Simya Arts

National Network

Purtelas sok. No: 61-8 Cihangir - Beyoglu

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Simya Arts is an independent arts company focused on artistic training and organization of artistic events and performances. It offers professional theatre and dance education as well as basic arts training. The company organizes artistic events, seminars and workshops, in which trainers and artists from Europe, USA and Asia participate. The company is also the producer of the performances of Zigurrat Dance company, which consists of native and international artists particularly with backgrounds in performing arts. Simya Arts participates in the artistic events and festivals organized in Europe with its special projects such as Meditative Dance and with the plays and performances of Zigurrat Dance Company. Simya Arts is a member of IETM (International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts) and European Off Network.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the company is
- To contribute to the development of arts and arts education and the protection of artistic freedoms
- To foster inter-cultural dialogue through partnerships with artists, art institutions and organizations in different countries
- To provide more opportunities for joint works and for sharing professional practices
- To improve the conditions for independent companies and performing artists
The company achieves its objectives through social and professional networking, joint works, sharing of information, collaboration and advocacy.

Main Projects / Activities

Simya Arts is a member of IETM (International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts) and European Off Network. It is the organizer of a large-scale network event to be held in year 2010 in Istanbul(European Culture Capital for 2010) with the participation of artists, art organizations and cultural operators from 30 countries of Europe. The project is carried out in partnership of cultural organizations around Europe and with the support of public and private institutions in Turkey. The project is aimed to be a further opportunity for the transnational mobility of artists and transnational circulation of artistic works, and for promoting intercultural dialogue.
The main partners of the company in year 2009-2010 activities are Freie Theater (Austria), Teatro Inverso (Italy), Teater Centrum (Sweden), Pro Rodopi Foundation (Bulgaria), Scarlattine Teatro (Italy), VTS (Poland)and Association KUD Mreža (Slovenia).

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilkay Sevgi
Contact (2) Full Name
Derya Yuksek

Habitat for Humanity Ireland

National Network

Quadrant House,
Dublin 20.


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) is a nonprofit, nondenominational Christian charity. HFHI seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action worldwide. Habitat for Humanity Ireland reports directly to our European Head Office in Bratislava. The Headquarters of Habitat for Humanity International are in Americus, Atlanta, Georgia. We currently have 8 staff members. Our office operates on a budget of €1.5Million approximately per year. Our sources of funding are volunteers, donors, Irish Aid and Habitat for Humanity head office in Europe. We build homes in Ireland and overseas. We also run a development education and societies programme here in Ireland. To date, alongside Habitat for Humanity offices overseas, Irish Aid have been our main partner.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to eradicate poverty housing from the face of the earth and to make adequate housing a matter of conscience and action.

Main Projects / Activities

Building homes in partnership with families in need.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karen Kennedy

Institute of Studies & Information for Integration (I.I.S.I)

National Network

Rr.”Pjetër Bogadani” , Pallati 39/1 ap, 2/2

00355/4 22222-09
Telephone (other)
00355/4 22381-87
00355/4 22222-09
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0682242 155
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information

IISI is an institute of studies in different fields of research, information on European, culture. The aim of IISI is to inform the public with the European culture, history and democratization. This will be provided through European manuals and data. Also IISI aims to prove that democracy is achieved only through ideas and culture. IISI staff is composed by the head of the NGO and its members. The budged of the performed activities on some seminars and round tables is 3500 USD awarded by SOROS Foundation. Up to date we do not have any partners. We have applied for 3 (three) projects at the SOROS Foundation but we have been granted money only once.

Mission and Objectives

The Institute of Information and Studies for Integration (IISI) is an independent body set up to inform the public about the European Union (EU) and the obligation placed upon its members. The IISI also works with EU institutions to help them gain a greater understanding of individual states and their people. The IISI aims to increase public awareness on the political and institutional organization of the European Union, on important documents of European Union from its foundation to the date, juridical system and its instruments of the European Union, the financial and banking system of the European Union and its operations, the European Union legislation concerning ethnic issues and national minorities, legislation and European Union conventions on issues as family women etc. IISI is committed to work with people of all ages and professions, regardless their socio-economic status or political orientation.

