Comunità Università Mediterranee C.U.M.

National Network

Villa La Rocca, via Celliso Ulpiani, 27 - Bari

+39 080-5478336/7
+39 080-5478203
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Luigi Ambrosi Presidente

Institute for African studies, Slovenia

National Network

Cankarjeva 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Institute is governed by the Boards of 5 people and excecutive director, employed 5 people and 10 others on contract basis.Budget is 250.000 euro.Source of funding is Ministry of education, Local cities, EuropeAid, ERF, etc, modalities: training, education seminars, media literecy, gender, migration and integration, sustainable development, Partners: Schools, NGOs, Platforms, integovernemnetal organisations, munocipalities, universities,periodical journal/3months, advocacy, intecultural/interfaith dialogue,governence,
Mission and Objectives

we are an African oriented institute that strive to bridge the knowledge gap from an African perspective by researching areas of political, social, economical cultural dimention and bring back to the debate to avoid partial presentation of the dynamics of the others.

Main Projects / Activities

Research, migration & integration, advocacy, cultural dialogue, governance, media diversity, education (formal and non formal) by organising training, seminars, conferences and publications

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By being active member of the ALF national coordinators and gain the info, grant and knowledge that ALF has.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are an African migrant organisation centered on african issues form north to south, from east to west, therefore the core activities of ALF are: - inline with the our institute, - ALF is a giant platform that is becoming a learning institute, - it has an area of knowlegde transfer and sharing, as an educational platform we can gain more and provide our own experience in past projects to semiliar NGOs in North Africa and europe as well as wil help us to networking with NGOs who are already members of ALF that are compateble with our activities..

Contact (1) Full Name
Eyachew Tefera
Head of the organisation
Eyachew Tefera
Contact (2) Full Name
Malika El- Qarouni

Network for Children's Rights

National Network

11b Alkamenous Street,P.C 104 46, Stathmos Larissis

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Network for Children’s Rights is a Greek non-governmental and non-profit organization established in 2004 by children, parents, teachers, writers, academics, Greek parliament representatives, EU parliament representatives. Our fields of activity are: Human Rights, Youth and Education, Research, International/Cultural Relations, Arts, Democracy and Community Development. The organization has over 70 volunteers developing educational and social programs, while developed long-term partnerships with many cultural, social and educational institutions, both in Greece and abroad.Our mission would not be achieved without the in kind and financial contribution of donors, sponsors and support from individuals. We closely work with local authorities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, schools, museums, media and other private institutions, as well as scholars from various disciplines.
Mission and Objectives

The Network for Children’s Rights is a Greek non-governmental and non-profit organization established in 2004 by children, parents, teachers, writers, academics, Greek parliament representatives, EU parliament representatives. The organization has over 70 volunteers developing educational and social programs, while developed long-term partnerships with many cultural, social and educational institutions, both in Greece and abroad. Our efforts revolve around educating local communities about children's rights and providing children and their families with educational and social opportunities. Our mission would not be achieved without the in kind and financial contribution of donors, sponsors and support from individuals. We closely work with local authorities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, schools, museums, media and other private institutions, as well as scholars from various disciplines.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2003, we campaigned for the establishment of the Children’s Ombusman, a public independent institution that protects children’s rights, monitors and investigates cases related to children’s rights violations.
In 2007, we published a list of children’s books, promoting diversity and tolerance, available for free to schools, educators and parents.
In 2011 we took action supporting Afghan refugees, distributing food, organizing educational and cultural activities for children and their families
In 2012 we created the Cultural Lab located in an area which mainly inhabited by low-income families and immigrants. The Lab offers artistic, educational and social activities and has a children’s library. Based on the voluntary work of more than 70 volunteers, we welcome more than 500 children from 4 to 13 years old.
We produce and publish reports, research, participate in conferences, seminars, we produce our own educational programs addressing the issues of multiculturalism, diversity, integration, equality and democracy.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The organization’s priorities and activities match to the objectives of Anna Lindh Foundation. As a member, we can contribute by initiating projects promoting democracy and human rights, volunteerism, as well as actively take common action with other members of the network, participating in campaigns, forums and joint activities. Through a broad network of contacts, we have the resources to communicate broadly the mission of the Network and raise awareness for its activities encouraging active participation and support.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Network of Children’s Rights, beyond its local and national activities, it aims to develop new partnerships and collaborations with international partners. Being part of an international network like Anna Lindh Foundation, will give us the opportunity to become a member of a large network, broaden our collaborations, hence, develop collaborative projects related to the values of democracy and human rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Myrsini Zorba
Head of the organisation
Myrsini Zorba
Contact (2) Full Name
Aggeliki Sandilou

ACISI - Associació per la Cooperació, la Inserció Social i la Interculturalitat

National Network

Carrer Aragó 281 2 2

93 487 38 16
Telephone (other)
93 215 39 87
93 215 88 15
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
ACISI is a co-operative with 4 employed members and and 4 volunters and has no dependency on any other public or private institution.
Mission and Objectives

Provide specific attention for reception, training and socio-laboral insertion of migrated and fugitive people in Catalonia.
Promote the inter dialogue and good relations between migrated people and the welcome society.
Cooperate in economic and social development to the immigrant’s origin countries.
Promote the research and study of life conditions and immigrants work in Catalonia.

