Rondine Cittadella della Pace Association

National Network

Casella Postale 46 – Arezzo Centro

0039 0575 299666
0039 0575 353565
Mobile Phone
0039 393 9167588
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 393 9739624
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Rondine Cittadella della Pace is a non for profit Association whose mission is to promote peace and intercultural dialogue. The Association is lead by the President who is appointed by the Board and engages around 30 people (5 employees, 10 consultants and 15 volunteers). The yearly budget is around 500.000 euros, provided by Regional and local institutions, private companies and individual donors. The association runs an International Hall of Residence where young students from war torn areas around the world live and study together. Also, the Association organizes seminars and meetings on peace keeping and dialogue among religions.
Mission and Objectives

Rondine Cittadella della Pace’s aim is to support reconciliation between countries who are facing conflicts. The main objective is to give students coming from Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Africa and Middle East, the opportunity of taking part in the formative experience of communal life at the International Hall of Residence which forms the basis of a new culture of peace. Once their studies are completed, the young students return to their home countries as witnesses to the possibilities of dialogue and reconciliation in their professional and civil lives.

Main Projects / Activities

Together with the activities of the International Hall of Residence, Rondine Cittadella della Pace hosts the European School of Peace Studies that consist of a programme of seminars and meetings at a variety of levels:”Peace Days” for elementary and middle school children, “Study Days” for high school students and “Peace Studies Seminars” for University students, as well as for academics and professionals. Also, Rondine organizes meetings on interreligious subjects attended by representatives of various religions coming from all over the world

Contact (1) Full Name
Patrizia Donati
Head of the organisation
Franco Vaccari
Contact (2) Full Name
Giorgio Righetti

Forum 2000 Foundation

National Network
Czech Republic

Pohorelec 6, 118 00, Prague 1

+420 224 310 991
+420 224 310 989
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The governing body of the Forum 2000 Foundation is the Board of Directors. The daily operations of the organization are managed by the Executive Director and Deputy Executive Director. The Forum 2000 employs 5 permanent staff, and varying number of additional staff on short term contracts or volunteers. The foundation cooperates on a long term basis with the Nippon Foundation and Sasakawa Peace Foundation of Japan.
Mission and Objectives

The Forum 2000 Foundation aims to identify the key issues facing civilization and to explore ways in which to prevent escalation of conflicts that have religion, culture or ethnicity as their primary components. We aim to provide a platform to discuss these important topics openly and to enhance global dialogue. Through our activities, we also intend to promote democracy in non-democratic countries and to support the civil society, respect for human rights and religious, cultural and ethnic tolerance in young democracies.

Main Projects / Activities

Forum 2000 Conference (annual international gathering of senior statesmen, former Presidents, Prime Ministers, Nobel Prize Laureates, top level businessmen, intellectual and spiritual leaders, the flagship event of the Forum 2000), Shared Concern Initiative, Students’ Forum 2000, Water in the Middle East, Shared Experience, Roundtable Series on Current Issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jakub Klepal
Head of the organisation
Oldrich Cerny

Agentura GAIA

National Network
Czech Republic

Mláde?nická 3/3063 / 2
106 00 Prague 10

+420 774 946 516
Telephone (other)
+420 774 946 517
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+420 774 946 516
Mobile Phone (other)
+420 774 946 517
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
General Information
1. Agentura GAIA is an NGO where Annual Meeting is the main power. Four Board Members meet monthly, the director Marie Haisova meets six staff people each week. In the past, Agentura GAIA had a membership of: 50 – 100 people. This year we only concentrate on the project Quo vadis, femina? – Women’s Vision of the Sustainable Development, supported by ESF EU. 2. 3 000 000 K?. 3. European Social Fund, Czech Ministry of Work and Social Affair, Heinrich Boel Foundation, European Commision, Ashoka Association, Ministry of the Environment, Acid Rain Sweden, Municipality… 4. Concrete projects, seminars, conferences. 5. Masaryk Library Vsetín, Ashoka Association, Schumacher College UK, Acid Rain Sweden, Diverse Women for Diversity
Mission and Objectives

