Koreja - Società Cooperativa A.R.L.

National Network

VIA GUIDO DORSO, 70 – post code 73100
73100 LECCE

(+39) 0832 242000
Telephone (other)
(+39) 0832 240752
(+39) 0832 242000
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+39) 338 3746581
Mobile Phone (other)
(+39) 339 3249973
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1) Koreja is a “società cooperativa a responsabilità limitata” (limited responsibility cooperative society); it includes n. 15 associates and 17 members of the staff. 2)Budget: 600.000,00 euros 3)Sources of Funding: Ministry of Culture; Puglia Region; Lecce Province; European cooperation programmes 4)Modalities of Action: International cooperation projects, especially with the Bakan area in the last 2 years; artistic exchanges; seminars; conferences; theatre-dance-music reviews (in winter and in summer); artistic residences; training courses; workshops; national and international tours of our own theatre productions 5)Main Partners: Istituto di Culture Mediterranee della Provincia di Lecce; Lecce Province; Puglia Region; Cultural Centre of Smederevo (Serbia)
Mission and Objectives

Koreja is recognized and financed by the Italian Ministry of Culture. Koreja's artistical project is made up of "works", "actions" and "stories" and, above all, from the deep need of building up a "residence for theatre and culture" open to innovation, to the comparison between generations and cultures, a kaleidoscope of arts , genres and experiences in our loved-hated South. Koreja has always paid attention to local traditions as much as to the roots and languages of other cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

MAIN ACTIVITIES: 1. Production of theatre performances touring both through Italy and abroad 2. promotion of theatrical and cultural events, such as reviews and festivals 3. activity of research, training, theatrical pedagogy through workshops, stages, meetings and exchanges

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Youth Action for Change

National Network

via Curiel 63
20050 Mezzago (Mi)

+39 348 7407314
Telephone (other)
+39 039 622329
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
YAC is a global organisation with a flat structuring, having an Executive Director, a Board of asdviser and a newly-created Programs Committee. We have almost 900 members in 120 countries worldwide (95% of which are developing countries). We are totally youth-led, and have empowered some 1,000 young people and youth organisations to date, even running on a limited budget (less than Euro 5,000 per year, to date). We have partnerships with ICCHRA (Ghana) and PNYV! (Germany).
Mission and Objectives

Youth Action for Change is a global, youth-led organisation harnessing the power of ICTs to inspire and empower young people to become active change makers in their own communities.
Through our work we want to develop a global network of conscious-minded and self-reliant youths who are committed to bring about positive changes in their community and the world at large.

Main Projects / Activities

YAC has been the first organisation ever to get the peer-to-peer methodology online to offer young people free training activities in a number of issues – Sustainable Development, Human Rights, Social Leadership and many more – to help them tackle the matters affecting them and the world at large.
Because of its groundbreaking programs, YAC has received several praises and awards from organisations the likes of the UN, the World Bank, Oxfam, Ashoka Foundation, IYF/Nokia, the Council of Europe and many others.
Our programs, provided online and free of charge to participants, reach young people in some 120 countries and consist of: Courses, Mentors, Dialogues with Experts, Forums, Speakers for youth events, Consulting Services

Contact (1) Full Name
Selene Biffi
Head of the organisation
Selene Biffi

Individual Member: Beatrice Maalouf

National Network
Czech Republic


Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
Applying as an independent individual not part of an organisation.
Mission and Objectives

Same as above.

Main Projects / Activities

Personally I am interested in cultual identity and the integration of minority cultural rights within a national identity within the EU.

Contact (1) Full Name
Beatrice Maalouf
Head of the organisation
Beatrice Maalouf

Association Quartiers Nord

National Network

12, rue Saint Claude


04 42 72 44 42
Telephone (other)
04 91 62 57 14
04 91 50 87 64
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
06 08 01 54 43
Mobile Phone (other)
06 20 81 41 97
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association loi 1901 Bureau de 3 personnes + 1 bénévole + une vingtaine d'intermittents du spectacle. Nombreux partenariats (10) Ressources annuelles d'environ 50 000 Euros Sources : Subventions + vente de spectacles et de disques Projets artistiques annuels à développer internationalement (créations) Partenariats avec des structures publiques régionales ( Ville de Marseille, Conseil Généra
Mission and Objectives

Développement d'activités musicales, théâtrales et littéraires au niveau international.

