Community Advocacy

National Network

POB 30081
Jerusalem 91300

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Community Advocacy is a registered NGO (members' association). The national board is elected at the annual members' meeting. There are 30 staff members and over 1,800 volunteeers. Funding is from the donations from sources such as the European Commission, EED, McGill University, Blaustein Foundation, Goldman Foundation, New Israel Fund,Jerusalem Foundation, Israeli ministries, etc. Modalilties are concrete projects, such as storefront rights advocacy centers in disadvantaged neighborhoods, community food cooperatives, activity and advocacy groups, etc. The organization is part of the McGill Middle East Program, consisting of community rights based practice organizations in Jordan, Palestine and Israel.
Mission and Objectives

Community Advocacy, established in 1993, is a voluntary community organization working for 16 years to strengthen the awareness of residents concerning their social rights in order to access and promote these rights as an expression of their empowerment as individuals and as a community.
Our primary goals are to teach residents to advocate on their own behalf or on behalf of their neighbors in order to access their legal entitlements, to find solutions to common problems and participate in decision making bodies which affect their lives; to provide information and expertise with regards to rights and entitlements and to conduct outreach in order to recruit volunteers, identify issues and understand the community from the perspectives of its residents.
Community Advocacy is unique in its approach to working with people in the community. The basis of our work is developing relationships among members of the community and professionals in order to empower individuals and the community as a whole, enabling them to make decisions and to develop their abilities to help themselves. While we disseminate information and provide expertise in the fields of welfare and law, we consciously enable the community, the people whose lives stand to be affected by programmatic decisions, to make their own determinations. The majority of our board members are residents elected from our local steering committees in Jerusalem, Beersheva and Lod. 75% of the members of our local steering committees, which are responsible for the policy decisions that guide the organization, are neighborhood residents.

Main Projects / Activities

Community Advocacy has branches in Jerusalem, Beersheva, Lod and in the unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev. Each branch has at least one storefront rights advocacy center, with a moble branch in the Negev. There are food cooperatives in disadvanted neighborhoods in Jerusalem (three coops), Beersheva and Kiryat Gat and one will be opened in Lod in 2009. The NGO has citizens groups active in such areas as urban renewal, nutritional security, the welfare to work program, universal dental care, public housing, etc. There is currently a Partnership for Peace project involving partners in Amman, East Jerusalem and Lod.

Contact (1) Full Name
Curt Arnson
Head of the organisation
Barbara Epstein, Executive Director

Center for International Migration (CIMI)

National Network

JDC Hill
P.O.Box 3489
Jerusalem, Israel 91034


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
CIMI is a NGO with three professional staff and a professional Board. CIMI operates in partnership with governmental and non-governmental agencies. Partnerships include the International Organization for Migration (IOM); the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR); the Center for International Cooperation (MASHAV), of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and other international organizations. CIMI receives an annual 25,000 USD grant from the American Jewish Joint distribution Committee. In 2009, most funding will come from a 625,000 EUR capcity building program funded by the EC. CIMI also generates income through consultancies in several European countries (e.g. Serbia and Moldova). CIMI contributes to project development, in its fields of expertise, and furthers knowledge exchange and the application of good practices around the world. CIMI maintains a roster of associated Israeli experts in the fields of Immigrant Integration and Diaspora-Homeland relations. CIMI can mobilize this expertise for policy advice, program development, and research purposes. Activities include courses, workshops, study visits, and consultations on policy and program development. In addition, CIMI draws upon international expertise to address challenges of international migration confronting Israel, such as refugees, foreign workers and trafficking in persons.
Mission and Objectives

The Center for International Migration and Integration (CIMI) facilitates the sharing of good practices in migration and integration between Israel and the international community, drawing upon the extensive experience Israel has accumulated in immigrant integration and diaspora-homeland partnerships.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2008, CIMI entered into a strategic partnership with the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption and Ministry of Justice, thereby expanding the programmatic agenda in the area of immigrant integration and inter-cultural communication and dialogue.
In 2009, CIMI will undertake a significant new initiative "Migration Management Capacity Building in Israel: Supporting Effective Mechanisms to Combat Trafficking for Forced Labor and Protect Refugees" in partnership with UNHCR and IOM and supported by the EU. The program will focus on capacity-building of officials working with migrant populations, enhancing inter-cultural understanding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilan Cohn
Head of the organisation
Arnon Mantver - Chairperson of the Board


