Sea Level

National Network

Pindarou 40

0030 27210 95642
0030 27210 99242
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Sea level is a non governmental organanization which has as main purpose to promote art and culture through international exchanges. The organization is suported by volunteers,sponsorship, donations and funds from the local administration. The main action of the organization is video art "Festival Miden",which takes place every July in public spaces of the historic centre of Kalamata. Participants in the festival are artists, groups and video creators from all over the world
Mission and Objectives

Sea Level is an initiative action, taken in order to promote and develop alternative and free expression at times where visual arts and media play a more and more dominant role.
The main axes of Festival Miden is Video Art which is presented not just as a different mean of expression for many pioneer visual artists but also as an easy and effective tool for public creativity. Through a variety of activities and events, Festival Miden hopes to become the pole and the foundation of a new artistic extroversion that will be inspired by the critical observation of everyday life focusing on the role of the individual as the centre of life itself.
The main objective of this initiative action is the stimulation of the community to freely develop its artistic dimension independently, away from any type of intervention.

Main Projects / Activities

The main project of Sea level is Festival Miden, a video art festival that was born four years ago in Kalamata, and has already been recognized as one of the most significant events for video art in Greece.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos
Head of the organisation
Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos
Contact (2) Full Name
Gioula Papadopoulou

S.E.G.E. - Greek Association Women Enterpreneurs

National Network

Salaminos 10, P.O. 54626

+30 2310 224440
+30 2310 224475
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
SEGE is a NGO for women that practice enterprising activity in Greece. The organization was founded in Thessaloniki. It is administrated by a 9-member council and the 3-member teams of Merchandise and Services. SEGE receive grants from funding foundations on project basis and from membership fees. SEGE is member of Committee of Trade and Growth of World Organism of Trade, the Contact of Industries of Northern Greece, the Contact of Women of businessmen of Mediterranean, AFAEMME. Its main partners are ministries, social institutions, universities, research institutions, women’s organizations, professional and not governmental organizations in local and European level for the promotion of interests of women that practices enterprising activity. The SEGE has today more from 450 members from all Greece. SEGE is involved in the activities such as women’s issues, training programs, conferences, projects and monitoring the implementations in order to promote gender issues to produce gender policies and to remove women discrimination.
Mission and Objectives

- To promote gender mainstreaming
- To connect women businessmen that have similar way of thought and disposal are shared ideas, information and occasions.
- To organize events, congresses and time on vital subjects that concern in the business dexterity
- To acquire access in enterprising networks of Greece and abroad for the growth of collaborations in national and international level.
- To participate as institution of representation for the improvement social, political and enterprising subjects that concern in the women businessmen.
- To exchange experiences, also acquire access in the knowledge and seek new collaborators.
- To contribute to all kinds of works to prevent discrimination against women in political, social, economic and legal domains

Main Projects / Activities

Participation in more than 30 programmes like SEE, MED, Turkish programmes, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, Competitiveness and innovation Programme, Labor Market and Entrepreneurship Overcoming Gender Stereotypes, Women Mobility Information Campaign, Mobility and Equality: Entrepreneurial Participation Towards an European Labor Market, European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors, Grundvig, Raising the awareness of companies about combating gender stereotypes: add value, Break Stereotypes...

Contact (1) Full Name
Tsaltampasi Lina, Gen.Secretary
Head of the organisation
Triakosari Despina, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Triakosari Despina, President

Service Civil International Hellas

National Network

Kiafas 9, 10678, Athens Greece

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation is an association under Greek Law. there are 3 people employed, 1 full time and 2 part time. the annual budget is around 100.000 euros. Main sources of funding is the EU Youth Programme. SCI Hellas organises summer international workcamps, long term volunteer exchange programmes (EVS) and youth exchanges. Main partners are other NGOs, associations and municipalities (i.e. the Greek Red Cross, youth organisations, environmental NGOs, etc.)
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote peace and intercultural understanding through volunteering and international voluntary projects.

Main Projects / Activities

voluntary workcamps, long term voluntary projects, youth exchanges, informal education trainings/seminars, raise awareness campaigns on volunteering

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Yota Arvaniti
Head of the organisation
Dr. Antonios Sifakis

Social & Cultural Organisation of Stavroupolis “IRIS”

National Network

Langada 221
Stavroupolis – Thessaloniki

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Under the supervision of “IRIS” is are the following schools: Professional & amateur school of dance, a music conservatory, a laboratory of youth theatre education, an art workshop and an audiovisual laboratory. In the social sector we have 3 kindergartens. The students are paying school fees, but we are also receiving a contribution from the Municipality and from the Ministry of Culture. We are participating in exchange programs like last year in Perugia – Italy, a campus from Amnesty International and this year in Budapest – Hungary. “IRIS” is a member of the bjcem organisation.
Mission and Objectives

We aim to give education to young people, involve them in cultural activities, aware them about our environment and give them the opportunity to explore the world thru culture education, seminars and exchange programs.

