Ta'awon For Conflict Resolution

National Network

Al madares street, MBC building! first floor
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Ta' .a. won  for  Confllct'  Resolution;   is. a  Palestinian   independent, nationat,   non-profit    orqanization    that  was  founded   in  2002. Ta'awon    aims  to  ratse  awareness   and  lead  interventions    in Civic   engagement     antl    partieipatlon;    peaceful     methods    or conflict  resolutlon   and  transformation,    democracy,   9.ocid governance. M.ission:   To   encourage    civil   peace   through    equipping    the Pale~tinian  cornmunity With   alternative.  conflict   resolution methodoloqles,   and  throL!gh promotinq  ·,9Qod.governance    and democratization. Vision:    TAAWON    believes    in   playin'9   an   effective   role    in puildi~9 .a democratlc,   'modern   state and 'a civil  society   tliat uti lize§ alternative. peaceful  methods of' conflict  resolution, Values: 1.   P:eace and non ...v.iolence. 2.   Tolerance. 3.   Democracy; 4..    respect  human  rights. 5;   The political  and social figure. 6:   gender  equality. 7.   Volunteer  work. 8.   Participation'and.cornrnunity   development,
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Shadi Zaineddin
Head of the organisation

CCRR Center for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation

National Network
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
CCRR consists of six full-time staff members and works mainly with free lance trainers from a professional CCRR "trainer pool" that includes 25 trainers. The budgetary resources are about 380.000 Euro per year. Our main Donors are: - DED (German Development Service) - European Commission - War Child Netherlands - Australian Development Cooperation
Mission and Objectives

The Center for Conflict Resolution & Reconciliation (CCRR) is a Palestinian NGO committed to an alternative approach to conflict transformation. We cherish the values of peace, reconciliation, forgiveness, respect and hope. It is our mission to contribute to a prospering, non-violent Palestine by empowering marginalized groups to participate in the decision-making process that affects their lives. CCRR seeks to strengthen democracy, human rights and justice as they are essential to a lasting peace.

Main Projects / Activities

The main field of CCRR is peace education. CCRR has reached about 123 schools throughout the West Bank. In this program CCRR teaches conflict resolution skills to the school counselors, the teachers and the students. This program was mainly funded by War Child.
Other programs:
- "Peace Education through Modern Media" funded by European Commission
- "Negotiating our Future" (Cross-boarder dialogue project) also funded by the European Commission
- "Interfaith Dialogue" funded by the DED (German Development Service)

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Noah Salameh

Aknaf al-quds charity institute for women’s empowerment

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Development of women and children
Mission and Objectives

Empowering women through workshops and courses in the field of Palestinian heritage
Empowering women in the field of home production and food processing

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Abdallah abu shaqra
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation

El-Funoun Dance Troupe

National Network
+972 2 2402853
+972 2 2402851
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
General Information
1. El-Funoun is composed of seventy-five volunteer members. There is one full time employee – director, and one part time employee – assistant director. 2. Administrative budget = $44,000 , and the project budget = $52,000 3. El-Funoun's main funding comes from ticket revenue and international tours. In addition, El-Funoun gets funding from international donor organization for its productions.
Mission and Objectives

El-Funoun believes in building cultural bridges with the world, both to have a healthy exchange of experience, ideas and techniques and to present the long-suppressed Palestinian culture before other nations.

Main Projects / Activities

Creating new dance productions and performing these productions locally and internationally ( creating new music CD, DVD, video, sound cassette)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Khaled Katamish
Head of the organisation
Mr. Khaled Katamish
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Noora Baker


