Euromed Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue and Exchanges

National Network

Admiraal de Ruyterweg 118/II, 1056 GS Amsterdam

00-31-(0)20-420 83 79
Telephone (other)
00-31-(0)20-779 97 09
00-31-(0)84 712 65 45
Mobile Phone
00-31-(0)65 46 76 121
Mobile Phone (other)
00-31-(0)64 52 02 288
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Six board members, a director and a group of 13 permanent highly educated volunteers. We have no permanent staff but we work with a group of free lancers, experts, project leaders, researchers we hire when funding is available for projects. As an expertise centre for Art and culture around the Mediterranean we also often sell our know how to third organizations (art institutions, municipalities, ministries, TV channels etc.) which have staff to implement the projects. See our web site. Depending on the projects and the form of the partnership. Organizations like ours need an average of € 300.000 a year to carry the same activities. Public and private funding concrete projects, exchanges, seminars dealing with art, women, children and youth. See our web site We have a huge network in the Netherlands and all around the Mediterranean.
Mission and Objectives

Developing awareness in multi-ethnic communities by the use of art, culture, education, dialogue and co-operation through exchanges in the Euro-Mediterranean region. In the Netherlands we use art and culture to unite people, encourage dialogue and transform attitudes towards minorities and their countries of origin

Main Projects / Activities

Consultancy in Euro-Mediterranean issues with specialization in art and cultures from Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries. Organizing conferences, seminars, exhibitions, festivals, co-productions, concerts that encourage cultural diversity and dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean region. See web site for concrete projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadia Mabrouk
Head of the organisation
Nadia Mabrouk
Contact (2) Full Name
Ansella Post

Felix Meritis Foundation

National Network

Keizersgracht 324
1016 EZ Amsterdam

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Felix Meritis, European Centre for the Arts and Science, employs around 80 people full-or part-time. FM runs an informal (inter)national network of over a 100 partner organisations which contribute to the programme presented all year round. The main funding is modest (City of Amsterdam) whereas publishing houses, arts and festival organisations, independent NGO’s, media agencies and educational organisations and many other contribute with the organisation of debates, festivals, conferences, concerts, television recordings, an international exchange programmes and s summer University. Main partners: Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University, Max WagenerStichting, Amsterdam Dance Event, City of Amsterdam, World Press Photo.
Mission and Objectives

Felix Meritis, European Centre for the Arts and Science, wishes to reinforce and stimulate the relationship between the arts, science, education, media and commerce.
Felix Meritis plays an important in the (inter)national public debate in order to enhance the role of the individual so that the civil society may develop in freedom.

Main Projects / Activities

Forum Amsterdam, Berliner Konferenz (, Gulliver Connect (, Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University (, the People Network, Cafe Europa, Cafe Cultuur Prijs, and many others!

Contact (1) Full Name
Joanneke Lootsma
Head of the organisation
Linda Bouws


National Network

Weteringschans 6-8 1017 SG

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. board of directors of the Marmoucha Foundation (5 p) - (artistic & financial) management (2 p) – staff (4) – interns (4) – freelance project workers (8). 2. Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) € 125.000,. City of Amsterdam € 57500,. 3. See 3 + revenue of cultural programs 4. approximately 74 cultural activities a year being music festivals, dance events, workshops and master classes. 5. Paradiso Amsterdam 6. Melkweg, Theater de Evenaar, Theater Zuidplein, Theater de Kunstmin, Schouwburg Utrecht, Patronaat, a.o. in Morocco: Ministry of Culture
Mission and Objectives

In general: Organising and promoting cultural events with Northern African art and culture for venues in the Netherlands.
Specifically: Organising and promoting events with popular Moroccan music played by Europeans and Moroccans.

