Palestinians Without Borders

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
Contact (1) Full Name
Awad Abou Alia
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Al Gamali
Contact (2) Full Name
Wael Ba’lousha

Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation

National Network

HQ in Ramallah, with separate offices and innovation labs in Nablus, Hebron, Jerusalem, Gaza and the Science House in Birzeit
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Media
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Field of Work /Sector A Non-Governmental Organization specialized in Science, 
Technology, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Engineering and Math. 
Target Group We adopt a series of chronically conducted programs that 
incubate talents from an early age (7 years old) and provide a path towards adulthood (29 years old). 
Number Of Volunteers Al Nayzak’s volunteering unit which includes up to 500 participants

Mission and Objectives

To develop scientific, entrepreneurship, engineering and technological (STEEM) competencies of Palestinian youth . - To provide Palestinian adolescents and youth with promising socio-economic opportunities, through initiating, design and implementation of specialized programs that create inspiring and motivating environments for incubation and excellence. - To foster An Innovative Palestinian society, capable of producing original scientific knowledge, integrated with sustainable development. - To plants an ambitious vision in the hearts of the Palestinian community: “To develop, root, and reinforce a new culture that embraces science and innovation so that Palestinian competence in productive applied sciences could provide them with opportunities that would lead to their future prosperity.

Main Projects / Activities

Technology, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Engineering and Math. 
Target Group We adopt a series of chronically conducted programs that 
incubate talents from an early age (7 years old) and provide a path towards adulthood (29 years old). 

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Agria Dance Art School

National Network

Széchenyi u 78

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
1. Our school is a non-profit educational organization. We have got a foundation that collect money for our cultural aims. The school has got 35 employee and some voluntary workers. We have got more partners from Hungary and from the world too. 2. Our budget for a year is about 12 million HUF. 3. We have sources from our government ( as we are an educational school) and we have got from our Foundation too. We often got money from some project sources. 4. Let’s dance together with European and Euro med countries! We would like to organize a festival with a participation of different countries. 5. Chech Youth Programme Praha, Assiut Human Rights and Youth Development Association in Cairo – Egypt. Trabzon Türkish
Mission and Objectives

The dance will unite people and brings them closer. We are all equal. Let’s dance together for a nicer future!

Main Projects / Activities

We would like to organize a dance Festival with a participations of Turkish and Egyptians organization, where we can show each others ours folk dances and know others cultures better.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marianna Miskolczi
Head of the organisation
Róbert Bogdán
Contact (2) Full Name
Neeltje Van Houten

Cinémathèque de Tanger - Cinema club of Tangier

National Network

Cinema Rif, Place du 9 avril

+212 (0)39 93 46 83
+212 (0)39 93 46 83
Mobile Phone
+33 (0) 6 17 48 37 64
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Others
General Information
1. La Cinémathèque de Tanger, association à but non-lucratif, est dirigée par un comité de direction, composé de 7 membres. Elle emploie 3 personnes et compte 150 membres. 2. Les ressources financières proviennent de subventions, dons privés, et des entrées générées par l’exploitation de la salle 3.- Formation et éducation à l’image : Formation : Le workshop DocMaroc est un atelier d’initiation à la pratique du documentaire, placé sous le signe des échanges interculturels. Il réunit 6 stagiaires marocains et 6 stagiaires internationaux durant 2 semaines. Deux sessions ont déjà eu lieu (décembre 2006 et avril 2007) en partenariat avec le Collectif Documentary Filmmaker’s Group (Royaume-Uni). Education à l’image : Ciné-club mensuel pour enfants, séances hebdomadaire jeune public, séances régulières pour les scolaires. - Mission d’archivage et de numérisation du patrimoine filmique marocain et arabe - Mise à disposition d’équipements pour les jeunes cinéastes.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Programmation journalière de deux écrans et accompagnement des séances : débat avec le public, rencontres avec des acteurs du secteur
- Actions éducatives
* séances scolaires et initiation à l’histoire du cinéma et à l’analyse des images.
* ciné-club pour enfants
* Atelier de formation au documentaire : DocMaroc
- Projet fédérant des acteurs du milieu cinématographique tangérois autour de la capitalisation d’expériences en vue de créer une œuvre retraçant la mémoire cinématographique de la ville. En partenariat avec le Bureau des Compétences et Désirs (Marseille) et la Fondation Arabe pour l’Image (Liban)

