Procur. Arte Associação Cultural e Social - Procur. Art Cultural and Social Association

National Network

Rua do Norte 14, 3º 1150-222

00351 213 468 011
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00351 960148112
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Direction : Nuno Ricou Salgado, Jorge Cruz, Pedro Bacelar Assembly: Francisco Salgado, Catarina Braga Simão, Suzana Arnaut Pombeiro Stattory audit comittee: Cláudia Bordalo, Marta Martins, Rita Figueiredo Executive Producer: Francesco Russo Webmaster: Pedro Salgado 2. 100.000,00 € 3. public and private financing 4. Producing and organizing theatre and multidisciplinary spectacles, expositions, public art events, scenographic projects, cinema festivals, consulting, programmations and annual report editions. 5. Instituto Camões, Ministerio da Cultura
Mission and Objectives is a Cultural and Social Association founded in 2005 by professionals aiming to develop, produce and disclose activities and projects in the field of Performing and Visual Arts.

Main Projects / Activities edits and distributes Pisa-Papéis – Performing Arts Guideline. In 2006, produced “Uma noite de Verão” included in the International Shakespeare Festival, in Santa Susanna (Catalonia), performed before in Faro (National Capital of Culture 2005). In 2006, it produced and organized, in Barcelona, the Portuguese Cinema Festival, which took place in Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), within the International Documental Festival of Barcelona – Docúpolis ( In December 2006 it is going to shoot a new theatre production “O Cerejal”, in Teatro da Comuna, directed by Francisco Salgado, based on the text of Anton Tchecov.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nuno Ricou Salgado
Head of the organisation
Nuno Ricou Salgado / Jorge Cruz
Contact (2) Full Name
Francesco Russo

Stichting Los Bewegingstheaterwerkplaats - Movement Theater Los

National Network

Postbus 914 ; Postalcode: 6200 AX, Maastricht

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Staff consists of director, two assistants and bookkeper. The director is also one of the four members of the Board of Trustees. Funding is on project basis. Sources include the Netherlands Ministry of Culture and allied semi-governmental funds, municipal sources, private funds and sponsors, depending on the nature of individual projects. Current activities consist of urban dance projects and research in the field of urban juvenile culture. Partners include welfare organizations, youth centres and schools.
Mission and Objectives

Originally a workshop for young modern dancers and choreographers to develop ideas as artists in residence, Los now focuses on urban arts, especially urban dance (hiphop, breakdance, streetdance) and rap. Stressing the global nature of urban juvenile culture, Los investigates its reception by cultural institutions, art schools and the responsible authorities and politicians in the Netherlands and adjacent European countries and in Morocco and Turkey (homelands of most of the immigrants who dominate the urban scene), with the objective of arriving at an understanding of the artistic potential of international juvenile culture and means of promoting it. Research is carried out in a continuous dialogue with practice in the form of projects with young urban artists.

Main Projects / Activities

Between 2002 and 2006 Los has realized a number of projects with breakdancers, streetdancers and rappers throughout the Dutch Limburg, with the aim of enhancing their skills and broadening their horizon by working together in staging shows and introducing them to elements of modern stage dance. A documentation in print and on dvd is in course of preparation, and the series is shortly to be continued in the adjacent province of Brabant. Simultaneously, research is being done on the opportunities offered to young urban dancers to develop their skills in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, England, Germany, Spain, Morocco and Turkey, according to the cultural and social conditions prevailing in each country. This is to result in a publication illustrating ‘best practices’ from different countries and formulating general conclusions and insights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Janny Donker
Head of the organisation
Janny Donker
Contact (2) Full Name
Jan Van Der Hoeven

AMSED - Association Solidarity Migration and Exchanges for the Development

National Network

17 rue de Boston,
67000 Strasbourg

00 33 (0)3 88 61 71 67
00 33 (0) 3 88 61 71 67
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 33 (0)6 61 34 26 03
Mobile Phone (other)
00 33 (0)6 24 78 79 12
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Nous œuvrons depuis la fondation de l’ONG en 1998 pour le dialogue interculturel et le développement local. À travers chantiers internationaux, voyages solidaires, échanges euro-méditerranéens, animation de rue et parrainage pour l’emploi, nous soutenons les jeunes et moins jeunes pour améliorer leur quotidien et leur permettre de réaliser leurs rêves. Promouvoir la rencontre des cultures afin que nous apprenions les uns des autres et prenions conscience de notre richesse et notre potentiel est au cœur de nos projets.
Mission and Objectives

Promotion des voyages solidaires pour les jeunes
Promotion de la démocratie et de la citoyenneté
Soutien aux populations en difficulté
Codéveloppement en Algérie

Main Projects / Activities

Projects in progress: * International building sites for young people (in Morocco, Cameroun, Turkey, France...) * Intercultural animations of proximity * Permanences of public Writer: Social accompaniment * Sponsorship voluntary for employment: help with employment and insertion

