M.A.I.S. - Movimento per l'Autosviluppo, l'Interscambio e la Solidarietà

National Network

Via Saluzzo 23

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
M.A.I.S. (Movimento per l’Autosviluppo, l’Interscambio e la Solidarieta’) is an Italian non-governmental organisation (NGO) working in the field of International Cooperation. It was legally founded in Turin in 1990 as “not for profit legal entity” in December 18th, 1990, and was officially recorded on January 3rd, 1991, under the act n. 312. It is recognised by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Union. It is a member of the Italian NGO Association and COCIS (Federation of Laic NGOs). M.A.I.S. projects are aimed to the promotion of social and economic democracy in developing countries with special focus to the self development and the empowerment of poorest and most vulnerable groups, in cooperation with international and local institutions and organizations. M.A.I.S. ensures sustainability to its projects by using a participatory approach to development. Its main target beneficiaries are small producers, craftsmen, women and children. Most activities are capacity-building oriented, and meant to promote the enhancement of local resources. The working methodology is based on an exchange of practical knowledge, both inside the target countries and between North and South. M.A.I.S. has begun its activities of solidarity and international cooperation since 1984, working at projects helping groups and associations in Latin America in the rural and urban field.
Mission and Objectives

MAIS implements projects promoting social and economic democracy, in cooperation with institutions and other organizations and socio- economic development of involved people, with special regard to craftsmen, children and women. It promotes local capacities and resources. It encourages an exchange of practical knowledge inside the countries in which it works.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are: (1) Realization of development projects in developing countries, about these thematic areas : fostering and promotion of human rights, with specific attention to native people’s, children’s and teenagers’ rights, (focusing especially on gender problems), rural development, preserving in particular the ecological aspect. (2) The role of M.A.I.S. concerns the co-management of development projects in collaboration with local partners during all stages of the action (preparatory phase, implementation and management, monitoring and evaluation). It enables and support the spreading of the know-how and the capacity-building process of in-country organizations, institutions and individuals, through an horizontal logic, promoting technical, socio-cultural interchanges and networking. (3) Selection, training and provision of volunteers and NGO staff for the co-management of the project, endowment of technical assistance, employing primarily the human resources from the NGO. (4) Information and education concerning development of Italian citizens, in the schools. Informal education to street children in developing countries. (5) Interchanges between “North” and “South of the world” realities, besides “South-to-South-cooperation”, as a methodology and contents on mutual development. (6) Fundraising. M.A.I.S. is currently working in: Latin America: (Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua), Africa (Egypt, Morocco, Mozambique, Senegal). 2) Experience in the Sector and in the Geographical Area of the Proposal • Experience in the Sector of the Proposal: 1.“Improving quality of life and working condition for children and families in Old Cairo, tannery area” (EGYPT) (a) The object and location of the action General Objective: Improving quality of life and working condition for children and families in Old Cairo, tanneries area. MAIS supports local NGO Abu El Soud, in the tanneries area of Old Cairo, to develop and establish sustainable services to the community to improve working condition of children and quality of life of poor families. The services include: • Literacy classes • Vocational training • Basic health awareness and care • Nutritional awareness and care This will help the community to sustain the difficult transition in the area, due to the displacement of the tanneries, and enhance local working prospects for the children and young adults. The families in general also will be supported to adopt a healthier and more hygienic attitude toward their children. (b) The results of the action The project has started in October 2004. The association has been supported to select and train personnel and to create services for the local families. The premises have been renovated with offices, laboratories, classes and a clinic. The participation in the program has been very successful. At the moment 80 children and 28 adults are enrolled in the literacy program. 52 children are participating in the vocational courses, and 95 applicants were selected and attended the computer courses. 113 children receive nutritional supplements. Nurses are offering door to door visits in the area in order to spread awareness of the new health services.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefania Di Campli
Head of the organisation
Ferdinando Sibona

Coordinamento Regionale Volontariato e Solidarietà Luciano Lama ONG

National Network

via Civiltà del lavoro 17/a 94100 Enna

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The NGo Luciano Lama was founded in Enna on the 1998. The NGO has begun its activities in December 1992, thus beginning the war in the Balkans conflict, and in no time extends its operational presence throughout the Region of Sicily. This brings us to February 1998 for the Constitution Solidarity and voluntary association and, consequently, the inclusion in the Regional Voluntary Organizations under LR No 22/94 at the Regional EE.LL.The NGO principal finanging coming from the pubblic sector and private donation. The NGO has realised a lot of ptojects in the Bosnia Herzegovina territory.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective is to involve as many human resources present and available in the area in a dense network of solidarity in support of the younger generation and their families who are victims of atrocities in the Countries where the wars destroyed part of the history, culture and all the production facilities of that area.

