National Network

114 rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris

01 45 44 48 25
01 45 44 48 25
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Le MAN est une association fédérant 19 groupes locaux et regroupant 230 adhérents. Un Secrétariat national, basé à Paris et composé de 3 salariés, travaille avec le Comité de Coordination à la cohérence globale du Mouvement, accompagne les groupes locaux et met en oeuvre les projets nationaux. 2. Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles : 150 000€ 3. Sources de financement : cotisations des adhérents, subventions de fondations (Un Monde par Tous, Non-violence XXI), subventions de la Commission Européenne (Programme Socrates), dons de particuliers. 4. Les modalités d’actions sont diverses : - organisation de séminaires, de conférences et d’ateliers d’information et de sensibilisation ; - organisation de formations à la non-violence et à l’intervention civile de paix ; - organisation de rencontres de dialogue et d’échange interculturels ; - participation à des rencontres de travail avec nos partenaires français et/ou européens (mise en commun de nos expériences et savoir-faire, notamment dans le domaine de la formation); - lancement et soutien de campagnes d’opinion.
Mission and Objectives

L’association s’est fixée plusieurs objectifs : - Former à la résolution non-violente des conflits, à travers des sessions d’information et de formation à destination des acteurs des secteurs associatifs et socio-éducatifs. - Favoriser la non-violence dans la sphère sociale et politique, en participant aux luttes pour les droits de l’homme et contre la militarisation. - Appuyer l’action non-violente dans le monde, à travers la promotion de l’Intervention Civile de Paix et de méthodes permettant une solution politique au conflit. - Promouvoir le débat et la recherche sur la non-violence, en contribuant à des revues et en éditant des ouvrages

Main Projects / Activities

- Projet Education à la non-violence : dans la cadre de la Coordination française pour la Décennie, le MAN participe à la production d’outils pédagogiques à destination des enseignants et travailleurs sociaux sur la gestion non-violente des conflits. - Projet Formation à la non-violence et à la résolution des conflits :à travers les Instituts de Formation du MAN (IFMAN), le MAN organise et participe à des programmes de formation sur la résolution des conflits. - Projet Intervention Civile de Paix : le MAN est à l’origine de la création du Comité Intervention Civile de Paix (Comité ICP).

Contact (1) Full Name
Chloée Foyer-Albaret, chargée de mission – Intervention Civile de paix et projets Moyen-Orient
Head of the organisation
Serge Perrin (Représentant légal)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ariane Fabien, Coordinatrice nationale

Fondazione Artiglio Europa

National Network

Via dei calzolai 231 - 55040
Capezzano Pianore Lucca

+39 0584 969650
+39 0584 969655
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 335 7032391
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. President Board of Directors (7 Members) Board of Auditors (3 Members) Staff Steering Committee (8 members) Parner: Rotary Club Viareggio Versilia 2. 100.000 € 3. Local authorities and private donors. 4. Promotion of best practices exchange; scholarships; realisation of seminars and conferences; organization and promotion of an international award. 5. Local Authorities: Regione Toscana, Comune di Viareggio, Provincia di Lucca, Lucca Chamber of Commerce; non-profit Foundation: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmi di Lucca, Pisa, Livorno, Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca and the Rotary club Viareggio Versilia; Private Company: Perini Navi, Cantieri Codecasa, Viareggio Porto spa, Fipa Cantieri Malora; Banks: Cassa di Risparmi Firenze, Monte dei Paschi Siena, Credito cooperativo della Versilia, Finanza e Futuro
Mission and Objectives

The Artiglio foundation recognises the cultural dimension and diversity of the cultural expressions as keys factor for development of countries and societies. The main objective of the organisation is the promotion of Cultural Heritage as an important resource for the development and understanding different countries and people. The intents of the foundation are:
? to promote the respect and the safeguard of marine environment;
? to encourage mutual understanding among people and stimulate the awareness of our common history built on activities and tradition related to the sea.
? to promote studies and researches on underwater activities: oceanography, underwater archaeology, marine biology, marine environment and its resources.

