Minorities of Europe - the Branch for Baltic and Scandinavian States

National Network

Dzirnavu 87/89 - 314, LV-1011

+371 29452445
+371 6227207
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The organization organizes and participates in national and International (European and Euromed) projects such as seminars, training courses, youth exchanges, educational and informational campaigns, study sessions etc.
Mission and Objectives

The aims of organization are:
•To support and promote positive intercultural relations between minority and majority communities.
•To overcome mutual prejudice among minorities and majorities and the perception of powerlessness that minority young people often feel.
•To sustain the participation and integration of minority communities in Europe.
•To initiate and promote tangible projects and examples of community development between people of different faiths, cultures and traditions.
•To provide a framework for co-operation and exchange between minority groups, especially those who feel most isolated in Europe.
•To contribute to the development of an inter-cultural Europe, open to and based upon the contribution and participation of all communities, particularly those facing exclusion and alienation from the process of European integration.

Main Projects / Activities

The main target audience of MoE-BBSS involves young people, their parents, youth workers and all interested with different social, economical, ethnical, and cultural backgrounds. The organization assist people and provide information to target audience to facilitate and to organize different youth projects in the field of youth information, xenophobia, inclusion and diversity, mobility and human rights education, European and Euromed cooperation such as youth exchanges, seminars and other type of projects in order to increase participation and mobility of people with different background in public life.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natalja Gudakovska
Head of the organisation
Natalja Gudakovska

Unité de recherche "Tourisme et développement" Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Economiques et Politiques de Sousse

National Network
(216) 73 232 666
Telephone (other)
(216) 73 820 502
(216) 73 234 477
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(216) 22 86 13 87
Mobile Phone (other)
(216) 98 40 77 18
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
General Information
Structure de l'organisation : Membres de l'équipe de l'UR TED : trois professeurs + deux maîtres de conférences + deux maîtres assistants + cinq assistants + neufs doctorants. Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles : -Equipement : 2 255 DT -Documentation scientifique : 2 2168 DT -Services : 3 788 DT -Missions : 5 275 DT -Manifestations scientifiques à l’étranger : 8 045 DT TOTAL BUDGET UR = 41531 DT Sources de financement : le budget de l’UR dispensé par le Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur de la Recherche et de la Technologie, c’est sa source de financement principale, les projets avec certains partenaires permettent des financements subsidiaires sur des projets précis. Modalités d'actions : L'Unité de recherche "TED" a aussi mis en place un Master Spécialisé d’Economie du Tourisme. En effet, bien qu’il s’agisse d’un Master spécialisé, nous mettons un accent particulier sur les travaux de recherche susceptibles de permettre à nos étudiants d’acquérir l’autonomie d’analyse qui leur sera nécessaire dans leurs attributions futures. Outre l’aspect formation l’UR a déjà participé à de nombreuses journées et tables rondes. Elle a aussi organisé en novembre 2007 un colloque international « tourisme saharien enjeux et méthodes comparatives » et publié les actes de ce colloque. Elle a aussi organisé le 24 janvier 2009 de la Première Journée de la Route des Phéniciens en Tunisie à Sousse pour le lancement du Chemin d’Hannibal «Un projet de la Route des Phéniciens : Le Chemin d’Hannibal, un itinéraire laboratoire interculturel pour la formation, la culture et le développement des territoires de la Méditerranée. » Un colloque international « tourisme et objectifs du millénaire » est prévu le 20 et 21 novembre 2009 à Sousse. Partenaires principaux associés aux projets : - L'IRD : Institut de Recherche pour le Développement - l'Université de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines UMR 063 C3ED www.c3ed.uvsq.fr - l'Université de Barcelone , Espagne: IL3 - Programa de Gestió Cultural - Universitat de Barcelona Ciutat de Granada, www.ub.edu/cultural - l'université de Bologne Italie, Università degli Studi di BOLOGNA Facoltà di ECONOMIA (Sede di Rimini) Dipartimento di SCIENZE ECONOMICHE - La Route des Phéniciens www.rottadeifenici.it
Mission and Objectives

Notre équipe a pour objectifs essentiels :
- d’identifier et préciser les différentes problématiques spécifiques s’intégrant dans la problématique générale de la relation entre le tourisme et le développement durable des régions au sein desquelles il s’exerce ;
- d’établir un état des lieux des connaissances déjà acquises ;
- définir les voies à explorer et formuler des problématiques spécifiques nouvelles, pertinentes et adaptées ;
- d’identifier les compétences existantes, tant en Afrique qu’en Europe ou ailleurs dans le monde ;
- de contribuer à l’émergence d’une véritable dynamique de recherche sur cette thématique par la mobilisation des chercheurs intéressés et la création d’un réseau international.

