Eurogems associazione di promozione sociale

National Network

Via delgi alpini 23 31057 Silea

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Is a non profit foundation and offer some subject for the students about employment and entreperneurship . Its chair of Psychology and career cunselling is specialized in probem of effective job seeking an self-employment . Academy has also academic Incubator of Enterpreneurship and students career office it's working in partnership with many schools , many local municipalities , many universities . -Organisation and coordination of services and strucures having the task to the enhancement of the quality of the life , of the interpersonal relationships , of the free time ,of the social tourism and promoting and organizing in many field public and private formative pedagogical and psychological interventions .
Mission and Objectives

The aims are:
. Promotion of the new multimmedia technonlogies , across the consultancy and the management of course , service , space , an activitu revolted to the different range of age .
. coordination and integration of activity both promotion and management projects of development between the different cultures , particular way ro make easy the integration of the immigrants .
.Collaboration and the management of activity where the youngsters could meet themselves , know themselves , socialize , and detain themselves .

Main Projects / Activities

The projects accepted from EU commission :
- 2005 Youth Program Action 5 Visita di feazibility Izmit Turkey .
- 2006 Youth program Action 5 Training course for youth leader topic " with promoter role April 2006 Italy .
- 2006 youth program Action 5 training course Poand Lodz .
- 2006 Socrates program Grundtivg 2 action Visit preparatory Gelmik Bursa Turchia for needed Pinking project .
Other activities are :
-Training course for adults and youngesters about psyco-cultural problem .
- Activity teaching integrations , consultancies , activity sport , activity integration fot the foreign pupils or of the other cultures and of the pupils with different ability .

Contact (1) Full Name
Vettori Giancarla
Head of the organisation
Vettori Giancarla president
Contact (2) Full Name
Caramel Simone

Goethe Institut Ramallah

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Goethe-Institut is the Federal Republic of Germany’s cultural institution operational worldwide. We promote the study of German abroad and encourage international cultural exchange. We also foster knowledge about Germany by providing information on its culture, society and politics. With our network of Goethe-Institutes, Goethe-Centers, cultural societies, reading rooms and exam and language centers we have played a central role in the cultural and educational policies of Germany for over 50 years. We draw our information from the many sections of our cosmopolitan society and culture, combining the experience and ideas of our partners with our cross-cultural expertise. We work on the principle of dialogue and partnership, offering our support to all those actively involved with Germany and its language and culture. We are an autonomous body and politically independent
Mission and Objectives

Acting on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany Goethe-Institut e.V. promotes various issues of foreign cultural and educational policy.
According to its statute, the three principal objectives of the institute are:
• to promote the study of the German language abroad
• to encourage international cultural cooperation
• to convey an all-round image of Germany by providing information on its culture, society and politics.

Main Projects / Activities

Goethe-Institut sets internationally recognized standards in the teaching and learning of German as a foreign language. It runs language courses, compiles teaching materials, trains teachers, contributes to scientific research and participates in politico language initiatives.
Goethe-Institut monitors trends in Germany and encourages cultural collaboration across the globe by organizing programs of events and making contributions to various festivals and exhibitions in the fields of film, dance, theatre, literature and translation.
Libraries and information centers, forums for discussion, diverse print-, audio- and video-publications and our visitors’ service aim to paint a contemporary portrait of Germany, promoting international discourse on the key concerns of what is becoming an increasingly global society

Contact (1) Full Name
Fareed Majari
Head of the organisation
Fareed Majari
Contact (2) Full Name
Majed Awad

ASHTAR For Theatre Productions and Training

National Network

Sun Rise Building, Al Irsal Street.
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Main Objectives To help create imaginative, progressive and productive Palestinian youth, able to express themselves, and communicate with others and their surroundings creatively. To contribute to the creation of a cultured society that adopts the principles of freedom, justice and equality through theatre training and productions. To utilize theatre as a tool to encourage and assert marginalized groups, youth and women to become agents of social change. To expand the local theatre skills and reach out globally with our local artistry.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Iman Aoun
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation

