Musicians without Borders

National Network

Tolhuisweg 1
1031CL Amsterdam

+31 20 330 5012
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Musicians without Borders (MwB), established in 1999, is a global network organization using the power of music for healing and reconciliation in areas torn by war and conflict. Musicians without Borders develops projects in response to local needs and in cooperation with local musicians and civil society organizations. Successful projects are used to develop models, methodologies and trainings suitable for use in other regions. Musicians without Borders has developed and implemented projects, presented and participated in conferences and music festivals, published repertoire and methodologies, and built a network of musicians and music organizations, all focused on the untapped power of music for healing, reconciliation and building tolerance where war and conflict have left people isolated, divided and in despair.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Using the power of music for healing and reconcilliation.
1)Develop and implement innovative pilot projects for musicians worldwide that bridge differences of culture, ethnicity, ideology and politics;
2)Organize international events to promote our mission;
3)Produce repertoire and teaching methodologies to develop music and social skills in children, adults, teach teamwork and connect across cultural boundaries;
4)Collect used instruments and give them to refugee musicians, music projects and schools in conflict areas ;

Main Projects / Activities

Community Music & Health (Uganda) – Training youth leaders to use music to address the effects of HIV in young people.
Welcome Notes (The Netherlands) – Bringing comfort, solidarity and hope to war refugees through music.
Soy Música (El Salvador) – Together with Salvadoran music teachers and community leaders, we share tools to provide at-risk children with experiences of safety, inclusion, creativity and joy.
Mitrovica Rock School – In post-war Kosovo, aspiring young rock stars meet across divides at the Mitrovica Rock School, where it’s all about the music.
Palestine Community Music – Training youth and young professionals to bring music to marginalized children in West Bank refugee camps, villages, schools, hospitals and orphanages.
Rwanda Youth Music – Introducing music therapy, training and community music activities to empower youth and children affected by HIV/AIDS.
Music Bridge – Bridging divides in Northern Ireland with community music training and activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Hassler
Head of the organisation
Laura Hassler

Libertas International

National Network

Netherlands, Leiden, 2312 WJ, Clarensteeg 6

0031 6 23 23 65 80
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Funding: we don't have any permanent source of funding - we're applying to different foundations and getting financial assistance for the project (or not getting if our applications are rejected). We don't have any paid staff - we work voluntarily. The Board: the Board consists of 2 persons. The activities: trainings, youth exchanges, campaigns for human rights; special projects on the topics we feel important. Partners: we have branches in several European countries, in South Africa and in Philippines. Partners - we don't have permanent partners but for different projects we often collaborate with different organization - mostly non-governmental
Mission and Objectives

The Mission: contribution to the establishment of equality (first of all - gender and national).
Objectives: intercultural education of young people, the promotion of the idea of positiveness of cultural diversity, the protection of human rights (especially in cases when the violation of human rights was the concequence of non-accepting cultural diversity)

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects:
youth exchanges and training courses within the program of Youth in Action
the campaign in the field of HIV prevention in South Africa
the project on the development of women's rights education in Africa
organizing a consultation for pregnant women in Philippines
research activity

Contact (1) Full Name
Kristina Bouree
Head of the organisation
Kristina Bouree
Contact (2) Full Name
Christina Juan Carrion

France Volontaires

National Network

B.P. 50 Nouakchott - ZRB n°69 Tevragh Zeina

(00 222) 45 25 34 79
Telephone (other)
(00 222) 45 25 70 53
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
(00 222) 46 41 69 40
Mobile Phone (other)
00 222) 22 42 58 76
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Le 1er octobre 2009, l’Association Française des Volontaires du Progrès - AFVP, créée en 1963, est devenue France Volontaires, à l’initiative des pouvoirs publics et du monde associatif. Poursuivant la mission d’envoi de Volontaires de Solidarité Internationale de l’AFVP, France Volontaires se voit dotée d’une nouvelle mission d’intérêt général, à savoir contribuer au développement qualitatif et quantitatif des différentes formes d’engagement volontaire et solidaire à l’international, les Volontariats Internationaux d’Echange et de Solidarité. les ressources budgétaires annuelles sont de plus de 20.000.000 €. La principale subvention vient du MAEE de l'atat français.
Mission and Objectives