Main Projects / Activities

L’unité de recherche « TED » a pour activité principale la recherche dans le champ du tourisme, territoires et développement durable.
1- l’axe tourisme, patrimoine culturel et territoires : Le projet porte sur la construction d’un itinéraire laboratoire pour la formation, la culture et le développement des territoires de la Méditerranée. La construction de l’itinéraire se fera sur le terrain à la suite d’une série d’activités de formation ayant pour but de faire connaître le patrimoine historique matériel et immatériel laissé par les Carthaginois en général et par les faits d’Hannibal en particulier. Cette proposition répond notamment au défi de conjuguer la protection et la valorisation du patrimoine culturel avec son exploitation touristique.
2- l’axe tourisme et patrimoine naturel : le projet est mené avec l’IRD, il comporte une analyse préalable des dispositifs réglementaires des Aires Marines Protégées de manière à mieux cerner l’inscription des enjeux éco-touristiques dans les objectifs des AMP Tunisiennes. Il s’agira donc d’analyser la compatibilité des dispositifs normatifs entre AMP et secteur touristique en Tunisie. Il s’agira également d’analyser la diversité des aménagements dédiés aux activités écotouristiques qui se développent dans les zones d’études, qu’ils s’agisse d’aménagements à vocation patrimoniale ou d’aménagements destinés à faciliter l’accès ou la fréquentation des zones dédiées aux activités récréatives.
3- "Interprétation et gestion touristique du patrimoine des routes et itinéraires culturels
dans des zones rurales de Tunisie : stratégies pour la planification locale et le développement régional " projet développé dans le cadre d’un projet PCI Méditerranée MAE-AECID développé avec l’Université de Barcelone.
- Diagnostic sur l'interprétation et gestion touristique du patrimoine et des routes et itinéraires culturels dans des zones rurales de Tunisie.
- Édition d'une guide sur interprétation et gestion du patrimoine en Arabe et Espagnol, prenant comme base le manuel HICIRA (Heritage Interpretation in Rural Areas of Europe).
- Création de l'espace www.arqueotur.org pour Tunisie en ce qui concerne les sites archéologiques, musées et routes et itinéraires culturels .

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
directeur Mohamed Amine HAMMAS
Contact (2) Full Name

Appui aux Initiatives de développement

National Network

Residence taieb, avenue de l'indépendance Ariana 2080

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
une association de développement apolitique à but non lucratif créée en 1998 L’AID est basée à Tunis et intervient dans les zones démunies des gouvernorats de l’Ariana, de Kasserine, de Sidi Bouzid, de Tozeur et de Kairouan. l'équipe de l'AID est constitué de 7 membres bénévoles et 7 permanents
Mission and Objectives

Les principaux objectifs de l’AID sont :
- Participer à l'effort national pour le développement des sources de revenus des paysannes, des paysans, des artisanes et des artisans, jeunes et adultes.
- Participer au soutien des activités économiques auprès des femmes et des hommes en vu d'améliorer leurs moyens d'exploitation et de production.
- Contribuer à la réalisation des objectifs nationaux dans le domaine du développement économique au profit des populations démunies.
- Participer à l'effort national d'aider les jeunes à l'insertion dans la vie professionnelle

Main Projects / Activities

- Projet " action pilote de renforcement des 20 groupements de Développement agricoles (GDA) et mise en œuvre d'un système de suivi de ses institutions dans le gouvernorat de Tozeur: financé par la commission Européenne.
- L’école citoyenne à Sidi Bouzid.
- Projet de création des activités génératrices de revenus pour les jeunes du douar Ain Oumjdour

