Udruzenje IPAK - Mladost gradi buducnost

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

1. Inženjerijske brigade bb, VIII/1
75000 Tuzla
Bosnia & Herzegovina

+387 35 299 027
+387 35 299 028
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+387 61 737 283
Mobile Phone (other)
+387 61 050 673
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
IPAK-Mladost gradi buducnost is a youth organisation with 10 years of experience in youth work, a dynamic team of young people and adults, who plan, initiate and realise projects for creating a better future for Bosnia-Herzegovina’s youth. We are an active member of the civil society in Bosnia Herzegovina. We successfully represent our interests on a local, regional and international level and in the European context.We work with young people with a multi-ethnic and multi-religious background. We organise informal education and apprentice programs, cultural events and spare-time activities, peace projects and volunteer ships, international youth seminars Fun and common experiences are equally important to us. Our projects are supported by the IPAK planning office in Tuzla. IPAK has 8 full-time employers and 17 part time workers. Also in IPAK basis we have 45 volunteers. We maintain two youth centres, one in Simin Han (Federation) and one in Krizevici (Republika Srpska) which are visited by marginalized youth at the age from 15-27 years. We offer various national and international activities: e.g. informal education, intercultural communication, ecological projects and cultural events. IPAK is implementing programs and projects in both Bosnia and Herzegovina’s entity (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina & Republika Srpska). In that sense, international volunteers will have opportunity to work in urban and rural parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the frame of the program YOUTH we sent a volunteer in 2004 to Germany. Our partner organization/ host organization was Friedenskreis Halle. We organized in March 2007 in the frame of the action 1 a multilateral youth exchange in Krizevici (RN 2006-3145). Youth groups out of Germany, Lithuania, Serbia and Bosnia participated.
Mission and Objectives

IPAK offers an opportunity for Bosnia-Herzegovina’s youth to shape their own personal development, a platform for social participation and a wide range of projects for creating a better future. Main objectives are: 1. Local integration of young refugees or displaced persons who return with their families to Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2. Youth participation and empowerment 3. Personal development of young people by social and intercultural learning in inter-ethnic and inter-religious peer groups. IPAK organization works in the fields of: - Informal education - International youth exchanges - Vocational training.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Programmes Youth Centre Simin Han The youth centre Simin Han offers leisure time activities and sports. There are various regular workshop that the young people may choose to attend: Foreign language (German and English) and information technology courses; music and dance workshops; handcraft workshops; journalists’ workshop; seminars with the following themes: civil society development & participation; non violent action; youth policy; ecology. Once a week a movie afternoon takes place. Youth Centre Križevići (Project “Youth builds a bright Future”) The youth centre Križevići offers social support and integration programmes to young returnees. In the integration programmes both etnic communities (Bosnian Muslems and Bosnian Serbs) are learning together how to live and work in a common community. The process is supported by a “Non violent action project”. Further on, international youth exchanges with German and Swiss partners widen the intercultural experience and reflexion. Youth Cooperative Križevići Next to the youth centre the youth cooperative Križevići is running. The cooperative offers vocational training courses in agriculture & product marketing; carpentry; and office communication with a stress on computer skills’ training. Local Projects Besides the regular activities and the already mentioned “Non violent action project” a long-term project is the establishment of a “Youth Net” in the surrounding rural communities, but also including the City of Zvornik. The “Youth Net” is intended to function as a youth council or youth parliament, later on. International Projects Besides the described youth exchanges IPAK takes part in the EU-Youth Programme as partner or applicant. There is a strong connection with the SALTO office in Slovenia. Further on, IPAK starts co-operating with the German-French Youth Cooperation. Co-operation Partner IPAK keeps close co-operation with various local and international partners, as well form NGO-sector, as well from public sector.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lahira Sejfija
Head of the organisation
Lahira Sejfija
Contact (2) Full Name
Pavlina Vujović

