National Network


+30 210 5246833
Telephone (other)
+30 210 5248251
+30 210 5246833
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
1)The Artistic Director, 2 partners, 2 administration staff and approximately 50 teachers (variable number). 2)Tuition fees. 3)None. 4)Acting, Voice, Movement seminars, Master class seminars for professionals. Festival of Acting Groups and International Festival of Making Theatre. Mini scholarship. 5None.
Mission and Objectives

The Theater of Changes gives the opportunity to actors and actresses that have studied in other drama schools, in the past, to continue with their training and keep themselves updated with new methods and techniques concerning their profession. Amongst its primary goals is the cooperation with other corresponding theater organizations abroad, contacts that bring the institution closer to new cultures and techniques.

Main Projects / Activities

The Theater of Changes provides a practical and multidimensional education concerning the performing arts.
Festival of Acting Groups: students make up a group, select a piece to work on, rehearse it and finally present the outcome of this work at the Acting Groups’ Festival which takes place at the Theatre of Changes every September.
International Festival of Making Theatre (In.F.o.Ma.T.): every July during a whole week of creative interaction, Theatre Makers from all over the world have the opportunity to share and get acquainted with new working methods and ideas, regarding the following three sectors: Acting, Movement and Voice.
Scholarships: students who have shown character, consistency and discipline are awarded with scholarships and participation in International festivals, as well as free attendance at seminars given by some of the most important theatre professionals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Centre for Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Studies (of IDIS)

National Network

3-5 Hill Street
10558 Athens

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
5. Panteion University, Bilgi University, European Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture. 6. -Training and internship programs for Greek and Erasmus students, construction of databank on Holocaust, Genocides and Anti-Semitism in Greece, -e-publishing of Newsletters on Balkans, the Mediterranean and Middle East, website on Russia and Eurasian affairs, -Library on international relations and regional studies
Mission and Objectives

The I.I.R’s main objectives include:
• Promoting research and activity in the field of International Relations, Politics, Security and Defense, Democratization and Human Rights, as well as Economics with a special focus on the European Union, Southeastern Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East region.
• Generating new ideas and perspectives in its areas of competence through ongoing research programs, training activities, seminars, conferences, and relevant publications.
• Fostering the development of relevant networks among Academics, Diplomats, Policymakers, and Students.
• Providing the Department of International and European Studies with research expertise over a wide spectrum of policy issues.

Main Projects / Activities

The I.I.R’s main objectives include:
• Promoting research and activity in the field of International Relations, Politics, Security and Defense, Democratization and Human Rights, as well as Economics with a special focus on the European Union, Southeastern Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East region.
• Generating new ideas and perspectives in its areas of competence through ongoing research programs, training activities, seminars, conferences, and relevant publications.
• Fostering the development of relevant networks among Academics, Diplomats, Policymakers, and Students.
• Providing the Department of International and European Studies with research expertise over a wide spectrum of policy issues.
? Series of Seminars on ‘Expanding NGOs in Bulgaria/FYROM/Romania: Legal, Political and Economic Factors’ (October-November 2000).
? Training Course for Greek Conference Interpreters (2001-02, 2002-03).
The Florence Conference on South Eastern Europe’ (February 13-14th, 200

Contact (1) Full Name
Lecturer S. Roussos (Coordinator of the Centre of Mediterranean and Middle- Eastern Studies, IIR)
Head of the organisation
Lecturer S. Roussos (Coordinator of the Centre of Mediterranean and Middle- Eastern Studies, IIR)
Contact (2) Full Name
Popi Laina (Adm. Assistant to the Director

