Varkiza Primary School

National Network

Titanon 14street

+30-210-8971 511
+30-210-8971 511
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30-6936 631 348
Mobile Phone (other)
+30- 6944 955 429
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Varkiza Primary School is a public school with 250 pupils aging from 6 to 12 years old. In the school work 20 teachers. The school is being funded by the national budget and its budgetary resources available in a year amount to approx. 31.000 €. Teacher exchanges have been taken place in the framework of the “Comenius” project to schools of the partner countries and the faculty has been attending several educational courses and seminar through the years.
Mission and Objectives

The basic mission and objective of the school is
the provision of the basic educational/cultural background
to children (age 6-12 years old) living in the wider Varkiza area.
On every day basis when the compulsory courses are completed evening courses, free to the attendants, take place in the school, aiming at enhancing children’s and adults’ talents in the fields of theatre, arts, dancing.
Occasionally seminars targeting to parental advisory and support take place in the school area.

Main Projects / Activities

During the last years Varkiza primary school has been very active in managing and organizing several projects and activities, some of which follow:
? Coordinators of the European project “Comenius” with the title: “Under the European Rainbow” concerning the role of the social prejudices in the educational success. The project was realized with partners from Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom and France.
? Environmental projects, such as: recycling, marine environment and others.
? Health educational projects as well as cultural heritage programs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Irene Passari
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Efi Kakava
Contact (2) Full Name
Sofia Apostolidou

2nd Experimental Gymnasium of Athens

National Network

Filimonos & Tsoha

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information
- public School - 58 professors - Expenditure currents - the Municipality of Athens - Collaboration with other schools through etwinning (in English, French and German) - Italy and Portugal
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
A. Mitroghiannopoulou
Head of the organisation
N. Tziortzis
Contact (2) Full Name
A. Zahariadi

Vereniging Vriendenkring SEKEM

National Network

Drebbelstraat 195

0031 (0) 70 3062640
Telephone (other)
0031 (0) 26 4431544
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Union with a board of seven voluntary members. No staff. 2. About € 4.000 from subscriptions and an average of € 10.000 from funding. 3. Members of the Union, NCO’s, Banks, Foundations. 4. Concrete projects on the SEKEM establishment in Egypt. 5. The Egyptian Society for Cultural Development and Verein zur Förderung der kulturellen Entwicklung in Ägypten e.V.
Mission and Objectives

To support the social and cultural initiatives at SEKEM by publishing and funding in Holland. We are enthusiast about SEKEM’s sustainable approach of comprehensive social, economic and cultural development, which illustrates how mankind can find its way back to fundamentals, in balance with nature, via a technology which serves rather than exploits.

Main Projects / Activities

Mother and child care in 13 Villages near Belbeis; Camomile-children; Support for the Eurythmy-academy; Support for retarded children;

Contact (1) Full Name
Hendrik Jan Bakker
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Dr Corien Hoek
Contact (2) Full Name
Bert de Graaff
Job Title (2)

Institute of Scientific research, University Mohammed V-Souissi

National Network

BP 6287, Madinat al-Irfane, Rabat-Instituts

(212) 37 62 61 87
Telephone (other)
(212) 37 77 18 61
(212) 77 21 35
Mobile Phone
(212) 61 20 37 87
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
1- a university Institute of research in social sciences, structured in a laboratory (LERM) and 4 teams of research, federating more than one forty researchers, 2-b in partnership with Moroccan and European university institutions (CREA of the University of Barcelona, university Consortium of Catane...) 1 500 000 dirhams approximately of annual public subsidies Public financing, support of the international institutions (FNUAP...) for specific actions, private sector - seminars open to the doctorands, cycles of conferences, conferences international, publications
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

1-research: four great projects in progress give place to seminars for doctorands, conferences and conferences:
. Relations EU Mediterranean thirds. International migrations (in partnership with CREA-univ.Barcelone)
. Inheritance and development (rehabilitation of the site of Chellah in partnership with the Consortium of Catane)
. Studies and research on the
2-Publications translation. two reviews publish articles in languages Arab and European: the economic and social Bulletin of Morocco et al. Baht Al`ilmi.
Series; Theses.
Series: Translations.
Series: Tests

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

euroCom – Gesellschaft für europäische Kommunikation e.V.