Main Projects / Activities

Intercultural community intervention.

Contact (1) Full Name
Xavier Vallvé
Head of the organisation
Xavier Vallvé

les2rives de l'espoir

National Network

44allée lafayette app 514esc 51 34070

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
LES 2 rives de l'espoir est une association loi 1901 le bureau est constitué de 7 membres et 150 ADHÉRENTS(100)EN FRANCE et 50 au Maroc,nos financement proviennent principalement des adhérents de dons en matériel de la part des partenaires(Sup de Co Montpellier)et Géant casino Montpellier ainsi qu’une subvention de fonctionnement de la part de la mairie de Montpellier
Mission and Objectives

citoyenneté,respect des valeurs sociales et humaines.Réunir les jeunes autour de plusieurs ateliers(débat autour de l'interculturel et l’inter cultuel,écriture,accompagnement a la recherche de l'emploi).

Main Projects / Activities

organisation du forum interculturel et intergénérationnel depuis 2011 ORGANISATION DU FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL D'EL HOCEIMA(MAROC)en partenariat avec l'association Thaziri (membre de la FAL Maroc)organisation de la 1ére édition du carnaval de (FES,MAROC)NATURE,Sport et Culture.Organisation de caravanes solidaire au profit des familles et des élèves nécessiteux a FES, MEKNES ET EL HOCEIMA

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

notre contribution sera la rencontre des autres structures de la FAL France,réaliser des action communes au niveau national et international comme ce qu'on déjà réalisé carnaval de Montpellier et Fés avec les associations Sens de vie et Association pour toutes, La Caravane des familles et de la jeunesse solidaire(collecte et distribution de cartables et fournitures scolaire) et le festival international de musique a EL Hoceima,MAROC

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour travailler en groupe et mener des actions solidaires dans d'autres pays,organiser des actions avec les autres associations de la FAL et surtout pour transmettre un message de pays et d'ouverture par le billais de rencontre et d'actions communes et surtout parce que j’étais déjà inscris les deux dernières années .ON ne s'est pas réinscris cette année au mois d'aout parce qu'on étaient en mission dans le RIF marocain avec l'association thaziri pendants deux semaines pour la distribution des fournitures scolaires et animer des ateliers écologiques;et surtout transmettre les valeurs de la paix du partage et créer des liens concrets et durables avec les autres association de la FAL en France et de partout ds l'espace euro méditerranéen

Contact (1) Full Name
kamal morchid
Head of the organisation
morchid kamal

Fédération départementale des Maisons des Jeunes et de la Culture des Côtes d'Armor

National Network

18 rue Abbé vallée
Saint brieuc

0033 296 45 60 68 91
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
La FDMJC22 fait partie de la Confédération des MJC de France (fédération d’éducation populaire). Elle est constituée en association. Un conseil d’administration de bénévoles la dirige. Le budget prévisionnel 2013 est estimé à 182 000€. Nos sources de financement proviennent des fonds propres et des subventions publiques. Nous intervenons à différents niveaux. Dans sa fonction de coordination départementale, la FDMJC22 avec les maisons du département mènent des projets collectifs (ex :Action sur trois ans contres les discriminations). La FDMJC22 se rend actif sur le plan international dans l’organisation de projets européens (séminaires, échanges de jeunes) grâce à l’élaboration d’un partenariat de qualité depuis plusieurs années. En témoigne, nos relations avec nos partenaires Palestiniens (Laylac), Tunisiens (Les anicens de Bir El bey et Association Théâtre Forum Tunisie), Allemands (Kindervereinigung E.v Leipzig) et Bosniens (NGO Grad). Nous sommes également structure coordinatrice et d’envoi pour le Service Volontaire Européen.
Mission and Objectives

