Ministère des Affaires Etrangères (Ministry of foreign affairs)

National Network

Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

00212 37660035 ( Benyaich)
Telephone (other)
O00212 377718 90
0021237660115 ( Benyaich)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
OO21272295786 ( Smaili)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
- 17 associations in the Moroccan Network 1) piloting committee: Mr Driss Khrouz( GERM), Mr Semlali (Sigma Foundation) 2-3) Sources of funding : none. 4) Several meetings , project on youth and dynamic action of Barcelona . 5) youth action : participation : 35 youth of the Euro-Med countries + 2 heads of network from the North and 2 from South.
Mission and Objectives

- 17 associations in the Moroccan Network
1) piloting committee: Mr Driss Khrouz( GERM), Mr Semlali (Sigma Foundation)
2-3) Sources of funding : none.
4) Several meetings , project of the youth and dynamic action of Barcelona .
5) youth action : participation : 35 youth of the Euro-Med countries + 2 heads of network from the North and 2 from the South .

Main Projects / Activities

* Creation of a piloting committee charged of the coordination of different actions through the national network.
* Project : national network action entitled : "Youth and dynamic of Barcelona"
* Implication of the youth issued of the civil society in order to give them the vision for the Barcelona process.

Contact (1) Full Name
Smaili Nadia
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Driss Krouz-GERM ( Comité de pilotage réseau marocain)

Fondation Sigma pour l’éducation, la culture et les sciences(Sigma Foundation for education, culture and sciences)

National Network

14, Av. Moulay Isamïl, Apt 16 ; BP : 1332 Tanger Principale

00 212 37 67 12 37
00 212 37 77 74 70
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 212 66 30 06 51
Mobile Phone (other)
00 212 60 39 44 23
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. A non-profit association . It counts on 50 members , 9 of them form the Executive committee. The Sigma foundation has several partners : the University Abdelmalek Essaadi, the University Mohammed V-Agdal, the Agency of North Development (APDN), the Academy of education and formation, the National office of Drinkable water, the delegation of the ministry of culture and several local associations. 2.100 000 Dh/year, due to the support of the APDN 3. As resources, the Foundation count especially on sponsoring. 4. Festival of sciences, seminars, conferences & caravan of sciences 5. University Abdelmalek Essaadi
Mission and Objectives

Promotion of the scientific culture and creation of a city of sciences in Tangier .

Main Projects / Activities

First Festival of Sciences (July 22 to August 3, 2002), - Participation in the National Week of science (March 2003), - Conference: “seismic risks and the application of the RPS-2000” (July 2003), - Participation in the National Week of science (March 2004), - Caravan of sciences (March 2004), - Second Festival of Sciences (26- July 31, 2004), - Opening of the Web site:, - Day of study on “the City of sciences in Tangier” (December 16, 2004), - Conference on “marine Pollution” (June 4, 2005), - Celebration of 2005 as World Year of Physics - Presentation of the report of UNESCO on the City of sciences (2, , February 2006)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Semlali
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Semlali
Contact (2) Full Name
Saïd Rachafi

Al Majd for Community Development

National Network

Hweti Building – Schools Street – 2cond Floor
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information


Mission and Objectives

- Building the cultural and social skills of youth and children in schools and universities. - Support youth intrepreneurial ideas through implement projects and initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ghassan Al Shiekh
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation

A.M. Qattan Foundation

National Network

27 An-Nahda Women Association Street Al-Tira- Ramallah, Palestine
Gaza, Al-wihda Street
Ramallah & Gaza
Palestinian Territories

00970 2 2960544
Telephone (other)
00970 2 2963280
009720 2 2984886
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information


109 Employees in Palestine, as of April 2020 – 70 in the West Bank and 39 in Gaza.



Budget resources: 



Annual budget, around $7 million, mainly from Al-Qattan Charitable Trust and Al-Qattan family (the major sources for the Foundation) covering the Foundation's administrative expenses and core programme and project costs. In 2004 the Board of Trustees (BoT) approved for the first time external co-funding from the European Commission (EC) for the Palestinian Audio-Visual (PAV) Project that ran over five years. Later on, in 2009, The Foundation’s BoT took a strategic decision to increase the Foundation’s budget, with the aim of increasing external co-funding, provided that it does not exceed 40% of the Foundation's annual budget, and does not in any way compromise the Foundation’s vision, mission and values in serving the Palestinian and Arab communities, and also provided that the Foundation takes full or leading control of all project design and implementation.




