Astragali Teatro – Eufonia scrl

National Network

Via Giuseppe Candido 23

+39 0832306194
Telephone (other)
+39 0832301823
+39 0832301823
Mobile Phone
+39 3281258010
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3209168440
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
-Astràgali Teatro is managed from 1999 by Eufonia s.c.r.l., a limited liability cooperative society. The staff employed is made up of 12 people and there are several collaborators. -budgetary resources available in a year are 350.000 € -Public institutions, European Commission, local administrations, private sponsors -projects, exchanges, seminars, performances, workshops, festivals -Apulia Region, Province of Lecce, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, University of Lecce, Municipalities, Chamber of Commerce of Zakynthos, Theatre of Zakynthos, University of Athens, Region of Ionian Islands, Cyprus Centre of International Theatre Institute, Mediterranean Institute of Malta, University of Malta
Mission and Objectives

Astràgali teatro was founded in1981 in Lecce in order to promote theatre, train actors, give life to a place for exchange of practices. It operates in the field of theatrical production and training, audiovisual production.
Astràgali is a place of theatrical research, of meeting of thoughts with the never tired challenge of life in theatre, that lead to visit theatrically as pioneers, some fascinating or forgotten architectonic and natural places and to open to syncretism practice of cultural exchanges and crossings, above all with Mediterranean countries, bringing to the creation of a cultural network and of " Multimedia Archive of Mediterranean countries".

Main Projects / Activities

Among the performances realized by Astràgali’s company, under the direction of Fabio Tolledi, we can remember: "Ali- questo corpo, questo fuoco", "La Betissa" (from the text of Antonio Verri), "Mistero Buffo (Schizzo Majakowskij)”, "Nos - l'architettura degli amanti", "Q - il cantico dei cantici per lingua madre", "Le Vie dei Canti", "Porca Miseria - le comiche storie del tragico sud".Among the several events we remember the four editions of "The Poets’ Night", "Scene del desiderio”, "Tamburi e coltelli", "Le Terre di Mezzo", the two editions of the festival “Dyonisos’traces”, the two pilot projects on behalf of the Ministry of Welfare and the Ministry of Public Education: " I giardini delle meraviglie" and "Progetto in viaggio"
In 1999 it is partner of D.E.P.A.Z. in the project “Popular Theatre in Renaissance” in Zakynthos(Greece) within the EU programme INTERREG III Italy-Greece.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberta Quarta
Head of the organisation
Fabio Roberto Tolledi
Contact (2) Full Name
Ivano Gorgoni

Africa and Mediterranean

National Network

Via Gamberi 4, 40037
Sasso Marconi (BO)

(+)39 051.840166
(+)39 051.6790117
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Sandra Federici (+)39 349.2225101
Mobile Phone (other)
Andrea Marchesini Reggiani (+)39 349.2225100
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1. No-profit association with a staff composed of 9 employees and 3 occasional collaborators. 2. ~ 140.000 Euros. 3. Local governments (Regions, local authorities, Municipalities), private foundations, European commission. 4. Projects realised with private and institutional partners on an international as well as national level; seminars and courses for teachers and intercultural operators; promotion of a quarterly review; intercultural activities in schools; exhibitions and publication of African artists. 5. The partners of our projects operate in the fields of interculture, communication and media education. Among the most consolidated collaborations there are: Centre Audiovisuel de Liège, Grupo Comunicar (Huelva), Fondazzjoni Temi Zammit (Malta), Centre Bruxellois d'Action Interculturelle, Multikultural Center (Prague), Consultants Associés pour l'Education aux Medias (Dakar); Mediterranean Institute; University of Malta
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Africa e Mediterraneo is to carry out activities related to international cooperation and to intercultural projects. The Association operates in order to encourage the intercultural knowledge between Europe and Africa, and the education to development; its commitment is based on the belief that education and Culture promotion are a means to development, peace and justice. Another important issue is communication, conceived as the body of values, symbols and representations at the ground of the public space and of mass democracies. All that helps the community to represent itself and establishing relationships is regarded as a key tool for mutual knowledge.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association achieves its purposes through:
-the promotion of the magazine Africa e Mediterraneo, about the African culture and the knowledge between the North and South of the world;
-the organisation of visual art exhibitions, with a special attention to African comics;
-the realisation of seminars for teachers on immigration and intercultural issues;
-the development of projects promoting cultural co-operation and human rights, in order to give African artists the possibility to enter the international market;
-the development of international projects on inter-culture and development awareness issues; among the others, the projects Africa Comics, Valori Comuni, Approdi, Intercultural Map, Manifesta!, realised with the support of the European Commission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sandra Federici
Head of the organisation
Sandra Federici
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrea Marchesini Reggiani

