Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V. (VNB)

National Network

Bahnhofstr. 16
49406 Barnstorf

0049 5442 804525
0049 5442 80455
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information

1. The VNB is: - an adult educational institution, serving more than 40 member organisations and 180 co-operation partners throughout Lower Saxony/Germany - providing more than 110.000 educational lessons p.a. - offering services through 3 regional an 1 general department, covering the whole state of Lower Saxony - mainly financed by the state of Lower Saxony as an official acknowledged adult educational institution 2. about 3 Mio. Euros p.a. 3. 2 Mio. from government of Lower Saxony for adult education, 1 Mio. from differnet donors: EU, government and privat donors 4. We organize networks for global education, seminars and congresses. We are partner for the weltwärts-programme of BMZ ( and have young adults (volunteers) in different countries. 5. Partners are about 100 NGOs in the field of global education and incultural learning in Lower Saxony and Bremen in different countries all over the world (

Mission and Objectives

VNB gives financial, organisational and professional support to local associations working at the follwing issues: - Upbringing and family - Work against racism, discrimination and violence - Gender dialogue - LGBT, homosexuality and society - Ecology, environmental and nature conservancy - HIV, AIDS and society - Health issues - Media and culture - Intercultural issues - Migration and aslum policies - One World Issues

Main Projects / Activities

VNB has a wide range oof transnational experience, promoting own projects as well as participating in European cooperation programmes: - Community Initiative EQUAL - European Social Fund (ESF) - INTI: Integration of third country nationals - Live Long Learning - Grundtvig - Preparatory measures combating social exlusion - LEADER+ - NETD@ys EUROPE National projects are: - Networking for global education - exhibitions like:,,,,,,

Contact (1) Full Name
Marion Rolle
Head of the organisation
Marion Rolle

Associação Cultural Etnia

National Network

Rua do Poço dos Negros, 68-1B
1200-340 Lisboa


+ 351 21 397 54 57
+ 351 21 397 54 57
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 351 96 546 15 65
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 351 96 86 22 008
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Youth and education
General Information
12 individual members. 3 full-time workers. 10 regular volonteers and task-basis collaborators. 50 000 € National and international grants, ownn-generated income,service-providing. Arts festivals and Touring Circuits, seminars, international exchanges,Youth Projects, Communmity Initiatives, Intercultural Non-Formal Education. NAtionally: ANOP / TERRA CHÃ / AFAIJE / CENTRO INTERCULTURACIDADE /COMISSÃO SOCIAL DE FREGUESIA DE SANTOS-O-VELHO/ LOCAl AUTHORITIES / Internationally: ETNIA CABO VERDE / ICL, FUNDAÇÂO CASA GRANDE, FUNDAÇÂO CASA DOS CARNEIROS and Prefeitura Municipal de Fortaleza (BRAZIL) / UNESCO CLUB ALESCO BARDO ETNIA is a member of three international networks: MIO-ESCSDE, EUROMEDINCULTURE and Global Alliance (Unesco). It is alao an associated member of La Red (Cultural Producers of Latin-America and Caribbean) and a corresponding member of Red Internacional de Escritores Por la Tierra
Mission and Objectives

ETNIA is a Portuguese non governmental organization aiming to promote the cultures of the world in Portugal and beyond. Though Its main focuses are traditional cultures from Lusophone, Mediterranean an Latin countries, the organisation has always based its work upon a clear concern of promoting multiculturalism and north-south dialogue, seeing culture as a tool for reciprocal and multiple discovery and respect for peoples, minorities and local or regional expressions. As a natural evolution of its work, ETNIA has been also gradually involved in projects to explore links and interactions between culture, environment and development

Main Projects / Activities

Educational package and awareness-raising campaign in the framework of the MIO-ECSDE network. co-funded by the Annah-Lind Foundation
EU-funded partnership with public/private organizations, promoting intercultural citizenship and community development through the promotion of cultural diversity. Located in a traditional multicultural neighborough of central Lisbon.
An umbrella-program based upon two main pillars - the Lusophone Houses ,presently being implemented in Brazil, and the festival “NA PONTA DA LÍNGUA: Arts From The Portuguese-Speaking Countries", yearly held in Brazil since 2004 and in in Portugal in 2008 (see
A twin-organization recently established in Praia (Cabo Verde Capital)to explore cooperation links and exchanges between Africa, Europe and Latin-America.
As a partner:
Regular youth culture/environment exchanges, as follow-up of an Euromed Youth-funded activity held in Tunisia (November 2008) and coordinated lby Unesco Club Alesco Bardo, focussing on the cultural heritage of maritime areas in the Mediterranean Basin