SHATIL- Israel’s Leading Empowerment and Training Centre for Social Change Organizations

National Network

Yad Harutzim St. 9, POB 53395, Jerusalem 91533, Israel

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
SHATIL is currently Israel’s leading capacity-building centre for civil society organizations. SHATIL employs a multicultural staff of over 100 members in branches in Jerusalem, Haifa, Be’er Sheva, Ramle, Baka el-Gharbiya, and Rosh Pina. SHATIL’S 2009 operating budget is 5,056,000 Euro, and as a non-profit organization its sources of funding include foundations, government institutions, and private donors: Cordaid, the Gandyr Foundation, the Hadassah Foundation, the Moriah Fund, the Swiss Embassy in Israel, the US Embassy in Israel, the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the Heinrich Boell Stiftung, the Dorothea Gould Foundation, the Sigrid Rausing Trust, and many more. SHATIL provides over 1,400 social change organizations with workshops, training sessions, seminars, and consulting in organizational development, media relations, coalition building, financial management, cultural sensitivity, and volunteer management each year. SHATIL also operates its own independent programs, and its collaborative work with partners varies by project.
Mission and Objectives

In recent years, Israeli society has undergone a transformation that shifted much responsibility for social, economic, health, and educational issues from the government to the civil society sector. However, many NGOs lacked the tools and resources to leverage their impact in the public arena. SHATIL aims to provide them with the tools to accomplish their initiatives, promote community organizing and cultural cross-communication, strengthen constituencies on the economic and geographic periphery, facilitate coalition-building, and institutionalize long-term social change to benefit all Israelis. With 6 national offices, SHATIL is uniquely positioned as a central hub of services, information, and support empowering Israel's civil society.

Main Projects / Activities

 CAPACITY-BUILDING SERVICES: SHATIL provides capacity-building services to over 1,400 civil society organizations annually.
 CONFLICT TRANSFORMATION AND MANAGEMENT CENTRE: a think-and-do tank of the best conflict management practices shaping a culture pursuing regional peace.
 MIXED JEWISH-PALESTINIAN-ARAB CITIES: forms NGO and community partnerships to change planning and building policies and use cross-cultural communication to bridge gaps between Palestinian-Arabs and Jews in mixed cities.
 YOUTH LEADERSHIP: provide Israel’s youth with tools and skills to advance the rights and representation of the young adult population, also targeting Bedouin youth to shape the next generation of Bedouin leaders.
 ECONOMIC POLICY ADVISORS FOR SOCIAL CHANGE: providing Israel’s leading economic students with training in civil society practices, incorporating greater awareness of the social justice into economic policies.
 ADVANCING SOCIO-ECONOMIC EQUALITY FOR WOMEN: capacity-building, consultation, and advocacy programs for civil society agents working for women’s economic equality.

Contact (1) Full Name
Naomi Schacter
Head of the organisation
Rachel Liel
Contact (2) Full Name
Rachel Liel

France Méditerranée Pays Catalan

National Network

4 place Zamenhoff
66390 Baixas

0033 4 68 61 02 23
Telephone (other)
0033 97 14 690 26
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
33 6 03 84 20 61
Mobile Phone (other)
33 6 15 06 61 80
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Association loi 1901 - France 4 membres et 6 partenaires 45 000 euros subventions - auto -financement Mairie Ville de Perpignan, Conseil Général Pyrénées Orientales,Atopia ,Europe-Maghreb-Midi-Pyrénées, Radio Campus Toulouse Midi Pyrénées, Pyrescom Atlas Alger, Chambre Française de Commerce en Algérie, Union Nationale Arts et Culture en Algérie, Bibliothèque Nationale Alger, Centre M
Mission and Objectives

Rapprochements euro méditerranéen dans les domaines des arts de la culture , de l'économie , du développement durable, de la communication, des médias,jeunesse éducation, défense du patrimoine, recherches scientifiques à partir des universités.

