National Network

46 Makedonitissas Avenue, P.O.Box 24005, 1700 Nicosia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Research
General Information
• The Unit is mainly funded by Local & European funds
Mission and Objectives

The Unit’s mission is to improve understanding of the processes and mechanisms which influence the health and well-being of the Cypriot population. In doing so it aims to contribute to the body of knowledge that informs the development of health policy, education and practice in health interventions.
Strategic Objectives
• To investigate health processes and outcomes associated with transition and change across key stages of the human life course, in a range of contexts and among individuals and in groups, organisations, communities, at local national and international levels
• To examine the life circumstances, bio psychological factors and cultural contexts associated with the promotion of health and healthy lifestyles, and the reduction

Main Projects / Activities

The Unit’s Aims
• To build and enjoy a strong public and professional profile which would be respected for its various key contributions, not just at local, but at international level.
• To unravel the links between health and lifestyle and to create an effective bridge between research and practice/implementation. The development of effective qualitative & quantitative methods is essential to achieving this objective.
• Through a focus on evidence, the Unit would be active in developing evaluation strategies to assess the value of health promotion initiatives in community settings.
Main Projects:
• Ethnic Minorities in Cyprus
• Diabetes

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Austrian Association for the Middle East

National Network

Dominikanerbastei 6/6
A – 1010 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 512 89 36
Telephone (other)
+ 43 (0)1 512 89 36 17
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
• Independent Association, 8 full employed staff members, about 50 part-time employed persons • About € 180.000,00 • About 65 % subsidies, 35 % own means • Academic course in oriental studies, language courses, lectures, scholarships, cultural events • Universities, NGOs, Ministries
Mission and Objectives

Promoting the relations between Austria and the Islamic Orient

Main Projects / Activities

• academic course in Islamic and oriental studies
• language courses in Arabic, Turkish, Persian and German
• lecture series and conferences on oriental issues
• scholarships for students from oriental countries
• information centre / Islamic Orient

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Siegfried HAAS, Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Prof. Walter DOSTAL, President

Ideaz. Platform for Intercultural and Comparative Research

National Network

Zirkusgasse 27/16
A – 1020 Vienna

+ 43 (0)72033203797
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 43 (0)664 5174742
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information
1. Network structure: two full-time researchers. We hire research staff according to the needs of our projects. 2. The budgetary resources depend on the projects that we acquire during a year. 3. Private and public sponsoring. 4. Seminars, research projects, academic meetings 5. We have co-operated with the Swiss and Canadian Embassies in Vienna and with the Vienna Institute for Development and Cooperation
Mission and Objectives

Ideaz is a non-profit association in Vienna (Austria) aiming to provide a bringing-together of academics, intellectuals, and cultural workers from the South (mainly from the Arab/Muslim World, Asia, Africa and Latin America) and the industrialized countries in the North. The intention is to offer a space that can serve as a truly translocal and transnational place of critical and self-critical ideas, projects and perspectives. Thus, Ideaz supports a discourse of knowledge that is not limited to the established trajectories of scientific knowledge between the “northern” countries (Western Europe, North America and Japan), but explicitly incorporates representatives from often neglected “Southern” places. Especially for this second group of persons – established as well as junior scholars and artists – Ideaz will offer the possibility of intercultural encounters in Austria

Main Projects / Activities

1. Research Projects on intercultural and comparative issues in the following fields of research
• Modernity and Technology in an intercultural perspective.
The expected outcome is the analysis of different cultural concepts and approaches to modernity and technology from a southern perspective.
• Reactions of civil society to the challenges of globalization in a comparative perspective
Research will focus on the role of civil society in an increasingly connected world with special emphasis on “southern“ countries and the uneven relationships between North and South.
2. (Co-)organisation of conferences and lectures

Contact (1) Full Name
Johannes Mark
Head of the organisation
Johannes Mark
Contact (2) Full Name
Christian Sushi

Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (BIM)

National Network

He?gasse 1
1010 A – 1010 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 4277-27420
+ 43 (0)1 4277-27429
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
General Information

1. 31 employees plus freelance consultants and experts 2. Budget 2006: approx. 1.500.000 € 3. Sources of funding: • annual basic funding by the Ludwig Boltzmann Association • project funding by the European Commission • annual contract with the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs • project funding and co-financing by the Austrian Ministry of Economics and Labour and the Austrian Ministry of Interior 4. see below 5. see below

