Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation (GAAEC)

National Network

160 A Ioannou Drossopoulou Str.
112 56 Athens

+30 210 865 59 79
+30 210 865 47 42
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 69 44 89 89 87
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 69 44 14 50 47
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation (GAAEC), established in 1991 and based in Athens, is a registered non-governmental and non-profit organization. GAAEC staff is constituted by the Chairman and the Chairwoman of the Science and Education Committee, both founders of GAAEC, an Assistant for Administration and Gender, a Program Assistant for Education and Youth as well as 2 part-time staff for International Cooperation, 2 European long-term volunteers (EVS) and 2 Greek interns. GAAEC organizes several educational programs in partnership with several institutions and NGOs in Europe and in The United States (between others The Fund for American Studies and Georgetown University). In the year 2007, for the fiscal year 2006, we have declared to the Greek tax Office approximately 250 000 Euros in incomes from different contribution and expenses. Private and public sponsors, Europe Union funding. Between others partners, GAAEC works with a large network of Euro-Atlantic associations (40 countries).
Mission and Objectives

GAAEC is dedicated in reinforcing European and Transatlantic cooperation through educational dialogue and advocacy. Our main focus is to underline the importance of education in a broader sense. Our organization is active at local, national and international levels endeavoring to develop European and international citizenship awareness, sustain integration and promotion of youth exchanges and intercultural relations. Active sections within GAAEC are the youth section and the transatlantic cooperation section. GAAEC holds academic programs that promote educational and other programs in cooperation with respectable Educational Institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

- Kernels of Our Future,
This two-week program is organized in Crete since 2004 with the support of the European Union.
- International Institute for Political and Economic Studies (IIPES), 90 students from Balkan countries, Middle-East, North Africa and the United States. co-organized with The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) and Georgetown University.
- Euro-Mediterranean Journalism Institute (EMJI), 50 young journalists from Balkan countries, Middle-East and North Africa, co-organized with TFAS.
- Fellowship Program on international security and cooperation
- Annual Conflict Management and Transformation Discussion: takes place in Jerusalem during spring and is co-organized with The Fund for American Studies.
- GAAEC is accredited to send and host European Volunteers to take part actively to all activities through the European Voluntary Service program (EVS, YOUTH program of the European Union) since 2006
- GAAEC offers Internships to European and Greek students in its office.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Theodossis GEORGIOU
Head of the organisation
Mr. Theodossis GEORGIOU
Contact (2) Full Name

Young Women's Christian Association/Amman

National Network
Address 5014 Amman 11183 Jordan
Amman 11183

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Background: The YWCA is a nonprofit non-governmental Association founded in 1950 and registered in the Ministry of Social Development. It is a branch of the YWCA of Jordan, which is in turn affiliated to the World YWCA whose head office is in Geneva, Switzerland. Purpose: The YWCA of Amman serves women without racial, social or religious discrimination. It aims to help women in developing their skills and capabilities in order to reinforce their role in society, bearing in mind the economic, social and cultural needs

Mission and Objectives

1- Development of mind, body and soul. 2- Help women understand their rights and work toward obtaining them. 3- Reinforce the position of women in society as citizens with special emphasis on equality, justice and human rights. 4- Leadership Training with emphasis on both women and youth . 5- Provide women with skills to get working opportunities, which will raise their standard of living. 6- Family Counseling (human rights practices, combat violence against women and children, promote awareness with respect to environmental protection, health and education services etc). 7- Strengthen the role of women in local society and encourage them participate in sustainable development and income generating projects.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Hotel: for working girls, college students and women tourists established in 1958. 2- Cultural Centre for young women: (Vocational Training Centre specialized in secretarial skills) established in 1964. 3- University Student Loans: started in 1969, to help young men and women who are financially in need in order to help them acquire university or college education in Jordan. 4- Summer Camp for Children: started in 1996, to develop children skills and offer them leadership training as cultural, physical, recreational, creative, artistic activities and environmental awareness. 5- Youth Club for young men and women was founded in 1968 to promote leadership training and provide cultural, social, educational activities and social work through different programs offered to youth. YWCA Activities and Services: - Social services for needy families. - Community Choir. - Social and cultural programs. - Sport activities including tennis.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nawal Qassar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nawal Qassar

Cyprus Sociological Association

National Network

46 Makedonitissas Ave. P.O. Box 24005, 1700

+357 22841555
+357 22352059
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+357 99694067
Mobile Phone (other)
+357 99303620
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information
1. CSA is a NGO, NPO, Scientific Organisation. At the moment it has 153 members. It is run by an Executive board consisted of 7 members and it functions under a constitution approved by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Cyprus (Reg. no.1780). (No employed staff) 2. Budgetary resources available in a year €5,000 3. Sources of funding: membership fee, donations 4. Coordinator and participation in research projects at local and European level, organization of lectures, seminars and conferences) 5. Mainly local and European research partners. Final users of projects are usually Governmental Departments
Mission and Objectives

1. To contribute towards the spread sociological thought in the Cypriot Society
2. The education / training of the members of the Association, as well as the promotion of their usefulness to the benefit of society
3. The safeguarding of the sociological profession of the sociologist and the promotion of the professional engagement of the members
4. The cooperation with research centers, tertiary education institutions and other bodies in matters of sociological interest