National Network

PO Box 3489

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Structure of the organization: JDC-Israel is organized by divisions serving different populations - ESHEL (elderly), ASHALIM (children and youth at risk), Immigrant Integration, TEVET (chronically unemployed), Unit for Disabilities, Civil Society and Service Effectiveness. Staff - 180 Budgetary resources: EU 75,000,000 - raised from private sources. Modalities of action: concrete projects Main Partners: national and local government and non-government organizations
Mission and Objectives

JDC-Israel's mission is to help Israeli society to enhance its own capacity to meet the needs of its most vulnerable members, the elderly, children at risk, people with disabilities, chronically unemployed. Thus JDC always works with partners, both governmental and civil society, through strategice interventions to develop or improve the responses that Israel itself offers to its most pressing social needs.
The responses JDC and its partners develop together are ultimately integrated into Israel's own social service system. Once this has occured, JDC is able to phase out of a given project.

Main Projects / Activities

Children and Youth at Rish (ASHALIM): Protecting Israel's 350,000 children and youth at risk by helping to prevent abuse and neglect where possible, promote early detection and to ensure effective care for the victims.
Vulnerable Immigrant Groups: Helping immigrant groups such as the growing Ethiopian-Israeli population to overcome long-term integration challenges.
'From Poverty to Independence' (TEVET): To overcome the cultural, behavioral and other barriers that keep some 500,000 welfare-dependent working-age Israelis from finding and keeping decent jobs.
Israelis with Disabilities: Enabling the estimated 700,000 Israelis who have some form of physical, sensory, cognitive or emotional disability to live more independent, fulfilling lives in the community is the central goal of the program.
The Elderly (ESHEL): With Israel's elderly population now 670,000 strong and growing, JDC's prgrams focus on community services.
Civil Society and Service Effectiveness: In an era of ever tighter social-service budgets, JDC helps strengthen Israel's overall capacity to respond to social challenges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Danny Pins
Head of the organisation
Arnon Mantver
Contact (2) Full Name
Randi Garber

Association of Israeli Mediators

National Network

POBox: 24116
Tel Aviv

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The association based on volountery work. we have only a paid secretary , part time. Our budget is based on mmembers fees only, we promote the idea of Mediation and conflict resolution in society and in courts. we are involved in legislation and representation and orgenize peroffesional seminars and training. We are in good cooperation with the courts, the ministry of justice , the Bar association and mediation centres.
Mission and Objectives

To promote Mediation in Israeli society and use mediation to solve conflicts in all sphres of life and intercultural societies ( jews and arabs, religiouse and non, ete..)
we wish to be in the future the only statutoric representing organization of mediators in Israel. at the miment we have 2400 registered members.

Main Projects / Activities

at the moment, our main acctivity centered on representing mediation in Parliament and being involved in legiskation. In addition - we orgenized seminars of profesional interests. we have planes for the future, to be the centre for giving out conflicts to be resolved by the association members. We are working on Accreditation reqwirements and code of Ethics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. David Silvera
Head of the organisation
Dr. David Silvera - Chairman
Contact (2) Full Name
Mira Liber

The Center of Civic, Democracy and Law programs

National Network

Sv. Ignoto g. 5,

370 5 262 0124
370 5 2620124
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
370 685 29 635
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Structure of Organization The Center of Civic, Democracy and Law programs has such governing bodies – the General meeting of partners, the director. The General meeting of partners is the highest governing body which appoints the director, sets strategic goals, approves annual financial and activity reports. The director implements decisions of the General meeting of partners, organines daily activities of the Center. Human resources: currently the Center has 4 employees (director, financier and two volunteers). The Center has the team of competent experts, that help to implement the projects of the Center. Finances Annual turnover in 2008 - 105 000 Lt (apprx. 30 434 EUR) Planned annual turnover in 2009 - 500 000 Lt (apprx. 144 927 EUR). Financial resources in 2008 - 2009: The Support Center of Foreign Lithuanians, Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers , JSC “TOC consultations”, The Ministry of Science and Education, Konrad Adenauer foundation, European Commission. The main modalities of action: projects. Main partners involved: The Ministry of Science and Education, Konrad Adenauer foundation, European Commission. Also Lithuanian Center of Research of Genocide and Resistance, The Fund of Santalka, Lithuanian Movement „Sąjūdis“, The Forum of Lithuanian Parents.
Mission and Objectives

The Center of Civic, Democracy and Law programs has been established on 11th September, 2007. The goal of organization – to create and foster civic, democratic and legal state. The Center implements the projects that strenghtens civil society and fosters civil and political activeness, democratic traditions; social responsibility; volunteer activities; equal rights of men and women; social integration of women; respect and tolerance to other cultures; human rights defence.

