National Network

9 Kiafas Str., 106 78, Athens

0030 210 33 14 730
0030 210 33 14 730
Mobile Phone
0030 6977 367 412
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Hellenic Antipoverty Network includes 27 social NGOs which elect a Board of 7 people. There are no employees at this moment. Our last year's resources were about 55.000,00 euros deriving from members' subscriptions, donations, funding from EAPN-Europe and project funding. Our main partners involved in our projects are our members, the people experiencing poverty and social exclusion and EAPN-Europe.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is the eradication of poverty and social exclusion.
In order to achieve this, we try:
- To promote and enhance the effectiveness of actions to eradicate poverty and prevent social exclusion;
- To raise awareness around poverty and social exclusion
- To empower the people living in poverty and social exclusion
- To lobby for and with people and groups facing poverty and social exclusion.

Main Projects / Activities

- We lobby for the integration of the fight against poverty and social exclusion into all national and european policies, ranging from Structural Funds and employment policies through to economic and monetary policies.
- We keep under close review policies and programmes likely to impact on groups facing poverty and social exclusion.
- We develop links with the research sector in order to enhance knowledge of poverty and social exclusion.
- We orginize working groups, meetings and seminars in netional and european level in order to train our members, exchange experience and grow collaborations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yota Arvaniti
Head of the organisation
Persefoni Giannoulatou

Hellenic National Centre of Theatre & Dance

National Network

Kolleti 31, PC: 10677

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
The Hellenic National Centre of Theatre & Dance is a public institution, affiliated with the Ministry of Culture, established in 2007. Its principal aim is to define and subsequently apply a concrete national policy regarding cultural activities, related to theatre and dance. The Centre employs approximately 35 staff, including collaborating partners, while its annual budget for 2009 is 1.400.000 euros. Financially it is being funded by the Ministry of Culture but also by private grants. The activities are quite wide including among others cultural productions, educational & research projects, cultural editions, organization of conferences & symposiums, financial support of artistic companies, developing networks, promoting Hellenic culture worldwide and supporting youth projects. Our main partners are the Ministry of Culture, national & municipal theatres and dance companies and freelance researchers. Currently, we are organizing a project entitled ARTLOCUS, which supports site-specific theatrical artworks and endorses the collaboration between theatrical companies and municipalities. We are also funding 3 Festivals held in Athens: Athens Fringe, Bios-OPA & Going Youth. Finally, we provide rehearsal space to artistic companies.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to define the national cultural policy, to encourage cultural development and to promote artistic production nationally and internationally
Concisely our objectives are:
-To ensure that this national, cultural policy is being applied
-To promote theatrical and dancing activities, may they be educational, theoretical or practical
-To establish the educational character of art and to highlight its social significance
-To enhance our cultural identity through theatrical & choreographical activities, to coordinate such activities regionally as well as to promote them internationally
-To create a cultural, collaborative network between Greece and other countries.

Main Projects / Activities

1.ARTLOCUS: site specific theatrical productions
2.Funding 7 supporting cultural Festivals such as: Athens Fringe, Bios- OPA, Going Youth
3.Providing theatre & dance companies with rehearsal spaces
4.Organizing conferences, symposiums, presentations and exhibitions
5.Responsible for cultural publications (books, magazines, researches etc)
6.Funding companies and experimental projects
7.Mapping contemporary reality relative to theatre & dance, updating the existing archives and establishing the newborn cultural companies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kyriaki Fetfatzi, Betina Panagiotara
Head of the organisation
G.Dragonas (President), Hr. Logothetis (Head of Department)
Contact (2) Full Name
Eleni Douvou

Hellenic Research Institute of Alexandrian Civilisation (HRIAC)

National Network

55, Vas.Sofias Avenue. 11521

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
* The reinforcement, by every means, of the Archaeological and Historical Research and Study of the Ancient Alexandria. * The broad Archaeological Research and Study of the Hellenic Civilization, everywhere in the world and outside the Hellenic Country and especially the Research and the Study of the Hellenistic Alexandrian Period. * Ethnological and Anthropological Studies. * The creation of a library containing all the relevant Alexandrian Bibliography. * Organizing seminars and congresses concerning subjects of the Hellenistic Period. * Immediate cooperation with the Hellenic and Egyptian universities for a complete and in detail study. * The reinforcement of relationships of Hellenic and Egyptian archaeology scientists. * The granting of scholarships to Hellenic and Egyptian archaeology students, for specialized studies based on the Hellenistic Alexandrian Period.
Mission and Objectives

* The reinforcement, by every means, of the Archaeological and Historical Research and Study of the Ancient Alexandria.
* The broad Archaeological Research and Study of the Hellenic Civilization, everywhere in the world and outside the Hellenic Country and especially the Research and the Study of the Hellenistic Alexandrian Period.
* Ethnological and Anthropological Studies.
* The creation of a library containing all the relevant Alexandrian Bibliography.
* Organizing seminars and congresses concerning subjects of the Hellenistic Period.
* Immediate cooperation with the Hellenic and Egyptian universities for a complete and in detail study.
* The reinforcement of relationships of Hellenic and Egyptian archaeology scientists.
* The granting of scholarships to Hellenic and Egyptian archaeology students, for specialized studies based on the Hellenistic Alexandrian Period.