Ars Cameralis Silesiae Superioris

National Network

Ulica Ligonia 7
40-036 Katowice

00 48 32 257 06 01
00 48 32 251 86 48
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. R.I.K. (Regional Cultural Institution) Staff: 5 ? (director + 4 ? staff employed). 3 partners 2. 1.378.657 z? (2006) 3. Voivodship of Silesia 4. Cultural events, seminars, artists mobility, conferences 5. Rhenania-North-Westphalia (Germany), Nord-Pas de Calais Region (France), French Community of Belgium, Flemish Community of Belgium, Rogaland (Norway), Polish Institutes aboard.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Ars Cameralis is to represent the Voivodship of Silesia in all it's cultural aspects. The main idea is to contribute directly to a closer integration and promotion of culture of various nations. Apart from organizing the Festival, the Cultural Institution Ars Cameralis is as well responsible for the promotion of the most valuable silesian artists abroad, creating some new, alternative visions of Silesia. Ars Cameralis is also determined to fulfill its mission by expanding the audience for cultural events in Silesia while supporting young and established artists, from Poland and from aboard.

Main Projects / Activities

– The Upper Silesian Arts Festival is a multidisciplinary project, always taking place in november, since 1994, in many cities of the Silesian Voivodship. With a solid 15 years of experience, the Festival is a stimulating universe of encounters, exhibitions, presentations, readings and screenings of artists from all over the world. During every edition, over 30 artistic events intend to show the wide spectrum of art vision, arousing curiosity of audiences eager to come into contact with new tendencies and intriguing proposals.
– International Cultural Cooperation: Ars Cameralis is in charge of the cultural aspects of the cooperation with the Voivodship of Silesia partners regions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Monika Mazur
Head of the organisation
Marek Zielinski
Contact (2) Full Name
Gwendolenn Sharp


National Network

PAX, PO box 19318
3501 DH Utrecht

+31 (0)30 – 233 33 46
+31 (0)30 - 2368199
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0031 (0)6 489 81 483
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

1. Professional civil society organisation based in Utrecht with 105 paid staff members and approximately 200 volunteers for Dutch activities 2. Around 15 million EUR/year 3. Funding for our peace work comes from our Dutch individual supporters, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foreign governments, foundations, European Union, National Postcode Lottery 4. dialogue; organising capacity training for young people, women and NGO's; supporting local civil peace initiatives in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Latin America; lobbying international organisations. 5. PAX emerged from a partnership between the two largest peace movements in the Netherlands: IKV Foundation (founded in 1966) and Pax Christi (founded in 1948)

Mission and Objectives

IKV Pax Christi is an international movement for peace and reconciliation, non-violence and human rights which has its roots in the catholic church. Pax Christi Netherlands was established in 1948 and counts nearly 10.000 members who give voice to grassroots aspirations for peace and justice. IKV Pax Christi has a special commitment to the victims of violence, peace groups, parties in conflict looking for peace and reconciliation and socially committed religious leaders. Since its foundation, IKV Pax Christi has been helping to find ways out of cycles of violence by bringing together opposing parties. It does so by expressing solidarity through concrete action. IKV Pax Christi has special consultative status at the United Nations in New York and Vienna, the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, the Council of Europe in Strasbourg and UNESCO in Paris. PAX works together with committed citizens and organisations to protect civilians against acts of war, curb armed violence and foster just and peaceful societies across the globe.

Main Projects / Activities

PAX works in countries such as Bosnia Herzegovina, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, Israel, Kosovo, Lebanon, Palestine, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Ukraine. Our core strength is in linking our work in these countries to our thematic work at local, national and international levels. Our extensive knowledge of local needs and the results of our in-depth research combine as input for our lobby activities. In the Netherlands, and at European and international level, PAX mobilises moral, political and financial support for peace efforts in conflict areas. Our presence in The Hague, Brussels and New York facilitates our lobby activities. At the same time we reach out to an increasing number of Dutch people. A growing number of local support groups (more than 70) successfully organise various events to encourage all ages to  become more engaged in peace activities in the Netherlands. In this way, PAX triggers the public to discuss the use of drones in conflict areas, sign a petition for nuclear disarmament or visit a peace concert for example.