Youth For the Community

National Network

P.O.Box 578 (23 Hiram Street)
Kfar Vradim , 25147

+972 4 9997186
Telephone (other)
+972 54 4 626 944
+972 057 7976527
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 54 626 944
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 54 626 215
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Youth for the Community is an organization born from the Euro Med Youth Program and the objective to increase the participation of Israeli organizations from all cultures, social economic groups and physical and mental levels in multinational projects. As a ‘multiplier’ organization helping other organizations to coordinate projects resources and funding is based on the individual organization coordinating the specific project. We are involved with such organizations as the Israeli Youth Award (Duke of Edinburgh Award), Local Councils, Educational Institutes, Minority organizations, organizations for the disabled and so on. We have actively carried out Euro Med Action 1, 2 and 5 projects as hosts, senders and coordinators.
Mission and Objectives

To strengthen communities by increasing the awareness and involvement of youth in their global society whilst at the same time breaking down stereo types, the inclusion of the disabled, minority groups and those at risk, the fight against racialism and inequality.
Simply our mission is “ To do our little bit to try and make the world a better place”

Main Projects / Activities

In the past Euro Med Action 1, 2 and 5 projects (coordinators, senders and hosts) in the future we would also like to expand through the involvement of projects of the ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dan Wollner
Head of the organisation
Dan Wollner
Contact (2) Full Name
Kamilia Wollner

Association Club Scientifique de la Faculté des Sciences Médicales de Sétif

National Network

Faculté de Médecine
19000 Sétif

00 213 70982503
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The CSFSM is an apolitical and non-profit association. It is active in the scientific , cultural , sporting and human fields . It's an NGO essentially constituted for the dynamic youth, integrated ,with an experience capital which does not make any doubt. Its creation , its activities and its development meet the needs that the company expresses. The resources are only made up by its members contributions and its activities income . The assessment carried out by the CSFSM in four years of existence is edifying. For the partners: OTAF, UNO, FNUAP, ONUSIDA, UNESCO, FSA, CNLDT, CNPSR, UNICEF,… etc
Mission and Objectives

To organize scientific, cultural ,sporting manifestations for the youth in suitable forms . - To develop relations with the national and international organizations which follows the same aims . - The harmonious development of the people, sustainable development , the culture and the respect of human rights , the universal values , the freedom of the individual and collective awareness .

Main Projects / Activities

- To improve the life conditions of the communities . - Debates conferences in the intention of youth in order to fight against the plagues such as the MST and the SIDA in particular. - Initiation in the human rights. - Promotion of the information and the cultural and scientific exchanges . Organization of tourist international exchanges , and organization of trips and tourist national exchange between the north and the south , in particular for the destitute

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Image Aiguë (Acute Image)

National Network

2, place des Terreaux

00 33 478 27 74 81
00 33 472 00 95 41
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 33 663 09 70 69
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Artistic structure of theatrical production, staff composed by 4 persons , (1. 1 artistic director and 3 administrative ) , and around 15 intermittent of the spectacle (artists and technicians). Average budget, between 700.000 and 950.000 €. Its principal sources of finance are: the european commission , the French ministry of culture ,the Rhône-Alpes region , l’Afaa and the spectacles. Modalities of action : production and diffusion of the spectacles of Christiane Véricel, reseach actions and theatrical formation in the diadvantage quarters in france and abroad , edition of a review , of an internet site , teaching tools .
Mission and Objectives

To create spectacles of theatre which gather chidren , teenagers and adults actors who lives in France and abroad , who speak on scene in their mother tongue. To carry out this artistic objective, the Company develop ( particulary around the mediterranen basin)a network structured by cultural ,educatif and social actors who aims to invent a common language , on the spirit of tolerence and peace

Main Projects / Activities

creation and theatre tour spectacles to promote actors of different ages and cultures .
- Organization of research workshops and theatrical formation in the diadvantaged quarters in France and abroad.
-an internet site edition and seminars review of the formation among cultures .

