Ministry of Education and Culture – Department of European Union Relations

National Network

H-1055, Szalay u. 10-14.

+361 4737136
+361 3317575
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Structure: Minister - state secretaries – departments – other institutions, with a staff of around 200. 3. Source: state budget
Mission and Objectives

The Minister and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage ensures the freedom of artistic life and the continued evolution of national culture, maintains and protects the nation’s cultural heritage and historical monuments, coordinates these duties and provides professional leadership for the sector and operates supervisory and professional organisations. The Minister’s and the ministry’s duties include, among other things, the registration, preservation and protection of cultural goods and making these treasures available to the public, and to provide guidance for activities related to public education and collections and for the works of creative and performing artists. Further activities: drawing up drafts of legislation on the subject, adopting decisions for placing historical monuments and archaeological sites under protection, the surveillance of museums, libraries, and archives, the preparation of international agreements on cultural subjects, the overseeing of the operations of foreign

Main Projects / Activities

in the field of European issues, education and culture

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Veronika TÓTH (Counsellor)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Zoltán LOBODA ( Head of Dept.)

Open Doors

National Network

Rruga: Frederik Shiroka, Pallati Hoxhollit, Kati i poshtëm, Tiranë

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Open Doors is a Center is established as a non – profit organization without membership. The leading bodies of “ Open Doors” are as follows: 1- President 2- Board of Directors 3- Executive Director The organization’s activity is financed through the following means : a) Open Doors assets The source of Open Doors assets are as follows: - The organization’s economic acitvity from services for third parties. - Utilization of Open Doors assets b) Offered donations as follows: - Funds, grants, donations offered in a transparent way from domestic and foreign private entities. - Donations and projects proposed by non-governmental organizations, foreign counterparts, compatible with the Albanian legislation in force Actually, Open Doors has 2 employees & 15 voluneteers The target of “Open Doors” activity is opinion and policy – making through the following elements: - Devising adequate scenarios and drafting policies over inter – religious and inter – cultural dialogue. -Building up/joining/formalizing groups of interest, at home and abroad, aimed at respecting the human rights and fundamental freedoms, in all current and future programs of the European Union. - The implementation of a well defined program to support cultural and human mobility in the Euro-Mediterranean space. -The protection of the culture from the economic and trade interes as well as the encouraging the spread of new forms of expression despite financial support. -Bringing together high state leaders, experts, civil society from Albania and various foreign countries, in order to build up strategies and implementation plans to overcome the prejudices and to exchange perceptions, wherever they prove to be wrong. -Establishment of partnerships with other similar organizations on regional and world scale, as well as with prestigious educational institutions, in terms of drafting educational programs for the youth, which should serve as catalysts for social change - Facilitation/mediation in the “ Euroislamic” dialogue on the region and EuropeOpen Doors” will reflect its own activity through the publication of the periodical “Mozaik”, showing the results achieved in the form of briefings, insights, promoting successful events, an exchange of experience and models to be followed. Complementary to the journal in accomplishing its goals, “Open Doors” will also prepare and introduce other information materials deriving from the insights and polls conducted from others. Inline with its goal, “Open Doors” will produce and commit itself to drafting, preparing for press, publication and disseminating books, maps, brochures, bulletins, cassettes, videokassettes, different recordings, briefing materials and others, in Albanian or other languages, with a diverse cultural, artistic, education and school contends. “Open Doors” will commit to and take under its protection before the media, the administrative and judiary institutions in Albania and abroad collective and individual cases of infringement of human rights and freedoms, in order to provide a harmonious living and environment among the community participants and various faiths.

Mission and Objectives

“Open Doors” works and operates in the frame of the Barcelona’s Process and the Union for Mediterranean launched by the French President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008. “Open Doors” main goal is to highlight the Albanian inter-cultural heritage, the harmonious co–habitation among various religious, ethnics and cultural communities. “Open Doors” work target is the introduction to culture, arts, traditions, beliefs and other values that shape the individualities of communities and nations. Engagement in upholding them will go hand in hand with the identification and promotion of common values and identical interests.