National Network

Brachvogelstr. 1
10961 Berlin

0049 – 30 - 69035014
0049 – 30 - 69035011
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
General Information
1. Executive committee (Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer); members (natural persons); staff employed: 3 2. Depending on grants 3. private, European Commission 4. Projects, seminars 5. Local partners in Jordan, Egypt
Mission and Objectives

Publication of literature concerning European integration; promotion and organisation of projects in the areas of development aid and development co-operation. Special focus is given to the development of relations between western and eastern Europe as well as relations between Europe and countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, including the Near and Middle East region. Research in the field of legal and tax environment of Third Sector Organisations

Main Projects / Activities

• Development and elaboration of by-laws and regulations in the field of environment and their enforcement (Jordan) • Support and strengthening of Jordanian NGOs in management issues, improvement of internal and external communication, co-ordination and networking (capacity building) (Jordan) • Implementation of a consultation system for draftees and soldiers for factual guarantee of their rights (Kiev) • Organisation of information campaigns in the Russian Parliament in order to facilitate preparation of legislation in the field of human rights, training and counselling of Russian human rights lawyers and NGOs, including practical training in West European countries (St. Petersburg)

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Michael Ernst-Pörksen
Head of the organisation
Dr. Michael Ernst-Pörksen
Contact (2) Full Name
Ute Henkel


National Network

Via Sauro Babini 296
48010 Roncalceci (Ravenna)

0039 0544 535237
Telephone (other)
0039 0544 65489
0039 0544 535237
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
1.Andrea Bernabibi: president. STAFF: Angela Suprani, Soprani Remo, Roberto Bernabini, Elena Casadei, Alessandro Fogli, Emanuele Mingolini, Serena Bandoli, Daniele Casadio. 2. 20.000 Euro in a year. 3. Public and private contributions. 4. Festival “CorposaMente”, research and production of artistic events and performances, organization of conferences and exhibition. 5. Comune, Provincia Ravenna, Cultural association: Almagià, Dalla parte dei minori. 6. Promoting international exchange.
Mission and Objectives

Study, research and production in the artistic field like:
Video, Theatre, Dance, Music, Visual Art. Organization and realization of perfomances, conferences, and public relationship
for pedagogic goals. Development of its activities together with public cultural institutes coming from Italy and from abroad.
Organization of cultural and pedagogic actvities.
Networking of artists from all over the world.

Main Projects / Activities

-Festival of performances “corposaMENTE” every year since 1999
-Bienal exhibition of pictures and conferences on the theme of violence in the childhood: “Dalla parte dei minori”
-Productions of videoart, music events and dance pieces.
- Workshops.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elena Casadei
Head of the organisation
Andrea Bernabini
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrea Bernabini

Fondazione IDIS-Citta della Scienza

National Network

Via Coroglio 104 - 80124

+39 081 5702158
+39 081 7622670
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
349 0072717
Mobile Phone (other)
338 2127542
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. It is now an operating foundation with a flexible, agile structure: President, Executive Director, secretary, administration and employees working in the different thematic areas. Total: 12 permanent people plus temporary collaborations. 2. 3.000.000 € 3. Public and private funds 4. Therefore, the activities of the Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza develop along the following guidelines : - the organisation of events and cultural activities of science communication and dissemination; - innovative projects in science education and informal learning; - research and pilot projects in science and society and citizens participation in scientific governance; - international co-operation projects, especially in the Mediterranean Area. 5. European Commission, Municipality of Naples, Province of Naples, Regional Government, universities of Naples, Fondazione Golinelli, King Baudouin Fondation, Jerusalem Faundation,
Mission and Objectives

It is now more urgent than ever to build a new type of scientific citizenship, in order to bridge the gap between the scientific world and society at large and to ensure a greater engagement in science and technology governance.
Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza has operated in Naples since 1987 in the dissemination of scientific knowledge and technological innovation throughout the South of Italy.
Born as the organisation that promoted and set up the City of Science complex in Naples, it is now an operating foundation with a flexible, agile structure. Its primary mission is to guarantee public participation and involvement in social issues through science communication.

Main Projects / Activities

Below, the principal ongoing activities:
• NanoDialogue – Enhancing Dialogue on Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences in Society at the European Level, FP6-NMP project coordinated by Fondazione IDIS.
• CIPAST - Citizens participation in science and society, FP6-S&S
• ECD-European citizens Deliberation on Brain Science, FP6-S&S
• DECIDE-Deliberative Citizens’ Debate in science centres and museums, FP6-S&S
• PENCIL- Permanent European Resource Centre for Informal Learning, FP6-S&S
• Evolution, Tracing the odyssey of life, FP6-S&S
• Bio e-learning, new labs and teachers activities on Life sciences.
• Euro-Mediterranean and Black Sea Observatory, creating a network of International cooperation among institutional, political, cultural and scientific organisations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anne Marie Bruyas
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Vittorio Silvestrini
Contact (2) Full Name
Luca Simeone

Associazione Idea Lavoro Onlus

National Network

10125 TURIN

+39 011 6699770
+39 011 6698642
Mobile Phone
+39 011 7316016
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1) Association sans but lucratif; 6 associées + 6 collaborateurs/trices. Fait partie du réseau national CORA (centres d’orientation professionnelle et égalité des chances). 2. 3. financements publics :conseil municipal, provincial, régional, national (ministère), écoles publiques, UE, et privés : syndicats, entreprises 4. réalisation de projets d’échange de méthodologies, d’outils pour l’orientation/formation des personnes et stages pour sujets impliqués dans le domaine de l’éducation /formation permanente 5. centres publiques pour l’emploi, organisations pour les droits des femmes, associations de catégorie (artisanat, commerce, agriculture, etc.), agences de formation
Mission and Objectives