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicolas Bertrand
Head of the organisation
Sylvie Fontaneau

REMU Association ( euro mediterranean academics network)

National Network

Cellule Europe, Université de Cergy-Pontoise,33 boulevard du port 95011 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex

0033 (0) 1 34 25 63 29
Telephone (other)
0033 (0) 1 34 25 60 05
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Association gathering the euro-Mediterranean academics and students. The resources of the association depend on the subsidies obtained for the total of our projects. After several meetings (conferences, teaching exchanges) the university representatifs expressed their will to support and improve the dialogue between euro-Mediterranean youth by using spaces of division and exchanges. These reflexions led to the first meeting of “100 youth of euro-Mediterranean space”, in March 2005, in Cergy-Pontoise. This event led to the creation of the association “REMU” (Network Mediterranean euro of academics), actively supported by the university of Cergy-Pontoise.
Mission and Objectives

It's about making a cooperation among universities between the two rivers of the Mediterranean , in the spirit of Barcelona declaration .
The following charter defines the association's objectives :
.To organize exchanges of teachers and students between the universities members.
• To create groups of research in which students are associated
• Organizing scientific conferences related to the social and the political institutional transformations,which interests the societies of the two river's countries .
• Organizing a periodic meeting of students and professors to contribute to the development of the relations between the two river's youth.

Main Projects / Activities

- professors exchange with Tangier and in Amman,
- December 2005, participation of two youth of the association in the workshops of EuroMed youth in Naples organized by the Mediterranean and the Anna Lindh Foundation,
- in February 2006, presentation of the association's projects to the Congress of Algiers “the North-South dialogue on the Mediterranean” organized by the MEI.
- Organizing a new meeting of “100 youth of euro-Mediterranean space”, spring 2006 in Casablanca,
- Creation of “the Mediterranean's house”, place of meetings and reflexion between euro-Mediterranean youth and academics .

Contact (1) Full Name
Mathilde Bégrand
Head of the organisation
Jean-Paul Chagnollaud
Contact (2) Full Name
Florence Staub

Al Boughaz

National Network

Rue Adolfo Fesser - California

212 (0) 39 937564
Telephone (other)
212 (0) 39 940228
212 (0) 39 935893
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
212 (0) 61 407567
Mobile Phone (other)
212 (0) 62 151256
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1 - Committee of 15 members. Active members 50. Members of support in Tangier, in Morocco and abroad (France, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Canada, the USA,…) . 2. Available annual budget : none. no official subsidies , neither local nor foreign 3 - Sources of funding: members contributions (120 MAD approx.10 euros per year and per member) 4 - Annual traditional activities : Targeted guided tours (J.M. of the ardre, J.M. environment, visitors of the city, VIP) - Annual Distribution of prize to the best students, in all states, and in the educational levels - Conferences, seminars, round tables,… Rehabilitation of the site monuments, elimination of illiteracy. 5 - Leader of a network of about 30 associations in Tangier. Conventions of partnership: ONEP (Reduction) - COSPE (Italy) - Instituto Cervantes - French Institute of North - ENSAT.
Mission and Objectives

To promote Tangier, mythical city, symbol of conviviality and tolerance, to rehabilitate its true identity and to contribute to its development in all the fields, and to constitute Al Boughaz principal objectif .
The association's aim is to implement all kind of cultural and social activities , to lead the conception and the organisation of festivals ,congresses and seminars ,with cultural , artistic, sportif , economic and social caracter, to assist and support every human and charity movement , the objectif of the association is non political and respect the freedom of confession and worship.

Main Projects / Activities

? scientific and cultural Conferences and seminars :
? various Cultural activities
? Social actions
? Actions for preservation of Tangier's heritage .
? Traditional annual Activities ( 2005 Program )

Contact (1) Full Name
Al Boughaz
Head of the organisation
Rachid Taferssiti
Contact (2) Full Name
Lotfi Chraibi

Chouala association for education and culture

National Network

B-P 5530 Attakadoum hay Mohammadi casablanca –Maroc 20375

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

1- Chouala association is a non-governmental organization , who acquired a public utility by the decree n°2-02-573, and also a national association of a network which gathers 72 sections in the Morocco regions . 2- The budgetary ressources availabe per year: contribution of the members - subsidy of Ministry of Youth - subsidy of communal Council of Casablanca 3 - sources of financing: - national partnership and projects and Mediterranean -donations 4 - methods of action: - identification of the projects (objective - population target- partners - precision of the incoming results-budget - construction of the followed team - preparation of convention cadre - mediatization - evaluation…) - 5 - association partners Ministry of Youth + Ministry of National Education + Ministry of the Culture.