Main Projects / Activities

Création de "Caravanes culturelles et économiques" à travers les pays méditerranéens pour exprimer une culture et une identité catalane Création de stages , de rencontres musicales, poétiques, artistiques, économiques.

Contact (1) Full Name
Haubrich Pierre-Paul
Head of the organisation
Haubrich Pierre-Paul
Contact (2) Full Name
Aline Revol-Bourgeois

European Movement Albania

National Network

Rr. Milto Tutulani, Nd.1, Ap. 4. (Dora D’Istria)

00355 (0) 44 104 247
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+355 68 20 86 578
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

European Movement Albania is an independent, non-profit organization, combining think tank and advocacy instruments. EMA was established in February 2007, in response to Albania’s increased efforts at speeding up the process of preparing for EU accession. EMA regards European Integration as largely beneficial but recognizes that in many respects the process does not work well. Therefore we aim to promote new ideas for improving the policy development process. EMA has its organizational structure located in Tirana, and Local Coordinators in the main cities of Albania, such as Vlora, Shkodër, Elbasan and Korça. EM Albania has more than 500 young members registered as EMA’s Supporters. EMA is a member of European Movement International (EMI)

Mission and Objectives

EMA is a forum for exchange of views on political, economic and social challenges that Albania is facing. It is devoted to encourage and strengthen the present democratic experiences, by promoting democratic values during the policy making process, analysis and implementation of public policies in the country. It attempts at making the policy-making process more transparent and open, and responsive to the public interest, offering alternative suggestions based on evidenced research. EMA’s objectives are: 1. To improve the quality of the public debate on the European Integration process. 2. To promote new ideas for improving the policy development process in order to respond to the citizen’s needs. 3. To encourage and strengthen the present democratic experiences, by promoting democratic values during the policy-making process, analysis and implementation of public policies in the country. 4. To make the policy-making process more transparent and open, and responsive to the public interest, offering alternative suggestions based on professional research and surveys.

Main Projects / Activities

Considering the needs and challenges of the Albanian society in this transformation process, as well as EMA goals, its work is focused on:

-policy research, analysis, advice and advocacy;

-capacity building and training;

-public debates and policy forums;

-developing monitoring indicators on certain issues of significant importance for the public.

Activities fall under one of these program areas:

– Promotion of European values and European Integration process of Albania - activities aim in increasing capacity building of CSOs and other non-state actors in national and local level and to promote the cooperation of governmental and civil society sector with the aim to strengthen capacities and capabilities in order to be able to meet all the criteria of the EU integration;

– Democracy and good governance - implementing activities focused on rule of law; strengthening of democracy; human rights; assessing the legal framework; and EU accession negotiation process; accelerating the local democracy; inclusion of all sectors of society in the policy-making process

– Economic and social dimensions of EU integration - various activities and projects on migrants and asylum seekers; consumer protection; environment protection; agriculture; employment and four freedoms of movement; socio-economic impact of EU Integration;

– Regional cooperation - activities focused on regional cooperation on matters like EU integration process of WB; IPA and absorption capacities, regional cohesion, connectivity, strengthening of democracy in WB; - Activities including Youth aiming their empowerment and inclusion in policy-making process like Europe Day Project; Jean Monnet projects; Various Erasmus projects (KA1; KA3) etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EMA will take part and play an active role in initiatives and activities that the Network will implement in Albania and outside the country. Moreover, as it has a wide and various network of collaborators and partners, EMA will share the relevant information with our network and motivate them to be engaged. EMA is eager to contribute with ideas and suggestions in cases when this is needed and requested, in order to strengthen the network in Albania or for future activities and collaborations the network may take.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of the ALF Network is important for our organization for several reasons: 1) To get informed and to be able to take part and to be engaged in various initiatives, open calls and activities organized within the network 2) To establish new partnerships and bridges of communication with NGO-s and other institutions in all the countries of the ALF network 3) To contribute with ideas, suggestions and feedback in order to make the network more dynamic and more consolidated.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gledis Gjipali
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Gledis Gjipali
Contact (2) Full Name
Nirvana Deliu
Job Title (2)
Policy Researcher