Main Projects / Activities

Créations de projets multi-culturels au niveau européen et méditerranéen (théâtre, musique, littérature, cinéma, vidéo)

Contact (1) Full Name
Michel Raimondo
Head of the organisation
Denis Rocchia
Contact (2) Full Name
Robert Rossi


National Network

vicolo Luigi Lavista,n.3
85100 Potenza (PZ)


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
EURO-NET is a non-profit organization that has in this moment 22 persons under different job-contracts and 6 volunteers of National Civil Service In Italy. Our budget is more or less 75.000 - 150.000 Euro (depending from the year considereted). The most part of our sources of funding comes from European Commission. The rest from local, regional or national public bodies, private sponsors, associates, etc. EURO-NET has realised a lot of projects (see in the attached file the list of projects realised or in realisation) It has more than 5000 partners all over Europe and outside (see in the attached file the list of networks in which it is involved)
Mission and Objectives

The mission is the information and the realisation of activities (especially european).
The organism is directed to spread information especially to young people: this means that we have to inform them about opportunities, initiatives, advantages, ideas, programmes, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

EURO-NET has realised a lot of projects (see in the attached file the list of projects realised or in realisation).
The Association co-operates with many public Administrations with which it has particular agreements for the diffusion of juvenile and adults activities and helps freely all juvenile organisations to realise European programs: with its help about 200 projects were realised and financed in Region Basilicata (south of Italy). Euro-net gives to children, young people and adults this services:
? information and project development center
? organization of training courses, exchanges and cultural, artistic or sport activities
? sector study, research
? counseling, crisis support and prevention
? e-learning, networking and partnerships
? publications, newspapers and web sites

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Lagrotta
Head of the organisation
Anna Lagrotta
Contact (2) Full Name
Antonino Imbesi

Fekete Sereg Youth Association

National Network

Petofi u. 2.

+ 36 88 264 464
+ 36 88 264 464
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 30 423 97 37
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Fekete Sereg Youth Association is a nongovernmental organization. We have 2 employed. We collaborate with municipalities, foundations, other regional, national and international organizations, cooperates with experts and people supporting the young. We also have good relationship with Mobilitás Hungarian NA budgetary 40.000euros/year. EuroMed youth exchange: Fair Play (2005); EuroMed Contact Makinf Seminar: Sport again racism (2005); EuroMed Training Courses: Coming back to our senses! (2005); Let’s find EuroMed Rhythm! (2006); We hosted the first Mediterranean volunteer (from Tunisia) in Hungary for one year.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to give the youth of the village possibilities to spend their free time by doing useful activities, to support bottom up initiatives of the young living in the village. Our mission is also to give the same possibilities to our youth as other young have in the European Union. We collaborate with municipalities, foundations, other regional, national and international organizations, cooperates with experts and people supporting the young. We also have good relationship with Mobilitás Hungarian NA.

Main Projects / Activities

The Fekete Sereg Youth Association was founded in 1997 and is mainly composed by young aged between 13 and 30, living in Nagyvázsony (1800 inhabitants) and in the Vázsony-valley in Hungary. The association’s duty is to represent the interest of the young living in the village at regional, national and international level. Our village is situate in rurale area. The target groups in our association are diverse: we have students, unemployed, minorities (gypsies), disadvantages and handicaps people etc. We developed local TV channel is our village. As a bottom up initiative, a media program was launched in 2001. We have been publishing a youth newsletter appearing 8 times a year in 600 examples since 7 years. Our members launched a regular television program the Sereg-szemle in the local TV network. We also edit a teletext.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kandiko Rita
Head of the organisation
Kandiko Rita

World Public Forum – Dialogue of Civilizations

National Network

Stubenring 4/11
1040 Vienna

+43 (0) 1 513 01 38
+43 (0) 1 513 01 38
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+43 (0) 664 233 69 23
Mobile Phone (other)
+43 (0) 664 202 51 15
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

World Public Forum – Dialogue of Civilizations (WPF-DC) is an international NGO, registered as association in Vienna, Austria, with 7 founding members and about 1000 members of its network. The staff employed in its Vienna Headquarter is 3. The budgetary resources available is about 250.000 €, stemming from private donations and membership fees. WPF-DC holds an annual conference on the dialogue of civilizations with around 600 participants – scientists, politicians, diplomats, journalists, clergymen etc. – from all over the world, this year for the 5th time in Rhodes, Greece. Regional conferences on the dialogue of civilizations and specific themes are organised either alone or with partners, like Unesco or the Asia-Europe Foundation. The WPF-DC carries out several scientific and practical projects.

Mission and Objectives

WPF-DC is a non-profit organisation which is aimed at the dialogue of civilizations and religions, the understanding of peoples and the mutual respect for values and societies of other civilizations, the promotion of encounters of members of different civilizations and religions, the promotion of peaceful living together of members of different civilizations and religions, the fight against any xenophobia and discrimination of members of certain civilizations and religions. The INGO is committed to the values and principles of the United Nations, to human rights and human dignity and equality of men and women, equal rights and self-determination of all nations, international cooperation and peaceful solution of conflicts.

