Academy of Fine Arts and Design (AFAD)

National Network
Slovak Republic

Drotárska 44
81102 Bratislava

+421 (0)2 594 28 508
+421 2 5443 2340
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information

AFAD is composed of 11 departments, Institute of Art and Science, library and Medium gallery. Departments: Architecture, Photography and New Media, Printmaking and Other Media, Intermedia and multimedia, Painting and Other Media, Industrial Design, Restauration, Sculpture, Object, Installation, Theory and History of Art, Textiles, Applied Art, Visual communication The structure of study is divided into an undergraduate (bachelor's) and graduate (master's) level and a credits system was introduced. AFAD is financed mainly from the state budget (founder: Ministry of Education). A part of the Academy’s revenues (around 10%) come from business activities, sponsorship donations, non-governmental grants. AFAD has 230 employees and 678 students, incl. PhD. students (January 2008). The Academy is included in the international institutions and networks: ELIA, CUMULUS and ICOGRADA. Sources of funding: national funding schemes (Ministry of Culture, Education), international funding: foundations, EU funding

Mission and Objectives

AFAD sees the essence of its mission as lying in cultivating the organic interconnection of conceptual study (thought) and of the study of a technological and artistic, complexly perceived creation of a work from its idea through realisation to its application in communicative practice. The realisation of these values is based on contemporary thought around the world, acceptance of traditions from the aspect of contemporary thought and on the formation of ethical responsibility for the state and development of culture. AFAD's mission is to carry these values over into educational practice through the creation of a suitable educational environment and educational process. The Academy’s aim is to create an educational environment that should fulfil the following parameters: stimulating climate, quality technological background, possibilities for cooperation and interchange, possibilities for student to create a variable study plan, communication with the external professional environment, possibilities for presentation, confrontation and exchange, critical evaluation.

Main Projects / Activities

- creative artistic activity - scientific projects (institutional, departments’ scientific projects, grant projects) - presentation and publication of the results of artistic and scientific activity - management of artistic and scientific teams - participation at international artistic and scientific events (world showings, exhibitions, conferences,...) - students and pedagogues exchanges, mobility projects Latest international projects: DESIGN + 3D, CUMULUS conference 2007 ISTROART 2007 (international creative workshops)

Contact (1) Full Name
Zuzana Wallnerová
Job Title
Institutional Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Assoc. Prof. Bohunka Koklesová, PhD. - rector of AFAD

Accademia ISA

National Network

Via Giuseppe Meda, 7
20136 - Milano (Italy)


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1.The Accademia ISA - Inter-religious Studies Academy has been established in September 2007. It has 12 charter members and 40 volunteers. 2.Yearly fixed incomes of the Association are around 12000 euros, coming from membership fees and voluntary deeds. 3.Other subventions are due to sponsorships by local authorities, public and private foundations, as well as to private donations. 4.The main activity of the association is Teachers and Students Training in the field of Inter-Religious Studies; this activity is developed by means of school lessons, seminars, production of multimedial and printed didactical materials, artistic and cultural events, research projects. 5.The training activities involve local authorities (i.e. Counselorships for Equal Opportunities, Integration, Education and Culture; Local School Offices), Universities and other associations with similar purposes (University of Milan; IHEI - Institut des Hautes Etudes Islamiques), as well as religious communities (i.e. the Rabbinic Assembly of Italy and the Italian Islamic Religious Community - COREIS)
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Accademia ISA is “to promote intellectual, educational and academic initiatives, at a national as well as at an international level, for a better and deeper knowledge of Abrahamic Religions” (Charter of the Association). The main objectives are:
- Teachers and Students Training about abrahamic religions, inter-religious dialogue and intercultural citizenship
- A better knowledge and mutual understanding between different religious communities
- A better knowledge and understanding between religious communities and civil society
- Enrichment and promotion of the Euro-Mediterranean cultural heritage
- Promoting activities against racism, anti-Semitism and religious discrimination
- Promoting the values of citizenship in the multicultural Europe, including equal opportunities and children rights
- Promoting multi-disciplinary research projects in the above mentioned fields