La Fédération Départementale des MJC des Côtes d’Armor est une fédération d’Education Populaire : elle a donc pour objectif de permettre à chacun, par l’ouverture culturelle à partir de pratiques artistiques, de débats, de rencontres, de mieux comprendre le monde qui l’entoure pour mieux agir. Ce projet d’Education Populaire, essence de la FDMJC, est avant tout un projet d’éducation à la citoyenneté. Ainsi, en permettant aux jeunes de prendre conscience de la manière dont ils vivent, en se confrontant à la différence, aux autres, ils peuvent mieux agir ensemble.
Elle a pour vocation d’outiller chacun (professionnels, bénévoles, partenaires) au sein des MJC, à susciter l’engagement collectif et la prise d’initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

La FDMJC22 coordonne les Maisons des Jeunes et de la Culture du Département, assure la formation des animateurs jeunesse du Département, conseille les élus et les collectivités territoriales sur les questions liées aux politiques jeunesse.
Par ailleurs, elle est aussi responsable d’un pôle international. A ce titre, elle coordonne des activités à l’international comme des séjours internationaux de jeunes, l’accueil et l’envoi de SVE (une dizaine de jeunes envoyés chaque année, et 8 projets d’accueil…)
En favorisant les rencontres de jeunes, en développant les échanges internationaux de jeunes, la FDMJC, organisation coordinatrice dans le cadre de son animation de réseau, renforce les dimensions interculturelles en permettant à des jeunes de différents pays européens de se rencontrer, de construire des projets avec d’autres, en se décentrant de leurs propres représentations. Depuis plusieurs années, des partenariats internationaux ont été mis en place dans le cadre de différents projets liés à la jeunesse et favorisant les rencontres interculturelles. Ensemble, ces jeunes ont pu dépasser leurs représentations culturelles, ils ont pu échanger, comprendre, se projeter. Concrètement, des séjours internationaux ont lieu chaque année avec un partenariat privilégié avec l’Allemagne, la Palestine et la Bosnie Herzégovine.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous souhaitons contribuer au réseau par l’application prochaine de demandes de financements qui concerneraient des travaux de recherche.
Par la participation à des temps d’échanges, de réunion, de partage d’outils avec d’autres membres du réseau. Nous le faisons déjà au sein du Programme Européen jeunesse en Action et Euromed Youth Program IV.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La solidarité entre les peuples, le partage d’une culture commune, la rencontre interculturelle, la lutte contre les préjugés et les discriminations sont les objectifs de la Fédération départementale des MJC des Côtes d'Armor. En faisant partie de ce réseau nous développerons des actions qui viseront l’atteinte de ces objectifs.
Nous souhaitons développer nos relations avec la Tunisie et la Palestine à travers le développement d’échanges de recherches et visite d’études sur la manière dont nous, organisations de jeunesse, traitons les sujets liés à la société civile et au débat démocratique.
Compte tenu de nos partenariats, le soutien de la FAL nous permettrait de développer des actions plus ambitieuses et ce sur une durée plus longue (travail de recherche sur longue période avec différents partenaires).

Contact (1) Full Name
Le Fustec Corinne
Head of the organisation
MMe Le Fustec Corinne

Les Petits Débrouillards PACA

National Network

51 avenue de Frais Vallon
Bat A - local 6

13013 Marseille

0033 4 91 66 12 06
Telephone (other)
0033 4 91 66 12 84
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0033 6 38 80 85 10
Mobile Phone (other)
0033 6 21 64 79 84
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Informations concernant l'année 2012 STRUCTURE : association loi 1901, avec 14 salariés permanents, 48 animateurs vacataires, 78 adhérents physique et 116 personnes morales. BUDGET : 1020420€ annuel SOURCES : - subventions publiques au niveau européen (PEJA, FEDER), national (ANRU, dispositifs CUCS), régionale (CR PACA), départemental (CG13,83,84,06), municipal (ville de Marseille, Avignon, Toulon...) - prestations - mécénat (Prix Nids d'Or Nestlé, Fondation SNCF, Crédit Mutuel, Da Vinci...) PROJETS : *animation auprès d'enfants, de jeunes *formation de jeunes adultes et d'adultes à l'animation scientifique *accompagnement de projets des adhérents *coordination d'événements et manifestations *organisation d'échanges internationaux et interculturel, ainsi que de séminaire de partage d'expériences *conceptions d'outils pédagogiques PARTENAIRES : - laboratoires de recherche, Universités (Aix-Marseille, Avignon, Toulon...) - Associations : dans le domaine de l'environnement, de recherche, structure d'accueil de loisirs... - Réseau : membre du réseau « Graine de PACA », du « Réseau Mer PACA », du réseau national des Petits Débrouillards...
Mission and Objectives