Main Projects / Activities

Hafla Anissa: a women’s fest for women young and old, with mostly female artists from Morocco and the Netherlands performing.
LaZiz: Dance-event with popular Northern African and Middle Eastern music by DJ’s, VJ’s and dancers for a mixed 18-30 public. MMD: Marmoucha Maghreb Dance, a dance-event with live performances of Moroccan music for a, mostly, young Moroccan public 18-25. LoungeM: multi -disciplinary program with live-music, spoken word, theatre, comedy, talkshow, DJ’s and VJ’s. very mixed public. Tamazgha Festival: music-event with aspects of northern, middle and southern Berber culture of the Maghreb countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Saïd Salhi
Head of the organisation
Wijnand Hollander
Contact (2) Full Name
Wijnand Hollander


National Network

Beyo?lu 14_18

0212 2923392
Telephone (other)
0212 2523500
0212 2451228
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0532 6659923
General Information
Akbank Sanat is the cultural centre for one of the biggest private banks in Turkey. Akbank Sanat has a great variety of cultural activities including Jazz Festival and Chamber Orchestra Concerts. Located in Beyoglu, with a six floor building, Akbank Sanat supports 4 different theatres (including children theatre), modern dance atelier, contemporary art exhibitions, library, conferences, seminars, and etc. Besides these activities Akbank sponsors major art festivals like Istanbul Film Festival. Akbank is the only partner for funding.
Contact (1) Full Name
Derya Bigalı
Head of the organisation
Derya Bigalı
Contact (2) Full Name
Ay?egül Co?kun

Sabancı University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

National Network

Orhanlı-Tuzla 34956

90/216/483 9233
Telephone (other)
90/216/483 9232
90/216/483 9250
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Research
General Information
Employees Full-time Academic Staff: 190 (Fulltime Faculty: 129) Part-time Faculty: 73 Adjunct / Network / Practice Faculty: 26 -------------------------------- Total Academic Staff: 289 Full-time Administrative Staff: 262 Full-time Academic Staff / Student Ratio: 1:15 Nearly 50% of faculty held industry and corporate positions for an average of 4.3 years. 52 full-time faculty members of School of Languages (SL), with average age 39.8, have 15.7 years of teaching and related activities experience. 40% of these faculty members are native speakers. Faculties Engineering and Natural Sciences (Undergraduate + Graduate) Arts and Social Sciences (Undergraduate + Graduate) Management (Graduate) Academic Programs 12 Undergraduate 3 Minors (Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics) 17 Graduate Distinguishing Characteristics Interdisciplinary Design, Absence of Departmentalization Comprehensive Two Year Program before Commitment to Field of Study Broad base
Mission and Objectives

"Creating and Developing Together"
We will be an innovative institution responsive to the needs of all our constituents through a participatory, team-based culture. We will have an interdisciplinary educational infrastructure that will create and disseminate knowledge. Sabancı University aspires to become a global reference point for educational innovation.
"Creating and Developing Together"
Our mission is to develop competent and confident individuals, enriched with the ability to reflect critically and independently, combined with a strong sense of social responsibility; and, to contribute to the development of science and technology, as well as disseminating the knowledge created to the benefit of the community.

Main Projects / Activities

Education and Research

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Alkan
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Alkan (Dean)
Contact (2) Full Name
?nci Ceydeli

Department of Biogeography and Botanical Garden, University of Vienna

National Network

Rennweg 14

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1.Department of the University of Vienna 2. - 3.University budget, Extramural grants (currently EC-projects INTRABIODIV and ENSCONET, FWF-project on Androsace and Bulbophyllum, grants from National Park “Donauauen”; EC-Marie Curie scholarship) 4.conducting research projects, participation in national and international scientific meetings, public seminar series 5.numerous national and international collaborators in the mapping projects; collaboration with national and international research groups (e.g., Univ. Salzburg, Univ. Oslo, WSL, Colorado College, Penn Sate, USGS etc).collaboration in programs about Botanic gardens, incl. ex-situ conservation and nature protection.
Mission and Objectives

Research covers (a) all aspects of activities in Botanic Gardens and (b) of the field of plant biogeography ranging from the intra- specific to the community level; focusing on floristic and the mapping of European vascular plant distributions and study many aspects of plant chorology including molecular phylogeography (with emphasis on Arctic-Alpine and Mediterranean plant groups), as well as taxonomic studies with particular biogeographic concern. Finally, we apply this research to the needs of conservation.

