
National Network

Krabsteeg 18
4201 ET Gorinchem


0031 622503662
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
I stand for you is an international art poject bringing out the message in Europe that people basically are all one and the same and therefor should celebrate our differences toghether. I is the shortest poem in the world and is being carried round the globe in order to be embraced by as many people as possible. Thus creating en imagepetition of people telling you: we are the same. Lets join hands.
Mission and Objectives

Creating concept art and directing project which will generate positive awareness and mutual understanding

Main Projects / Activities

Poetry, sculptures, photography and events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ro van Doesburg
Head of the organisation
Ro van Doesburg
Contact (2) Full Name
Kim Wieland

tripact foundation

National Network
+31 6 25 12 1985
Telephone (other)
+31 6 41 76 7092
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+31 6 25 12 1985
Mobile Phone (other)
+31 6 41 76 7092
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The foundation is run by its initiators. The foundation does not have employees; everybody works for it on a voluntary base or sends invoices. The budgetary resources each year are depending on the projects we are working on (whether or not they generate money through entree fees; whether or not they are subsidized etc.) the average yearly amount is E 15.000. Sources for funding are local and national foundations. Modalities of action: concrete projects. Main partners: various (see below)
Mission and Objectives

to initiate and realize projects that focus on language, image and/or movement; to help others to realize their projects.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization of a series of piano recitals (3rd edition, in cooperation with piano restauration atelier Toets des Tijds; Blue Mondays, evenings for which we invite fellow artists to present their work-to-be (and their struggles with it) in our studio to a selected audience in order to help them to finalize the work; Body Double, a filmed performance in which the performers (college students from the Amsterdam Bijlmer Scholengemeenschap play with shadows in a Wayang Gulit way); Chat Challenge, a theatre play with youngsters on the impact of modern technology on their identity (together with Theater De Engelenbak); Harira, a theatre play on migration, to be performed in public spaces along the route Amsterdam-Casablanca (together with various partners in Holland, France, Spain and Morocco); etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
hester tammes
Head of the organisation
Masja de Koning (Chair)
Contact (2) Full Name
edward janssen

Goethe-Institut Niederlande

National Network

Goethe-Institut Niederlande
Herengracht 470
1017 CA Amsterdam
The Netherlands


0031 20 5312900
Telephone (other)
0031 20 5312906
0031 20 6384631
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0031 634 404 830
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure: - 4 departmens: Cultural Programmes, Information & Library, Administration, Language Department; each with one head employee - number of employees: 17 Budgetary resources available in a year: 680.000 Euro Main partners: Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Den Haag, EUNIC Netherlands, SICA, Duitsland Instituut, Genootschap Nederland Duitsland, Spui 25, Auswärtiges Amt
Mission and Objectives

The Goethe-Institut is the Federal Republic of Germany’s cultural institution operational worldwide.
We promote the study of German abroad and encourage international cultural exchange. We also foster knowledge about Germany by providing information on its culture, society and politics.
With our network of Goethe-Instituts, Goethe Centres, cultural societies, reading rooms and exam and language learning centres we have played a central role in the cultural and educational policies of Germany for over 50 years.
We promote and convey the German language as a key qualification for education, employment and understanding. It is many people’s link to Germany. We strengthen the position of the German language within the diversity of foreign languages and set quality standards for teaching German as a foreign language worldwide.
We provide access to knowledge and information about Germany and present our country’s cultural phenomena, positions and experience throughout the world. Conversely, we take advantage of the opportunities offered by intercultural dialogue to bring important developments from other regions of the world to Germany.
We promote an understanding of Europe at a global level and develop common European perspectives. Within Europe, multilingualism and an awareness of European citizenship are essential for closer unity.
Our mission:
- to contribute to the general understanding and communication between different cultures
- to encourage international cultural cooperation
- to convey an all-round image of Germany by providing information on its culture, society and politics

