Institute for World Economics

National Network

1014 Budapest, Orsz?gh?z u. 30

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Staff: 30 researcher Budget: cca. 100.000 euros Source of founding: Hungarian Academy of Sciences + Projects Modalities of action: projects Main partners: Hungarian and international research institutes
Mission and Objectives

The Institute for World Economics (IWE) carries out research and formulates policy recommendations on an objective basis, as part of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Established in 1973, it has become one of the major policy-oriented international research institutes and economic-policy think tanks in Central Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

Its main research task is to study the underlying trends and factors behind global and regional economic developments, and to examine their present and future impact on the Hungarian economy. In addition, it sets out to contribute to international research, through cooperation with top research institutes throughout the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tam?s Szigetv?ri
Head of the organisation
Andr?s Inotai

Department of Modern History and European Studies University of Szeged (Hungary

National Network

Egyetem u. 2.

(36-62) 54 48 05
Telephone (other)
(36-62) 54 44 64
(36-62) 54 48 05
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
36 30 430 6177
Mobile Phone (other)
36 20 33 44 728
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Seven teachers (six PhD,2 professors ) - About 2000 EUROS per year . - Financed by the state (Ministry for Education ) - Exchange in the frame of Erasmus (Cagliari, Rome, Paris, Aix, Angers, Nice) . - Cooperation with the centre of the Modern and contemporary Mediterranean of the University of Nice , University of Tunis I. (Manouba), University of Cagliari, University of Angers
Mission and Objectives

To develop the knowledge and the comprehension of the civilization between Mediterranean people , to promote the dialogue of cultures and the cultural and scientific exchanges between Hungary and the Mediterranean world , especially with the Arab countries .

Main Projects / Activities

Research and teaching on:
Maghreb history , history of the Mediterranean civilizations , relations between central and oriental Europe and the Mediterranean (15-20. Centuries), European construction and the Mediterranean

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. J. Nagy Laszlo
Head of the organisation
Prof. J. NAGY Laszlo
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Ferwagner akos

The Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies

National Network

2087 Fo ut 2/a

36 20 224 1595
Telephone (other)
36 26 375 329/413
36 26 375 329/413
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
36 20 224 1595
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Research
General Information
The Avicenna Institute is a non-profit research centre with the objectives of promoting scholarship in the field of Middle Eastern studies. The budget being strongly reliable on the variation of state’s and private funding is very limited. In this framework, several senior and junior researchers, and fellows are assuming and pursuing our aims. Among our projects are organizing public and international scientific workshops and conferences, publishing scientific monographs, conferences’ proceedings, granting scholarship for junior researches. We have solid connections with Hungarian and international research centres, such as Pazmany Peter Catholic University, University of Saint Joseph, Beirut and Instituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli
Mission and Objectives

The Institute was founded to fulfil threefold objectives: to conduct research for thorough understanding of Arabic, Persian and Turkish cultures, to advise decision-makers, media-actors and businessmen interested in Middle-East issues, to disseminate knowledge on current topics in on-going public debates to avoid misunderstandings in intercultural dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

The institute works on several projects:
- study the factors of continuity and discontinuity in Islamic legacy in the perspective of understanding the current development in the Islamic world, mainly in philosophy, theology, political sciences and literature, classical and modern,
- organizing public and international scientific workshops and conferences to disseminate knowledge,
- publishing scientific monographs, conferences’ proceedings,
- granting scholarship for junior researches in PhD or post-doctoral dissertations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Laszlo Tuske
Head of the organisation
Prof. Miklos Maroth M. of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

University of Pécs Faculty of sciences Institute of Geography

National Network

7624 PECS
Ifjúság útja 6.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Centre of researches with 12 researchers 2500 Euros Annual income of the fees of the scientific cooperation formations with the University of Orleans and Tours “Spaces Périmetropolitain . Non-governmental organization.
Mission and Objectives

Research of the Balkan area's complex system and structure and the East of Mediterranean in a geographic view , discovering differences in the geopolitics, in the cultural geography , in the economy and in the demography