Main Projects / Activities

The activity organized by IISI on 29/04/2005 at Tirana International Hotel, gathered into a Round table session representatives from educational Institutes, High Schools, Ministry of Education, editors, students, pupils, researchers and academics that provide valuable contribute for handling many issues that education system is currently facing. Topics discussed during included the following: -The Teachers On-Going Qualification and the relation between wages qualification, contribution and individual values. The Dutch Experience in Teacher’s training, tools, methods, financial initiatives and institutional ways. The Role of Union, Community and Local Government in educational fund-raising. The Europeanization of Educational System, preceded by teacher’s training. -Organization of school curriculum. -Mandatory curriculum and the optional one, - the Dutch experience. The individual gifts, the leveled categories, the respect for individualities and the school democratic character. Curriculum harmonization in different levels within cycles and among cycles of undergraduate education. -Preparation of school-textbooks in a liberalized trademarked. The Dutch experience in school textbooks. Preparation & Harmonization of the levels of knowledge under technological and methodology ways. Textbook and the other ways of transmitting knowledge

Contact (1) Full Name
Përparim KABO
Head of the organisation
Përparim KABO, PhD in Philosophy
Contact (2) Full Name
Kostandin KAZANXHI Lawyer MPA

Foundation “Perspectives”

National Network

Pirin str

00359 899 92 04 18
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
00359 887 722 755
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Supreme body of management is the Board of trustees. The General Assembly consists of all the members of the Board of trustees. The managing body of the organisation is the Board of Directors. The chairperson and the vice-chairperson of the Board of Directors represent the foundation before third parties together and separately. Number of employees: There is 1 full-time employee. The number of part-time employees depends on the foundation’s project activity – average 2-4 employees per month ( Project Manager – 1; Accountant – 1; Project Coordinators – 2; Expert Consultants – 1; Social Workers – 3, as they have different qualification – sociologists, psychologists, doctors etc.). The work place of the employees is the office of the Foundation or another place that depends on the project activities. During the last year the amount of money received by the organisation is 31 000 leva. Our sourses for funding are The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria through the Ministry of Healthcare. Modalities of action: “Prevention of risk sexual behaviour and injection practices among prostitute women and men”. Every year the team of the organisation participates in training through exchange of experience organised by the Ministry of Healthcare and seminars for reporting the results of the implementation of the programme. Every year Foundation “Perspectives” participates in the implementation of Epidemiologic control HIV/AIDS among vulnerable groups.

Mission and Objectives

Support for the development of a favorable environment to the healthcare, democratisation and increase of the individual and group participation in the control of the factors that influence healthcare; development and implementation of projects aiming at mobilization of the community resources for resolving problems connected with physical, psychological and social health and disease prevention; cooperation with organisations and communities for the mobilization of resources for social development of the ethnic minorities, women, young people, children and other social unprivileged communities. We also work for the development of practices and policy for human rights, equality and fight against discrimination.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects/activities “Prevention of risk sexual behaviour and injection practices among prostitute women and men” - Study of the situation and research of the needs of the prostitute women; - Distribution of condoms; - Distribution of materials for safe injecting; - Design and dissemination of adapted educational materials concerning disadvantaged groups; - Psychological support to prostitute women; - Consulting prostitute women on issues concerning safe sex, usage of material for safe sex and injecting, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases; - Organising meetings for medical, social and police workers; - Directing of the project beneficiaries to appropriate institutions and accompaniment when possible.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rumyana Davidova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rumyana Davidova
Contact (2) Full Name
Nikolai Tudzharov

Municipality Velingrad

National Network

35 Han Asparuh blvd.

+0359 359 5 05 85
+359 359 5 43 41
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Municipality Velingrad has 116 employees of which 44 are working in the general administration and 48 in the specialized administration. It’s yearly budget is 8,5 000 000 EUR. It’s sources of funding are the republic budget, local taxes and outer sources like national and european programs. In the municipality’s staff, there is a ‘European Programs and Projects Directorate” which is dedicated to development and implementation of projects funded by grants from the European Commission. It has projects in the fields of ecology, infrastructure, social activities, etc. The municipality has partners among the civil society, business, regional and national authorities.
Mission and Objectives

Municipality Velingrad in the heart of the Rodophes will become a developed and established region for international tourism and balneological treatment with clean nature, quality life standard, preserved spiritual and material values with high grade of education and knowledge and equal chances of all of it’s regions and social groups.
The general objectives of the development of Municipality Velingrad for the period until the year of 2013 are improvement of life quality, growth of incomes and employment and transformation of Municipality Velingrad in an environmental-clean vacation territory with well established living, resort and business environment by increasing it’s attractiveness as a major leading balneological centre.

Main Projects / Activities

The European Programs and Projects Directorate has developed and implemented many projects funded from the European Commission. It has experience in the development of projects, applying in calls for proposals, budget allocation and project implementation. Some of the past projects are “Protected House” – social establishment for handicapped people, building of waste-water purification plant for the municipalities of Velingrad and Sarnitza and projects for energy efficiency of various buildings on the town’s territory.