Main Projects / Activities

We realise interdisciplinary projects in a spirit of partnership and cooperation, which generate long-lasting effects. Our worldwide network stands for high quality and direct contact. We combine over 50 years of continuity with change and innovation in order to overcome new challenges.
We foster the principle of respectful cooperation both within the institute and with others. This means: appreciation of achievements and commitment, taking up responsibility, sensitivity in our interactions, openness and critical faculties.
Goethe-Institut sets internationally recognised standards in the teaching and learning of German as a foreign language. It runs language courses, compiles teaching materials, trains teachers, contributes to scientific research and participates in politicolanguage initiatives.
Goethe-Institut monitors trends in Germany and encourages cultural collaboration across the globe by organising programmes of events and making contributions to various festivals and exhibitions in the fields of film, dance, theatre, literature and translation.
Libraries and information centres, forums for discussion, diverse print-, audio- and video-publications and our visitors’ service aim to paint a contemporary portrait of Germany, promoting international discourse on the key concerns of what is becoming an increasingly global society.
Together with our local partners we plan and organise the following:
- Conferences, colloquiums, symposiums, lectures, readings and workshops
- Concerts of classical and contemporary music, jazz, pop, rock and hip-hop
- Music masterclasses
- Exhibitions
- Film screenings
- Television and radio seminars
- Performances of ballet and dance
- Theatre productions.
The extent, cost and organisation of these events vary according to topic and location. However, expert seminars covering a number of objectives carry the same weight as prestigious large-scale events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Krystian Lada
Head of the organisation
Dr. Joachim Umlauf
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Joachim Umlauf

Le Grand Cru

National Network

Frans Halsstraat 9c, postal code: 1072 BJ

003120 6648558
003120 6648558
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0031 647956968
Mobile Phone (other)
0031 26492055
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Le Grand Cru is working in the field of intercultural dance training and dance education. Established choreographers Feri de Geus and Noortje bijvoets are the artistic directors . together with a bussiness director they form the head of the organisation. Yearly they have appr. 10 members working for the foundation. Le Grand Cru is sponsored by sectorial institutes related to Arts, Development work and Foreign Affairs. Le Grand Cru has created many partners worldwide through artistic and educational exchanges in the form of workshops, longterm trainings and international productions. Recently they have established relations with Syria, Jordan, and Benin (West-Africa). The yearly budget ranges between 250.000 and 300.000 euro.
Mission and Objectives

Special people, special cultures; Dutch based Le Grand Cru Foundation brings them together to make the world a better place. Artistic directors De Geus and Bijvoets create unique intercultural performances and support young people in their self-development through the art of dance and theatre. With training, education and productions, they have in recent years cooperated with local partners in many countries. In search for authenticity and with expertise and curiosity as 'luggage' the choreographers tell the unpolished ('cru'), direct human story of young people that often have little access to art or who live in complex societies. Le Grand Cru reveals the thoughts and dreams of these young people by making titillating and provocative performances. Le Grand Cru has developed her own method of cultural and 'mental mapping' to build her impressive productions and workshops. Training and education determine the process of gaining craftsmanship and self-development. Le Grand Cru is leading in presenting professional art in a framework of cultural awareness and social change. De Geus and Bijvoets demonstrate that artistic virtuosity and empowerment go hand in hand. Highly successful, as audience, participants, press and donors all respond very positive.

Main Projects / Activities

Dance training and choreography projects, training the trainers workshops aimed at developping and spreading dance amongst youngsters. Le Grand Cru has a specific method that reveals the strenght and identity of cultures and putting it in a contemporary setting
Le Grand Cru works from a self developed unique mapping methodology. The purpose of this technique is to reveal the social and cultural identity of the participants ( dancers / actors) and at the same time has its focus on intercultural exchange. The method focuses on issues dealing with general culturally recognizable human values. Through a process of guiding assignments and improvisations all kind of matters pop up that stimulates cultural awareness: who are you, what is important for an individual's life, matters from personal to politics. By using this method De Geus en Bijvoets do not work with preconceived issues but they let the themes for a performance organically come into being. This unique method of working is constantly tested, extended and adjusted.

Contact (1) Full Name
Noortje Bijvoets
Head of the organisation
Feri de Geus
Contact (2) Full Name
Betty Kaan

Common Ground

National Network

PO Box 117
3940 AC


0031 (0)6 10807377
Telephone (other)
0031 (0)6 43062849
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Common Ground is an independent foundation on international knowledge exchange in heritage management and archaeology. It's team members are professionals in international heritage management and archaeology. Extensive experience in international projects (Cambodia, Morocco, New Guinea, Mali, Turkmenistan etc). Projects funded by international funding- and governmental organisations, universities. Budgetary resources low. Project Lixus, Morocco. International Field Schools for archeaologists.
Mission and Objectives

International knowledge exchange in heritage management, archaeology and sustainable development. Culture and development programs, development of international field schools for archaeologists.

