Syrian Computer Society

National Network

Guamarek St. besides the Ministry of High Education – P.O. Box 33492

00963 11 2137204
Telephone (other)
00963 11 2137205
00963 11 2137202
Mobile Phone
00963 (0) 92888999
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
• The SCS is directed by the Board of Directors which consists of members specialized in field of informatics, and by the Administrative Committees in different Syrian governorates. Members are selected as active members or subordinate members according to their education and experience in the field of informatics. Number of members in beginning 2006 was 4500 active members, and 6500 subordinate ones.. • Budgetary resources in a year not specified and are related to implemented activities. • The main sources of funding are from registration fees in internet services, participation in exhibitions, income from printing, membership registration fees. • Participation of members in social activities on voluntary basis who are awarded according to their contribution. • Cooperation with different ministries, foundations and organizations in Syria, in additions to universities and associations.
Mission and Objectives

1. Arabisation, unification, and standardization of information-technology terminology
2. Enrichment of both public libraries and those that belong to scientific sectors, supplying them with scientific research papers, and documentary films.
3. Holding Scientific expositions, seminars, courses and lectures
4. organizing training courses
5. Cooperation with mass–media authorities
6. Issuing printed literature and a journal to publish studies and researches
7. Contribution with administrative and statistical official authorities to assess the extent of both development and penetration of information systems in Syria
8. Relationship establishment with other commissions and associations whose purposes are in agreement with SCS
9. rationalize the use of computer in Syria and to limit squandering in this area
10. Cooperation with authorities interested in communication to develop means, methods, and networks required for data transfer and exchange

Main Projects / Activities

1. Organizing conferences, symposia and seminars and expositions.
2. Developing a national program for IT diffusion.
3. Developing a national academic program.
4. Organizing training courses on IT within the SCS's training and qualification activities framework.
5. Issuing publications relevant to IT.
6. Publishing an electronic journal about IT, entitled &quot ;Information Technology Forum ".
7. representing UNESCO in Cairo and Syria in relation to ICDL certificate.
8. Organizing Lectures.
9. Producing TV Programs.
10. Member in WITSA.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Ebad Sayed Darwish (Scientific Manager)
Head of the organisation
Dr Muwafaq abdoul
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Abir Al Jeify (Administrative Manager)

Art for Heritage Cultural Association

National Network

H-1162 Ida u. 38.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
This non profit association was established in 2005 by young people working in different cultural fields, like architecture, history and art history, applied arts and music. Beside its own initiatives which is concert organization, the association enhances intercultural relationships. Our main partners are: National Office of Cultural Heritage and the Hungarian National Trust.
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of forming the association was to promote the cultural values of the forgotten Hungarian castles with our initiative actions for their utilization, as well as to promote Hungarian musical talents and professionals by widening their opportunities in Hungary and abroad.
After one year we realized that to reach our goals we first have to improve the professional musical management by making intercultural connections.

Main Projects / Activities

Our project focuses on establishing an internet based network for professionals working in different musical fields, as follows: agents, labels, journalist, etc.
The project helps sharing information and furthers cooperation, and it also provides information about funding opportunities.
The project focuses on co-operation opportunities with Mediterranean partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zoltán Kátay
Head of the organisation
Zoltán Kátay
Contact (2) Full Name
Christian Böndicz

Die Bücherkarawane

National Network

43 bis, bd. Krim Belcacem / Wiclefstr. 30
10551 Berlin

00 49 30 3965774 (Berlin)
Telephone (other)
0049 30 39877885
00 213 21641446 (Alger)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
We developed programs of tales and readings for North-African as well as European region intention, in direction of hard social centres which is composed of a huge number of Muslims migrants The objective of its programs revive among the children and the young North-African teenagers and Europeans the joy of the book and the voluntary reading. Our program of narration of tales and books presentation for children and youth ,observes that books have a very big importance for Muslims as for the European . Partners : Globalization Agency, Berlin - El Watan /Alger Newspaper - Goethe Institute in Algiers - National Education, Algeria -Algerian Muslims Scouts.
Mission and Objectives

The tales programs and readings that we organized in the intention of children and young teenagers ( in North Africa , Germany , France , Austria and in Switzerland), refer to the North African and oriental treasures of poetry, of tales and legends that contain a proper heritage which can be mobilized against the attraction of the violence poked by Islamism , specially towards youth , and also against the retrograde of relations between the two sexes as it is also preached by Islamism .