Main Projects / Activities

23 – 26. 12.2011- Trainim “Be enterprener – be creative”, in collaboration with AEEGE 15 -17 .03. 2012 Trainim “Healthy leafstile” in collaboration with AEEGE March 2012- Street Action “ Speak up for free Belarous” in collaboration with Young European Federallists Organisation October 2012 - June 2013 Project: Turistic portal of Berat city - supported by ABC Foundation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Open Doors will contribute to the nationla network by been part of its activities and actions. We will give our excpertise and our contribute in order to strengthen the bidges between different groups of our society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network because we have the same mission and sharing the same values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rezear Xhaxhiu
Head of the organisation
Rezear Xhaxhiu
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Xixa

Drei Wünsche Frei - Studio für kulturelle Praxis / Three Wishes Free - Studio for hybrid culture

National Network

Drei Wünsche Frei
Nostitz Str. 43
10961 Berlin


+49 (0)30 69004340
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
As “Studio for Hybrid Culture” we work at the intersection between art, art education, social art and activism. We develop and implement regularly own artistic, educational and curatorial projects, often in cooperation with partner organizations from different sectors of society. A particular focus of our work is on media work as a tool for sharing visions and experiences, both within and outside the (institutionalized) art context. Through the creative use of audio-visual media, we promote social participation and support the creation of counter public spheres (Gegenöffentlichkeit). With our project activities we want to communicate those visions that are not taken into account by mass media and mainstream culture.
Mission and Objectives

With our activities we bring an innovative vision to field of art and audio-visual media: those visions and the visions of those who are not taken into account by mass media and mainstream culture. We offer members of various communities means and creative space to express themselves and develop a self-conscious artistic point of view. We create awareness around issues that are not examined by traditional media and not represented at official cultural institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

(1)In our current social art project we work with youth on the topic of subcultural self- expression, using urban art forms such as Hip Hop and Graffiti. (2) In our video classes we introduce migrant youth and children of migrants to powerful tool for telling their stories and make them heard. (3) In our artistic and curatorial work we search for new roles and meanings of artistic in our society, within and outside the institutionalized frame.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have experiences for years in trans-cultural project work. As artists, activists and cultural scientists (Kulturwissenschaftler) we can contribute to the interdisciplinary practice in the field, but also bridge between art and culture, civil society and academic discourse.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As founding members of ActiveVision Tel Aviv we are active since many years in an ALF network organization.
Since we moved to Berlin we also would like to continue our social art activities within the German network .

Contact (1) Full Name
Cheb M. Kammerer
Head of the organisation
Cheb M. Kammerer
Contact (2) Full Name
Sharon Horodi

Haus der offenen Tür

National Network

Barbarossastr 4353489 SinzigGERMANY
53489 Sinzig

0049 (0) 2642 41 753
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information

The organization has 8 workers and a group of 3-10 volunteers from different programmes from the German ministerium. Our yearly budget is between 200.000 - 300.000 euros, with projects on top of them coming from different lines of budget as European Social Fund, Youth in Action and the European Commission.

Mission and Objectives

The institution "Haus der offenen Tür" is part of the catholic church community named "St. Peter" in Sinzig and is an institution concerning youth work. Youth work is described in § 11 of the social law, the so called "SGB VIII". In cooperation with the civil community there is one colleague who works in the 3 in Sinzig situated schools as a social worker (§ 13 SGB VIII). Since July 2007 the "Kompetenzagentur" is a project of the institution. This project is part of the EMPOWERING YOUNG PEOPLE initiative of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF). The task of this project is it to accompany young disadvantaged people in the age of 14 up to 27 to find their place in society. Competence agencies promote and improve the cooperation and coordination between the institutions and stakeholders after leaving school (networking). At the moment our main partners are: Youth migration services, Youth work, Youth welfare office, cultural institutions (museums, music Schools…) politicians, firms, companies, business, job centers, clubs and associations (sports, culture, music…), schools municipal administration. Since January 2009 the project "Schulverweigerung - die 2. Chance" (school refusal - the second chance) has begun its work with school drop outs and school refuseniks. This project is also part of the EMPOWERING YOUNG PEOPLE INITIATIVE of the Ministry and therefore also funded by the ESF. Political youth education and the European Voluntary Service are also part of the work.

Main Projects / Activities

We support youth in the schools at risk through the project 2nd chance And do case work with youth with fewer opportunities through the Kompetenzagentur im Haus der offenen Tü We are currently also very active in a long term transversal project for empowering youth called Yepicando, Yep, I can do. Where we get young people to share what they can do and improve at it by showing

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have done various projects in the last years with organizations members of Anna Lindh, both in Europe and north of Africa and they have recommended us to join the network because of our priorities in our working, actions and projects with youth and inclusion.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ramón Martínez
Head of the organisation
Petra Klein

Association for Intercultural Communication and Education for Blind People (Atrium e.V.)

