Campo Arqueológico de Mértola

National Network

Rua da Igreja, 2 – 7750-338 Mértola
7750-338 Mértola

+351 286612443
+351 286611089
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Research
General Information

Campo Arqueológico de Mértola (CAM) is a cultural and scientific association without profit goals created in 1988; it was declared a collective entity of public utility in 1995. The organs of CAM are a General Council, Board of Direction, Account Commission and Scientific Board. The General Council includes all the associates of CAM and it is its chief deliberative assembly. It is presided by a board of President and two secretaries. The Board of Direction is the executive organ of CAM and includes the Director secretary, treasurer, two voters and an executive team.

Mission and Objectives

Since its foundation CAM has as its objectives the survey and research of archaeological, ethnographic and artistic values in the region of Mértola and to proceed to its safekeeping especially the Islamic heritage. Collaboration with the Universities of Spain, France, Italy, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

Main Projects / Activities

Since its foundation, CAM has carried out a multidisciplinary scientific investigation in the area of social sciences. Besides a particular interest the following projects financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT); the organisation of scientific events of international relevance: IV International Conference "Mediaeval Pottery in the Mediterranean", Lisbon, 1987 and "Mediaeval Harbours of the Mediterranean", Mértola, 2001, the coordination in Portugal of Discover Islamic Art project and the conception and creation of the Mértola's Museum: "Castle" (1991), "Paleochristian Basilica" (1993) and "Islamic Art" (2001 ), etc. The publishing programme of CAM has reached over twenty titles, of which are worth mentioning the magazine Mediaeval Archaeology (9 issues published).

Contact (1) Full Name
Cláudio Figueiredo Torres
Head of the organisation
Cláudio Figueiredo Torres
Contact (2) Full Name
Susana Gómez Martínez


National Network
Slovak Republic

Budovateľská 11
08001 Prešov

00421/905 924 202
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00421/905 92 42 02
Mobile Phone (other)
00421/903 321 476
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
EsFem is an independent feministic non-governmental organization which started its activities in November 1999. The organization deals primarily with the issues of human rights of women and children, and policies of equal opportunities of women and men. 1. Structure: Board of directors (3 members). No temporary staff, only 6 part time employees. 2. app 20000 Euro 3. International and domestic donors, EU Funds 4. Gender sensitive education Human Rights Research 5. Gender Studies Centre, Faculty of Arts, Bratislava Feminist Philosophy Club, Bratislava Slovak Family Planning Association, Bratislava Institute for Public Affairs, Bratislava, Department of Ethics and Civics Education Comenius University  Bratislava, Institute of Educology and Social Work University of Prešov and others.
Mission and Objectives

Gender equality, gender sensitive education, sex education and ethics of care

Main Projects / Activities

1. “Plus for women 45+” ( international project supported from Initiation EQUAL – ESF) – the main aim of the project is elimination of gender inequality on the labour market; 2. “Advocating of women´s interests – victims of violence” (international project supported from Slovak AID ) – the main aim of the project is education of helping professions in Serbia and Montenegro; 3. “Gender, labour and Space” (domestic project financed by domestic sources SOP – Human Resources ) – the main aim of the project is to obtain main data on the gender gap in the labour market in Slovakia 4. Co – operation with the Gender Studies Centre on the project “ Model of the gender education at the Universities” 5. and others

Contact (1) Full Name
Monika Bosá
Head of the organisation
Monika Bosá
Contact (2) Full Name
Katarína Minarovičová

Truc spherique

National Network
Slovak Republic

Závodská cesta 3/2844
01001 Žilina

00421 41 5623564
00421 41 5623564
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00421 907 137 145
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