Main Projects / Activities

4-6 caravan trips each year .

Contact (1) Full Name
Saddek Kebir
Head of the organisation
Saddek Kebir (Editions Lalla Moulati, Algier)

Globalization Agency, Berlin

National Network

Wiclefstr. 30
10551 Berlin

00 49 30 39877885 (Berlin)
Telephone (other)
00 49 30 3965774 (Berlin)
00 49 30 3959281 (Berlin)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
We developed programs of tales and readings for the North-African as well as European region intention , in direction of the hot social centres which is composed of a huge number of Muslims migrants . The objective of its programs revive among the children and the young North-African teenagers and Europeans the joy of the book and the voluntary reading. Our program of narration of tales and books presentation for children and youth ,observes that the books have a very big importance for Muslims as for the European . Partners : Globalization Agency, Berlin - El Watan /Alger Newspaper - Goethe Institute in Algiers - National Education, Algeria -Algerian Muslims Scouts .
Mission and Objectives

The tales programs and readings that we organized in the intention of children and young teenagers ( in North Africa , Germany , France , Austria and in Switzerland), refer to the north African and oriental treasures of poetry , of tales and legends that contain a proper heritage which can be mobilized against the attraction of the violence poked by Islamism , specially towards youth , and also against the retrograde of relations between the two sexes as it is also preached by Islamism .

Main Projects / Activities

We publish books for children and youth and we organize 4-6 trips of the Caravan each year in North Africa, Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland. We offer tales and reading manifestations with active participation of youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sabine Kebir
Head of the organisation
Sabine Kebir

Love Difference – Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic

National Network

27, Via Serralunga

+39 015 0991456
Telephone (other)
+39 015 28400
+39 015 25 22 540
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 348 211 72 46
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
General Information
1: non – profit association, (around 600 members worldwide). Member of staff: 8 unit (+ 3 collaborators) 2:€ 101.000 3: members yearly amount, Fondazione Pistoletto (main promoter), new registrations, donations and fundraising events. 4: expositions and presentations of the Mediterranean Cultural network; site/specific projects; training workshops; newsletters about cultural events concern the responsible transformation of society; meeting and conferences to develop reflections upon the intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean and the role of art. 5: Cultural organizations; artists, ngo’s, public administration, enterprises… (Querini Stampalia Foundation, Emergency, Isola art Center, International University Venice, Southeritage Foundation)
Mission and Objectives

Mission: To promote the intercultural dialogue through creative projects linked with the social context.
To promote the development of an artistic movement for a responsible transformation of society in the Mediterranean area;
To argue for the importance of creativity and artistic sensitivity in the society). To stimulate the creativity of the individuals
To establish networks of collaboration and activation, new forms of associations, interdisciplinary, inclusive and horizontal ways of working.
To provide training for people to become activators in the process of creation of a more responsible society.
To set up a workshop to create a socially committed art form expressing a new way of thinking.
To work towards the establishment of a Mediterranean Cultural Parliament

Main Projects / Activities

As a cultural workshop, Love Difference co-operates with artists in order to offer their skills, and those of the network, for the development of cultural projects, providing means of action and organization and becoming a consultant or co-author of works.
Some of the projects promoted are:
-Tournage/Montage Alger by Katia Kameli.
-Unrecognized by Tal Adler
-The Mediterranean in your city by Dafnà Moscati
-Love Difference Tour
-Art, City, Society, new visions and prospects for Venice (Venice, July September 2005)
-Codex (Tunis – Orestiadi Foundation, November 2005)
- Methods – Research projects on art society relations (Biella October 2004; Bologna – ArteFiera January 2006)
-“When poverty chases away misery” (Arles, July 2004)
-“Art and alternative Politics” (Venice, September 2003)
-“Art Creativity for an Intermediterranean Politic”(Biella September 2002)