Institute of Dialogue and Communication (Formerly Book & Communication House)

National Network

Rr. Pjetër Budi. Pall. Klasik. Ap. 11

+355 42 371 865
Mobile Phone
+355 68 20 23 362
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information

IDC was created under the name Book & Communication House in January 2000 with the help of Soros Foundation. It was created as a response to the critical need of Albanian society for an independent institution working for the dissemination of information and knowledge. Staff of IDC consists of 7 paid employees. The decisions are taken by the managing board: Aleko Minga, University of Tirana, Chairman. Diana Culi, Chairman of Albanian Women’s Forum; MP. Remzi Lani, Director of Albanian Media Institute. Piro Misha, Executive Director of IDC. Andi Bushati, Editor in chief of the weekly “Klan” The IDC budgetary resources available in a year are around 150,000 €. Its funding comes through various project related grants, through its publishing program, or other commercially oriented projects. Our main partners are Soros Foundation, US Embassy in Tirana, Balkan Trust for Democracy, etc.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of IDC is to encourage positive systematic change in Albania, serving as a catalyst for promoting public debate and critical thinking. Actually IDC is a multifunctional center implementing projects, providing expertise, information, researches, training, etc. Actually, its activity is divided into three main divisions: - “An Alternative Public Communication Space” which runs projects serving to encourage public debate and critical thinking. The target groups are first of all students, opinion makers, journalists, teachers, academics etc. - Information Projects which help in making of IDC a linking bridge between Albania and the rest of the world. Special attention is paid to the new technologies of information, culture and electronic publishing. - The translation/publishing projects. IDC offers its services to other international or local institutions and organizations for conducting researches, implementing projects, organizing workshops and training.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of the IDC's main projects/activities are: - The Mediterranean Project, in cooperation with Center of Contemporary Culture, Barcelona/Spain. - The challenges of globalization and Albanian integration in Europe, a series of conferences, in cooperation with UNESCO - “History of 20th century ideas” a series of conferences. - The role of religion in the Balkans, organized in cooperation with CCA Barcelona. - Being European; Albania & Europe, Past, Present and Future, in cooperation with Balkan Trust for Democracy. - Some of the 2005 meetings with international writers, Jacques La Carriere (France), January 2004; “Creating a forum on developments of Albania-Kosovo relations” in cooperation with Soros Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Juela Gjermeni
Head of the organisation
Piro Misha
Contact (2) Full Name
Marenglen Pepa

Heinrich Böll Foundation

National Network

Schumannstr. 8
10117 Berlin

0049 30 285 34 0
0049 30 285 34 109
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. The HBF affiliated with the Green Party in Germany is a legally independent political foundation working in the spirit if intellectual openness. HBF has about 190 employees as well as 350 supporting members. The foundation promotes political education work in Germany and abroad with 25 regional and country offices 2. The budget is coming from different German state sources like the Ministry of Interior, the Foreign Office, the Ministry of Sciences and the Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation 4. Political Education Programs and Projects, congresses, training and capacity building, workshops, seminars, conferences, publications, scholarships
Mission and Objectives

The foundations primary objective is to support political education both within Germany and abroad, thus promoting democratic involvement, socio-political activism and cross-cultural understanding. The Foundation also provides support for art and culture, science and research and developmental cooperation. Its activities are guided by the fundamental political values of ecology, democracy, solidarity and non-violence. The foundation not only pursues numerous projects of its own but also provides encouragement and support to groups and individuals. By the way of its international collaboration with a large number of project partners –currently more than 100 projects in 60 countries- the HBF aims to strengthen ecological and civil activism on a global level, in order to intensify the supra-regional exchange of ideas and experiences – and to keep our sensibilities alert for change.