Main Projects / Activities

- Imam e Rabbini 2007/2008 (Imams and Rabbis 2007/2008) touring meetings in the main Italian cities (i.e.Ferrara, Milan, Turin, Genova, Florence, Rome), dealing with the main themes of spirituality and doctrines (faith and reason; mystics; intercultural brotherhood), which are developed each time by an Italian Imam and a Chief Rabbi in the aim of dialogue and spiritual convergence.
- Islamo-Christian Dialogue. Research project following the intellectual movement of "A Common Word between Us and You" (, in order to point out methods and subjects for a better undestanding between Christians and Muslims.
- Qui est le Prophète Mouhammad. Editorial project in partnership with the IHEI - Institut des Hautes Etudes Islamiques
- Voci di Pace nell'Europa multiculturale e multireligiosa (Voices for Peace in a multicultural and multi-religious Europe) - travelling show of didactical panels dealing with citizenship, inter-religious dialogue and Mediterranean heritage, in the cities of Milan, Turin,Vicenza and over)

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Enriello
Contact (2) Full Name
Paolo Masotti

Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collodi

National Network

Via B. Pasquinelli, 6 I-51012 Collodi PT

+39 0572 429613
+39 0572 429614
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Private cultural foundation recognized by Italian State. 7 employees. Average budget in last 5 years: Euro 1.300.000,000. Main income from entrance fees to Parco di Pinocchio, open air museum of art and architecture dedicated to Pinocchio’s Adventure. About 10% of annual financial resources from public funding as acknowledgement of cultural value of the Foundation’s activities. Activities deal with life and work of writer Carlo Collodi, and his "The Adventures of Pinocchio": management of Pinocchio Park; creation and circulation (Italy and abroad) of exhibitions; ideation, organization or participation as far as symposia, literary events, conferences on own topics (literature, journalism, pedagogics, children’s culture and rights) are concerned (Italy and abroad); activities for the young. Main partners in the last 5 years: Italian Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, various local administrations, UNICEF Italy, University of Madeira (Portugal), University of Rome 3, SEC-Societé Européenne de Culture, CCRE Italy.
Mission and Objectives

Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collodi has the following main statuary aims:
- spread and make known around the world the works of Collodi, in particular The Adventures of Pinocchio;
- collect and organize Italian and Foreign editions of Carlo Collodi’s works, as well as any document that is suitable and useful to better understanding this Author, in a library;
- point out the value of the works by Carlo Collodi by cultural manifestations, awards, meetings, conferences, exhibitions, publications, competitions, etc;
- encourage writers to produce works for children;
- establish a research centre on children’s literature in Collodi;
- take care of, improve, enlarge, make the most of Parco di Pinocchio (Pinocchio Park).

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities:
Management of Biblioteca Collodiana (Collodi Library, and of Biblioteca sulla letteratura e Lettura Giovanile (Library on Juvenile Literature and Reading), as documentation on Carlo Collodi, children’s culture, and support to researchers;
Degree and post-degree courses on Carlo Collodi and connected topics (XIX Century literature, history and arts, children’s literature, journalism);
Organization of meetings, seminaries, conferences on Carlo Collodi and connected topics, children’s culture;
Editing and publication of essays on Carlo Collodi and connected topics
Contest on cultural subjects for schools (such as Pinocchio’s Birthday)
Workshops for children
Didactics on contemporary art for adults
Circulation of exhibitions on Carlo Collodi and Pinocchio
Main projects:
European research team “Studies on humour”, in cooperation with University of Madeira (Portugal) and University of Nottingham (UK)
Enlargement and enrichment of Pinocchio Park with “Pinocchio’s Friends Park”, based on international classics in children’s literature and popular tales.