Main Projects / Activities

Project Lixus- Larache, Morocco

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Alexandra van Dijk MA
Head of the organisation
Mr. R.W. Brandt MA
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Mohssine Dahhan MA

Marom Budapest

National Network

1083, Szigetvari u. 6.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Marom has a chair, a director and vize-director, who create the board. There are three employees and ca. 30 volunteers. Marom had ca. 80 000 Euro income in 2008. Main financial supporters were: JDC Hungary, Hungarian Jewish Cultural Heritage Foundation, Chais Family Foundation, Gruntvig Foundation and the Rothschild Foundation. Marom operates part of a cultural- and civic community center in Budapest, called Siraly ( where we organise concerts, discussions, theatre plays, movie showings and further alterative activities for the promotion of contemporary Jewish culture and intercultural dialogue. We organise one big festival yearly outside of Budapest, in 2009 between 6-8. August. We have online projects such as the Alternative Jewish Life style magazine and a videosharing project . We are also active in the protection of the Jewish district, environmental consciousness, and gender issues. Our main partners are the City Theatre, the JDC, and Masorti Olami.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Marom Budapest is to re-interpret the Jewish cultural heritage, to promote and create contemporary Jewish culture and to facilitate intercultural dialogue through the means of culture and art. We encourage people to realise their own projects and to contribute to positive social changes through their voluntary work. Our aims are also to represent the right of women, sexual and ethnical minorities and promote tolerance. We are fighting against Anti-semitism and all kinds of discrimination. Our aim is to support other civic intiatives and to co-operate with them.
Besides multuculturalism, diversity and progressivity our main value is environmental consciousness.
Our objective is to have a constantly growing number of young adults involved in projects facilitated by us on the fields above.

Main Projects / Activities

Marom Budapest has been residing and working within a unique non-profit cultural center (squat) in the heart of the Jewish district of Budapest, called Sirály, Since 2006. (
Here our main programs are the New Year of the Trees (Tubishvath), Purim, The day of civic culture, Hanuka-Christmas-Eid El Adha and further films, discussions, exhibitions.
We support an egalitarian prayer group, called New Generation (Dor Chadash) and we celebrate together Jewish holidays, like Seder night. We have one bigger festival yearly outside of Budapest (Jewstock), in 2009 between 6-8. August.
Our online projects are: - an alternative Jewish life style and academic magazine and video-sharing website. Once a year we have the Marom -roof on the occasion of the Jewish holiday "Sukkot".
We support artistic and cultural initiatives for re-creating Jewish culture, such us the Hungarian music bands Hagesher or Skayach.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adam Schonberger
Head of the organisation
Adam Schonberger

Associazione culturale Caffè del Conte

National Network

via Pavoncelli, 97
Cerignola (FG)

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Il Caffè del Conte sin dalla sua costituzione nel 1997 come società a responsabilità limitata e dal 2007 anche come associazione culturale si avvale dell'impegno dei 7 soci fondatori e collabora con associazioni ed istituzioni locali (ARCI, Università di Foggia)e nazionali (Caffè dell'Orologio di Modena). Le attività culturali sono sostenute da sponsorizzazioni.
Mission and Objectives

Il Caffè del Conte sin dagli inizi si propone di contribuire al dialogo all'interno della societá attraverso la realizzazione di progetti e attivitá socio-culturali e artistiche.
Promuove, pertanto, lo scambio di idee e la riflessione su questioni socio-culturali contemporanee e si impegna a:
# Sviluppare attivitá e progetti per stimolare la riflessione sul dialogo interculturale.
# Introdurre e divulgare nuove iniziative e sviluppare le interazioni tra i vari settori della societá.
# Dar vita, stimolare e diffondere collaborazioni.

