FlamencoArte Nadezhda Mazur

National Network

ul. Śliska 3/190

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are a dance and culture school and also dance theatre (Flamenco). We are a private company funded by Nadezhda Mazur, employed ten people (instructors, actors and staff). We cooperates with many national and Spanish partners - institutions and artists. Our funds comes from our educational activities (Flamenco and spanish culture school for kids and adults). We organize concerts and theatre performances and workshops, seminars. Art In Dialog; Bemowskie Centrum Kultury, Bielański Ośrodek Edukacji Kulturalnej and others
Mission and Objectives

FlamencoArte Academy is an exceptional flamenco dance school. I consider it to be more than just a school, not only because it was created with FlamencoArte Dance Theater. It is a community of people passionate about South Spain’s culture and art. It is a place where flamenco tradition encounters the Polish audience with its necessities, sensibility, experience.

Main Projects / Activities

Production of four theatre performances (one for children, three for adults) and more in plans. Regular flamenco concerts in Warsaw. We invited flamenco artists from Spain (a singer and guitarist) to cooperates on our cultural projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We were founded less than a year ago but we were active for more than 5 years in Polish and Spanish culture. We are a specialist in flamenco, we have good organisational skills, we have number of ideas for Mediterranean dialog.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Experience of Foundation, rich and differential network, institutions like we our with the same goals, people who wants to create something together, cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emilia Krzyżanowska
Head of the organisation
Nadezhda Mazur
Contact (2) Full Name
Nadezhda Mazur

Assocation Pourquoi Pas Nous

National Network

34 Rue Consolat 13001

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
l'Association Pourquoi Pas Nous Loi 1901 a été créée en Août 2002 avec comme objet de Resserrer les liens sociaux de l'Enfant et de la Famille autour d'une dynamique créatrice, outil à l'éducation. Elle est composée d'un président, d'une trésorière et de 9 membres actifs qui gèrent l'administration, les projets et le fonctionnement du lieu du Théâtre de la Ferronnerie, siège sociale de l'association implanté en plein cœur du centre-ville de Marseille. Le budget annuel de la structure s'élève à 80 000 euros et les sources de financements principales sont les ressources propres (prestations de service, billetterie, location de salle, adhésions), les collectivités territoriales (Conseil Général des Bouches du Rhône, Conseil Régional PACA) et les mécénats privés qui offrent un soutien pour les actions spécifiques de l'association. Pourquoi Pas Nous oeuvre envers l'Enfance avec un grand "E", elle intervient en milieu scolaire sur des ateliers artistique, elle propose un lieu culturel de proximité avec une programmation familiale, des ateliers et stages de pratiques artistiques, un festival de quartier et elle développe son projet fédérateur des "COURTS D'ECOLE" qui unie chaque année deux écoles dans deux pays différents afin de réaliser un documentaire fiction. Cette action regroupe les principaux objectifs de l'association: Favoriser la tolérance entre les enfants du monde, Favoriser l'éveil de la curiosité et de l'esprit critique, Développer l'estime de soi et l'autonomie, S'ouvrir sur le monde et les autres cultures. Nos principaux collaborateurs sont les écoles de Marseille mais aussi de l'étranger (Timisoara en Roumanie, Agadir au Maroc, Kep au Cambodge, Pondychéri en Inde, Merida au Venezuela). Dans le quartier nous travaillons avec l'ADDAP 13 groupement d'éducateurs, l'Association Portes Ouvertes Consolat et nous sommes en relation avec beaucoup de lieux culturels de Marseille quand il s'agit de valoriser les films réalisés (Maison de la Région, AKdémia del tango, Théâtre de l'Oeuvre, etc...).
Mission and Objectives

Objet: Resserrer les liens sociaux de l'Enfant et de la Famille autour d'une dynamique créatrice, outil à l'éducation.
Objectifs: Favoriser la tolérance entre les enfants du monde, Favoriser l'éveil de la curiosité et de l'esprit critique, Amener un souffle nouveau dans l'école par l'art, Développer l'estime de soi et l'autonomie, S'ouvrir sur le monde et les autres cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

