Camera Lucida

National Network

Stefanou Tatti n.3, cd. 54622

+30 2310 274536
Mobile Phone
+ 30 6944 244921
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6944 968013
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. “Camera Lucida” is a private non-profit association. There are three founding members and five official members. The association doesn’t employ any staff. Since it’s foundation the association is the legal representative of the Research Theatre Group “Fractals”, which started it’s activity during June 2001. 2. In 2005-2006: 12.000 euro. In 2006 up to the present date the budgetary sum achieved is 6.000 euro. 3. The association lacks a constant funding, although has received twice a funding from the Ministry of Northern Greece (2005: 2.000 euro, 2006: 1.000 euro.) 4. “ Camera Lucida” (and “Fractals”) act through theatre, music, education and social projects, seminars on theatre and art subjects, and media-video projects. Also keep theatre laboratories for people with disabilities, specially for people with mental disorders. 5. Teatro “Aenigma” (Urbino, Italy) “Groups for Human Encounter” (Naxxar, Malta) “Friends of the Foundation Melina Mercuri” (Thessaloniki, Greece) Art Laboratory “Sxedia stin Poli” (Thessaloniki, Greece) Association for Mental Health “Sinthesis”(Thessaloniki, Greece)
Mission and Objectives

The association’s objective is to promote methods and research toward the exploration of the individual and the collective memory: fields of the research are the tradition of the language and the cultural customs, texts , dances and songs, the interactive elements between cultures and the comport mental models of the individuals.
The ways to approach such a research are theatre (studies on body expression, voice, stage- space, interaction, improvisation) and media art-video (image’s aesthetics,function and semiology).

Main Projects / Activities

• 2004-2006 Project “Mnesimachos” (= he who fights against memory ) : a project on the meaning of violence - Replica alla Violenza” (presented in Thessaloniki-Greece, Urbino-Italy, Naxxar-Malta)
• 2005-2006 Project “Asinus Rex” (=the King Donkey): a project for a laboratory on the relation between urban environment, traditional fairy tales, children folk songs and Commedia dell’ Arte. Theatre performance “Asinus Rex”. (Samothraki- Greece, Urbino-Italy, Thessaloniki-Greece)
• 2005 “ Peri (e)aftou o Logos” (= talking about him) : street theatre performance,and “La Citta delle Maschere” (=the City of the Masks),
• 2006 Project “ The Voyage of the Water” : educational programme for children , using theatre, myth-making and story-telling laboratories
• 2006 Project “The Ways of Eros”: a research on the theme of Sofocles ‘Antigone” and the theme of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tania Kitsou
Head of the organisation
Tania Kitsou
Contact (2) Full Name
Zoe Papadopoulou

department of early childhood education

National Network

department of early childhood education, university of athens, 13a navarinou street, 10680 athens

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information
University of Athens 26 members of teaching staff, 20 members of secretarial staff. Budgetary ressources: 57.000 euros, only for functional expenses. Teaching, research activities. Collaborations with large number of European and American institutions and research centers.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
mary leontsini
Head of the organisation
vassilis tselfes
Contact (2) Full Name
vassilis tselfes

Cultural and Folklore Association of Soroni Rhodes “The Ampernalli”

National Network

Soroni Rhodes 85106 Greece

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We have 100 of members and a 7-member Concil. 5 groups of folklore dances. groups of hip-hop dances and ballet (for kids) group of theatre group of photo.
Mission and Objectives

Τhe Cultural and Folklore Association of Soroni Rhodes “The Ampernalli” was founded in 1983 with aims the preservation and promotion of folklore and cultural heritage of Soroni and Rhodes. The name of the association derives from the word “ampernos”, the oak tree. “Ampernalli” has many activities, including but not limited to teaching of traditional dances, participation to cultural events, reviving old customs, organizing dancing nights, concerts, theatrical productions, and music and literature nights. More information at and,

Main Projects / Activities

Folklore Dances
activites for culture with music, poetry, dances, cinematograf, theatre etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bellos Panagiotis Loukas
Head of the organisation
Bellos Panagiotis Loukas
Contact (2) Full Name
Sfouggaristos Anastasios

Counceling and Career Guidance, 1st Lyceum of Nikaia, Ministry of Education (GRASEP)