Contact (1) Full Name
Isabella Belcari
Head of the organisation
Prof. Vincenzo Cappelletti, President


National Network

via Mario Angeloni 7
48011 Alfonsine (RA)


0039 3298705250
Telephone (other)
0039 3479922594
0039 05442345044
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3298705250
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3479922594
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
LaDamaSognatrice , born in January 2008 with 10.000 euro of corporation stock, is composed by the two partners Fabrizio Fantini [director, video-operator and editor ] and Chiara Roncagli [author, script-writer and translator] and a range of external collaborators such as light and sound technicians, art directors, photographers, camera operators, songwriters, graphics and speakers. The main partners in our projects are: production companies, such as C.P.A Audiovisual Productions in Rome, local institutions, such as Cervia Municipality, Ravenna Municipality, the Province of Ravenna, cultural and environmentalist associations, such as AltriMenti of Roncalceci and Academia Kronos in Rome; some projects have been developed in collaboration also with ISREC, the Historical Institute of Resistance of Alfonsine [didactic documentary], the nursing home for disabled “La Parolina” in Cernusco sul Naviglio [videoteraphy].
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to produce documentaries in the social field.
With a ten year experience in the audiovisual field, the 2 partners offer to their potential customer a range of services for the planning and the implementation of multimedia products, through a synergic network with their external collaborators.
Besides the main activity of Troupe ENG [Engineering News Gathering] provided with its own technical equipment, and working for the local and national broadcast channels, flanks the more creative one of planning and producing reportages, documentaries, short-films, music videos, commercials, multimedia DVD, tourist videos, video catalogues and programs for the WEBTV.
Our very first goal is however to become pioneers of HD technology in the Bologna area, and to propose the most advanced technologies to our customers.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently the “works in progress” involves those areas that most exemplify the true essence of the society:
- documentary [our project “Il Sale dei Forzati”, about the history of the sea salt of Tarquinia, conceived with Academia Kronos and CPA, has been submitted to Regione Lazio per funding];
- video therapy [therapeutic paths such as “Volti e Risvolti di un Carosello chiamato: DROGA” has been submitted to the Youth Policies Ministry and “ItaliAvista” submitted to local bodies and Social Solidarity Ministry]
- synergic exchange with field experts [our web portal “ ” will foresee the possibility for our collaborators to create their own web page, uploading videos and photos, promoting themselves and exchange ideas].

Contact (1) Full Name
Chiara Roncagli
Contact (2) Full Name
Fabrizio Fantini

Ente Morale Biblioteca Pinacoteca Camillo d'Errico

National Network

Corso Manfredi n.132
Palazzo San Gervasio

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
our organitation is a no-profit fundation,formed by an administration counsil in which 5 members take part: the President is the head of the town Palazzo san Gervasio, the "keeper" and director whose function is that of taking care of the conservation of cultural goods of our fundation such as books, pictures and printed sheets of a certified value, then one state representative of cultural goods, a representative of the people, and a representative of the family who gave all the prestigeous goods to the fundation. Budgetary resources not available at the moment. Private and public sources of funding. EXchanges between galleries and museums. The main partners are public and private galleries and fundations.
Mission and Objectives

our main objective is that of making our collection of pictures know all around Europe and the world and promoting a cultural exchange

Main Projects / Activities

the main activity is that of taking care of the conduction and succesful life of the museum and the library and some of the projects are that of opening a school of art, of painting and restyling of the pictures inside the picture gallery and promoting cultural exchanges among different countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Saluzzi Mario
Head of the organisation
Pagano Federico
Contact (2) Full Name
Genga Cinzia

Association Hillal La Saoura

National Network

09, Rue Colonel Lotfi Béni-Abbès (08300) W. Bechar
Beni Abbes

+213 771 82 50 74
Telephone (other)
+213 776 12 90 59
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+213 771 82 50 74
Mobile Phone (other)
+213 776 12 90 59
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Said Touati Président Lahouari Douli Trésorier Moubarak Mimouni responsable administratif Wafik Benslimane responsable des relations institutionnelles Ressources budgétaires et sources de financement Au niveau de l'association : Soutien de la Wilaya de Bechar et de l'APC de Beni Abbes Soutien pour le Festival : Wilaya de Bechar, Ministère de la culture, agence pour le rayonnement culturel, Ministère du tourisme, fondation Anna Lindh, partenaires privés. Modalités d'action L’association Hillal la Saoura de Béni Abbés a une longue histoire dans la région et cela depuis sa fondation par le défunt, HADJ BENRAHOU. Elle est active dans différents domaines culturels, depuis les années soixante-dix. Elle participe à plusieurs manifestations musicales, folkloriques et organise le Festival les Nuits de la Saoura depuis 2003. Partenaires sur le Festival les Nuits de la Saoura : Association Nuits Métis / France ASF (Animateurs Sans Frontières)/ France
Mission and Objectives