Contact (1) Full Name
Mário Alves
Head of the organisation
ETNIA - Cultura e Desenvolvimento
Contact (2) Full Name
Vera Rocha

Culture & Peace

National Network

Baron Hirsh 3
Tel Aviv

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Privet organization Partners: several theatre, several cities in Israel and 2 festivals: The Culture of Peace Festival & The Oud festival of Tel Aviv. Concerts, festivals, cultural exchange
Mission and Objectives

Cultural activities as a bridge between nations and peopel

Main Projects / Activities

Arab-Israeli orchestra of Nazareth
The Culture of Peace Festival, The Oud festival of Tel Aviv.
Exclusive artists in Israel:
Yassmin Levy (Israel)
Omar Faruk Tekbilak (Turkey)
Sapho (Morocco/ France)
Hind (Holland/Morocco)

Contact (1) Full Name
Eli Grunfeld
Head of the organisation
Mr. Eli Grunfeld

Institut Catholique de la Méditerranée (ICM)

National Network

Le Mistral - 11 impasse Flammarion13001 MARSEILLE

04 91 50 35 50
Telephone (other)
04 91 50 36 14
04 91 50 35 55
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
06 76 17 32 50
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
- L'Institut Catholique de la Méditerranée (ICM) est un établissement privé d'enseignement supérieur, associé à l'Université catholique de Lyon. Il est structuré en quatre pôles d'activités dont le principal est l'Institut de Sciences et de Théologie des Religions (ISTR). L'Association Chemins de Dialogue soutient en plus certaines activités de l'ICM. - L'équipe de l'ICM est composée d'une vin
Mission and Objectives

- permettre une réflexion sur l’identité chrétienne envisagée sur l’horizon de la pluralité des cultures et des religions. - provoquer un débat nourri sur le vivre ensemble dans l'espace euroméditerranéen.

Main Projects / Activities

- L'ISTR est le cadre de cours dont les sujets touchent aussi bien à la théologie des religions, qu'à leur histoire ou au droit. L'ISTR est associé au Programme Méditerranée de l'UNESCO. - Le Pôle recherche et publication regroupe, d’une part, diverses activités de recherche ainsi qu’un Observatoire Méditerranée-Europe pour la paix (OMEP), d’autre part, un travail éditorial comprenant la revue Chemins de Dialogue. - Le Pôle formation professionnelle regroupe l’ensemble des activités de formation permanente pour lesquelles l’ICM est sollicité. - le Pôle Manifestations culturelles regroupe les activités de sensibilisation du grand public aux perspectives du dialogue et de la paix, sous la forme de propositions diverses : cycle de conférences, colloques, expositions, quinzaine cinématographique, voyages d’étude… L'une des principales activités de ce Pôle est l'organisation des rencontres Mosaïques dont les deux premières éditions se sont tenues à Marseille en novembre 2005 puis en octobre 2008.

Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Botteghi
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Beit Almusica

National Network

Street No. 470, Nakhleh/Sobhii Building, 4th Floor.
P.O. Box 787

Shefa-Amer 20200

972 (0) 4 950 1135
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
972 50 6573813
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Beit Almusica counts with a Board of Directors (five members) in charge of policy and strategic decision making. Professional staff is composed by a team of 5 members and 25 professional Arab and Jewish musicians and teachers. The team is led by Amer Nakhleh, an accomplished Palestinian musician and graduate of the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem with ten years of teaching experience. We count with broad community support and the counseling from music specialist Claudia Klenshkov from the Levinsky College. Yearly estimated budget: $430,000 (only 15% is allocated to cover Operational Expenses). Beit Almusica is one of the few civil society organizations able to cover a significant part of its expenses through local income and fees for services provided to our target groups. Other sources of income include: public and private sectors and foundations. Modalities of action: Music Conservatory, Music Festival, Community Outreach.
Mission and Objectives

Established in 1999 with the mission to promote cultural rights of Palestinians in Israel, enrich society through the development of professional musical frameworks, open prospects for artists, and interact musically with other cultures.
Palestinian citizens have suffered from the absence of professional musical frameworks and infrastructure since the establishment of the State of Israel, thus hindering their cultural growth and the development of music as professional art.
Palestinians in Israel are entitled to equal opportunities for cultural and musical expression, to have their own cultural identity, and to benefit from a musical education at the highest standards. Goals:
Create and reinforce professional musical frameworks and infrastructure;
Preserve and promote the heritage of Arab and oriental music;
Develop musical culture and increase Palestinian community’s awareness of music appreciation and empower them to explore a variety of musical genres;
Open opportunities for the most marginalized to have access to professional music education.

