Université Cadi Ayyad de Marrakech (UCAM)

National Network

Bd. Prince Moulay Abdellah,
B.P. : 511


+(212) 24 43 48 13 / 14
Telephone (other)
+(212) 24 43 48 85
+(212) 24 43 44 94
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+212 63130878
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
L’Université Cadi Ayyad (UCAM) est un établissement public doté de l'autonomie administrative et financière et placée sous tutelle de l'Etat. Elle compte environ 33400 étudiants dont 478 étrangers de 45 nationalités ; 1100 professeurs et Enseignants et plus de 740 administratifs. Suite (VOIR document joint )
Mission and Objectives

L’ UCAM a pour missions principales :
- la contribution au renforcement de l'identité islamique et nationale ;
- la formation initiale et la formation continue ;
- le développement et la diffusion du savoir, de la connaissance et de la culture ;
- la préparation des jeunes à l'insertion dans la vie active notamment par le développement des savoir-faire ;
- la recherche scientifique et technologique ;
- la réalisation d'expertises ;
- la contribution au développement global du pays ;
- la contribution à la promotion des valeurs universelles

Main Projects / Activities

Les activités principales sont :
-la formation des étudiants à travers les différents cours de Licence, Master et Doctorat ;
-la recherche, en partenariat avec d’autres Universités et Etablissements d’enseignement supérieur Marocains et Etrangers et le Secteur Socio-économique à l’échelle locale, régionale, nationale et internationale

Contact (1) Full Name
Boutmoudit Noureddine
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Marzak

The Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies

National Network

Valahia University of Targoviste, The Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Carol I Ave., No. 34

(004) 0727 748556
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(004) 0724 403094
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The organization has been established in November 2008 to promote dialogue, research and knowledge between Romania and the Baltic and Nordic peoples. For now, the budgetary resources consist of monthly subscriptions of its members, allowances from different Romanian and foreign organizations or private companies in exchange for expertise being envisaged. The organization consists of some 25 members from Romania, Finland, Lithuania, France etc., the majority of whom are Romanian citizens. The association will organize seminars, conferences, publish its own yearly magazine and apply for grants from European institutions. For now, our main partners are the Finnish Embassy to Bucharest, the Lithuanian Embassy to Bucharest and the Romanian - Finnish Chamber for Commerce and Industry.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of The Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies is the promotion of research activities in the field of Baltic and Bordic studies, the encouragement of knowledge in public benefit regarding this geographical area, including by the means of education, especially of higher education, the cooperation with similar institutions and associations from Romania and abroad, the promotion of the dialogue and cooperation on the axis the Baltic Sea – the Black Sea.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects for the year 2009 are:
- organizing an international conference in September;
- editing the magazine Revista Romana pentru Studii Baltice si Nordice in December;
- participating in the Baltic Conference of Kaunas in June and in Aleksanteri Institute of Helsinki University Conference in October;
- applying for a European FP 7 grant in cooperation with other European universities;
- establishing ourselves as a recognized body in the dialogue between South-Eastern and North-Eastern and Northern Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Silviu Miloiu
Head of the organisation
Silviu Miloiu, Ph.D. History, senior lecturer
Contact (2) Full Name
Oana Laculiceanu

Fundación C.V.Foro Jávea de Vecindad

National Network

c/ Primicias,2
03730 Jávea (Alicante) - SPAIN

+ 34 96 579 67 29
+ 34 96 579 71 89
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
It is a Foundation promoted by the civil society of Jávea, with the backing and support of the European Commissioner for External Relations,Benita Ferrero The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain, the Government of Valencia and the City Council of Jávea also form part. The work force consists of just 3 people, with responsibilities, As well as this many members of the Foundation are involved in directing and advisory capacities. The budget varies from year to year according to the budgetary assignments from the Public Administrative bodies. In addition, projects are submitted for the receipt of furher funds to private organisations. The Budget for the year 2009 is approximately about 350.000,00 euros. The Foundation will hold yearly conferences, discussions, courses, seminars. Furthermore, the Foundation will sponsor the publication of books, magazines, brochures and audio-visual material. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Spanish Government, the Regional Government of Valencia and the City Council of Jávea
Mission and Objectives

The first objective is the exchange of opinions, ideas and contributions in every field of study and professional activities among young people from the Euro-Mediterranean and Middle Eastern areas, in this way promoting respect for Human Rights and human dignity.
The intention is to serve as an instrument which promotes dialogue among the new generations about ideological, cultural and religious differences that oftentimes produce violent conflicts.
The Foundation will seek the collaboration of Governments, public and private institutions, social and cultural entities, and public and private universities from the Euro-Mediterranean and Middle Eastern areas, in order to reach its objectives.
The Foundation will promote its activities with the collaboration of the European Commission, the Spanish Government, the Government of Valencia, as well as the City Council of Jávea.
The Foundation hopes to carry out some of its activities in other countries of the Euro-Mediterranean and Middle Eastern areas, with the assistance of local institutions

