National Network



E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Cyclisis is a new non profit organisation focuses on life long learning activities within an intercultural perspective. Working staff ( permanent) Vasiliki Tsekoura ,President MA in Educational Studies Zacharias Terzakis , Financial Manager Panagiota Tsekoura , Administration budgetary rtesourses : ~ 80.000 euros sourses of funding: eu projects, members actions : seminars for SMEs on developing intercultiral competences of their organisation, research assistance, evaluation reports development Main partners : DAFNI KEK , TEI PATRAS , SCIENTIFIC PARK OF PATRAS
Mission and Objectives

Cyclisis's mission is the development of an inclusive culture through the communities and entreprises,specifically:
- to identify the needs of the localities especially conserning inclusive strategies and integration mechanisms
- to raise awareness of the local communities about the responsiblility in developing the cultural and knowledge capital of their citizens \
- after identifying needs to compose cooperatives through europe in order to contribute in the transferability of good practices in the field of social cohesion, learning strategies , gender empowerment and intercultural feeling for a peaceful coexistance with the Otherness.

Main Projects / Activities

EXPect for results ( under evaluation ) :
View n Act : LLP-Learning partnership)
Femicare (Development of Migrant Women competences in mediation in Health Sector).
(LLP- LdV > Transfer of Innovation )
running :
Subcotractor in NILE - Network on Intercultural Learning in Europe : Dissemination activities, trainin the trainers

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

All Art Now

National Network

Bab Musala St

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
All Art Now foundation is intended to cover the creators' artists in Syria –especially the youth and women artists- and to give them the opportunities to communicate with other artists and to have the chance to present their artworks out of Syria as we are working to develop the media skills in Syria We are a private initiative not related to any museums or art institutions, and not supported financially by any state Our foundation has established in 2005 as a reaction of the disorganization of the curators of art in Syria which they are too limited
Mission and Objectives

Support Syrian artists especially the youth and women artists
build networks with international artists
support the contemporary arts -especially media-
develop the artisanat to be artworks

Main Projects / Activities

project for arts (seminars - exchange - exhibitions workshops...)

Contact (1) Full Name
Abir Boukhari
Head of the organisation
Yaser Boukhari
Contact (2) Full Name
Hanadi Affash

Youth Tolerance Association

National Network

Nickola Petrov 39
Gorna Orjahovitza 5100

00359 887 729061
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The original concept consists of building a bridge between the amateur and professional sphere of the development of the personality”. The focus falls on full communication via diversity of points of view and the unification of the difference. All the known values are combined in an innovatory view into the future. Initiators work together, to add their value to develop cultural, information and

Mission and Objectives

To raise better understanding to different ways, styles and views of living, trough providing information, communication, exchange of different. To stimulate cultural, information and educational values among the citizens and to support their participation in solving problems. Integration in and acceptance of system of European culture. Formation of active citizenship To work on a program to stimulate citizens of town for active and creative spending of their leisure time. Provocation in a permanent social debate on questions of the individual potential, self-realization and support of the personality, group building and work. Organizing of discussions, seminars, conferences, trainings and cultural meetings and other. Work with national agencies and non-governmental national and international organizations in order to raise the modern status of culture and education. Popularizing experience and basic priority-activities of related European societies and organizations. Spreading current information about and from the European Union and charity initiatives. Encourage, support and organize charity initiatives It actively works for volunteer service

Main Projects / Activities

EURODESK – project which introduces European organization – Youth network of European organizations with its center in Brussels. Keep up the spirit – socialization of children with less opportunities and their participation in theatre group YT “Alternative”. Keep up the spirit II – continuing of socialization of children with less opportunities trough experience. Friends forever – introduction in the knowledge of EU, its law and values on the level: leader – student. To build a bridge – Youth exchange with theatre group from Germany. Jump in the EU – fears and expectations – educational seminar in Warsaw (Poland). I the search of identity – training in Czech Krumlov – Czech republic. Good will for the volunteer – setting up of the volunteer’s club. Human rights of XXI century - seminar in Krakow (Poland). Personal development with theatre – sending a volunteer in Swedish theatre organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Violeta Panova
Head of the organisation
Violeta Panova
Contact (2) Full Name
Rumina Trifonova

Malta Regional Development and Dialogue Foundation

National Network

35/5, Frederick Street

+356 2142 0432
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
MRDDf is a registered non-governmental organisation in Malta focused on sustainable regional development and the promotion of social dialogue. The foundation is completely independent of any political party or organisation.
Mission and Objectives