Main Projects / Activities

Professional & amateur school of dance,
Music conservatory,
Laboratory of youth theatre education,
Art workshop,
Audiovisual laboratory.
3 kindergartens
help at home (a program for disabled and elder people)

Contact (1) Full Name
Tina Sousourada
Head of the organisation
Ioannis Moshoulas
Contact (2) Full Name
Ioannis Moshoulas


National Network

Verolinou 6

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
"Synergy" is a recently established social enterprise which has a flexible structure mainly depending on the project implemented each time. It develops each project with the collaboration of various local, national and international agents having one full-time leader since its establishment in August 2009. Sources of funding include self-funding (initial capital), New Business Fund by the Greek Human Resource Organisation (OAED), participation fee per learning programmes, other relevant funding programmes (i.e. social innovation, EU women enterpreneurs etc., as well as partnership agreement participation per project on stakeholders.)Modalities of action include counseling and empowerment programmes for youth, families and parents, active citizenship & participatory leadership courses, social change programmes involving arts, highly interactive social activities on various social issues, research projects on topics of interest(i.e.action research on learning, peace fostering and conflict transformation), open air, city-wide actions, partnership with cultural and social projects, youth work projects and local and international life long learning workshops. Main partners involve local educational and social associations & networks, such as parents and teachers associations, cultural organisations active in the social field, festival organisers, adult education and life-long learning, professional associations, employers and employees, media and local authorities structures. Affiliation of practice with the international networked spaces "THE HUB" and other networks of social innovation practitioners worldwide (i.e. The Art of Hosting Practitioners).
Mission and Objectives

"Synergy" is a social enterprise offering learning learning programmes and opportunities to young people, parents & families, as well as adults who are invited to expand their potential and capacity at developing a sustainable and constructive way of living, empowering self and relationships, collaboration, leadership,collective action, team working and engage more actively and consciously in civic life, enhance dialogue and participatory processes of decision making, foster peace.

Main Projects / Activities

In brief our main activities span from parents group-sessions aiming at self-awareness & empowerment to individual and collective leadership development, enhancing participation and active citizenship, events & conferences organisation and facilitation, fostering dialogue and synergy in the community. Titles of summing up such projects are: Parenthood and Empowerment in the Family and School, Youth Vocational Orientation Workshops, Arts for Social Change in the Community, Participatory Leadership & Conversations that Matter, Change in Organisations, Growing Leaders at the Workplace, Hospitality, Tourism and Extra-ordinary Experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Bakari
Head of the organisation
Maria Bakari
Contact (2) Full Name
Sharon Moreham

Solidarity Tracks

National Network

????V?LL? 12- 31100 Lefkas Greece

+30 2645022763
Telephone (other)
+30 210 441 50 75
+30 210 441 50 76
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 69 70 881 303
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 69 816 22 910
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Greek Solidarity Tracks is a civil non profit, non governmental organization, based in the island of Lefkas, founded on June 2007, and it consists a branch of the French association “ Pistes Solidaires” based in Frejus, France. The organization doesn’t have any salaried staff and all our members work as volunteers (20 members). Our budgetary resources come mainly from our members’ contributions and programmed manifestations. Until now the sources of funding are the European program “Youth in action” and the Municipality of Lefkas. The types of action in which we are active are the youth exchanges, the European voluntary service, seminars, educational excursions, informative meetings, campaigns of sensitization of citizens in modern social problems, programs against social exclusion. Our organization has a partnership with the Municipality of Lefkada and local cultural associations. On international level we have a network of different associations in euro med space.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of the organization are developmental, cultural, educational, social, humanitarian, and in no case profit.
We aim to the conscious participation of citizens in a multicultural European community, at the promotion of values of justice and equality, in the sensitization in the problems of humanity, social, environmental etc and the comprehension of interdependence between the nations, the development of programs of international solidarity, intercultural exchanges and tourism, organisation of local and international volunteers’ services, the promotion of ecological products and in general the organization of activities that promotes the local cultural development, such as researches, studies, organisation of congresses, seminars, reports, festival, publication of cultural brochures etc.