Main Projects / Activities

The Jávea Neighbourhood Forum set out on its activities in 2006 with the “Meeting on the Good Neighbour Policy”.
In July 2007 was celebrated the conference entitled “Euro-Arab Meeting, a Legacy for Future Generations”, in which political representatives from the Euro Mediterranean and Middle East, participated.
In November 2007 the first sectorial activities were held, under the title “Mediterranean Meeting of Young Legal Professionals; Challenges to Global Justice”.
In February 2008, was celebrated the conference entitled, "Israel-Palestine: the area of a thousand and one not… news", who was given,Efraím Halevy, Director of the Centre for Strategic and Political Thought at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
In June 2008 took place the presentation of the book, “Gaza, a prison without a roof” by the reporter Agustín Remesal.
Next week (14th Novembre 2008), will take place the conference titled “How microfinances can strengthen women’s independence” which will be given by Mme. Salma Kadiri(Morocco).

Contact (1) Full Name
José Luís Boronat Calabuig
Head of the organisation
José Ribes Pons
Contact (2) Full Name
María Attard Sancho

ARCS Arci Culture Solidali

National Network

Via dei Monti di Pietralata 16 00157 Rome
00157 Rome

0039 06 41609500
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Arcs – Arci Cultura e Sviluppo is the Ngo of the system Arci and was founded to carry out activities in the field of international cooperation and solidarity. Being the Ngo of a national association implies an organizational model which is quite peculiar, in the sense that, also in its structure, ARCS is the expression of the associative dimension that characterizes Arci. The staff is composed as follows: 7 headquarters,5 expats, 7 local The budgetary resources available in a year totals around € 1.500.000 coming from private donors(through fund raising campaign), the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Organizations Italian Regions and Local Bodies. Our main partners are: ARDI, Multikultivator, NSHC in the Balkans; Reneé Moawad Foundation and Mada in Lebanon; WLSA, Forum Mulher Cruz Vermelha and Nafeza in Mozambique; ECRC, YDD in the West Bank and East Jerusalem; the Sem terra movement and IBASE in Brazil
Mission and Objectives

The institutional aims of ARCS are related to realize interchange, training and international cooperation projects in accordance with the values and principles of its mother association: -to realize programmes aimed at social promotion and active participation of citizens to the creation and reinforcement of democracy in their own countries; -to realize sensitizing campaigns aimed at the protection and defence of human rights, with a particular care to minorities, children and women; -to promote projects related to institutional and capacity building and interchange activities between local communities, with a particular attention to the social and cultural sectors The methodology, the context, the partners and contents of the action refer to the promotion of relationships between communities, groups of affinity and/or gender. The added value to the relations between the communities of “recipient” countries and the Italian ones is an important guarantee of sustainability of any intervention we undertake.

Main Projects / Activities

The main axes of ARCS international activity are: the commitment to childhood youths and to social promotion of women; the promotion of local democratically-oriented development and active citizenship; the support to the Third Sector and more generally to the associative movement; the intervention in emergency situations and the diffusion of youth international voluntary work. Arci is the promoter of Attivarci, a fund raising campaign to support eight projects fostering childhood in several areas of the world and carried out by ARCS. Arcs main activities are: information and development education campaigns both in Italy and in developing countries; community level training in developing countries; short and medium term programmes of international cooperation; in developing countries; selection, training and employment of volunteers and professionals in developing countries in support of programmes and activities.; decentralized cooperation programmes; emergency programmes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Silvia Stilli
Head of the organisation
Filippo Miraglia


National Network

II trav. Corso del Mezzogiorno
71100 Foggia


++39 0881 634382
Telephone (other)
++39 0881 663147
++39 0881 663147
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
++39 339 1532979
Mobile Phone (other)
++39 333 3322060
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The organization is a private company (cooperative)employing 17 people as actors, directors, organization staff, educators. We are based in Oda Teatro, a theatre with 300 seats, foyer, bar and offices,where we develop our activies all the year long. We also are advisors for Teatro del Fuoco, in Foggia. Budgetary resources 300.000 euros of which 140.000 euros fundings from Minstery of Arts and Culture/Puglia Regional governement/Province of Foggia. We devolop two theatre seasons in two different theatres hosting 40 productions a year with more than 18.000 spectators. We produce two/three shows a year, focusing on different themes, including social ones. We host different seminars and conferences and we are more and more getting involved in multicultural exchanges particularly through educational works with foreign communities of the area. Our partners in the organization's projects are Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, Province of Foggia and occasionally local theatre companies.
Mission and Objectives