National Network

Kyprou & Samsountos

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Counseling and Career Guidance Office (GRASEP) of the 1st Lyceum of Nikaia provides counseling and career guidance services for Lyceum students, as well as people in the area with similar needs.We cooperate with institutions in Greece or abroad, experts at the issues mentioned above, parents and teachers associations, municipality authorities, the Pedagogical Institute and the Ministry of Education. The Target Group is mainly students of secondary schools, but in fact our ‘clients’ are young people of all ages in the area, in particular those who face problems related to social exclusion, either because they are immigrants, gypsies etc. or of lower socio-economic background, with limited opportunities whatsoever.
Mission and Objectives

The general aims are twofold: a) providing support to secondary students seeking help in order to plan their academic and future occupational trajectory and b) counseling all those young people who face all kinds of problems- personal, family, social. Besides this direct (person-to person or in groups) process with the students, we try to sensitize their parents, teachers, employers about matters like racism, inclusion, citizenship, social partnership and cohesion.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities, besides counseling sessions and Information supply, include seminars for students/teachers/ parents, Career Days, Visits, Invitations, Research and all kinds of projects that can prepare young people's transition from school to their next phase in life -educational or professional (citizenship, gender issues, decision-making, inclusion, self-awareness, identity issues etc.)

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Vekri
Head of the organisation
Maria Vekri

EADAP (Society for the Development and Creative Occupation of Children)

National Network

13, Diogenous Laertiou Str. 10446

0030 210 8224487
0030 210 8847232
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
EADAP is supervised by a Scientific Board and has two employees. A European Scientific Council is consulting EADAP and a network of collaborators is occupied on a works contract basis on the projects it implements. Other than this, EADAP is in constant collaboration with educators, academics, researchers, school counsellors, students, officials, parents etc. Expenses and salaries of NGO EADAP are covered by Bernard van Leer Foundation, by European Union projects, as well as by the educational and training programmes it implements. Since its establishment, EADAP has been: • developing and participating in European and international networks, • engaging in research projects, • implementing training programmes, • taking part in educational European projects, • organising educational activities for young children, • producing printed and audiovisual educational material and • organising workshops, conferences, festivals and study trips. EADAP is in continuous exchange with partners from all over Europe, which include but are not restricted to educational institutes of all levels, non-governmental organisations, national and local authorities, etc.
Mission and Objectives

EADAP's vision is to substantially and effectively contribute to the development and creative occupation of children from preschool age to their first years at school, thus promoting their rights and contributing to the recognition and respect of their diversity, while also developing educational innovations and conducting academic research on those matters.
EADAP aims to:
• design and implement training programmes,
• promote continuous in-service training,
• develop collaboration among parents, educators and educational bodies, and involve all of them in reforming the educational institutions,
• advance and link action research, training and innovations in preschool and school institutions,
• research and train in the field of intercultural education and
• create educational networks.

Main Projects / Activities

EADAP's academic members have developed an in-service training methodology, which they called Synergy. EADAP has been expanding and disseminating the Synergy methodology through:
• implementing programmes at municipal day care centres,
• involving executives from relevant bodies in the programmes,
• engaging certified educators-mediators to staff the programmes,
• publishing material,
• presenting papers,
• conducting research in Greece and
• participating in research programmes abroad.
Furthermore, EADAP has been running educational programmes and seminars focusing on:
• specific targets, as has been done, for example, with the Aesop intercultural education programme,
• specific themes such as, for example, health education, environmental education, evaluation, etc.,
• the educational needs not only in Athens but also on the rest of Greece, by providing distance learning courses and
• the needs of education executives (school counsellors, education officers, headmistresses and day care centres' managers).
European projects EADAP has been involved in, include Leonardo Da Vinci, Gruntvig, Comenius, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Arvanitopoulou, MSc
Head of the organisation
Dr. Natassa (Anastasia) Papaprokopiou
Contact (2) Full Name
Daphne Baron


National Network

VERANZEROU 15 , 10677

0030 210 3825506
0030 210 3814682
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
1. Staff Employeed : Director, 2 Project Managers, 2 Volunteers Services Responsible, Communication Manager, Financial Responsible Volunteers: 100 active volunteers Board of Direction: 5 members 2. approximately 300.000 Euros 3. European Programmes, National grants, occasional private sponsors, fundraising activities, foundations grants 4. 1987-2009 : workcamps , 2000-2009: Seminars , 1997-2009 activities connected with youth in action programme, 2006-2009: events connected with european programmes, 1990-2009: environmental activities 5. “Alliance of Voluntary Service Organizations”,“Pan Hellenic Network of Ecological Organizations” and the “Volunteerism and Environment” Network, BTCV- UK, CEMEA-ITALY
Mission and Objectives