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgy Ianchev
Head of the organisation
Ivan Lebanov
Contact (2) Full Name
Radka Ruseva

Association Union des Jeunes Euro Maghrébins Maroc

National Network

Apt. 4, Immeuble 31 Résidence BOUSTANE, Qu : FATH Rabat

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+212 66 96 54 68
Mobile Phone (other)
+212 62 38 26 84
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Bureau National à Rabat (7 membres) Deux sections créées (Béni Mellal & Oujda) 2. 50 000 DHS 3. Subvention d’institutions (Ex : Fondation CDG) 4. Journées d’études thématiques, Festivals de jeunes, Forum Euro Maghrébins de le Jeunesse, Caravanes, Séminaires 5. Agences de développements, Collectivités Territoriales, Universités
Mission and Objectives

- Unification du Maghreb.
- Amitié et coopération entre les jeunes d’Europe et du Maghreb.
- Défendre un partenariat euro-maghrébin
- Promouvoir la démocratie, la Citoyenneté et le respect des droits de l’Homme chez les jeunes
- Promouvoir l’égalité entre l’homme et la femme

Main Projects / Activities

- Festival de la Citoyenneté de la Région Tadla Azilal «3e édition en novembre 2009 »
- En partenariat avec la Faculté des Sciences de Rabat Agdal :
Séminaires sur :
La journée Mondiale de la Femme
La journée Mondiale de l’Eau
- La coopération Inter universitaires entre les pays du Maghreb et de l’Europe
- Colloque Euro Maghrébin des Jeunes sur l’UE et le Maghreb
- Participations aux activités des Réseaux d’associations des Régions Tadla Azilal et l’Oriental

Contact (1) Full Name
Siham SAADI (Secrétaire Générale)
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

PeacePlayers Cyprus

National Network

Home for Cooperation 
28 Markou Drakou street
1102 Nicosia

+357 22 660 061
+357 22 660 061
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

PeacePlayers Cyprus (PP-CY) is part of a global network of PeacePlayers basketball for reconciliation programs that operates internationally on the premise that 'children who play together can learn to live together'. In 2006, PP-CY was established to unite and educate Greek-Cyprio and Turkish-Cypriot young people and their communities through basketball. The program brings together children from both communities for integrated games and activities, structured and implemented by local coaches. PP-CY's unique approach to peacebuilding combines basketball with an innovative curriculum: on-court activities teach children practical skills to cope with and overcome conflict, while carefully structured integration allows them to build mutual trust, friendships and a new shared identity. 

To find out more information please check out our online handbook:

Mission and Objectives

PPI-CY aims to break down social and cultural stereotypes and develop young leaders while offering them professional quality basketball trainings. PPI-CY’s innovative sport and peace building curriculum, delivered by local coaches, integrates effective conflict transformation techniques into weekly basketball practices, providing children with both the tools to address conflicts in their lives and an outlet for their practical application.

Main Projects / Activities

PPI-CY CURRENTLY OPERATES THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES YEAR-ROUND: - Local Basketball Clubs - Twinned Basketball Events - Leadership Development Program - Basketball Tournaments - Summer Basketball Camp - Erasmus+ Exchange Trips - Nutrition training in local communities

Contact (1) Full Name
Jale Canlibalik 
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Jale Canlibalik 
Contact (2) Full Name
Stephanie Nicolas
Job Title (2)
Program Coordinator

uqbar e.V.

National Network

Schwedenstraße 16
13357 Berlin

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Uqbar – Gesellschaft für Repräsentationsforschung e.V. (Society of Representation Research) The association Uqbar – Gesellschaft für Repräsentationsforschung e.V. was registered on 20 January 2004 into the register of associations in Berlin, Germany. The association is classified by the German fiscal authorities as non-profit and for public benefit. Since 2007 uqbar hosts exhibitions, conferences, talks, screenings and workshops in its project space in Berlin Wedding. The programme is organized by cultural producers and curators Dorothee Bienert, Dortje Drechsel, Marina Sorbello, Antje Weitzel. For the programme: The activities of Uqbar are based on project fundraising, networking, and international cooperation. Uqbar has been beneficiary of grants by the European Commission, Culture 2007-2013 and Culture 2000; the Danish Arts Agency; the French Embassy in Berlin; the German–Czech Future Fund; the Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin; the Italian Cultural Institute; The Venitian Region, Italy; the mobility fund Movin UP, Torino; the European Cultural Foundation; the Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin. For a partial list of the partners of Uqbar see:

Mission and Objectives

Uqbar e.V. aims at promoting contemporary art and culture, above all implementing, supporting and hosting projects dedicated to the research and promotion of experimental, interdisciplinary artistic and cultural practices in the international context.