Main Projects / Activities

1999 “Family violence”
2000-2002 “Football violence in Cyprus”
2001 “Problems in school of the children of the families from Pontus”
2001-2002 “Study for the formulation of a demographic policy proposal for Cyprus”
2002-2004 “The State of the Cypriot Family in Cyprus”
2002-2003 “Leisure time in youth”
2003 “Moral values, attitudes, problems and motivation of high performance athletes in Cyprus”
2003-2004 “Juvenile delinquency in Cyprus”
2003-2004 “Bi-communal Perceptions of the Anan Plan” (the UN Secretary’s proposed for a solution for the Cyprus Problem)
2004 Dialog-Population Policy Acceptance Study (PPAS) / “Delphi Study”
2004-2005 “Use of prohibited substances in sports in Cyprus”
2004-Present “Single Parent Families in Cyprus”
2005-Present “Psychosocial Dimension of Diabetes Mellitus”
2005- present “MERLIN – Storytelling as lifelong learning” (Grundtvig)

Contact (1) Full Name
Christina Loizou
Head of the organisation
Nicos Peristianis
Contact (2) Full Name
Katerina Kokkinou

Local Society for Community Services

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
A Charity NGO which provides services in order to communicate and local society. The organization supervises a number of current projects including educational curricula, cultural centre for youth programmes and creative children. We serve 263 students from UN schools. Partners: governmental, local, civil and international associations. Financial Resources: we depend on civil society organizations, local community, donating authorities, and volunatry initiatives.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Al Nahawy
Head of the organisation
Marwan Odeh
Contact (2) Full Name
Hassan Shaaban

Solidarité Laïque

National Network

22 rue Corvisart
75013 Paris

01 45 35 13 13
01 45 35 47 47
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. Solidarité Laïque est un collectif qui réunit 53 organisations membres (associations, syndicats, coopératives, mutuelles). 15 salariés travaillent au siège soutenus par 35 bénévoles et une centaine en région. 2. Budget annuel moyen : 3.000.000 € 3. Sources de financement : Dons privés, Cotisations des membres, Subventions publiques. 4. Intervention sur tous les continents et en France dans des projets d'aide au développement (secteurs éducation et enseignement, culture, économie sociale, jeunesse, droits et société civile). Organisation de séminaires thématiques en France. Organisation d'échanges de jeunes et de professionnels. 5. Organisations membres de SL. Partenaires du Sud (associations). Autres ONG. Pouvoirs publiques. Collectivités territoriales.
Mission and Objectives

Lutte contre les inégalités, les discriminations, l'intolérance et la pauvreté.
Par l'éducation, la formation, le partenariat et l'appui aux sociétés civiles, Solidarité Laïque veut donner aux hommes où qu'ils se trouvent les moyens d'être autonomes, de se prendre en charge et de mieux vivre ensemble. La solidarité est conçue comme l'école de la citoyenneté. Solidarité Laïque appuie ses actions sur les valeurs universelles de la laïcité.

Main Projects / Activities

Projets de développement sur tous les continents et plus particulièrement sur les secteurs géographiques suivants :
- Asie
- Méditerranée (Liban, Palestine, Maroc, Algérie, Turquie, réseaux Euromed)
- Afrique de l'Ouest
- Afrique australe
- Amérique latine
- Europe orientale et balkanique
Appartenance à des réseaux nationaux et internationaux : Coordination Sud, Réseau Euromed France, F3E, Comité PECO, Educasol, Solidar, etc…
Projets : appui à la société civile, échanges, actions de plaidoyer, éducation au développement et à la solidarité internationale etc…
Voir site de SL pour plus d'informations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Philippe Jahshan (Méditerranée
Head of the organisation
Jean GASOL (Président) / Roland BIACHE (Secrétaire général)
Contact (2) Full Name
Emmelie Meneux

Irish School of Ecumenics

National Network

Bea House, Milltown Park, Ranelagh, Dublin 6

+353 1 2601144
+353 1 2601158
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Ian Atack


National Network

6 Sraid Fhearchair
Baile Atha Cliath 2

+353 1 4751487
Telephone (other)
+353 1 4783913
+353 1 4754684
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Ógras is an Irish language youth club organization that works with young people from 8 –19 years of age. Core funding from the Youth Affairs section of the Department of Education. Employ five full-time staff and 2,000 members. To encourage the use of the Irish language as a normal means of communication among young people and in this respect to help them develop as responsible young people and as future leaders in our communities.
Mission and Objectives

Aim: To Promote the Irish language To assist the personal development of young people Promotion of National Culture training courses for members and leaders as well as organising weekend events and day trips. We also organise workshops for members in different skills: Drama, Circus Skills, Drumming, Dancing, Music, and much more.

Main Projects / Activities

Three year project with the URDD organisation in Wales to help young people to get a better unserstanding of each others countries and cultures. Also to share best practice in youth work.