Main Projects / Activities

Ex situ conservation (e.g., dry area plants of Austria)
Creating public awareness about nature conservation
Distribution atlases and checklists of plants (Austria, Southern Tyrol, Central Europe)
Moelcular phylogeny of plant taxa with island distribution (e.g. Bulbophyllum, Orchidaceae, and Cyrtandra, Gesneriaceae)
Molecular biogeography of arctic and alpine plants (e.g., Androsace sect. Aretia) with special emphasis on phenomena and patterns connected to the Pleistocene glaciations
Dynamics of riverine vegetation
Red Data lists for plants
Evolution of non-photosynthetic parasitic plants

Contact (1) Full Name
Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Michael KIEHN
Head of the organisation
Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Michael KIEHN

Institut Méditerranéen du Littoral(Mediterranean Institute of the Littoral)

National Network

48 rue Breteuil

00 33 4 91 81 61 89
00 33 4 91 04 62 44
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
00 33 6 68 89 00 00
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Non profit association, animated by 3 employees , with an annual budget of 100 000 euros including 30% of the European subsidies , and 40% of provision of services (animations , trainings , studies) The IML proposes to the public a centre of ressources on the Littoral Enviromnent and always develops educational actions in partnership with regional (GRAINE for the environment education ) or international (GREP for the prospective, BIOS & Environment, etc.)networks. The IML is approved by the Ministry of Youth and sports and considered as an organization of formation .
Mission and Objectives

The association has as objective the promotion of cultural diffusion and the innovative educational methods in the field of the enviromnent education and the necessary crafts for the Littoral enviromnent protection.
For the next 2 years ( 2007 - 2008) The IML aims to the professionalization of the educational actors of the enviromnent in particular through a European pilot project :
FEELing (Training Engineering of teachers to the Littoral Environment)

Main Projects / Activities

Training of teachers on the enviromnent and specialized trainers on the illiterarcy .
- Animation acivities: (pedagogic tours , naturalist outings )
oriented towards the schools and all the public.
Organization of manifestations around the Littoral crafts ( fishing , aquaculture , eco-development ,..)
Monitoring of pilot European projects (EUTRANEX).
Creation of pedagogic tools : (games , booklets , exhibitions) ,in particular , questionnaires and games for the control of the intercultural formation's situations(JANUS).

Contact (1) Full Name
Alain Blayo
Head of the organisation
Président : Sébastien Touchais / Directeur : Alain Blayo
Contact (2) Full Name
Catherine Nicolas

Romans International association

National Network

47 rue Saint Nicolas

+33 (0)4 75 72 58 65
+33 (0)4 75 72 50 98
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1 - Association law 1901 with 330 members, 3 employees , many local and international partners in our partners cities; 2-Annual budget : +/- 180 000 €. 3- Sources of funding : Romans city , Ministry of foreign affairs , Europen Comission , OFAJ . Auto-financing : participation of partners in the framework of the decentralized cooperation : Youth exchange , participation of youth in several cultural projects ( music , theatre , dance ), workings youth on the environment . Adult stays ; awarness and information actions on the situation of the cities partners , Organization of conferences on international problems . Setting up an animators youth network of different cities partners since the two Euromed seminars . 5- Romans cities , Maisons de quartiers and local MJC, DDJS, cultural associations .
Mission and Objectives

Romans International, association law 1901 , is the result of the diffusion of the committee of Jumelage de Romans and the ROCS association , ( Romans cooperation solidarity ) . It accompanies the municipality in its actions of Jumelage , and co-operation through the actions to the populations .
Its objectif is to promote the cultural , linguistic , social , economic, sporting exchanges ..
between the inhabitants of Romans and the inhabitants of the nine cities partners in order to foster a better comprehension between people .

