NESS EL ELFEN Association

National Network

17 rue Larbi Kabadi – El omrane
TUNIS 6 1005

00 216 71 797 589
Telephone (other)
00 216 71 287 203
00 216 71 842 551
Mobile Phone
00 216 98 647 797
Mobile Phone (other)
00 216 22 484 215
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1- Association with nonlucrative goal. The permanent team is composed of 8 people (direction, administration and technical team), voluntary and paid. The artistic teams and of formation are not permanent. 2- annual Budget: 340 000 dt (200 000 euros). 3- Sources of financing own resources the actions are cofinanced by national and international subsidies. 4- Installation of projects of artistic development (dance and cinema): formation, creation and diffusion. 5- Ministry for the Culture and the Safeguard of the inheritance, French Institute of co-operation of Tunis, Culturesfrance, network Locations, Arts centre Menzah VI, the daily newspaper the Press.
Mission and Objectives

- Creation of an independent cultural space, open on modernity, actor of the development in 2 particular fields: contemporary dance and the cinema. By the culture: to support the dialogue, the meeting and the exchange with the centre even of the Tunisian company, and on the scale of the area.
- Establishment in a territory: opening towards the public in general with a detailed attention for youth.
- Opening to the other cultures: not crossing Arab Europe World Africa.

Main Projects / Activities

- Training of young people: installation of the Mediterranean Center of contemporary dance (professional teaching). Initiation of the young children to the dance. Vocational school of Cinema (EDAC).
- Diffusion of?uvres artists coming from horizons and cultures different: The festival of dance "Choreographic Meetings of Carthage"; Turned of contemporary dance to Tunisia. Festival of documentary "Doc. in Tunis".
- Creation and residences of artists: the place is open so that choreographes can work their?uvres. All the activities are accompanied by a work on a large audience with a detailed attention with youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Syhem Belkhodja
Head of the organisation
Zoulaeikha Belkhodja
Contact (2) Full Name
Tarek Tabka

AFAK-Tangier for citizenship and the Development

National Network

47, Bd Pasteur

212-39 93 71 01
Telephone (other)
212-39 37 17 71
212-39 37 17 71
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
212-61 15 84 03
Mobile Phone (other)
212-60 79 90 06
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Association governed by the Dahir of 1958, created in 1997. Local antenna of national O.N.G. AFAK, but enjoying organisational, legal and financial autonomy management Committee: 9 members of various professional horizons (engineers, doctors, teachers...). Average human: especially the voluntary ones and associations Budget 2006: DH 80.000 Contributions of the members + Sponsors Campaigns publicity on the ground, conferences. Partnerships with public institutions local:INAS, Delegation of Jeunesse... with associations of districts and the O.N.G. Corsica U Marinu.
Mission and Objectives

To locally promote behaviors citizens and to rehabilitate the values morals necessary to the development of the individual and community.

Main Projects / Activities

Accompaniment on the local level of the national actions: clean elections, beaches, education with the citizenship at the school... Member of the Board of directors of the Urban Agency of Tangier Repair partial of public schools and sensitizing of the schoolboys to the citizenship Plantation of trees and installation of parks organisational Support, formation and financier to associations of districts Training of the workmen to Organization quality of international meetings: - Workshop on the valorization of solid waste in Morocco - Meetings transdisciplinaires of UNESCO Demonstration "the sea celebrates some" in June 2005 and June 2006 Co-organization with association U Marinu of exchanges of pupils of colleges "crossed on images": Russet-red Island (Corsica) - College Regnault (Tangier)

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Noureddine EL OUAJIH

Associazione di Volontariato Geofilos

National Network

Casale di Teverolaccio – via XXIV Maggio
Succivo (CE)

+39 081 501 1641
Telephone (other)
+39 081 501 1021
+39 081 5011641
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 320 268 1462
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 328 6179375
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. Geofilos is a no-profit making youth organization. The members are 30, all volunteers aged from 15 to 35. 2. Our budget for 2006 was 12,000 €. 3. Our financial resources come from inscription's rights, activities in partnership with the town halls of our communities and Regione Campania. 4. Geofilos bases his work on the development of environmental awareness of young people through environmental education projects and campaigns. Geofilos works for a youth participation in the decisional making process and in Agenda 21 process through campaign, exchanges, and projects in the schools. 5. The partners ara Public Institutions, schools, and more than 20 organization from other European countries.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of organization is to create an environmental awareness in young people. The others objectives are: environmental education, protection of the environmental heritages, Euro Mediterranean and Inter cultural education.