Contact (1) Full Name
Filippo Fabbrica
Head of the organisation
Michelangelo Pistoletto
Contact (2) Full Name
Michelangelo Pistoletto

Arab Image Foundation (FAI)

National Network

Zoghbi Bldg., 4th floor, 337 Gouraud street, Gemmayze
Beirut 1100

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
General Information
1- AIF has a general assembly constituted by 10 members, and a Board of Director elected every 3 years. The staff is composed by two full timers: one Director and one collection manager, and by two part timers: one archivist and one person responsible for the documentation and data entry. 2- Budgetary resources in a year: 150 000 USD 3- The two main funders of the AIF are the Ford Foundation and the Prince Claus Fund. It has a private partner: Audi Bank, and a committee of private donors. 4- AIF initiates exhibitions and publishes books. Exhibitions tour in the Arab world, in Europe and in the US, with local cultural partner institutions. 5- Depending on the exhibition, it can be museums, galleries, universities, NGO’s etc…
Mission and Objectives

The Arab Image Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that was established in Beirut in 1997 to locate, collect, preserve and present the photographic heritage of the Middle East, North Africa and the Arab Diaspora. The ongoing research of photographs started in 1997 and, until today, covers Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, Iraq, Iran, Mexico, Argentina and Senegal. The collections acquired include 150,000 photographs. The Arab Image Foundation aims to make its collection accessible to the general public through the wide spectrum of activities it initiates, among which are exhibitions, publications, videos, a website and an on-line searchable image database.

Main Projects / Activities

The Arab Image Foundation’s projects and activities fall under three major programs: - Photographic research program: AIF initiates research missions in order to locate and collect photographic material, whether professional photography or anonymous and amateur. - Preservation and collection management program: AIF preserves the photographs by digitizing them and archiving them in a cold storage room. The images are entered and documented in an online database that enables the access to the collection. - Public outreach program: AIF organizes exhibitions and publishes books and produces films in order to make accessible the collection and promote it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Zeina Arida
Head of the organisation
Director: Zeina Arida – President: Akram Zaatari
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Akram Zaatari

RASA centre for world cultures

National Network

Visitors: Pauwstraat 13 a postal: P.O box 1352 3500 BJ UTRECHT

+31 (0)30 2330123
+31 (0)30 2330122
Mobile Phone
+31 (0)6 512 405 90
General Information
RASA is a cultural centre dedicated to the performing arts, non western as well as traditional European. The majority of the performances concerns music and/or dance. RASA is a venue as well as a concert organisation, staging it’s own productions and organising tours in the Netherlands and abroad. Besides it’s main programs RASA offers fringe activities like lectures, workshops etc in order to provide the necessary context to these programs. RASA is funded by the Ministry of OCW, the City and the Province of Utrecht. RASA has a staff of 17 persons (12 FTE). The budget is around € 1.000.000, in a year. RASA cooperates with organisations on a local, a national and a international level.
Contact (1) Full Name
Wieland Eggermont
Head of the organisation
Wieland Eggermont, director
Contact (2) Full Name
Tamara de Bruijn, deouty director

Wereldmuseum Rotterdam (World Arts Museum Rotterdam)

National Network

Willemskade 25
3016 DM Rotterdam

+31 10 2707 147
+31 10 2707 182
Mobile Phone
+31 6 18 99 53 52
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
For more information kindly visit our
Mission and Objectives

