Music Network Ltd.

National Network

The Coach House, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2

+353 1 6719429
+353 1 6719430
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Music Network is a company limited by guarantee, with charitable status. It currently employs 6 full-time and 1 part-time staff members. 2006 financial turnover is just over €1 million. Main sources of funding are Irish Arts Council, foreign embassies and cultural institutes, various government departments. Key partners include locally based concert promoters/organizers in Ireland (music/arts venues, festivals, voluntary organisations and local authority arts officers), and various international concert promoters/organisations interested in taking concerts by Irish artists.
Mission and Objectives

Music Network aims to make high quality live music available and accessible to everyone in Ireland, regardless of their location and circumstance, while supporting the career development of highly skilled Irish and international artists. Music Network provides a range of high quality music services, which are delivered in partnership with regionally and locally based organisations throughout the country. This partnership approach develops the capacity of local communities to provide musical activity within their region, and develop the musical life of their community in the longer term.

Main Projects / Activities

Music Network programmes and services include •subsidized concert programmes and tours within Ireland involving Irish and international musicians (classical chamber music, jazz and traditional Irish) •professional development programmes for Irish musicians •support programmes for locally based concert promoters/organizers •audience development initiatives •music information service •research and advocacy programmes focused on access and education

Contact (1) Full Name
Sharon Rollston
Head of the organisation
Sharon Rollston (Chief Executive Officer)
Contact (2) Full Name
Deirdre Moynihan, Programme Manager

Voluntary Service International

National Network

30 Mountjoy Square
Dublin 1

+ 353 (0) 1 855 1011
+ 353 (0) 1 855 1012
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

1. National Committee (voluntary). Coordinator, Development Officer, Teenage Programme Officer (all full-time staff), 2 x Administrators (part-time staff), 400+ members. VSI is the Irish branch of Service Civil International (SCI), we work with SCI branches and partners internationally. Partner organisations in Ireland. 2/3. Department of Education grant; small grants for some individual projects; membership and project fees; fundraising events. 4. We send volunteers to projects worldwide, we organise volunteer projects in Ireland and we are involved in networks internationally and nationally. 5. NGOs, community and voluntary organisations nationally and internationally, SCI branches and partners.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote peace, social justice, sustainable development and intercultural understanding through volunteering in Ireland and internationally. VSI works to promote peace, social justice and equality.

Main Projects / Activities

Sending volunteers abroad and hosting international volunteers in Ireland. Promoting peace, social justice and equality.

Contact (1) Full Name
Helen Walmsley
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Helen Walmsley

Mediterranean Editors and Translators

National Network

Carrer Indústria 331, àtic 2a

00 34 93 4080997
Telephone (other)
00 34 93 7941642
00 34 93 4080997
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Research
General Information
Mediterranean Editors and Translators (MET) is a non-profit association registered with the Justice Department, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. MET employs no staff. All Council members, committee members and workshop leaders are volunteers. We are funded by membership fees and small meeting participation fees to cover costs. We have approximately 100 members after our first year, meaning our annual income (free of meeting costs) was approximately €3000. We also seek support (from publishers, consulates, foundations, etc.) to fund invited speakers. MET is currently working on four research projects (one with the UPC in Barcelona, one international). We hold workshops and one large meeting per year on issues related to language support in higher education, scientific societies and other professional settings.
Mission and Objectives

Mediterranean Editors and Translators is an interdisciplinary association that organizes peer-generated continuing professional development for those who provide language support services to research groups, cultural institutions and professionals in Mediterranean countries. We conduct research and hold meetings to identify promising practices that help us give language support to members of knowledge societies in projecting their messages internationally. We also exchange knowledge with other associations with overlapping interests (EASE, EMWA, EMAME, AELFE, etc.)