Modalities of action: 




Grant-making, cultural and artistic events, seminars, professional development training courses and workshops for teachers, study days, exchanges, awards, library services, capacity building projects for artists and the local community, and cultural, educational, artistic, scientific, technological and recreational activities for children.


Mission and Objectives

Mission and Objectives

The A. M. Qattan Foundation (AMQF) is an independent, not-for-profit developmental organisation working in the fields of culture and education, with a particular focus on children, teachers and young artists. Founded and registered in 1993 in the UK as a charity, it has had a registered branch in Palestine as a non-profit organisation (no QR-0035-F) since 1998. The Foundation’s operations are mainly in Palestine, with interventions in the United Kingdom through the Mosaic Rooms.

Vision: A just, free, enlightened, and tolerant society with an active global presence, one that embraces dialogue and produces knowledge, art and literature

Mission: To achieve a dynamic cultural environment conducive to the production of emancipatory thought and knowledge


  1. The rights and dignity of all;
  2. Freedom, pluralism, dialogue, and the production of knowledge;
  3. A collegiate spirit of productivity;
  4. The courage to be just.

Strategic Goals 2020 - 2024:

  1. Develop and make available cultural output to a wider public and to encourage it to become more active and responsive;
  2. Strengthen existing cultural, artistic, and educational structures to make them more dynamic and capable of producing critical and emancipatory thought and knowledge;
  3. Support a general environment that facilitates and endorses the application of the Foundation’s role and mission;
  4. Promote the A.M. Qattan Foundation as a leading and pioneering institution which can serve as an inspiring model;
  5. Ensure financial sustainability.
Main Projects / Activities
  • Culture and Arts Programme (CAP)

CAP has a long track record of twenty years in grant-making in Palestine with the purpose of providing development opportunities for individual artists, collectives and organisations working in performing, audio-visual and visual arts, and literature. It offers and manages production, promotion, and specialised training grants, in addition to designing and implementing training and capacity building initiatives besides other scholarships and residency grants awarded on a competitive basis. 

  • Educational Research and Development Programme (ERDP)

AMQF has over the past 17 years been contributing to the development of a better learning environment for children in schools, through Teachers’ Professional Development Programmes. The ERDP has been working towards raising the standards of education and learning by providing resources, training and support for teachers to move past traditional methods of teaching. The Foundation sees teachers as facilitators of knowledge, and seeks to empower them by developing their skills to help students make connections between what they learn and real life. AMQF also believes that working with teachers is a real investment for them not only as teachers but also as humans.

  • Child Centre – Gaza (CCG)

The Child Centre in Gaza (CCG) was established in 2005. It aims to nurture children’s curiosity, expand their knowledge, facilitate their access to outside cultures, and enhance their appreciation of arts and sciences. Although located at the heart of the city, the CCG serves children all around the Gaza Strip (annually serving +33,000 children members/visitors within its premises, and +57,711 children in some of the most remote and marginalised areas of the Gaza Strip), and it enjoys a strong network and high level of credibility with the local community. The CCG has one of the largest specialised children’s libraries in the Arab World with more than 91,450 children books, educational materials and other media. It offers a wide range of library, information technology, cultural, scientific, and recreational interactive services to children up to the age of fifteen along with their parents.

  • Public Programme (PP)

The Public Programme, launched in 2006, is a transformative programme based on a series of curated events and activities that aim at questioning the intricate social and economic processes that shape our contemporary landscape. The Programme caters its activities to a wide array of audiences and geographies, each according to their specific culture and cognition. This is achieved through fostering critical thinking, research, creativity, collaborations, networking and production of knowledge, aiming at providing inspiring models of a just social cohesion, multiplicity, and independency. The Public Programme is foreseen to combine an approach of reciprocal development of public activities together with the aforementioned programmes, while keeping a balance between its own cultural directions and the Foundation’s interests yet focusing on the provision of inclusive and excellent standards of public service.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fida Touma
Job Title
Director General
Head of the organisation
Omar Al-Qattan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Contact (2) Full Name
Majd Hajjaj
Job Title (2)
Resource Development Manager

Ashtar for Theatre Productions & Training

National Network

main street
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Being a non-governmental organization, Ashtar has a General Assembly that elects the Board of Directors. It has 11 staff members, both artistic and administrative. Since Ashtar generates limited income, it mainly depends on fund raising from local and international donors. Main partners include Care International, EED - Germany and the European Commission. Its’ annual budget varies between 250 to 270 thousand US Dollars. Ashtar’s main projects are: Theatre Diploma in Colleges, Drama Clubs, Theatre in Universities, community groups training on Forum Theatre techniques, experimental theatre productions, forum and legislative theatre productions, in addition to local and international touring.