Main Projects / Activities

Current research projects :
The problems of security in East-Mediterranean .
Processes of integration of the Mediterranean (Cyprus, Malta, Turkey) Efforts of European integration in the states of Balcan. Risks of security in border zones of Hungary south.
Transborder cooperation .
Regional policies in Balcan

Contact (1) Full Name
M. Norbert PAP
Head of the organisation
M. Norbert PAP (directeur)
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

Via acherusio 85
00199 Roma

+39 06 86 32 81 78
+39 06 86 32 81 78
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1 et 4. L’Association culturelle Babelmed (à but non lucratif) édite le site Elle a pour vocation de relier les acteurs et productions culturels en Méditerranée, et de fournir une information indépendante sur différents thèmes. La rédaction romaine, constituée de 4 personnes, gère le réseau des 16 correspondants couvrant 13 pays: Algérie, Espagne, Egypte, France, Grèce, Italie, Liban, Malte, Maroc, Palestine, Syrie, Tunisie, Turquie. 2. 50.000 euros 3. Babelmed est actuellement financée par la Fondation Seydoux et la Fondation européenne de la Culture, qui financeront la Rencontre des Journalistes prévue à Rome en mai 2006, ainsi que les enquêtes qui en découleront. 5. Un partenariat éditorial a également été créé avec le magazine culturel libanais Nawafez et l’hedomadaire égyptien Al-Ahram Weekly ;et avec Radio France (émission hebdomadaire)
Mission and Objectives

Son objectif est de promouvoir les échanges culturels en Méditerranée et de faire circuler l’information et les idées qui gravitent autour de cette mer commune, au moment même où les tentations d’amalgames et de repli identitaire, qui sévissent dans les sociétés du nord comme du sud, édifient de nouveaux murs.

Main Projects / Activities

Le site édite une revue de culture et politique en Méditerranée grâce à un réseau de correspondants méditerranéens sélectionnés pour leur indépendance et leur connaissance des milieux culturels. Son nom évoque la Méditerranée “med” et sa diversité culturelle et linguistique“babel” : les articles sont en français, anglais, arabe, et parfois en italien, espagnol... ;“bab”, porte en arabe, donne l’idée d’une ouverture sur l’ailleurs. L’objectif éditorial est de décloisonner les cultures nationales méditerranéennes : le travail de concertation du réseau permet de cerner les grandes problématiques transversales à la Méditerranée et de les traiter dans une dynamique de confrontation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nathalie Galesne
Head of the organisation
Nathalie Galesne
Contact (2) Full Name
Catherine Cornet

Associazione Irene – Initiatives, Researches, Experiences for a New Europe

National Network

Piazza San Giorgio, 2 20123

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
General Information
IRENE’s board is composed by three members. Irene’s staff is composed by four people (project managers, researchers and administrative staff). IRENE’s activities are co-financed by the European Union, Lombardy Region, Private and Public Foundation. One of Irene’s main goal is to link public and private organisations in achieving the same issue. The budgetary resources available: around 300.000,00 euro in a year IRENE operates in accordance with the provisions and guidelines of the European Union, developing and creating: •projects and researches, training and information activities, targeted for women and young people; •studies and researches about the condition of women and young people; •studies, seminars and conferences; •publications and informative pamphlets; •web pages. Irene implements its project in network with public and private organisations in Italy and with other European organisation (see.
Mission and Objectives

Since 1991, IRENE is a no-profit organisation committed to the promotion of human rights and to the democratisation, in particular of equal opportunities between men and women.
IRENE promotes equal opportunities by carrying out activities of research, study, training and information within the directions and recommendations of the European Union in cooperation with institutional partners and other no-profits organisations.
Our scopes of intervention focus on four areas:
Fundamental human rights and social inclusion;
Equal opportunities and equal representation;
Access to the information/knowledge society;
Cooperation in the process of adhesion to the European Union and integration of the member and candidate states.