Main Projects / Activities

Conservatory: The first and only Arab institution enabling Palestinians in Israel to receive musical education at a high academic level and to pursue an academic degree in music. After completing the academic program, students are entitled to study music at a university or music academy. Beneficiaries: 240 children (5-18 years old) annually.
BA Yearly Festival contributes to revive Palestinian and Arab cultural heritage and raise awareness of the importance of music as part of our cultural wealth. This program exposes the community to the richness of music through 4-5 seasonal concerts. Beneficiaries: 6,000 persons yearly.
Community Outreach: We address the acute need of artistic events and cultural expression through activities at high quality standards. Our aim is to open opportunities for the most marginalized to have access to professional musical frameworks, and to provide Palestinian society with constructive alternatives for self-expression. Beneficiaries: 1,200 yearly.

Contact (1) Full Name
Heidi Paredes
Head of the organisation
Amer Nakhleh

Mada al-Carmel - The Arab Center for Applied Social Research

National Network

51 Allenby Street
P.O. Box 9132


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information
MADA, which employs 2 full-time and 10 part-time staff, and other researchers, is governed by a General Assembly, an Executive Committee, and an Academic Committee. In 2007, MADA released The Haifa Declaration, a consensual statement that a large group of Palestinian intellectuals, academics, and activists from different fields and wide-ranging political viewpoints articulated, under MADA’s leadership, about their collective future and status in their homeland, the major challenges facing their society, their relationship with their people, nation, and the state of Israel. MADA regularly engages the public in its discourse through seminars and conferences such as its twopart seminar in 2008 - "Sixty Years Since the Nakba: Homeland as Exile: Loss, Alienation, and Forms of Resistance." MADA is proud to have received the support of: The Ford Foundation The European Commission International Development Research Institute (IDRC) CORDAID Open Society Institute The Welfare Association The A.M. Qattan Foundation Global Fund for Women New Israel Fund Women for Women’s Human Rights The British Embassy in Tel Aviv UNESCO
Mission and Objectives

MADA aims to enhance the human and national development of the Palestinians in Israel, advance the
cause of democratic citizenship, and become a hub of knowledge and critical thinking about equal citizenship and democracy.
MADA's objectives are to:
• Provide an institutional base to freely study the rights, needs, and collective future of the Palestinians in Israel and their relationship
with Israel, the Palestinian nation, and the Arab World
• Facilitate links with Israeli, Palestinian, and international academics, NGOs, activists, and political actors to formulate public policy proposals designed to improve the conditions of Palestinian citizens
• Generate new ways of thinking and discourses about Palestinian-Jewish relations
• Train a new generation of social scientists, particularly in new critical approaches, and attract local and international researchers to study the Palestinians in Israel
• Enrich theoretical perspectives and applied work on national identity, citizenship, and democracy by stimulating comparative research wtih like-minded institutes in other multiethnic states

Main Projects / Activities

Collective Rights Program
-The theory and policy concerning indigenous minorities and collective rights of the Palestinian minority in Israel.
Collective Rights and the Political Future Program
-The program is based on the Haifa Declaration and what has been achieved through it.
Political Monitoring Program
-Israeli political thought and practice have witnessed a major shift in recent years, particularly since the outbreak of the Palestinian Intifada and the mass protests of October 2000 within Israel.
Information Program
-Established in 2002 in an attempt to provide accurate information about Palestinians in Israel and to contextualize the information from the perspective of the indigenous Palestinian minority.
Historical Narrative Program
-The History Program at MADA is entitled, “Reframing the Historical Narrative of the Palestinians in Israel”.
Gender Studies Project
-This project stresses the urgency in establishing a gender project to study the status of Palestinian women in Israel and gender related issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Nadim N. Rouhana
Head of the organisation
Dr. Nadim N. Rouhana
Contact (2) Full Name
Einas Odeh Haj