Contact (1) Full Name
Bouchra Khalili
Head of the organisation
Yto Barrada
Contact (2) Full Name
Simona Schneider

Villaggio Europa

National Network

Via S. Sebastiano 15
00032 Carpineto Romano

+39 3403408389
Telephone (other)
+39 3286268883
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3403408389
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3286268883
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Villaggio Europa was established in the year 2000 as a non-profit youth organization involving youngsters mainly aged 15 to 35 and living in small towns (1,500 to 8,000 people) in the southern province of Rome. The association mainly relies on the volunteer work of about 80 people lead by a Board of 5 members. Sources of funding: City Council, regional funds, EU co-financed projects, fundraising events.
Mission and Objectives

Given the small size and the state of relative isolation of the mentioned target communities, Villaggio Europa aims at promoting cultural activities for the active participation of youngsters in civil society, at the same time trying to open for them the doors to the surrounding world and making them experience cultural diversity, for a renewed intercultural dialogue in the view of mutual understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities include regular workshops on a variety of topics such as art, music, social inclusion, gender equality, sustainable development etc., Euromed Youth projects, international youth seminars, exchanges and trainings for youth leaders and co-operation with a number of other local associations in the organization of local seasonal events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Vera Cerbara
Head of the organisation
Mr. Alessio Campagna
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Alessio Campagna

Fondazione Scuola di Pace di Monte Sole – Peace School Foundation of Monte Sole

National Network

Via S.Martino 25
40043 Marzabotto, Bologna

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
- The Foundation has a president, a director, 2 fulltime employees, 1 halftime employee, 7 partner educators. The foundation is lead by a board of directors formed by 17 people. - The annual incomes mainly come from the contribution of the Emilia Romagna local governments that are founder members of the Peace School Foundation of Monte Sole and members of the Board of Directors. - In the last three years the main backers of the Foundation have been: 1) The Emilia Romagna Region with a contribution of about € 150.000 each year; 2) The Province of Bologna through an agreement with the Foundation allows the free use of the School facilities, finances the extraordinary maintenance of the facilities and of the computer equipment. - The main local partners are schools or other local NGO involved in the same field of education and mediation of conflicts.
Mission and Objectives

The activities that the Peace School develops are aimed to the peace education of youngsters and adults and start from a consideration of the slaughter led by SS troops with the help of Fascist elements (29th of September -5th October 1944) and from the knowledge of the mechanisms of violence that carried it out, through the memory of the witnesses and of the place itself as a dumb witness and a guardian of that past. This memory is used in order to promote peace and nonviolent transformation of conflicts, personal responsibility and active citizenship.

Main Projects / Activities

• the projects of educational experiences, in particular for young people, to encourage and promote the dialogue and the comparison among different human beings, people and cultures, even in the perspective of a possible reconciliation (international “Peace in 4 voices” camps);
• the activities of studying, analysis and collection of documents about the causes of the conflicts, their conditions and the good acts for peace
• the managing of a point of contact and comparison for groups, public and private bodies, associations and people who wants to commit themselves in the defense and promotion of peace and of the values of freedom and justice, fundamental lines for the decentralized cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadia Baiesi (Director)
Head of the organisation
Vittorio Prodi (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Elena Monicelli (Responsible of International Projects)

Future of Europe Association

National Network


+36 20 369 3888
Telephone (other)
+36 20 401 5811
Mobile Phone
+36 20 3693888
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information

1. Structure of the organization: General assembly (membership + presidium: 7 member (President: Berei, Andrea; Co-president: Dr. Kriston-Vizi, József)

Number of staff: employed: 4; volunteers: 100

2. budgetary resources in 2019: 48355000HUF

3. sources of funding: support of local government; grants (national/international); contribution of association members and supporters + contribution-in-kind

4. modalities of action: main actions:

1991- : 15 Future of Europe Meeting;

Erasmus+ projects

Creative Europe projects

5. main partners:

