Municipal Organization for Culture , youth and Sports KILKIS

National Network


Telephone (other)
+302341039160, +302341023530
+302341039159, +302341023530
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Our organisation is a legal person of public right. The board of council consists of 3 city counsellors and 4 citizens. It has 2 persons as permanent staff and 15 as temporary personnel (according to the project). Sources of funding are the annual budget that the Municipality of Kilkis used to give and the income from the activities. Main partners of the organisation are local, national and international associations, foundations and authorities. Concrete activities are the leisure time activities, information of youth, International Puppet and Mime Festival etc
Mission and Objectives

Mission of our organisation is: 1) the cultural development of events and activities in the town of Kilkis 2) to organise and develop an art (visual, musical etc) department 3) the protection of the environment 4) the occupation of the inhabitants with sports 5) the co-operation with the local associations and other authorities.

Main Projects / Activities

Our organization developed:
1. Leisure time artistic activities with support from Ministry of Culture ( During the year, 600 people learn:
• Painting
• Iconography
• Pottery
• Guitar lessons.
• Photography
• Theater
• Percussion instruments.
• Chess lessons
2. International Puppet and Mime Festival: Member of Domain of Culture and with support of foreign institutions. (
3.Youth: A youth center (member of Eurodesk ( network) for generalist information and Youth Council support the activities of youngsters.
4.Athletic Department. Activities such scratch race and classes for gym in cooperation with the Ministry of Sports. There is cooperation with athletic teams.
A Film Festival, Musical and Theatrical Festival, events in cooperation with local associations, youth exchanges, Grundvig projects etc are some of our activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Municipal Cultural Center of Thermi

National Network

K.Hapsa & Karaoli-Dimitriou, 57001 Thermi

0030 2310 463423
Telephone (other)
0030 2310 464166
0030 2310 464423
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6977 702889
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Municipal Cultural Centre of Thermi is the public organisation that realise the cultural policy of the Municipality of Thermi in cooperation with the Municipal Enterprise of Cultural Development. The main activities are the operation of the art schools in all the villages of the municipality and the organisation of cultural events and festivals. The main financial source of the organisation is the Municipality of Thermi with an annual income close to 1.400.000 euros while the annual financial balance for the Municipal Enterprise arises close to 2.000.000 euros. 20 employees support the administrative structure of the Cultural Enterprise while the art schools cooperate with 120 teachers in annual basis.
Mission and Objectives

Main mission of the Cultural Centre of Thermi is the support of the cultural policy in all the villages of the Municipality (Thermi, Triadi, Risio, Raidestos, Tagarades) and specially
1. the operation of the art schools for close to 2.500 students in 5 cultural municipal buildings and
2. the organisation of the cultural and art events in all the sectors of culture.
Events and festival are organised in annual basis such as: “Thermis Dromena” festival in August and September, Festival of choirs in June, Festival of Youth folklore dancing groups in May, Grapes Festival of Risio in September, Environmental and Culture festival of Tagarades in June, Students Theatre festival in May, Synthermia – International Contest of music conductors in April, Street Happenings “Stars in Streets” in December with the dancing schools, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

- Municipal Conservatoire of Thermi (Youth Orchestra “Con Fuoco”, Saxophone Orchestra “KuKluxSax”, ensemble “Idee Fix”, Classic youth orchestra “Thermosimfono”, etc.)
- Municipal Dance School of Thermi
- Theatre School and Laboratory
- School of Modern Art, Painting and Photography
- Choirs of Thermi, Raidestos, Risio & Tagarades
- Municipal Libraries of Thermi, Raidestos, Risio & Tagarades
- Folklore dancing groups of Triadi, Raidestos, Risio and Tagarades
- Philharmonic Orchestra of Thermi

Contact (1) Full Name
Platia Georgia, vice President
Head of the organisation
Famellos Sokratis, President of the Board
Contact (2) Full Name
Konstantinidou Vasiliki, Director