Association 2k_far pour la culture chorégraphique

National Network

373, rue goulmima. 2000

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Depuis sa création, la compagnie 2k_far, travaille pour le développement de la culture chorégraphique au Maroc. Ateliers de formations ; stages de sensibilisation ; interventions pédagogiques au sein de différentes institutions publiques ; en 5 ans, la compagnie 2k_far, a su s’imposer dans le paysage culturel national et international. Consciente que la réussite d’une entreprise culturelle ne peut se faire sans un statut juridique stable, l’association 2k.far pour la culture chorégraphique, a vu le jour le 26 septembre 2007 à Casablanca. ------ •Bureau de l’association : - Abdelghani El Kanouni, Président - Rachid Benghrib, Secrétaire général - Saâdia Benghrib, Trésorière •Membres actifs : 9 membres à ce jour •Membres associés : 30 membres à ce jour
Mission and Objectives

•Objectifs de l’association :
- Développer, étudier et défendre les intérêts communs des professionnels de l’art chorographique, sur les plans artistique, économique, industriel et
- Promouvoir l’art chorégraphique au Maroc et à l’international
- Soutenir toute activité visant au développement de l’art contemporain.

Main Projects / Activities

WESTERN PALACE (Création chorégraphique): Projet de création interculturel et international, avec une équipe marocaine et une équipe
méditerranéenne de danseurs contemporains.
CHAPITEAU MOBILE (Développement culturel et social) : Laboratoire Identitaire, ce projet
s’inscrit dans une démarche
de démocratisation de l’art
qui va s’exposer en parcours dans
différentes villes du Maroc

Contact (1) Full Name
Khalid Benghrib
Head of the organisation
Abdelghani El Kanouni
Contact (2) Full Name
Zouheir Atbant

Association Chantiers de Développement au Maroc

National Network

67 bloc 45 hay essalam
Sidi Slimane

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information

nombre de bureau de l'association c'est 5 notre partenaire une college

Mission and Objectives

- la création de chantiers de travaux dans le cadre du développement durable et du bénévolat - l'ouverture sur la société dans toutes ses composantes civiles en ville comme en campagne - ouverture sur le monde en matière d'expérience internationale dans le domaine du développement humain - participer aux chantiers de jeunes tant à intérieur qu’à l'extérieur du Maroc - promouvoir l’ échange humain et culturel entre les associations nationales et internationales

Main Projects / Activities

- Contribution à la sensibilisation dans le domaine de l'éducation et de la santé - Contribuer à l'organisations d’ activités de bienfaisance bénévole humanitaire - Contribuer à l'alphabétisation - Organiser des manifestations sportives et culturelles - Organiser des Camps pour les enfants et les jeunes - Contribuer à la protection de l'environnement - créer un bénévolat au service de l’embellissement de la ville (nettoyage / boisement / peintures murales ...) - Contribuer au développement de la sensibilisation dans les quartiers

Contact (1) Full Name
Idrissi Nabil Abdellah
Head of the organisation
Sackhe Lahsen
Contact (2) Full Name
Belwali Idriss

Association d'Alliance,d'Education et de Culture du college Moad Bnou Jabal - Rabat

National Network

3 rue Al Achaari Agdal
11000 Rabat

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Assocition s'occupant des activites culturelles et artistiques des eleves du college Moad Bnou Jabal a Rabat Ecole associee au reseau del'UNESCO les membres sont des enseignants et anciens eleves sources de financement :lescotisations des membres
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

toutes les activites des journees mondiales, nationales suivi des activites de certains clubs : club de la famille, club de la sante

Contact (1) Full Name
Sekkak Fatima
Head of the organisation
Sekkak Fatima

association culturelle TARWA N GAYA

National Network

chez mr medani mokrane
bp 13 redjaouna el bour
15006 tizi ouzou

tizi ouzou

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information
association a but non lucrative echange de jeune -developement durable-education informelle- dialogue des civilisations et de cultures-camps de jeunes-animation-organisation de seminaires et d'ateliers de travail-chantiers de jeunes.....etc
Mission and Objectives

-echanges de jeunes.
-souvegarde du patrimoine
-organisation de seminaires et d'ateliers de travail lié au théatre-musique -dance-culture.
-culture de la paix et dialogue des civilisations.

Main Projects / Activities

-echanges de jeunes avec plusieurs association françaises.
-participation a marrakeche avec la federation marocaine léo lagrange pour la formation d'animateurs à l'international dans le cadre du programme euromed jeunesse 3.
-particiaption dans plusieurs seminaire et festivals en algerie.
notre association est partenaire dans le cadre euromed dans plusieurs projets avec les pays meda et les pays du nord.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name