègal (Luga,Dakar). Brésil université Furg de rio Grande Do Sul et le gouvernement Brésilien. etc.
Mission and Objectives

Développer les techniques du "Théâtre de l'opprimé" (Théâtre Forum)et le "Clown Théâtre" en France, en Europe et à travers le monde.Médecins du monde. Undp.

Main Projects / Activities

Aider les individus et les groupes à adopter des comportements favorables soit à la santé soit à la citoyenneté dans le respect de soi et des autres et en mettant en scène les situations.En utilisant les expressions artistiques en particulier le "Théâtre Forum" et du "Clown Théâtre". Projets : Théâtre législatif en Tunisie. Prévention Sida au Ladakh.Jeunesse en action.Professionnalisation d'une équipe de jeunes acteurs intervenant au niveau santé au Sénégal (Ile Saint Louis)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En participant à des rencontres et en proposant des formations à nos techniques. En faisant profiter les divers membres de nos expériences et nos action passées; en partageant notre réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour développer des actions en Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean Pierre Besnard
Head of the organisation
Jean Pierre Besnard
Contact (2) Full Name
Geneviève Figarol

VEGAN MARATHON (anciennement-Institut Citoyen du cinéma)

National Network

Les jardins de Bastia Bt B - Chemin de l'Annonciade
20200 Bastia

+33 (0)981 144 589
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
L'Institut Citoyen du Cinéma soutient et encourage les œuvres du 7e art dont les thèmes sont la Paix, l’humanisme, le vivre ensemble, la diversité culturelle, la liberté absolue de conscience, le respect de toutes formes de vie, la défense et la promotion des droits humains ainsi que ceux du règne animal, l’harmonie avec la nature. Le cinéma forme les idéologies d’aujourd’hui et de demain. 
Mission and Objectives

L’Institut Citoyen du Cinéma s’engage auprès des grands acteurs de la société civile et des Institutions contre toutes formes de discriminations (âge, handicap, religion, convictions, orientation sexuelle…), de racisme, de xénophobie, d’antisémitisme, d’homophobie, de sexisme, de spécisme et d’intolérances.

Main Projects / Activities

Soutien au cinéma citoyen (production, communication, échanges artistiques, éducation à l'image, formations).

Contact (1) Full Name
Aisling Poppy (Directrice)
Head of the organisation
Magà Ettori

Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology Laboratory -Νational and Kapodistrian University of Athens

National Network

University Campus, School of Philosophy, Department of Music Studies, Zografou GR-15784 Athens

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
A public institution structurally linked with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the largest University of Greece. It is a state funded organisation and additional funds come from its involvement in research projects. Its staff included professors and phds, and phd candidates and is divided into permanent staff (6 persons) and temporary, depending on research and academic activity.
Mission and Objectives

The Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology Laboratory supports the discipline of the Department of Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology and promotes the study, research and dissemination of the relationship between music and culture. The activities of the Laboratory include a wide gamut of the academic, research, teaching, and educational dimensions of the discipline. Among its objectives are: a) the creation of a dynamic and interactive archival system supporting all Laboratory activities b) the support, documentation, production, and promotion of original research in the fields of Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology, as well as the organization of seminars, workshops and other academic activities in accordance with international standards c) the publication of academic research, the production of artistic and educational materials, the organization of lectures, meetings, seminars, symposia, conferences, and other scholarly events, the publication of a peer-reviewed academic journal and the organization of cross-cultural academic and artistic activities.