Mission and Objectives

The primary focus of BIM is on research activities in the field of human rights, on the national, European and international level. BIM staff is also engaged extensively in human rights teaching and training. It is BIM’s main objective to offer a link between academic research and legal practice. Therefore, a considerable amount of work is devoted to empirical research and project implementation. Through co-operation with international, European and national institutions – like UN, OSCE, COE, EU, ICTY, Austrian and Foreign ministries – as well as other human rights research institutes and NGOs, BIM strives to provide relevant studies, analysis and data on human rights issues in areas such as international, European and national law, politics, education and the media

Main Projects / Activities

• Projects and studies in relation to the conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina, in 2002 completion of projects on human rights violations in Kosovo and on temporary protection in Europe. • Collaboration with the Development Co-operation Department and the Human Rights Department of the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, research projects on human rights and democratization and a major study on integrating human rights into Austrian development co-operation. • The BIM serves as national RAXEN Focal Point, reporting to the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC). • Service Centre for Human Rights Education: established in 1997, followed in November 2001 by another Service Centre for Civic Education. • Legal research projects on the analysis of national and international measures to fight human trafficking. • In fall 2002, the institute was mandated to carry out “Twinning Projects”. The projects support candidate and neighboring countries in implementing the acquis c

Contact (1) Full Name
Univ. Mag. Nicole Lieger,Prof. Dr. Manfred Nowak,Univ. Prof. Dr. Hannes Tretter
Head of the organisation
Univ. Mag. Nicole Lieger,prof.dr.manfred nowak, tretter
Contact (2) Full Name
Univ. Mag. Nicole Lieger,Prof. Dr. Manfred Nowak,Univ. Prof. Dr. Hannes Tretter

Interkulturelles Zentrum (Intercultural Centre - Youth Exchange Programmes)

National Network

Bacherplatz 10
A – 1050 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 586 75 44 20
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
IZ promotes the development of relations between people of different cultural origin and trains people to carry out practical intercultural work in the areas “education”, “youth work”, adult education. IZ co-operates with international institutions (Council of Europe, European Commission, UNESCO), ministries in Austria and Europe. IZ was awarded the World Aware Award for Global Education 2000 and 2005 by the Council of Europe. The budget fully depends on funds from European and Austrian insti¬tutions, partners and private sources. Annual turnover 2005 ca. 800.000 €.
Mission and Objectives

Intercultural Education
In a situation of confusion, where individual knowledge, social forms of behavior, and personal action can no longer rely on established traditions for guidance, education becomes key. Education signifies not only the communication of knowledge and skills, it also appertains to the development of social skills and personal integrity.
The aim of intercultural education is to communicate insights, to reinforce motivations, and to encourage forms of action that empower people to exercise their basic rights and to contribute actively to the shaping of democratic, pluralistic societies.
Interkulturelles Zentrum’s aims and field of work
The work of Interkulturelles Zentrum gives priority to self-reflective, experience-oriented, and social learning processes before the receptive acquisition of knowledge and the practice of purely technical exercises. Personal encounters and joint action are contributions considered central to the development of an awareness a

Main Projects / Activities

• youthNET SEE
Long-term project aiming at the development of youth policy and co-operation as contributions towards tolerance and understanding in Southeast Europe.
• youthNET CIS
Initiative towards enhancing co-operation between the European Union and the neighboring countries in East Europe-Russia, Belarus, Ukraine.
• Training of Trainers / YOUTH
The course consists of three seminars and a supervised practical assignment.
Tolerance Campaign in FYROM
Partner of British Council advice to youth policy development.
• International School Partnerships
Since 1990 we initiate, consult and support school partnerships with countries all over the world - more that 4500 projects.
• Education for Global Citizenship
Pupils, teachers, NGOs and educational experts from Austria, Italy, the Netherlands, Cameroon and Chile jointly develop pedagogical approaches and methods for global education.
• EURED – Peace Education in Europe
Co-initiator of the UNESCO/EURED teacher training cour

Contact (1) Full Name
Iréne Stenmo
Head of the organisation
Mag. Rebecca Zeilinger

International Music + Media Centre (IMZ)

National Network

Stiftgasse 29
1070 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 889 03 15
+ 43 (0)1 889 03 15 77
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The Vienna based IMZ – International Music + Media Centre, founded under the aegis of UNESCO in 1961, is a professional umbrella organisation and networking platform. Over 150 member organizations and more than 1,500 individuals from 26 countries join the IMZ to meet the industry, to get inspired, exchange and network. IMZ members are renowned, major production and distribution companies, public or private broadcasters, opera houses, educational institutions, record labels as well as individuals like producers, directors, scriptwriters, musicians and dancers.
Mission and Objectives

Together with its members, the IMZ wants to strengthen culture and creativity in the audio-visual media. The IMZ is providing customised service and expertise for business – company or individual and is an advantageous network for its members. Furthermore the IMZ offers a forum for discussion, the stage for showcasing productions and exchanging industry-relevant information, a database and a lobbying group aiming to make a real contribution to the businesses of our members.