Main Projects / Activities

For the activities of Uqbar project space see: 2009–2010: Uqbar e.V. is the main coordinator of “Transient Spaces – The Tourist Syndrome”, financed through the programme Culture 2007-2003 of the European Commission 2008: Uqbar e.V, is partner of “Cairoscape – Images, Imagination and Imaginary of a Contemporary Mega City”, an exhibition with artists from Egypt and Europe, in cooperation with Zentrum Moderner Orient, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, etc 2007: Uqbar e.V. is partner of “Don’t Worry – Be Curious!”, 4th Ars Baltica Triennial of Art Photography. Uqbar e.V. hosted four Ars Baltica Triennial satellite exhibitions. 2005–2006: Uqbar e.V. was the main co-ordinator and beneficiary of a Culture 2000 grant by the European Commission for the project “How to Do Things? In the Middle of (No)where...” 2005: Uqbar e.V. is partner of the conference “Klartext! The Status of the Political in Contemporary Art and Culture”, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, and Volksbühne am Rosa Luxemburg Platz, Berlin.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antje Weitzel
Head of the organisation
Antje Weitzel

Association for the promotion of culture and art “REZ”

National Network

Raciceva 4
10000 Zagreb

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. President and 2 vice-presidents, occasional employees 2. Approx. 20000-30000 euros per year 3. Government and local funding (Ministry of culture, City of Zagreb), Foreign embassies, International organisations and cultural institutes, Sponsorships 4. Concrete projects, exchanges 5. Depending on specific poject – diverse partners (local and foreign)
Mission and Objectives

Association REZ promotes intercultural dialogue through performing arts.
- Promotion and development of performing arts
- Development of non-institutional culture
- Intercultural cooperation
- Promotion of urban culture
- Visibilty of performing arts with the young
- Intercultural dialogue and its promotion in Croatia

Main Projects / Activities

El-Harraga/KUS-KUS – cooperation with Algerian artists
Etiquette – cooperation with British performing arts company Rotozaza
Cooperation with French-Asian dance company Unikaji
FFRIK! International theatre festival (2005-2008)
Coproductions and productions of theatre and dance performances with foreign artists
Co-organisation of festivals (DPI festival)
Research of cultural policies in Croatia

Contact (1) Full Name
Berislav Juraic
Head of the organisation
Berislav Juraic
Contact (2) Full Name
Josip Stajfer

Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators

National Network

Uddens gränd 3
621 56 Visby

+46 498 218385
Telephone (other)
+46 498 218764
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

1. Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators (BCWT) is a non-profit organization. BCWT is an international residential workplace and meeting point that was established in 1993 as a tangible result of the writers' cruise Baltic Waves, of the on resolution of the Swedish Parliament and on the initiative of all the writers’ and translators’ organization in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea region. The BCWT is governed by Representatives from the member organizations via the international Board. The executive work is run with 2 employees. The BCWT is financed by the Swedish state through Swedish Arts Council – 1491000 SEK - and regioanlly by Gotland Municipality – 406000 SEK (for year 2009). The BCWT cooperates with all the writers and translators organizations in the Baltic Sea Region as well as the umbrella network Baltic Writers’ Council. The BCWT is since 1996 under the auspices of UNESCO

Mission and Objectives

- stimulate the literary and cultural exchange, serve as a workplace and meeting point for writers and translators from the region -actively work to promote the BCWT as a site for cooperative projects -support the creation of a reference library compatible with the guidelines for BCWT, as well as an information data base on the literatures of the Baltic Sea Region - act as a promoter of formation and a source of inspiration in the cultural field - constantly seek new forms and partners for collaboration between writers and translators, strengthen the cultural contacts giving priority the east-west aspect -contribute to increase knowledge and exchanges between literatures and writers

Main Projects / Activities

The BCWT is today internationally recognized institution, operating under the auspices of UNESCO. Since its foundation in 1993 the BCWT has provided accommodation for about 3200 writers and translators from all over the world. Calculated in guests nights it will be ap 50 000 and calculated in book titles it will be at least 3000 books that have been written or translated during the BCWT 15 years’ history. The BCWT has arranged 15 international poetry festivals, numerous translation workshops with different language combinations, seminars and meetings. The BCWT has hosted and co-arranged some major international conferences in cooperation with UNESCO, with European and Baltic Sea perspective. In the EU context the BCWT has been in the avant-garde in questions of the enlarged Unio, and has been developing long-term east-west north-south cultural exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lena Pasternak
Head of the organisation
Lena Pasternak
Contact (2) Full Name
Patrik Muskos