Main Projects / Activities

* The reinforcement, by every means, of the Archaeological and Historical Research and Study of the Ancient Alexandria.
* The broad Archaeological Research and Study of the Hellenic Civilization, everywhere in the world and outside the Hellenic Country and especially the Research and the Study of the Hellenistic Alexandrian Period.
* Ethnological and Anthropological Studies.
* The creation of a library containing all the relevant Alexandrian Bibliography.
* Organizing seminars and congresses concerning subjects of the Hellenistic Period.
* Immediate cooperation with the Hellenic and Egyptian universities for a complete and in detail study.
* The reinforcement of relationships of Hellenic and Egyptian archaeology scientists.
* The granting of scholarships to Hellenic and Egyptian archaeology students, for specialized studies based on the Hellenistic Alexandrian Period.

Contact (1) Full Name
Calliope Limneos - Papakosta
Head of the organisation
Calliope Limneos - Papakosta


National Network

Boukouvala 26, 114 75, Gyzi

0030 210 6411286
0030 210 6411286
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6946401945
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation is a migrants' NGO with 6 permanent staff members, a number of external collaborators and an extensive number of volunteers. Resources come from members' contributions and fundaraising campaigns for specific actions. Lately the organisation has received EU funding and is placing efforts of funding of the projects through other organisations as well. Partners in our projects are other civil society organisations, public authorities, private companies and activists in human rights from Greece and abroad. We carry out several educational activities and do humanitarian work.
Mission and Objectives

The organization has started out as a humanitarian association aiming at the support of the orphan children from Palestine and other mainly but exclusively Arabic countries that suffer from hostilities or terrorism. The objective is to help them retain a descent living standard by offering money, clothing, educational materials etc. Through the years the activities have expanded to the protection and promotion of migrant children’s and women’s rights, mainly of Arabic origin, that reside in Athens, especially through educational activities. We also develop cooperation with movements and international organisations that deal with child care and work for poverty reduction and the promotion of peace and solidarity.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities develop around educational support for orphan children in Palestine, educational and social support for migrant children in Athens, educational and social support for migrant women in Athens, Arabic language courses for Greeks, inter-cultural activities, promotion of volunteerism especially as far as Humanitarian relief is concerned. We are currently implementing an EU project (Lifelong Learning)through which migrant women will learn how to sell their traditional products via internet (e-commerce)

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Penny Papaspyropoulou
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ibrahim Alabadla

Humanitarian and Eurocultural Development Association (H.E.D.A.)

National Network

26 Dorileou str

0030 210 6461401
0030 210 6461073
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Humanitarian and Eurocultural Development Association (H.E.D.A.) founded in Athens in 2003, is a non profit, non governmental association, registered to the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (International Development Cooperation Department – Hellenic AID) with compatibility of the D.A.C. criteria and registration number 235 and affiliated to the St. Catherine Monastery of Sinai . HEDA is also registered as a foreign NGO to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt.
Mission and Objectives

H.E.D.A.’ s goals and objectives are to develop, encourage friendship and participation between the countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa so as to achieve development and cooperation in all aspects concerning human rights, humanitarian aid, social welfare, education, protection of the environment equality between men and women. Organize, direct and administrate in an international level exhibitions, trading centers, conferences, lectures, seminars and / or other events that aim in the interchange of socio-economic and cultural issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Construction of schools and nursery schools in Egypt, construction of medical centres, organisation of conferences, concerts etc

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Image Collective

National Network

26-28 Parthenonos Street, Akropolis, 11742

0030 210 9227879
Telephone (other)
0030 210 9227876
0030 210 9227876
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6948072296
Mobile Phone (other)
0030 6944628426
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Image Collective is owned by Simos Zervas and has two permanent employees. It also occupies several professionals on a project basis. The annual budgetary resources are about 300,000 euros.
Mission and Objectives

Image Collective is an independent production company, operating in the sector of audiovisual productions since 2006. It produces television series, video clips and undertakes the filming of corporate and artisitic events. Image Collective's goal is to specialise in television productions, documentaries and corporate videos and to enhance co-producing in Greece and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

The company has produces 'The Alternative Traveller', a TV travel show that was broadcasted in ERT World in 2008-09. It has also produced several documentaries, corporate presentations and has covered numerous events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andreas Loukakos
Head of the organisation
Andreas Loukakos / Simos Zervas
Contact (2) Full Name
Simos Zervas