Partnership: EMJ vzw Neerpelt, Belgium

CSEMADOK Galanta, Slovakia,

HÍD Association Sibiu, Romania,

Tekirdag, Turkey,

FRG Perugia, Italy

Mission and Objectives

To promote the mutual convergence of the peoples of the world, with special emphasis on Europe, as well as the cooperation of people, nations and individual human groups in the spirit of tolerance and total freedom from discrimination. To assist in understanding and familiarisation of the culture of national and ethnic minorities and in the realisation of attempts to strengthen their minority life on the national, local governmental and social level; To protect democratic values and to promote their realisation; in connection to this to protect human and citizen's rights, to protect child and youth interests and to represent their interests;

Main Projects / Activities

- Developing intercultural understanding between young citizens of different countries through organising

a) ‘The Future of Europe’ Children- and Youth Meeting in Kecskemét

b) exchange programmes

c) study visits, seminars

- Solidarity projects: collecting donation, gifts-in-kind and fundraising at local level for communities in less developed Eastern European countries

- Inclusion projects: Educational and financial support for children and young people with less opportunities to integrate them into peer groups and youth exchanges on equal base

- Civil Society Development at local, national and European level:

- Active participation in community political and cultural life

Contact (1) Full Name
Gyurgyik Henriett
Head of the organisation
Berei Andrea

Dél-Alföldi Eurotender, Ifjúsági, Kulturális, Oktatási és Környezetvédelmi Egyesület/ Eurotender Association

National Network

József Attila sgt. 17. fszt. 2.

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Eurotender Association was founded in 2005, with the aim of contributing to the success of the structural policy of the European Union in the South Great Plains region of Hungary. As a public benefit organization, it wishes to foster social and economic cohesion. Our operations include the support of disadvantaged people in the region, primarily improving the conditions of ethnicities, youth, elderly people, women and disabled people; examining the current state of the labour market and workplace health protection, and achieve sustainable development in harmony with the EU policies. We currently have 10 full-time employees and about a dozen volunteers. Our annual budget was around €240.000 last year. Our organization puts emphasis on international cooperation. Last year we sent and hosted over 100 young people on our trainings, and formed a professional cooperation with over 60 organizations from more than 20 countries.

Mission and Objectives

We are especially committed to increase our target group’s (youth aged 14 to 35) interest and awareness about public life, strengthen their active participation in democratic life, improve their sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and transversal skills and key competencies that will contribute to the organization and maintenance of communities.
Through our main activities – training/education, research, training material development, organization of knowledge-sharing events – we would like to contribute to measures and initiatives which aim to foster the integration of disadvantaged groups, support intercultural learning, the multiplication of media literacy with special focus on youth. 

Main Projects / Activities

Eurotender Association was founded in 2005, with the aim of contributing to the success of the structural policy of the European Union in the South Great Plains region of Hungary. As a public benefit organization, it wishes to foster social and economic cohesion. Our operations include the support of disadvantaged people in the region, primarily improving the conditions of ethnicities, youth, elderly people, women and disabled people; examining the current state of the labour market and workplace health protection, and achieve sustainable development in harmony with the EU policies. 
Due to our implemented projects, we have excellent working relations with the University of Szeged, elementary and secondary schools in the city of Szeged, Hungary.
During more than a decade of our operation we have been providing opportunities for young people to acquire working experience (within the former M.AN.O. Leonardo programme and different mentoring programmes). Also, we have organized an international conference in Szeged, Hungary about European citizenship for young people (2010 - From the Europe of Regions to Lisbon Treaty– with the support of the Europe for Citizens program), and we have continuously provided counselling for high school and university students regarding EU grants (this activity greatly contributed to the growth of our volunteer base).
Our members and volunteers are committed to intergenerational dialogue, which resulted in our organization’s participation in several projects supporting the elderly. Several of our members also gave lectures at the Academy for the Elderly program in Szeged. 
In 2013, we organized a 10-stage event promoting peaceful coexistence in the Serbian-Hungarian cross-border region (2013 - Borderland Area COoking Network – HUSRB-IPA programme), and published a bilingual cookbook as well.
From 2015, we have implemented a series of projects with the financial support of the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union: in total, around 180 young people from 20 European countries took part in these project activities.
Our first KA2 project as lead applicant, titled Non-formal education and e-learning for inclusion – NEELI was launched in 2016 and ended in August 2018. This project aimed to develop and test new integration models for youth with different cultural background - this included data collection, analysis, the development of training materials and testing in the participating countries: Hungary, United States of America, Italy, Greece, Spain and Romania.
Within the framework of our second KA2 project, titled Entrepreneurship Skills for Youth / Youth for Social Entrepreneurship (ESY/YSE) our aim was to collect, exchange and share good practices and policy initiatives regarding youth entrepreneurship in the participating countries (Cyprus, Hungary, Mexico, Romania, Slovakia). 
Besides the above described activities, our Association has conducted several national and international researches in the past years, the largest of which was the one examining foreign employment and migration strategies of Hungarian youth, which we conducted in 2015 with the support of Pallas Athéné Geopolitical Foundation.
In October, 2016, we organized an event commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 titled “Revolution in words – Slam poetry challenge in view of 1956”, where over 500 young people participated. The event was supported by the Public Endowment for the Research on Central and Eastern European History and Society.
Through these activities, Eurotender Association endeavors to foster the economic and social development of the region and participate in its cultural life.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are open to involve network members in our extensive international work, or share our experiences regarding training and youth work.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have been members for over 10 years.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zsolt Péter Függ
Head of the organisation
Zsolt Péter Függ

