Ayyam Al-Masrah- Theatre Day Productions

National Network
Mobile Phone
972-52-275 0030
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
General Information
1. TDP is governed by an eleven-member General Assembly of Shareholders that is responsible for all general policy issues for the company. The General Assembly elects a Board of Directors to oversee the administration of the company. The Board delegates the daily management and administration of the company to the 3-member Executive Committee, composed of co-directors. In 2005, TDP employed 15 full-time persons and 14 part-time workers. 2. $500,000 annually. 3. Consortium of donors. 4. Concrete 3- year program cycles. 5. PA Ministry of Education, PA Ministry of Culture, PA Ministry of Youth and Sporty, UNRWA Education Department, in addition to 20 international and European experts, and EuNetArt (European Network of Art Organizations Working with and for Children and Young People)
Mission and Objectives

TDP wants drama, theatre, and creative activities to be a regular part of the lives of young people in Palestine, so that they can find their individual voice, their sense of self, and discover their creative life; in stimulating these activities TDP aims to provide the foundation for a peaceful development of Palestine, one with respect for human rights and civil society. TDP tries to realize this by working with the formal education systems and local organizations working with and for children and young people.
Overall objective:
TDP aims to promote the use of drama and youth theatre as a tool for creative expression in order to develop human resources and participate in community development. Its specific objectives are (a) to utilize formal and informal educational settings to promote theatre and drama in under-served areas of Palestine and (b) to build community human and physical capacities to support youth theatre.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Reaching out to children: by performing new relevant theatre plays, executing workshops in free expression, and producing and performing new plays with young people acting.
2. Building institutional capacity: by (a) enhancing TDP's 3 year curriculum of play production, lectures, workshops, and apprenticing, and (b) advanced training of regional teams and graduates in Hebron and Gaza.
3. Providing adequate facilities for drama: by renovating/ furnishing two theatre studios in the Hebron and Gaza region.
4. Advocating drama in the community: by expanding the constituency of TDP, strategic cooperation with partners, activities in new regions, and improvement of TDP's organizational capacity

Contact (1) Full Name
Jan Willems, Co-Director
Head of the organisation
Amer Khalil – Co-Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Jackie Lubeck, Co-Director

Society for Austro-Arab Relations

National Network

Stutterheimstraße 16-18/2/5
A – 1150 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 5267810
+ 43 (0)1 5267795
Mobile Phone
+ 43 (0)664 1004142
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
1. NGO with appr. 450 members (individuals and companies); staff: 3 full-time; flexible number of volunteers in Austria and abroad 2. Total annual turnover: € 550.000,- (2004) 3. Funding: membership-fees, private donations (especially for humanitarian projects in the Middle East) 4. Activities: various projects in Austria and in different Arab countries; lectures, seminars, information and public relations. 5. Different partners (partly governments and public institutions, partly NGOs).
Mission and Objectives

1. Working for more tolerance and better understanding between different cultures
2. Working against racism and prejudices
3. People to People
4. Support for weak and marginalized groups in the Middle East (esp. children, women)

Main Projects / Activities

1. Various public events like lectures, seminars etc.
2. Public relations like regular press/information-activities
3. Publication of various brochures and books
4. Political consulting
5. Humanitarian projects (Iraq, Palestine, Yemen)
6. Various cultural activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Fritz Edlinger (Secretary General)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Karl Blecha (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Evelyn Matl

BRUNO KREISKY Forum For International Dialogue

National Network

Armbrustergasse 15
A – 1190 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 318 82 60
+ 43 (0)1 318 82 60 10
Mobile Phone
+ 43 (0)664 831 00 60
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
1. The staff is composed of 3 persons, the board of directors and the secretary general are defining and executing the program. 3. The Bruno Kreisky Forum is incorporated as an independent, not-for-profit association and it finances its activities through contributions and donations.
Mission and Objectives

The Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue was founded in 1991, in pursuit of the international activities of Bruno Kreisky and in an endeavour to carry on what had always been of special concern to the statesman Kreisky.

Main Projects / Activities

The Kreisky Forum regularly invites internationally recognised politicians, opinion leaders, representatives of the business community and academics to panel discussions, symposia, lectures, and seminars. It also organises meetings with such guests that provide representatives and friends of the Forum with an opportunity to meet and discuss in small groups with actors and experts in world politics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gertraud Borea d’Olmo, Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Rudolf Scholten, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Melitta Campostrini, administration / Karin Mendel, administration

Greek Council For Refugees

National Network

25, Solomou Street, 10682

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Greek Council for Refugees (GCR) was created in 1989 and is the only Greek NGO that deals with refugees and asylum seekers in Greece. It has Special Consultative Status in the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and is an implementing partner of UNHCR. It is a member of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) and the National Committee of Human Rights. The GCR is directed by an eleven-member board. GCR’s operations are funded by the Greek State, the EU, UNHCR, and by private donors. The staff of GCR reaches 53 persons. GCR cooperates with: •Ministries •National Youth Foundation •Social Work Foundation•National Councils for refugees of third countries ..
Mission and Objectives