Travaille dans l’insertion/réinsertion professionnelle des jeunes et des adultes, avec une attention particulière au travail des femmes,
Supporte et accompagne les personnes, les aide à surmonter les difficultés dans l’insertion professionnelle
Fonde son approche sur la centralité de la personne : sa capacité d’etre la protagoniste de son évolution professionnelle, à partir de la conscience et de la mise en valeur de ses compétences
Travaille pour créer un rapport de collaboration en réseau avec tous les sujets locaux pour garantir que le parcour de formation et insertion de la personne soit accompagné et intégré par toutes les compétences nécessaires

Main Projects / Activities

Orientation professionnelle pour adultes (surtout femmes) Orientation scolaire : éducation aux choix
Orientation des femmes défavorisées
Formation formateurs : techniques travail en groupe, support à autoévaluation et mise en valeur des capacités
Formation enseignants : égalité des chances, lutte aux stéréotypes, orientation selon optique de genre
Projets européens : avec notre réseau européen EWA : reconnaissance des compétences des femmes, orientation à creation d’entreprise, orientation à l’élargissement des choix scolaires, bilan de compétences professionnelles pour adultes, création de méthodologies et outils pour formation contre l’inégalité d’accès des femmes aux ressources économiques, lutte aux stéréotypes de genre pour accès au travail

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Silvana Farina
Contact (2) Full Name

Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca

National Network

Montesca, 06012
Città di Castello, Perugia

0039 075 852 1512
Telephone (other)
0039 075 852 2185
0039 075 852 1610
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 335 6010579
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 347 8780829
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
  3. Research
General Information
The CSFVM works with the purpose to realize training programs and projects, also through the production of didactic materials, for a great variety of interlocutors. The Center follows the objective to develop and to value the activities of the Pole of Excellence of Villa Montesca in matter of Environmental Formation. The Center has seven employed and the budgetary resources available in a year are about 400.000 euros. The sources of funding are the Umbria Region, the Perugia District and the European Commission; in the last years three projects in the Socrates program, two in the Leonardo da Vinci program and one in the Equal program have been funded.
Mission and Objectives

The CSFVM realizes education programs and projects to develop, to plan and to experience innovative approaches for the development and monitoring of the professional competences, by defining specific methodologies and instruments for the analysis of the competences in the processes of the human resources management. Estimating the mainly meaningful international experiences and maintaining intense contacts with national and foreign research centers, the team of the CSFVM works in the analysis of the distinctive competences to develop through educational activities the most suitable methodologies and instruments.

Main Projects / Activities

The Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca realizes educational paths in environmental fields, which foresee in particular: - research of innovative methodologies to realize educational integrated paths - Some spread initiatives to find out useful instrument for the environmental and the territorial planning - production of environmental projects in the environmental field turned to citizenship or to specific population strips - realization of communication project to reveal and valorise territorial and cultural resources
The CSFVM is moreover involved in some integrated research projects tied to the community programs like Leonardo Da Vinci, Equal and Socrates.
The CSFVM, to support all the activities connected to the educational process, has the ERA-EDU learning platform, a technological architecture which is a suitable answer to requisition of reliability, security.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fabrizio Boldrini
Head of the organisation
Fabrizio Boldrini
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Rita Bracchini

Al-Feneeq Theatre group

National Network
00972 8 2555 090
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0599 409 546
Mobile Phone (other)
0599 309 721
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
1- Structure of the organization: • General association and its content 25 member • Administration department it content 7 member :-chef-deputy chef-secretary-cashier-manager of cultural affairs and media-manager of production and arts affairs 2- Budgetary resources annually : self funding and member fees subscription ( 15$ per member) 3- Sources of funding : not available at the moment 4- Al feneeg group now heading the projects related and cultural exchanges and searching 5- Main partners : not available
Mission and Objectives

• Continues looking for developments the art and theaters which leads to developed our poor in theatre section.
• Taking care of our Palestinian heritage especially Arabic and human heritage to insure our Palestinian and Arabic identification.
• Put in focus the varies cases in our daily life's and show it to the orients
• Assist and develop the child theatre and school theatre and university theatre which lead to develop the education operations and discover the reaction talents.
• Working in activating the Palestinian women part to take their part in our community.
• Making searches and theatre studies to expand the knowledge and realization to our orients
• Teaching and exercising the talents in theatre
• Creating drama to put the democracy in our civil community

Main Projects / Activities

1. Producing dramatic works for adults and youths and children's.
2. Preparation searching and studies relating to arts and heritage.
3. Establishing specials courses for training and qualifying the talents and deferent's aspects in arts and theaters like acting, directing tech arts, theaters administration domains, and act.
4. Establishing lectures.
5. Exchanging cultural and civilizations conversations and religions peace.
6. Establishing courses especially cultural kids and growing and educations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hussein Mahmoud Al-Asmar
Head of the organisation
Hussein Mahmoud Al-Asmar
Contact (2) Full Name
Wael Fareed Thabet