Main Projects / Activities

Humanitarian initiatives carried out in these ten years of work can be summarized as:
• 31 Temporary admission of orphans and war refugees from the Balkans hosted Sicilian families (a total of 10,400 children), the cost for each host ranges from 170,000.00 Euro to 205,000.000 • 15 humanitarian convoys totaling 120 trucks full of basic. Dozens of events and cultural exchanges in Sicily and throughout the former Yugoslavia;
• Donation of a modern oven with olive mill to the Community of Mostar, cost 95,000.00 euros
• Donation of two dairies to the Community and the Visegrad Rud, cost 45,000.00 euros for dairy;
• Sponsoring of five orphanages in the Bosnia and Herzegovina, cost 20,000.00 euros for orphanage;
• Donations of two dental practice, cost 13,000.00 euros for the study;
• Opening a center for Children "The Smile" in Visegrad, cost 50,000.00 euros
• Completion and opening of a cheese factory in Visegrad, cost 49,500,00 Euro.
• Course No boot 3 projects funded by the Sicilian Region - Development Cooperation, to be carried out in the cities of Zenica, Ilijas, Srebrenica, a total of € 240,000.00.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Castellano Giuseppe
Head of the organisation
Castellano Giuseppe
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Cameli Tiziana

Društvo mladih iz manj razvitih regij Slovenije

National Network

Bunčani 49, 9241 Veržej.

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
We have more than 200 members from all regions in Slovenia, aged between 15 - 29 years. We get founds mostly from sponsorships, membership fees and we are volounters. We organise mostly educational projects for youth from bad developed regions and places in Slovenia, as also, we are very active on the field of fair regional development.
Mission and Objectives

We want to promote democracy and better regional development of Slovenia in future.

Main Projects / Activities

- Summer camp in Metlika and Ptuj
- Motivational and educational projects
- Youth in action programme

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to meet new people and partners for our project, as also new knowledge.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to meet new people and partners for our project, as also new knowledge.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dominik Štrakl
Head of the organisation
Dominik Štrakl

Društvo za promocijo zdravja mladih

National Network

Kovorska 29, 4290 Tržič.

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
We get our founds with membership fees, with calls and other activities. We have about 150 memebrs from Gorenjska region, but there are also members from other regions. We prepare sports and health projects mainly.
Mission and Objectives

- Sport and education
- Healthy way of life
- Promoting active pafrticipation

Main Projects / Activities

- Youth in action programs,
- Spreading our organisiton in entire country,
- Seminars.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With new ideas and our experiences.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To spread our connections and get better. We need new contacts and knowledge in international cooperation. We see great potential in a Euromediterranean cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jure Ferjan
Head of the organisation
Jure Ferjan

Mladinski svet Mestne občine Ptuj, The Youth Council of Municipality Ptuj

National Network

Čučkova ulica 2

+386 68 174162
Mobile Phone
+386 68 174162
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Youth council is a regional platform of the youth organisation in a region Spodnje Podravje in Slovenia. Currently are about 20 member organisation. Yearly we have about 50000 € budget, mostly from public resources and project calls.
Mission and Objectives

Our main missions are to empower youth and youth organisations as well advocacy for all initiatives tackling youth issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Regular meetings with members to recognize the needs of youth and youth organisations, organizing seminars and workshops. We have art and cultural activities to promote youth talents and capacity of young people. We are representing our members toward local and national authorities. As well we are co.organize international initiatives and projects in the field of youth

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will promote ALF spirit and knowledge within our platform members. We want to contribute with our experiences in developing youth initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to develop our Euro Mediterranean dimension, get new contacts and add our know how to Slovenian ALF network and wider.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nino Majcen
Head of the organisation
Nino Majcen

CE.S.I.E - Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo

National Network

Via Gorizia n°22 90133

+39091 6164224
+39091 6230849
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1. Staff: President, Vice-President, Director, Socio-Cultural Promotion Department Manager, International Activities Department Manager, Socio-economic Development Department Manager, Financial Manager and 2 staff of the Financial Departement, Mobility responsible, 7 Project Manager, 2 Project evaluator and Adviser, 1 Pedagogical Adviser, 1 Volunteer coordinator. 2. Our source is European Commission, Fondazione per il Sud, Italian National Civil Service, University of Palermo, Council of Europe, Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, City of Palermo, Region of Sicily, Italian Ministry of Youth and Italian Ministry of Work
Mission and Objectives

Mission- Actively work towards the development and growth of people, groups and organisations of people through a holistic development approach, which considers the potential of each individual.
Objectives- * Promote intercultural development
* Act as a bridge between research and the application of knowledge
* Apply reciprocal communication methods in order to consolidate peace and democracy
* Abolish all forms of discrimination thus favouring social inclusion and equal opportunities
* Promote a responsible global awareness through the application of human rights
* Develop social, cultural, economic and scientific relationships at local and international levels
* Facilitate the growth of people and organisations, with particular attention to youth, through bottom-up approaches

Main Projects / Activities

Socio-Cultural Promotion Department
* National Civil Service
* Intercultural Education
* Local Community Development
* European Voluntary Service
* Sending of groups to International Youth and Cultural Exchanges, Training Courses and Seminars
International Activity Department
* Implementation of Networks and Development of Partnerships
* International Cooperation and Sustainable Development projects
* Organisation of International Youth and Cultural Exchanges, Training Courses and Seminars
* International Civil Service
Socio-Economic Development Department
* Research
* Creation of Sustainable and Fair Businesses
* Professional Training

Contact (1) Full Name
Vito La Fata
Head of the organisation
Vito La Fata
Contact (2) Full Name
Marie Marzloff

Municipality of Cremona

National Network

Piazza del Comune 8
26100 Cremona

+39 (0) 372 4071
Telephone (other)
+39 (0) 372 407787
+39 (0) 372 407320
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1. Municipalité employant 700 personnes 2. 3. Budget municipal 4. Projets, échanges, séminaires, développement de projets participés 5. Autorités publiques, écoles, reseaux thématiques, ONGs
Mission and Objectives

Développement d’égalité des chances, dialogue et échange entre cultures différentes. Développement durable et intégration socio-culturelle par la méthode des projets participés et communs, et des échanges de bonnes pratiques.