Contact (1) Full Name
M. Maedhbh Ni Dhonaill
Head of the organisation
Maedhbh Ní Dhónaill Stiúrthóir

Stichting AIESEC International - Dutch

National Network

126 Teilgerstraat, 3032 AW

+31 10 443 4382
Telephone (other)
+ 31 10 443 4374
+31 10 265 1386
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 31 65 214 6343
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 31 61 005 3914
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. AIESEC International employs 22 Management Board members and one administrative manager. AIESEC International is responsible for the management and development of the Association on behalf of the Global Plenary. The Global Plenary consists of the Presidents of all Member Committees and has all powers for the performance and execution of the purposes of the foundation. AIESEC International is accountable towards the Global Plenary and to the Supervisory Group. 2. 1.143.472 Euro 3. Member countries’ fees 355.073 Euro Funding from International Organisations 55.063 Euro Funding from private sector 661720 Euro Other 71616 Euro 4. Exchange, Leadership experiences, Conferences and seminars, Learning Networks, Regional projects 5. ABN Amro, UBS, DPWN (DHL), Holcim, ING, Alcatel, EU DG EAC, UNESCO
Mission and Objectives

Vision - “Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential”.
Role - Our international platform enables young people to discover and develop
their potential to provide leadership for a positive impact on society.
AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by
students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are
interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not
discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion,
national, ethnic or social origin.
AIESEC’s core-work is to provide its members with an integrated development
experience comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships and
participation in a global learning environment.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ildiko Kostyak
Head of the organisation
Edyson David Dos Santos Games
Contact (2) Full Name
Petroula Karagianni

A World Institute for a Sustainable Humanity

National Network

29 Kolokotroni Street, 10562

+30 210 323 1875
+210 323 1871
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 694 837 6797
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 694 837 6799
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. AWISHhellas is a Greek registered Non Profit Organization dedicated to the advancement of sustainable community development in Greece and the Mediterranean region. 2. Operating annual budget approximately: 250,000euro 3. University contract fees, seminar fees, grants. 4. AWISHhellas operates accredited university programs in sustainable community development, summer university seminars, and conferences, community recycling projects, and other project activities. 5. International universities, environmental NGOs, peace and justice organizations, and local communities in Greece.
Mission and Objectives

AWISH - Hellas – Mesogeiou (AWISH) is a nonprofit corporation organized to promote understanding and education in community sustainable development. AWISH conducts educational programs, seminars and workshops, artistic performances, and technical assistance and research to support community wellbeing. Its programs foster collaborations with communities, businesses, universities and governments to advance knowledge and understanding about the relationship of cultural and economic development, environmental justice, and the creative and performing arts to community health and well being. AWISH programs are funded through government and private grants, charitable donations, workshop and seminar fees, and other sources of funding.
- grants, charitable donations, workshop and seminar fees, and other sources of funding.

Main Projects / Activities

The AWISHhellas Sustainable Development projects bridge global knowledge with local and regional knowledge, and address the multiple dimensions of Sustainable Community Development – economic, environmental, cultural, and spiritual. Its programs include the international university program in sustainable community development in Kefalonia, providing collaborative base supporting research and education. AWISHhellas coordinates research and service programs in sustainable tourism, alternative energy systems, sustainable community water systems, community recycling, and sustainable agricultural economic development, and peace and justice studies. AWISHhellas promotes sustainability education through annual seminars, conferences, workshops, and work / youth camps.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicholas Christos Zaferatos
Head of the organisation
Professor Nicholas Christos Zaferatos
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Katerina Perraki

Cultural Association of Education by Arts [Associação Cultural de Educação Pelas Artes]

National Network

Rua Serpa Pinto, 234 4820-285 FAFE

00351 253 492 919
00351 253 495 656
Mobile Phone
00351 964 540 998
Mobile Phone (other)
00351 919 000 233
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
1.Cultural Association of Education by Arts directed by Dr. Rogério Gonçalves has one music school ( Academia José Atalaya) whose Pedagogic Direction is constituted by profs. José Manuel Machado, Ricardo Barceló and Manuela Reis. This school has 23 teachers and 3 employees. 2/3.Annual budget estimated is € 500.000,00. One part is paied by Central State, (Patronage Contract), another is paied by Local Authority (Municipal Executive) and last part is paied by students. 4. Classes, hearings, competitions, seminars, interchanges. 5. Education Ministry, Municipal Executive, Banks and local trade
Mission and Objectives

? Promote and encourage music studies.
? Proportion to the students interchanges.
? Create new publics.
? Disclose different musics

Main Projects / Activities

1.Education is main objective:
a) About 200 students participate in Elementary Courses of accordion, clarinet, bassoon, transverse flute, piano, saxophone, orchestral horn, violin, guitar and violoncello and, further, in Complementary Courses of chant, piano, guitar, transverse flute, saxophone and violin.
b) In basic schools 20 teachers of our organization teach 1500 students.
2. Another objective is disclose differents musics and create new publics. Concerts, competitions, seminars, interchanges, workshops are activities that our organization develops.
3. Promote, further, the contact with Ancient Music by organization of Construction Courses of Ancient Instruments.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. José Manuel Machado
Head of the organisation
Dr. Rogério Gonçalves
Contact (2) Full Name
Paula Rodrigues