Interventions scolaires : Ateliers hebdomadaires et stages d’Expression Corporelle et Scénique et de Réalisation de court-métrage pour les élèves et leurs familles (école des Abeilles, Ecole Parmentier, Ecole Maurice Korsec, Ecole Vincent Leblanc, Ecole Felix Pyat). Centres spécialisés : ‘ADDAP13’, ‘La Petite Ecole’, ‘Collège Chevreul la Solitude’, ‘Centre de polyhandicapés EEAP des Calanques’. Projet Internationaux : Formations aux techniques d’expression corporelle et scénique pour des enseignants (Timisoara en Roumanie, Agadir au Maroc). Projet Les Courts d’Ecole à Kep au Cambodge, à Pondichéry en Inde et au Venezuela. Ateliers Hebdomadaires et stages de pratiques artistiques au Théâtre de la Ferronnerie : Éveil théâtral pour les 3-5 ans, cours de théâtre pour les 6-9 ans, pour les 10-12 ans et pour les Adolescents, Danse africaine pour les 4-6ans, Eveil musical, Clown, Ateliers d’Ecriture, de Théâtre et de Yoga pour les adultes. Programmation pour le quartier: Spectacles Jeune Public pendant les vacances scolaires et très Jeune public le Samedi 2 fois par mois, Soirées à thèmes Cinéma, Fête de quartier « Les Portes Ouvertes Consolat » chaque 1er week-end d’Octobre.
Publics concernés: Enfants (à partir de 6 mois jusqu'aux adolescents), classes de Maternelle et de Primaire de Marseille, Jeunes Adultes et Familles du quartier.
Territoire couvert : Activités au Théâtre de la Ferronnerie: Haut Canebière, Grand Centre-ville. Activités Hors les murs: Quartier Réformés, La Joliette, Belsunce, La Belle de mai et International : Timisoara, Agadir, Kep, Pondichéry, Merida.
Etablissement géré: Théâtre de la Ferronnerie-34 Rue Consolat 13001 Marseille.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous serions heureux de participer à votre initiative et de nous mettre en réseau avec de nouveaux partenaires pour contribuer à des projets innovants et en accords avec nos objectifs. Rencontrer de nouveaux acteurs afin de se rassembler sur des missions communes et faire connaître vos actions à notre public qui est directement touché par ces thème puisque issu à 90% de l'immigration.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

En ayant pris connaissance des objectifs de la Fondation Anna Lindh, nous retrouvons complétement ce pourquoi notre association a été créée, c'est à dire rapprocher les peuples en combattant les préjugés et la "peur de l'étranger". Nous travaillons avec les enfants car ce sont les adultes de demain et nous croyons en une plus grande ouverture des cœurs par le biais de l'expression artistique.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marie Kieffer-Cruz
Head of the organisation
Claude Estrade

Urban Nova

National Network

Njegoseva 43
Herceg Novi

+382 69 619 827
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Urban Novas is non-government organization. Our initiatives date from 2012. and a kick-off meeting was held on February 10th , 2013 when president the board of the non formal group was elected, as well as the statute was voted. Structure of our group is gender and age balanced, so that half of the members are women and a third of persons-decision makers are under 30 years. Vision of Urban Nova is an inclusive society in which children and young people are promoters of a culture of nonviolence and equality through cultural and artistic creativity.
Mission and Objectives

Mission of Urban Nova is to empower children and youth for cultural creativity and artistic expression through drama, music, dance, literary and visual arts and journalism.
Objectives for established non formal group and activities:
1. Encouraging children and young people for cultural and artistic creativity
2. Encouraging children' s and youth creative work and publishing
3. Education in the field of creative and artistic expression, and inform children and young people
4. Exchange of experiences, collaboration and networking with individuals, institutions and organizations of the same or similar fields of activity
5. Research on the cultural needs of children and young people and their creative production capabilities in our society
6. Promotion of culture of non-violence, social inclusion, equality and a healthy and rational relation to the environment through creative and artistic creativity of children and youth

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities:
1. Empowering children and young people's skills of public speaking and presentation using music, dance and drama techniques, strengthening communication skills and writing skills of children and young people through literary and journalistic forms, empowerment of non-verbal communication skills of children and youth through art forms and drama techniques.
2. Publishing of journals and magazines, the design and implementation of an Internet portal for children and youth, organizing competitions for the selection of photographs, literary works or design solutions
3. Workshops, training, seminars, debates and round tables and info points
4. Organizing summer schools and camps, study visits, youth exchange programs, events and festivals
5. Organization of focus groups, interviews, surveys and the collection of life stories of children and young people, the publication of results
6. Public action, peaceful protest, campaigns, public events, lectures, festivals, exhibitions, concerts, performances, panel discussions and workshops with aim at improving the position of children and young people in local communities and society