Agentura GAIA is an independent civic association, which seeks new forms of interpersonal communication in the area of environmental protection, schooling and education. This mission is realized in four main programs:
1. Green Means Life: the purpose is to enliven the greyness of the urban environment
2. Women and the Environment: putting emphasis on female life approach and attitudes, making use of increasing interest of women and mothers in the state of the environment
3. Money or Life: searching for new ways of coping with the global crisis through better management of resources
4. Seminars: Coaching, Facilitation, Leadership

Main Projects / Activities

Agentura GAIA is now doing the project Quo Vadis, Femina? – Woman’s Vision of the Sustainable Development.
The aim is to compile a vision of contemporary women, comprising their ideas of what they want and what they need, how they contribute beside their families to wider society and what the obstacles are? Ambition of the project is to contribute to higher harmony and balance in both spheres private and social.
We solve the topics: Housewives, Women Economically Independent, Women Socially Dependent, Who Govern the World?
Solution of contemporary situation with an aim to map various aspects of women lives in the Czech society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marie Haisová, MBA
Head of the organisation
Agentura GAIA
Contact (2) Full Name
Adéla Purschová


National Network

75 rue des archives
Paris 75003

00 33 1 42 77 34 20
00 3 1 42 77 34 30
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 33 6 22 58 57 96
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
Association loi 1901 – bureau composé de 3 membres, équipe de salariés permanents composés de 5 personnes et des personnels intervenants ponctuellement soit pour donner des formations, soit des personnes venant renforcer les équipes pour un projet précis. Ressources annuelles : 2003 445 220 euros ; 2004 468 518 euros ; 2005 614 751 euros Mode de financements ; subventions publiques, nationales ou européennes ( Léonardo – EQUAL –EUROMED – FSE) Partenaires associés selon les projets : organisations professionnelles des architectes, UIA CEA, fédération des petites et moyennes entreprises du BTP, ville de Paris, pavillon de l’Arsenal, maison de l’architecture
Mission and Objectives

L’ARVHA est une association de type loi 1901 son but est de former les architectes, les maîtres d‘ouvrages et les professionnels du bâtiment dans le domaine de l’architecture
et du cadre de vie. Les missions qui nous sont confiées sont en lien avec le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication Direction de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine sur la formation continue des architectes. Depuis 1998 nous développons des programmes européens allant dans le sens de la formation, de la sensibilisation et de la promotion du rôle de la femme dans le secteur du bâtiment. Nous avons a ce titre le soutien du Ministère de l ‘Emploi et de la Solidarité ainsi que le service égalité des chances de la Ville de Paris.

Main Projects / Activities

Formation pour architectes dans le domaine de la réhabilitation, de la question du handicap et de la conception de l’habitat, de la création d’entreprises pour jeunes architectes… projets de e-learning sur la question du handicap pour architectes, projets européens sur la valorisation des femmes dans les métiers d’architecture et du bâtiment, projets européens sur la prise en compte du handicap dans la conception de la ville, projets européens de formation sur l’éco-construction dans l’architecture … ,nous avons produit de nombreux cd rom et sites web, publications à la suite de nos projets et nous concourrons tous les ans au festival des outils informatiques de la construction FIMBACTE pour lequel nous avons eu des prix dont le prix spécial architecture en 2004. Notre site reprend l’ensemble de nos activités :

Contact (1) Full Name
Catherine GUYOT
Head of the organisation
Catherine GUYOT
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

Chlois 31, Maroussi

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
It has 3 persons as permanent staff and a group of external research associates. For 2006 so far resources are 140.0000 euros mainly from European projects We work on concrete projects, organization of events (workshops, seminars, conferences) and research activities Partners include CIVICUS ( SCYTL( International Teledemocracy Center ( HP Nethrlands ( WorldEgov Forum (
Mission and Objectives

Gov2u ( ) was founded in 2005 with the intention of harnessing the potential of ICTs as vital tools for the improvement of representative democracy. The main crux of our activities is the research on edemocracy and civil society issues as well as the development and deployment of open source enabling technologies to facilitate legislative information gathering and dissemination and citizens empowerment. In parallel, we are involved in the targeted dissemination of knowledge and best practice on edemocracy and civil society issues through the organization of, and participation in, conferences, meetings, seminars and publications