Meridie Associazione Culturale

National Network

Via Ottavio Asarotti 8

+39 06 33 85 170
Mobile Phone
+39 348 81 10 315
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Meridie is a no-profit cultural association established under the Italian Law with 7 founders coming from different fields of art and culture. It realizes projects and searches always on a partnership basis with similar structures in the Mediterranean area. Funding and human resources depends on the realized projects; main sources are members funds and EU Programs.
Mission and Objectives

“Meridie promotes arts and culture in all its forms especially in the Mediterranean area. The Association objectives are: exchange actions, dialogues and activities between cultural actors and artists in this area. It promotes and develops national and international meetings, seminars, pedagogical actions addressed to professionals training and to citizens, produces and organizes performing arts activities, expositions, videos and other forms of artistic productions, produces and shares documents in collaboration also with national and international structures and Institutions.”

Main Projects / Activities

- FAM – Forum pour les Arts en Méditerranée, dance and theatre workshops, performances, cultural management workshop in collaboration with Tunisia, Syria, France, Spain, Italy.
- “Thinking Bodies”, interviews to choreographers and cultural operators on dance pedagogy, supported by DBM Network and R. Cimetta Fund.
- Young Mediterranean Creators Biennial, Naples 2005.
- Rizoma Festival 2005, Regione Toscana

Contact (1) Full Name
Gerarda Ventura

Artos House

National Network

64, AY. Omologites Ave
1080 Lefkosia

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

1. Private, non profit organization. Three persons full time staff-Five persons part timer. 2. European Union (EU), Cyprus Government, Private Sponsors, Space rentals. 3. exhibitions, film screenings, performances, theatre, experimental music, research in music & brainwaves, startups, innovation Centre. 5. EU, ARTos members, UCY (University of Cyprus)

Mission and Objectives

ARTos Foundation is a contemporary arts – science-innovation & social impact center dedicated to research and creativity. Its objectives is to stimulate creativity and create sustainable models for supporting citizens and the society in general Main directives and priorities - Arts - Education - Cultural technology - Cultural heritage - Protection of the environment - European Union issues - Research and Sciences

Main Projects / Activities

EU programs Kids University ( in Science, Robotics, Archaeology) Local & International Exhibitions and Presentations Scientific and technological research with social impact

Contact (1) Full Name
Achilleas Kentonis
Head of the organisation
Achilleas Kentonis


National Network

c/o ONDA 13 bis rue Henry Monnier 75009 Paris
75009 Paris

0033 1 56 26 33 74
0033 1 48 74 16 03
Mobile Phone
0033 6 12 785 705
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. association internationale ayant la double existence légale belge (aisbl) et française (loi 1901). 2. présidente : Judith Neisse. Le Conseil d’Administration est composé de professionnels du secteur culturel de la région Euromed. secrétaire générale : Laëtitia Manach. Sources de financement : La Fondation Européenne de la Culture (Pays-bas) La Fondation Gulbenkian (Portugal) La Fondation de France Le Ministère de la Culture (DDAEI), France L’ONDA (Office National de Diffusion Artistique) France Le budget annuel : environ 100 0000 euros. Modalités d’action : bourses de voyages et rencontres professionnelles
Mission and Objectives

Le Fonds Roberto Cimetta est une association internationale pour les échanges artistiques et la mobilité des professionnels au sein de l’espace méditerranéen dans le domaine des arts de la scène et des arts visuels contemporains.
Le Fonds Roberto Cimetta souhaite favoriser les échanges artistiques et culturels au sein de l’espace Euromed, mais aussi agir pour une reconnaissance de la nécessité et de la libre circulation des professionnels de la culture dans cette region.

Main Projects / Activities

le Fonds Roberto Cimetta a mis en place un programme d'attribution de bourses de voyage individuelles. Celles-ci permettent de couvrir les frais de transport et de visas engagés pour des voyages individuels, tels la participation à une réunion de réseau culturel professionnel, à un atelier, à une résidence d'artiste, à un festival, à un colloque, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

National Museum – Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures

National Network
Czech Republic

Betlémské nám?stí 1, Praha 1, 110 00 CZ

420 2 24497500
Telephone (other)
420 2 24497501
420 2 22221418
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
General Information
1/ Public museum 2/ 30 000 Euro, plus expenses and wages 3/ State budget, sponsors 4/ Exhibitions, lectures, research, conferences, seminars, exchanges, training, publications 5/ Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affaires, private subjects
Mission and Objectives

Collecting, conservation, prevention, exhibition, presentation, research, publishing material regarded as national cultural heritage and focused on objects from Asia, Africa, America, Australia