Unlike other organizations that deal with refugees, GCR focuses its services on refugees and asylum seekers who are in Greece. GCR aims to improve its existing services and create new ones, always trying to provide the best solutions to immediate problems and striving to achieve social integration, broaden its services and actions to other regions of the country, continue offering social and legal services throughout the asylum procedure both in and outside the borders of the country, and disseminate its acquired knowledge and experience in the area of asylum procedure and social policy to other countries.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Social Service
1.1 Central Social Service
It offers advice and information and counseling
1.2 Reception of New Arrivals
1.3 Pyxis
Intercultural Centre aimed at facilitating the harmonious integration of refugees, mainly through supportive educational activities and social events in cooperation with the community.
1.4 Information and sensitization of School Communities
The aim is to sensitize school communities about the issue of refugees who flee to Greece.
1.5 Employment Office
2. Legal Service
2.1 Legal Aid Provision
2.2 Legal Representation Missions of members of the legal department and interpreters to refugee entry points
2.4 Study of Greek and International legislation
Shelter for Psychosocial Rehabilitation of Refugees and Day Care Centre for refugees with psychological difficulties.
4. European Programs
? European Refugee Fund (ERF), EQUAL, CHICAM, ARGO, YOUTH

Contact (1) Full Name
Sakelliadis Zoe
Head of the organisation
Professor Iro Nicolacopoulou – Stephanou

Israeli Association for Immigrant Children (IAIC)

National Network

9 HaMasger Street
Tel Aviv

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Israeli Association for Immigrant Children (IAIC) is an organization composed of four primary staff members and over 500 volunteers with an annual budget of $500,000. Funding comes from private foundations, the Israeli government, municipalities, corporate and private donors. IAIC implements programs and projects to facilitate the integration of immigrant children/youth into the educational, offers advocacy and support for youth and their families whose rights are being violated, and is active in positioning the rights of immigrant youth on the public agenda. It partners with schools, community centers, and a wide range of educational, governmental and communal organizations.
Mission and Objectives

The IAIC mission is to assist immigrant youth and children integrate into the Israeli educational system and society. The objectives are to affect long-term, permanent change in policy and the social/educational climate in Israel, and achieve immediate solutions to specific, pressing issues, by working on three primary levels: ? Macro-level. Advocating policies and participating in coalitions engaged in social action that bears on immigrant children/youth. ? Societal level. Conducting educational programs for immigrant youth, educators, community leaders and parents, within schools and community settings. ? Individual level. Providing free informational, supportive and advocacy services for immigrant youth and their families

Main Projects / Activities

Social Activism • Educating legislature and general public about immigrant youth, acting to eliminate discriminatory practices, increase funding, monitoring educational entities. • Building coalitions for long-term social change. Educational/communal • Intervention with immigrant youth at-risk, including school drop-out and substance abuse. prevention. • Hebrew language proficiency tutoring. • Programs to promote development of personal/Israeli identity among immigrant children/youth. • Community leadership and cultural encounter programs. • Volunteer recruiting and training. Individual Advocacy • 24/7 telephone hotline in 6 languages providing information and advocacy for immigrant youth and families. • Training educational professionals to work in a multi-cultural society and settings

Contact (1) Full Name
Eli Zarkhin
Head of the organisation
Eli Zarkhin

YEDID – The Association for Community Empowerment

National Network

P.O. Box 53151
Jerusalem 91531

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. YEDID runs Citizen Rights Centres in 20 disadvantaged communities throughout Israel. YEDID has 28 full-time and 60 part-time staff members, and 1,000 volunteers. 2. YEDID’s 2006 Budget is $1,994,545. 3. YEDID’s funding comes primarily from foundations, Jewish Federations, and individual donors in Israel, North America, and Europe. 4. YEDID provides free legal and social assistance at our Centers. YEDID also implements community empowerment programs, such as the following: Family budget management training; Employment readiness training; Women’s economic and social empowerment; community organizing; dropout prevention for new immigrant youth. 5. YEDID collaborates with local and national non-profit and government/municipal agencies, but does not have official partners.
Mission and Objectives

YEDID (“friend” in Hebrew) was established in 1997 to promote social justice in Israel through a national network of Citizen Rights Centers in poor communities throughout Israel. YEDID is the only national organization in Israel that empowers Israelis to break the cycle of poverty through free individual legal and social assistance, community education initiatives and grassroots organizing for social change. Since its founding, YEDID has served over 130,000 low-income Israelis from across the spectrum of Israel’s multicultural society.