MOm/The Hellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk Seal

National Network

18 Solomou Str.
106 82


0030 210 5222888
0030 210 5222450
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
•Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: MOm is administered by the Board of Directors, which according to Law and the Memorandum of the Association manages the affairs and the financial resources of the Society and implements the decisions of the General Assembly that meets regularly once a year. The Board of Directors administers the Director of MOm who is responsible for the implementation and evaluation of the organisation’s strategy appointed by the Board. MOm’s main departments are responsible for the following activities: a)Research The collection of primary scientific data for the biology and behaviour of the species, the implementation of innovative technological methods and of MOm’s rescue and rehabilitation program. a)Conservation and Policy The creation and management of protected areas. b)Finance and Project management The efficient management of institutional projects as well as the auditing of MOm’s financial obligations. c)Development and Communication The implementation of educational and awareness campaigns and the fundraising from individual donors and corporations. The number of MOm’s full staff is 16. In addition MOm employs 6 part time seasonal staff and utilizes approximately 100 volunteers per year. •Budgetary resources available in 2009: The estimated amount of available resources is 1,000,000€. •Sources of funding: a)Membership fees and donations, b) sponsorships, c) institutional programs. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): a) Research and monitoring actions, b) awareness raising campaigns, c) rescue and rehabilitation actions, d) management of protected areas, e) educational activities, f) participation in international scientific conferences. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: • University of Athens • WWF • Hellenic Ornithological Society • Fisheries Research Institute • International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) • Madera Natural Park (PNM) • Underwater Research Society-Mediterranean Seal Research Group (SAD-AFAG) • Fundacion para la Conservacion de la Biodiversidad y su Habitat (CBD)-Spain • University of Aberdeen • Erasmus University of Rotterdam • Veterinary School of Thessaloniki
Mission and Objectives

MOm’s mission is the conservation of the marine and coastal environment, through the protection of the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal. Tools to accomplish the latter include design and activation of an institutional framework as well as information and public awareness campaigns. MOm’s objectives are:
•The conservation of the marine and coastal environment through research projects to help gaining further knowledge for the appropriate measures for its protection.
•The protection of the monk seal which is an indicator of a healthy marine environment.
•The raise of public awareness concerning ways of protecting and maintaining the marine and coastal environment as well as ways of being friendlier toward wild animals in need such as the monk seal.
•The effective operations of educational programmes in the effort το inform and teach young children regarding the protection of the environment and the importance of rare species.

Main Projects / Activities

MOm operates different kind of projects in the fields of its activities. Indicative current projects are mentioned below:
•The operation of the Rescue & Information Network (RINT).
•Necropsies of dead seals so as to collect data and information for the behavior of the species.
•In-situ research in species habitats.
•In-situ research with fishermen for the mitigation of the conflict between fisheries’ activities and the protection of the monk seal.
•The rehabilitation of Artemis, an orphaned pup founded injured, in the Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre of Alonissos.
Conservation and Policy
•Participation in the Management Bodies of Marine Protected Areas of Alonissos and Karpathos.
Development & Communication
•Educational programs through presentations and special interactive activities.
•Awareness raising campaigns.
•Design of informative and educational materials such as CD-Rom, books, brochures, websites.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Xrisafi, Financial and Funding Manager
Head of the organisation
Evagelos Paravas, President of the Board of Directors
Contact (2) Full Name
Valia Savvidou, Project Management

Municipality of Nigrita

National Network

Iroon 2, 62200
Nigrita, Prefecture of Serres

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Anta Tsaira
Head of the organisation
Mayoress Aggeliki Mika
Contact (2) Full Name
Aggeliki Mika

Pan-Hellenic Association of Health Education Teachers

National Network

NIKAIA 41500

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
1. Members of Association are teachers of primary, secondary and higher education who are involved in the promotion of Health Education in schools and universities. There are 200 members and a Board of 7 elected members on top of the association. 2. The annual budget is about 2000 Euro and funding from European projects. 3. Source of funding is the members’ annual subscriptions as well as European programmes. 4. The Association organises and participates in seminars, training courses, exchanges, local and European networks. Its members work on projects concerning Health Education and his promotion. They inform , educate and take action together with teachers and students on subjects concerning privation, action against racism, sexes equality, human right , cultural relations, etc 5. Partners are other scientific associations, schools and universities non –governmental organisations, local authorities, public institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Health Education et its Promotion of children, adolescents and adults.