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre expérience est à la disposition de tous le associés

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AID adopte l'approche participative et communautaire qui s'articule autour d'un partenariat avec tous les co-acteurs de développement, notamment les groupes cible (partenaires de base) en vue de :
- contribuer à un développement autonome de personnes ou de communautés où la dépendance à sens unique est moins ressentie ( la dépendance à double sens est bien entendu l'échange).
- Mobiliser au service de nos groupes cible, le patrimoine des connaissances disponibles et nécessaires à leur développement.
- Cette mobilisation sera faite aussi pour répondre à des besoins différents de ceux pour lesquels ces connaissances ont été produites ; d’où exploration et recherche appliquée
- Explorer de nouvelles voies plus conformes à notre conception nationale de développement et à la survie de la terre, car les modes dominants de production et de consommation risquent d’entraver notre équilibre social et économique
- Associer la tradition et la modernité pour permettre à chacun de nous, de trouver des voies d’adaptation au monde moderne, conformes à son identité, à son histoire et à son environnement

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayoub ben ali
Head of the organisation
Mr Ayoub Ben Ali
Contact (2) Full Name
Sana Hajlaoui

1st Lyceum of Triandria

National Network

15 Ath. Diakou Str.
Triandria Thessaloniki

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
The 1st Lyceum of Triandria is a public School of the Secondary Education. It provides general education and the teachers prepare the students for higher studies at university. In our school there are 23 regular teachers and 5 more who co-operate with our school and 250 students. There are running programs on Environmental Education and Health Programs in cooperation with Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki and the Municipality of Triandria.
Mission and Objectives

The school’s aim is to help students to complete their studies within the secondary education and at the same time to prepare those students to enter the higher Education. At the same time through several activities our school tries to develop students’ dexterities necessary for their development as citizens of the world through projects or using ICT. In our premises there is a technological laboratories concerning Informatics and Sciences Laboratories .
Our school also tries to cultivate values and aesthetics to its students through cultural activities as an effort to enforce the cultural heritage of our country and to come to know other cultures too.

Main Projects / Activities

Our school besides its regular program is “running” programs on Environmental Education, on Technology and Health Programs
Many of our students have knowledge on music, on theater, they participate in local traditional clubs with intense activity, other artistic talents on movie making or animation. Within these frame our school participates in many competitions with groups of students or single students.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Hara Delivogiatzi
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Hara Delivogiatzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Margarita Pavlidou

2nd General Lyceum of Chania

National Network

Korai 5 Chania

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The 2nd General Lyceum of Chania is a public school, having ~40 teachers and ~300 students. It is mainly funded by the Greek government. It has been involved in the past in a Comenius project and has performed a twinning with a French school. In addition, health education programs are running in our school every year.
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of the 2nd Lyceum of Chania is to contribute to the balanced development of the mental and physical skills of the students with a view to a holistic development of their personality and creative living regardless of their sex and national origin. The objectives are:
• Promotion of plurilingualism and pluriculturalism.
• Encouragement of cooperation and group work among students.
• Participation in extra-curricular activities.
• Preparation for a demanding work market through familiarization with cutting-edge technology.

Main Projects / Activities

• Participation in a Comenius - Socrates (Action 1) project entitled “The consumption model of the European youth” in 2000-03. Partners: Belgium, Norway, Slovenia nad Scotland.
• Participation in a twinning-student exchange program with the Montesquieu Lyceum of Bordeaux, France on spreading the Greek language.
• Realization of a health education program on “Sexual relationships – Prevention of sexually contagious diseases - AIDS” since 2000. The students spend 2 hours every week, (October – April), on the above issues, realization of their consequences and adoption of responsible lifestyle through awareness raising activities. An exhibition of the student projects is held every April.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antigoni Katsouli
Head of the organisation
Markos Mpemplidakis
Contact (2) Full Name
Chrisa Tsinaraki

3///3...three walls on wednesdays...