ELIX, Conservation Volunteers Greece, is a non-governmental not-for-profit organization promoting voluntary service and education, since 1987. The main value of ELIX is the personal development of individuals as citizens of the world, through active participation in projects for the common good. ELIX organizes international voluntary projects for the protection of the environment, conservation of the cultural heritage projects, as well as social service projects.
ELIX co-operates with National and Local Administrative Bodies, Private Companies and Institutions, as well as with local environmental and cultural associations.
ELIX is a member of the international network “Alliance of Voluntary Service Organizations”, the “Pan Hellenic Network of Ecological Organizations” and the “Volunteerism and Environment” Network.

Main Projects / Activities

• Organization and coordination of international voluntary projects in many areas in Greece.
• Recruitment of volunteers from Greece and all over the world in cooperation with international networks of voluntary organizations.
• Sending Greek volunteers abroad, in short- term voluntary projects (1-3 weeks) or long-term projects of the EU (2-12 months)
• Hosting volunteers from all over the world in voluntary projects in Greece, for short-term as well as long-term projects of the EU.
• Training seminars for international workcamp and youth leaders.
• Participation in many European Programmes: YOUTH IN ACTION (Youth Exchanges, European Voluntary Service, Support Measures) EQUAL, LEONARDO, in order to be actively involved in European structures, to promote and accredit voluntary work and the status of volunteers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

European Village

National Network

Pirla 24, 11141

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The organisation's daily work is carried out from 3 permanent and full time social workers and 25 volunteers. The 2010 activities' budget is more than 100.000 euros, contributed from Community programs, local and national authorities and donations. To reach the above mentioned we act in this ways, • Building (or supporting) networks of collaborarion with the scope of implementing projects in the fields of fair trade, local alternative currency systems (time banking), social solidarity, community building, ethical consumption, etc... • Running sensitization campains/events, sharing good practices and implementing projects concerning environmental issues (renewable energy resources,…), biological and small scale agricultural production, • To educate and to create skillls and competencies among youngsters through non-formal education (learning by doing), vocational trainings and other tools within the framework of Life Long Learning. The organization has experience in spreading and promoting youth mobility opportunities at european (principal programmes of reference are youth in action, Leonardo Da Vinci), in coaching, mentoring and training methodologies (human resource management, personal development mainly adressed to volunteers and members), in project and not-profit dynamics management
Mission and Objectives

The main aim that the organization seeks to achieve are
a) to spread the ideas and to support actions concerning economies of solidarity and sustainable development.
b) to empower young people to participate actively in the community
Our main target group is youngsters living in the centre of Athens.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization has experience in spreading and promoting youth mobility opportunities at european (principal programmes of reference are youth in action, Leonardo Da Vinci), in coaching, mentoring and training methodologies (human resource management, personal development mainly addressed to volunteers and members), in project and not-profit dynamics management.

Contact (1) Full Name
Simona Rossi
Head of the organisation
Chrysostomos Galanos

Foundation for Mediterranean Cooperation

National Network

130 Solonos St.

Telephone (other)
(+30) 21038.39.259
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+30) 6948018054
Mobile Phone (other)
(+30) 6993433034
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. FMC is composed by the board of directors, and the political and scientific councils. Staff: 3persons Partners: Vary, according the nature of activities. 2.Budgetary resources vary from 100.000€-300.00€/year 3.EU, Ministries, organizations and companies 4.Concrete projects: o “The Olympic Truce: through painting: Exhibition, workshops and conferences”(Syria,1994) o Creation of the women agrotouristic cooperative “Laodicea Products” in Lattakia (Syria), with the support of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5.Ministries of Greece, and foreign Ministries and NGOs 6.Main activities: - organization of international conferences - co-operation activities - consulting services - representation - sponsorship and organization of cultural events - participation in conferences and networks
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation for Mediterranean Cooperation (F.M.C.) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization (N.G.O.) with wide-scale international activities.
Taking into account the geopolitical position and central role of Greece in the broader region, the main purpose of the Foundation for Mediterranean Cooperation is to contribute to the development of the cooperation among the Mediterranean, South-eastern European and the Black Sea countries.
Within this context, the FMC gives special emphasis on the issues of national independence, friendship and cooperation among peoples, and to social justice based on democracy and human rights and aims at the creation of an open Citizen Society.