Main Projects / Activities

The developments of various activities , the organisation of training courses, lectures e.t.c, of projects Focused on Health Education and its Promotion

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Opt in! Youth of Thrace for Europe

National Network

papaflessa 13-15

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation, consists of 30 active members( volunteers and youth workers) and its main operational body is a 3-memeber board Council. Its main sources come from yearly contribution of members and friends, and ad hoc funders such as Youth in Action program, local authorities (perfecture, region snd municipalities), businesses (mainly media) and being beneficiaries of implementation of projects enrolled under eu programms, interreg iii f.i.. Up to this date, the NGO has implemented actions under three main campains, and we have started creating a network of youth initiatives among greek, bulgarian and turkish organisations.
Mission and Objectives

Youth NGO "Opt in! Youth of Thrace for Europe" is a group of young people living in the region of Thrace, in North-Eastern Greece, bound by the common belief that fresh ideas can make the difference and improve our daily life.
The group met back in 2008, and started its always innovative actions the same year, having as vision the development of an active, earth-friendly local society, open to everyone and inspired by the common values of humanity.
Our working methods include boosting creativity and artistic expression of young people, promoting shared european values and the added value European Union offers to our life, protecting and improving environment and natural sources, making the access to public life and information easy to all and empowering democratic institutions and values.

Main Projects / Activities

Our actions concentrate in three main campains. branches.
1.We help planet Earth, all together"
The environmental branch of our group. Started its actions during Earth Hour 2009, where all day long activities made citizens of Alexandroupolis, for the first time to commonly express their concerns about climate change and discuss for solutions, through innovative and grassroots activities.
The best is yet to come through actions all over Thrace.
2.Next Door Europe"
Starting from the simple remark that Europe lives next door which, however, is not directly perceptible, we take action, armed with cameras and pens as to record every single sign of presence of the politics and the institutions of the European Union in the area and meet worker and beneficiaries of European Union’s activities. One almanac of concerns and visions of the locals for Europe is destined to reach the European Parliament
A "Youth in Action" funded project apporaching the European Idea and European institutions to young people.
3."Beyond ourselves"
Having in mind that a human life is in danger, while you can do something to save or improve it, is unhuman. Our group tries to promote tha value of solidarity in all aspects of social life in practice, starting by contributing to the Blood Donors of Evros campaign. Networks and common actions are currently being set .

Contact (1) Full Name

National Centre of Scientific Research "Demokritos"

National Network

Patriarchou Gregoriou & Neapoleos str
Aghia Paraskevi Attikis

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Research
General Information
The National Centre of Scientific Research "DEMOKRITOS" was founded at the end of the 1950s, as a decentralized public service and was initially named Nuclear Research Centre "DEMOKRITOS". In 1985, the Centre was renamed as National Centre of Scientific Research "DEMOKRITOS" (N.C.S.R. "D") and became a self-administered governmental legal entity, under the supervision of the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (G.S.R.T.) of the Ministry of Development. Nowadays, the scientific activities of the Centre take place in eight administratively independent Institutes: Institute of Nuclear Physics, Institute of Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection, Institute of Materials Science, Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics, Institute of Microelectronics, Institute of Physics/Chemistry, Institute of Biology and the Institute of Radioisotopes and Radiodiagnostic Products.
Mission and Objectives