MRDDf seeks to address these issues in Malta by participating in transnational collaborative development projects, organising multi-stakeholder consultations, conducting research on issues of critical national, regional and social interests, and influencing policy making via active civic participation and dialogue. We strive to ensure that marginalised views and voices are heard and
believe that facilitating discussions across geographical and cultural boundaries is vital to promoting equal opportunities to all.
Our work is guided by the cross-cutting principles of sustainable development, social dialogue and equal opportunities for all.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Stefan Schaa
Head of the organisation
Mr. Stefan Schaa

Africa e Mediterraneo

National Network

Via Gamberi 4, 40037

+ 39 051.840166
+ 39 051.6790117
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 349.2225101 (Sandra)
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 349.2225100 (Andrea)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
Africa e Mediterraneo is an interdisciplinary quarterly publishing since 1992 on economic, historical and cultural issues in the African context. In the 15 years of its existence, Africa e Mediterraneo has established itself as a field-defining cultural studies journal. Moving from an anthropologically-oriented editorial policy, but constantly referring to other subjects, Africa e Mediterraneo seeks a critical understanding of the global cultural flows and the cultural forms which define Africa in the late twentieth century. As such, the journal presents occasions where cultural and social differences emerge as public phenomena, manifested everywhere from highly localized cultural events, to popular culture or to global consumption and information networks. Artists and well-established scholars of fine arts and social sciences on an international level present some of their most innovative and up-dated work in the pages of Africa e Mediterraneo.
Mission and Objectives

Africa e Mediterraneo seeks to:
establish an international network of scholars committed to research on African traditional arts, contemporary visual arts, and on cultural forms as cinema, photography, television and video, comics, fiction, as well as African modern architecture and museums;
explore the cultural implications of such processes as migration to Europe, the internationalization of visual arts and the African intellectuals' contribution to the debate on global culture.
situate these forms, flows, and processes in their historical and social contexts.

Main Projects / Activities

In 10 years of existence the Africa e Mediterraneo association, in addition to the publication of the journal, has carried on a large series of cultural promotion activities; among the issues faced so far we can include European rights (Manifesta!), causes and conditions for immigration in the enlarged Europe (New arrivals), the research on intercultural actions in Europe (Interculture map) and common values between religions and secular thought (Common Values). Along with these projects we have realised educational materials and methodologies which have been thought as ideal tools to be used in schools.
In order to face these issues in a dynamic and accessible way we have chosen to use comics as main tool of our project. Comics allow indeed to communicate effectively quite complex and disussed topics and may easily involve students by stimulating their curiosity and creativity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrea Marchesini Reggiani
Head of the organisation
Sandra Federici
Contact (2) Full Name
Sasso Marconi (BO)

The Israel Women's Network

National Network

9 Habonim St. P.O.Box 3348
Ramat Gan 52136

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
General Information
The IWN has an office staff of 7. In addition we have 4 project coordinators for our different projects. Our voluntary board consist 16 dedicated women. Our budget relies heavily on donations, especially from the USA, as well as membership fees and donations in Israel. Our modalities of action are: a free legal hot line for women who face gender based discrimination at work, advocacy work in the Knesset, research on policies and collection on Data on women in Israel and empowerment and leadership courses for women from all walks of life.
Mission and Objectives

The Israel Women's Network (IWN) is a not-for-profit organization comprised of women who are united in their determination to improve the status of women in Israel, regardless of political affiliation, religious outlook or ethnic origin. Established in 1984, the IWN was the first organization in Israel dedicated to promoting women's rights and equality. Since its beginnings, the IWN has scored many successes, including: initiating laws such as the Sexual Harassment Prevention Law of 1998, representing precedent-setting lawsuits fighting discrimination in the workplace; passage of an amendment to the Family Courts Law, thereby enabling Muslim and Christian women to settle matters of maintenance and custody in civil courts; efforts to help women who have been refused divorce [agunot]; helping victims of sex trafficking, and many more. In 2006, the IWN was one of three Israeli organizations to be granted UN affiliation status.