Main Projects / Activities

Year 2008 The Center has implemented The Program of Brain Returning together with Foreign Lithuanians Support Center, also it carried a research of Interns opinions (in partnershio with Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers) (evaluation of post graduate internships‘ effectiveness). Organization has implemented the civil action „We are friends“ in 2008 (in partnership with 15 youth organizations). The goal of the project – to encourage young people and introduce them to people from other cultures, living in Lithuania. The objective of the action – to reduce antional and race-hatred, foster openess and respect to other cultures. Year 2009 Public institution “The Center of Civic, Democratic and Law Programs” is implementing the project „Young leader“ for free years already. It was carried in four Lithuanian municipalities during the first year, in eight – during 2008 and this year the project covers eleven municipalities. The project is dedicated to elder schoolchildren of Lithuanian municipalities such as Šalčininkai, Vilnius, Radviliškis, Šilalė, Kėdainiai, Kaunas, Alytus, Elektrėnai, Jonava, Tauragė and Švenčionys. The goal of this initiative is to educate youth leaders in the regions that are most inactive, as well as to encourage them to be more interested in taking part in civic activities and actualize themselves. The partners of the project: The Association of Lithuanian Elementary Schools, The Association of Gymnasiums of Lithuania, The Union of Lithuanian Pupils, The Parliament of Lithuanian Pupils, National association of youth affairs‘ coordinators, Lithuanian Center of Research of Genocide and Resistance, The Fund of Santalka, Lithuanian Movement „Sąjūdis“, The Forum of Lithuanian Parents. The project is financed by: The Ministry of Science and Education, Konrad Adenauer foundation, European Commission. The Center also implements the project „Civil Action“ (In partnership with Santalka foundation). The Civil action manual will be prepared on the basis of Citizen handbook that was published in Vancouver (Canada). The manual will be metant for communities of Lithuania.

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Skucaite
Head of the organisation
Diana Skucaite

Association for European Partnership /AEP/

National Network
(+359 2) 9521829
Telephone (other)
(+359 2) 8524235
(+359 2) 8524235
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 887 860119
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 887 314763
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Association for European Partnership /AEP/ is a non-profit NGO, highly experienced in elaboration, implementation and management of projects. Staff: FTE - 18 experts Part time employees - 36 expert Average turnover per year - about 100 000 EUR Source of funding - services Field of activities: • Consultancy in entrepreneurship, tourism, multiculturalism and multicultural dialogue, development of social society, social dialogue, CSR and other democracy development and EU-related issues • Research and studies in the field of social infrastructure, employment factors and demographic issues • Training on EU matters – organization of seminars, courses, workshops, etc. • Preparation and publishing of information guides on various crucial for the society EU matters • Organization of:  events: conferences, symposia, round tables  information campaigns  discussion forums and public debates  partnership and match-making events  company presentations, celebrations, official meetings, etc. • Event management • Partner search for EU projects • Benchmarking and dissemination of “good practices” • Carrying out cross-section and comparative analyses and studies at a national and EU level Main Partners: - ALDA - civil society NGOs in Bulgaria and abroad - women NGOs in Bulgaria and abroad - Europe Direct and EEN Networks - Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Bulgaria and abroad
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Strengthening civil society.
Main objectives:
• provoking debates on civil society issues
• contributing to the development and strengthening of the democratic civil society
• raising the awareness of the principles of democracy
• promotion of the EU values, EU policies and the instruments
• assistance in partner-search in the EU and third countries for joint projects, organisation of events and business cooperation
• provoking pro-active attitude to problem solution and policy and decision making at national and international level
• contribution to the cohesion process
• labouring the road to a knowledge-based economic growth

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects during the last three years:
“The Parliament of all European Citizens – from the Treaty of Rome to the Challenges of Enlargement and the Constitution for Europe" - EP–DG Communication - INFO/2007/04/0033 European Parliament
"Tender Europe" - European Commission-Plan D - 30-CE-0149146/00-60 - European Commission
"WISE – Women in Political Life for a Successful Europe" - Europe for Citizens Programme, Civil Society Project 2008-1757/001-001 - European Commission
"Active Citizens for a Better Europe" - Europe for Citizens Programme, 2008-4012/001-001 - European Commission
"Active and Stable Civil Society NGOs for more Efficient and Transparent Administration" - Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” for the absorption of the Structural Funds – financial source European Social Fund 08-23-161/25.04.2008 ESF
"Bulgaria's Days in Luxembourgh - Re-discover Bulgaria" - Communication Strategy of the Rep. of Bulgaria for the EU - 24517 EUR

