
National Network

Alfonso XI Street, nº 6
11207 Algeciras

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
We are an nonprofit association of young innovative entrepreneurs, founded in June 2012. We have a vertical and flexible organization structure: a Board of Directors -including President, Vicepresident, Secretary and Treasurer- and a multidisciplinary staff of, actually, 35 members. We also have partnerships with other various local and regional institutions (public and private). Innovatlas has an annual budget of 2.000-2.500€ (euros) approx., which consists solely in monthly member fees, contributions and donations. With this amount, we organize so many seminars, courses and events for people who are interested in technological innovation and entrepreneurship. We are proud to say that all Innovatlas members are 100% involved in the organization's projects and activities. Furthermore, we also have the support of important specialized institutions and university organizations to increase the quality and excellence of these projects and activities.
Mission and Objectives

Innovatlas boosts the entrepreneurship spirit and the social, business, economic and cultural promotion of the innovation in entrepreneurial culture -specially among young people-, focusing on the field of new technologies and their practical applications.
Furthermore, Innovatlas provides the necessary knowledge and the technical or logistic support to the partner's projects. 
But our most important mission -which is included in our association statutes as a basis and fundament- is strengthen relationships with organizations and institutions of the Strait of Gibraltar, this is: North of Morocco, Gibraltar Countryside and Gibraltar.

Main Projects / Activities

To achieve our goals, our activities consists in projecting collaborative entrepreneurial initiatives, organization of forums, conferences, seminars, meetings and training courses. We also celebrate partnerships with institutions and organizations which share the goals of Innovatlas.
A characteristic examples of our projects are a provincial collaboration in the organization of a two monthly well-known meetings called No More Suits and  Betabeers, where people shows their projects or ideas and seeks for advices from people with a recognized reputation in their specialties. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

About our contribution as a nonprofit entity with an foundational goal of creating an ecosystem of entrepreneurs -including all stakeholders related to the own venture of spanish and moroccan communities-, we have a special interest in promoting good business practices, knowledge management and innovation generation projects, specially in the form of social entrepreneurship and cooperation. For this purpose, we use all our specialized experience, knowledge and education in an entrepreneurial scope.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think we have a lot to offer, particularly in areas related to entrepreneurship, business, technological innovation and specialized training. And, definitely, we think our adherence to Anna Lindh Foundation Network constitutes the final step in our goal of knowledge, cooperation and creation of an entrepreneurial culture in common with other member institutions of the Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aitor Calle García
Job Title
President of Innovatlas
Head of the organisation
Aitor Calle García
Contact (2) Full Name
José Antonio Racero Quiñones
Job Title (2)
Treasurer of Innovatlas

Jaunatnes starptautisko programmu aģentūra (JSPA) - Agency of International Programs for Youth

National Network

Mukusalas street 41
Riga, LV-1050

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Agency for International Programs for Youth was appointed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs since ALF inception and since then has been regularly re-elected by members. The coordination of the Network in Latvia is carried out by the Agency for International Programs for Youth, a state agency overseen by the Ministry of Education and Science. Agency has the objective to promote youth activity and mobility in voluntary youth work, youth non-formal education and youth information programs and projects, and to promote youth non-formal education in connection with lifelong education. It coordinates the implementation of the EU non-formal education program "Erasmus+" in Latvia and offers possibility for youth to write and carry out projects. Agency is spreading information about opportunities for youth in Europe and enables exchange of experience. To date, the majority of members of the Latvian Network  mainly worksin the field of youth, arts, culture, etc. The Foundation provides logistical and operational support to the National Network in Latvia through the Network Strategic Development Scheme (NSDS). Under the Resources column on the right you can find important documents for the Network, such as: the recently concluded Step 4, Network Internal Rules, Members List and Member Survey Results 2010.
Mission and Objectives

Agency gives possibility for youth to write projects, spreads interesting and useful information for youth about their possibilities in Europe, supports exchange of experience and ensures consultations about project writing.

Main Projects / Activities

It coordinates the implementation of the EU non-formal education program "Erasmus+" in Latvia and offers possibility for youth to write and carry out projects. Agency is spreading information about opportunities for youth in Europe and enables exchange of experience.
There is great diversity of different activities organized by ALF Latvian Network which let Latvian society to face and experience intercultural dialogue within EuroMed region; moreover most of the activities are focusing on potential future cooperation in the field of culture, media, youth and education. - See more at:

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms.Vladislava Šķēle
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Ms. Vladislava Skele/ Daina Sproge

Euro-Mediterranean University Institute of Malta

National Network

Campus Malta: (Location to be confirmed by the EMUI_Social Council)
Campus Madrid: EMUI_Complutense University - San Bernardo 49 - E 28015 Madrid (Spain)