The Centre comprises research infrastructure and organized laboratories, with high technology scientific organs, a fully equipped and up to date library, the first hyper computing system in Greece, technical support and pioneering technologies, laboratories which provide services of national importance (Research Reactor, TANDEM Accelerator), while it also developed the first network service provider in our country, ARIADNE.
The multiple activities of the Centre, the collaborations that it has developed with research and educational institutions at international level, as well as with industrial institutions in the services provision sector, ensure the Center's continuous dynamic process, leading it to new forms of development.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities of these Institutes concern the sectors such as: nanotechnology, microsystems, integrated telecommunications and informatics technology systems, modern technologies for cultural heritage, control of environmental pollutants, nuclear technology and radiation protection, accelerative systems technologies and detector devices, generation and characterization of innovative materials, bioactive molecules, natural products and biotechnology, medicines and diagnostics technologies, telemedicine, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Drakoulis Yannoukakos
Head of the organisation
Dimitrios Niarchos, Director & President of the board
Contact (2) Full Name
Gerassimos Voutsinas

P.E.P.G.A.S. (Hellenic Association for the Advancement of Women in Sport )

National Network

P. O. Box 50791


23960 41756
Telephone (other)
2310 616791
23960 41759
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
The structure of the organization consists of the seven member Executive Committee and 250 members. The budgetary resources relied on membership fees and public or private sponshorships for the various events. Common actions are seminars, and round table discussions in conferences, as well as publications. AFSCM (women, sport, culture of mediterranean area)and European women and sport, The International Association for Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women (IAPESGW) and WomenSportInternational (WSI)
Mission and Objectives

- to involve women from all walks of life - to give visibility to women’s issues in sport- to promote research related to women and sport - to promote legislation towards equality of women in sport- to liaise with relevant agencies and sport organizations - to promote equality in the P.E curriculum in schools to educate women for leadership roles and functions of sports
- to promote the image of women and sport in the media

Main Projects / Activities

1) Two-day Mediterranean Seminar “Mediterranean Culture and Women in Sport” 4-5 November, 2005
Thessaloniki, Greece
2) Organized a round table discussion under the title “Women and sport “ in the 8th annual meeting of EGVE in the Spring of 2005.
3) Organized a one day seminar under the theme “Women and Quality of Life” 1st of October 2006 in the cultural center of Evosmos in Thessaloniki.
4) Organized a round table discussion under the title “Women and exercise in later years” 20 May 2007 during the 15th International Conference of the department of PA and sport of Democritus University of Thrace.
5) Organized a round table discussion under the theme “Health Problems and Violence against Women due to Sport Competition” during the 16h International Conference of the department of PA and sport of Democritus University of Thrace.
6) Published three scientific journals titled “Women and Sport” with various papers about women in sport.
7) Participated in the Euro- Mediterranean meeting organized by the AFSCM (women, sport, culture of Mediterranean area) with 4-9 September in Nice France regarding “women and sport” issues in the Mediterranean area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yvonne Harahousou
Head of the organisation
Yvonne Harahousou
Contact (2) Full Name
Vasiliki Giasoglou

Panhellenic Association of Teaching Drama

National Network

1 Praxitelous St., 4th floor

210 49 50 749
Telephone (other)
210 32 31 872
210 32 31 872
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
697 86 19 873
Mobile Phone (other)
694 45 37 562
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Panhellenic Association of Teaching Drama (PATD) was established 1999 by educators, drama teachers and artists who are interested in Drama in Education (DIE). It is a non-profitable organisation. The administration of PATD consists of a board committee of 7 members, who are elected by the members of the association every 2 years. All the members of the association and the members of the board are working on a voluntary basis. 3. by membership fees of the association, other donations and merely by other activities as workshops. 4. Every year an annual course on Drama in Education for teachers, where tutors are coming from abroad (esp. UK), organising with other associations in Greece international conferences on Drama and Theatre in education, established a library with foreign bibliography and other audiovisual materials on DIE. 5. National Association of Teaching Drama (NATD, UK), Hellenic Network of Theatre Drama in Education, Hellenic Theatre Studies Association, NATD (UK).
Mission and Objectives

