Kunstverein Aalen e.V.

National Network

Marktplatz 4

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1.Gemeinnütziger Verein mit 8 Vorstands- Mitgliedern 2. ca. 40 000 € 3.Mitgliedsbeitäge, Sponsoren, Land Baden-Württemberg, Stadt Aalen 4.Ausstellungen, Führungen, Reisen, Workshops, Vorträge 5.Künstler, Kunstvereine, Galerien, Museen
Mission and Objectives

Kunst fördern und vermitteln

Main Projects / Activities

Kunstausstellungen, Führungen, Vorträge, Kunstfahrten

Contact (1) Full Name
Artur Elmer
Head of the organisation
Artur Elmer 1. Vorsitzender
Contact (2) Full Name
Herbert Zirkel

ELLINIKI ETAIREIA Hellenic Society for the Protection of the Environment and the Cultural Heritage

National Network

Tripodon 28 105 58

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation is governed by a 25-member Board of Directors. An executive committee comprising 7 members of the Board meets more frequently to decide on urgent issues. Six committees, the chairpersons of which are elected by the General Assembly, comprising of volunteers work on specific issues (environmental education, heritage, nature, legal issues, fundraising, communication etc). Ten paid staff are also employed. Annual budget around 900,000€. Sources of funding are donations, sponsorships, memberships, projects, sales of educational material, social events etc. The head office is owned by ELLINIKI ETAIREIA. There is a Branch Office in Thessaloniki and Local Committees across Greece (e.g. Xanthi, Spetses, Patmos, Corfu)
Mission and Objectives

To raise awareness on the values of the natural and cultural environment and promote the protection and rehabilitation of our heritage in both fields of nature and culture within the framework of sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

• Restoration of Byzantine monuments
• Protection of historical city centres (e.g. Plaka)
• Actions for protection of free spaces, parks and recreational areas in or outside cities (e.g. National Garden in Athens, Tatoi)
• Promotion of sustainable development in the Aegean Islands
• Legal actions
• Lobbying
• Participation in Management Agencies of Protected areas
• Environmental education programmes (e.g. “The river”, “The Nestos environmental train”)
• Biennial congresses on Environmental Education
• Series of lectures for the public (e.g. Water Framework Directive, protection of historical city centres)
• summer camps for youth
• scholarship for students in architecture
• workshops
• production of educational material
• adoption scheme for the Skyros horse

Contact (1) Full Name
Dimitrios Dimopoulos, Director
Head of the organisation
Costa Carras, President of the Board
Contact (2) Full Name
Lymberidi Vaso, Secretariat

Centre for Aegean Folklore and Musicological Studies (K.A.L.M.E.)

National Network

68-70, Kritis str.
142 31, Nea Ionia – Athens

+30 210 275 0844
+30 210 275 0844
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6932 384496
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6974 818967
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. Non-profit legal entity, acknowledged by the Greek Ministries of Finance and Culture. There are 5 members at the Administrative Council and around 50 active members participating in K.A.L.M.E.’s activities. The work is done mainly on a voluntary basis. 2. Members’ subscription, sales of publications, other funds. 3. Local Authorities, State funds, Private Companies, Artistic events paid by third parties. 4. Workshops, Seminars, Educational Projects, Recordings and Publications, Artistic Exchanges in Greece. 5. Various, such as the Foundation of the Greek Parliament for Parliamentary and Democracy, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Aegean, School Teachers’ Societies, Local Authorities, other Private or Public Foundations.
Mission and Objectives

Research, recording, studying and dissemination by any legal means of the Greek Traditional Culture of the Aegean islands and the Asia Minor area (coasts, Cappadokia, Pontos, Constantinople) on a national and worldwide level.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Artistic Groups: “Aegean Choir & Orchestra”, Dance Group “Kallichoros”
2. Workshops on Greek Traditional Music (vocal, instrumental, mixed), Greek Traditional Dances, Weaving, Folk Arts.
3. Workshops on the Theory & Practice of Greek Traditional and Eastern Music, on “Voice & Movement” as well as Rhythm.
4. Educational programs at schools (under the aegis of the Ministry of Education) or at K.A.L.M.E.’s space for pupils, teachers, family members.
5. Publications of Books & CDs, based on the material collected throughout K.A.L.M.E.’s research and study.
6. Library of books, cds and multimedia.
7. Archives (photos, printed material etc.)
8. Collections (post-cards, stamps, old souvenirs, clothes, accessories etc.)