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Beata Papazova
Head of the organisation
Mr. Venko Pavlov
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Mariana Stefanova


National Network

Mariya Luiza 13
9000 Varna

+359 878 318 459
+359 52 608 718
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 87 8318 459
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 88 7318 459
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Structure: Members Assembly and a Board of 3 persons, 3 people employed, Partners::"Step by Step Programme" Foundation Sofia, Ministry of labour and Social Policy, Sofia Municipality, Varna Municipality, Aksakovo Municipality, Avren Municipality, European Information Center Veliko Tarnovo, Schools in Varna and Sofia Budgetary resources available in a year- they differ according to the projects funded- in 2008- appr.60 000 Euro Sources of funding: EU Structural funds, EU Commission, Bulgarian State Budget- cofinancing the Structural funds in BG, Varna Municipality, Ministry of labour and Social Policy, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Administration and Administraive Reform, Mama Cash Foundation, Royal Embassy of the Netherlands, The Association is a member of the following networks: Human Rights Family, International Polit Commettee of FNASAT"Roma and Travellers Programme"-France Actions and Activities: seminars, regional and national information campaigns, trainings, social services

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Association are: - to support the building of balanced civil society in the country, for equal opportunities and equal presentation of men and women and various ethnic groups in public and in private sectors, - to support cultural exchange and diversity, to promote tolerance and universal human rights values. - to provide services for vulnerable groups - to promote education for law enforcement personnel, to develop public awareness campaigns on human rights issues