Following the need of teachers to apply new creative methods of teaching and the changes on education in the other EU countries, PATD is promoting the promotion of children’s, teenagers’ and adults’ education through the dramatic art. Drama in Education is a new educational approach which implies the Dramatic Art as a method of instruction in classroom and it has been developed in U.K. and France.
PATD aims to:
The research and promotion of the use of Dramatic Art for educational purposes in all levels of Education according to the needs of the Greek, European and world community.
The training of educators and other specialities on Drama in Education.

Main Projects / Activities

PATD has been organising long term and short term workshops on DIE with experienced and recognised practitioners from Greece and abroad, for teachers and specialists of all levels of education. The last two years has established an annual course on DIE.
It has also established a library with Audiovisual materials and bibliography on DIE. It is organising discussion groups on DIE in regular basis. It supports and counsels teachers in their practical work with DIE in their classroom.
It participates in organising International conferences in Athens on Drama and Theatre in Education with other familiar organisations of Greece and abroad (Panhellenic network of Theatre/ Drama in Education, Hellenic Theatre Studies Association, International Institute for theatre research).
It participates in conferences in Greece and abroad with workshops, keynote speeches and posters.

Contact (1) Full Name
Chrysoula Papastathi
Head of the organisation
Kalliroi Giannopoulou
Contact (2) Full Name
Athina Kantifeli

Prosxima Dance Company

National Network

5 Lefkosias street, 15341Agia Paraskevi

+30 210 6511324
Telephone (other)
+ 30 6972502001
+30 210 6511324
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6972502001
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Prosxima Dance Company works as a collective of artists, allowing for diversity to emerge and be integrated in the creative process. Its productions vary in context, structure and choreographic style and they have been presented in different performing platforms such as museums, theatre stages, industrial and open spaces, etc. The artistic direction is shared between Maria Koliopoulou and Dimitra Kritikidi, both graduates of the Laban Center for Movement and Dance. Please visit for detailed information
Mission and Objectives

Prosxima Dance Company is based on the ideal of utilizing the dance medium to foster communication within the wider community. Functioning as a melting pot for collaborations which are cross-cultural and bring together different artistic media, the company has introduced fresh approaches to trends in choreography and contemporary dance for the Greek audiences.
International collaborations include:
Editta Braun / Editta Braun Company - Austria (2005), Yannis Antoniou / KUNST STOFF - San Francisco (2003), Richard Siegal - Germany (2002) Michael Klien - Austria, Nicolas Mortimore - Great Britain (2001) / Barriedale Οperahouse.

Main Projects / Activities

The company’s choreographic works have been presented at, among others :
Athens & Epidaurus Festival (2010)
Duncan Centre, Prague - Czech Republic (2010)
Contemporary Dance Festival, Serres - Greece (2010 & 2009)
Filippi & Kavala Festival, Kavala - Greece (2009)
New Europe Dance Festival, Prague - Czech Republic (2009 & 2008)
Dance Screen The Hague, The Netherlands (2007)
Tanz _House Festival, Salzburg - Austria (2006)
4th Duo Dance International Festival, Budapest - Hungary (2005)
Festival International de Videodanza de Buenos Aires - Argentina (2005)
Dance Screen Brighton / IMZ, Brighton - U.K (2005)
1st Mediterranean Dance Platform, Chania - Greece (2004)
Summerfest/Dance Festival , San Francisco - U.S.A. (2003)
International Month of Dance–Demetria Festival, Thessaloniki-Greece (2003 & 2002)
TanzQuartier, Vienna - Austria (2002)
8th International Kalamata Dance Festival - Greece (2002)

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Koliopoulou