Main Projects / Activities

The IMZ organizes numerous events like markets, screenings, workshops, festivals and competitions and manages a database compilation of worldwide information on audio-visual music and dance programmes. Main activities are: The yearly Avant Première Music + Media Market Berlin, an international trade fair and expert’s forum for professionals in the cultural film industry. Avant Première brings together around 500 market players providing exclusive networking and business opportunities along with customised matchmaking, co-production and pitching formats. The IMZ Academy, an initiative that brings together professionals in the field of cultural film production, fostering intensive experience exchange, hands-on knowledge transfer and development of industry-specific skills for the next generation. Workshops, seminars and discussions providing in-depth information on current market moves or like-minded working groups collaborating on crucial subject matters to encourage a cross-disciplinary dialogue. Worldwide Music Film Festivals curated by the IMZ, like the yearly open-air Music Film Festival in front of the Vienna City Hall – the biggest and most successful event of its kind. Competitions like dance screen, one of the most important international festivals for dance films, or the Semi-Final Judging for the International Emmy® Awards are organized by the IMZ. Non-commercial film distribution via the initiatives “dance screen on tour” as well as “World music films on tour”, are aiming at bringing these genres to a wider public.

Contact (1) Full Name
Astrid Hafner-Auinger
Head of the organisation
Arild Erikstad (President), Franz Patay (Secretary General)

Teleki Laszlo Institute

National Network

1125 Budapest
Szilagyi E. fasor 22/c

+36 1 391 5724
Telephone (other)
+36 1 391 5753
+36 1 391 5746
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+36 20 9735308
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
Teleki Laszlo Institute studies the place and role of Hungary in a broader international context and within the region, analyzes the global and Central European social, political, economical and cultural trends and processes. Within the Institute there are two research units, the Centre for Foreign Policy Studies and the Centre for Central European Studies. The Teleki L?szl? Institute is operated by the Teleki L?szl? Foundation. Research at the Institute is conducted along research programmers covering the main fields of Hungary's international relations and analyzing regional processes in Central Europe and Hungary's bilateral relations to its neighbours . To promote government activities the Institute prepares medium-term analyses in harmony with the demands of the foreign policy and cultural establishment, provides regular forum for high-ranking foreign policy officials and diplomats, it helps foreign policy analyses and relations, participates in the strategic planning activitie
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Institute is to conduct research, be engaged in networking and to help the administration by its academic analyses. At the same time the staff is engaged in higher education (lecturing at universities) and offer their analyses and expertise to the media as well.

Main Projects / Activities

Centre for Foreign Policy Studies:
- Security Policy in a changing European environment,
• From Europe to EU-rope. National and community policies,
• Regions out of Europe: the Far East, the Middle East, the Mediterranean
• Russia and Central Europe,
• Hungary and its Neighbours,
• National identity and foreign policy,
• Culture as a dimension of foreign policy - cultural foreign policy and its options after the East-West conflict
Centre for Central European Studies:
Cultural foreign policy and national identity
• Transition and ethnicity
• New frameworks in the interpretation of national and ethnic identity in Central Europe
• Settlements and regions populated by minority Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin in the 20th century
• Discourses of the Hungarian political and economic elite in 19th and 20th centuries
• The concept of civil society in the Romanian press after 1989
• Quality concepts in Hungarian education in Romania.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Erzsébet N. Rozsa
Head of the organisation
Dr. Gyorgy Granasztoi

Café Babel Budapest

National Network

1148 Budapest, Kalapacs u. 11./A
1148 Budapest, Kalapacs u. 11./A

+36 20 3291752
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+36 70 2040444
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The Budapest editorial office is part of the Europe wide network of the first European online magazine called There are 15 volunteer members currently at the Budapest team and 3 partner organizations. Our annual budget is limited to the partners financial and project orientated support. Our main partners: Pillar Foundation, Hungarian New Atlantic Initiative, Foundation for the European Values. Concerning the activities, the Budapest team writes articles to the online magazine and organizes local or European debates on actual European issues.
Mission and Objectives

Aiming to break down the barriers created by national media, is the first online magazine of its type. Published in seven languages English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Catalan and Polish the site presents its readers with an insight into European current affairs from a trans-national perspective.
At a time when the European Union is expanding and playing an ever more important role in our everyday lives, the evolution of a European identity is still in its beginning stages. As a forum for reflection and analysis, encourages its readers to think as Europeans, bringing European politics back to the people.