Main Projects / Activities

1. Project: “The Local Roma Elective Bodies-an Important Step towards the Political and Social Integration of Roma People in the Society and the Governmental System”- funded by Interethnic Initiative for Human Rights, Sofia, Bulgaria - Program: Interethnic development fund-cycle 2003- 8628 USD, 01.10.2003-31.07.2004. Establishment of Roma Public Councils at the Municipality Councils in Aksakovo and Beloslav Municipalities Members of the public council discuss issues which are of community interest. 2. Project: “Equal in the Differences, Different but Together- Local Authorities and NGO for Integration and Sustainable Development for Ethnic Minorities”- funded by Civil Society Development Program PHARE Project 2001- budget 34 968.59 Euro, from the program-27 828 Еuro, 01.12.2003-31.07.2004 Establishment of Public Councils of ethnic minorities at the Municipality Councils in Avren and Dolni chiflik Municipalities and NGO info centers, course on NGO management, development of a website. 3. Project:” Human Rights Training for Roma Women from Varna Region and the Rural Area” – funded by Minority Rights Group International, UK -1793 Еuro, 01.02.2004-31.04.2004 Training on human rights, monitoring mechanisms, interview skills for primary contact with victims of violence and trafficing, computer skills, project writing skills. 4. Project: «Society and Media against Corruption-for Transparency and Community Control on the Activities of the Public Administration” – funded by USAID, Open Government Initiative Project- 7 500 USD, 02.02.2004-31.07.2004 Monitoring of corruption cases, media investigations, interviews, survey, publishing a book with the analyses of corruption practises and dissemination of the book among parliamentarians and ministers, lobbing for legislative changes 5. Project: “Consulting Center for Roma Women from Varna Region and Rural Area”- funded by Mama Cash, the Netherlands- 8000 Euro, 01.08.2004-31.07.2005 Lecture series for Roma women in 5 villages in Varna region on issues of domestic violence, trafficking, unemployment, health care. Consultancy room is opened in the office of the NGO to provide pro-bono legal counseling for Roma women. 6. Seminar for local officials and administration: Human Rights Promotion and Protection through the Institution of the Local Public Mediator -The event was organized jointly by CSD, Coalition 2000 and the Initiative for Sustainable Development Local Agenda 21 in cooperation with Human Rights Step by Step Association – Varna. 7. Women's Rights and Mechanisms for Their Protection. On November 12, 2004, a public discussion on the Women's Rights and Mechanisms for Their Protection was held in Varna. The event was organized jointly by the Center for the Study of Democracy, Information Centre on the Council of Europe -–Veliko Tarnovo, and Human Rights Step by Step Association – Varna. The book Ombudsman Institution in Europe and Bulgaria: Legal Nature and Practice was presented by Prof. Dr. Nora Ananieva. The book is educational manual designed for the specialized courses and programs in Bulgarian universities and schools, first introduced in Law School of Varna Free University in 2004-2005. University lecturers and students, NGOs and local administration representatives, citizens and media took part in the discussion. 8. Project” The Art-Trend and Profession for Young Talents”- funded by EU Commission for Bulgaria, PHARE Program, budget 34 990 Euro, 01.04.2005- 31.03.2006 Promotion of young talents in the field of art and establishing and running of art gallery for young talents “Aglaya”. 9. Training of police officers in human rights and anti-discrimination. Co-organized with Varna Free University and the Regional Police Department.,12- 16.12.2005 10. Project: ” Election of Local Ombudsmen in Aksakovo and Avren Municipalitites-Varna region”, funded by Open Society Institute Sofia, 3500 Euro, 15.03.2006г.- 15.08.2006г. Training seminars for local parliamentarians and administration to speed up the process for local ombudsmen election, raising awareness campaign on the importance of this institution. 11. Project „Pallette “Aglaya”- funded by Varna Municipality- 280 Euro, 01.04.-30.09.2006 The project provides young artists with materials to stimulate them to produce art works and to promote them in the field of art. 12. Project: “Roma Mediators -for Social Inclusion”- funded by the Royal Embassy of the Netherlands- 10200 Euro, 01.12.2006- 30.11.2007, Training of Roma mediators who will work as mediators among the local Roma community helping people to benefit from the social security system, guiding them through the labyrinth of administrations. 13. Project: “Your World is Mine too- Let’s Make it better Together”- promotional campaign for the 2007 –European Year of Equal Opportunities for All, funded by th Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, European Commission, 54 000 Euro, 01.01.2007-31.12.2007 14. Project “Bridges of Dialogues and Trust”- educational project for developing educational materials: manuals and books for non-formal civil education to support the process of integration of Roma children into the school system.- budget 37 500 euro, funded by the Ministry of Education-OP HRD, 17.06.2008- 17.09.2009 15. Project ” Map of Accessible Varna”, financed by the Social Programme of Municipality of Varna -2008, budget 1500 euro., 01.07.2008- 31.10.2008- Varna city map was designed and printed on which all the administrative, public and cultural objects adapted to the needs of disabled people were marked. 16. Project ”Model for collaboration between the structures of the civil society for applying an effective mechanism for partnership with the local authority in the field of management of the process of decentralization and optimization of the educational institutions”, financed by Operational program ”Administrative Capacity” co- funded by the European Social Fund and the State budget, budget 196 662, 39 euro, 27.08.2008-27.08.2009. During the implementation of this project many informational, educational and promotional materials will be produced and disseminated: 3 manuals, 3 educational films, brochures, TV clips and radio programs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elka Petrova Krasteva
Head of the organisation
Elka Krasteva- Chair of the Board
Contact (2) Full Name
Tzvetana Tzankova

Association Cluster for local and alternative efficiency-CALE

National Network
+359 887 961 822
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
General Information
Organization’s Structure is consisted by: General Assembly –the supreme and permanent managing body. Board of Directors - it consists of 3 persons. Chairman - represents and manages all activities. The Association has 2 full-time and 8 part-time staff and works also with a number of various experts. The activities are focused on several directions: 1. Creating forms for active participation of citizens in the local self-governance through implementation of projects 2. Training as a stronghold point of democracy and civil society. 3. Conduction of the joint cross-border and interregional initiatives targeting to support of the social and economic cohesion and enlargement of the intercultural liaison. The projects are implemented with successful partnership with the representatives of the Bulgarian and foreign NGOs, regional and national media, state institutions, cultural and educational institutions, SMEs, local authorities and other institutions under various PHARE and state programme with total budget of 77 824 Euro(2008).
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to develop and improve the civil society and to address local community issues through project implementation, trainings, education, conducting seminars, professional meetings and all kinds of rostrums dealing with up-to-date information and cultural flows.
The main objectives are: to support development of democratic civil society in Bulgaria and promote local philanthropy; to establish partnership for cooperation and joint activities in interregional and intercultural exchange; to protect the rights of the marginalized groups and assists their social integration; to promote education and training to gain competence and knowledge in different fields; etc.