+34 647 73 44 21
Telephone (other)
+34 91 394 6625, 6623
+34 91 394 6608
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
It is our intention that the EMUI_Malta becomes a Euro-Mediterranean academic center that can offer Degrees Studies of the universities and research institutions of the Consortium. We are going to work in the framework of the European Union, the Maghreb and Middle East. The provisional model we intend to be is a Tuition Centre, just like our main partner in Malta, the London School of Economics and Political Science. In the close future, the EMUI intends to formally become a Public and International University, as originally planned and recognized by the Anna Lindh Foundation. SOCIAL COUNCIL The Board / Social Council is as well composed of representatives with strong experience in public and private institutions, which will assume political, economical or academic responsibility in the EMUI. The constitution of the Board / Social Council must contemplate a tripartite composition: From the political side, a representation of the Malta Government, the Malta Parliament and the European Commission Representation in Malta, as well as the diplomatic corps accredited in the Republic of Malta. As far as concerns the academic composition will also "ex officio" members: the representative of EMUI, the University of Malta and two rotating members of the universities that offer degrees from the Tuition Centre. - Acting President: PhD. Jesús Martín-Sanz, Director of the International Consulting AUREN, President of AEDHE, Vicepresident CEIM-CEOE - Members ad personam: H.E. Dr. Edward Fenech Adami Former President of the Republic of Malta Prof. Dr. Josep Borrell-Fontelles Former President of the European Parliament Prof. José María Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado Former President of the European Parliament Prof. Dr. Luis González-Seara Former EMUI_President & Former Minister of Universities and Knowledge Prof. Dr. Guido de Marco Former President of the Republic of Malta Prof. Dr. José Vidal-Beneyto (†) Ex-Directeur du Collège des Hautes Études Èuropéennes „Miguel Servet“(Paris) DIRECTION COUNCIL - Rector: Prof. Dr. Román Reyes, EMUI_Malta - Complutense University of Madrid - Pro-Rectors: Prof. Dr. Massimiliano Guderzo, Università di Firenze Prof. Dr. Karin Lohr, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Prof. Dr. Mariano Longo, Università del Salento - General Coordinator: PhD. Borja Fontalva, EMUI_Malta – Complutense University of Madrid - Secretary-General: PhD. Marta Vignola, Università del Salento   ACADEMIC & RESEARCH COUNCIL The Scientific Committee is composed of academic representatives of each university and research centre of the Consortium as well as relevant persons of the academical and political (European and Mediterranean) world. The Presidency of the Academic Council will rotate and will be assumed by one of the Rectors of the Universities of the Consortium that offer their own qualifications / studies from the EMUI_Malta.
Mission and Objectives

1. To develop teaching and research quality programs focused on the European Union and its projection upon the Mediterranean Area.
2. To form professionals in every area of punctual interest for European and Euro-Mediterranean institutions. These professionals will meet the standards of quality set by social, political and economic sectors involved.
3. To offer programs of continuous education for updating knowledge and basic skills of the above referred professionals.
4. To foster the spreading of results through specialized media. There will be also a presence in general media, according to the interests of their users.
5. To draw up proposals of continuous education through courses, seminars or conferences that will be available to any citizen, with the purpose of guaranteeing accurate and critical information on the ongoing development of the EU, particularly in relation to Mediterranean issues.
6. To advise public and private institutions on the aforementioned issues. Consultant panels will be set up to pursue this goal.
7. To set up institutional teaching and research networks, with or without extra-communitarian partners, in order to improve the spreading of results. It will be also be a target to establish partnerships with other institutions in order to create local, regional or communitarian programs to be developed at the affected geopolitical areas.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Graduate Studies
Diploma in Euro-Mediterranean Relations and Cooperation
Master in European Union and Mediterranean
Master in EuroMed: Information and Knowledge Society
Master in Advanced Studies on Islam in the European Contemporary Society
2. Postgraduate Studies
Advanced Diploma in EuroMediterranean Studies – ADEMS
Doctorate in EuroMediterranean Studies
3. Pre- & Postdoctoral Fellowship
Fellowship Award Program
Externally Funded Fellowship
4. Research Projects
Research Team THEORIA | In Partnership
Research Projects on the Mediterranean Area
Summer Grants
Symposia and Conferences
EuroMediterranean Documentation Centre
5. Lifelong Learning Programme

Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Roman Reyes, Rector

mouvement vert

National Network

cite du 20 aout bt c2 cage 01 numero 01
tizi ouzou

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

L’association Mouvement Vert a pour but de :
Entreprendre, promouvoir et sensibiliser à toute action d’animation, et de soutien encourageant la protection de l’environnement dans la société, la recherche, la création, et l’éducation écologistes. L’organisation de regroupements et de manifestations de formations éducatives, sportives et culturelles pour vulgariser les principes de l’écologie et la protection de l’environnement,
Militer pour l’amélioration du cadre de vie dans toutes ses dimensions,
Œuvrer pour la protection de la faune et la flore
Promouvoir toutes les formes du développement durable.
L’objectif phare de l’association est celui de travailler pour la mise en place et la structuration d’un réseau afro-méditerranéen.