Main Projects / Activities

Mediterranean Editors and Translators organizes an annual meeting in the autumn to coincide with the General Assembly and we offer workshops during the first half of the year. We post information and publications on our website and provide speakers and workshop leaders for interested groups.
We have four research projects under way, all related to generating tools or knowledge for application in supporting language use at high levels of knowledge communication (for researchers, cultural institutions and similar). We publish this research and share the tools freely.

Contact (1) Full Name
Frances Luttikhuizen, Council Member at Large
Head of the organisation
Mary Ellen Kerans, Council Chair
Contact (2) Full Name
Alan Lounds, Treasurer


National Network

Le Mistral 1 - Bâtiment C5 5, avenue Louis Amouriq
13290 Aix en Provence

33 (0) 879 324 691
Mobile Phone
33 (0) 684 503 509
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Association, law 1901 with nonlucrative goal. Equip with 4 with a score of people according to the projects. Resources ranging between 25000 euros and 115000 euros according to projects'' (financings: clean receipts (vtes in concerts, workshops, training courses...), national and European public subsidies, patronage, coproduction). Partners: artistic companies, arts centres, centers of animation of district, hearths for handicapped people, old people''s home.

Mission and Objectives

The Association has for object the creation and the production of artistic and cultural events, spectacles in order to support the national exchanges and/or international and in particular to allow an implication activates population.

Main Projects / Activities

International Artistic and cultural exchanges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mme de Andrade Isabelle
Head of the organisation
M. Dominique Morand

Dalal Institution for Culture and Arts

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
General Information
1) The reputation in carrying the message of peace and culture in Dalal Institution for Culture and Arts pronounced in youth exchange programs (cultural activities: dialogue& seminars, conferences, Arts and Heritage). The message of peace will be clear in ending Gender_based Violence Ensuring Economic and Environmental Justice Increasing Access to education all this support youth (young men and women) to face discrimination in many areas of their lives. Dalal Institution have 20 volunteers helping in all administrative work and activities and they are doing great job. 2+3) Dalal Institution until now depend on projects, workshops and performing of the dabkeh group for income. 4) National and International Festivals, projects and workshops. 5) Dalal Institution have associate organizations like Peace Center, Al Shoomo’ Institution in South Bethlehem.
Mission and Objectives

The Institution of Dalal Culture and Arts aims at contributing to the preservation of Culture , and Folkloric Heritage and promoting different aspects of Palestinian culture and arts.
- To strengthen culture in the local community through different cultural activities.
- To consider all types of art and culture by presenting constructive artistic and culture activities and by nurturing various artistic talents.
- To promote the Palestinian traditional folklore in tis different aspects.
- To encourage youth exchange programs with other similar Arab and International institutions in order to introduce Palestinian traditional folklore and culture to give the Palestinians the chance to know other cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

Dalal Institutions Activities:
- Workshops and training courses for youth.
- Children activities in arts, summer camp…..etc.
- Folkloric Dance (Dabkeh)

Contact (1) Full Name
Nelly I. Ne’meh
Head of the organisation
Nelly I. Ne’meh
Contact (2) Full Name
Ibrahim A. Rahhal

Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation

National Network

Co. Wicklow

00 353 1 282 9711
00 353 1 2766 085
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The Glencree Community consists of 34 staff members (part and full-time), 12 residential, international volunteers, and 3 residential education interns. Several other NGOs work with Glencree on programmes, such as Corrymeela in Northern Ireland and the Global Partnership for Conflict Prevention. Resources available to Glencree include several historical and large buildings that house offices, 55 beds for overnight guests, and a building that is home to 15 volunteers and interns. Glencree receives funding from the European Union, governments (Ireland, UK, International Fund for Ireland), Glencree Business Club, and the “Friends of Glencree”, who are individual and private people. Glencree has a budget of roughly €1.2 million each year. The Ulster Bank Resource Centre (library) provides a stock of books with themes like history, politics and conflict management. Project work consists of dialogue workshops, training, peace education with youth, women, survivors, former combatants, and international groups.