Contact (1) Full Name
Vassilia Katsani
Head of the organisation
Theophanis Soulakellis, President / Artistic Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Panayiotis Zarifis


National Network

ATHENS 11361

0030- 2108846038
0030- 2108846038
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Board of Directors, Advisory Committee on Human Rights, Advisory Committee on Art & Education, Executive & Artistic Director, Communications Section, Research & Development Section, New Events & Volunteers Section, Administration. Two full time staff and ten part time consultants-collaborators. Sources of funding: In order to finance our activities and self-conducted programmes and maintain an access free policy to all events and services, we strongly rely on funding from European and international cultural and other institutions relevant to our mission as well as from private sponsoring. Modalities of action : OPEN HORIZONS will endeavour to be an open forum for all those who are concerned about and wish to contribute to a more pluralistic society. Our activities include symposia & conferences, multimedia events, exhibitions, publications, experiential workshops.
Mission and Objectives

OPEN HORIZONS aims at strengthening public awareness of the need to support human rights and the fundamental freedoms of a tolerant and open society. Our priority is to encourage the dialogue and cooperation between grassroots, representatives of the civil society, policy making bodies and institutions in Europe and especially in countries in transition. Essentially we’re aiming at addressing an open invitation for intercultural dialogue and creating a floor of social reflection, where everyone is equally contributing to a more creative and viable society. We respond to the growing needs for acceptance and respect to diversity, with a number of projects which are focused on sectors such as culture, education and training, involving the general public and especially youth in actions and best practices towards supporting human rights, equal opportunities as well as intercultural and anti-racist education

Main Projects / Activities

By informing and sensitising the general public and especially young people, the activities of Open Horizons help shape a pluralistic and more tolerant society. The main axis of these activities is the World Human Rights Arts Festival, an annual cultural institution dedicated to respect for the “Other”, which every year presents timely but always significant themes such as: 1st Festival 2001 “Identity and Diversity”, 2nd Festival 2002 “Bio Vision – Bioethics & Arts”, 3rd Festival 2003 “For a Culture of Equal Opportunities”, and 4th Festival 2004 “The Other Body”, in the wake of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Athens. The 5th Festival is on the theme of “Rediscovering Gender: New Roles – New Rights?”. Educational activities: Production of the Greek edition of the Council of Europe publication: "The European Convention on Human Rights - Starting Points for Teachers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Cultural Foundation “The Routes of the Olive Tree”

National Network

Epimelitirio Messinias - Plateia 23 Martiou
24100 – Kalamata

+ 30 27210 62200
Telephone (other)
+ 30 27210 62200
+ 30 27210 62229
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 30 6947424110
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 30 6978246257
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
A Scientific Committee (10 specialists scientists) An Executive Office, headed by the Executive Director, assisted by the Coordinator. A Cross-scientific Network which comprises a committee in each participating country. 50.000 EUR. Public funding, donations, publications. Cultural itineraries and events. Youth exchange. Publications. Under the patronage of the Messinian Chamber of Commerce & Industry. With the support of : the Hellenic Ministries of Culture, Development and Agriculture, the Euro-Mediterranean Federation of Olive Oil Municipalities (FEMO), the International Olive Oil Council, Greek and Mediterranean C.C.I… The “Routes of the Olive Tree” have been recognised as the “2nd Cultural Route worldwide” by UNESCO and as a “Major European Cultural Route” by the Council of Europe.
Mission and Objectives

• To determine and record the common cultural heritage of the olive tree, which unites the Mediterranean people and is in danger of being lost due to technological advance, globalisation, ignorance and oblivion.
• To develop the intercultural dialogue among Mediterranean people and cultures starting from a common issue, the olive tree.
• To encourage thematic tourism, sustainable development by creating synergies between the cultural heritage of the olive tree, tourism and development.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities:
Organisation of cultural itineraries and events around the theme of the olive tree in olive producing Mediterranean countries.
Publications on the cultural heritage of the olive tree and its world.
Exhibitions, fairs and festivals around the theme of the olive tree.
Organisation of olive oil competitions and of olive products and Mediterranean dishes tasting.
Youth exchange and training on the cultural heritage of the olive tree.
Organisation of cultural itineraries in non-olive producing countries, such as China and Japan.
Organisation of the “Sea Routes of the Olive Tree”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Marinella KATSILIERI
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Penelope TZEN