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Providing a solid national network of organizations and institutions dealing with youth and culture, and facilitating communication and information transfer, such institutions will becoming more visible and more accessible to their users.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of objectives for established our organization was exchange of experiences, collaboration and networking with individuals, institutions and organizations of the same or similar fields of activity, as well as activities such as organizing summer schools and camps, study visits, youth exchange programs, events and festivals. Becoming a member of ALF network for us consider that we can achieve high-quality opportunity to meet these objectives and activities. Also, it means that we can contribute by sharing our experience and achievement through cooperation on projects with other members of the ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nataša Dendic
Head of the organisation
Nataša Dendic

iPal for Youth

National Network
00972 8 2828106
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
iPal is an independent Palestinian educational empowerment group of Palestinian students graduates and undergraduates, representing the students sector in Gaza Strip and West Bank, separated by borders, and isolated by siege. iPal was founded in february 2012 by a group of youth activists, aiming to improve the youth and education sector in Gaza, West-Bank and Jerusalem in connection and partnership with international youth groups and organizations. iPal is thus an international Palestinian youth organization aiming to stimulate social cohesion with Palestinian Youth. An international youth organization with broad popular support is not only a mechanism for promoting the freedom to live in dignity, it is the most powerful way of underpinning new strategies to challenge the siege. the ipal for youth consists of the board of directors, 5 members, two employees are the coordinator of ipal in Gaza and the field assistant. ipal has partners Doha Center for Media Freedom, Islamic Relief in Gaza, SJP and Standford Center in US, and Blue Buterfly in Belgium. Our Funding resource from the fundraising event in Belguim and other donates. we have many activities and events regarding to the projects such as training courses in media for the youth in Gaza, culture exchange meetings and sessions between the youth in Gaza and US. workshops in the unvirestities in Gaza.
Mission and Objectives

iPal encourages students and youth to become agents of change by supporting them in their educational pursuits during their most formative years. iPal also aims to embrace the youth/students in community based programs that has a high sustainable quality of life by giving the Palestinian Civil Society in Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Jerusalem, a successful Young Leaders that would be able to participate in the internal Palestinian issues and policies. iPal works for the empowerment of youth, students and vulnerable groups in the community through education, culture exchange, human rights awareness, capacity building training and advocacy.
iPal Goals:
• Identify youth needs (educational and economical) and advocate youth rights (through community development).
• Develop and promote community centre services, cultural value and socio-economic activities.
• Enhance youth empowerment through education (both formal and informal) and capacity building activities.
• Facilitate training sessions for youth in Palestine and culture exchange and youth dialogue sessions between youth in Gaza and the outer world.
• Organize income generating activities through fundraising events.
• Build networks and coalitions with other similar interest groups and partners locally and internationally with the aim of implementing joint events with U.S and European Students.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Collaboration with ISLAMIC RELIEF
•Follow up on Ramadan project / fundraising event
•Assign a date for a regular monthly meeting in IR office, will start from the month of August.
•Organize Movie evening with open discussion / mutual fund raising event in Belgium
Explore possibilities for further collaboration
Indicator: see realizations in `Islamic Relief and iPal collaboration` document.
2.Collaboration with AL DOHA MEDIA CENTER
•Implementation and follow up on youth project in collaboration with youth in Palestine (Gaza) and Al Doha Media Center.
•Collaboration and usage of footage for Movie evening
•Explore possibilities for further collaboration
Indicator: timeframe, report, evaluation and follow up on the media training.
3.Collaboration with SJP
•iPal participation in the NSJP in California (October 2013) > Mustafa
iPal- US participation can be through conducting a media workshop (tackle the situation of Gaza under siege, ex), speaking in one of the workshop about the situation of Gazan youth of Gaza and the challenges of Education and learning in Gaza, Leading a workshop (selecting any topic, iPal would like to suggest), and introducing iPal Group to SJP members).
•Pali International Students Conferences (Skype/video conference meetings): holding regular meetings gathering the students from Gaza and US to discuss different topics sugessted by the students in both sides. (ex. Diversity, the Art Culture, the Democracy principles, the Palistinian Israeli Conflict, the siege, occupation, the role of youth in the democratic process and decision making, and etc)
•Art/ Culture Exchange Activities: among the palestinian and American Students: cultural dialogue between the students and improve their mutual understanding both side and exchange their cultures, traditions, experiences, and Arts.
•BDS Movement: building workshops about the BDS as an introduction for the youth in Gaza to let them know more about this campaign and the importance of it and how it plays an effective role in the Palestinian struggle for Justice and also to get them a part in some BDS activities in Gaza.
•Internships: iPal will help to conncet you as SJP students with some local organizations working in the field of Reseach and have internship programs within their organizatons.
•Media Exchange: iPal will enrich your blogs and provide you with some Media Materials such as (Success Stories, Articles, News, etc) made by iPal Media Students and Journlists from Gaza.
•Facilitate and organize movie evening / fundraising events in Florida and explore possibilities to disseminate to other universities
4.Collaboration with Alwan Radio
•Training course in Radio Preparation and broadcasting, holding online episodes, creating online radio station, create youtube channel)
5.Collaboration with Universities in Gaza
•Design and arrange youth rights awareness campaing for the students in the universities, held by human rights specialists and activitists.(September and October)
summer courses in Mathmatics and English Language for the studnets in schools.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