Mission et objectifs
L'association Hillal La Saoura est une association à caractère culturel agrée par l'état algérien le 17/02/2001 sous le N°: 04 conformément à la loi 90/31 du 04/12/90. Son siége est à béni Abbés.
Les objectifs de l’association sont :
- de promouvoir les arts traditionnels locaux,
- de favoriser la création et la diffusion des groupes algériens,
- de provoquer des rencontres entre des artistes de différents sensibilités et cultures,
- de favoriser les liens et les échanges entre structures culturelles Africaines et Européennes,
- de faciliter les échanges entre les jeunes au niveau national et international,
- de proposer des activités culturelles et éducatives.

Main Projects / Activities

Projets/activités principales
Les principales activités du festival :
- Des résidences et échanges artistiques
- Des soirées spectacles gratuites pour le public,
- La rénovation d’une maison traditionnelle: la " résidence d’artistes Hadj Benrahou "
- L’accueil de touristes festivaliers (nationaux et étrangers) dans la ville.
Programme du 14 au 17 avril 2008
Kendia Kouyaté et Zeid Hamdan / Guinée - Liban
Zenzilé France
Alatoul Mostefa Merabti et Hafid Douli / F rance - Algérie
Et des groupes Algériens des Wilayas de Bechar et d’Alger
Le Chantier Jeune
Et un séjour au milieu du Sahara Algérien pour les festivaliers nationaux et internationaux

Contact (1) Full Name
Wafik Benslimane
Head of the organisation
Said Touati
Contact (2) Full Name
Moubarak Mimouni

Universidade do Algarve

National Network

Universidade do Algarve
Campus de Gambelas
8005-139 FARO


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
General Information
1. Université avec Écoles (4) et Facultés (5). 9.000 élèves. 700 professeurs. 2.+3. 50.000.000 de budjet annuelle: État (60%), Ressources regionaux et locaux (25%), ressources communautaires (15%). 4. Licences, Masters, Doctorat, Formation au long de la vie, transfer de connaissance, services divers. 5. Universités étrangères, centres de recherches, associations de development, associations culturelles.
Contact (1) Full Name
João Guerreiro
Head of the organisation
João Guerreiro
Contact (2) Full Name
Pedro Ferré

Association tunisienne de sauvegarde des jeux et sports de patrimoine

National Network

19 rue Tantaoui Jawhari 2058 Ariana - Tunisie

+216 7182083
+216 7182083
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

1-Association Civile composée de 8 membres et les pertenaires sont: ** Institution socioéducative en tunisie. ** Institution de l'état Partenariat avec l'association culturelle la TANGUILLA Espagne , Fédération française des sports de quille, Fédération italienne des jeux et sports traditionnels, musée des jeux et soprts Belgique, Institut National d'éducation physique de catalogne Espagne, Association des jeux traditionnels de GUARDA portugal, CEMEA France(Organisme de formation professionnel et pédagogique ) 2- pas de ressources Budgétaires 3- sources de financement: frais d'inscription à l'association, Contrats de conventions avec les institutions de l'état 4-Modalités: Prganisation des rencontres d'animations sur les jeuxde patrimoine, organisations des séminaires pour la formation des animateurs, création des documents pédagogiques pour des enfants de l'école primaire. 5-Partenaires: Le Ministère de la Culture et de la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine (Tunisie), Médiathèque ARIAN ( Tunisie) , l'association européenne des jeux et sports traditionnels, la fédération algérienne des jeux et sports traditionnels.