Main Projects / Activities

Projets de formation et échange dans le cadre du Programme Jeunesse ; participation et citoyenneté active, expression artistique (musique, théâtre, arts figuratifs, etc.) surtout avec les jeunes ; Agenda 21 ; valorisation des ressources locales et tourisme responsable ; jumelages et échanges avec municipalités d’autres Pays.

Contact (1) Full Name
Oreste Perri
Head of the organisation
Oreste Perri

Officina Culturale South Media

National Network

Stradale San Teodoro, 105
95121 Librino, Catania


095 744 11 54
Telephone (other)
095 65 92 50
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
338 15 44 103
Mobile Phone (other)
347 272 15 15
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
We are an association of cultural promotion particularly interested in promoting books and audio-visual art. The five of us compose our council but 20 members are associated. We are affiliated to the ARCI (an Italian association of social promotion)and to the UCCA (a branch of the ARCI that regards audio- visual media). Apart from some aids from partners such as Universities or other public institutions, only in case of collaboration with them, we are self-financed.
Mission and Objectives

Our activity aims to evaluate our culture and traditions and to promote multicultural integration getting people involved in social matters and getting ordinary citizens involved in the decision-making processes.

Main Projects / Activities

Bookcrossing; readings; celebration of the 2008 Global Day of Action and Word Social Forum; celebration of the Nakba 60th anniversary;

Contact (1) Full Name
Marzia Finocchiaro
Head of the organisation
Domenico Simone
Contact (2) Full Name
Domenico Simone


National Network

Viale Machiavelli 31/33

Tel.+39 055 220281
Telephone (other)
Tel.+39 055 390065
+39 055 2298147
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
It is an SRL company which includes a staff of 50 employeds. The annual budget of the society is of euro 1.000.000. The sources of funding are private projects and public funds. The actions include projects, educational courses, international exchanges and scholarships.
Mission and Objectives

It has been operating for defence of world cultural legacy, through promotion and management of enterprises aimed at study, preservation, education and promotion of the historical-artistic heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

The main aim of the projects is to stimulate the students of the “sezione paritaria of Institute of Geometri” by means of collective exhibition based on the theme of friendly environmental and sustainable projects. The exhibition will take place in the premises of the school and it will involve many other secondary schools of the Province of Florence.

Contact (1) Full Name
Furferi Giuseppe
Head of the organisation
Furferi Giuseppe

Fondazione Intercultura per il dialogo tra le culture e gli scambi giovanili internazionali ONLUS

National Network

Via Gracco del Secco 100
53034 Colle di Val d'Elsa (SI)

(39) 0577 900001
(39) 0577 920948
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. Foundation established in 2007 and governed by an Executive Council appointed for five years by the founding members. A consultative assembly groups individuals and organisations that contribute to the projects of the Foundation. The staff position of Secretary General is apponted by the Executive Council. 2-3. The endowment of the Foundation is € 1.500.000, while contributions are provided by the Association Intercultura, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by other sources. 4. Researches on intercultural education and exchanges; pilot projects about pupils mobility; conferences on intercultural issues; publications and training on related matters. 5. The AFS and EFIL networks for educational exchanges; the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Mission and Objectives

"Those who are locked in the cage of one culture, their own, are always in a state of latent war and do not know it". This statement may be expressed also in another way: those who feel unfomfortable away from their homeland or away from their language are only half citizens and inadequate actors in global market.
Opening up to the world without losing one's roots; discovering the boundaries of one's culture by interacting with that of others; experiencing the commonality of human links in spiete of visible differences: these are the goals to which Intercultura Foundation will give substance and support, by studying and developing structures and practices for intercultural learning.
The Intercultura Fondation will offer concrete opportunities to people involved in education, not just to those who work at the integration of migrants, but to those who are concerned about the narrow nationalism of many school systems in the world.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The perception of China on the Italian teen agers;
2. the perception of "otherness" among secondary school students in Italy;
3. the role of teachers in promoting intercultural exchanges;
4. long term effects of an intercultural experience abroad
1. Defining and measuring intercultural competence;
2. Italian identity between globalisation and European Union
3. A day of intercultural dialogue (26th September 2008)
1. COMENIUS Individual Pupil Mobility with EFIL and the European Commission

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Ruffino, Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Amb. Roberto Toscano
Contact (2) Full Name
Sabrina Brunetti, Secretariat