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development

National Network


(+30) 2410 62 69 43
(+30) 2410 62 69 43
Mobile Phone
(+30) 6977 43 55 87
Mobile Phone (other)
(+30) 6977 71 27 20
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1 Organizations’ Structure 1. General Assembly 2. President 3.1. Secretariat 3.2. Scientific Council 4.1. Humanitarian Aid 4.2. Research and Development 4.3. Counseling 4.4. Project Management 4.4.1. National Programs 4.4.2. European Programs 4.5. Promotion and Publicity 4.6. Economic department 6 employments and 40 partners 2 25.000€ 3 National and European projects 4 1. Club de Dirigentes de Marketing de Madrid, Spain 2. Avanzza, Spain 3. EBG, Germany 4. HELLENIC MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION – HMA, Greece 5. COFIMP, Italy 6. EDUCATIONAL MEDIA SERVICES SRL, Romania
Mission and Objectives

Our vision is to create an environment that promotes research and entrepreneurial spirit of the enterprises, creating long – lasting relations with the society and the academic community. Our vision is anthropocentric and our basic concern is to help citizens and disadvantage groups to improve their place in the society and to be a part of it more easily.
• Assistance to the developing countries in the fields of education, economic and social development.
• Promotion of the human rights and democracy
• Development actions for democracy and peace
• Contribution in the scientific research
• Protection of humanity and indignity
• Promotion of economic and social process of disadvantage groups

Main Projects / Activities

1. Financial Management of Interreg Project (FIMIP)
2. European Professional Marketing Expertise - EMC_pro: Accreditation of informal learning in the Marketing area - Leonardo Da Vinci
3. Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training : «Researching obstacles of Womans’ e-Entrepreneurship» - Archimed ??

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Anastasios Vasiliadis
Head of the organisation
Mr. Anastasios Vasiliadis
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Alexandra Charitonidou

International Institute of Mediterranean Theatre (ATTIS)

National Network

Leonidou 7, 10437

210 5226260
210 5224422
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
1) Attis Theatre is a non profit cultural company founded by Theodoros Terzopoulos in 1986, who is also the responsible person of the company. The staff completed by one person at the office, one technician and six (6) actors. 2) The resources of budgetary are : performances in other countries than Greece and also performances in Greece, 8% of the budgetary came from the Greek Ministry of Culture 3) Ministry of Culture, Festivals of the world 4) Performances: “THE LAST MASK”(2006), PERSIANS (2006), JENIN(2006), workshops within the framework of the Festivals with theme “Body and Voice in Ancient Greek Drama” 5) For 2006: Cultural City of Europe, Patras 2006, International Festival of Istanbul / 4th Theatre Olympics, Festival of Athens – Epidaurus
Mission and Objectives

Objective of the Group is the performances and seminars and workshops concerning Theatre and more specific the Ancient Greek Drama. Is very important to travel all over the world and to exchange ideas, cultures with people from other countries.

Main Projects / Activities

For 2006 the main project activities are the performance LAST MASK that was performed within the framework of Cultural City of Europe, Patras 2006 and the project of PERSIANS which is a co-production between Attis Theatre, International Festival of Istanbul – 4th Theatre Olympics and the Festival of Athens – Epidaurus that will have the premier in Istanbul at the Byzantine Church of Santa Irene and after that in Epidaurus at the ancient theatre. It will be a bilingual performance (in Greek and Turkish).

Contact (1) Full Name
Theodoros Terzopoulos
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Terzopoulou

Lord Byron Hedge School

National Network

PO Box 044
Prinos Thassos 64010


30 6945342210
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Lord Byron Hedge School Private Scholarships and funding through tuition
Mission and Objectives

To encourage women writers who write in English as a second language to improve their skills and create their works from a traditional setting on a Greek island. Mixing of culture for the inspiration of artistic expression. All art forms accepted.

Main Projects / Activities

Lord Byron Hedge School Scholars in English and Greek Language to explore the world of arts and culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Claire O'Leary

Laboratory of Forest Recreation, Environmental Education and Sociology

National Network

Aristotle University Thessaloniki
Laboratory of Forest Recreation, Environmental Education and Sociology
University Campus
P.O.Box 245
GR-54124 Thessaloniki


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Laboratory of Forest Recreation, Environmental Education and Sociology, part of the School of Forestry and Natural Environment,Aristotle University Thessaloniki, deals for over a decade with issues of sustainable tourism, environmental education and rural sociology at an academic and research level. It has completed a number of programs with national and European funds. It organizes transnational training seminars, international conferences, trains environmental educators and produces educational material.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Athanassios Karameris
Head of the organisation
Prof. Athanassios Karameris
Contact (2) Full Name
Theofano Sotiriadou