Mission and Objectives

The core mission of Glencree is: Committed to peacebuilding and reconciliation within and between communities. Glencree provides services and facilities expressly devoted to peacebuilding and reconciliation in Ireland, North and South, in Britain and beyond; offers programmes and space to help deal with conflict in a democratic society; enhance understanding of the complex relationships on these islands and to facilitate the further development of pluralism in Ireland. Glencree contributes to the formation of new relationships and trust building within and between these islands leading to the consolidation of peace. The idea of “Sharing our Learning” means to bring the lessons learned from our experiences of peacebuilding to a wider audience. The international volunteers from all over the world are able to spread Glencree’s values over national borders.

Main Projects / Activities

Glencree runs several programmes: The Peace Education Programme offers learning opportunities in peacebuilding, prejudice, multiculturalism, racism and bullying to young people. The Survivors and Former Combatants programme consists of dialogue group work to cultivate relationships between people that will lead to sustainable peace. In the Political Dialogue Programme politicians meet for dialogue or training and a summer school takes place each year. The Churches programme uncovers peacebuilding tasks for church communities and people of faith. The International Programme grew in response to requests from other conflict areas to share our lessons learned from Ireland; training and dialogue initiatives are taking place in Haiti, the Middle East, Colombia and Sri Lanka. The Womens Programme is a capacity building initiative with Train the Trainer workshops.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadette Foley
Job Title
NadetteFoley Intercultural & Refugee Programme Manager
Head of the organisation
Naoimh McNamee (CEO)

K.U.L.U.-Women and Development

National Network

Rosenoerns Allé 12 1634
Copenhagen V

+ 45 33 15 78 70
+45 33 32 53 30
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
K.U.L.U.-Women and Development (KULU) is a national women’s development and umbrella organization with 23 member organizations, 2 local organizations and an individual membership. 2 employees at the national secretariat, temporary employees under public unemployment schemes, freelance consultants and a varying number of volunteers. Budget in 2006 around 800,000 DKK. Main funding in 2006 from Danida, supplemented by fundraising from other sources. From 2007 main funding from Danida’s budget line on development education is no longer available. Hence KULU is in a process of program re-orientation, looking for new financial partners and core funding.
Mission and Objectives

• A just and sustainable world order, where women in the South have access to and control over resources, access to decision-making, and a right to control their own bodies and lives.
• To put women and gender on the agenda in all development and trade-related fora, programs and policies.

Main Projects / Activities

KULU works with information, development education, and lobby and advocacy based on extensive networking with women’s NGOs and networks in Africa, Asia, Latin America and internationally, and cooperates in alliances and thematic networks projects with Southern partners.
In 2006 KULU has initiated a new partnership and project collaboration with FEMNET Mali.
A current program focus is on youth dialogue on girls and young women’s rights, connecting partners in the South with youths in Denmark and engaging youth in dialogue and exchange. KULU is looking into the possibilities of developing a program focus on girls’ rights in the Middle East/North Africa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ruth Ejdrup Olsen
Head of the organisation
Janice Goodson Førde
Contact (2) Full Name
Helle Nielsen

Al Madina Theatre Association for Art and Culture

National Network

Hamra street, Al-Saroulla Bldg.
Beirut 1103

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Theatre Al Madina was rested by Mrs. Nidal Al Achkar in 1994. It is a unit including/understanding, in addition to 2 rooms of theatre, a space of exposure and a workshop for all cultural activities;Depuis its opening, several artists as well as troops local and international their work presented at Theatre Al Madina Theatre Al Madina became the Association of Theatre Al Madina for Art and the Culture, associating a committee of eminent personalities of the civil company: lawyers, well-read men, experts of development, specialists cultural, etc. Association changed its address into Mars 2005, moving Street Clemenceau with the Street of Hamra. The new room includes a large theatre (450 places) and a small theatre (110 places), a space of exposure, two spaces - workshop, a cafeteria, 2 offices, and ticketting. - Associated Partners for cultural exchanges: The Theatre Nationsl (Tunis), The Theatre Hanger (Egypt), Theatre Al Balad (Jordan)
Mission and Objectives