France Volontaires est une association d’envoi de Volontaires de Solidarité Internationale qui assure des missions d’intérêt général
- Informer : sur les diverses formes possibles d’engagement volontaire et solidaire dans les pays en développement, sur les conditions et modalités de séjours ou de missions dans les différents pays.
- Orienter : les personnes en fonction de leur profil, disponibilité, expérience, offre de compétences, engagement associatif, vers l’une ou l’autre « famille » de V.I.E.S. ou vers des engagements au niveau national, voire européen.
- Valoriser : Accroître la notoriété et la reconnaissance des différentes formes de volontariat et d’engagement volontaire dans la société française ainsi que dans les pays d’accueil
- Innover : développer une culture de l’innovation au sein des différentes familles de V.I.E.S. étudier la faisabilité d’un label qualité
- Animer : faciliter la mise en réseau des acteurs des V.I.E.S. et favoriser le développement de leurs capacités opérationnelles, en lien avec les collectivités territoriales, les institutions étatiques, les politiques publiques… animer un Observatoire de l’Engagement Volontaire et Solidaire à l’International
- Appuyer : dans les pays d’accueil, créer un Réseau d’Espaces Volontariats dédiés à l’accueil, l’information, la formation des Volontaires, l’échange de pratiques…
en France, favoriser le développement de dispositifs de formation, d’information, de réinsertion…
Toutes ces missions sont spécifiées dans le Contrat d’Objectifs et de Moyens signé entre France Volontaires et le Secrétariat d’Etat chargé de la Coopération et de la Francophonie en janvier 2010, ainsi que dans le projet associatif du 28 juin 2011.

Main Projects / Activities

"France Volontaires", association déclarée conformément à la loi du 1er juillet 1901 relative au contrat d’association, a pour objet de promouvoir et de développer les différentes formes d’engagements relevant des Volontariats Internationaux d’Echange et de Solidarité (VIES) et de contribuer à leur mise en oeuvre. Ce projet s’exprime dans le respect des valeurs énoncées dans la charte commune à laquelle adhèrent les organismes d’envoi de volontaires et les volontaires eux-mêmes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons contribuer au réseau par la participation à toutes les activités et en mettant en disposition notre expérience dans le domaine de l'engagement citoyen.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Rejoindre FAL afin de contribuer au développement et à l'engagement citoyen au niveau la méditerrannéen.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Citoyennes et Citoyens Debout

National Network

Nouakchott, BP 1976 Mauritanie

00222 22 61 33 86
Telephone (other)
00222 46 97 89 18
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00222 22 61 33 86
Mobile Phone (other)
00222 46 97 89 18
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
organisation composée de 20 membres essentiellement des jeunes pluridisciplinaires et aayant un objectif commun ressources proviennent des cotisations et des financement des partenaires: budgetannuel de 33 000 dollars partenaires: NDI Bureau du haut commesariat des antions uniespour les droits humains Volontaiares des nantions unies
Mission and Objectives

Citoyennes et Citoyens Debout est une organisation non gouvernementale de promotion de la culture de la citoyenneté et des droits humains, créée en 2008. Elle est animée par une équipe pluridisciplinaire, composée de sociologues, de juristes, d’environnementalistes et de spécialistes en économie de développement et de communication.
Contribuer  à l’édification de la culture des droits humains à travers l’éducation et la diffusion de l’information
Favoriser l’ancrage d’une citoyenneté active à travers l’habilitation des titulaires de droits (notamment les personnes défavorisées et les discriminées) dans la réclamation légale de leurs droits aux détenteurs d’obligations
Soutenir la construction d’une nation mauritanienne égalitaire et non discriminatoire où prime la règle de droit et la justice sociale