Main Projects / Activities

In the year 2008 we have realized two environmental activities, tree planting in Lefkas on March and beach cleaning on April. On June 2008 we will organize a training course titled “Youth Entrepreneurship, potential for youth and community” participating youth workers from 12 euro-Mediterranean countries.
We also have participated in two euro-Mediterranean youth exchanges in Luxemburg and in Turkey, and in the seminar titled “Euro med EVS Odyssey” organized by SALTO Youth EuroMed Resources Center in Norway.
In the year 2008 we have realized two environmental activities, tree planting in Lefkas on March and beach cleaning on April. On June 2008 we will organize a training course titled “Youth Entrepreneurship, potential for youth and community” participating youth workers from 12 euro-Mediterranean countries.
Next summer, we will be partner in the artistic project in Luxembourg. We will organize a concert with musicians from 6 countries. We will organize also bouzouki training and Arab calligraphy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Konstantina VANDOROU
Head of the organisation
Konstantina VANDOROU
Contact (2) Full Name

association Tunisienne des jeunes de nations unis a GABES

National Network

Hotel oasis GABES 6000

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
L’association tunisienne des jeunes des Nations Unies a GABES est une association à caractère culturel qui vise à consolider l’effort national à s’engager dans la philosophie de l’organisation par l’identification de ses distinctes contributions au niveau mondial. 15 membres des dons et sources personnelles L'organisation d'une série de séminaires et de réunions scientifiques pour présenter la structure des Nations Unies et ses domaines d'activité. La participation à la célébration annuelle de la Journée Mondiale de la Jeunesse (12 août de chaque année). Entraîner et former les jeunes dans les domaines d'activités des divers organismes des Nations Unies. Organiser un modèle de l’ONU dans les espaces de la jeunesse et les universités pour apprendre à connaître les mécanismes de prise de décision mondiale. Contribuer à la propagation et à la documentation des études et des recherches universitaires effectuées en Tunisie et dans le monde de tout ce qui se rattache à la jeunesse concernant les domaines d'intervention des organismes des Nations Unies.
Mission and Objectives

Informer des jeunes tunisiens sur les avantages de l’organisation des Nations unies.
• Elle constitue également un véhicule pour rechercher des solutions aux grandes préoccupations internationales qui ont des répercussions sur nous tous. Alors que l'ONU s'efforce de s'adapter à toute une gamme de nouveaux problèmes qui surviennent dans le monde, l'Association s'est donné le mandat de faire mieux connaître la nature et les objectifs de l'organisation.
• Sensibiliser les jeunes sur l’importance des défis mondiaux auxquels fait face l’humanité tels que les changements climatiques, la paix mondiale, les épidémies et les catastrophes naturelles.
• Contribuer à la consolidation d’une culture de dialogue entre les civilisations et les cultures, et la promotion de l’acquis tunisien rénovateur dans les différents domaines ainsi que la production de ses créateurs et ses gouverneurs, les grandes réformes tout au long de l’histoire

Main Projects / Activities

Exemples des activités proposées :
L'organisation d'une série de séminaires et de réunions scientifiques pour présenter la structure des Nations Unies et ses domaines d'activité.
La participation à la célébration annuelle de la Journée Mondiale de la Jeunesse (12 août de chaque année).
Entraîner et former les jeunes dans les domaines d'activités des divers organismes des Nations Unies.
Organiser un modèle de l’ONU dans les espaces de la jeunesse et les universités pour apprendre à connaître les mécanismes de prise de décision mondiale.
Contribuer à la propagation et à la documentation des études et des recherches universitaires effectuées en Tunisie et dans le monde de tout ce qui se rattache à la jeunesse concernant les domaines d'intervention des organismes des Nations Unies.
S'engager dans les réseaux mondiaux de la jeunesse et faire connaître l'expérience tunisienne dans les grands événements et manifestations mondiaux.
Se positionner dans le tissu de la société civile internationale active au sein des structures des Nations Unies comme la Commission économique et sociale.
Soutenir les recherches universitaires qui étudient la structure, les domaines d'intervention et les perspectives du travail de l'Organisation des Nations Unies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Soutenir les recherches universitaires qui étudient la structure, les domaines d'intervention et les perspectives du travail de l'Organisation des Nations Unies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

because the ALF Network bring people together from across the Mediterranean to improve mutual respect between cultures

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Musée des civilisations arabo-berbères Ibn Khaldoun Nefta