Contact (1) Full Name
Simone Remijnse
Head of the organisation
Jan Gruiters (General director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Yasmin Hegazy

Institut de Média Moderne (IMM)/ALQUDS Télévision éducatif université (AETV) /ALQUDS

National Network
+ 970 2 2959273 / 4
Telephone (other)
+ 970 2 2964212
+ 970 2 2959275
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 972 546 441021
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 970 599 812975 ( Si le préfix 970 ne foncti
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The IMM is an institute affiliated to AL QUDS University . The educational T.V is a department of the IMM . The director of the tv is in the same time the vice president of the institute . The number of the permanent staff is :25
Mission and Objectives

The institute ensures the permanent practical training of 130 tv Bachelor students of Al Quds university , and organizes workshops for active professionals in the field of media.
The tv transmits its programs daily from 14.30 to midnight .
The 20-30%'s AETV produces of its diffused programs.
Our priorities are : children , women and citizen rights .

Main Projects / Activities

Training workshops : women and media .
Writing senarios for children , production of Palestinian version of
" Sesame Street" ( 2 seasons have been produced , the 3rd season is under preparation ) .
Under preparation : A diploma study of cinema and TV

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Palestinian Youth Union

National Network
+9722 298 13 13
Telephone (other)
+9722 298 13 14
+9722 295 78 10
Mobile Phone
+972 599 36 22 94
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 599 67 22 06
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1.Structure: General assembly …board of directors…projects committee …general director…programme director( development department , training unit, voluntary work unit, rural development unit , youth counselling unit) …administrative director ( PYU centres, branches)…financial director…. Full time 24 employees Part time 4 Volunteer 1 at HQ office 500 volunteers through West Bank involved in PYU activities 2. 420,695 EURO year 2005 3.EU,ECHO,CESVI,COSPE,FORD, SAVE THE CHILDREN ACSUR, EURO-MED YOUTH PROGRAMME , 4. The Union’s Projects: Summer Camps Volunteer Work Capacity building and training of NGO workers and Union volunteers Local and international networking program Development Department: Youth Union’s Centers: 5. partners: CESVI, ACSUR, COSPE,SOLIDARIDAD INTERNATIONAL,MDM LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS. 6. Local Network Organizations Summer Camp Networking PINGO Local Organizations & Clubs Complementary and supportive coordination with the Palestinian Ministries. Board member at Youth Resource Center Board Member of Darna Youth Center Member of Youth Networking committee International Network Organization Euro Med Forum for Youth
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
Development of Palestinian youth abilities (males and females) so as to contribute to the building of the Palestinian society, through various constructive activities and programs.
Our Objectives:
? To emphasize the idea of volunteer work and its importance.
? To create youth cadres that are able to lead and manage youth organizations and be active member in building the society.
? To give meaningful depth to belonging, to preserving and protecting national heritage and historical sites.
? To exchange experience in the field of youth work, and networking and cooperation on the local, Arab, and international levels.

Main Projects / Activities

PYU implements programs in the following areas: rural development and agricultural support; promotion of human rights; promotion of women's rights and equal opportunities; development education activities, summer camps; capacity building of local institutions; youth exchange programs under the framework of the Euro Med program; delivering counseling (psychosocial support) in three areas of West Bank; cultural activities; voluntary work, and network with local and international organizations. and campaigns to arise public opinion on matters of : environmental protection, health risk protection; early marriage; olive picking campaigns.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Riwaq – Centre for Architectural Conservation