Contact (1) Full Name
Djilali Kabeche
Head of the organisation
Djilali Kabeche
Contact (2) Full Name
Myriam Brahmi

Hellenic Association of Youth Informatics

National Network

I. Fokianoy 34-40

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Non profit non governmental youth NGO’ Legal base in Athens / Greece (register 1992) Administration Board (5 members) Executive director: President. 1 person permanent staff Budget: Donations, E.U. programs, National Programs Projects, seminars, exchanges, youth work, culture activities, trainings, presentations, international learning projects.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective of HAI and of its activities has been, since its creation, to raise awareness about the role that informatics can and should play in promoting young people’ and society members’ participation and active involvement in a broad spectrum of issues (of social, cultural, environmental, etc nature), in diffusing and distributing updated and reliable information and in encouraging the utilization of information for the shaping of virtuous and socially viable behaviors.
HAI is the only organization active in Greece promoting the ideal of social activation and involvement through the use of modern information technologies. We cooperate with many other stakeholders’ active in the research fields, but also in social and informatics related issues and we inform and involve our members in events, exhibitions, conferences and exchanges, either organized by us or in cooperation with other groups and associations.

Main Projects / Activities

We participate since many years to the European Voluntary Service (EVS) Program promoting the cooperation of Young Greek volunteers with organizations/associations from other European countries in the frame of socially useful projects with the aim to encourage voluntarism, sensitization and mobility of young people.
Also we are very active in all the Youth Program activities (organise a lot of seminars, trainings, exchanges and also take part in international activities every year). Other programs is Grundtvig and Leonardo and a lot of National level projects (trainings, support social and cultural activities etc).

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleni Gaki
Head of the organisation
Mr. Stefanos Stefanidis
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Stefanos Stefanidis

Alqamar charitable society

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Al-Qamar Charitable Society is a non-governmental                                                                           organization established in 2009 in Jericho / Palestine. It provides its services to the Palestinian community, such as social, educational and cultural services . Vision An association with a leading role in voluntary social institutional work to activate the role of youth and women and to involve them in decision-making and to work on building a conscious intellectual individual. Mission Provide positive education, care, guidance and guidance to family members in targeted communities and enhance their culture to enable them to participate actively in achieving .sustainable development Goals 1. to carry out all humanitarian work through a group of young volunteers. 2.To raise the level of academic and vocational education. 3.Achieve social and economic development and promote youth and women in various fields. 4.Strengthening the role of youth in the advancement of society. 5.Empowering women economically, socially and culturally . The Foundation is managed by an administrative body composed of seven members elected every two years. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Development and Interior.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Eman joudeh
Job Title
Program Manager
Head of the organisation

TOMIC Association

National Network

Rua Domingos Pereira Viana 266 4490-081
Póvoa de Varzim

00351 252 626 304
00351 252 626 304
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00351 91 448 9423
Mobile Phone (other)
00351 91 933 3869
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Organization structure: • 5 Staff Members in the board • 3 Youth Workers • 10 Youth Volunteers Partners: • City All/Municipality • National Youth Institute • Salto Euro med • National Agency for Youth in Action programme • Ana Lindh Foundation • European Youth Foundation • European Commission • National Institute for Employment • Local private Enterprises Sources of Founding: • 30% Self Financial from Local Activities • 20% National Youth Institute • 20% Youth In Action Programme • 15% Other European Projects • 10% City All / Municipality • 5% Private Enterprises Main Partners: • Organizations/ associations from Euro and Mediterranean Countries and also South East Countries
Mission and Objectives

Our association works with young people that have difficulties on the cultural and social level, and also those who had abandon the formal school before finishing and for that they have special needs. All and any youngsters that ask for help to live, to learn or just to enjoy live better and safest. We work in the youth field in order to guide them to a future objective, professional and personal.
Our Mission is to promote the acceptance of diversity with mostly incidence in the Euro Mediterranean area.

Main Projects / Activities

? Multicultural Exchanges ( EU Countries, south east and Meda Countries)
? International and national trainings
? Summer camps
? Cultural activities for local people
? Develop leisure time activities for Children
? Seminars

Contact (1) Full Name
Clementina Rodrigues
Head of the organisation
Clementina Rodrigues
Contact (2) Full Name
Patrícia Coelho

Association Artistique Espèces d’Espace - Species of Space Artistic association

National Network

16 rue Franz Binjé

+32 (0) 2 215 57 25
+32 (0) 2 215 57 25
Mobile Phone
+32 (0) 496 11 57 75
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
General Information
- Espèces d’Espace is a “société en nom collecitf” under the Belgian Law. The founders are Valerio Caruso and Dominique Chouillou BUDGET: -More or less €120.000 - Consulting activities, EC, public bodies and Foundations, museums - Organization of training initiatives, management of cultural projects (Web sites) exhibitions for museums, consultancy projects for the EC - Cultural organisations
Mission and Objectives

Espèces d’Espace is a company specialised in management of audiovisual, cultural and media projects and institutional communication. In the course of assignments carried out on behalf of the European institutions over the past five years or so, we have established strong relationships with all the leading European and Mediterranean cultural institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

The company worked in the monitoring of the “Euromed Audiovisual Programme”, which is a regional Programme involving Israel and Mediterranean Arab countries.
The company conducted the evaluation of the regional programme Proculture, involving seven African countries. The Programme objective was to increase cultural cooperation in a region affected by conflicts.
Espèces d’Espace is also managing two web sites: (European cinema) and (Intercultural dialogue).