Main Projects / Activities

Il Caffè del Conte sin dalla sua costituzione, avvenuta nel dicembre 1997, si occupa di arte e letteratura; promuove il territorio e le sue risorse umane, artistiche e culturali; la conoscenza della storia e della cultura di Capitanata, ivi compresa l’eno-gastronomia locale.
Il 31.12.1999 ha fondato la testata “Cult.” e dal 17 gennaio 2005 è iscritto all’Albo degli Editori e Stampatori.
In questi anni si è dedicato a realizzare rassegne musicali, mostre d’arte personali e collettive, presentazioni di libri, incontri con gli autori, incontri con esperti nei vari campi del diritto, della storia, della medicina, della filosofia.
Ricordiamo, in particolare:
- la mostra d’arte “Cultura contadina ed arte contemporanea” di Pietro Spadafina, inaugurata da Vittorio Sgarbi al Museo del Grano (anno 2000);
- la mostra fotografica dedicata al Premio Nobel Ernest Hemingway con la presenza del nipote John (anno 2005);
- per gli “incontri con l’autore” la giornalista RAI Mariù Safier ed il suo libro “Mafalda di Savoia – un ostaggio nelle mani di Hitler”, insieme ad una mostra fotografica (anno 2006).
Dal 2005 il Caffè del Conte è associato alla Federazione italiana Scacchi ed, oltre ad organizzare tornei ufficiali ed amatoriali, ha collaborato con l’Associazione Scacchi Dilettanti alla stesura del progetto “L’arte degli scacchi” per promuovere la diffusione degli scacchi nelle scuole e la partecipazione degli studenti ai Giochi Giovanili studenteschi del 2007.
Appuntamento tradizionale, giunto alla settima edizione, il “Triangolare di…vino” è l’incontro annuale dedicato alla cultura del vino, svolto in collaborazione con l’Istituto Agrario Pavoncelli e con le cantine di Puglia e Basilicata presenti nelle diverse edizioni.
Il 19.02.2007 il Caffè del Conte è entrato a far parte dell’Associazione I Presidi del Libro” di Bari. L’obiettivo di diffondere il “piacere della lettura” si accompagna alla volontà di restituire un valore centrale al lettore, inteso come protagonista del processo di lettura. Dallo stesso anno è anche libreria e si è dotato di una piccola biblioteca.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maggiolini Maria Antonietta
Head of the organisation
Spadafina Pietro
Contact (2) Full Name
Catalano Filomena

A.P.S. GEA Onlus

National Network

Via xx Aprile 1944, 27 35100

0039 049 8278497
0039 049 8278451
Mobile Phone
0039 340 7889355
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
A.p.s. Gea Onlus is an international association for the study and conservation of eco-systems counting 3 full-time consultants, 1 half-time collaborator, 7 volunteers and 35 members. GEA works through projects and seminars. GEA main partners are Laboratory of Applied Psychology to Cooperation and Ecology (Lab PACE)-Department of Psychology- Padova University, Institut Scentifique de Rabat and Universitè Mohammed V, Association des Ensegnantes Scienses Vie et Terre (AESVT), Perilmondo Onlus association, Comune di Padova, Dipartimento di Psicologia ed Antropologia Culturale - Università di Verona, Faculty of Environmental Management - Prince of Songkla University, Chao Lay Culture and Environment International Association –(Thailand CCEIA). Budgetary resources available in a year are in average 100.000,00 euros. The main founding sources are private foundations, funds and prizes, italian regional funds for development cooperation, liberal and private donations, University of Padova, sponsorship (Rotary Club, Lyons Club, Charles Magne Fondation, Fondation Assistance International CH, CARITAS, WWF Med, etc.)
Mission and Objectives

GEA’s mission is to develop research and action project is to restore environment and improve conditions of marginalized and discriminated communities reducing their impact to the environment and fighting poverty. Training programs, capacity building and awareness are actions where GEA explores new research avenues to give sustainable opportunities and means to the communities. Research studies and research methods are integrated in GEA interventions to achieve sustainable development. We follow five leading key words: 1) Community participation, 2) Shared goals, 3) Self-implementing project, 4) Education-awareness, 5) Low cost to frame our intervention. Our projects are preceded by detailed context analysis and are constantly monitored to adhere to our five leading keywords. We focus on nomadic communities, the least addressed in sustainable development projects, on the impact of tourism in tribal communities, desertification process and human causes, biological indicators to monitor environmental degradation, pilot project for alternative low impact generating income activities.