National Network

Johanneshof 20a
35578 Wetzlar

0049 6441 20 49 347
Telephone (other)
0049 721 1328002
Mobile Phone
0049177 866 4473
Mobile Phone (other)
0049177 7423157
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The “Association for Intercultural Communication and Education for Blind People”, Atrium e.V., is a non-profit association with 11 members and one partner, the Adult Education Centre of Wetzlar. It was founded by Dr Ouertani who as a blind person had to struggle for his place in the Tunisian society. After spending the half of his life in Germany he has become acquainted with a democratic system which involves also disabled individuals. Against the background of these experiences he was decided to enable more people a self-determined life in his country of origin. Due to the fact, that in his opinion open-mindedness for other cultures is a precondition for civil society, the association offers beside education for blind also cross-cultural training, which encompasses workshops, educational journeys and youth exchanges. The association members are all volunteers. The only budgetary resources are an annual 30€ fee, the chair’s small funds and private donations.
Mission and Objectives

The association’s work is based on three pillars: education to blind people, political education and cross-cultural competencies. The first one’s mission is to help blind people to find their place in society, to help them to cope self-confidently with their duties and to give them prospects for a self-determined future and to integrate them into society. Moreover, political education is in the opinion of the chair Mr Ouertani, one of the most important pillars of a democratic society. Political education in combination with intercultural awareness lay the foundations for a-with regards to politics- open-minded civil society and offers the key for socio-economic progress. This should be achieved by debates on norms, ethics and world views and by training for intercultural interaction and communication in form of seminars, presentations, workshops and an exchange between Tunisia and Germany for young persons in particular to prevent future conflicts and establish a sound cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

Education for blind people means we practice exceptional methods for training, like games and other practical approaches in groups which help blind people to manage their everyday life including shopping, chores, personal hygiene and leisure activities like sport and music. Therefore we convey skills like orientation, scan strategies, money identification, meal preparation and body care. Moreover the association offers vocational training as office worker and courses in all operating systems, touch typing, internet research, software tools, phonographs, the Braille-display and in “Job access with speech” a programme which enables blind persons to listen to their incoming written messages or to read them in braille. In the area of political education we host public debates and seminars concerning multiculturalism, religion, philosophy and the current state of politics. These two areas should also be treated under the umbrella of a huge intercultural meeting place in Kairouan, Tunisia which is still under development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We offer expert knowledge of the Muslim culture and are able to build bridges between Europe and the Middle East, in particular between Tunisia and Germany. Our staff -coming from various professional contexts - speaks several languages, in the first place Arabic, French and German and shows intercultural awareness and a capability of adapting to multicultural environments and new frameworks. We are looking forward to share this expertise with our German network-colleagues. Due to our experience in teamwork our work evinces a successful mediation aptitude and a high interest in an interpersonal exchange. We hope to find partners for cooperation and interdisciplinary approaches to actual topics and are willing to work on common conferences and presentations. Beside this we hope to arouse interest on the situation of disabled persons and foster their integration in the euro-Mediterranean policy. For conferences and meetings abroad we provide a huge working space in Tunisia.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our association wants to gain further insights into the proceedings of the European Union, especially in the Euromed region and the policy projects implemented there. Thus we see the ALF Network as a common denominator and as a meeting point, where we can contribute together with other organisations and their staff to overarching aims like enabling members of the civil society to participate in politics and thereby preventing and resolving conflict. The ALF offers us the possibility to communicate and to network with a community of like-minded people so that we can exchange our knowledge. Further the ALF provides the chance to learn from the experiences and difficulties of its (inter-)national member networks, so we can gather experiences on an (inter-)national level. Finally, being surrounded by fast-paced activities of politics and working at the core heart of Euro- Mediterranean politics and background debates would greatly benefit our professional future plans.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mustapha Ouertani
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mustapha Ouertani
Contact (2) Full Name
Katharina Sophia Burlafinger

Neue Arbeit - Neue Kultur Kiel e.V.

National Network

Neue Arbeit - Neue Kultur Kiel e.V.Fraunhoferstraße 13
24118 Kiel

+49 (0)431.59298570
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Neue Arbeit – Neue Kultur Kiel e.V. (NANK Kiel) is a non-profit association that was established in 2010 by Gerd Neuner and Dr. Hans Meves in Kiel, Germany. Currently, the board consists of the chairman (Gerd Neuner), the vice-chairman (Dr. Hans Meves), a treasurer (Peter Dohse) and a member for public relations (Jan Jankowski).The association has no paid staff. All members are working on a voluntary basis. The Association finances its activities through membership fees. (2013). In addition, NANK Kiel is financed by grants. Currently, the annual budget is currently approximately 15000 Euros. NANK Kiel has established an international network including partners from Germany (Weiterbildungsverbund KielRegion), Poland (University of Szczecin), Denmark (IBC – International Business College Kolding). The Association organizes international New Work and New Culture Workshops, lectures and presentations in order to achieve its disseminate its concepts and ideas. Moreover, the main activities include the preparation of funding applications.
Mission and Objectives