Theatre is the language we use to interact with the world we live in. Not only through our performance but also through our works as educators (with workshops, seminars and conferences). Most of our jobs tries to reflect on contemporary society and we are constantly in search of new forms of communication and interaction. Building up a theatre community is a great part of our mission and being able to bring different forms of art to this community a constant search. We work in a land facing constant exchange with the mediterranean area and we feel the responsabiity of being based in a crucial point of Italy looking both at eastern countries and southern ones.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activity is Theatre.
We realize Theatre Productions both for children and adults. We recently realized a trilogy of productions for children on English masterpieces (Peter Pan, Alice in wonderland and Tresure Island) we are currently bronging on tour in Italy and abroad and a production for an adult audience on the theme of drug addiction.
We hold a year long theatre season in two theatres hosting more than 40 performances of different companies from all over Italy.
We realize workshops in our theatre and in other spaces (we usually act with different type of communities and we recently work with a group of refugees).
We do a constant educational job with schools and we had more than 15.000 students visiting our theatres and taking part in our activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

IIS Albert Einstein

National Network

Via Pacini, 28

+39 011 2476103
+39 011 2476105
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 335337993
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
High School, three man course, Lyceum: scientific, language, socioPsicopedagog; total 1100 students, 140 teachrs, 40 staff members. Finance contribution by the State; Intl. Project like Comenius; Region Government
Mission and Objectives

High School diploma, in scientific subjects; foreing languages; primary education.
all courses are finalised to prepare students for Higher Education

Main Projects / Activities

Special courses in Phisics, Sciences, Computer Sciences,Foreing Languages,

Contact (1) Full Name
Ferdinando Cabrini
Head of the organisation
Emanuela Ainardi
Contact (2) Full Name
Rossana AImo

Development Foundation of the Metsovion Interdisciplinary Research Center (M.I.R.C.) of the N.T.U.A.

National Network

National Technical University of Athens
Patission 42, 10682


Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The N.T.U.A. M.I.R.C. Development Foundation is a Public Welfare Organisation of Private Right, the establishment and bylaws of which were approved by the Presidential Decree published in Government Gazette issue 559, May 15, 2001.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation’s aim is the constant, systematic and integrated support of the operation and development of N.T.U.A. M.I.R.C. at the scientific, research, technical/technological, cultural, social and economic levels and creative co-operation with N.T.U.A. M.I.R.C. toward the accomplishment of M.I.R.C.’ s aims, i.e. the protection and development of mountainous environment and local European cultures.
The Foundation’s activities include interdisciplinary research and studies in the fields of development and environment and their multi-dimensional relations, interdependencies and interactions, as well as promotion and support, at all levels, of M.I.R.C.’ s initiatives and co-operations with N.T.U.A., the University of Ioannina, the Region of Epirus, Prefectures and local administration, the Municipality of Metsovo, scientific, social and cultural organisations and other related institutes, aiming at their substantial theoretical and practical contribution to the Integrated and Worth-living Development of mountainous areas in our country.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elya Michailidou
Head of the organisation
Prof. Demetrius Rokos


National Network

106 81


+30 2103306221
Telephone (other)
+30 6941404329
+30 210 3306221
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6941404329
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Humanet is an NGO registered in Greece and is member of three other networks amongst them CONCORD platform. It is independent with a Council of Board of Directors and activiates a lot of volunteers. Main sources of funding is the Hellenic Aid fund, Bublic Bodois and Ministries and self funded projects. The anual turnover of the NGo is around 500.000 per year. Humanet supports any activity for social inclusion and strengthening of the European identity of young Europeans. Having as a constitutional principle the enhancement of the common European idea has realized that getting in contact with people coming from different cultural backgrounds brings the acquisition of the knowledge of the European cultural diversity. Main partners include the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Greek Ministry of Employment, thw Albanian Ministry of Employment, the Moldavian Academy of Sciences, other Universities in Cuba, Albania, Ukraine and others.
Mission and Objectives

Humanet was founded in 1998 by specialized scientists and it has offices in Athens, Larisa, Moldavia, Albania, FYROM, Sri Lanka, Kabon, Cuba and it is represented through framework agreements and MOUs with local NGOs and institutions in more than 15 countries. Internationally, it has implemented programs on development cooperation in the fields of creation of infrastructure, health, water and sanitation, energy and new technologies, environment, social inclusion, anti-trafficking and promotion of the idea volunteering amongst young Europeans .