Main Projects / Activities

EU Projects implemented in the past years:
ENATW “The European Network Against Trafficking in Women for sexual exploitation” –DG Employment and Social Affairs
G3E: Gender Equality in an Enlarged Europe – Small Phare project
Project IWI “Immigrated Women Integration. The European network against social exclusion” - DG Employment and Social Affairs;
Police and trafficking in human beings. System of controls and victims protection- STOP Programme – DG Justice and Home Affairs
IWS-NET: International Women Shield network - DG Justice and Home Affairs
EU policies and best practices for public administration in Lombardy region
Kites' web - network for young equal opportunities - DG Employment and Social Affairs

Contact (1) Full Name
Marcello D’Amico
Head of the organisation
Elena Garavaglia
Contact (2) Full Name
Michela Allievi

CNR – Office for Mediterranean and Middle East

National Network

Centro Direzionale di Napoli - Via Porzio, 4 – Is. G1-sc.C 47/49

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
General Information
The Office for Mediterranean and Middle East of Naples is a structure of Italian National Research Council (CNR). Its activities are carried on by a staff of seven people working in collaboration with other scientists and/or postgraduates on specific subject-matters. It operates since 1995 in collaboration with Italian and foreign institutions. Its main activities: -Management/coordination of bilateral agreements between CNR and similar institutions of Med Countries. -Identification of strategic lines of Scientific/Technological cooperation at a bilateral/multilateral level -Support into the identification of national/international cooperation programmes and elaboration of projects to be submitted for a co-financing -Organization of international conferences and training initiatives -Dissemination of results -Studies/analyses in sectors of particular relevance
Mission and Objectives

The Office represents CNR reference structure as concerns the implementation of policies and actions to develop S/T cooperation with Mediterranean and Middle-East Countries. It works in collaboration with Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italian embassies in Mediterranean and Middle East Countries to develop actions aimed at favoring mobility of researchers and technicians, identifying priority sectors to implement S/T euro-med cooperation, sharing information on opportunities of collaboration and providing dissemination of results.
It supports the work of the Monitoring Committee for euro-Mediterranean cooperation in S/T established following the Barcelona Declaration in 1995.

Main Projects / Activities

-Coordination of bilateral agreements signed by CNR with: ASRT-Egypt; MOST-Israel, CNRST-Morocco; TUBITAK-Turkey.
-Training initiatives: “Euro-Med post-graduate Advanced School on New Materials and technologies for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage ...” (1999and2001); “Multi-media Technologies applied to Cultural Heritage” (6.11/7.12.2000), Training Through Research Programs in priority sectors (nov.2002); “Short Advanced Course on Conservation of Cultural Heritage” (29.05/2.06.05).
-Coordination/involvement in EU projects: The Euro-Med Forum on Co-operation in agriculture and food agro-industry (1998), co-funded under MEDA Program; “Euro-Med Forum on Scientific/Technological research as a tool for regional integration (2000), 5thFP; “Second Forum of high representatives of Euro-Mediterranean public institutions of RTD” (2002), 5thFP; “Thematic workshops for the definition of the S/T euro-Mediterranean policy within FP7”, 6thFP; “Innovative materials and technol

Contact (1) Full Name
Marilena Rossano
Head of the organisation
Ezio Martuscelli
Contact (2) Full Name
Federica Staempfli


National Network

Via Emerico Amari, 162

+39 091 6622238
+39 091 6622304
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 333 3305563
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
COPPEM is composed of 101 full Members and of 101 alternate Members, representing Municipalities, Provinces, Local Authorities, and Regions of the 35 Euro-Mediterranean Countries, for this purposes appointed by their national Associations. Full Members are also the COPPEM Secretary General, a representative of CEMR and a representative of ATO. COPPEM Bodies are: o the General Assembly o the Presidency Council o the President and Vice-Presidents o the Secretary General COPPEM Secretariat and offices are based in Palermo, Italy. COPPEM Secretariat is composed by 14 full time officiers. Both Sicily Region, through a special law, and some local Institutions, have supported COPPEM operativeness since the beginning.
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of COPPEM is to promote both dialogue and cooperation for local development between towns, municipalities, local authorities, and Regions of the member Countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, and their active and concrete participation in achieving the objectives established within Barcelona Declaration of 1995.

