GRECS - Resolució de Conflictes

National Network

Ctra. Barcelona, 12-14, 3r 6a
17001 - Girona

972 200 545
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
659 928 933
Mobile Phone (other)
618 616 863
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The staff of the GREC is trained by specialists in management and conflict resolution since various contexts of social sciences: sociology, political science, right, psychology, pedagogy. The source of the financing are the incomes obtained by the projects carried out, of which a part corresponds to subsidies of public administrations. The principal methods of action are the projects, the consultation and teaching. We take part in projects jointly with universities, town halls and other organizations. GREC is an organization specialized in the prevention and the resolution of conflicts of very diverse aspects through formulas and methodologies of mediation and management of the conflicts.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

* Project "Mapa de Conflictes comunitaris I públics has the ciutat of Plane Girona" "of the Community and public Conflicts in the town of Gérone", with the support of Àrea de Participació I Relacions Ciutadanes of Ajuntament de Girona.
* Project "the mediateca dels conflictes" "the media library of the conflicts" creation of an open space and interactive one line for the young people.
* Price NAFENT, for projects of intervention in favour of user-friendliness in the social context of the young people, addressed to all the educational centers of the secondary.
* activities for the centers of education of the various public administrations.
* Formation of Young Agents of User-friendliness. Pla de Ciutadania I Immigració del Segrià.
* 2e. Edition of Postgrau Mediació comunitària I Resolució of conflictes públics. UdG Foundation: Innovation and Formation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Montserrat serrats
Head of the organisation
Ferran Camps Campos