Main Projects / Activities

Organisation d’une rencontre avec des jeunes Mauritaniens pour réfléchir sur l’avenir de la Mauritanie pour les 50 prochaines années   en faisant la rétrospective du bilan de 50 ans passés.
Conduite d’une campagne de plaidoyer et de lobbying  sur la loi de la libéralisation des ondes
Conduite d’un diagnostic des associations communautaires de base de la commune de Sebkha pour préparer des sessions de formation et de sensibilisation sur les droits humains
Organisation d’une session de formation sur les droits humains et le développement avec les acteurs sociaux et humanitaires intervenant dans la Commune de Sebkha
Commémoration des soixante deuxième anniversaires de la déclaration universelle des Droits de l’Homme
Organisation des forums de dialogue entre élus  des communes de sebkha,Elimna, Riyad et Arafat  et jeunes
Organisation d’une mission desensibilisation à Rosso, sur la loi incriminant l’esclavage
Organisation d’un Forum sur  le thème ; «   Femmes Volontaires et les  OMD » dans les quartiers périphérique

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

notre contribution au résaeu de notre pays peut se faire à travers les projets que nous developpons et mettons en oeuvre dans le pays

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour diversiefier notre partenairaiat et faire valoir notre vision du développement dans le monde.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Madina Athie
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdoulaye Doudodu Sarr

IPCRI – Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information

National Network

P.O. Box 9321
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
IPCRI is registered as an NGO and a not-for-profit public institute in the State of Israel, the Palestinian Authority and the United States. IPCRI is government by a Board of Directors of 16 members (8 Israelis and 8 Palestinians) with 2 co-chairmen.  IPCRI is managed by 2 Co-CEOs – 1 Israeli, 1 Palestinian.  IPCRI’s budget in 2006 is $450,000, (2005 - $650,000; 2004: $1.4 million).  Most funding comes from foreign governments and some foundations. IPCRI has 3 main departments: Strategic Affairs Unit, Water & Environment Department, Peace Education Department. IPCRI runs and Israeli-Palestinian meetings for professional groups, undertakes research, organized conferences, and publishes books and policy papers
Mission and Objectives

IPCRI is a joint institution of Israelis and Palestinian dedicated to the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of the “two-states for two peoples” solution.
IPCRI seeks to serve as an intellectual platform based on Israelis and Palestinians (and others) for the purpose of creating and developing new concepts, ideas and conceptions that enrich the political and public discourse in order to influence decision makers.
IPCRI works to create mutual understandings of the cultures and the religions in the region. We must focus our attention to creating common spaces for shared values and for learning to appreciate the differences that enrich our societies.
IPCRI is an institution with influence – Israeli, Palestinian and international political leaders want to hear what IPCRI has to say.  IPCRI has access to the highest level decision makers in the region and policy papers end up on their desks for discussion and follow-up.

Main Projects / Activities

Strategic Affairs Unit
• Strategic Thinking and Analysis Team (STAT)
• Economic working group
• Jerusalem working group
• Public dialogue forum
• Human rights campaigns
Environment & Water
• Water working group
• Environment working group
• Wadi Gaza conflict assessment
Peace Education
• Regional peace education community meetings•

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Gershon Baskin
Head of the organisation
Dr. Gershon Baskin and Mr. Hanna Siniora – Co-CEOs
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Hanna Siniora


National Network

Roser 95
08002 Barcelona Barcelona

+34 935 53 58 40
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

eco-union is a not-for-profit and independent multidisciplinary association which bring together change makers with a common interest of environment and sustainable development. We have funding from our members (1/3), public administration (1/3) and private organizations (1/3). 2010 budget: 150.000 euros (aprox.) Staff: 3 full time, 4 part time, 5-10 volunteers part-time. Min office in Barcelona, second office in Malaga, Spain