National Network

Alegma Rahbet Issaoui
Nefta 2240

00 216 76 431 353
00 216 76 431 353
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
20 385 823
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Exposition permanente oeuvre artistiques et d'objets d'art retraçant l'histoire des civilisations arabo-berbères.
Mission and Objectives

Exposition, études, recherches, conservations, promotion et publication culturelles et artistiques locales

Main Projects / Activities

Projets culturelles et artistiques sous diverses formes : arts photographiques, cinématographiques,

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organisation des manifestations culturelles et contribuer à la formation des jeunes permettant la conservation et promotion du patrimoine culturel local dont la richesse est immense, à partir de la production et la créativité culturelle et artistique.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Contribuer, participer et collaborer à vos activités et missions culturelles

Contact (1) Full Name

Citoyens & Solidaires

National Network

47, rue du Lac Léman - Immeuble Ménix -3ème étage Apt B3
Les Berges du Lac-1053 Tunis


+216 71 160 962
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
"Citoyens & Solidaires" est une association tunisienne fondée en mars 2011 qui a pour but de favoriser l'émergence d'une citoyenneté active, de partager et de diffuser les valeurs qui contribuent à construire une société démocratique basée sur la tolérance, le respect de l'autre, le développement durable et solidaire. Une équipe d'une dizaine de membres. Des structures en cours de constitution et de consolidation. Les ressources de l'association proviennent des adhésions pour le moment. C & S a organisé un grand meeting de lancement du rassemblement des forces démocratiques et citoyennes pour la campagne de l'élection de l 'assemblée constituante tunisienne en avril 2011 et participé a des campagnes de solidarité avec les régions.
Mission and Objectives

-actions de sensibilisation tous publics à l'éveil à la citoyenneté
-favoriser l'émergence d'une citoyenneté active
-favoriser les rencontre entre le public et les acteurs de la société civile
-partager et diffuser les valeurs de solidarité de progrès de tolérance pour construire et consolider la démocratie sociale et économique
-sensibiliser à la défense de l’intérêt général, et de la préservation du domaine public et
-développer la solidarité inter générationnelle
-développer la solidarité entre les régions
-ateliers de sensibilisation sur le développement durable et solidaire
-former des éducateurs et des intervenants sur ces problématiques
-s'inscrire dans la mise en réseau d'associations et d'organismes impliqués dans la même démarche pour renforcer les objectifs.

Main Projects / Activities

-projet en cours axés sur des unités mobiles "caravanes" dans le domaine de la santé ( dentaire et ophtalmo) mais aussi de la culture ( cinéma itinérant)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En faisant passerelle, en partageant les expériences, en créant des espaces communs de dialogue et en mutualisant les savoirs et les ressources pour enrichir la société civile et la construction démocratique.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Notre association a inscrit dans son projet initial la mise en réseau pour partager les expériences sur les objectifs similaires mais aussi car nous croyons fortement en la mise en réseau des hommes et des idées comme axes principales du partage du savoir et de la connaissance. Pour partager l'expérience tunisienne depuis la révolution de janvier 2011 et permettre aux citoyens tunisiens qui partagent nos idées et valeurs de les renforcer dans un espace commun méditerranéen.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mouna Mathari
Head of the organisation
Leyla Ben H'Mida
Contact (2) Full Name
Lamia Trabelsi


National Network

38, Av H Bourguiba Marsa Houmt souk 4180 Djerba
Djerba Medenine

216 9823733021675620997
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
216 98237330
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Le MEDEV est un organisme privé de formation et de coaching, dispose d'un capital de 11000 Euros ses ressources viennent essentiellement des activités de formation et de coaching pour les entreprises, avec un partenariat avec des ONG, et les organismes de la société civile comme la jeune chambre internationale, l'association de la promotion de la culture de Djerba, L'association de la sauvegarde de l’île de Djerba, Association Djerba développement.
Mission and Objectives

Adhérer et promouvoir le dialogue interculturel a travers les activités de sensibilisation et de formation ainsi qu'au développement de la recherche.

Main Projects / Activities

Formation, coaching et recherche

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organiser, des formations et des compagnes de sensibilisation pour le dialogue interculturel et adhérer aux programmes de recherche qui visent à promouvoir le développement des relation entre les peuples de la méditerrané.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Ma conviction que le dialogue entre culture tient par la sensibilisation des publics de l'importance de la diversité et la complémentarité culturelle entre les sociétés qui vivent au bord du méditerrané.

Contact (1) Full Name
Saddi Lotfi
Head of the organisation
Saddi Lotfi