I & EYE ( R.A. ) Israeli and European Youth Exchanges

National Network

108 Yamit street

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
I & EYE (R.A.) is an association composed of volounteers who share the same goal of building bridges of understanding between youth and young adults around the globe with an emphasis on the Middle-East and Europe. We have a general assembly and several committees. We do not have paid staff employees. Our resources are derived from payments the participants pay for the projects they take part in, donations of private people and resources we get per project from European and Israeli institutions or organizations. Our largest resource is human, the hours that our volounteers invest in the association and its projects. We as an association cooperate with several other associations that are non-governmental or with local authorities. Our main projects are youth and young adults exchanges, organization of performing youth groups traveling to Europe and to a lesser degree seminars.
Mission and Objectives

Create a better world to live in by helping people meet each other, get to know each other and thus hopefully create bridges of understandings between them.
Learn about other cultures by getting expossed to those cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are youth, young adults and also adult exchanges.
Cultural meetings in the fields of music, plastic arts, dance and drama.
Working with several partners to build seminars dealing with different issues, issues we share the same interest in.
To learn more about I & EYE ( R.A.) please check our web site www.iandeye.org

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Shmulik Lahar
Head of the organisation
Dr. Shmulik Lahar
Contact (2) Full Name
Amiram Kehaty

L'association unie pour l'encadrement des enfants & des jeunes - AS.U.E.E.J -

National Network

BP 14431 Marrakech Hay Mohammadi 40007

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

L'AS.U.E.E.J est une organisation non gouvernementale, indépendante à but non lucratif, créée le 26 décembre 2004 dans territoire national par un groupe des jeunes volontaires avec des profils divers ( Profs , médecins , ingénieurs , étudiants , sociologues .), soucieux pour participer au développement de leurs pays. Ses Moyens : 1. Des actions de proximité. 2. Une bonne communication avec les acteurs locaux (société civile, ONG , services techniques, commune et autorité locale. 3. Grande capacité de mobilisation. 4. Une meilleure connaissance pratique du terrain 5. Une diversité de profils 6. Une adhésion inconditionnelle des groupes cibles, aux apports de l’action. 7. l’intégration de l’approche genre dans toutes les activités. NOTRE méthodologie du travail Une approche participative : La population est impliquée dans les différents projets mis en place aussi bien au niveau de la conception (dialogue, débats, analyse de situation, identification des besoins, dimensionnement des composantes des projets) et de la réalisation, qu’au niveau du suivi (maintenance, entretien et gestion).

Mission and Objectives

Sa Mission : Œuvrer pour l’amélioration du bien être de la population dans la région Marrakech – Tensift – Al Haouz aux caractéristiques socio économique dégradantes par l'encadrement pédagogique, artistique, culturel, sociale, sportif, sanitaire, des enfants & des jeunes. Sa Vision : ASUEEJ, est une association structurée, capable de mobiliser et faire impliquer les acteurs locaux pour améliorer le bien être dans un climat de démocratie et de solidarité. Ses objectifs et Axes d’interventions : 1. Apporter l'encadrement nécessaire aux femmes en vue de les insérer dans le développement durable. 2. le Renforcement des capacités des acteurs du développement local 3. renforcement de compétences des associations 4. Contribuer au soutien à la scolarisation des jeunes filles rurales. 5. Améliorer la qualité de vie de la population à partir de la considération de l'être humain comme valeur en soi. 6. Contribuer à la promotion du développement humain, par le biais des programmes de l'éducation, sensibilisation et motivation socio-économique.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Mhamed EN-NOSSE
Head of the organisation
Mr Mhamed EN-NOSSE
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
Mission and Objectives

Ecole de l'enseignement supérieur privé

Main Projects / Activities

enseignement supérieur privé et toutes formations

Contact (1) Full Name
mohamed AOURAGHE
Head of the organisation

Youth for Peace and Dialogue between Cultures

National Network

Rue F6.Lot Militaire.Oued Nachef.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Structure of The Organization: -Zakaria El hamel:Founder/President -Hassan Belasri :Vice President -Btissam Tijini :Secretary General -Aissam Boussada :Vice S.G -Mourad Scandari :Tresurer -Karim Diani :Adviser Soureces of Funding: Donations Membership

Mission and Objectives

Youth for Peace and Dialogue between Cultures builds mutual respect and Pluralism among young People from diffrent religions traditions. We are looking to build a world where young people from different religions and backgrounds can come together to create understanding and respect by serving their communities.Interfaith Dialogue Helps Promote Tolerance, Understanding