Robert College, Istanbul

National Network

Kurucesme Cad. 87 Arnavutkoy 34345

0090 212 359 2222
0090 212 2575443 / 287 0117
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
05379 778698 (Marc Wilks)
Mobile Phone (other)
0533 470 1029 (Joe Welch)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Robert College (RC) is a private Turkish high school, with a student body of approximately 1,000 and faculty and staff of approximately 100. Certain clubs that are involved in international projects are the Model United Nations and European Youth Parliament clubs. Others include WINPEACE and Destination ImagiNation. Some clubs are allocated about $1,500 for events such as conferences. This funding is provided by the school. RC also provides travel funding for students who represent the school at events in Turkey and abroad. Approximately 20% of the RC student body are scholarship students.
Mission and Objectives

Robert College seeks to graduate young men and women with the skills, insights, and determination to function as leaders and contributing citizens in a wide range of social and cultural roles, both locally and internationally. It seeks to develop in students the desire and ability to communicate openly, candidly and constructively, and to foster in them a broad international outlook.

Main Projects / Activities

Model United Nations, European Youth Parliament, the WinPeace
(Greece-Turkey) initiative, Destination ImagiNation, Junior Achievement

Contact (1) Full Name
Marc Wilks
Head of the organisation
Mr. John Chandler
Contact (2) Full Name
Joseph Welch


National Network

XANTHI, 67100

(+30) 25410 62622
Telephone (other)
(+30) 210 3390520
(+30) 25410 62622
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+30) 6937419599
Mobile Phone (other)
(+30) 6945 890781
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. Not governmental organization – 8 full-time and 8 part-time employees/external collaborators 2. 250 000 € 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Human Capital Resources, EU 4. Summer schools for culture, Greek language-culture seminars, Establishment of Networks for development and education 5. Border Region Delta – Rhodopi, Greek – American Union, International Network of Konstandinoupolis, Hellenic History On-Line, Council of Hellenes Abroad, Ergo Polititon (Social Voluntary Public Organization)
Mission and Objectives

The mission of “TAMIEION THRAKIS” is to develop trans-cultural, educational, and scientific cooperation between countries of West Europe, the Balkans, East Mediterranean, and the Middle East. The organization aims to design and support actions for establishing Trace as a link for cultural dialogue between the aforementioned countries. The main objectives are to promote and exploit the cultural and historical heritage of the local territory, to finance and support research programs in the fields of history, social anthropology, folklore characteristics, ethnology and related subjects, and to encourage transnational cultural, scientific and socio economic cooperation and friendship with neighbor countries.

Main Projects / Activities

• International summer school promoting the Greek language and culture taking place in Thrace and Aegean
• Teaching of Greek language by the means of arts and culture
• Creation of infrastructures at the International Educational Centre of Avdira, Thrace
• Establishing new potentially educational and cultural centers in Greece and abroad
• Education in the Balkans with the use of new technologies
• Greek culture networks in the Balkans and the Middle East
• Intercultural dissemination for minorities
• Support of young scientists, artists, and social groups with special needs

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name