Baladna - Association for Arab Youth

National Network

P.O. Box 99604

972 4 8523035
972 4 8523427
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1. There are three staff employed at Baladna inclusive of a Director, a Leadership Program Coordinator and a Resource Development Specialist. Baladna is a partner of the Youth Action for Peace. 2. Approximately $160,000 per year 3. Sources of funding: A’csur, NIF, CCFD, Sordepau. 4. Leadership Project – 23 youth groups throughout Israel meet once a week and leaders have trainings. Hold yearly events and youth exchanges throughout Israel and abroad. 5. International Debate Education Association, Youth Action for Peace, Ittijah
Mission and Objectives

Association for Arab Youth-Baladna (Baladna) was founded in February 2001 as a development and capacity-building organization for Arab-Palestinian youth who are citizens of Israel. Baladna, which means home in Arabic, provides the resources and practical tools for youth activism and positive idea exchanges within the Arab-Palestinian community in Israel. It offers a non-partisan, comfortable and safe environment in which to nurture their individual and collective identity and empower them with the skills necessary to be leaders. Baladna is committed to strengthening Arab-Palestinian youth’s understanding and application of the principles of democracy, leadership, gender equality, pluralism and tolerance within discussion and debate programs regarding the history, grievances and culture of Palestinians in Israel as well as in the Occupied Territories and in the Diaspora

Main Projects / Activities

Focusing on topics related to identity, leadership skills, gender equality, public achievement, community service and democracy, Baladna has formed twenty-three youth groups for Arab-Palestinian youth (14-17) to participate in nationwide. A university student leads each youth group and receives a scholarship for their efforts. Baladna holds monthly workshops in Haifa to train the youth group leaders on a specific topic. The following month, they are responsible for planning a program for the youth that incorporates the skills and knowledge that they learned during the workshop. In addition, Baladna arranges national conferences and events that enable youth to interact with their peers from different regions, faiths and socio-economic backgrounds in Israel and abroad.

Head of the organisation
Nadim Nashef, Director

The Israeli Center for Youth Volunteerism

National Network

24 Seadya Gaon St., P.O.B 52022
Tel Aviv, 67135

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. The Center's staff is headed by The board of directors which is composed of business men/women, academics, organizational advisers, public workers and social activists who are all full and active volunteers. The chairman is Mr. Itzhaki Chen (C.E.O of the Israeli Management Center). Employed staff: 21 members headed by Rami Stawitski, Executive Director and founder. 2. Budget - $780,000 3. Sources of Income – 93% Foundation funds and donations and 7% program participant's fee. 4. Activities include: Courses, seminars, workshops, study days, conventions, peer learning, development of innovative volunteer programs, development of knowledge and information. 5. JDC – Joint Israel, The Israel Council of Youth Movements.
Mission and Objectives

The Israeli Center for Youth Volunteerism was established as a non-profit organization for the purpose of assimilating the value of volunteerism and increasing the number of youth (ages 3 to 30) who take a significant part in volunteer activity in all areas and communities which make up Israeli society.
Main Objectives:
1. To make volunteering a way of life among youth.
2. To increase the rate of youth who volunteer to at least 60%.
3. Broaden the areas open for volunteering.
4. Expand the number of entities engaging youth volunteers.
5. Professionalize the field of youth volunteerism.
6. Develop knowledge and information in the field

Main Projects / Activities

1. The institute for Youth Volunteerism Training – A professional framework for organizations and volunteer coordinators which works at professionalizing the field, developing knowledge and information, training with various courses, seminars, study-days, workshops, conventions, peer learning and more.
2. The Youth Volunteer Initiative Incubator – Works at developing innovative programs designed for the diverse population groups in Israeli society.
3. International Relations – Developing professional ties, exchanging knowledge between volunteer directors and coordinators in Israel and worldwide, organizing seminars, conventions and professional tours in Israel and abroad.
4. Collaborations – Maintaining and developing various collaborations with organizations in the field such as JDC-Israel, The Ministry of Education and others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Keren Peled
Head of the organisation
Mr. Rami Stawitski
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Aharon Shwartz