Mission and Objectives

Chouala association of education and culture was created on the 17th of April 1975 in Casablanca in the popular district of Hay Mohammedi . The creation of the association had been an initiative for the response of the the childhood and disadvantaged youth of the popular districts . The association had fixed as mission the action for the citizenship education , the democracy , the youth and the childhood rights , the promotion of the authentic Moroccan culture in its local and universal dimensions , the education , the protection of the global enviromnent , the development which aims to the improvement of the level and the quality of life of the disadvantaged populations .

Main Projects / Activities

For the execution of its mission, Chouala association adopted a group of axes of work which responds to its capacities of intervention and the needs of its populations: Pedagogic and cultural animation in the houses of young people and open spaces . Organization of the vacation camps to children and youth inside and outside Morocco . Organization of cultural meetings, Conferences, Festivals, seminars, cinematographic activities , theatre, musics ; setting up partnerships with the ministries, the national and international organizations to practice development programs in the educational, social and environmental fields . Organization of trainees in various fields in the profit of association members as well as partners; . Fight against illiteracy and poverty; . Publication of a review (Chouala) and a series of books capitalizing the activities of the association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelhamid Labbilta
Head of the organisation
Abdelmaksoud Rachdi
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammadi Benbouzid

Association of research in intercultural communication (ARCI)

National Network

B.P 8842 Agdal

061 305307
Telephone (other)
037 712500
037 768656
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
061 305307
Mobile Phone (other)
061 372078
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Research
General Information
- 5 members - no available resources . - partnership convention. - research projects , actions , seminars . - premature, CIDOB, ONA, BCP foundation
Mission and Objectives

- To develop partnership relations in intercultural matter
- to carry out research projects, activities of intercultural matter .

Main Projects / Activities

- The Mroc-seen by youth.
- Morocco and the world youth perspectives
- the image of Spain
- what will do the young Marocains leaders with the actuel Morocco and with its future .

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Affaya
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Affaya
Contact (2) Full Name
Driss Guerraoui

GERERE: Group of Studies and Research on Renewable Energies and the Environment

National Network

À l'IAV Hassan II. BP 6202

+ (212.37) 77 74 43
Telephone (other)
+ (212.37) 56 32 11
+ (212.37) 77 58 45
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ (212.61) 23 34 34
Mobile Phone (other)
+ (212.66) 14 25 84
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Research
General Information
1. NGO , scientific non-profit association , board of 7 renewable members every each 3 years . . About 70 members . . Variable ressources , according to the treated projects. . Projects financed by the IO ( FEM , PNUE, PNUD ) , the bilateral cooperation ( JICA, GTZ,.. ) or the state ( Department of the energy and the environment , state offices ,..) 4. Formation , information , sensitization , R&D , seminars , conferences , publications ,.. 5. The universities , the departments of the energy and the environment . 6. NGO strongly involved in the question of the climatic changes , in the national and international level , ( members of Climate Action Network) , licensed at the CCNUCC.
Mission and Objectives

1. Development of renewable energies by the formation, the R&D, information and sensitizing .
2. Research action for the protection of the environment and the sustainable development.
3. R&D, action for the attenuation of the impacts of the climatic changes and adaptation to these impacts .

Main Projects / Activities

1. Formation and information ( seminars , conferences ,ect..)
2. Publication of documents of sciences and technology dispersion related to the
renewable energies, to the environment and to climatic changes .
3. Elaboration of technical reports on these questions ( studies )
4. R&D

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelkrim Bennani
Head of the organisation
Faouzi Senhaji
Contact (2) Full Name
Ali Agoumi