Mission and Objectives

As the first theatre training company in Palestine, Ashtar has maintained a consistent set of aims. It seeks to confront and challenge every aspect of Palestinian society, constantly encouraging people, especially youth, to question all aspects of their daily life. By adopting creative methods that inspire audiences to ‘listen as they hear, to contemplate as they see, to imagine as they reflect…’ it is Ashtar’s aim to make theatre an integral part of Palestinian society.

Main Projects / Activities

Ashtar’s work falls into two main categories: 1) The provision of drama training courses to teachers and schools, colleges and universities’ students. Also, since Ashtar is the only professional group in the field of the Theatre of Oppressed in the Middle East area, Ashtar started its training on forum theatre techniques both on local and regional levels. 2) The production of theatrical performances both experimental and forum theatre productions, in addition to various theatre productions with the students.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iman Aoun - Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Edward Muallem
Contact (2) Full Name
Emile Saba - Artistic Director

Basma Institute of culture and arts

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
Basma institution for culture and arts was established on October 1994 .Basma had been born as an output of collaborative efforts of several creative and innovative youths who believed in capability of culture in shaping a better future . Basma is a non profit association aims to develop culture groups and artists through creating awarded public ,enhance the creativity among its community , and contribute to creating well equipped and capable artistic generations. Basma sees itself as a cornerstone base and an effective partner of the Palestinian cultural movement that struggle to shape the Palestinian Cultural identity that will achieve participatory democracy based on justice and equity . Basma is fully opened for any cooperation without any conditions with other partners if it falls within it's strategy and goals .
Mission and Objectives

Basma aims to compliance its goals through working in many aspects :
1. activating the theatre movement through:
-Enhacing the commitment and serious theatre that meets the public hopes and being servant of the community issues and concerns .
-Meeting the child needs and setting solutions to their challenges and provide them by entertainment means .
- Networking with local and regional initiatives and exchaning experiences in order to broadening the local impact
2. Enhacing the cultural and thought criticism among Palestinians ;
by several tactics like workshops ,debates and discussions in order to raise community awarness.
3. Strenghening the community concerns about its heritage and cultural and patrimonial in order to create a healthy link between its past and future .
4. Enhacing the community interest in music , folklore and supporting Basma musical initiatives .

Main Projects / Activities

Basma has a noticeable record in Gaza over the last years ,Basma has the following achivements in this area :
.Forming an educational puppetry theatre , wich conducted successful shows and had a lot of acceptance amomg children's community .
2. VIDEO :
Pending the interest of Basma theatre activities and the braodcasting drama for children.
3. Music and the popular arts :
Basma has a remarkable impact in this area , since it producted the following activities :
.Forming a popular artistic band in Jan.1995 that conducted several shows of popular dance and participated in many local festivals and events .
.Forming "El Warcha" theatre .
Basma aims to develop local initiatives and support cultural structures.
Basma seeks the compliance of its goals by:
-Enhacing its role as a pioneer organization in areas of theatre and music .
- Developing the Jawal theatre and the children's video club .
-conduct cultural festivals in music and theatre among unive

Contact (1) Full Name
Nahed Abdel Salam Hanouna
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mohamed Abu Shareah
Contact (2) Full Name
Sami Ibrahim Hamad

Centre For Cultural Heritage Preservation (CCHP)

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
1. number of staff: 16 2. approximately $300,000/year 3. various donors 4. Rehabilitation projects public awareness campaigns publications workshops exhibitions 5. SIDA, Portuguese,
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Centre is to provide a sustainable mechanism for the protection and management of cultural heritage resources in the Bethlehem District and to enhance awareness of cultural heritage in the public conscience. Its main objectives are:
- Management of conservation and rehabilitation projects
- Research and documentation
- Training
- Building of community awareness
- Fostering international cooperation

Main Projects / Activities


Head of the organisation

Future Youth Arms Forum

National Network

Dura-Dora International Stadium Building
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Women - Reducing societal violence directed against women Youth - raising youth political and social participation Children - Development and development of education policies based on play Environmental issues
Mission and Objectives

Men - raising awareness of women's issues and involving them in reducing societal violence
Women and Youth - raising their participation and building capabilities
Children - nurturing talent and nurture based on learning and play