Main Projects / Activities

• Development of Gov2DemOSS, an open source, generic, informative and collaborative e-participation platform. Currently implemented in the US and soon in Spain
• Partner, in the EU co-funded “Virtual Desktop for the Mobile Elected Official – e-Representative project” FP6 -2004-26985 project. It investigates the potential impact of a "virtual elected representative's desktop" to support the work of elected officials by making legislative services more effective and more tailored to meet their individual requirements.
• Knowledge dissemination activities, including a number of workshops at the 2nd National Conference with International Participation on "Electronic Democracy - Challenges of the Digital Era" and the 7th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dgo 2006) in San Diego, California.
• Partner in the World eGov Forum

Contact (1) Full Name
Evika Karamagioli
Head of the organisation
Vasilis Koulolias
Contact (2) Full Name
Yasmin Mazhari

Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs

National Network

Gateway Center, Kappillan Mifsud Street

+356 21224900
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs (FWE) is a non-profit organization that aims to promote opportunities and training in the area of Women Entrepreneurship. The Foundation is headed by 2 full-time staff that take care of its accounts and administration and as well supported by a number of corporations based in Malta. Other sources of income of the Foundation include its participation in a number of EU project; the organization of training courses, whilst a number of Maltese governmental agencies have subcontracted research contracts in the area of gender mainstreaming.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs (Malta) has been set up for the promotion of opportunities, awareness building, training and research in the field of Women Entrepreneurs and other gender issues in Malta, Europe and the Mediterranean.
We believe and realize that all women in Malta and abroad especially in the European and Mediterranean regions, have the right to be educated and receive equal opportunities in all aspects of their public and private life
We believe that it is of paramount importance to create an awareness of the issues, challenges and social relevance of creating an entrepreneurial culture in women including all ethnic, social, geographical, religious and other minority groups

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of the foundation are the organization of a number of services which aim to promote female entrepreneurship in Malta and the Euro-Mediterranean Region. These include: the provision of entrepreneurship-related skills courses; and a mentoring and job-coaching scheme, where they advise potential female entrepreneurs on how they could set their enterprises. Furthermore, the foundation is currently participating in a number of EU sponsored projects under the 6th Framework, Leonardo and Socrates programmes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Angele Giuliano (Chief Executive Officer)
Head of the organisation
Ms Angele Giuliano (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Angelo Camilleri

Link Campus University of Malta

National Network

Via Nomentana, 335
ROMA - 00162

+ 39 06 06 853709209
Telephone (other)
+ 39 06 06 853709201
+ 39 06 853709211
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 39 347 2662681
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 39 340 8077673
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
Link Campus is the Italian branch of the internationally-reputed University of Malta and it to receive approval from the Italian Department of Education to operate in Italy. Founded in 1999, it is the first foreign university authorized to operate in Italy by University Ministry decree; 27 November 1999, based on article 2 of law 4, 14 January 1999. Link Campus has 8 million Euro resources available in 3 years (around 3 million Euro/year). 3. It are founding by public and private investment. The Link Campus activities are developing by concrete national and international project of teaching and research activities in cooperation with the most important international educational institutions.
Mission and Objectives

The specific mission is to provide international students with the necessary skills to forge a successful international career and to train professionals capable of facing the new challenges of a world in continuous evolution. This mission in achieved by providing students with an environment rich in external stimuli, both international and innovative, geared to generate excellence. Link Campus works much like an ecosystem fostering creativity and independent thinking. The focus is to develop and prepare the student, ensuring that the education given responds to each individual's career aspirations. This focus on the individual is manifested in the wide use of the tutorial system, where the professor and the student meet regularly on a one-to-one basis or in very small groups, and in the limited number of students admitted to each course.

Main Projects / Activities

Link Campus is responding to a continually evolving job market with innovative programmes designed to shape international professionals. Emphasis is placed on foreign language acquisition, comprehensive knowledge of net systems, cooperative business agreements and industrial internships for post graduates, as essential instruments in forming professionals, managers and business leaders. Steady input from top Business and Public Administration officials in the architecture and parturition of study programmes, creates a unique plus at the Malta University both for young students, and for industry. It is also involved in some EU Tempus project : Meda and Tacis in cooperation with EU partner. Since 2006 is started distance learning in Belgrade.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Alessandro Figus
Head of the organisation
Prof. Vincenzo Scotti
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof. Marco Ricceri