1.STAFF: 10 intern, other stable extern operators from Slovakia and abroad create Truc spherique. Truc spherique also includes tenths of volunteers from the region and abroad. 2.Annual budget: around 80 000 Euro 3.Not regular funding available. But we are usually supported via variety of donors and sponsors like Ministery of Culture of Slovak Republic, European Union Programs – Youth, Socrates – Grundtvig 2, Nadácia rpe deti Slovenska – Fond hodina de?om, TRUST Program, European Cultural Foundation, International Visegrad Fund, Goethe Institut Bratislava, Kofola, Isover, … 4.production, education and creation of variety of art projects in the field of contemporary art 5.Trans Europe Halles – A European network of independent cultural centres, Artfactories, European Cultural Foundation 6. There is a mesh of transport routes called Rondel. Trolleybuses circle the overpass above and pedestrians walk the subway below.

Mission and Objectives

Truc spherique, NGO, is an open platform linking contemporary arts with social development. We are comitted to the contemporary arts and culture that are more than an extension or leisure time activity – they are the means of creativity development, personal growth and discovering new forms of communication. We bring the culture from the edge to the centre of interest and, for us, it is more determining for creating new visions than any political or economical reasons are.

Main Projects / Activities

We operate cultural centre STANICA where we organize and run: performances, concerts, projections, discussions, workshops, art residencies, community and social activities, graphic design, cultural policy, intenet cafe, waiting room.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Marek Adamov
Head of the organisation
Mr. Marek Adamov

Àrea d’Estudis Àrabs i Islàmics. Departament de Filologia Semítica. Universitat de Barcelona

National Network

Facultat de Filologia ; Universitat de Barcelona; Gran Via, 585
08007 Barcelona

00 34 93 4035704
Telephone (other)
00 34 93 4035610
00 34 93 4039069
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The “Àrea d’Estudis Àrabs i Islàmics” consists of 12 teachers (including the Director, the Secretary, and a Scholarship holder) It belongs to a public University financed with public resources. The annual budget amounts to 7500 euros. The main aim of the Àrea is to offer the degrees of « Llicenciat en Filologia Arab », “Doctorat en Cultua Àrab i Hebrea. Passat i Present”, “Doctorat en Història de la Ciència Àrab” and “Master Europeu en Història de la Ciència”
Mission and Objectives

Our main objective is to enlarge the knowledge of the Arabic language, culture, and history among the University students and the society in general.

Main Projects / Activities

- 2 Doctorate degrees and 1 European Master
- Seminars
- Conferences
- Courses of Arabic language
- Research on the Arabic and Islamic world
- Annual publication of a scientific journal: « Suhayl»
- Educational innovation
- Monographies

Contact (1) Full Name
Mercè Comes
Head of the organisation
Mercè Comes
Contact (2) Full Name
Emilia Calvo

Centre of Islamic Studies

National Network


+963 11 4418402
Telephone (other)
+936 11 4460665
+936 11 4460665
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+936 94 773939
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
1. number of employees 5 2. personal funding 3. intellectual foundation 4. A group of researchers , religious scholars , and university professors (volunteers)
Mission and Objectives

.Promotion of innovated activities in the Arabic and Islamic World .
.Contribution to an Islamic-Islamic dialogue taking into consideration different religious sectors and rejection of intolerance and expiation .
.Initiation of an Islamic-secular dialogue and promotion of joint Islamic -Christian activities .

Main Projects / Activities

.Receiving delegation from all over the world .
.Clarifying Arabic and Islamic causes .
.Search for global common areas .
.Oraganising seminars and conferences related to religious messages and modern ideas and participation in international and Arabic conferences and cultural centres .