Main Projects / Activities

Some examples of our actions are: the development of a big amount of refugee camps in Kosovo action awarded by the United Nations, the humanitarian aid to the victims of South East Asia right after the tsunami project awarded by government of Sri Lanka and the participation in the national program of the promotion of volunteerism in Moldavia the last 5 years in cooperation with Academy of Scientists of Moldavia, an action awarded by the government and other institutions of Moldavia.
In August 2008, Humanet organized the 1st Green Festival in the springs of the river Acheloos in Aspropotamos with the support of the General Secretariat of Youth and Sports, political parties, social partners, artists and a big amount of volunteers. It is important to mention that all the mentioned activities were implemented under the patronage of UNESCO.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

GAWA Fusion

National Network

9 rue ziani baladia 20500

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
GAWA Fusion is a youth fusion music band bassed in Casablanca, Morocco. Soufiane Kennous (Mor / Manager) Adnane Sidki (Mor / vocale) Toufik Belakhdar (Mor / Percussion) Aboubakr Raddad (Mor / bass) Soufiane Gaga (Mor / batterie) Omar El Khaldi (Mor / Guitar) Oussama Bahi (Mor / Keyboard) Music, the art of living! An expression Gawayenne. PS : we don't have any sources of funding and we are involed with AMJCS
Mission and Objectives

We perform in youth music concerts & festival around the country,we sing for love,freedom,peace & youth problems,we perform for free for so many youth organisations & also we are involve with AMJCS"Association Marocaine Des Jeunes Contre le Sida"in a prevention youth program"Studnets AIDS Act 2007/2012"Awareness Program in academia involving the Office for Students,is the first program 100% for the senisbilisation involving academic performances of students like BDE,Offices représentatnts students,students associations, SAA is based on innovative approaches in the field of senibilisation in that environment leaving traditions conference debates,round tables & seminars senibilisation,the program is based on the involvement of elected among students(Opinion leaders)in providing training & workshops in a friendly for rammener eventually initiate a training activity in their establishment,JPO with a closing ceremony or organizing a sports event or education,the project will be operational From the 2007-2008 academic year.

Main Projects / Activities

- Cultural exchange and dialogue between youth through music.
- Record a new Music Album
- Collaporat with others national and international youth music band.
A cultural music exchange between GAWA Fusion and Universes American music band : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kRdQPkKwYE
Others videos :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAHC1Uh-Plchttp://www.youtube.com/watch?…

Contact (1) Full Name
Soufiane Kennous

IAL CISL Toscana - Workers’ Training Institute of the Confederation of Trade Unions in Italy

National Network

Via Ponte di Mezzo n°56

00 39 0553215240
00 39 05 53249063
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
General Information
The IAL CISL Toscana has the main office in Florence with the managing and administrative activities (4 employees, 10 project managers) and it has 10 territorial offices in every Provinces of Tuscany. Sources of funding: regional funding, EU funding, Enterprises’ Lifelong Learning Funds, Modalities of action: Complex projects (national, international); Training activities Orientation activities; Research on local development; Seminars, conferences. Main partners: Trade-unions’ confederations Employers’ organizations Stakeholders from the public sector Bilateral structures Research Centres / Universities (Italy, other countries), Enterprises Professional organizations from other European countries It is certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 and SA 8000 adopting the organization and managerial model. It is qualified by Tuscan Region with Decree n. 1722 (25/03/2003) in the following areas: - Primary and post primary / Secondary and post secondary learning and training - Lifelong learning and training - Vocational guidance It has an Ethical Codex and annual Social Budget.
Mission and Objectives

The IAL CISL Toscana offers training and orientation services which aims to
- have innovating approach in the didactical methods
- help cultural integration at European and international level
- empower weaker groups of the labour market to make them able to have equal chances in the competing life of work

Main Projects / Activities

- Main international projects:
2005 (Equal): STRIDE
2005 (Equal): R.A.I.L.
2005 (Leonardo): MAITRE
2004 (Leonardo): METOIM
2004 (Equal): NET-MET
2004 (Equal): INC.I.SO
- Main national and regional projects:
2008 (Provincia di Pistoia): DALIA
2006-2007-2008 (Provincia di Massa Carrara): Circoli di Studio in Lunigiana
2005 (Provincia di Prato): EMAS FORM
2006: “From territory to territory” – Study Circles in Lunigiana II.
2004: “With the hands and with the spirit” - Study circles in Lunigiana I.
2004: “Telework perception in the textile sector in Prato Province”
2004: “CAMEO: Mentoring Comparison and Analysis in Europe”
2003: “Work insertion process of persons with criminal past and with drogue dependence”
2003: “Black industry in the tertiary sector

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Gabriella PUSZTAI (speaks English, French, Italian, Hungarian)
Head of the organisation
Mr Cesare CURCIO, Ms Alessandra BIANCHI