Main Projects / Activities

• I International Conference, “Mediterranean Cooperation and Development”, Kalamata, 1996.
• II International Conference, “The New Economic Era (Mediterranean - Balkans - Black Sea)”, Kozani, 1997.
• III International Conference, “The Perspectives of the New Economic Era Beyond the Year 2000 (Mediterranean - Balkans - Black Sea)”, Alexandroupolis, 1998.
• IV International Conference, “Citizens – Sustainable Development – Environment, (Mediterranean – Southeastern Europe - Black Sea)”, Athens, 2002.
• Twinning between: Kalamata(Greece) and Bizerta(Tunisia)
-The Prefecture of Messinia(Greece)
and Lattakia(Syria)
• “Artistic flair from Greece”: exhibition of Greek paintings in Syria
• “Artistic flair from Syria”: exhibition of Syrian paintings in Greece

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Katsikeas Vassilis
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Pantazopoulou Vicky
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Katsikeas Georgios

Global Action

National Network

185-34 PIRAEUS

+30 210 41 11 105
Telephone (other)
+30 210 41 10 285
+30 210 41 10 288
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6942 550 363
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6944 580 099
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Global Action is governed by the General Assembly and the Governing Board (3 members). It employs 4 people (permanent staff), while all project teams created receive additional support by a pool of experts and/or strategic allies that contribute best-of-class experience and knowledge to the project team. 2. Last year Global Action received funds from the Greek Ministry of Employment and several other private companies (in the form of sponsoring) in order to complete its actions. 3. Greek Ministries, private companies, contribution of members, International Organizations, European Union. 4. Periodical publication of a Newsletter, Seminars that promote employment, Studies on several social issues, Conferences. 5. Member of the Greek Foreign Ministry’s “Cooperation for Development Worldwide”, Member of the “Greek Platform of Developmental N.G.O.’s”, Member of the Platform “GCAP-Greece” (Global Call Against Poverty), cooperation with other N.G.O.’s.
Mission and Objectives

Its aim is to spread the values of democracy, freedom, equal rights and social justice in Greece and the developing countries of the world.
Global Action wishes to implement:
a) actions that contribute in the sustainable and viable growth of the planet, in the environmental and developmental education, with the attendance of local institutions,
b) actions that help less privileged groups of the population (young people, women, minority groups) to integrate in the job market,
c) developmental programs that aim in the economic and social growth of developing countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Participant in an Equal-EU program on reducing unemployment in Greece- Greek Ministry of Employment,
Field study on the fight against school escape in Greece – Greek Ministry of Education,
Appointment of the archaeological heritage of the Municipality of Purgos in Peloponnesse – Greek Ministry of Employment,
Organization of a cultural festival for the appointment of Greek culture in Glyfada, Athens – Greek Ministry of Employment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kartelia Maria
Head of the organisation
Grigorakis Alkibiadis
Contact (2) Full Name
Grigoriadou Maria

Greek-French School of Ursulines

National Network


210 6712555
Telephone (other)
210 6716400
Mobile Phone
6974 336860
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The School belongs to the Holy Monastery of Ursulines that composes the Greek Department of the Monastery Order of Ursulines Sisters, which has departments all over the world. The School administration consists of a 5-membered Board of Governments that is composed of three temporals and two nuns. Responsible for the good function of the school is the General Director who is the head of the Personnel and the Directors of the School Units. There are three kindergartens for different ages, a primary school, High school and Lyceum. The total number of Teachers and Personnel is 180-190. The total income comes from the tuition fees and runs to approximately 5.000.000€ every year. The School, maintaining its charity and non profit character, offers scholarships to students, whose financial position don’t allow them to study at a private school. The School takes part in student exchange programs with schools from other countries.
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the School is to provide education according to the program of ministry of national education.
Furthermore, emphasizing the French Culture, gives the students the chance to obtain the highest French Language Certificates, by the second year of lyceum.
Also its main purpose it to render students to society, who are being ruled by the Principle of Serving (The motto of the School is “SERVIAM”- to serve)

Main Projects / Activities

Participation in European Programs, Training Programs for parents and students, Environmental sensitization of citizens, Participation in student contests.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
RAOUZEOU ILLIANA, Principal of Lyceum School