A better education for the youth can mean better things for society by helping students develop into more responsible citizens who help to build a strong society, contribute to build a strong country and healthy society and bring about a brighter future for everyone.
Good education help students "to develop the understandings and habits of mind they need to become compassionate human beings able to think for themselves and to face life head on. It should equip them also to participate thoughtfully with fellow citizens in building and protecting a society that is open, decent, and vital".
By producing more responsible citizens
Students who have learned to think critically and have a healthy dose of skepticism can better make their own, informed decisions, which can make them more enlightened, informed voters and stronger consumers. Also, the sense of responsibility and caution that education provides - along with the understanding of how things work (be they chemical reactions, human development, or nutritional needs) – can help future parents to provide safe, healthy environments for their own children, and be more responsible pet owners and neighbors.
By helping to build a strong economy
The communication, research, reporting, and collaboration skills that education provides can produce a generation of individuals who are better prepared for any career and can make greater contributions to society. Also, students who have a solid knowledge base will later be more open to emerging technologies and ideas that can boost businesses and stimulate the economy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

iPal is looking forward to join ALF Network for many reasons, to communicate and create strong relations with the different organizations nationally and internationally that are working in the same field of ipal. and also to share our decalartion, goals, and activities with the other organizations, and finally to exchange experiences, knowledge and information and expand our work scope in other place over the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abeer Abu Shawish
Contact (2) Full Name
Raafat Al Helou

Dar ElShabab for Culture & Development

National Network

Jabalia - the sea st
Palestinian Territories

00 970 247 5060
00 970 247 5060
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00970 598996911
Mobile Phone (other)
00970 598996911
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Dar elShahaba for Culture & Development has a 9-members board of directors and 7 staff emplyees; it has more than 50 volunteers. It receives funding from UNRWA, Ministry of Culture, UNDP, UNICEF, Maa'n Development Center, the World Bank, and local donations and members fees. It's annual budget approximately $75,000. The modelities of action vary between: seminars, training workshops, awareness of grassroots, gender equality, psychosocial support activities, library and reading activities, leadership development, musics, drama shows, forming arts, and theatre.
Mission and Objectives

Dar El-Shabab is a a non-governmental, non-partisan, non-profit organization that aims to satisfy the youths’ cultural,development and arts needs in the Gaza North. It aims also to provide the youth communities by a healthy environment that challenges youth's capabilities towards creativity, the essential element that is very necessary and crucial for establishing a healthy future generations that may fulfill its responsibilities and meet their community aims. Dar el-Shabab Center for Culture Goals and Objectives are: 1. Develop the Palestinian human in areas innovation and creativity. 2. Build capacity of youths to meet the community restructure processes requirements. 3. Develop the thought capacity of youths to enable them to build a free society based up on democracy and social justice. 4. Enhance teamwork and voluntarism concepts among youths. 5. Lead surrounding community through developing the community youth key persons. 6. Provide youths by Cultural platforms and forums that will enrich their experience. 7. Collaborate and network with other similar groups internally and externally.