Main Projects / Activities

? Promotion of a joint project encouraging exchanges between students of ‘Viareggiofucina’ training school and other similar European Institutes, in order to create a ‘window of dialogue’ on education, training and skills in maritime sector across Mediterranean Sea.
? Creation of a network of maritime museums across Europe.
? Organization of the IV edition of the International Artiglio Award which aims to promote study, research and other activities relative to the underwater world and recognise the merits of persons, associations, societies which have obtained important tangible and original results in activities of underwater nature at national and international level.
? Organization of events (workshops, conferences, seminar and round-tables) in order to promote the awareness of a common Mediterranean identity linked to the sea.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Sodini
Head of the organisation
Francesco Sodini

Association tiflétois new life "ATNL Maroc"

National Network

Maison des jeunes 9 juillet tiflet cp 15400 tiflet maroc

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Association tiflétois new life , une organisme des jeunes pour des buts non lucratif. Leurs objectifs d'implications des jeunes au culture de solidarité ; tolérance , culture de l a paix , et connaître l'autre a partir de nos actions par les jeunes pour les jeunes . ATNL assemblé deux bureau administratif 21 membres . et bureau exclusive assemblé 5 membre. Nous avons de bon relation avec plus de 100 organisme dans monde entier , Chaque année il y a un programme des projets avec nos partenaires ; et des actions mené par des jeunes volontaires. Des ONG lie avec programme pour les jeunes, commune local , les autorité local et régional. Bailleurs de fonds partenaire , " plupart ONG" Echanges en a déjà organisé des ateliers , et des chantiers internationale des jeunes , nous somme un organisme qui bénéficié des bourses.
Mission and Objectives

Nous un organisme qui travaille au tous les niveau du Maroc , et monde arabe depuis 2002; a partir des actions et des initiatives des jeunes au société civile . soutiens des jeunes initiateurs pour différentes thème lie par situations des jeunes ; pour mieux connaître leurs entourage a partir des actions de solidarité , culture de la paix et tolérance , a partir nos ateliers et chantiers , car c'est un outil d'éducation non formelle. Des jeunes connaître l'autre , et l'intégration culturelle entre les religions.

Main Projects / Activities

- ateliers des débat par les jeunes et pour les jeunes
- micro projet pour les jeunes
- échanges jeunesses
- soutiens initiatives des jeunes
- approche de mobilité des jeunes au culture de la paix et tolérance
- documentation archivage / recherche des solutions
- des compagne de sensibilisation
- actions des media et NTIC pour ciblé des autres jeunes du monde , pour connaître nos initiatives

Contact (1) Full Name
EL Hammoumi naoufal
Head of the organisation
EL Hammoumi naoufal
Contact (2) Full Name
Driss el amri

Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre du Maroc. Section de Tanger.

National Network

Angle rue Rkina et rue Dr Faraj – Annexe école Oum Aiman – Ain Ktiouet.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. Youth and education
General Information
A.E.S.V.T fût crée en 1994 au Maroc et en 2002 à Tanger pour répondre aux besoins des établissements scolaires, jeunes scolarisés, enseignants et cadres administratifs et ONG en matière de la formation continue, de la sensibilisation et de l’appui à l’élaboration des projets d’établissements, L'AESVT Maroc a actuellement une grande représentation à l'échelle nationale (parmi les plus grande association nationale avec 30 antennes) pour mieux cerner et travailler les problématiques environnementales et sanitaires. L’AESVT intervient dans des domaines l’environnement et la santé, surtout la promotion de l’éducation à l’environnement et à la santé L’AESVT a signé plusieurs partenariats, à l’échelle nationale avec le MEN et Ministère de l’Environnement ; à l’échelle locale avec l’Académie régionale de la formation et de l’éducation, les délégations du MEN de Tanger Asilah et Fahs Anjra, les délégations de la santé de Tanger et de Fahs Anjra et certaines communes (Boukhalef et Taghramt)
Mission and Objectives

vL’AESVT vise la formation d’un citoyen conscient, et préoccupé positivement et effectivement par les problèmes éducatifs, environnementaux et sanitaires du milieu dans lequel il vit et participant dans la protection et la conservation de l’état sanitaire et environnemental de ce milieu.
L’AESVT a pour but fondamental :
• la promotion de l’éducation à l’environnement et au développement en tant que moyen pour améliorer l’état de l’environnement au Maroc et aboutir à la conservation de la biodiversité et du patrimoine naturel,
• la promotion de l’éducation et la sensibilisation sanitaire.
c- La promotion et le développement de l’éducation et l’amélioration de l’enseignement des sciences de la vie et de la terre.