Main Projects / Activities

Different programs and projects in Latin and Middle American, Africa, Asia, The Middle East, East Europe, the EU and Germany Focus on Globalisation, Foreign Policy, Democracy, Human and civil Rights, Gender Equality, Freedom of Media and Expression, Ecology Cooperation partners: NGO, Universities, Think Tanks, Civil Activists

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Bernd Asbach, Head of Middle East Department
Head of the organisation
Ms. Barbara Unmüßig, Mr. Ralf Fücks


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
1. Non Profit Association 8 persons staff 2. 3. Funding by institutions and ministries Contributions, E.C programs, via the tickets paid for the performances and events organized/ / sponsorships for specific events 4. Medi@terra International Art and Technology Festival/ Virtual Center Media Net (Culture 2000)/ Digitization of archives supported by the program Information Society. Projects for the promotion and presentation of contemporary art , seminars, participation in programs for career development of the Youth – Leonardo program
Mission and Objectives

Fournos is a center for digital culture situated in Athens, Greece that functions as a flexible Model in the research and production space of the Digital Culture of the 21st century. Fournos collaborates with a network of media and cultural centers, art institutions and scientific labs, with researchers, technologists, artists, philosophers, and representatives of cultural centers, of governmental and non-governmental organizations, aiming to explore new modes of cultural expression and create a platform for a broader public that can play an active role in the upcoming digital culture. Fournos believes

Main Projects / Activities

? Medi@terra International Art and Technology Festival co-organized by Fournos and supported by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture.
? RESEARCH Fournos conducts research on new forms of art, entertainment and training and continuously develops a cultural network of artists, centers, researchers, philosophers, technologists, activists.
? CURATING & RESIDENCIES Fournos supports and promotes the international media art in Greece and the Greek media art abroad. EDUCATION AND TRAINING Fournos organized a number of workshops, presentations and seminars.
? FOURNOS STAGE A Fournos hosts and co-produces performance, theatre plays, screenings , lectures round tables on art / new media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Harokopio University of Athens, Department of Geography

National Network

70, El. Venizelou str. 17671

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Lecturer Chryssa Sofianopoulou
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof. Kostis Hadjimichalis

MedWet Coordination Unit

National Network

Villa Kazouli, Kifissias & Lambraki 1, 145 61

+30 210 80 89 270
+30 210 80 89 274
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
MedWet governance: the Conference of the Contracting Parties of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Close collaboration: 5 Mediterranean wetland centres. These centres are EKBY in Greece, the Portuguese ICN, the Italian ARPAT, the French ‘Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat’, and the Spanish SEHUMED. MedWet staff: Coordinator, Senior Advisor, Policy Advisor, Program Development Officer, Communications Officer, Administrative Assistant. Core funding source: environmental ministries of all 25 Mediterranean countries. Project funding source: includes the EU, Development Collaboration agencies and GEF. Main partners: the 25 countries of the Mediterranean. Activities include international projects, workshops and local dialogues.
Mission and Objectives

MedWet is a non-profit intergovernmental organization, founded under the global Ramsar Convention to encourage international collaboration among Mediterranean countries in protecting water related ecosystems in the entire Mediterranean region. MedWet is a regional initiative of the Ramsar Convention and it provides a forum where 25 Mediterranean countries, specialized wetland centers and international NGOs meet as equals to discuss, identify key issues and take positive action to protect wetlands. It is also a source of information and knowledge, helping Mediterranean countries to evaluate economic, social and biodiversity values of water ecosystems, provide technical tools and ensure good management of wetlands.

Main Projects / Activities

MedWet has concentrated its work in eight areas: a) Inventories of wetlands, b) Socio-economic analysis of wetland values, c) Wetland management, d) Capacity building, e) Culture and wetlands, f) Public Awareness, g) Dissemination of research results, h) Integrated water resource management, and implementation of the Water Framework Directive of the European Union.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name