Aha Moments, Center of Intercultural Learning, Education and Research

National Network

5, 314 Street
Sofia 1415

+359 2 9671063
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 89 9963623
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 359 89 8604641
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Aha moments is a Centre of intercutlural learning, education and research. It operates as an international team of consultants, facilitators, seminar and project leaders. The team functions flexibly and gets together in response to the diversity of tasks to be completed. The company has one member permanent staff, one adminstrative assistant and an accounting adviser. The company budget is euro 10.000. It funds itself through the activities we do. We initiiate, organise and teach on courses, seminars, workshops and a variety of training activites. We deliver a variety of consultancy services in the field of intercutlural relations. We initiate and take part in projects. Internationally, Aha Moments is part of reserach and education teams. Aha moments partners with Council of Europe, SIETAR Europa, International Association for Intercultural Education, University of Plovdiv, Radius International in Germany, University of Durham and Univesrity of Manchester; University of Shumen, NGO's, New School Foundation, etc
Mission and Objectives

We exist to help individual people, and young peopel in particular, to understand the interculturality of their own and the global contexts better, and to communicate with ease and confidence.
We assist teams, individuals and organisations to study and work more effectively across cultures.
An "Aha" moment is one of those times in your life when you discover a new insight. It’s a breakthrough moment that actually changes you. We all have “Aha” moments. Exercising and learning can help us seize them and learn.

Main Projects / Activities

Designing a Teacher Training Module based on the Council of Europe's Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters
Delivering a Distance Learning Course "Intercutlural Competence for Translators and Interpreters"
citizenship education seminars
Seminars for Study Abroad young people
Seminars for higher edication studenst involved in international mobility
Intercultural training for Detska Kitka choir
Intercultural trainings for the hospitaluty business
Intercultural trainings for enhancing the capacity of NGOs
Diversity Training
The Bell of Bela Rechka EU project

Contact (1) Full Name
Leah Davcheva
Head of the organisation
Dr Leah Davcheva, founder and director
Contact (2) Full Name
Yana Docheva

Knowledge Association Lovech

National Network

44, Turgovska Stfloor 4

+359 68 62 79 52
+359 68 627 952
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The members of the association are 49 people, the number of employed staff under labor contract is 6. Early, on volunteer or honorary basis more then 20 people are involved. The annual budget is approximately 100 000 EUR The sources of funding- EU programs (pre-accession instruments and structural funds), national and other granting programs The main actions of the organization are related to formal and non-formal education, youth initiatives and civil society development activities. The partners of the association are local authority, public institution, NGOs, cultural and youth institutions.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of Knowledge Association Lovech is gaining recognition for the democratic values in society through providing high- quality, accessible education combined with the national traditions and the European dimensions for lifelong learning

Main Projects / Activities

Active citizens - open local authority - 2009 Child care reform initiative, 2008 - 2009 Positive change promotion, 2007 – 2008 Improvement of the access to the labour market, 2007 Partners for sustainable local development, 2007 Let’s discuss and decide, 2006 Realization of the young people in a small municipality, 2005 – 2007 Partners in the civil society, 2005 – 2006 Knowledge on Europe, 2004 - 2005 Our School, My Energy project, 2004 WORKSHOP FOR HOPES, 2003 - 2004 MY JOB’S CHANCE, 2003 - 2004 If I can’t defend my rights, do that for me, 2003 The community is all of us, 2003 Our children – future decision-makers, 2002 Professional training for young people from the secondary schools, 2001 Chance for the young, 2000 - 2001 Approved by: the Citizen, 1999 Creating practices for effective cooperation between the NGOs and the local government in the Lovech municipality, 1998 Nonconflict Socialization and Professional Preparation – a Base for the Personality Realization from the Orphanages, 1997

Contact (1) Full Name
Ralitsa Popova
Head of the organisation
Donka Mihaylova
Contact (2) Full Name
Aneta Gechevska

Europartners2007 foundation

National Network

Drujba-1, bl. 159, entrance B, apt. 119. 1592

00359 887 620 326
Telephone (other)
00359 2 9787005
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
00359 899 801 934
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The organization has 3 full time officers. At the same time its trainers team consist of 43 professors and researchers. According to the financial reports of the next three years, the annual budget of the organization is as follows: 2006 - 63 000 Euro 2007 - 120 000 Euro 2008 - 75 000 Euro

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to contribute to the building of democratic European citizenship through promoting the values of tolerance, respect, peace, peaceful resolution of conflicts, respect towards the differences and education in the spirit of the humanitarian and civic virtues and values. We believe that while helping for the establishment of contacts and exchange of people, ideas and culture, while working towards the improvement of professional and civic competencies of institutions, organizations and societies, improvement based on knowledge of European and dissemination of Bulgarian practices, we contribute to the building of Europe as a family of democratic civic cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