The Wereldmuseum Rotterdam wants to contribute to an intercultural society based on mutual respect. To this end, the museum attempts to introduce as many people as possible to the worldwide cultural spectrum. The museum relates its knowledge of cultures of other continents to developments in Europe and the experience and perceptions of its visitors. The Wereldmuseum Rotterdam wishes to be a place for encounters and focuses on cultural exchanges, both in the past and now. The Wereldmuseum Rotterdam realizes its goals by working in cooperation with experts and institutions both within the country and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

Charlotte Huygens is curator Arts and the Islamic World of the World Arts Museum Rotterdam and project curator of the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. She further works as an advisor and guest speaker at several universities and cultural institutions and performing educational and outreach programs. Her academic education includes Arabic Language and Literature, carried out at the State University of Leiden (NL) and a post-doc at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Cairo.

Head of the organisation
Ms Nel Schuijff

Sphinx Art Productions

National Network

Van Hogendorpstraat 199 hs

+ 31 20 486 8008
+ 31 20 486 8009
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1- Six co-operator 2- 100.000 Euro 3- different national and private funds. 4- organizing Arabic cultural events like Film Festivals and fine art exhibitions. 5- The Dutch Film museum
Mission and Objectives

Sphinx Art Productions is a cultural foundation that aims to promote a link between the Dutch and Arabic cultural scenes, with special focus on Arabic culture.
The Sphinx uses various cultural channels to realize this aim, such as making theatre productions with topics that are on the cutting edge of multicultural society, and by organizing Arabic cultural events such as film festivals and fine art exhibitions. Always in interaction with and relation to the Dutch cultural scene, and by promoting collaborations between artists from different cultural backgrounds.

Main Projects / Activities

1998 Film Festival Egypte Mon Amour
2001 Cinéma Nagieb Mahfouz
2003 Film Festival Omar Sharif le Grand Charmeur
2004 Cinéma Arabe
2005 Cinéma Maroc
2005 Moroccan fine art exhibition in Amsterdam

Contact (1) Full Name
Adel Salem
Head of the organisation
Adel Salem

LiteSide Festival

National Network

Van Baerlestraat 83

31 (0)20 6628775
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
31 (0) 21280245
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
1. A non profit foundation with 5 board members and a director - Gail Pilgrim. Per project we work with a production office and freelancers. We are new so in the building up stage. 2. Our first project took place this May and had a budget of 70.000 euros. 3.Funding agencies: VSB, FPPM, PBCF, the city of Amsterdam, district council for the Amsterdam Centre 4. Festival of performing and visual arts, with debates, workshops, commissioned works, co productions. 5. Rozentheater, Marmoucha, Maghrebia, Mezrab Café 6. European Cultural Exchange Istanbul, Aziz Bekkaoui, Audiomaze
Mission and Objectives

LiteSide festival - Oriental Underground in Europe has the goal of sending out a positive message into the world showing the beauty and capacity for innovation of European artists using the culture from Islamic countries combined with the Western. A variety of artists and performers show 'cutting edge' work where West meets East. These artists have been chosen because their work reflects their 'origins' in an Islamic culture combined with the Western cultures that they live in creating a new urban’ expression that we all relate to. We use the word 'oriental' instead of 'Muslim' to underline that we are referring to art forms and culture and not religion.

Main Projects / Activities

LiteSide organizes a 4 day festival in Amsterdam mixing theater, dance, music, performance and visual art. Workshops and discussions are also part of the program. We mix local heroes with new comers, and non-Muslim with Muslim artists with in our program. We present new work, innovation, cross over. We also mix Club culture, eating and dancing with performance and exhibitions, multi disciplinary. Looking to the future! At this moment the artists presented are from European countries including Turkey. At a later stage we want to invite artists from around the other side of the Mediterranean. We commission new works to showcase young talent. We support emerging artists in their development. We want to provide a meeting point for artists with this cultural background from all over the region for exchange, feedback and support and eventually to create a touring circuit. Co-operations with other countries are welcome.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gail Pilgrim
Head of the organisation
Gail Pilgrim