Main Projects / Activities

Programs of Dar elShabab Center for Culture & Arts: 1. Future Scientists Program: The Center sponsors the smart elementary pupils through a work plan in which it provides the pupils by a developed strategy-studying plan and qualified teachers in topics: Mathematics, science, English language, and computer. 2. Cultural Program: The Center provides its audience by regular cultural competitions, rallies, thought workshops, heritage, music, and drama festivals, and community workshops. 3. Popular Heritage Program: The Center structures two teams among adolescents and youths, who represent Palestine in different events regionally and internationally. 4. Youth Program: The Center has a football team that participate in the domestic champions, the Center’s volunteers network participate in the courses of leadership development ands voluntary work conducted by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, in addition to that, the Center Kashafa team represents Palestine domestically and internationally in Egypt, Libya, and Tunis. The Center organizes regular summer camps for its volunteer network every year. The Center holds training courses to the audiences in first aid area with cooperation of the Ministry of Health.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amal el Qrenawi
Job Title
Member of the bord
Head of the organisation
Yousri Darwish
Contact (2) Full Name
Waleed Mousa

Jerusalem Center for Women

National Network

Beit Hanina
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Fadwah Khawaja
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fadwah Khawaja

REVERS Foundation for the Open Society and Intercultural Dialogue

National Network

Legnicka 65, 54-206 Wroclaw, Poland

+48 71 359 75 00
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
General Information
Between 2009 and 2011 REVERS Foundation for the Open Society and Intercultural Dialogue organised a series of SocialCamps, meetings about social use of Internet. We are engaged in international exchange programs promoting open society values in Europe and Central-Eastern Europe. We were a sending organisation in 2011 to Georgia for the project "Culture expression – Let’s find something in common" about intercultural non-formal education. Also in 2011 we were organisers of the exchange of Belarus and Polish journalists. Through our activities REVERS Foundation is promoting and educating on use of ICT, building information and network society, equalising the gaps in development of Eastern and Western Europe, multicultural society challenges.
Mission and Objectives

REVERS Foundation for the Open Society and Intercultural Dialogue, based in Poland, was founded in 2009 in Krakow. The foundation’s mission is to support and promote the enhancement of Central and Eastern European culture, civil and open society.
REVERS Foundation is establishing a network of cultural and academic contacts representing the people who share support for individualism, freedom and democracy.

Main Projects / Activities

Advocacy Skills Training for youth. Education in lobbing for youth. Art exchanges between Poland and Belarus. Eco work camps for youth from Ukraine and Belarus.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can organise work camps and exchanges for young people from Eastern Europe and EuroMed countries in Poland.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in building partnerships and starting projects with NGOs from EuroMed countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Wojciech Zaluski
Head of the organisation
Wojciech Zaluski
Contact (2) Full Name
Weronika Burman

la Caravane des dix mots

National Network

17 bis rue Saint-Eusèbe

04 78 54 30 02
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Le siège de l'association, basé à Lyon avec une équipe de 3 personnes, développe et coordonne des projets d'action artistique et linguistique dans près de 30 pays, en lien avec des partenaires locaux. Il anime, accompagne et réunit ce réseau d'acteurs culturels,artistiques et sociaux francophones, se retrouvant autour de valeurs et de pratiques communes. Il assure également la visibilité et la représentation du projet. Partenaires opérationnels: associations culturelles ou éducatives de droit local en France et dans différents pays (depuis 2003, 75 porteurs de projets dans 40 pays et 178 projets labellisés); Partenaires institutionnels et soutiens financiers: MAEE, MCC, OIF, Région Rhône-Alpes, Union Européenne, Institut français, collectivités locales Conseil et validation des projets par un comité d'orientation constitué de représentants d'institutions nationales et internationales des pays francophones Budget annuel : 150 000 euros
Mission and Objectives

« Aller à la pêche au sens des mots au-delà de leur propre définition, afin de montrer la richesse et la diversité que tout être humain porte en lui » Promouvoir les échanges interculturels et valoriser la diversité culturelle et linguistique, au sein de l'espace francophone, mais également plus largement: - en suscitant l'expression libre de chaque individu quelle que soit son origine sociale, géographique, culturelle - en collectant et en valorisant cette "parole au(x) peuple(s)", riche de vécus, d'expériences et de visions différentes du monde - en affirmant qu'une langue partagée, tel que le français, est un outil d'échange et d'expression et une passerelle vers d'autres langues et cultures - en créant du lien social et culturel, au niveau local et international - en promouvant l'accès à la langue, à l'art et à la culture pour tous, notamment pour les personnes qui en sont éloignées ou exclues - en promouvant les échanges d'idées, d'expériences et de bonnes pratiques - en contribuant aux réflexions autour des enjeux de la diversité culturelle, linguistique