Contact (1) Full Name
Valerio Caruso
Contact (2) Full Name
Dominique Chouillou

LAJOUAD artistique pour le patrimoine populaire / Artistic LAJOUAD for the popular inheritance

National Network

78 Rue de Berkane

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Lajouad groups musical professional works for the safeguard of the song and Eastern dances of Morocco, it is composed of 7 musicians and 3 dancers. These resources come the evenings which it programs in the festivals, of the commune of Oujda. With Nouba event of Strasbourg they choose the organization of educational meetings, of the seminars, also with association wakha wakha ( In the program: organization of an international festival with jerada, Saidia. Presentation of the spectacle of lajouad also in Helsinki, Oran and Almeria(2007).
Mission and Objectives

* To weave artistic relationships to associations and alien companies (France, Spain and others) * Soutenir the organization of the festivals like tool of communication enters the cultures.
* To support art as means of tolerance, respect and mutual arrangement.
* To create possibilities to exchange ideas, to appreciate the mutual artistic process and to discuss each other work. * To support the durable production of arts as an element of the economic development of Eastern Morocco.

Main Projects / Activities

An international festival with Saidia with the collaboration of Spree Event. July 2007 Participation in the festival S of Jerada, Ahfir and Tlemcen (Algeria) August 2007 Participation in an artistic round August 2007

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Benjeddi
Head of the organisation
Mohammed GUIRRI
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Yaacoubi

Equipe de recherche et d’information sur le retroit de gibgraltar (ERIDG)/Research and Information Team on the retroit of gibgraltar

National Network

Faculté des Sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales de Tanger, Route de l’aviation, BP. 1373 Tanger principale

00. 212.
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. The ERIDG is a team of research of the University Abdelmalek Essaadi (Faculty of Law of Tangier) accredited by the ministry for the higher education. It is made up of 5 permanent members and 8 nonpermanent members (Professors) as well as 6 enquiring students. 2. 4000 euros 3. subsidies of the University. 4. - university Partners: Cadmos (Faculty of Law, Paris 11), Department of the international law (Faculty of Law of Cadiz (Spain), College of defense of NATO (Rome). - institutional Partners: The European Parliament, ministry for the higher education (Reduction), Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Reduction), French Institute of North (Tangier), Spanish Arts centre (Tangier), Town hall of Tangier, Area of Tangier.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: The ERIDG covers the whole of the relevant files for the peace and the stability of Mediterranean space.
Objectives: 1. To develop research and the debate on the great questions of peace, stability, of the durable development like on integration transrégionale. For this purpose, the members of the ERIDG maintain a network relations and exchanges with university research centers Moroccan and Mediterranean. 2. To direct the activity of the ERIDG towards scientific research and the practical studies like worms of the useful and relevant recommendations for the development of the dialogue transrégional and economic integration. 3. To sensitize the civil companies of the bordering countries of the Straits of Gibraltar to the benefits of the dialogue continues in order to dilute conflict perceptions of the people.

Contact (1) Full Name
El Houdaigui Rachid
Head of the organisation
El Houdaigui Rachid
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Yahya

Green Culture, Art and Thought Association

National Network

Kurabiye Sokak No:13/3 Taksim-Beyo?lu

0090 212 243 83 33
Telephone (other)
0090 212 258 57 96
0090 212 243 83 33
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0090 535 886 31 63
Mobile Phone (other)
0090 533 362 02 13
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. The Green Culture, Art and Idea Association’s structure consist of three main bodies: The General Assembly, the Administrative Board and the Control Commission. There is 1 full-time working employee and 100 members working volunteerly. 2. The entrance fee paid by the entering members, the monthly fee paid by the constant members, extra contributions and donations by the members, legal charitable donations, meetings and events 3. Donations by Stichting Duurzame Solidariteit-Holland Common projects with NGO’s 4. Conferences, campaigns, seminars, youth exchanges, dialogue meetings, local conferences, publishing books and journals. 5. Greens of Turkey, Stichting Duurzame Solidariteit, FYEG (Federation of Young European Greens and CDN Network)
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

- Seminar on Ecology every year
- Publishing regular books (three issues) each year.
- Youth exchanges and camps with FYEG and CDN network
- Environment projects and campaigns with NGO’s
- Green dialogue conferences in the end of every year
- ‘Green Summer Festival’
-Local Conferences in 5 cities each year about the ecological problems.
- Climate change campaign

Contact (1) Full Name
Onur Avci
Head of the organisation
Kadir Dadan
Contact (2) Full Name
Neriman Eren