NANK Kiel aims at the creation of a new culture of work that is defined by social economy and community production. For this purpose, NANK Kiel developed a concept for Centers for New Work and New Culture (as shown in the annex). These centers shall be used as institutional structures that enable people from all kinds of society to define their own work culture and to experience their own strengths and talents. The idea is to develop small-scale, local work that creates jobs by providing the community with necessary goods and services to make people more independent from “classical” paid work. This concept is oriented towards the “New Work and New Culture” by Prof Frithjof Bergmann (University of Michigan, USA). New Work and New Culture seeks to replace the traditional wage labor system with flexible forms of work that are oriented towards the actual needs of the people.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently, NANK Kiel prepares the development of the Centers New Work and New Culture in Germany, Poland and Denmark. In this context, the association has submitted several funding applications for national and international funding programmes (e.g. EUSBSR Seed Money Facility; Bundesministerium für Forschung und Entwicklung: Ideenwettbewerb zum Auf- und Ausbau innovativer FuE-Netzwerke mit Partnern in Ostseeanrainerstaaten; Projektförderung: Stiftung für deutsch-polnische Zusammenarbeit). Moreover, NANK Kiel is currently working a funding application for the project support facility of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS). Among these activities, NANK Kiel and its international partners are expanding their national and international networks in order to raise the interest for their activities and to promote international and intercultural cooperation among European societies. The improvement of the concept for the Centers for New Work and New Culture is a third current field of work.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NANK Kiel contributes new ideas and concepts for a new cultural understanding of work in Europe and beyond. The objectives of NANK Kiel are addressed to several fields of action of the ALF. Mainly “Education and Youth”, “Cities and Migration” and “Peace and coexistence” are in the focus. Work is a central part of life. The culture of work influences the well-being of the people and so it also affects on the social and cultural cohesion within societies. Especially in multi-cultural societies the issue of work may be a crucial factor for the peaceful coexistence. Moreover the members of the association are developing sustainable concepts for sustainable culture of work, production and consumption in both in rural and metropolitan areas and by that they are addressing issues of migration and sustainable development Thus, the organization can contribute to the peaceful development of the Euro-Mediterranean Region by promoting new and alternative education concepts for all kinds of society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

NANK Kiel wants to participate in the ALF Network because the association currently is searching for other organizations that aim to improve the living conditions of people in Europe and the Mediterranean Region by developing sustainable concepts for sustainable culture of work, production and consumption NANK Kiel aims to learn what similarities exist between the regional working-cultures across Europe and the Mediterranean Countries and how current challenges in the context of work are being addressed in these countries. Moreover, NANK Kiel wants to establish better connections to the Mediterranean area in order to get new ideas and impulses for the concept of the Centers for New Work and New Culture and the development of the association. The Centers for New Work and New Culture shall help to improve the living conditions in European countries. This has become even more important, since the European refugee problem has intensified dramatically.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Hans Meves
Head of the organisation
Gerd Neuner
Contact (2) Full Name
Jan Jankowski

CEU - Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos - Universidad San Pablo

National Network

Avda. Del Valle 21

(+34) 91 514 04 22
Telephone (other)
(+34) 91 514 04 00
(+34) 91 514 04 28
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Institute for European Studies, part of the San Pablo-CEU University and Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, is a centre for university research, specialising in the study and analysis of European Union affairs. It holds an Extraordinary Chair of European Institutions held by Prof. Marcelino Oreja and a Jean Monnet Chair in Law and European Cultural Identity held by Prof. José María Beneyto. More than 100 professors from the San Pablo-CEU University and from other Universities and Research Centres work with the IES It has an Advisory Council and a Consultative Committee which advises the Competition Policy Centre.
Mission and Objectives

The Institute for European Studies aims to be a leading centre for research, teaching and publishing in all matters pertaining to the construction of a unified Europe.
Its main objectives are:
• Research activities in relation to European subjects and International Relations
• Scientific and teaching exchange with other research centres
• Teaching of European affairs with particular emphasis on postgraduate studies
• Organisation of activities and events relating to European and international issues
• Collaboration with important public and private institutions in the development of research projects and consulting activities in the field of European studies

Main Projects / Activities

• Research, coordinating working groups and the publication of their conclusions. The areas of research are:
o Constitutional and institutional development of the EU
o International Relations
o Justice and Home Affairs,
o Competition and regulation in the single market,
o European economy
o European cultural identity.
• Education, promoting European studies in faculties and centres of the San Pablo-CEU Foundation. It offers a Degree in International Relations, a Degree in European Community Law and International Law and two Master’s Degrees: in International Relations and in International Law.
• Publishing, disseminating European studies through international symposiums, seminars, conferences and similar activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Belén Becerril Atienza
Head of the organisation
José María Beneyto Pérez
Contact (2) Full Name
Patricia Argerey Vilar

Pandora - Asociación para la Integración y Progreso de las Culturas

National Network

Princesa, 82 - 5º dcha.