Main Projects / Activities

- 1. Building and developing the capabilities of youth and women and enabling them to participate in effective social participation.
  2. Raise men's participation in societal issues aimed at raising awareness of the importance of women's participation in public life and reducing gender-based violence.
3. Develop forms and tools of creativity, cultural and artistic openness, and concern for the cultural heritage of the Palestinian people, in a manner that guarantees an effective contribution to the youth sector in all areas of creativity.
4 - Using and integrating drama in education by providing educational games in the southern regions that do not have entertainment

Contact (1) Full Name
Amin Khallaf
Job Title
Chairman of Board of Directors
Head of the organisation

The International Centre of Bethlehem (ICB)

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Please find attached the organizational structure. There are 46 employees and volunteers at the ICB. The annual budget of the ICB is $1,000,000 (1 million USD). The income of the ICB comes mainly for 3 sources: 1. Local contributions made by members and friends of the ICB, as well as courses’ fees paid by participants. 2) ICB’s self-initiatives and income generating projects. 3) Grants from governmental development agencies, international foundations, and church-related organizations. Concrete Projects such as: Addar Cultural and Conference Centre which was sponsored by the Foreign Ministry of Finland. Main partner involved in the music program is the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music.
Mission and Objectives

The ICB is a Palestinian institution serving the whole Palestinian community. The ICB, since its establishment, has been actively promoting the building of a civil society in Palestine through training future leaders, developing human resources, leading awareness campaigns, conducting vocational training and education, and promoting intercultural encounters and dialogue. It strives to engage and empower the local community to assume a proactive role in shaping their future. Since it has opened, the ICB has provided services for more than 20,000 people annually, thus proving to be an address to the community, especially for women and youth.

Main Projects / Activities

The ICB’s main programs are:
al-Kahf Arts and Crafts Center: the activities involve vocational training in ceramic, stained glass, glass fusing, glass blowing, mosaic and jewelry; hosting national and international art exhibitions;promoting and marketing the work and production of the artists and artisans through al-Kahf Giftshop and online website:
The Music program: in partnership with the National Music Conservatory, musical performances are hosted but also students learn to play instruments, both classical Arabic and western instruments, take solfege lessons, music interpretation and different choirs and bands are formed.
The Bright Stars program: it focuses on children and youth , where they gather in different art, music, sports, communication and environmental clubs according to their talents and gifts and are encouraged to develop those gifts.
The Ad-Dar Cultural and Conference Center: It is used for all types of performing arts, theate

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mitri Raheb, General Director
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mitri Raheb
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Rana Khoury, Deputy General Director

The Palestinian Initiative for Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy- "MIFTAH"

National Network
Telephone (other)
972-2-5835-184 or/ and 970-2-2989-492
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
972- 0546-293-139
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. (Structure of the organization) • Secretary General • Program Design and Management • Governance and Democracy • Media and Information • Information Technology • Administration and Finance • External Relations. (Please see the chart of the organization's structure at the end of this section ). 2. (Budgetary resources available in a year) -Ongoing projects and fixed expenditures – Approximately (500,000$), Five hundreds thousand dollar per year. 3. (Sources of funding) • The Ford Foundation • UNDP • NED • UNFPA • Representative Office of Norway • International Republican Institute (IRI) 4. Concrete Projects- Workshops- Seminars- Research - Media. Activities implemented as part of projects. (Please see Main Projects/ Activities). 5. (Main Partners) • The Donors of the organization are also the Partners.
Mission and Objectives

• Reinforcing the Palestinian state-building process through ensuring democratic practices, the rule of law, and respect for human rights.
• Promoting the free access and flow of information.
• Empowering Palestinian women and youth leaders in different fields and promoting the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
• Providing a forum for innovative public discourse and free debate on issues of Palestinian concern, bringing together decision-makers and members of civil society.
• Increasing global awareness and knowledge of Palestinian realities by providing reliable, accurate and comprehensive information, policy analysis, strategic briefings and position papers.
• Complementing and solidifying international efforts pertaining to cooperation and conflict-resolution based on genuine understanding of the facts, the issues at stake, and the implications of foreign policy decisions on national, regional and global realities.

Main Projects / Activities

(max. 100 words)
A. Good Governance and Democracy Program
1. Empowerment of Young Palestinian Leadership
-Political and Community Leaders.
2. Empowerment of Palestinian Women Leadership
a. Women in Elections -Women Elections
Support Pointed- (WESPs)
b. Women in Peace.
c. Advocacy in RH.
3. Media –related activities (Keshev).
- Media monitoring.
4. Policy formulation.
B. Media and Information
C. External Relation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nahed Ahmed Abu Sneineh
Head of the organisation
Lily Feidy, Ph.D.
Contact (2) Full Name
Khuloud Al-Ju'beh