National Network

Dafnomili 37A, 11471 Athens

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The organization began in September of 2010. Inspired by many DIY approaches world wide artist I began 3///3...three walls on wednesdays...as an alternative way to exhibit art from national and international artists. 3///3 are three portable walls that I place in different points in Athens in hopes of bringing art to places where there is no arts organizations or galleries. The project was initiated by me and a technical collaborator, for the creation of the website and translation to Greek of some material. The project is currently funded by the initiator and the participating artists. I have an ongoing open call and artist submit proposals.
Mission and Objectives

Inspired by current DIY cultural trends worldwide and the need for more artistic visability in places where I have noticed a lack of art, cultural spaces or galleries, I initiated 3 / / / 3 ...three walls on wednesdays... as an open invitation for national and international artists to exhibit their work on three mobile walls that I carry and place in different locations on a weekly basis in the streets of Athens.
It is a collaborative process...artists and the public will activate the walls...organic grown project... open invitation...transportable... moveable...transient...courageous... temporary...new prototype of public art display...non-linear...anybody can access the project...no charge...respond to the space... free invite...people come across art in unexpected places displayed in an unexpected way...DIY space... building bridges of communication with others...visual messages...you just carry it out...flexible...thrusting into the unknown...spontaneous...the physical premise is no longer static...it is time to move the walls!

Main Projects / Activities

Collaboration among worldwide artists, in order to bring their work and display it on three portable walls that I carry to different points in the city of Athens where there is clearly a lack of artistic presence. Every Wednesdays, I take the walls and place them in different points, from 12-8pm I document what happens throughout the day, I then enter and share all the information in the website, as a type of diary. I also speak about the place where the walls were placed and why I selected that area. They idea is to begin a conversation...to get people speaking about what they see.

Contact (1) Full Name
Blanka Amezkua
Head of the organisation
Blanka Amezkua
Contact (2) Full Name
Leonidas Alexandropoulos

6th Evening Vocational Lyceum of Thessaloniki

National Network

Papanastasiou 13

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
The 6th Evening Technical – Vocational Lyceum of Thessaloniki is a public School of the Secondary Education. It addresses mainly to adults students who work and who for some reasons didn’t complete their studies in good time in Lyceum or within the frame of education throughout life and mainly for professional reasons they come back to a Vocational Lyceum to acquire a specialty. In our school there are 70 regular teachers and 20 more who co-operate with our school and 680 students. Our school participates in the Comenius European Programs, also exercises vigorous cultural activities having to do with dancing, theatrical and music teams with many awards in competitions all over Greece.
Mission and Objectives

The school’s aim is to help students to complete their studies within the secondary education and at the same time to prepare those students who wish to enter the higher Education. At the same time through several activities our school tries to develop students’ dexterities necessary for their development as citizens of the world through projects or using ICT. In our premises there are 6 technological laboratories concerning Informatics and Graphic Arts.
Our school also tries to cultivate values and aesthetics to its students through cultural activities as an effort to enforce the cultural heritage of our country and to come to know other cultures too.

Main Projects / Activities

Our school besides its regular program, participates for the 3rd year in succession, in the European activity Comenius / Schools cooperation and us a theme: “Tradition and New Technologies: a Challenge for the Future”, with partners schools from Germany, Italy, Spain, Basque, Poland.
There are also “running” programs on Environmental Education, on Technology, Health Programs, as well as Programs on Equality of the 2 sexes with enforcement on woman’s situation.
Because our students are adults, their knowledge, interests and their experiences are many and varied. Many of our students have knowledge on music, on theater, they participate in local traditional clubs with intense activity, other artistic talents on movie making or animation. Within these frame our school participates in many competitions with groupsof students or single students.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleni Kalaitzidou
Head of the organisation
Anastasia Mpantouraki
Contact (2) Full Name
Ioannis Vryzas

13th Primary school of Volos

National Network

Pagason – Analipseos, 38333

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
We are a public primary school in a regional town in the center of Greece. There are 24 teachers employed and our funding mainly comes from the State. We take part in many environmental programmes and co-operations through ICT with a number of schools of the European Union. Currently we have applied for a Socrates, Comenius school partnership with primary schools from Poland, Norway, Italy, England, France and Spain.
Mission and Objectives

The school provides education based on the national curriculum and main aims posed by our State.Our main aims are to open our students’ minds and promote a professional and human growth by the intercultural comparison.An important part of our teaching is helping our students to grow as individuals. By maintaining a positive attitude our students grow in self acceptance which in turn leads to growth in their intellectual abilities. Paramount importance is given to personal development, social awareness and tolerance and respect in all aspects of our teaching. There is ongoing attention and care given to the student as an individual and we aim to support those having special needs.