Main Projects / Activities

Militer pour l’amélioration du cadre de vie dans toutes ses dimensions,
Œuvrer pour la protection de la faune et la flore
Promouvoir toutes les formes du développement durable.
L’objectif phare de l’association est celui de travailler pour la

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
meftah samir
Head of the organisation
zenine tarik
Contact (2) Full Name
ait menguellet makhlouf

Association Culturelle ANDALOUSSIA ( Cultural Association ANDALOUSSIA)

National Network

10 Avenue du 20 Août 1955

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Chair in Constantine . Small training classes . Total : 120 m?. 1 president and 7 staff members. 18930.00 DA. - Donations , contributions , subsidies , artistic activity . - World festival of youth in Barcelona 2004. - World festival of youth 2006 of Unesco in Stuttgart. - Organization of the world festival of earth 2205 in Algeria by our association . -The Wilahya of Constantine ,APW Constantine,APC Constantine, the cultural administration , private partners .
Mission and Objectives

1- Many actions for the presentation of the cultural and musical heritage .
2- Development of exchange actions , in particular by catching knowledge of the reciprocal experiences in the cultural , musical , theatre fields and traditional dance with other people .
3- to encourage the scientific research having as field the musical arts , choreography and high arts through history .

Main Projects / Activities

Creation of the research school and training on the traditional music Arabo-Andalous in Constantine .
Training , research , safeguard of the Arabo andalous musical heritage

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
AMMARI Lynda Kahina

association des activites de jeunes tafthilt Iadnanene Feraoun

National Network

BP N 29 BIS Feraoun 06033 Bejaia Algerie

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
• Structure de l'organisation, nombre de membres de l'équipe et/ou des partenaires : 11 membres, 150 adhérant le partenaire APC Feraoun, DJS Bejaia, • Sources de financement : Les cotisations des membres et d’adhérant, subvention, aide d’APC et les individus (bénévolat) Modalités d'action (projets concrets, échanges, séminaires, bourses, etc.) : Réalisation d’un projet médiathèque, conférences débat sur les différentes thématiques (sante, environnement, et socioculturelle) et des actions de volontariat pour protéger l’environnement, action de sensibilisation et d’aides au jeunes… travail dans le projet échec scolaire ….. • Partenaires principaux associés aux projets/activités de l'organisme Partenaria avec L’apc de Feraoun, DJS APW de Bejaia.
Mission and Objectives

Animation de jeunes, protéger et sensibiliser la société, orienter et aider les jeunes et les enfants et les femmes au foyer

Main Projects / Activities

midiatheque ( bebilotheque salle informatique ( de 2010 a ce jour)
projet sur l'echec scolaire 2008-2011
Serie de conferances :
Citoyenneté et nationalité, la religion dans la société algérienne,
L’intoxication alimentaire ……

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

proposer des idees , ralisation de projets

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Inscrire l'association dans un réseau actif dans le réseau FAL, rencontre des associations nationales et international, déclencher le partenariat avec différentes association, réalisation des projets avec la fondation FAL.

Contact (1) Full Name
kasmi djamaa
Head of the organisation
Kasmi Djamaa
Contact (2) Full Name
mouhoubi elyes

Israel Adult Education Association (IAEA)

National Network
+972 3 6359220-1
Telephone (other)
+972 8 9714229
+972 3 6359232
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 52 5785508
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 52 2605604
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
IAEA is a non-profit national organization, representing the field of lifelong learning in Israel with the emphasis on the adult segment. Three employees and lots of volonteers. Sources of funding are twofold: government allocation and self administered projects. Modalities of action: concrete projects. International involvement with the emphasis on Europe. Training seminars. Publications. Interest networks. Main partners: Government ministries and related departments. Civil Society organizations. Private Sector corporations.
Mission and Objectives

IAEA strives to promote the idea of a learning society in Israel, a society that implements all available resources for enriched learning, literacy, and individual advancement among all strata of the population.
The goals are: (1) Promoting and developing Learning Cititrs and Communities.
(2) Preparing and disseminating a National policy for the Learning Society.
(3) Developing international relations and international cooperation, with the emphasis on Europe.
(4) Building a database, planning and researching lifelong learning in Israel and throughout the world.