Main Projects / Activities

participation at the international youth forum intercultural intereligious Dialogue Ukraine.there are so many Project for young people,Children and Woman.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Zakaria El hamel
Head of the organisation


National Network

Apartado 2195, 7001-901 Évora

+351 266 732 504
+351 266 732 504
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+351 917 638 023
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
Mission and Objectives

PedeXumbo is a cultural association that has been promoting popular dances and music in Portugal since 1998. The association was born of a small group of fellows’ longing to dance informally in a time when traditional dances were confined to productions staged by professional folk ensembles. The Association now hires five professionals, but it is backed up by a thousand volunteers to organise events all around the country, all year long. These events have the main purpose of restoring to popular balls its socialising role: we would like to see everybody enjoying dancing, witch ever style, sharing a moment together. Our events are meant to occur in tune with local people and habits, always with a care to environmental sustainability.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities can be grouped in four main areas:
4. Festivals
2. Education
3. Rebuilding popular music
4. Regular Programme

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Mira
Head of the organisation
Diana Mira

Centre Euro Àrab de Catalunya

National Network

c. Menendez i Miralles, 1
C.P 08034


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
I. Structure . Director . Co-ordinator . Administration officer . Presidium (15 persons from the meditarrenean area living in Catalonia) . Working Committee (4 persons from the meditarrenean area living in Catalonia) II. Budgetary resources 90.000 Euros III. Sources of funding Diputació de Barcelona Ajuntament de Barcelona Generalitat de Catalunya IV. Modalities of action - Consolidation of Arab Associations in Catalonia (assessment, network, organisation of activities...) - Organisation of cultural weeks related to a mediteranean country - Participation in seminars: Gender and development in Morroco, Seminars on economical, social,political issues in the mediterranean area Up to now, our partners are local associations.
Mission and Objectives

Our main objectives are:
- Consolidate the network of arab associations in Catalonia
- Increase the knowledge of the mediterranean areas on the catalan civil society throught catalan citizens of mediterranean origin
- Iniciate a euro mediterranean network
- Integrate gender pespective in all our projects
- Foster col.laboration with young people and women throught cultural, educational, sustainable development and social projects focusing also in training.
- Work on identity issues
- Col.laborate in projects issued from needs and demands of the mediterranean countries

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are:
- Consolidate the network of arab associations in Catalonia
- Starting projects with partners from the euro mediterranean area
- Intercultural sessions in local fests
- Cultural week of Siria

Contact (1) Full Name
Eliana Camps Dutrem
Head of the organisation
Eliana Camps Dutrem
Contact (2) Full Name
Cinta Llasat Buera


National Network

via Nosadella, 2- 40123 Bologna (I)

+39 3339975595
Telephone (other)
+39 3398751134
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
Nosadella.due is a no-profit Cultural Association wich stucture have a president and four members and is supported by operators expert in different sectors. Nosadella.due aims to involve public bodies and private organisations. The contributions are accorded by different modalities, from economic support to the authorization of expositive spaces. Thanks to these supports, budgetary resources of Nosadella.due are around 15-20.000,00 euros per year. The residency project is addressed to international artists and critics. people at the same time to design projects suitable to the experience of stay. During the period of stay, Nosadella.due organizes open studio moments, round tables and meetings to promote and disseminate the work of the artists and to give them new opportunities of human and professional growth. Public Patronages • Emilia-Romagna Region • Bologna Province • MAMbo– Bologna Partners • Academy of Fine Arts- Bologna • ARTEFIERA- Bologna • DGArtes- Lisboa • FRAME- Helsinki • TICA- Tirana Main Sponsor • Emil Banca (Cooperative Bank) Technical Sponsor • Nettuno Neon • Tipografia Irnerio
Mission and Objectives

Nosadella.due. is a residency program for artists and critics, created as a laboratory for contemporary culture in Bologna.
Nosadella.due is set up as a long-term cultural project in which the residents find a space for current artistic expression and contemporary culture. An emerging generation of foreign contemporary artists and critics alternate between these spaces for a temporary period and are invited to realise ad hoc projects that have come about through their period of residence.
Nosadella’s main goals are: aid the international mobility of contemporary art and stimulate interaction between different cultures and expressions; generate an experimental artists workshop open to the public, which transforms art into a moment of collective identity for different people; create a ‘living workshop’ in which the most up-to-date research in visual arts will conflux and develop, involving the employees of the centre and the public in interacting with the residents.