L'association des Petits Débrouillards PACA qui, depuis 1999, offre aux enfants, jeunes et adultes des activités scientifiques et techniques, participe de manière significative aux débats de société sur l'éducation et la culture. Appartenant au réseau national des Petits Débrouillards, elle contribue à former des citoyens actifs, capables d'opinions réfléchies et critiques, acteurs de la construction du monde de demain. L'actions des Petits Débrouillards auprès des enfants et des jeunes est guidée par un ensemble de convictions et de valeurs éducatives partagées qui s'expriment simplement :
* Faire découvrir la science en s'amusant
* Cultiver le plaisir de comprendre, d'échanger, de s'exprimer et de débattre
* Donner le goût de la démarche scientifique
* Développer le sens du partage

Main Projects / Activities

Animation : l'activité principale est l'animation scientifique et techniques auprès d'enfants et jeunes : l'importance est mise sur la démarche scientifique, le questionnement et les expérimentations. Ses projets ont lieu en temps scolaire, périscolaire ou de loisirs. Le projet Science-Tour consiste en deux camions itinérants qui parcourent la région PACA en animant et initiant des projets scientifiques localement.
Formation : l'association met en place des formations en France et à l'étranger pour devenir animateurs scientifiques, thématiques (DD, écriture, TICs...), sur des projets spécifiques...
Échanges et séminaires internationaux : en 2012 dans le cadre du Forum Mondial de l'Eau, elle a accueilli 40 jeunes européens pour y participer, en 2013 elle a accueilli les partenaire de la Méditerranée sur la thématique de la mer.
Outils pédagogiques : l'association est en train de finaliser un outil pédagogique sur la mer Méditerranée en collaboration avec l’Égypte et le Maroc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'association pourra apporter au réseau FAL son expérience au niveau de la coopération internationale autour des sciences en Méditerranée, en particulier avec l’Égypte (Bibliotheca Alexandrina et Research and Development Innovation Program) et les Petits débrouillards Maroc et Algérie.
L'association peut aussi apporter son expérience dans la participation d'événements internationaux tel que le Forum Mondiale de l'Eau, le Forum Social Mondial...avec des groupes de jeunes.
Elle pourra aussi accompagner ses structures partenaires à participer au réseau FAL de leurs pays.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

L'association est intéressée pour rejoindre le réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh parce qu'elle voudrait développer son réseau de partenaires au niveau international et en particulier dans les pays du pourtour de la Méditerranée.
La mutualisation des expériences et des connaissances sur la dimension interculturelle, et en particulier dans le domaine de l'éducation, est très importante pour l'association. Elle espère rencontrer d'autres associations et structures avec lesquelles elle pourra élargir ses capacités et compétences sur le travail interculturel.
L'association est aussi intéressée par la possibilité de soumettre des propositions de projets, soit pour trouver des partenaires, soit pour avoir des aides financiers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Maryvonne BELLEC / Solène MERER
Contact (2) Full Name
Solène MERER


National Network

Via Minghetti, 39
Rimini - 47900

+ 39 3404083816
Telephone (other)
+ 39 335 5829610
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Cinemovel Foundation is a private non-profit Foundation. The organisation is based on the voluntary work of its members: staff is hired temporarily for specific projects run by the Foundation. The budgetary resources available in the last year were about 100.000,00 euro. Main sources of funding are public funds (regional, national and international) and private sponsorships. Cinemovel works through concrete projects conceived specifically to meet the needs of local communities around the world. Projects are implemented in partnership with local communities, CSOs, NGOs, public authorities, cooperatives and private companies, according to the specific aims and activities of the different projects.
Mission and Objectives

Cinemovel Foundation makes it possible for cinema to travel, with the aim of supporting and strengthening society, through the improvement of human talent, economic and social growth’s drive, information and knowledge exchange. Thanks to new technologies, Cinemovel strives for a more equal distribution of intellectual and material resources, to promote processes of democratic development. On the basis of the values of social identity of each specific country and on the basis of the solidarity between communities, Cinemovel:
• Uses touring cinema as a powerful media of sensitization, involving the local, the national and international communities and networks
• Spreads the culture of cinema in those contexts in which it does not normally reach
• Stimulates the social and cultural life of so called marginal areas and promote exchange and dialogue opportunities
• Promotes awareness raising campaigns aimed at the social and health advancement of local communities
• Promotes research, training, documentation and production of contents in the field of cinema and audiovisual.