Main Projects / Activities

(a) Teaching of Hebrew to Ethiopian immigrants. (b) Training immigrants for employability. (c) Evaluating ongoing training projects for immigrants.(d) Devoloping and implementing Learning Cities and Communities in a sample of cities.
(e) Preparing teaching/learning modules for the professional development of workers for the Learning Society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Eitan israeli
Head of the organisation
Dr. Eitan Israeli, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Orna Mager

Information and Nature Conservation Foundation (INCF)

National Network

65 Postoyanstvo Str. , bl. 260 , entr. A, ap. 12
Sofia 1111

+ 359 2 872 14 83
Telephone (other)
+ 359 2 871 86 17
+ 359 2 872 14 83
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 359 899 817 204
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 359 887 214 858
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information
INCF has one full time Executive Director, three non-paid experts members of the management Board, 3 part time assistants and dozens of freelance experts hired on short term contracts on specific assignments. The Foundation works with funding mainly from international sources: the European Foundation PAN Parks; N.H.Hardner Foundation (USA); CANON Europe, UNDP, USAID, SIETAR Europa and some frоm national institutions such as the Ministry of Environment and Waters. In the last year the turnover of the Foundation increased to more than 68 000 Euro. INCF works in partnership with municipalities, governmental organizations, NGOs, private business for projects development and implementation in the thematic areas listed below. We work on projects realisation, events management; workshops, trainingс and study tours organization and implementation, etc.
Mission and Objectives

The INCF works in benefit of local communities` capacity building; civil society development; improvement of communication between cultures, people and institutions; information sharing and creation of a new communication culture in the Bulgarian society able to understand, adopt and implement contemporary civil practices and nature protection and biodiversity conservation.

Main Projects / Activities

Our goals are:
∙ Study and preserve the Bulgarian cultural traditions; help foreigners orient and adapt to Bulgarian cultural traditions through consultations and trainings;
- Study and protect the biodiversity through sustainable development of Bulgaria’s rural areas, implementing standards for environmentally sound practices for natural resources management;
∙ Capacity building of local communities and different social groups for use of new information technologies and nature conservation practices;
∙ Support institutions in introduction and implementation of national, EC and international legal and political instruments concerning the landscape and biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.
∙ Bulgarian culture trainings and consultations
∙ Biodiversity resources assessment, conservation and sustainable use; agro-ecology; protected areas management
∙ Public awareness and communications, capacity building and networking
∙ Education and training
- Sustainable nature based tourism development
Information for recent projects may find in the attached file.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Svetlana Aladjem
Head of the organisation
Mr. Vladimir Galabov
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Dimitrina Boteva

Sand Glass Foundation

National Network

14, Luben Karavelov str.

+359 2 8708066
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The organization operates with highly skilled professional team. The staff is composed of 2 employe with the following qualifications: landscape architects and ecologist. Budgetary resources in a year: 15 000 euro Sources of funding: Youth in Action Programmme, local government, local fundings Actions: seminars, concerts, reserches Partners: Sand glass foundation cooperates with number of institutional and voluntary organizations in Bulgaria and abroad – local councils (Sofia city Council, municipalities), regional authorities (Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water – Sofia, Ministry of Environment and Water, Bulgaria), universities (University of Architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, Sofia; University of Forestry, Sofia; University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, faculty of Mass Communication and Journalism) and NGOs. It is the initiator and Bulgarian coordinator of the European Network of Eco-Youth – ENEY.
Mission and Objectives

“Sand-Glass” foundation was created in 2004 to popularize the idea of “Green cities”, sustainable urban management and development. The organization stimulates the social engagement, the mind change and the active civil society actions towards the problems in urban environment.

Main Projects / Activities

The Centennial Trees in the Centennial City. ( - The project aims to popularize the centennial trees in Sofia city as a natural heritage, to organize awareness-raising activities concerning the problems of the centennial trees within urban environment.
Contact making seminar “Youth Programme and the Ecology” - Within the seminar was discussed the establishment of a network of organizations working in the field of ecology - “European Network for Eco-Youth” (ENEY).

Contact (1) Full Name
Boyana Vasileva

St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo

National Network

2 Teodosii Turnovski str.
5003, Veliko Turnovo

+359 62 618 247
+359 62 65 85 05
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo was established as a higher institution of education in 1963.In 1971 the Institute became the first full-fledged Bulgarian university outside the country's present capital. The University offers BA and MA degrees in about 64 fields of study.It currently employs over 500 lecturing staff and about 200 emploees. The University has over 100 Bilateral agreements under the LLP Erasmus Programme wiht universities from 24 countries. The university is involved in numerous european programmes and projects.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University is to educate its students as responsible citizens in the spirit of European integration and the highest civic values. The University is committed to training highly competent and competitive specialists in about 64 fields of study.

Main Projects / Activities

Longlife Learning Programme / Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundwig, Comenius/, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus

Contact (1) Full Name
Assoc. Prof. Bagreliya Borissova, PhD
Head of the organisation
Prof. Plamen Legkostup, Dr. Habil, Rector
Contact (2) Full Name
Assoc. Prof. Milen Mihov, PhD