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mahmoud Keftarou
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mohamed Al Habashi
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Youssef Kassbaty

Fundación Euroárabe de Altos Estudios

National Network

San Jerónimo 27

(+34) 958 20 65 08
(+34) 958 20 83 54
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Euro Arab Foundation for Higher Studies has its origins in the agreement reached by the European Parliament in 1984 for the creation of the Euro Arab University. On 10th October 1995 the Euro Arab Foundation was set up, an institution unique in the international arena due to its composition and its mission: create a space for dialogue and cooperation between the countries of the EU and those of the League of Arab States. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees, presided over by the Spanish Secretary of State for Universities and Research (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science).
Mission and Objectives

• Encouraging teaching, research, information and technical assistance exchanges and collaborating with institutions from other geographical areas.
• Promoting postgraduate programmes in universities and research centres in Europe and the Arab world.
• Contributing to economic development and promoting cooperation between Arab and European countries through training programmes in human resources and executive management.
• Introducing into society the idea of respect for Science, and for the values of tolerance, objectivity, freedom, and good practice.
• Becoming a provider of useful, up-to-date and comprehensive information and resources through the creation of a network of institutional and social contributors.

Main Projects / Activities

Through its activities, the Foundation aims to dedicate all its efforts to promoting Euro-Arab cooperation, supporting academic and cultural activities and disseminating new ideas and trends in Science and Humanities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francisco Jurado
Head of the organisation
Juan Montabes Pereira

European Cultural Foundation

National Network

Jan van Goyenkade 5
1075 HN Amsterdam

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. The Foundation has 27 staff members, is managed by a director and a deputy director, supported by a fund developer, communication department, administration department, secretariat, reception. The Foundation further includes two action-lines and one independent project. decision making body is the Board, consisting of 12 members. 2. Approx. 5 million EURO. 3. Dutch Lottery; programme sponsorship 4. Grants; Programmes; Policy Development; Conferences; Publications 5. Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation; Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs; HIVOS (Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation); European Union - Directorate General for Education and Culture; Open Society Institute; Nordic Council of Ministers; UNICEF
Mission and Objectives

We believe in the enriching experience of diversity, and in the power of culture to promote understanding among the people of Europe.
We therefore support cultural cooperation and advocate strong cultural policies.
Geographical scope: EU + accession-, candidate – and neighbouring countries (including southern & eastern Mediterranean)

Main Projects / Activities

Support for cultural cooperation:
Grants for small to medium-sized organizations
Programs in the field of Arts, Mobility, Media
Cultural policy development:
Capacity Building & Participatory cultural policy making
Advocacy work & Reflection on contemporary cultural issues

Contact (1) Full Name
Susanne Mors
Head of the organisation
Gottfried Wagner/ Odile Chenal
Contact (2) Full Name
Mark Snijder

International Foundation Manifesta (IFM)

National Network

Laurierstraat 185

+31 (0)20 6721435
+31 (0)20 4700073
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+31 (0)6 54718063 (mobile Hedwig Fijen)
Mobile Phone (other)
+31 (0)6 24567785 / +357 99 517029 (mobile Mariek
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The aims of Manifesta, European Biennial of Contemporary Art are: -providing Europe with an international platform and programs for contemporary artists and art professionals ,experimenting with new curatorial methods and developing new audiences for contemporary art. 1. Permanent staff employed by the International Foundation Manifesta: 2 persons full time, 1 person part time, 3 permanent international trainees. 2. 350.000 euro for the permanent structure, 2.0 million euro average for Manifesta, European Biennial of Contemporary Art. 3. International Foundation Manifesta is funded by grant-aid from the respective Host Cities where each edition takes place. 4. The International Foundation Manifesta is the initiator and co-producer of Manifesta, European Biennial of Contemporary Art. 5. For Manifesta, the European Biennial of Contemporary Art, every two years the IFM is intensively working with a new European host organisation in a different country
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of the International Foundation Manifesta : - develop and maintain a support structure for all art professionals involved , stimulate Manifesta’s European network as a medium for person to person contacts, - stimulate the flow of information between parties involved in Manifesta through different activities, such as publications , workshops ,symposia and colloquia, - ensure the maintenance of working contacts between previous, current and future host cities, make such skills and information widely accessible to professionals and the general public, through servicing the various branches of Manifesta; promoting and stimulating interdisciplinary initiatives and in-depth research in all branches of creative endeavor, with particular reference to the field of European contemporary art; and developing, in the medium, to long term an exemplary, IT orientated, pro-active information resource centre, -initiating and co-producing all Manifesta activities and projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Manifesta, the European Biennial of Contemporary Art, is not the sole initiative carried out by International Foundation Manifesta which aims to integrate European countries and individuals on a cultural level. Since 2002, IFM is developing its existing role as the central nucleus of an open network and as a platform for both the research, identification and development of ideas that prove to be key issues within the current cultural field, and the build-up and reinforcement of artistic relationships, encouraging both ideological and physical exchange among interested individuals and organizations. In addition to its regular biennial exhibitions and projects, the IFM facilitates and develops closely related co-productions with various European partners, interconnecting bodies active in the cultural field. Manifesta’s Network Program creates and develops an ongoing relationships between international art professionals through joint in-depth research on contemporary artistic and curat