Main Projects / Activities

Action Campaigns like Clean up the world, Festa dell’Albero. Work Camps on the preservation of Cultural Heritage. Lots of seminars on Europe, Pace and Euro Mediterranean awareness.
Youth Exchanges and networking with more than 20 youth organization from other countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pascale Francesco
Head of the organisation
Dott. Antonio Pascale – president
Contact (2) Full Name
DI Iorio Francesca

Fondazione Emmanuel per il Sud del Mondo

National Network

S. da Prov.le Lecce-Novoli 23/25
73100 Lecce LE

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
General Information

Fondazione Emmanuel, based in Lecce (Italy), is an expression of Comunità Emmanuel which, since 1980 has dealt with reception, accompaniment, and social inclusion of people in difficulty (migrants, unemployed, disabled people, minors, families, etc.).
All the initiatives developed during these years have as objective to promote solidarity, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, international cooperation, the non-violent solution to conflicts and Peace.

Our current team in Lecce is composed by 23 people employees and a group of volunteers. The team is composed by:
n.1 Legal Representative
n.1 General Secretary

n.1 administrative
n.1 educator/coordinator
n.1 junior project manager in development cooperation area n.5 intercultural/linguistic mediators
n.8 social-cultural operators
n.1 communication and project manager
n.1 psychologist
n.1 social worker and
n.2 employees in mission in Albania

Mission and Objectives

Recognising diversity in today’s world is a wealth and poverty has multidimensional aspects, we believe and improve the “OSMOSIS process” as an interchange, inter-dialogue between the different cultural and religious nuances of people.

The institutional task is to encourage and support people from Southern Italy, Southern Europe, and Southern World, creating possibilities and providing the right tools for the self-empowerment. Together we will promote Social Justice, Charity, Human rights and Christian mercy, in response to the social inequalities that afflicts the world, with particular attention to migrants and other populations, near and far, that more suffer the imbalances of the planet.

Main Projects / Activities

We work through projects co-financed by public entity and private donors. Our projects aim to promote intercultural, interreligious, and inter-social dialogue and social participation on several levels.

At national level we are dealing with reception and social assistance of asylum seekers and the most vulnerable population groups, in order to promote social-occupational inclusion.

We foresee Inter-cultural Mediation actions between various actors of civil society (educational institutions, public and private entities, etc.) with particular attention to migrants.

Also, we act in Cooperation for development in Ecuador (city of Esmeraldas), Egypt and Albania, supporting actions and local projects aim to promote processes of self-empowerment, working in close cooperation with the various local partners.

Finally, the organization is dedicated to Erasmus Plus project (mobility and exchange of good practice between European organization).

Contact (1) Full Name
Luigi d'Avolio
Job Title
ALF Referent- Senior Project Manager, Educator and Trainer
Head of the organisation
Piero Severi - Legal Representative, Stefania Gualtieri- Secretary General
Contact (2) Full Name
Luana Duma
Job Title (2)
Junior Project Manager in Development Cooperation Area

Fondazione Fabbrica Europa per le arti contemporanee

National Network

Borgo degli Albizi 15
50122 Firenze

+39 055 2638365
Telephone (other)
+39 055 241962
+39 055 2479757
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3488901366
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3355209268
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1) Created 1994. 2003 the responsibility was taken over by FFEAC, a non profit making participatory foundation established, in agreement with its public stakeholders, by the three organisations that had most contributed to its development: Associazione Fabbrica Europa, Fondazione Pontedera Teatro, Associazione Music Pool. 2) Year 2005: € 352.000,00. 3) Funding: EU, Italian Ministry for Culture, Tuscany Region, Province of Florence, Florence City Council, EnteCassaRisparmioFirenze 4) Key activities: Fabbrica Europa festival (Florence, Stazione Leopolda, every year in May since 1994); trans-cultural projects fostering the fusion and interaction of cultural diversity; cultural events; training and professional development activities including masterclasses, residencies, internships, workshops and seminars; production of audio-video material and publishing activity. 5) Fabbrica Europa has developed a powerful network of partners, aimed at creative exchange, artistic production and cultural circulation, from Europe and its edges, with particular regard to the Western Balkans and the South coast of the Mediterranean.
Mission and Objectives