Main Projects / Activities

The Lab has both academic and research orientation. On the academic level, it is associated with a Master of Arts Programme titled ”Musical culture and communication: Anthropological and communicative approaches to music,” which aims at instituting an interdisciplinary, anthropological and communicational approach to music. On the research level, the Lab has been active in the areas of the arts, documentary film, culture, education, religion, gender and intercultural dialogue. Main projects: (2013-2016) PERFORMIGRATIONS A joint European-Canadian project (2012) Video Life Stories of Immigrants, (2010) Music and Minorities: An Ethnomusicological Approach of Indian Minority in Greece, (2006-2008). CEMMENTI - Canada Exchanges with the Mediterranean: Migration Experiences and their Impact on Nationalism, Trans-Nationalism and Identity, (1998-2004) Music in the Muslim Minority of Thrace, (2002-2003) Music and Ethnographic Film: Study and Creation of an Archive for Ethnic Music through Film Productions, (1995-2000) Documentation, Study and Promotion of Music and Dance Tradition of Thrace.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Lab seeks to develop viable ties with the societies of the circum-Mediterranean area through academic, educational and research exchanges by employing Greek expertise derived from the anthropological field of culture and the arts in an ongoing joint collaboration with other experts and institutions in the region. The Lab’s involvement in European and International projects is a strong asset for the Greek network of ALF in terms of acquaintance with a group of possible partners as well as a specialised scientific and practical knowledge of culture and intercultural dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Lab is working academically and research-wise to bring people together from the circum-Mediterranean area to improve cross- inter- and intra-cultural dialogue along historically particular lines of expression as well as an ecumenical understanding of humanity serving as a basis for an active and creative coexistence of the diverse people of the Region. We consider ALF to be an ideal partner in this regard.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Community Media Center

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Community Media Center consists of general assembly, board of directors, 8 full time staff, including: a Director, Projects Officer, Finance Officer, 3 Project Coordinator, 1 Logistics Officer, 1 Administrative Assistants. Additionally, CMC has a group of 10 volunteers. Average annual budget is approx. $50,000 USD as donations by CMC partner donors including British Consulate General Jerusalem, UNDP, NED, CRS, and Heinrich Boll Foundation
Mission and Objectives

CMC’s mission is to bridge the gap between the media, decision makers and the community. It intends to make it more accessible both as a tool and a strategy for advocacy of their voices in order to influence change. To establish a media center that is for, by and about the community, and one that pursues a social development agenda, thus making people aware of the effectiveness of the media as a tool for change.
• To reinforce and develop the role of the Palestinian media towards the social and developmental issues of the Palestinian society.

• To light on the issues of the marginalized categories and groups such like, women, children, poor people, people with disability etc, on the media in order to raise up the public’s awareness with such neglected issues.
• To put pressure on decisions makers through using media in order to follow and solve the marginalized groups’ issues.
• To contribute and help in creating opportunities for new media graduates to develop their skills and to find jobs.
• To introduce to non-government organizations the effective use of media as a pro-active means to advocate for social change.

Main Projects / Activities

* Capacity Building for fresh university graduates on fundamental human rights principles and conventions;
* Capacity development for fresh graduates of media departments on technical media skills
* Community mobilization
* Using media to expose and report on human rights violations in the local community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CMC is young NGO that employs rights-based approach in addressing issues of social change using various traditional and modern media outlets including social media networks. CMC seeks to mobilize young people and develop their capacities about their rights and create opportunities and spaces for young people to develop their capacities to use various mainstream media and social networks to engage in dialogues that address key issues of social change. CMC can largely contribute to the Network by sharing and exchanging experiences and be open and flexible to avail CMC's experience in media to support members of the network, especially that media is a cross-cutting approach and relevant to all fields and sectors.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since its establishment in 2007, CMC has been keen to build and strengthen its internal organizational capacity in order to offer quality support to its various target groups and be able to realize the overall objectives of the organization. Now, CMC believes it is in a very good position to explore new opportunities in developing local, national and regional partnerships and cooperation with relevant stakeholders to maximize the added value and impact of its work to achieve positive and lasting social change in the community. CMC believes that partnerships and alliances strengthen capacities, broadens horizons and maximizes impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andaleeb Adwan Shehada
Head of the organisation
Andaleeb Adwan Shehada
Contact (2) Full Name
Kholoud Salha