34 91 550 26 28
34 91 550 26 27
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
34 607 25 60 95
Mobile Phone (other)
34 627 42 95 68
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
AIPC-PANDORA is a non-profit organisation, founded in 2002 by persons who are experienced in international exchanges, non formal education and social intervention. The organization is member of the internatinal network, Experiment in Internatinal Living (EIL), and the European Youth Forum. Currently the organization has 6 full time staff members, 6 part time staff members, 5 regular collaborators and 12 regular volunteers. AIPC-Pandora has private sources of funding, essentially through its collaboration within its network in mobility programmes, and public sources of funding from the European Commission, Youth in Action Programme. In 2006, the gross income was: 289,296 €, in 2007, it was: 557,076 €.
Mission and Objectives

AIPC-Pandora is a non-profit organization which has a global objective to study and understand the different cultures of the world in order to discover their individual values and traditions and of spreading them; promoting their integration in the world, and fostering the learning, communication and dialogue between all of them.
To achieve this we develop activities related to non-formal education, always in an intercultural context, and activities that foment the mobility of the people of the world. This includes voluntary work in another country as well as orientation, and programmes to encourage labour insertion into the local and national level.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities are developped in four departments:
- Volunteer programmes granted by the EU and within our EIL network.
- Secondary School Studies Support: The program gives support to those students having difficulties to follow the school program for secondary education.
- Program on Prevention of Violent Attitudes in Secondary School: The program works with all the actors involved in education: Courses for Students, Teachers Supports and Case Study and Parents School.
- Preparation Course for International Volunteering and Development: we prepare future international volunteers that participate in our international programs on different multicultural matters.
- Family School, orientation to families for children and youth education
- We offer training in almost all languages to firms and organisations, the benefits are reinverted in mobility programmes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Chantal Mayer
Head of the organisation
Chantal Mayer
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Eseverri


National Network

Passeig Anselm Clavé, 19, baixos
08262 Callús

34 936930013
34 938361994
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Non-profit organization with 64 members registered. There is a coordination team, elected by the assembly and renewed each 4 years. We employ a secretary half time. Annual budget is 25.000€ Main sources of funding are Department of Education (Generalitat de Catalunya) contribution and members contributions. Modalities of action: collaborative projects and teacher training. More than 350 schools –from Catalonia and around the world– are involved in our projects.
Mission and Objectives

The main goal of iEARN-Pangea is improve learning through Internet-based activities (collaborative projects) which are designed to promote the knowledge of other cultures and the education of values like peace and solidarity.

Main Projects / Activities

Collaborative international projects, usign ICT, for primary and secondary schools (“Public Art Project”, “Bitantart, un viatge virtual a l’Antàrtida”, “Atles de la diversitat”, “El món dels llibres”) and many local projects as “Un passeig pel Bages”, “Un vol pel Vallès”, “Sàlix I els sentits”, “Valors en joc”, “Gegants i bestiari del Penedès”…
Teacher training: online courses.

Contact (1) Full Name
Toni Casserras
Head of the organisation
Jaume Illa

OMEC - Observatori Mediterrani de la Comunicació

National Network

Edifici I
Despatx I/0026
Campus de la UAB

Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)

+34 935813160
Telephone (other)
+ 34 93581
+34 935812005
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 676 52 66 68
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 34 647 14 71 90
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The Mediterranean Observatory for Communication is a non-profit organization that was created in 2004 by a group of the Information and Communication field professionals, belonging both to the academic and international cooperation sectors. The Observatory was registered with the 31.537/Resolución number in the Barcelona Associations Register on the 30th of January 2006.
Mission and Objectives

To build a multidisciplinary, multisector and multinational net that can contribute to the creation of a Mediterranean communication environment that fosters common visions, dialogue among people and fair, human development.

Main Projects / Activities

“Projecte de sensibilització sobre comunicació pel desenvolupament i responsabilitats social dels mitjans en el desenvolupament humà, els drets humans, la democràcia i la pau a la regió mediterrània”), finaced by Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament, Genrealitat de Catalunya.

Contact (1) Full Name
Teresa Velázquez García-Talavera
Head of the organisation
Teresa Velázquez García-Talavera
Contact (2) Full Name