Main Projects / Activities

In eight years, through its 14 Citizen Rights Centers and 6 Satellite Offices, YEDID has had a significant impact upon communities and citizens from Dimona to Kiryat Shmona. In 2005 YEDID provided real solutions to the pressing problems of nearly 35,000 Israelis. The most frequent cases involved education, housing, employment, healthcare, and debt. YEDID has developed a range of community-based educational programs designed to empower community members and give them the tools to be active and effective members of society. In recognition of YEDID’s expertise in working with low-income communities, many municipal offices have commissioned YEDID to design programming for their clients.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sari Revkin, Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Sari Revkin, Executive Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Rebecca France, Director of Development


National Network

Via Flaminia, 872
00191 - ROMA

+39 0683199288
+39 0683199428
Mobile Phone
+39 3358222374
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
General Information
Risorse is the in house company of the Municipality of Roma (97%), with the participation of the Province of Rome (3%), for planning, development and international co-operation. Risorse has approx. 200 employees and a department devoted to international co-operation projects and activities. Its budget is around 29 million euros. Risorse’s modalities of action consists mainly in preparing and implementing concrete projects, but also exchanges and seminars are part of its activities. Main partners are Municipalities
Mission and Objectives

Its mission is to promote and support sustainable urban development. Its objectives are to implement strategic urban planning and environmental urban management systems

Main Projects / Activities

At local level (Rome), Risorse is responsible for the main rehabilitation programmes and new urban settlements of the Municipality. At international level main projects are under EU Programmes, such Med’Act, Interreg Medoc, URBAL,ASIA-URBS and Equal

Contact (1) Full Name
Franco La Torre
Head of the organisation

I.DO – International Development Organization

National Network

Via Giulio Petroni 19/A

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 393 5677056
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 328 4555207
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
General Information
The organization has been founded just a couple of months ago. Nevertheless we are already implementing several actions in order to improve our partnership and relationship in the field of international activities. The organization structure is formed so far by the board of directors who are directly involved in the activities. We have already planned to employ a staff. The organization is writing its own provisional budget for the current year.
Mission and Objectives

The Organization mission and objectives is the development and implementation of several initiatives aimed to the promotion of international cooperation culture among private companies, public institutions, associations and in general among the states. In order to gain such a goal the Organization is going to set initiatives, projects, events mainly involving European countries but non European countries as well.

Main Projects / Activities

Because of its recent set up, the Organization is still engaged in arranging activities regarding work organization, marketing and merchandising activities, etc.
Nevertheless, the organization is currently involved in projects and activities in the fields of cultural exchange, international cooperation, educational training. In the near future the Organization will considerably improve its activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giuseppe De Santis
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe De Santis
Contact (2) Full Name
Leila Traversa

Al Fatih Islamic Institute/Association

National Network

Airport Sq, beside Belal al Habashi Mosque

00963 11 5442699
Telephone (other)
00963 11 5429023
00963 11 5419343
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
• Islamic scientific foundation – culture and charity - 53 members, Directors’ Board of 11 members, active academic and administrative Board of 350 members. • Sources of funding: Government Aids, monthly subscription of members, donation, and the revenue of some properties
Mission and Objectives

Teaching Arabic language and legitimacy science, protection of Arabic and Islamic heritage, establishing schools, high institutes, universities, hospitals, treatment of students, and publishing magazines and journals.

Main Projects / Activities

The Legitimacy institute as the most important activity of the association is divided into 3 departments: department for rehabilitation, Dept. for specialization, and dept. for specialized scientific studies in doctrine sciences, Koran, Ahadith,….

Head of the organisation
Sheikh Abdel Razzak Halaby (President of the association)/Dr Abdel Fatah Al Bazm (President of the Institute)

Al Nady Al Araby( The Arabic club)

National Network

Bawabet Al Salheya, Port Said St.

00963 11 2219347
Telephone (other)
00963 11 2761463
00963 11 2247443
Mobile Phone
00963 93 225535
Mobile Phone (other)
00963 94 211701
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Human rights
  3. Religion
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
• 200 members • Memberships, donations, and financial support from the Ministry of Social Affairs • Projects on different cultural and scientific curricula • Developing social tourist activities/heritage and cul
Mission and Objectives

• Cultural objectives in all fields of knowledge (science, literature, music)
• Social objectives by developing social bonds by strengthening ties of brotherhood among member of the club in particular and members of the society in general

Main Projects / Activities

• Set a programme of lectures and symposia, scientific, cultural and social gatherings in general.
• Other issues related to science, arts, human knowledge with the aim of achieving the Club’s goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Mohamed Samir Al Jajeh
Head of the organisation
Mr Anwar Al Nass
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Salah Al Din Al Zarkaly