Contact (1) Full Name
Hedwig Fijen (Executive Director)
Head of the organisation
Hedwig Fijen
Contact (2) Full Name
Marieke van Hal (Foundation Coordinator)

Euromed Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue and Exchanges

National Network

Admiraal de Ruyterweg 118/II, 1056 GS Amsterdam

00-31-(0)20-420 83 79
Telephone (other)
00-31-(0)20-779 97 09
00-31-(0)84 712 65 45
Mobile Phone
00-31-(0)65 46 76 121
Mobile Phone (other)
00-31-(0)64 52 02 288
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Six board members, a director and a group of 13 permanent highly educated volunteers. We have no permanent staff but we work with a group of free lancers, experts, project leaders, researchers we hire when funding is available for projects. As an expertise centre for Art and culture around the Mediterranean we also often sell our know how to third organizations (art institutions, municipalities, ministries, TV channels etc.) which have staff to implement the projects. See our web site. Depending on the projects and the form of the partnership. Organizations like ours need an average of € 300.000 a year to carry the same activities. Public and private funding concrete projects, exchanges, seminars dealing with art, women, children and youth. See our web site We have a huge network in the Netherlands and all around the Mediterranean.
Mission and Objectives

Developing awareness in multi-ethnic communities by the use of art, culture, education, dialogue and co-operation through exchanges in the Euro-Mediterranean region. In the Netherlands we use art and culture to unite people, encourage dialogue and transform attitudes towards minorities and their countries of origin

Main Projects / Activities

Consultancy in Euro-Mediterranean issues with specialization in art and cultures from Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries. Organizing conferences, seminars, exhibitions, festivals, co-productions, concerts that encourage cultural diversity and dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean region. See web site for concrete projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadia Mabrouk
Head of the organisation
Nadia Mabrouk
Contact (2) Full Name
Ansella Post

Felix Meritis Foundation

National Network

Keizersgracht 324
1016 EZ Amsterdam

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Felix Meritis, European Centre for the Arts and Science, employs around 80 people full-or part-time. FM runs an informal (inter)national network of over a 100 partner organisations which contribute to the programme presented all year round. The main funding is modest (City of Amsterdam) whereas publishing houses, arts and festival organisations, independent NGO’s, media agencies and educational organisations and many other contribute with the organisation of debates, festivals, conferences, concerts, television recordings, an international exchange programmes and s summer University. Main partners: Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University, Max WagenerStichting, Amsterdam Dance Event, City of Amsterdam, World Press Photo.
Mission and Objectives

Felix Meritis, European Centre for the Arts and Science, wishes to reinforce and stimulate the relationship between the arts, science, education, media and commerce.
Felix Meritis plays an important in the (inter)national public debate in order to enhance the role of the individual so that the civil society may develop in freedom.

Main Projects / Activities

Forum Amsterdam, Berliner Konferenz (, Gulliver Connect (, Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University (, the People Network, Cafe Europa, Cafe Cultuur Prijs, and many others!

Contact (1) Full Name
Joanneke Lootsma
Head of the organisation
Linda Bouws