Main Projects / Activities

2005-2006 project: “Chao Lay after the Tsunami: formation for the sustainable development of an ostracized tribal community”.
Monitoring with the employment of biological indicators of the cedar forests in the Moroccan Middle Atlas.
“Desertification and human impact: Formation for the sustainable development of the last Amazigh tribes of the Moroccan Middle Atlas”
Socio-ecology of the Small Italian Islands
Census and monitoring, Casentino Forests National Park
Rattan Celebes Island project (Sulawesi-Indonesia)
Evaluation of the impact of tourism on Zanzibar
Pemba's Red Colobus survival and natural forest conditions
Monitoring of the forest, the coral reef and Veddah project: an applied socio-eco-ethology project, Sri Lanka.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrea Sigfrido Camperio Ciani
Head of the organisation
Andrea Sigfrido Camperio Ciani
Contact (2) Full Name
Nicolò Serena

Associazione "LEM-Italia"

National Network

1) via Sant'Ottavio 24, Turin (Italie) (siège social)
2) adresse conseillée pour l'envoi du courrier: via Emanuele Di Simone 10, 65125 - Pescara (Italie) (domicile du Président 2008-2010)


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association de promotion sociale (loi 383/2000), gérée par l’Assemblée des membres et dirigée par un Comité (Président, Vice-Président, Secrétaire, Trésorier et Conseiller). Ressources annuelles (2008-2009) par an : environ 40 000 €. Sources de financement : Bénévolat, cotisations, dons privés et subventions de la part de collectivités locales (Mairie de Faeto, Conseil Général de Foggia). Membre du réseau international Langues d’Europe et de la Méditerranée (LEM), géré par l’association « Forum des Langues de France », chargé notamment d’organiser un réseau sur les langues d’Italie. Organisation de colloques avec publication des Actes et d’autres événements. Publication d’une Collection d’études de linguistique. Partenaires principaux : Conseil de l’Europe, Forum des Langues de France, Département de Théories et Politiques du Développement Social de l’Université de Teramo, Fondazione Università di Teramo, Université de Turin, Université de Lecce, Université de L’Aquila, Maison d’édition Aracne de Rome, Institut Supérieur pour Interprètes et Traducteurs (I.S.I.T.) de Trente, Mairie de Faeto.
Mission and Objectives

L’Association a pour mission de promouvoir la diversité linguistique en Italie en s’associant au projet de portail internet Langues d’Europe et de la Méditerranée (LEM), projet impulsé par l’Association Forum des Langues de France. Dans cette perspective générale, l’Association LEM-Italia, à travers un réseau de partenaires nationaux et internationaux, a mis et continue de mettre en œuvre un nombre important d’actions qui visent non seulement la description à la fois rigoureuse et claire, c’est-à-dire accessible aux spécialistes aussi bien qu’au grand public, des différentes langues d’Italie ou la diffusion de produits culturels en langue régionale ou minoritaire, mais également le développement local et la qualité de la vie dans ces territoires allophones, normalement « marginaux ». Pour ce faire, l’Association implique et sollicite des spécialistes de plusieurs disciplines : linguistique, droit, sociologie, géographie, économie.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation au projet Langues d’Europe et de la Méditerranée (LEM), création d’un réseau national sur les langues d’Italie. Organisation de colloques internationaux annuels sur les droits linguistiques avec édition des Actes multimédia et en papier ( ; organisation d’un Festival sur les littératures minoritaires d’Europe et de la Méditerranée avec réalisation d’une Expositon itinérante sur les mêmes sujets et avec l’implication de plasticiens, de poètes et de musiciens (…) ; création de pages web concernant les différentes langues d’Italie, création et direction scientifique d’une Collection d’études sur les langues d’Europe et de la Méditerranée, à publier en ligne et en volume avec la maison d’édition Aracne de Rome. Création et direction d’un cycle de colloques en ligne (« Colloques virtuels », Organisation d’une grande exposition sur les « Langues de la Méditerranée », en préparation actuellement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Agresti
Head of the organisation
Giovanni Agresti

Stichting Chi Sono

National Network

lucas gasselstraat 7A
5611 ST Eindhoven

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are a foundation which is working on non-profit base and working with non-commercial artprojects mostly with porjects in public space involving lots of people in it.
Mission and Objectives

To create a possibility for artists and non artists to merge, to work together on themes like, communication,exchange, rethinking of values, and showing parts of human interestst.

Main Projects / Activities

Videoprojects in public spaces, in commision of housing-companies in areas which are problematic. Working together with people who are living in the problematic neighbourhoud in order to come to a sence of communication between people. Through artprojects trying to create some space between people and to confrontate them with borders, possibilities and public spaces.

Contact (1) Full Name
Toos Nijssen
Head of the organisation
toos nijssen
Contact (2) Full Name
Ron Eijkman