Main Projects / Activities

Exhibitions, lectures, research, conferences, seminars, exchanges, training, publications
Collecting, conservation, prevention, exhibition, presentation, research, publishing material regarded as national cultural heritage and focused on objects from Asia, Africa, America, Australia

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Jana Sou?ková
Head of the organisation
Dr Jana Sou?ková
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr Vlastimil Novák


National Network
Czech Republic

Husova 29/1
460 01 Liberec 1

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1 - Chairman, board of directors, members, volunteers (all unpaid) 2 - no regular income 3 - EU, municipal grants 4 - exchanges, seminars, cultural events, workshops, camps 5 - YOFI-Israel, Gendenbir-Turkey, IPYL-Palestine, Hamrun Youth Initiatives Club-Malta, Single parents-Greece, Youth center of Dravinja valley-Slovenia,Norrvalla Sports Institute Vora-Finland….
Mission and Objectives

Using English as the common language we provide an informal environment that encourages an exchange of cross-cultural ideas. Through a combination of social, cultural and educational activities, stereotypes and prejudices can be challenged and closer relationships develop.
In the International Youth Program we began to concentrate on relationships with the Mediterranean countries, as these were the lesser known cultures and peoples. The common impression in the Czech Republic of many Mediterranean countries received through the mass media is overwhelmingly negative, which creates distrust and fear of the unknown. The projects we have initiated aim at building trust and understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

“The Czech Mediterranean” Liberec, January 2006.( Greece, Israel, Malta, Turkey, Palestine and the Czech Republic).The project is to enable young people to learn about life, culture and customs in each others’ countries
“Trakya Kenteler Bulusmasi”, an Exchange concerning the promotion of free time activities among young people, held in Turkey /September 2005.
We are hosting a volunteer from Turkey.
Art in Prince Islands July 2005, Istanbul, a presentation of international art.
Purple Book – August 2005, Ankara, a presentation of national literature.
The Greeting Plant – September 2005, Mus, a youth cancer awareness raising event.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jana Hunterová
Head of the organisation
Jana Hunterová

Institute of Comparative Linguistics

National Network
Czech Republic

Celetna 20, 116 38 Prague 1, CZ

+420 224491416
Mobile Phone
+420 604360759
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
The Institute of Comparative Linguistics is a department of the Faculty of Arts, one of 17 faculties of The Charles University. It is financed through the Czech government (via Ministry of Education) and also from research grants. The department was established in 1994.The department regularly organises workshops, seminars and conferences, has teaching commitments, is involved in the academic exchange and has a number of especially academic (mostly at other European universities), but also governmental and non governmental partners.
Mission and Objectives

Educational and research
Indo-European and Semitic linguistics, Arabic comparative and corpus linguistics, Hittite, Old Persian.
Cuneiform studies.

Main Projects / Activities

2000-2004 Participation on a Scientific Research
Program (MSM 112100002),
2005-2011 Participation on a Scientific Research Program
(MSM 0021620823

Contact (1) Full Name
Ass.Prof. Dr. Petr Zemánek, CSc.
Head of the organisation
Ass.Prof. Dr. Petr Zemánek, CSc.

AsaConsult Aps

National Network

Farumvej 98,

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
AsaConsult is a private consultancy firm working with Education and global information, communication, IT and media. Asaconsult is owned jointly by two partners but have several free lance consultants with It and educational expertise attached. Asaconsult works with private organizations like MS Danish Association of Intercultural Cooperation, the Union of Geography Teachers, Dan Church Association, KULU and with Danish educational institutions like Cirius, SPF, CVU´s etc. Asaconsult produces teaching materials, educational websites, coordinates courses in global and intercultural competences and organizes educational projects and campaigns.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ellen Farr
Head of the organisation
Asbjørn Andersen and Ellen Farr

Center for Contemporary Middle East Studies, University of Southern Denmark

National Network

University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense

+45 6550 2176
Telephone (other)
+45 6550 2183
+45 6550 2161
Mobile Phone
+45 2238 5470
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The Centre for Contemporary Middle East Studies is academically speaking a part of Area Studies. This implies, among other things, that the Centre employs researchers that approach the Middle Eastern region from diverse academic backgrounds (Political Science, Sociology, Economy, Religion, History, Anthropology and the languages). The Centre is organised into four branches: - The Modern Middle East - Immigration-, Religion- and Cultural studies - Arabic Language Acquisition - The Information Centre The Information Centre organises the public relations activities within the Centre. All members of the staff contribute to the activities of the Information Centre and the revenue goes to the Centre for Contemporary Middle East Studies.
Mission and Objectives
Main Projects / Activities
Contact (1) Full Name
Associate professor, PhD. Peter Seeberg
Head of the organisation
Associate professor, PhD. Peter Seeberg