Main Projects / Activities

check website:

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mustapha Sidi Bensalah

Youth Cultural Initiative

National Network

Manis 4 , 162 33

0030 210 7644039
0030 210 7248979 (Mrs Lazou)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6948515210
Mobile Phone (other)
0030 6948600946
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Youth Cultural Initiative ("??????????? ??????????? ????" in French “Initiative Culturelle de la Jeunesse”) is a recently established urban, not speculative Association, beneficial to the public consisting of 5 founding members and employs one member of staff. The Association’s budgetary resources are the contributions of its members, scholarships of every kind by Greek of foreign organizations, by the Greek State or the European Union. Grants and private sponsorships for the realizations of particular projects from such Organizations like Athens University, Polytechnic college of Ionian islands of Ecology and Environment, are also sources of funding. Partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are educational and cultural institutions in general (Theatre of Dora Stratou, International Dance Council (CID), International Association for University Theatre (AITU/IUTA) et a.)
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the Association is clearly artistic, cultural, educative and beneficial to the public, on not speculative base. It is particularized as the by all means and in any possible social form growth of creativity and possibilities of cultural intervention in the society of new persons, independent sex, nationality and any other discriminations and restrictions.
More analytically the objectives of You.C.I. are:
The growth of cultural network of new researchers and creators in the field of arts, culture and cultural heritage, the appointment of cultural content of organisations of youth and the growth of international relations in the base of intercultural dialogue, aiming at common action and common programs for the young persons.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association is developing networks with the purpose of providing services of first degree social care as well as services of supporting character. The undertaking of international initiatives and collaborations with other reliable institutions as N.G.O., Local Authority, Academic Networks, Cooperatives, etc. aiming at the growth of social solidarity in Greece and in third countries for the reduction of poverty and exclusion, as well as for the access of these teams in the society of knowledge.. The systematic exchanges of art and culture with similar teams abroad, for the confrontation of common problems and the achievement of common thematic objectives and the joint implementation of programs of culture and creation between different teams. Involving in cultural, educational and scientific activities as congresses, seminars, festival, lectures, courses, reports, representations, inquiring programs etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Lazou
Head of the organisation
Yiorgos Voutos
Contact (2) Full Name
Magda Igoumenidou

The Society of Women Graduates in Gaza Strip

National Network

Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The administrative structure of the organization consists of the directorship Board, three full time employed graduates and ten volunteer graduates. The organization was funded by the president office in the previous. Other sources of fund obtained from the membership fees, computer training courses fees and projects funded by supporting sides. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are Small Grants Program for U. N. D. P., the Canadian Fund in Ramallah, Catholic Relief, and collaboration institute.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Serve the women graduates in the following ways: Finding jobs for them; Holding training courses, workshops and seminars; Help to enhance the graduates abilities; Working as volunteer; Serving the local community. Objectives: Gathering the educated women abilities in Gaza Strip; Encouraging the scientific research and thinking for women; Working on guiding the women in the cultural and social fields; Exploiting the free time by holding constructive entertaining activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects: Rationalize consumption of electrical energy; Summer camp IV (Shams regularly); Campaign ten thousand Kenza Sofia; Initiate cooperation for the distribution of emergency food assistance; Rehabilitation project and train Women graduates; draft training and rehabilitating women graduates. Main activities: Cultural crossroads women graduates held every Saturday to create channels of communication between graduates and community issues; The Assembly held several short-term training courses to equip graduates experience; The Assembly Created job opportunities for women graduates who are unemployed; found training in governmental and private institutions for a number of women graduates

Contact (1) Full Name
Rifa El-Khozondar
Head of the organisation
Lili Saba
Contact (2) Full Name
Wedad Al-Sourani

Le Manif

National Network

27, rue Parmentier
Nîmes (30 000)

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Association loi 1901 Bureau : 4 membres Conseillers et responsables : 19 (bureau inclus) Partenaires européens : 4 Budget biennale 2006 : 286. 000 € Culture 2000 (Europe)/La Région LR/Conseil Général du Gard et de Lozère/ville de Nîmes et de Mende/SNCF/Crédit Agricole/ACL développement/Renault Nîmes/Marché U Cigale Galeries : Salamandre/Negpos/4, Barbier/ Les Allégories/Esca/ Lycée Daudet Structures sociales : Foyer Albaric/Foyer Charles Gide
Mission and Objectives

Avec l’art comme langue d’échange et de compréhension, rassembler, en des lieux donnés, en Europe et dans les pays du contour méditerranéen, un large éventail de la création artistique contemporaine.
Faire naître, de la rencontre et de la fusion des différentes cultures, des savoirs et des techniques utilisés, une reconnaissance et un dialogue entre les pays qui sera générateur de paix et de développement économique et social.