- Fighting the radicalization of Islam: what school communities can do against it? Comparative study of the cases of Bulgaria, Morocco, Romania and Spain (financed by the programme of EU against the violent radicalization, 2007 budget line). The project is included in the National Plan of Bulgaria for the Alliance of Civilizations - Educational modules for teachers in cooperation with Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - Preparation of a book Civilizations: chock or cooperation (supported by Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and included in the Second national plan of Bulgaria for the Alliance of Civilizations) - Creation of Modules for teachers "Alliance of civilizations, contact of cultures" to be presented in the Summit of the Alliance of Civilizations in Istambul, 6-7 April, 2009

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Raycho Ranguelov
Head of the organisation
Raicho Rangelov, doctor of National security
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Darina Pacheva

Jewish-Bulgarian Friendship Foundation

National Network

125, Tzarigradsko shose, block 4
Sofia 1113


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Jewish-Bulgarian Friendship Foundation aims at providing knowledge and sensitivity to the past by organizing a variety of cultural and educational events. Its main focus is to stress on the universal messages of the historical lessons stemming from the tragedy of Holocaust and the dramatic rescue of the Bulgarian Jews and other rescue cases. A special focus of the Foundation’s activities is the promotion of knowledge about the positive example of Bulgarians and Jews living together for centuries in peace.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective of the Jewish-Bulgarian Friendship Foundation is the remembrance and understanding of the common history of both nations. Most of its activities are focused on strengthening of the civil society and preserving the tolerance not only as legacy but as a standard for intercultural dialogue.
The strategy of the Foundation is the gradual development of a Jews and Bulgarians Museum in the capital city Sofia. It would eventually present in the form of real and virtual reality the historical lessons captured within a permanent and a traveling exposition. In parallel, the Museum would also have its own training programs in the sphere of Jewish-Bulgarian historical relations. The main target groups of the Foundation are the younger generations, teachers (training of trainers), the general Bulgarian as well as foreign public.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation has developed its own publishing policy which includes the production of books of documents, teaching, training and conference papers and materials. The Foundation organizes discussions, training sessions, conferences and exhibitions.
The following projects are among the more significant results of the Foundation’s activities so far:
Legacies for the Future: Prevention of Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia among High School Students (educational project supported by the Democracy Commission small grants program of the US Embassy in Bulgaria); The Power of Civil Society in a time of Genocide: Proceedings of the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church on the Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews 1940-1944 (a documentary book supported by B'Nai B'Rith International); Mobile Exposition "The Power of the Civil Society - the Story of the Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews" (supported by the State Institute до Culture of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bulgaria); Educational training “Living Together, Standing Together” in a partnership with Centropa-Austria.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Albena Taneva
Head of the organisation
Dr. Albena Taneva

Association Musical'Isle

National Network

6, cours Anatole France
84800 l'Isle sur la Sorgue

00 33 676 74 93 23
Telephone (other)
04 88 61 21 95
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
L'association Musical'Isle est une association 1901 à but non lucratif. Nous avons environ 115 membres et l'association est gérée par un conseil d'administration de 15 personnes. Nous sommes affiliés à la Conféderation Musicale de France (Féderation Musicale de Vaucluse) et l'association est agréée jeunesse et éducation populaire. Notre financement vient surtout de la commune et des inscriptions aux cours avec des recettes d'environ 50.000 euros par an.
Mission and Objectives

L'association Musical'Isle a pour objet : le développement de la pratique musicale par l'organisation d'ateliers et de stages, la formation aux musiques actuelles, la diffusion de la musique sous forme de concerts et spectacles

Main Projects / Activities

Notre activité principale est la formation musicale et en particulier la formation aux musiques actuelles et l'accompagnement de groupes. Chaque année, en dehors des cours, nous organisons diverses activités: stages/ateliers, master class, échanges européens, voyages et concerts. Notre public est surtout un jeune public de 12 à 30 ans.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mme Boggs Sarah
Head of the organisation
Mme Boggs Sarah
Contact (2) Full Name
Mme Raspugli Annie

Agence régionale du Livre Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur

National Network

Cité du Livre8/10 rue des Allumettes
13100 Aix-en-Provence

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association loi 1901, subventionnées par l'Etat (DRAC PACA), la Région PACA, la Ville d'Aix-en-Provence, les conseils généraux de PACA. 8 salariées permanentes.
Mission and Objectives

L'ARL a pour mission de favoriser la coopération entre tous les acteurs du développement du livre, de la lecture et de l'écrit en région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Main Projects / Activities