Main Projects / Activities

1- Mise en place d’ateliers artistiques participatifs et pluridisciplinaires sur la base des dix mots de la Francophonie, animés par des artistes locaux professionnels et ouverts à tous les publics, mais adressés plus spécifiquement aux plus défavorisés 2- Réalisation et diffusion de films documentaires restituant en images les projets et captant les témoignages de citoyens, permettant de découvrir la diversité derrière le sens que chacun donne aux mots proposés. 3- Organisation de rencontres internationales du réseau des partenaires culturels et d’évènements culturels internationaux pour sensibiliser le grand public 4- Développement et accompagnement de coopérations artistiques et culturelles entre les membres du réseau 5- Représentation et promotion du projet et des valeurs défendues à travers la participation à des évènements, colloques, rencontres ; l’édition et la publication de contenus intellectuels ; la création d’outils de communication; la mobilisation de personnalités

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La Caravane des dix mots est forte de ses dix ans d'expérience et de compétences bien spécifiques dans le domaine de l'action artistique autour de la langue et de la promotion du droit à la parole pour tous. Nos partenariats dans près de 30 pays nous permettent une bonne connaissance des problématiques de terrain et un réseau de contacts artistiques,culturels et intellectuels développé qui peut être mobilisé. L'association bénéficie également d'un ancrage fort dans la Région Rhône-Alpes, où elle organise régulièrement des évènements. Par cette volonté de faire du lien et de contribuer aux échanges, la Caravane des dix mots pourra être un acteur dynamique du réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Notre association milite depuis de nombreuses années pour promouvoir le dialogue entres les cultures. Nous partageons les valeurs défendues par la FAL et au sein du réseau français. Nos activités font écho et sens avec les champs d'action promus par la Fondation. Ainsi, rejoindre le réseau est l'occasion de découvrir d'autres initiatives tout en faisant connaître la nôtre, de valoriser le travail de terrain réalisé dans le monde par nos partenaires, de faire du lien et d'imaginer des projets avec les autres membres du réseau,de s'enrichir des débats d'idées en cours mais aussi de contribuer à la promotion de valeurs et d'objectifs auprès des gouvernements des pays membres.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emilie Georget, directrice
Head of the organisation
Thierry Auzer, Président
Contact (2) Full Name
Marion Dunoyer

Association alphabets

National Network

5 bd Edouard VII
06000 Nice

00 33 4 93 53 63 13
00 33 4 93 53 63 13
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
06 86 07 51 63
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Association culturelle loi 1901 à but non lucratif. Bureau composé de 10 personnes, bénévoles, scientifiques, graphistes, partenaires : Laboratoire de Préhistoire du Lazaret sous la direction du Professeur Henri de Lumley et Musée archéologique de Nice-Cemenelum
Mission and Objectives

- Diffuser l'histoire de l'écriture et du livre à travers le monde au moyen d'expositions itinérantes. - Organiser toutes manifestations culturelles, notamment des conférences illustrées sur le sujet. - Créer des supports visuels tels que des programmes informatiques ou des films pour illustrer cette histoire ˆ la lumière des derni_res recherches en _pigraphie, en archéologie, et dans les sciences du langage. - Apporter notre soutien aux campagnes d'alphabétisation dans le monde. - Susciter une réflexion sur les expressions graphiques -moyens de communication - et leur lien avec l'esprit des langues, leur spécificité, le patrimoine culturel et artistique qu'ils constituent, pour une meilleure compréhension entre les peuples.

Main Projects / Activities

Edition d'un CD-Rom "La Méditerranée, mère des écritures", un livre pour jeunes : "Notre alphabet prend ses racines en Egypte", un fascicule: La Méditerranée : Peuples, langues et Alphabets. Exposition itinérante "Des signes pictographiques à l'alphabet" accompagnée de causeries et d'ateliers. Colloque international : Les premières cités et l'apparition de l'écriture

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mme Rina VIERS

Mladi za Slovenijo

National Network

Hektorovičeva 10, 2000 Maribor

+386 41 970 172
Mobile Phone
+386 41 970 172
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
We have more than 350 members from whole Slovenia. We are active on participation of young people in the society. E-democracy, volunteering, youth politics. We get sources from local communities, membership fees and sponsorship and from Office for youth. Our concrete projects are eco camp in the summer, summer school about democracy and volunteering intergenerational solidarity.
Mission and Objectives

Our new mission and objectives are international youth work, especially in Euro-medi region. We have experiences, knowledge and motivation for it.

Main Projects / Activities

Our concrete projects are eco camp in the summer, summer school about democracy and volunteering intergenerational solidarity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to know new partners and to work on international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rok Tuš
Head of the organisation
Rok Tuš