National Network

Aba Hoshi St.1 -
Carmel City – ( Isfya ) 30090

+972 4 8392635
+972 4 8391872
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 528378437
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1- Our organization, "Albadia", works for peace between arab-jewish people in Israel, and especially in Haifa and Carmel city, the bedouin nieghboorhood in the druse city of Mount Carmel. Neve Habeduim – Albadia , is a bedouin Heritage center , which works in teaching the traditional & current bedouin heritage , our staff is composed by professionals who are native bedouin 2- 180’000 Euro is Bugetray for year . 3- The Ministiry of Education israel , Ministiry of Justice , Abraham Fundation , Rich Fundation , Shtinheart fundation , Paies Arts & culture councle . 4- Projects in Many fields: ,Youth Exchange , Seminars , Workshopes , folklore festivals , Art-Education-Culutre Events . 5- The Ministry of Education in Israel & Funds in israel .
Mission and Objectives

we perfom several workshops & activities to educate & entertain our visitors , including :Youth exchange on various subjects with countries in Europe & israel
- international conventions on different cultural topics including familiarization with culuters worldwide & in israel .
- different projects under the “EuroMed” program .
- continous participation in several international dance festivals & performance every year with ten bedouin dabka dance grouprs which belong to albadia.
- Supporting activties for arab jewish coexistance
-Our Museum & Gallery are opened all year round
-Culture day program , including tours for children on mount carmel & meetings with the Druz , Ahmadians , Bhaaians & Bedouin culture in different heritage places in the Aera

Main Projects / Activities

The Organization is working at basic in Youth Exchanges Activities , Participating in International Seminars , The Organization got around 10 dance groups (folklore Dabka Dance ) Which take part every year in International Festivals\Carnivals , Schools take part in a “ Bedouin day Activities “ Which is a Workshops – Include tour in the bedouin Museum & the Galleries .

Contact (1) Full Name
Nidal Kassem
Head of the organisation
Ameen Kassem

Rahat Community Centre - Rahat Municipality

National Network

P.O.B 321, 85357

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Rahat Community Centre is located in the heart of the Bedouin city of Rahat. It is the home of a variety of community activities. The centre’s staff includes a manager, 3 coordinators (Sport, Youth and Culture), janitor and a secretary. Partner organizations in the centre include – The Centre for Higher Education and the Havayeda centre for education of science. The main sources of income are : the Rahat municipality, Governmental offices and private foundations in an annual sum of $500,000 USD. The main centre’s activities involved with Youth empowerment, conferences, lectures and after school curriculum.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Community Centre is providing educational frameworks for the city young population in the afternoon hours.
• Raising the annual number of visitors to 2,000 people.
• Advancing new musical groups in the city.
• Developing young leadership groups in the city.
• Promoting new sport activities in the city including Judo and Karate, and football.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects of the centre include:
• Eight groups of young leadership.
• Musical lessons: Oud (traditional Bedouin instrument) and Organ.
• Sport Groups
• Learning days and conferences
• Lectures
• Theatre shows
• Developing Public Library
• Promotion of higher education

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud alamur
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud alamur
Contact (2) Full Name
Khalil zeadneh


National Network


(972) 3- 6405130
Telephone (other)
(972) 3- 6406369
(972) 3- 6407665
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(972) 50-5630699
Mobile Phone (other)
(972) 54- 4298760
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1.board – 7 members; union council- 75 student representatives; employees- 40. 2.annual budget – 5 million NIS (1.1 million $) 3.Tel Aviv university. 4.Delagations, conferences ,workshops. 5.WUJS, WJC (world Jewish congress), BRIT OLAM, WSC (Warsaw school of economics) .
Mission and Objectives

To allow students of Tel Aviv University to meet other students throughout the world, to encourage discussions regarding identity, history and politics. To encourage involvement in the local and international community.

Main Projects / Activities

In terms of cultural dialogue: non-academic exchange programs off 1-2 weeks, e.g. “ the Israeli Polish Dialogue Forum” with the WSE. A delegation to east Africa, Tanzania including social involvement in the local community. A delegation of Israeli and Palestinian students to South Korea. Seminars with the World Union of Jewish Students cooperation and leadership programs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name