Main Projects / Activities

IWN has developed a multi-faceted approach to developing and enhancing leadership among women and girls in Israel. Our Advocacy Center promotes women's legal rights through legislation and provides legal representation when rights are taken away, all in an effort to create a society where women’s desire to become leaders will not be stifled. IWN also develops leadership through educational programs, such as the “Eshet Chayil” program which provides training in economic empowerment for women, and the TLC program which provides training in empowerment and leadership for teenage girls. These programs make a real difference in the lives of women who participate in them.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michal Engelberg
Head of the organisation
Nurit Tsur

School for Peace (SFP), Neve Shalom / Wahat al Salam

National Network

D.N. Shimshon 99761
Neve Shalom / Wahat al Salam

02 - 9916282
02 - 9992697
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. Executive Board; Management Team (5 employees); 25 freelance facilitators 2. Budgetary resources available in a year 3. New Israel Fund, Stichting Het Solidariteits Fonds, The Abraham Fund Initiatives, USAID, St. John Endowment Fund, Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation, Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Foundation, Warren and Mitzi Eisenberg Family Foundation, Arthur B. Schultz Foundation 4. encounter projects between youth, women, professionals and the general public between Arabs and Jews 5. Some projects in partnership with the Palestinian organizations CCRR and Hewar; projects with the Tel Aviv University and the University of Haifa
Mission and Objectives

Centre for political education with the goal of creating a more humane, equal, just society. The SFP conducts intergroup dialogue between Palestinians and Jews about critical themes, such as power relations, racism or daily living conditions, enabling participants to develop critical thinking skills, better understand the reality in which they live and how to work towards changing it. The SFP conducts cross-border programs with Palestinian NGOs to enhance awareness of the need to resist occupation. Organisations based in areas of ethnic conflict and racial tension in Europe (e.g. Northern Irland, Cyprus, Kosovo) and the USA have turned to the SFP to learn about its methods.

Main Projects / Activities

The SFP is a central locus of training in the field of political education in Israel. It operates encounter workshops for dialogue between Arabs and Jews and training courses on facilitation. Many people who have attended SFP training courses are now leading figures in NGOs dealing with Jewish-Arab relations and social change. Some 40,000 Jews and Palestinians have attended SFP programs, which reach high school students, teachers, university students, journalists, lawyers, members of the educational, health and therapeutic professions and the general public. The work of the SFP is conducted in both uni-national and bi-national forums. The SFP also operates a research centre.

Contact (1) Full Name
Wafaa Zriek-Srour
Head of the organisation
Wafaa Zriek-Srour
Contact (2) Full Name
Michal Zak

IFA - Integration for All

National Network

Cours st Michel 98

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
IFA’s concept tries to find concrete answers to respond to Giraffe - Elephant situations in ways that minimize the potential negative impact of the elephant experience. Therefore one has to move out of his own culture in order to learn about it. When we put this into practice in our films it is obvious that if we do not see how we behave in the uniforms of our own culture we cannot deal and understand the uniforms of other cultures. The concept will affect fully policy makers, case managers, professionals, teachers, coaches and intermediary people who deal with and work in the immigration and integration field. If these people go through such concrete integration experience themselves, they will be careful in addressing this integration issue and its policy. Once this is done and the professionals are ready to compete and to come out with a healthy integration program, then we can start talking about the End of the Beginning to meet diversity effectiveness. Starting with optimistic assumptions and acting on them will increase the likelihood of turning the elephant experience into a personal and organizational triumph.
Mission and Objectives

IFA’s work is based on a concrete concept and on concrete facts and it has delivered clear, positive and eye opening results that could be used in any integration policy that aims to narrow the gap between the immigrants and the inhabitants of the host country. Our approach contains a serious understanding of how to deal with other cultures and understanding the needs of the immigrants before putting in place a policy or an integration program.

Main Projects / Activities

Grundtvig workshop "The other side of the medal"
Practical training programme, comparable with the regular immigration programmes for newcomers in Europe, carried out in the Turkish mosque in Tilburg, the Netherlands. The programme includes lessons in Turkish as a second language, a home stay with Turkish families and practical work placements at Turkish companies.

Grundtvig partnership "Building a house of diversity"
Project with partners from 8 EU countries who will organise a one day integration programme in a non European organisation. The participants will be filmed and the project results will be put one a DVD which can be used as an educational tool in each European Organization dealing with intercultural and integration issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Individual member: Mr. Dan Wollner

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Head of the organisation
Mr. Dan Wollner

All for Peace Radio

National Network

Clemont Ganeau 5, P.O. Box 38817
Jerusalem 91200

+972- 2- 58 144 47
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
14 stafff Budget1.7 million ILS Sources: Flemish ministry for foreign affairs, voice of Russia and others Radio station
Mission and Objectives

Radion Station

Main Projects / Activities

Radio Programmes

Contact (1) Full Name
Mossi Raz
Head of the organisation
Mossi Raz