Main Projects / Activities

The school this year is involved in an environmental project coordinated by the Aegean University with the theme “The yard of our school”. It also takes part in a cultural/sports project called “Kalepatera” which aims to the strengthening of the ties and similarities between sports, music and dnace in the 5 continents. Our school had a three-year partnership with schools from Europe in a Comenius project which ended in 2000 but we still keep contacts with our partners. This year we have applied for a new school partnership within the Socrates framework of the European Community and are waiting for the results.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Theodoros Roussias
Contact (2) Full Name

1st Bureau of Secondary Education of Fthiotida Prefecture

National Network

Kyprou 85 -35100

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
It is a decentralized unit of the Ministry of Education bearing responsibility for the Prefecture. Its work is as follows: 1.It generally administers and monitors the function of the school units in the area 2.It supervises, monitors and guides the function of the Bureaus of Education, Technical and Vocational Education and Physical Education 3.It participates in the evaluation process 4.It takes initiative for innovative actions and utilizes the new technologies in education 5.It administers the Youth Counseling Stations, the Counseling – Guidance Centres, the School Vocational Bureaus, the Natural Sciences Laboratory Centres and the Centres of Computers and New Technologies 6.It is responsible for conducting the National Examinations for the entry to Tertiary Education Institutions as well as the Examinations for the appointment of employees in the public sector 7.It supervises the private schools of Secondary General and Technical Education.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Konstantinos Papadopoulos
Head of the organisation
Konstantinos Papadopoulos

Band of Municipality of Pythagorion – SAMOS

National Network

Municipality of Pythagorion, Center of Service of Citizens
Hellas / Samos / Pythagorion

Telephone (other)
+ 30 22730 91784
+ 30 22730 91783
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
General Information
1. The municipal Band-conservatoire is managed by Administrative Council with seven members. It has a) Department of music with two schoolteachers with degree of music 25 students of municipal band and 40 students for [xaskisi] in musical bodies (traditionally and simultaneously) b) department of researches and studies of traditional music 2. Annual subsidy 15.000 € 3. Resources: Subsidy from the Municipality Pythagorean Donations from private individuals, enterprises and Institutions 4. Actions Program: - Education in the music - Researches for subjects of traditional music - Study of history of musical education and heritage - Attendance in public events 5. To configuration for strategic action , they participate : - The Municipality of Pythagorion Samos - The Administrative Council members - The schoolteachers of music - Scientists of cultural technology
Mission and Objectives

Mission and Objectives include:
Rescue, safeguarding and projection of musical heritage of Samos, but also Eastern Aegean and beaches of Asia Minor .
- Creation one Orchestra for official events. It includes 25 members and participates in public events
- Creation of orchestra of traditional music. It includes children's department for learning and department for researches in music studies and musical events
- Operation of Conservatoire traditional and classic music. Teaching two schoolteachers and guest scientists of music. Exist departments of children and adults, depending on the level of knowledge
- Centre of research and study of musical education. Becomes stocking of historical material for the music and is materialised various programs in music (in various sectors).
- Centre of cultural heritage. In collaboration with other organisms become researches and studies on the contribution of music in the culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Program: “Musical education” Are mainly educated 25 children as Members of Band Become line of courses in the theory of music and learning of musical bodies in children and adults, in departments depending on the level of knowledge.
Program: “Research and Study of traditional music” It includes the collection and thematic treatment of informative material for the traditional music in Eastern Aegean. Are constituted teams of research
Program: “Research and Study classic and modern music” It includes action for the theory of music, education in musical bodies and line of courses of music for her contribution in the culture.
Program: “History of local music” It in combination includes studies for the local artists and the music of Samos the cultural development. Are constituted teams of research
Program: “Digital treatment of musical History” All material (background and musician) that it is assembled, digitization and it will be connected thematic with multimedia applications.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
John Kaltakis, President of Administrative Council
Contact (2) Full Name