MOm/The Hellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk Seal

National Network

18 Solomou Str.
106 82


0030 210 5222888
0030 210 5222450
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
•Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: MOm is administered by the Board of Directors, which according to Law and the Memorandum of the Association manages the affairs and the financial resources of the Society and implements the decisions of the General Assembly that meets regularly once a year. The Board of Directors administers the Director of MOm who is responsible for the implementation and evaluation of the organisation’s strategy appointed by the Board. MOm’s main departments are responsible for the following activities: a)Research The collection of primary scientific data for the biology and behaviour of the species, the implementation of innovative technological methods and of MOm’s rescue and rehabilitation program. a)Conservation and Policy The creation and management of protected areas. b)Finance and Project management The efficient management of institutional projects as well as the auditing of MOm’s financial obligations. c)Development and Communication The implementation of educational and awareness campaigns and the fundraising from individual donors and corporations. The number of MOm’s full staff is 16. In addition MOm employs 6 part time seasonal staff and utilizes approximately 100 volunteers per year. •Budgetary resources available in 2009: The estimated amount of available resources is 1,000,000€. •Sources of funding: a)Membership fees and donations, b) sponsorships, c) institutional programs. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): a) Research and monitoring actions, b) awareness raising campaigns, c) rescue and rehabilitation actions, d) management of protected areas, e) educational activities, f) participation in international scientific conferences. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: • University of Athens • WWF • Hellenic Ornithological Society • Fisheries Research Institute • International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) • Madera Natural Park (PNM) • Underwater Research Society-Mediterranean Seal Research Group (SAD-AFAG) • Fundacion para la Conservacion de la Biodiversidad y su Habitat (CBD)-Spain • University of Aberdeen • Erasmus University of Rotterdam • Veterinary School of Thessaloniki
Mission and Objectives

MOm’s mission is the conservation of the marine and coastal environment, through the protection of the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal. Tools to accomplish the latter include design and activation of an institutional framework as well as information and public awareness campaigns. MOm’s objectives are:
•The conservation of the marine and coastal environment through research projects to help gaining further knowledge for the appropriate measures for its protection.
•The protection of the monk seal which is an indicator of a healthy marine environment.
•The raise of public awareness concerning ways of protecting and maintaining the marine and coastal environment as well as ways of being friendlier toward wild animals in need such as the monk seal.
•The effective operations of educational programmes in the effort το inform and teach young children regarding the protection of the environment and the importance of rare species.

Main Projects / Activities

MOm operates different kind of projects in the fields of its activities. Indicative current projects are mentioned below:
•The operation of the Rescue & Information Network (RINT).
•Necropsies of dead seals so as to collect data and information for the behavior of the species.
•In-situ research in species habitats.
•In-situ research with fishermen for the mitigation of the conflict between fisheries’ activities and the protection of the monk seal.
•The rehabilitation of Artemis, an orphaned pup founded injured, in the Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre of Alonissos.
Conservation and Policy
•Participation in the Management Bodies of Marine Protected Areas of Alonissos and Karpathos.
Development & Communication
•Educational programs through presentations and special interactive activities.
•Awareness raising campaigns.
•Design of informative and educational materials such as CD-Rom, books, brochures, websites.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Xrisafi, Financial and Funding Manager
Head of the organisation
Evagelos Paravas, President of the Board of Directors
Contact (2) Full Name
Valia Savvidou, Project Management