Main Projects / Activities

A short presentation of the main projects run by Cinemovel Foundation is provided in the document attached (“Overview of Cinemovel Projects”).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Enzo Bevar
Head of the organisation
Ms Elisabetta Antognoni
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Cinzia Greco

Al Ma’mal Foundation for Contemporary Art

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Registered under #: 7191, the Ministry of Interior, Palestinian Authority Number of staff: 8 FT Source of Funding: Various international NGOs such as: Norwegian peoples Aid, Arab Fund, Ireland Representative Office – Ramallah, United Nations Of-fice for Human Rights and others More information is attached

Mission and Objectives

PAEEP works to build an empowered and aware Palestinian citizen to strengthen democratic and social change, to eventually achieve equality, protection and devel-opment. 1. Upgrading educational thinking, environmental and health awareness and con-solidating and disseminating community involvement and responsibility towards preserving the natural wealth. 2. Building databases and information packages in the field of environment, water resources, agricultural, fishery, natural reserves and conducting research and studies and its impact on public health. 3. Providing the society with the environmental information means. 4. Contributing to the improvement of the environmental and health situation and working on reducing the environmental contaminants in order to achieve a clean and healthy environment.

Main Projects / Activities

- Improving the standard of living for vulnerable farmers and women as a means of poverty reduction in the Occupied Palestinian territories - Rehabilitation of agriculture land and cultivated with mature plant - Improvement of potable water quality and enhancement of environmental awareness in and Khan Yunis schools through installation of five water desalina-tion units at the elementary schools - Increasing Youth Capacity for Social Change

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PAEEP has a well record serving the Palestinian community in the West Bank & Gaza. PAEEP is willing to contribute to ALF Network in Palestine by the following actions: - communicate with other members and exchange ideas and expertise - provide its facilities for other members to deliver their activities - create strong links between societies in the West Bank and Gaza

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

PAEEP is seeking to expand its activity. As a practical procedure to fulfill our strategy, PAEEP has opened a new branch in the West Bank. In addition of that, we are looking to join international and regional networks in order to play an effective role for the development of Palestine.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ramy Salem
Head of the organisation
Shireen Mufdi

Dar Qandeel For Arts and Culture

National Network
00970 (0)9 2671101
Telephone (other)
00970 (0)9 2689558
00970 (0)9 2689558
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00970 (0)599777100
Mobile Phone (other)
00970 (0)599100241
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The organization is presently composed by 3 staff members fully employed (project coordinator, administrator and secretary) and by a broad numbers of volunteers working on daily activities. The average budgetary resources available in a year are about 20,000 euros. The main source of funding are represented by main local and international NGOs, as well as international donors: European Union, United Nations, Swedish Cooperation. The organization develops its actions through specific projects on arts and drama to increase youth self awareness and foster social changes, artistic exchanges with artists of the organization and other international artists coming from North Africa, Middle East and Europe and human rights programs developed through the use of specific conferences developed through the collaboration of main national authorities and universities,and through the network with other main Palestinian cultural and human rights centers.
Mission and Objectives

Dar Qandeel believes on the power and the enlightenment that culture and arts can bring to the people, as an instrument to foster social changes and peace.
Improving communication and self awareness among people is the main goal of Dar Qandeel, believing that the only way to achieve respect and common understanding is the knowledge of our self as human beings.
Through the availability of staff expertise (human rights experts, teachers, musicians, painters, sculptors, actors ect..) and the strong efforts of its volunteers, the centre has become in few years the second home for all different kind of people that found and continue to find their own space to express their personality in a free and creative atmosphere.
Thanks to its peculiar and innovative approach, the centre addresses different kind of people (from youth to elders) through a wide variety of activities (theatre, music, puppets theatre, handicraft, storytelling, drawing, video making, photography, human rights awareness and social assistance).
The centre specifically addresses youth as the main agent to foster social changes, open to the participation of all boys and girls that feel the need to express themselves, finding a space out of the community control. The methodology’s peculiarity used for training programs is the mixed class, targeting boys and girls in the same moment, space and action, promoting gender equality, social justice and fighting social discrimination.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects: European Union project on the establishment of a School of Arts in Tulkarem District, Arts and drama activities for Schools in Tulkarem refugee camp, arts and drama programs for children in Tulkarem city in collaboration with international artists, project on human rights targeting boys and girls, empowering youth centers networking in Palestine in collaboration with main local Palestinian human rights and cultural centers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Dar Qandeel could bring to the network the voice of the isolated , rich in local cultural heritage and history, bringing its artistic expertise and the use of arts and drama to foster social change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through ALF Network we would be able to increase our capacities to get in contact with other main local Palestinian Institutions fostering the impact of our programs at national level.At the same time we would be able to cross our social, economic and political borders, bringing our artistic and cultural voice at world wide level, increasing possibilities of international exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alaa Rosol Ganem
Head of the organisation
Alaa Rosol Ganem
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Tanbouz