Main Projects / Activities

The projects implemented for: increasing public understanding and active participation in decision-making on global key issues; raising public awareness respect for differences and appreciation of non-discrimination; establishing partnership for interregional and cross-border civil initiatives; building capacity for self-help among vulnerable group; involvement of socially vulnerable groups to active participation in the social life, training, socialization, integration; involving the youth in the cultural life; organizing different trainings; dissemination of information on local level in the form of information and consultation services, networking.
The CALE organizes series of thematic focus-meetings with main stakeholders for discussion of the numerous problems in the region: The culture as an expression of civil position and intercultural exchange; Participation of citizens in the local self-governance; Medicine and healthcare; Regional economic development; Youth and education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stela Kirilova Vrabanova
Head of the organisation
Irinka Mitkova Videnova

European Perspectives

National Network

Sofia 1404

+359 2 962 74 38
+359 2 952 45 18
Mobile Phone
+359 889 722 837
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
" European perspectives " NGO has beeen established by 5 experts working in the areas of European integration, European programmes and project management, youth and education, local and regional development, business incubation, cross border cooperation. The organization has participated in EC horizontal type of projects and programme and provides project management consulting services to SMEs and local authorities. Additional sources of funding is the membership fee. The organization has established and maintains partnership contacts with NGOs from Serbia, Romania and Macedonia.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Association to encourage, support and help the institutional building and capacity development of NGOs, local, regional and national structures to work under European programmes and projects
Main objectives:
1.To cultivate and approbate the European values;
2.To support the socio-economic development of the regions in Bulgaria;
3.To support the development of the educational institutions, the civil society, the science, culture and tourism and actively to participate in the development of the cross border cooperation with the bordering countries;
4.To support the social integration of young people from Bulgaria and the Balkan region as well as their personal and professioanl development.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Provide information about opportunities for financing projects in Bulgaria;
2.Organization and carrying out of conferences, seminars and discussions in the spheres of Structural funds and Cohesion fund regulations and practical implementation as well as in all EU horizontal programmes;
3.Develop and implement projects for better utilization of the local resources;
4.Organize and carry out different trainings, qualifications and pre-qualifications in order to satisfy the current and future needs for economic development;
5.Carry out professional surveys and analysis;
6.Provide consulting services and support for the institutional strengthening and development of the capacity of the governmental structures, NGOs and the business;
7.Prepare, publicize and distribute information materials on problems related to the development of the civil society, the regional development and economic and social cohesion;
8.Provide support and assist the development of business plans, investment projects, economic analysis for bank and other financial institutions;
9.Collect, organize and keep actual economic information in order to provide it to interested bodies;
10.Organize and help in the organization of local public events like seminars, workshops, exhibitions, trade fairs etc. for promotion of the local business;
11.Provide information and support the business contacts in the country and abroad;
12.Participate in all forms of cross border cooperation;
13.Cooperate with organizations, institutions and physical persons in the country and abroad for exchange of information and implementation of partnership projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Zhivka Nikolova
Head of the organisation
Zhivka Nikolova
Contact (2) Full Name
Gergana Nikolova


National Network

Izida_Yunak Sports Club
Hristo Shishmanov str. No67
entr.A, fl.5, ap.22


00359 379 7 10 51
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00359 889 520 760
Mobile Phone (other)
0886 44 01 39
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
EXECUTIVE MANAGER Mrs. Ivanka Mitkova -Teacher of Physical Education and Master’s Degree in Cycling VOLUNTEER COORDINATORS 6 AGE RANGE OF MEMBERS 7- 60 years of age NUMBER OF MEMBERS: 59 PROFESSIONS school and university students, teachers, doctors, economists, lawyers, poets, engineers, workers, builders and etc. FACILITIES fitness and body building hall, Town stadium, sauna, Sports Hall for basketball, volleyball and gymnastics; ANNUAL BUDGETARY RESOURCES 3000 EURO SOURCES OF FUNDING municipality budget, membership contributions, private sponsors
Mission and Objectives

physical and spiritual development of young people, enticing creational thinking, developing esthetical sense and arts affiliation, love and respect to nature, development of good motional culture overall physical maturity, tolerance and kindness to people and nature; extra curriculum activities for studying the history of sport, harmonious personal and group development, formation of team work skills; acquisition of social and European dimension through studying the past and present of the region and native town

Main Projects / Activities

Gymnastics for the age group of 7-10
Majorette team
Bicycle tours
Mountain Hiking
Body Building, Pilates, Fitness, Yoga, Tae-bo
Every year Summer Camp at the seaside

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name