King Abdul Aziz Foundation for Human Sciences and Islamic Studies

National Network

P.O. Box 12585 Aïn Diab, 20052 Casablanca, Morocco
20052 Casablanca

(212-22) 39 10 27
Telephone (other)
(212-22) 39 10 30
(212-22) 39 10 31
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
General Information
1. Non profit private association, 34 staff employed 3. Budget given by King Abdullah Ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saoud every year 4. Organisation of seminars, conferences, exchanges of documents…
Mission and Objectives

Library dedicated to promote research in social and human sciences, in arab-islamic studies. The priority is given to the Arab world, Islam and particularly the Maghreb. A CD-Rom (Maghreb Index) was lately published. The research in the library is based on free access to documents with a database available on the website.

Main Projects / Activities

Publication of the proceedings of the conferences organized by the Foundation, and a periodical on Maghrebian Studies. Organization of seminars, conferences on the themes covered by the library.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Sghir JANJAR (Deputy General director)
Head of the organisation
Ahmed TOUFIQ (General director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatima BOUMAZOU (Administration officer)


National Network

TV. DO FERRAZ, 13 – 4050-251 PORTO

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. A Board of Directors with nine members, a Financial Council with three members and a General Assembly Council also with three members. We have two permanent people in our staff. 2. Variable 3. Our resources come from a very small support given by the University of Porto. During the year we have art auctions and we sell also art printings to raise money. 4. We have had for 10 years an artistical exchange with Brasil, Cape Vert and Mozambique. We also promote some shows, exhibits and we have published some books 5. Visual Art School in Maputo – Mozambique; AtelierMar in Cape Vert and the Fine Arts School of Porto Promoting and developing the cultural activity is our mission. As objectifs we have: cultural production and divulgation and also formation
Mission and Objectives

Promoting and developing the cultural activity is our mission.
As objectifs we have: cultural production and divulgation and also formation

Main Projects / Activities

“Identidades” (Identities) – artistic exchange with Brazil, Cape Vert and Mozambique.
Drawing classes
Music and Theatre
Publishing of art and literature books

Contact (1) Full Name
José Paiva
Head of the organisation
Francisco Silva
Contact (2) Full Name
Filomena Gigante

Artemisszió Foundation

National Network

Mészáros u. 10

+36 20 322 6027
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Artemisszió Foundation has been operating since 1998 as a non-profit organization of public interest. The founders were young anthropologists who wanted to apply their theoretical knowledge and the results of their scientific research to foster social and personal development and open-minded thinking. Artemisszió Foundation is aiming to achieve its objectives through the research, promotion, education and use of the theory and practice of intercultural communication and community building. Our intercultural community is called Mira!  where our members can meet and take part in events and actions aiming to foster intercultural dialogue and empowerment. Artemisszió works with 6 staff members and approximately 30 volunteers. The majority of our projects is funded by the European Union. We cooperate on a national and international  level with different NGOs, educational centers (schools, universities) and stakeholders.

Mission and Objectives

The goals of the Artemisszió Foundation are:
*to encourage continuous dialogue and interaction between culturally, ethnically and socially diverse groups and to foster their mutual understanding
*to support the social integration of socially and culturally disadvantaged groups
*to empower individuals and groups by using creative and artistic methods
*to develop and disseminate intercultural training courses, educational materials, and methods
*to build a strong and resilient intercultural community

The mission of the Foundation is to provide an opportunity for the widest possible section of society to take part in activities that develop competencies that strengthen relations among people, improve communication and conflict resolution skills, and contribute to the development of tolerance, mutual understanding, and cooperation. For us, it is a priority to include socially disadvantaged groups - the unemployed, people living in rural areas, the Roma and immigrants - to increase their equal opportunities and to fight social exclusion.

Main Projects / Activities

Our regular activities include: complex integration program for migrants (mentoring, language classes, cultural and social events), intercultural training for diverse target groups (social workers, teachers, professionals in the field of health, police, etc.), youth mobility programs, methodological trainings for youth workers and educators, school cooperations (global education workshops, competence building program, guidance, mentoring program, programs related to democracy education and media literacy etc), and projects focusing on social inclusion through arts (forum theatre, visual art, in local and international collaboration with photographers, video-artists, etc) and artivism.

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Szántó
Head of the organisation
Diana Szántó
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Végh