Main Projects / Activities

En 2008, mise en place d’un projet intitulé : « Ulysse ou L’Odyssée des Arts », l’idée étant de rassembler plusieurs partenaires issus de la Communauté Européenne et du Maghreb pour travailler à la création d’une œuvre artistique commune, conçue comme un spectacle dynamique où se croiseront plusieurs techniques différentes comme : les arts plastiques, la vidéo, le multimédia, la danse, le théâtre et la musique.
Toutes les spécificités culturelles (langues, danse, musiques etc.) seront présentées et fortement exprimées.
Ce spectacle sera joué dans tous les pays partenaires, ce qui impliquera le déplacement de tous les artistes, leur rencontre étant nécessaire à la création ainsi qu’à la réalisation de l’œuvre.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bernard Calendini, Président
Head of the organisation
Bernard Calendini, Président
Contact (2) Full Name
Sandie Safont

Intercultural centre DE CENTRALE

National Network

Kraankindersstraat 2
9000 GENT

+32 9 265 98 26
Telephone (other)
+32 9 266 13 26
+32 9 265 98 24
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+32 478 300.572
Mobile Phone (other)
+32 485 142 639
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

current staff: 12,2 fulltime equivalent - Budget 2007: 1.045.745,21 euro (staff and operational costs included) - Sources of funding: City of Ghent, Flemish Government, entrance tickets - Modalities of Action: Stage activities, concerts, theatre, workshops, musical courses, lectures, debates, children’s activities, film, projects promoting cultural diversity - Main partners: City of Ghent, Flemish Government, local migrant organisations, other concert halls in Ghent

Mission and Objectives

“De Centrale” is a meeting place and cultural workshop for native and non-native artists, a music school for non-Western instruments and organiser of performing arts (especially world music). It has two concert halls at its disposal (1 up to 200 persons, 1 up to 400 persons), and a number of rooms are put at the disposal of all citizens for theatre, dance, music and singing rehearsals, language lessons, lectures, meetings, …

Main Projects / Activities

• concerts, films, theatre, multicultural cooking • multicultural children activities • co-organisation of concerts with other partners in other city halls • courses and workshops in non-western musical instruments (Maghreb, Turkey, Africa) • promotion of cultural diversity in the cultural landscape in Ghent Main focus: Turkey, Maghreb, Africa, Eastern Europe

Contact (1) Full Name
Attila Bakiroglu
Head of the organisation
Mr. Luc Baeckeland
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Nele Goethals

NGO Support Centre

National Network

12, Spartis Street
1036 Nicosia

+357 22875099
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information

TThe NGO Support Centre is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organisation dedicated to the development and strengthening of civil society in Cyprus. Established in December 1999, the NGO Support Centre has since developed a substantive experience and expertise in the fields of active citizenship, peace and reconciliation, development education, human rights education, intercultural dialogue, and participation. The NGO Support Centre is currently a member of the following organisations and networks: the Cypriot NGDO Platform (member of CYINDEP – Cyprus Island-wide NGO Development Platform), CCMC - Cyprus Community Media Centre, FRA - EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, the Anna Lindh Foundation and CIVICUS – World Alliance for Citizen Participation.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the NGO Support Centre is the creation a dynamic, active and reactive civil society in Cyprus that participates in and advocates for democracy, dialogue and civic engagement.

Main Projects / Activities

The NGO Support Centre implements the following: capacity building activities and trainings to enhance CSOs knowledge and skills on organisational and management issues awareness raising about the role and impact of the civil society in the development of transparent and democratic processes and the socioeconomic development of the society advocacy activities to strengthen Cypriot civil society and its role vis-à-vis public institutions and the private sector projects and activities in the fields of active citizenship and participation, development education, peace and reconciliation improvement of the legal landscape for CSOs and support to individuals and groups interested to set up an NGO in Cyprus

Contact (1) Full Name
Semeli Panagidou
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Natalia Kouhartsiouk