National Network
+972 2 2406887
Telephone (other)
+972 2 2406925
+972 2 2406986
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 972 522 882537 (Nazmi Al Jubeh)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
General Information
RIWAQ is a Ramallah based non profit organization whose main aim is the protection and development of architectural heritage in Palestine. Riwaq’s Team includes 13 professionals, of architects, administrators, one historian and one archeologist. Riwaq currently has two funding agreements Sida- the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and one funding agreement with the Ford Foundation. In addition to actual conservation projects Riwaq has a research and publication Unit. Riwaq’s main partners include: cultural heritage agencies, relevant PNA Ministries specifically Municipalities and local village councils, as well as cultural institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Riwaq’s main mission is to protect and develop the architectural heritage in Palestine, hence Riwaq’s objectives are:
- Renovate neglected historic buildings turning them into usable public places for the community and providing job opportunities for a large number of unemployed workers in Palestine.
- prepare protection plans for historic centres of towns and villages in the West Bank.
- Document the architectural heritage in Palestine.
- Implement preventive conservation for the historic centres of 50 most important towns and villages in the West Bank.
- Advocate for ratifying the Law of protecting the architectural Heritage in Palestine.

Main Projects / Activities

Current projects:
- “Job creation through conservation”
- Preparation of protection plans for old village centres in towns and villages.
- Riwaq’s Registry of historic buildings in Palestine. (Will be published soon)
- Community Outreach activities to spread awareness about architectural heritage in Palestine.
- Photo archive, collecting photographs of historic buildings in the West Bank and Gaza.
Future Projects:
- Preventive Conservation for historic centres of towns and villages.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Suad Amiry
Head of the organisation
Dr. Suad Amiry and Dr. Nazmi Al Jubeh Co-directors)
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Nazmi Al Jubeh

Canaaniat charity associationFor studies and development

National Network

Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
    Palestinian Women’s empowerment  in the society on human rights and gender base and recognition of her role as a main partner in inclusive and sustainable community development process equally with man
Mission and Objectives

      1.Participating in woman empowerment  legally, socially and economically by capacity building and developing her skills and increasing awareness level with focus on women with disabilities.

Main Projects / Activities

     Participating in promoting women rights in accordance with human rights system anddemocracy , justice and rule of  law
Inclusion gender concept in public policies and in working of local and developmental organization in accordance with international conventions and agreements

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Director of the Association
Head of the organisation

The Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation- PYALARA

National Network

Jaba Village, Opposite Atqiya old mosque
Jaba village
Palestinian Territories

02 2346710
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
PYALARA has two main departments: Media & Well-Being. Each department has its head and a number of coordinators. The administrative staff include director general, accountant, financial consultant, executive secretary and a procurement officer. Besides we have two office managers one in Nablua and another in Gaza. The total number of employees is 25 (14 full time and 11 part-time) The overall budget of PYALARA varies from one year to another depending on the number of projects. The budget for the year 2005 has reached half a million dollar. We receive funds from a number of donors (depending on type of projects). Funders include, UNICEF, The European Commission, Aus Aid, Canada fund, Cordaid and Save the Children. In its work, PYALARA cooperates with related Palestinian ministries namely the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the Ministry of Youth and Sport, UNRWA educational department and with a number of schools..
Mission and Objectives

PYALARA’s mission is to activate and empower young Palestinians between the ages of 13 and 25 and equip them with the necessary skills, information and techniques that would enable them to address their issues, needs and rights and thus contribute towards democratic nation building. Our main objectives include firstly; developing a new culture of independent and specialized media for young Palestinians and secondly, empowering young Palestinians and equipping them with basic life skills that lead to a healthy lifestyle and encourage them to play a constructive role in the society. Furthermore, PYALARA aims at building bridges of communication between Palestinian youth and their counterparts around the world.

Main Projects / Activities

PYALARA's main activities are grouped into three programs: the development and production of specialized youth media (youth newspaper and TV programs) on the one hand, and the projects which advance the well-being of Palestinian youth by focusing on the peer-to-peer approach, on the other. Both programs serve and support each other. In addition to that, PYALARA’s third program focuses on youth development of regional and international communication networks with their peers to activate intercultural dialogue and build interactive channels of communication.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hamdi Hamamreh
Job Title
Development officer
Head of the organisation
Hamdi Hamamreh