Fabbrica Europa is a laboratory for the development of collaboration and experimentation in the contemporary arts in Europe. Its mission is to be a space of production, exchange and professional development for the artists and cultural operators of Europe. It fosters the mobility of artists and art-works and so responds to the exigencies of an ever-more flexible labour market. It aims to promote understanding of cultural diversity through a dialogue between different forms of thought and ways of expression. It draws the public closer to contemporary artists and art-forms as a means of investigating a common identity. In this way Fabbrica Europa aims to create an impact that is not solely artistic but also profoundly social.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main and most renowned activity is the multi-disciplinary festival taking place every May in the former railway station Stazione Leopolda. It brings together European activities in a dense programme of dance, theatre, music, visual arts, architecture, video, new media. For this reason, we have obtained in 2006 the support from the European Union as an organisation promoting European culture.
Fabbrica Europa’s other activities are interdisciplinary artistic projects;
The last project co-financed by the European Commission – Culture 2000 has been “The Gesture in the cultural heritage of Europe” (2004/05), aimed at developing the theme of gesture through different cultural and artistic approaches, for a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary vision involving new technologies and multimedia. The project has been coordinated by Fabbrica Europa (project leader) in collaboration with Artefactory 41.14 (Procida), Muzeum Institut for Arts and Publishing (Ljubljana), Oxymoron (Athens), Chapter Arts Centre (Cardiff), Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona), Artimage (Graz).

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Bistolfi
Head of the organisation
Luca Dini
Contact (2) Full Name
Maurizia Settembri

Fondazione ISMU

National Network

Via Copernico 1

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. 4 permanents + 60 researchers 2. Average 1.000.000 euros 3. Promoting partners (BancaIntesa, Chamber of Commerce, Regione Lombardia) 4. The major activity areas are documentation, research, information, training. 5. Promoting partners (Chamber of Commerce, Regione Lombardia), Ministries, Local administrations, University 6. To achieve its goals, ISMU avails itself of specialists in different disciplines, an international network of experts, and a team of qualified trainers.
Mission and Objectives

Fondazione ISMU, formerly Fondazione Cariplo-ISMU, is an autonomous and independent organization promoting studies, research and projects on multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society, and focusing in particular on the phenomenon of international migrations.
ISMU presents itself as a service structure open to cooperation with other institutions, public organizations, the world of voluntary work and non-profit organizations, school institutes of any educational area and level, and scientific institutions both in Italy and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

The Documentation Centre is a library that furnishes advice services for planning training and cultural actions and projects. The Statistic area documents and analyses the characteristics of national and international migrations. The School Training area organizes seminars for teachers, parents and socio-cultural operators; public initiatives, national and international conferences on interculture. The Health section investigates the relation between immigration and health through an interdisciplinary approach. The Legislation department studies the discipline on immigration. The Labour area promotes and publishes inquiries and studies on immigrants' economic integration.
The International Sector is between the promoting partners of the Metropolis International Project (

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Lombardi
Head of the organisation
Vincenzo Cesareo
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Davì

Giovani Insieme

National Network

Siège social : Valdocco n. 22 - 10041 Carignano (TO) - ITALIE/Siège opérationnel : Via Quaranta n° 16 - 10041 Carignano (TO) - ITALIE

+ 39 011 532644 – Luisa Gallo
Telephone (other)
+39 011 9693344 – Sécretariat
+39 011 9695273 – Sécretariat
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 340 5256090 – Luisa Gallo
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
  3. Research
Contact (1) Full Name
Luisa GALLO – Référent des projets
Head of the organisation
Armida DEALBERA – Présidente
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniela TONTINI - Sécretaire


National Network


0039 0957335082
Telephone (other)
0039 095433169
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 333 3364857
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 347 9088116
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. SSRG onlus is a no-profit organization. It is organized as a standard association with regards to Italian laws. Structure: company council: 1 president, 1 vice-president, 1 administrator more 11 single associated, Each member has equal rights (as the definition of ONLUS -Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilità Sociale - requires for Italian law). SSRG is affiliated to FKL (Forum Klanglandschaft ) and WFAE (World Forum for Acoustic Ecology). 2. 10000 euro 3. educational funds, artistic projects, scientific commission. 4. Seminars, symposium, artistic projects, research projects, multimedia production 5. pulic schools and universities, FKL (Forum Klanglandschaft) and WFAE (World Forum for Acoustic Ecology).
Mission and Objectives