Main Projects / Activities revolutionizes European media through participatory journalism, providing a unique platform of expression for all citizens. Café’s aim is to stimulate and develop European public opinion through two distinct but closely related missions. The online magazine – – offers every week analyses of current affairs from a unique, European perspective. Secondly, at grassroots level café babel’s network, actively promotes this perspective through debates, conferences and other events organized in towns and cities across Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Haller Dora
Head of the organisation
Linda Mézes
Contact (2) Full Name
Balla Borbala

Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute for International Studies

National Network

Budapest - 1093
Fovam tér 8.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Institute is funded by the government and approximately 30 professors are employed and PhD students are also involved. Occassionally experts are invited to hold lectures from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and from other professional organizations. The Institute consists of three centres: 1. Centre for Civilizational and Regional Studies; 2. European Studies Centre; 3. Centre for International Relations. We organize several conferences, workshops and seminars in every year. The lecturers of the Institute appear frequently in the media, they publicated several studies and edited many books. They are often invited to national and international conferences.
Mission and Objectives

The special research area of the Institute is the Islamic World, the Mediterraneum and the dialogue between civilizations. Our aim is to analyze the international system using multidisciplinar methodology. The following areas are of special interests:
• Democratization and the evolution of civil society in the MENA region;
• Human rights in the Islamic World;
• arm conflits (Arab-Israeli, Afghanistan, Iraq);
• the euro-mediterran partnership;
• Turkey and the EU;
• Oil and economic development in the MENA region;
• Islam and modernity.

Main Projects / Activities

• Organizing conferences, workshops, seminars;
• Analyzing current world politics;
• Research project on “failed states”
• Organizing lectures;
• Training course for Iraqi diplomats.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Zsolt Rostovanyi
Head of the organisation
Prof. Zsolt Rostovanyi
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Laszlo Csicsmann

CogniTerra – Sustainable Development and Knowledge Society Partner

National Network

Kyprou 49, Papagou 156 69

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. CogniTerra is managed by a Coordination board made out of 7 members. In addition to them a variety of people work on a partner basis on various fields. CogniTerra hosts as well volunteers for on-line assistance and/or internships. Presently 7 on-line volunteers are working on various CogniTerra projects. 2. Between 10.000-15.000 Euros 3. Private and institutional 4. • Education & Training • Awareness raising • Cooperation and networking • Communication-Information-Documentation • Research and Studies • Organisation of events 5. No main partners. Several partners depending on type activities.
Mission and Objectives

1. Improve collaboration between Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working on sustainable Mediterranean development and knowledge society with other stakeholders of society.
2. Facilitate partnerships, networking and multilateral participation of various CSOs with relative fields of work, for increasing know-how and effectiveness.
3. Improve awareness of various target groups and provide high quality training on the major issues of sustainable Mediterranean development and related practices.
4. Increase the research and knowledge on our fields of specialization and disseminate it.
5. Initiate, develop and implement projects targeting specific issues and problems faced by various people in the Mediterranean region.
6. Assist the Mediterranean youth in bridging cultures, expanding knowledge and promoting exchange.
7. Promote the use of ICT for development.

Main Projects / Activities

• "C-nergia: the non profit e-collaboration tool".
C-nergia encompasses all the knowledge management applications for modern communities and organizations, thus allowing CSOs to collaborate and share experience with other organizations and improve management practices by using state-of-the-art technologies over the web and adequate tools.
The design and implementation of our own "Development Awareness Raising & Education - DARE" Methodology for organizing Seminars, Workshops, Trainings and Information activities.
? ct.youth
ct.youth is a network that provides a human and electronic platform for communication, networking and volunteering for young people living in the broader Mediterranean region including, South-East Europe. For more information please click here.

Head of the organisation
Akis Laopodis