Ses missions se déclinent selon quatre axes : information, formation et accompagnement professionnels, réseaux et échanges professionnels, développement de la lecture par le biais du Prix littéraire des lycéens et apprentis de la région PACA

Contact (1) Full Name
Léonor de Nussac
Head of the organisation
Emmanuel Ponsart, Président / Léonor de Nussac, Directrice
Contact (2) Full Name
Claire Castan

Uppsala Konstnärsklubb, Uppsala Artist Association

National Network

C/O Regina Mucwicki Mabrouk
Himmelsvägen 34
S-743 35 Storvreta


Mobile Phone
+ 46(0) 736 52 68 17
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Association is for members only, consisting of professional artists living in Uppsala or close to the city. There are approximately 130 members today. The board consists of eight members + plus the two directors who are responsible for the galleries and a workshop the members share. The budgetary resources that was available for the year 2007: 259 000 SEK and for the year 2008: 308 00 SEK. Main funding is Uppsala Municipality and members fees. Main activities are exhibitions, the shared workshop, international exchange projects, arranging cultural events, seminars and being part of the cultural debate in Uppsala.
Mission and Objectives

It was created in 1955 mainly to create a meeting place for the local artists, but also the association wanted to increase the artists´ possibilities to support themselves as professional artists. For this a member’s gallery and a working place was necessary. Through the years the artists have become more nationally and internationally oriented. The association is now an important and creative part of the artistic activities in Uppsala Municipality.

Main Projects / Activities

Being a meeting place for artists, running an art gallery for its members – Galleri 1 (with approximately 16 exhibitions/ year) and “Annexet” for guest artist from other countries and other parts of Sweden as well as members. With public events as seminars, workshops and debates. The association also runs a workshop/studio with a fully equipped graphic studio. For artists exchanges there are possibilities for accommodations for two persons.
Locally oriented art projects are for instance collaboration with the Linné garden and with the University of Uppsala, the ARTEMIS project. There is an annual art exchange program with Visby, Gotland, Sweden and Wismar in Germany. Members and groups of members are or have recently been involved in international exchange projects. There has been collaboration with artists from Japan, China, Latin America and Russia creating different art projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Regina Mucwicki Mabrouk , secretary

Pedvale Ltd. (Pedvale Open-Air Art Museum)

National Network

Pedvale Open-Air Art Museum, "Pedvale"
Sabile, LV3294,

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Administrative body for Pedvale Ltd. is board with one member of the board — director Ojars Arvids Feldbergs. Permanent staff consists of 8 persons. In order to implement annual creative programs in accordance with Pedvale mission statement, permanent employees work together with invited project managers, curatorial professionals, specialist practitioners and technicians in their respective fields for ensuring, developing, managing and guiding the successful completion of projects. Budgetary resources available in a year are LVL 50`000. Sources of funding are: income from economic activities, grants, sponsor. Modalities of action are concrete projects and exchanges. Main partners for Pedvale Ltd. are Art institutions of higher education in Europe and both individual artists and their organizations all over the world.
Mission and Objectives

Pedvale Open-Air Art Museum conception is to integrate natural landscape, cultural heritage and art in a unified entirety. The territory covers an area of 100 hectares, formed of wide natural landscapes. Artists occupy the landscape with their presence, ideas, thoughts and their artworks. They are invited to seek inspiration and impressions from nature, and to use environmental motives in their works. In creating their works, artists generally use simple materials available in nature. The landscape comes to form a part of the piece of art, providing the emotive and conceptual content of the work.
Pedvale Open-Air Art Museum has become an important cultural center that is valued by artists and visitors alike.
According to the situation that Latvia was occupied by USSR for 50 years, the main objectives for Pedvale Ltd. is to promote intercultural dialog, cultural exchange in the field of contemporary art and to ensure cultural education process.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 1993 Pedvale offers individual residencies for artists as well as the opportunity to carry out various creative projects individually. Artists from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Ukraine, Switzerland, Spain, the USA, and Japan have worked in the residence. Pedvale Museum also organizes symposia, workshops, exhibitions and other events for sculptors, painters, printmakers, writers and other artists.
Since 2007 Pedvale has a new programme "S.T.O.N.E.” - stone aS a culTural symbOl and inNovative dimEnsion . Stones have an important role in the historical development of mankind and since ancient times people from different cultures ascribe to stones mythical qualities. As a result stone is a cultural symbol for different epochs and nations. The task for the artist is to integrate the cultural heritage into the form of contemporary art and show an innovative dimension in the traditional stone sculpture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ojars Arvids Feldbergs
Head of the organisation
Ojars Arvids Feldbergs
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Miglone