Mission and Objectives

L'objectif de l'association tunisienne des jeux et sports du patrimoine se résument dans les points suivants: 1- promotion des jeux et sports du patrimoine à travers la Tunisie, le monde du Maghreb Arabe et au niveau méditerranéen. 2- Organisation des enquêtes pour le recueil des jeux et production des documents pédagogiques relatives à ces activités. 3- Mettre en valeur le matériel et les objets de jeu traditionnel par le biais la fabrication. 4-Organisation des manifestations des jeux traditionnels à travers l'intérieur du pays afin d'encourager l'esprit de la communication et l'échange entre les enfants, les jeunes de différentes régions.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Confection d'un kit pédagogique en faveur les clubs d'enfants en Tunisie . Ce kit est composé de 03 supports a - guide des jeux traditionnels d'enfants b- 03 jeux numériques traditionnels c- confection de matériel de 03 jeux cognitifs du patrimoine. 2- Formation des animateurs de la jeunesse des clubs ruro en tunisie. 3- Sensibilisation des étudiants à l'utilisation des jeux traditionnels comme moyens d'éducation 4 - Organisation de la première rencontre euro méditerranéenne des jeux du patrimoine du 18 Avril 2008 au 21 Mai 2008

Contact (1) Full Name
Ezzeddine Bouzid
Head of the organisation
Ezzeddine Bouzid
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Ben Youssef

Club Unesco Alesco Bardo

National Network

105 avenue 20 mars bardo

21698632701 / 29632701
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information

1*le club UNESCO alesco de Bardo est un club affilé à la fédération tunisienne des clubs UNESCO alesco, c'est une ONG. Les adhérents au club sont 15 personnes volontaires. 2* Les ressources budgétaires proviennent des activités qui s'autofinancent. 3*From. local national et international Grant, Euromed project. 4*Euromed jeunesse III, échanges, Heritage IV, séminaires et forum de la ligue arabe. 5*Euromed, international handicap et FDF, fondation de France.

Mission and Objectives

Instaurer l’esprit d’amitié, de paix et de coopération entre les peuples sans distinction de religion,de sexe,de couleur ou de langue. Former les jeunes de point de vue culturel et social. Animation des activités culturelles à la cité Bardo. Protection de l’héritage culturel et naturel. La protection de l’environnement. l' empowerment des jeunes. Diffuser l'esprit de l'éducation non formelle. Promouvoir l'apprentissage culturel

Main Projects / Activities

Participation au forum des jeunes de la ligue arabe. Participation Smsi 2005 Animation des foyers universitaires. Organisations des chantiers de bénévolats. Organisation de festival de l'aqueduc. Animation pour les enfants d'écoles primaires. Echanges de jeunes..

Contact (1) Full Name
Zine Ilyes
Head of the organisation
Zine Ilyes
Contact (2) Full Name
Fedia gasmi

Institute DDIKEOMA for the sustainable evolution of the corfiot culture

National Network

Corfu town / Municipal Theatre
Corfu (Kerkyra)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
DDikeoma Institute is a NGO that serves as a centre for volunteerism on Corfu and accordingly works extensively with volunteers and local organizations that rely on volunteers. The DDikeoma for the sustainable evolution of Corfiot culture (NGO/ Number in Hellenic Court 93/2006) was founded on 27.2.2006 as a non-profit foundation with the goal of supporting creative cooperation and exchange toward the scientific, intellectual, social and cultural development of Corfu.
Mission and Objectives

The primary functions of the DDikeoma reflect and exhibit European Union values:
- Accessible Communication Channels/Access
- Diversity
- Participation
- Improving citizen conduct
- Involvement of Citizens with Local, National and European Institutions
(See also the attachment file)

Main Projects / Activities

To achieve and promote the aforementioned goals and values, DDikeoma has made use of the natural environment of Corfu. The DDikeoma has initiated an educational walking program of its own and has partnered with several NGO’s on Corfu that work toward educational, environmental and cultural development (Annual Corfu Symposium).
DDikeoma’s Walking Program makes use of trails that pass through the entirety of Corfu’s countryside. The trails pass through several environmental, cultural and historical sites. This makes the trails well-suited to educational programs that are accessible to people all over the island of Corfu. The trail also passes through a number of small villages, many of which are run down and nearing abandonment. The trail will inevitably lead to sustainable economic development and revive these traditional settlements.

Contact (1) Full Name
Petroulias Apostolos / Director
Head of the organisation
Petroulias Apostolos / Director