Main Projects / Activities

4 COPPEM Commissions, composed of COPPEM members who are assisted by the experts of the Secretariat, carry out the preliminary works for planning activities to be approved by the ordinary Plenary Assembly. Each Commission is assigned with the following areas of competence:
I Commission “Political and Institutional
II Commission “For cooperation between cities and regions”
III Commission “For economic and financial cooperation”
IV Commission “For the culture, technologies, tourism and environment”
.For 2004-2005, the following themes were decided:
-Experiences of participation of Euro-Mediterranean local powers and Regions
-Immigration and emigration, actions and tools of the co-operation among Euro-Mediterranean Towns and Regions
-The Euro-Mediterranean local development
- Culture and tourism: promotion and management of cultural areas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natale Giordano
Head of the organisation
Hon. Carmelo MOTTA

Legambiente Circolo Valle Jato « Chico Mendes » Onlus Partinico

National Network

Via Piave 3
Partinico (PA)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
This is a local headquarter of a national environmetal association "Legambiente". We have 120 associates, 60 adults and 60 youths of the High School, of the technical Institute and academic students with a directive council of 9 members. Our financial ressources are inscription's rights, activities concerning with the town hall of our town or with the region Scile. The last year, we had 3 000 euros.The action's modilities are environmental voluntary participation which associate schools or our town or for the defense of cultural heritage or participation to exchanges and meetings for the youth inside of the programm "Youth for Europe". Now, we have presented to our national agency an exchange project concernig environmental education.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

- Activities of environmental voluntary (Puliamo il mundo, Salvalarte, Spiagge pulite)
- Project of environmental education with schools and local institutions
- Participation to juvenile exchange projects and to meetings in Euromed's countries.
- Presentation of a project conerning environmental education with France, Portugal and Germany
- Preparation of sociologic inquest for the youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pietro Marabeti
Head of the organisation
Gioacchino Scasso
Contact (2) Full Name
Siro Maria Rinaudo

UNIMED- Unione delle Università del Mediterraneo – Association , of 74 Universities of the two shores of the mediterranean basin

National Network

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 244
00186 Rome

+39 06 49918628
Telephone (other)
+39 06 49918627
+39 06 49918582
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 335 392338
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
1) Association of Universities no-profit organisation in Rome, ten people of permanent staff, plus several collaborators. 2) 1.500.000 Euro per year 3) EC (EuropeAid, Education and Culture); Sicily Region; Brandish Province; Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research; Association fees 4 concrete projects, exchanges, seminars. 5: Members Universities, Public Bodies from the euro Mediterranean partnership, Italian Governative bodies and local institutions, Ministries, Chambers of Commerce. On-line weekly Euro-Arab press release realized in collaboration with Rai News 24 and Rai Med 6) Musical projects, meetings concerning actuality issues.
Mission and Objectives

Developing of interuniversity education and research in a multidisciplinary perspective in the area and enhancing the integration process between the two shores of the Mediterranean.
Enhancing the participation to international programmes dealing with education.
Carrying out training and research projects in different subjects involving also governmental institutions of the network members countries, so as to participate in their reforms and development process.
Making the universities able of dealing nearby with all the branches of knowledge.
Exchanges of students and researchers stimulating a deeper mutual knowledge.

Main Projects / Activities

TEMPUS MEDA JEP ELEG, improving e-learning capabilities of Open University Center, Cairo University
TEMPUS MEDA SCM PRODEST, enhancement of the international relation offices capabilities, Constantine University (Algeria)
TEMPUS MEDA JEP ECPIR, on rehabilitation sciences in Morocco
IDARA - Rachida, university governance in Algerian Universities
TEMPUS CARDS JEP HECDP, restoration courses in Albania
UNIMED Cultural Heritage II: facilitating exchanges of know-how to safeguard and protect Cultural Heritage
PRESERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL MEDITERRANEAN CITIES, training course organized within the framework of ‘Anna Lind Foundation’, sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with Brandish Province and Chamber of Commerce.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Maria Rosaria de Falco
Head of the organisation
Prof. Franco Rizzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Anna Maria Riccardi