Main Projects / Activities

Annual Rhodes-Conference on Dialogue of Civilizations, Round Table of like-minded institutions, organizations and religious communities in Vienna on the intercultural dialogue, International project "Alternative models of globalization" / Post-globalization, International Prize of Saint Andrew the First-Called in nomination "Dialogue of civilizations" Educational course "The lessons of understanding" for secondary schools Creation of a Network community Follow-up of the Rhodes-Report

Contact (1) Full Name
Walter Schwimmer, Chairman International Coordination Committee
Head of the organisation
Vladimir I. Yakunin, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Diana Orlova, Director International Headquarter

Sander Francken FILM

National Network

Heintje Hoekssteeg 18
1012 GR Amsterdam

+ 31 20 6245278
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 31 6 53184405
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

1) Official legal status: a so called one man's company with a staff of one director/producer, one back office staff member plus a wide range of freelance experts, which differs from project to project. 2) Depends on current project(s). In 2006 the available resources were approximately 275.000 Euro. 3) The Stimuleringsfonds Nederlandse Culturele Omroepproducties, het Nederlands Fonds voor de Film, CoBO Fonds, NCDO, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, HIVOS, Oxfam Novib, LLINK, Nederlandse Moslim Omroep, Pax Christi, Unicef, Europese Commissie, MEDIA Plus and others. 4) Development and production of thought provoking films and television programs. 5) Rolf Koot / Eyeworks, Joost Schrickx / Pelicula, Joep Bannenberg / Momoves, Mitchke Leemans / Transprojects and others

In development: LUCKY BASTARDS (feature) + ARBA'EEN 2024 (documentary) + THE SILENT FORCE OF KALI JOMPO (documentary) 


Mission and Objectives

The goal of this company is to develop and produce thought provoking projects with a high dramatic potential and outstanding visual approach. Awareness raising on contemporary themes such as the attraction and repulsion between different cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects on attraction and repulsion between (people of) different cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sander Francken
Head of the organisation
Sander Francken
Contact (2) Full Name
Liz Meis

Nuova Atlantide Teatro

National Network

Via Serapide 11
Pozzuoli (NA)

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1)Nuova Atlantide Teatro is founded in Pozzuoli (NA. Its mission is the theatral and musical event's production to develope the connession end inter-dialogue between different communities, territorial areas and historical memory. NAT is a young cultural association: its structure is formed by permanent staff of three persons: arthistic direction, administrative direction and organizaticve direction and some collaborations with other artists or professional figures in relation with the realization of single project. 2) Budgetary resources by foundation until today, are progressive incremented: these resources actually avalaible in a year are between 15.000 and 20.000 euro. 3) Sources of funding are principally by public organizzations and public therritorial governments and by cachet. 4) Actions are: concrete theatral projects, stage and seminars. 5) Main partners are other national association or theatral company which have similar scope, or association which have consolidated social work in the specifical therritorial area to which project is destinated.
Mission and Objectives

1) To give value to the different people history, family history or community history by artistic theatral practice, using theorical and practical struments of theatre community.
2) To develope feminine dramaturgy and feminine thatre particularly oriented to realize artistic project which put in attention to social and therritorial contest in relation with his abitants.
3)To promuove the inter-cultural sensibility between young people betwwen theatre and music practice.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities of last two years:
1)2007 "Madri": Theatral spectacule about theme women and war, with 14 actresses by different war countries in collaboration with Almamater Asssociation in Turin.
2)2007 "Donne con la folla nel cuore": thetral laboratory with women who live in Forcella's quarter in Napoli, in collaboration with Trianon Theatre.
3) 2007 "Ampliamente Insieme": theatral laboratory with young strange people in the disagiate areas in the Napoli hinterlands, in collaboration with Auser Association.
3)2006 "Le pagelle": theatral laboratory and performance with ancien women, in collaboration with Local Government of Matera.
4)2006 "Il Pontile dei Sogni": theatral work on the history of dismission Italsider industrie, in the prestigiouse "May Monuments" in Napoli".
5) 2006 "Il rione delle Bambine": theatral laboratory and performance with ancient women and their nepotes about bradisism' hostory in Pozzuoli.
6) 2005 Donne di miniera": performance by the life's tales narrated by feminine work in the tufo's cave in Altavilla Irpina (Av)

Contact (1) Full Name
Caterina Pontrandolfo

Art-Service Nemzetközi Alkotóközösség

National Network

5741 Kétegyháza
Dózsa u 137. sz

0036 22 372-224
Telephone (other)
0036 84 348-068
0036 22 372-224
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0036 70 326-5847
Mobile Phone (other)
0036 30 300-5645
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Our organization does not have full time employees, our activists conduct the day to day organizational tasks. The contributions of our members give the budget of our organization. We have certain donors time to time, who give non-financial help (Eg. transportation, accommodation, etc.)
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote the different branches of art through exhibitions, events and artist camps.
Our members work in several artistic forms from fine arts to industrial arts.

Main Projects / Activities

We have successfully organized artist camps for both children and adults from 2000-2006.
In May 2007 we organized an amateur painter camp in Gyenesdiás and in August in Sándorfalva.
We plan to organize a camp for sculptors in October in Sándorfalva and in Székesfehérvár.
We also wish to organize an exhibition in the Italian Polesella, but this project is only in the planning phase.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kinorányiné Ródler Mária
Head of the organisation
Csonka János
Contact (2) Full Name
Tálas Ágnes