Main Projects / Activities

Nosadella.due was created as a laboratory for contemporary culture, the only kind that exists in Bologna. The project proposes to develop the involvement and the dialogue with foreign institutions in order to offer to artists and international critics the comparison with different places from those that they know, and the opportunity to get to know other artists in order to support the personal research and the professional growth.
See the entire CV of activities in Additional Information enclosed file.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elisa Del Prete
Contact (2) Full Name
Francesca Cigardi

Selat Al- Harthiah Charitable Society

National Network
00972 42 445 106
Telephone (other)
00972 599 649607
00972 42 445 106
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00972 599 649607
Mobile Phone (other)
00972 599 998772
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Founded in the year 1969, is aimed at community development in general is a charity social addition to being a cultural and educational, in the 1973 General Assembly got the license Kaul Society working almost in the Jenin governorate in general and villages in the west of Jenin, in particular, the Assembly during the years of pioneering social work in terms of assistance and support lasting for poor families in the town with a population of about ten thousand, and to achieve the goals it Ahadfha The General kindergarten children for entry to the first row in the basic stage, As right Nsue Center is the first at the town level to provide support and assistance to Palestinian women in our community and advancement of women, primary education and animal husbandry, agriculture, and lack of center equipped with computers,
Mission and Objectives

General seeks to take pride of place to Janie institutions and organizations working to promote the rights and welfare Overlooking Embracing the right of the child to prevention, protection and social security, treatment, education, learning and love and understanding and relief and BOARD physical, mental and protection from discrimination and neglect, cruelty and exploitation
At the Women's Action promote women's initiatives seeking to activate the role of women towards societal rewarded job opportunities for both sexes leadership development of women in all its sectors for delivery to decision-making centers concern for the development of the capacities of rural women and enabling them to participate in public life to solve the problems of poverty level to contribute to raising awareness of the legal, law and health, cultural and educational to Palestinian women

Main Projects / Activities

we have lot of activities and events and will be re-submitted to you as soon as possible

Contact (1) Full Name
mohammad saed shawahnah
Head of the organisation
mohammed saber jaradat
Contact (2) Full Name
mohammad saber jardat

Women Cultural Society for Palestinian Popular Heritage

National Network
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The association is registered in home office with the number(jn-821-c-4)and licensed from the ministry of culture in 22\7\2003. It is a charitable association and it was opened in 7\7\2004 in an old house in the Old City of Jenin,near Ahashmy cenima . The old house is leased and the value of lease is 130JD, besides other costs as electricity,water,and telephone. The number of the members of the general board of the association is 140 members, then a manigerial board -wich consisted of seven members- was elected as the folowing: The head of the association, representative,secretary,treasurer,and three members. Each member of the association has an experience or skill in any field, that she seeks to impart to the other members, to have special work at the end which reflects our union and origion .So we got the official licence hopping from that to achieve our aims.
Mission and Objectives

from our objectives:
1)Deepening the understanding of our Palestinian heritage , and basing its culture by recognizing it, and keeping it from loss , through holding cources and study groups in the association by arranging with television,radiostation,and by local prints .
2) holding courses of embroidery and handcrafts,to keep this type of art ,and to transfer it to the next generations,in addition to generalize it as a productive,handmade industry .
3)Producing heritage handmade products in the association as a base for the work of the association through women ,productive ,cooperative links formed by the members of the association.
4)Holding shows for handmade products and popular foods in homeland ,in addition to sharing with others abroad to generalize the benefit and to bring it back to the association and its members.

Main Projects / Activities

1)establishing larg kitchen to widen our works.
2)establishing larg room for dressmaking.
3)making a small library in the association.
4)sharing with several shows and festivals inside and outside Palestine.

Contact (1) Full Name
Qamar Saed Marar
Head of the organisation
Heyam Abdel Afo Ahmad Abu Zahra
Contact (2) Full Name
Rana Dawood Aqhash

Nusierat Rehabilitation and Social Training Associatio

National Network

Nusirat Camp-Middle Governance-Gaza Strip-Palestine
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Activating the social role of community members through developing their life skills.-Improve the quality of life of People with disabilities, through ensuring their full and effective participation into their society.-Contribute to poverty reduction and livelihood support.-Increase the awareness of local community about the rights of people with disabilities and their integration into society.-Develop the capacity of the association's staff
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Kamal Abu Shawish
Job Title
Chairman of Board of Directors
Head of the organisation
Gaza Strip