Theatre Al Madina - Theatre of the City -represents for Lebanese social fabric a stage in the cultural and political development of the search of the country for liberalism and morality. The Association of Theatre Al Madina for Art and the Culture is based financially on the private and institutional donations coming from Lebanon and the Arab world. Theatre Al Madina is today a crucible of the Lebanese company in its diversity by providing a single, social and cultural platform. The Theatre of Madina aims to promote a dialogue and to create a space of free expression at any problematic disposal of development which faces Lebanese and at the Arab companies. Theatre Al Madina is a multi-field vehicle, joining together culturally allied activities, artists, writers and intellectuals to present their work.

Main Projects / Activities

Since its foundation, Theatre Al Madina presented, promoted and encouraged a great number of cultural activities directly indicating the social problems, the cultural heritage and contemporary specificities These cultural activities aim at spreading out various prospects by a variety of means: a compounding of mediae (of documentary, films, vidéos, installations, etc.) and a number considered of conferences sets of themes and readings based on various problems indicated in the company, aiming especially: The role of the woman in the Arab company the knowledge of the Women and education Children and families the autonomisation of women, etc. CITIZENSHIP - WALK TOWARDS PEACE

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Nidal Al Achkar
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Nidal Al Achkar


National Network

Artemonos 15, Agia Paraskevi

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
General Information
Non-profit Artistic/Cultural Society, directed by a three-member board elected every years by a general assembly. Budgetary resources available in a year: €0-50,000 Funded by Government Ministries, private sponsors, municipalities. Actions: Concerts by various ensembles in Greece and abroad; CD releases.
Mission and Objectives

a) Development and promotion of the Greek cultural education (music, visual arts, theatre, etc.), in coordination with current European trends.
b) Collaboration with music ensembles and other art groups in Greece and abroad, as well as with single artists. c) Rendering artistic aid to public or private art organizations which serve the goals of the Society as to the better international promotion of Greek and European art.
d) Organizing seminars/lectures and other artistic gatherings that may contribute to the Society’s goals.

Main Projects / Activities

(Until December 2006)
A publication of children’s stories accompanied by a CD.
Concerts by various ensembles in Greece and Germany.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nikolaos Kotrokois
Head of the organisation
Nikolaos Kotrokois
Contact (2) Full Name
Aris Prospathopoulos

Duna Art Company International Multicultural Foundation

National Network

1222, Nagytétényi út 22-28.

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The foundation is non-governmental, for public benefit lead by a Curatorium of eight renown personalities of the Hungarian cultural life. The activities are controlled by a Controlling Committee of three persons. The activities are handled by the Foundation Office with a full-time employee, the Office Leader, other colleagues are paid for concrete jobs. We functioned from appr. 60 000 € last year raised from national funds, income from activities. Actions: international multicultural event series; international cultural exchanges; participating in the activities of the professional Duna Art Ensemble. Main partners: Hungarian and international cultural and youth organisations.
Mission and Objectives

Preserving and safeguarding the Hungarian and international cultural heritage, promoting its dissemination,
Promoting the Euro-Atlantic integration,
Promoting the professional and traditional dance culture of high quality,
Keeping contact with other national and international civil organisations
Organisation of multicultural event series representing the diversity of cultures living side by side
Organising intercultural youth exchange programmes, establishing and operating international network system
Joining the education in art schools
Establishing scholarships, artistic awards

Main Projects / Activities

Annual ten-day long international multicultural event series with appr. 1000 participants, “Danube Carnival”
Organisation of international cultural exchange programmes (Italy, Turkey, Greece, Belgium …)
Summer Mediterranean Festival (prepared for 2007)
Organisation of the touring of the “European Dance Caravan” international dance co-production
Participating in the preparation and organisation of other cultural projects at national level

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrea Vincze
Head of the organisation
János Mucsi
Contact (2) Full Name
Zoltán Sáfrány