The SSRG‚ Sicilian Soundscape Research Group -onlus is a no profit organization that gathers together people in Sicily who are interested in listening to, studying, and responsibly managing the acoustic environment in which we live. The group is currently composed of professionals and non-professionals working in various fields in science and art, brought together by a common interest in promoting the culture and practice of listening, with a particular interest in environmental sound.

Main Projects / Activities

1) Agorafonia: a socio-acoustic survey on three historical Catanese squares. 2005-2006
2) Seminars, symposium, and workshop in schools and universities, (2004-2007)
3) artistic action like performance in urban and natural environment (2005-2007)
4) researches dealing with writing and production of the Acoustic Guide of Palermo and Catania

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

Conference Centre “Thessalia”,
P.O Box 1308
38001 Volos

+30 24210 93 550
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Academy of Demetrias is a non governmental, non profitable organization with five partners and four staff members and an annual budget of 80.000 €, which comes mainly from donations and sponsorships. It organizes seminars, conferences, workshops and projects in collaboration with numerous other institutions, like universities and institutes from Greece and abroad, research centres, dioceses, publication houses and journals.

Mission and Objectives

The Academy of Demetrias functions as an open forum of thought and dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the broader scholarly community of intellectuals worldwide. In its effort to foster interdisciplinary and inter-religious understanding, the Academy has been organizing a series of studies, international seminars, congresses, round tables and publications.

Main Projects / Activities

The Academy has been organizing a series of studies, international seminars, congresses, round tables and publications on the following topics: “Orthodoxy and Modernity”, “Islam and Fundamentalism-Orthodox Christianity and Globalization”, “Orthodox Christianity and Otherness”, “Gender and Religion. The place of women in the Church”, “Women and religions: the Problem of Violence and Fundamentalism”, “Theology and Literature”, “Theology and Modern Church Architecture”, “Orthodox Christianity and Education. Religious Instruction as an Inquiry in Identity and Culture”, “Orthodox Christianity and Multiculturalism”, “The participation of laity in Church life” , “State and Church”, “Orthodoxy and Islam. Islam in Europe”, “Ecumenical Theological Education in Central and Eastern Europe”, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pantelis Kalaitzidis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Pantelis Kalaitzidis

Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC)

National Network

1 dr. Mahmoud Azmi street, POBox 50, 11211 Zamalek

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
NVIC is one of ten Dutch academic institutes abroad, financed by a consortium of Dutch and Flemish (Belgian) universities. The NVIC is a non-profit establishment according to Egyptian law. There are 13 permanent staff working at NVIC. Other funds are occasionally acquired through grants for projects carried out under the direction of the NVIC. The main partners for NVIC are the Dutch and Flemish universities and other institutions related to higher education and research, as well as the Egyptian universities, institutes, authorities as well as private partners related to research and higher education, especially in the field of Archaeology, Arabic Studies, Egypt and related topics. The NVIC is the only Flemish institute abroad and the only multi-national European academic institute abroad.
Mission and Objectives

NVIC’s main task is to support the teaching and research programmes of the Dutch and Flemish universities, and to support and further the contacts and exchange between universities, students and scholars from Egypt, the Netherlands and Flanders.

Main Projects / Activities

? Teaching Arabic and Archaeology for bachelor and master students from Dutch and Flemish universities and occasionally for others
? Carrying out research (NVIC has several academic staff members)
? Supporting and facilitating research projects of others, in the field of Arabic studies, History, Archaeology and Egyptology, Islam, Coptic studies, etc.
? Facilitating projects in the field of cultural heritage conservation and restoration.
? Organising workshops, conferences, seminars and other occasions for scholarly or cultural exchange
? Maintaining a scholarly and general network between Egypt and the Netherlands/Flanders.
? Weekly lecture series
? Teaching Dutch

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Dr. Kim Duistermaat, director
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Dr. Kim Duistermaat, director
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. M.M. Mulder, administrator