Main Projects / Activities

- Assistance to the mobility of youth .
- organization of exchanges and youth projects .
- Support to the youth in the assembly of international projects.
- Accompaniment towards the Voluntary European Service .
-Adult exchanges within the framework of responsible and interdependent tourism in our cooperation cities .
-awarness actions on international problems towards the local population : conferences organization ,
copilot of Biennial the 2006 .
- Cooperation actions : Education of French and develoment of the francophonie with Zlin,Czech Republic; organization of actions in favour of Palestine ( awarness , cooperation project .,) within the framework of the Collective Palestine .

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

World University Service Germany

National Network

Goebenstrasse 35

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. WUS is a nongovernmental organisation which is politically and denominationally independent. Its core issuses are education and human rights. 2. 2.5 Mil. EURO 3. Public Funds 4. Seminars, conferences, publications, advisory services, database ENGLOB (European Network on Global Learning) 5. Govn., NGO, Universities, Student Org. 6.-
Mission and Objectives

WUS Germany prefers to be seen as an action-oriented organisation, assisting the victims of social injustice and oppression to find solutions to the causes of their situation by themselves, rather than to be understood as a classical relief organisation. It faciliates international contacts and co-operation of and between academics and students. It aims at supporting programmes with respect to issues concerning education, asylum as well as human rights. Priority in its policies and schemes was also given to the combat against social, cultural, political and economic discrimination in the framework of the United Nations Decade for human rights education.

Main Projects / Activities

a) Global Learning: The Information Centre “Education Mission North-South”, Global Education Week b) Returnee-Programmes: STUBE Hessen – Extra Curricular and Supplementary Programme, Reintegration Programmes c) International Education Programmes: Worldwide Cooperations with WUS Committees, Associations of Qualified Employees in Africa, Asia and Latin America, Placements in Africa, Asia and Latin America

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Kambiz Ghawami
Head of the organisation
Dr. Kambiz Ghawami
Contact (2) Full Name
Petra Loch

European Perspective, Development and Education Centre

National Network

14, Ikarias, 14231, Nea Ionia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
- The structure of EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE consists of: ? The General Assembly ? The Board of Directors ? The Executive Board, /Committee Personnel: ? At Headquarters: 15 ? In developing countries: 45 Annual Turnover for 2005: 4.600.000Euros Fund-raising mechanisms: - Broadening the financial support basis of the organization with the objective to reach a number of 1000 financial supporters till the end of the year 2006; - Realise a targeted fund raising to private sponsors; - Develop and promote specifically targeted products in Greece focusing on the ones produced and marketed by EP’s funded projects in the field; - Targeted campaign for issues, which can mobilise and sensitise the Greek public, such as the need to protect Amazon, the minorities return in specific areas, etc. • partnership and/or affiliation with other organizations • ,networks, structures, etc. working in the field of development;
Mission and Objectives

Development and Education Centre EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE (D.E.C.E.P.) is a Greek non-profit, non- governmental autonomous organization, active in the field of international development cooperation. The headquarters of the organization are in Athens. Its activities are promoted through the function of regional support offices in FYROM, Albania, Kosovo, Ecuador, Belize, and Commonwealth of Dominica.
D.E.C.E.P. plans and implements integrated activities with the objective to promote sustainable development, provide humanitarian assistance and contribute towards the establishment of democratic institutions in the target countries.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are:
- To implement development projects in developing countries
- To implement actions for the establishment and function of democratic institutions and for the protection of human rights
- To provide emergency aid
- To implement public awareness and development education projects
- To implement capacity building projects
- Rehabilitation and refugees
- To provide education and training
- To transfer know – how, expertise and technical skills

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Eugenia Vathakou
Head of the organisation
Dr. Pantelis Sklias
Contact (2) Full Name
Zacharias Tigkas