Mission and Objectives

eco-union worked for the promotion of environmental values, within all sectors of the society (Local Authorities; Businesses; Professionals; Associations & Foundations; Citizens), It´s aim to be an agent of change, supporting and educating citizens, enabling them to form constructive and critical opinions about environmental management and sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

- on-line courses for Sustainability - Global Eco Forum, an international event around sustainability in the Euro-Med region - eco-Consulting, enabling the transformation of organization towards sustainability. - Awareness campaign on environmental challenges such as climate change, eco-mobility and energy efficiency.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jeremie Fosse
Head of the organisation
Jeremie Fosse

Arab-European Center of Human Rights and International Law

National Network

Syria-Edleeb almalkee street

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Arab-European Center of Human Rights and International Law 600 members, Directors’ Board 21 members is an independent agency. It was establishment by Mr. Aihan Jaf  in 2006. The main objectives of the center is to protects people at risk: refugees who flee persecution, victims of crimes against humanity such as war crimes and other serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law as well as  promote a human rights culture, particularly ensuring that higher standards of dignity and respect are applied to those in institutional care, for example children, the elderly and those in psychiatric care and persons with disabilities,  violation of the rights of  forced labour, women,  victims of discrimination, those whose rights are eroded in the name of national security, and human rights advocates who are targeted for defending the rights of others. The center care for political prisoners and defend people against forced disappearances.
Mission and Objectives

The center works to prevent violations against these groups and to seek justice and accountability for violations against them. 
The center seeks to defend, dignity, freedom, equality, solidarity and justice, the key values outlined in the International Announcement of Human Rights, also to make the public more aware of their rights by raising awareness and understanding through the media.
The center aims also to provide accurate and reliable information about human rights situation in general and particularly in the middle- east region to the international community.

Main Projects / Activities

see attachment

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
salah shameya

Tunisian Association for International Cultural Exchange (TAICE)

National Network

5, rue de séville rades meliane 2040 Tunisie

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
TAICE (Tunisian Association for International Cultural Exchange) is a non-profit organization which is independent from any political, religious, ethnic, or gender ideology. Situated in Tunis, TAICE is founded by a group of young Tunisians who cherish and seek to promote cultural exchange between Tunisia and the World. TAICE arranges special cultural events which provide opportunities for international students and expatriates to communicate and debate with Tunisian youth certain controversial issues, to come across various aspects of the Tunisian culture, language, and tradition, as well as to visit places and discover monuments of bygone civilizations. Our partners : DAAD Alumni der Studienstiftung Expo Lugha Pacha Hotel Internations SigCom
Mission and Objectives

By advancing cultural exchange and cooperation with other cultures, TAICE strives to attain its main goals :
• Enhancing mutual national and intercontinental understanding and friendship between the Tunisian people and the peoples around the world.
• Dismantling prejudices and stereotypes and accepting the Other through cross-cultural dialogue.
• Fostering an appreciation of Tunisian culture, language, customs, and traditions.

Main Projects / Activities

TAICE was created in September 2012.
• 26 September – 02 October 2012:
German-Tunisian cultural exchange.
• 12 February 2013:
Tunisian-Expatriates exchange (Tunisia before and after the revolution).
• 09 March 2013 :
Tunisian-International Student exchange (University and social life for African sub-Saharan students).
• 25 March 2013 :
Tunisian-Multinationals WSF exchange (Cultural characteristics of Tunisia: Carthage & Sidi Boussaid)
• 06 April 2013 :
Tunisian-Expatriate exchange (Tunisian Dialect: Linguistic Roots and Cultural Heritage)
• May 2013:
African Culture Day (Tunisians & Sub-Saharan Africans)
• 11 September 2013:
German-Tunisian cultural exchange (Act II).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

On aura tout le plaisir de participer aux projets du FAL au niveaux national et international , et ça sera un appui pour nous pour avancer plus professionnellement.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Notre programme de l'année 2014 comporte des projets au niveau national visant la catégorie jeune du pays dans différents secteurs , surtout le tourisme culturel.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hechem El Jed
Head of the organisation
Oussama Rezgui