Dancing on the Edge Foundation

National Network

Lindengracht 93
1015KD Amsterdam

+31 (0)20 6180220
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Dancing on the Edge is a non-profit, project-based organization which stimulates artistic exchange with the Middle East and North Africa (MENA region). The focus is on contemporary art of high artistic quality, often by a young generation of artists searching for new cosmopolitan Middle-Eastern art forms, working with contemporary themes and looking for links to socially relevant subjects. These subjects are also of immediate relevance in Europe, particularly in the metropolitan areas.
The performances, exhibitions and other activities are interesting to audiences everywhere including the regular dance and theatergoers, but also to a new public with an affinity to the region through interest or heritage. While the high point of the activities is a biennial festival held in a number of Dutch cities, Dancing on the Edge also arranges performance tours, training programs, workshops, artistic residencies, co-productions, educational programs, film screenings, symposiums, debates and other activities throughout the year.
These are categorized under 4 headings: ‘Festival’, ‘Exchange’, ‘Academy’ and ‘Programming’ and take place in The Netherlands, Europe and in the MENA region itself. Dancing on the Edge collaborates with a wide range of partner organizations in order to increase synergy and efficiency, but works itself with limited overheads. Dancing on the Edge is based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and exists since 2006. Vision: Dancing on the Edge believes in the power of art and culture to address issues. Art can ask questions, bring people together and offer new views to break through ingrained patterns. In today’s globalized world, questions of identity and diversity are the order of the day, and the arts can address these questions through different, exciting viewpoints and collaborations. Sometimes, art also aims to be contentious and painful, and to point out the power of difference, helping to form a more subtle and informed view of the world. While generating mutual understanding, encounters between different forms of art and culture can also enrich and strengthen the national and international arts sector. Dancing on the Edge stresses the possibility of adding variety to Western art forms by introducing art from the Middle East and North Africa. This creates exciting and contemporary variations on its intercultural heritage.
Mission and Objectives

Dancing on the Edge presents and promotes Middle Eastern/North African arts and culture, providing a platform for talented artists from the region who produce original, relevant, vital and creative work.  By doing so, Dancing on the Edge aims to increase culturally diverse programming and audiences in The Netherlands and Europe.
Moreover, Dancing on the Edge stimulates mutual artistic exchange in order to contribute to the reinforcement of the arts sector in the MENA region and to enrich the cultural sector of The Netherlands and Europe.
Finally, Dancing on the Edge challenges existing conceptions and widens the scope of reflection  in the social debate in order to dispel stereotypes and encourage a more nuanced way of seeing the world.

Main Projects / Activities

Dancing on the Edge is a non-profit, project-based organization which stimulates artistic exchange with the Middle East and North Africa (MENA region).
The focus is on contemporary art of high artistic quality, often by a young generation of artists searching for new cosmopolitan Middle-Eastern art forms, working with contemporary themes and looking for links to socially relevant subjects. These subjects are also of immediate relevance in Europe, particularly in the metropolitan areas.
The performances, exhibitions and other activities are interesting to audiences everywhere including the regular dance and theatergoers, but also to a new public with an affinity to the region through interest or heritage.
While the high point of the activities is a biennial festival held in a number of Dutch cities, Dancing on the Edge also arranges performance tours, training programs, workshops, artistic residencies, co-productions, educational programs, film screenings, symposiums, debates and other activities throughout the year.
These are categorized under 4 headings: ‘Festival’, ‘Exchange’, ‘Academy’ and ‘Programming’ and take place in The Netherlands, Europe and in the MENA region itself.
Dancing on the Edge collaborates with a wide range of partner organizations in order to increase synergy and efficiency, but works itself with limited overheads. Dancing on the Edge is based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and exists since 2006.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natasja van ‘t Westende
Head of the organisation
Natasja van ‘t Westende

European Institute for Democratic Participation (EIDP)

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The EIDP is a foundation, with 3 board members and some project managers. The budgetary resources range from 20 to 60.000€ a year. Sources of funding come from YiA, EYF and private donors. The EIDP developes and conducts own projects and exchanges. Seminars are being developed. Main partners are the NJI in Holland and several organisations throughout Europe.
Mission and Objectives

The EIDP sees it as her mission: To support young Europeans in democratic participation To serve as a platform where young Europeans can jointly develop and conduct projects that stimulate democratic participation To promote east-west cooperation To support and develop civil society To promote human rights and social inclusion

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars on Social Inclusion, Development, Democracy, Human Rights, Equal Opportunities, Differences etc. Election Observation Missions throughout Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Leander van Delden
Head of the organisation
Leander van Delden
Contact (2) Full Name
Jochem Lindelauf