National Network

residence jeunesse 21 la corniche sousse 4000

00216 98 98 39 48
Telephone (other)
00216 73 213 373
00216 73200 505
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00216 98 98 39 48
Mobile Phone (other)
00216 98 404 292
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
AJMEC TUNISIA is an autonomous, non_governmental youth organisation whose main aim is to open international exchange for young people, promote youth initiative in improving social work and facilitating the integration of young people into society especially those of rural areas by involving them in our work, and encouraging their creative spirit that helps increasing youth participation in both local community and society in general. The participation in our activities gives a better opportunity to get a positive and varied personal development. We are looking as well to increase the tunisian youth participation in the international events, which could make them open to a multitude of life styles, cultures,point of views, and get them within a spirit of creativity. Our target group is all Tunisian youth mainly the youngsters that are between(15-25) years old, we encourage them by creating clubs of different activities and especially spaces for free discussions to initiate them to the main objectives of the euromed program like the fight against racism, xenophobia, segregation in all its features and promote the values of peace, democratic representation , mutual respect, human rights and tolerance
Mission and Objectives

AJMEC TUNISIA is an autonomous, non_governmental youth organisation whose main aim is to open international exchange for young people, promote youth initiative in improving social work and facilitating the integration of young people into society especially those of rural areas by involving them in our work, and encouraging their creative spirit that helps increasing youth participation in both local community and society in general.
The participation in our activities gives a better opportunity to get a positive and varied personal development. We are looking as well to increase the tunisian youth participation in the international events, which could make them open to a multitude of life styles, cultures,point of views, and get them within a spirit of creativity.
Our target group is all Tunisian youth mainly the youngsters that are between(15-25) years old, we encourage them by creating clubs of different activities and especially spaces for free discussions to initiate them to the main objectives of the euromed program like the fight against racism, xenophobia, segregation in all its features and promote the values of peace, democratic representation , mutual respect, human rights and tolerance

Main Projects / Activities

bilateral youth exchange
local activities ...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we will put our experience for all members of the network and work togther for the good of our young people ...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

for promote evs projects and know more partenars and organize more projects for young people ..

Contact (1) Full Name
Mounir Bokchari
Head of the organisation
Mounir Bokchari
Contact (2) Full Name
Zied Brahem

Dar Cherif

National Network


+216 71741733
Telephone (other)
+216 75620374
+216 71741410
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+216 98652735
Mobile Phone (other)
+216 52341691
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
société privé , nombres de partenaires : 4 tunisiens et 4 étrangers
Mission and Objectives

monter des projets pour échanges croisés pour le développement de la culture

Main Projects / Activities

Projets musicales, formations, artistiques et littéraires

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

par des échanges entre collégues et organismes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour participer à des appel d'offres

Contact (1) Full Name
Melle Najoua Chairat
Head of the organisation
Mr Hamadi Cherif

Individual member: Salah Cherradi

National Network

19 rue caid driss cherradi

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
envisage de collaborer avec l'ocp,et d'autres organismes afin de trouver les solutions à même de resoudre les conflis sociaux.participer à la diffusion des valeurs de citoyaneté,et de démocratie.promouvoir les droits de l'homme tels qu'universellement reconnus.
Mission and Objectives

sensibiliser,ecouter,contribuer à rédoudre par approche participative tout problème.

Main Projects / Activities

developpement humain,econonomique et social

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

par l'échange et le partage d'idée,l'action,et la mobilisation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour sa dimention euro méditerraneenne,et sa vocation humaniste et oecuménique.

Contact (1) Full Name
Salah Cherradi

Cochav Hatzafon Association

National Network

2 Havered street

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Cochav Hatzafon Association (registered, non profit organization) was set up in 2003 and is active in the northern periphery region of Israel and in the Western Galilee area, providing vocational, rehabilitation, therapeutic and social services for people with special needs (both Jewish and Non Jewish). The staff consists of around 30 workers including social workers, art teachers, occupational therapists and care workers. The funding is from the ministry of Health, external funds as well as from sales of the products made by our members.
Mission and Objectives

The Cochav Hatzafon association aims to empower people with special needs with the skills needed to become economically self sufficient and productive within the work force and encourages them to realize the personal potential inside each of them and to pursue their dreams. Thus, aside from arranging “traditional” employment opportunities for people with disabilities, which mainly include contracted factory work, the association has created unique opportunities for creative and productive employment making decorative items such as domestic products made of ceramics, placemats, wooden frameworks, candles, textile products, wooden furniture and greeting cards and providing skills that can be utilized in the open workforce.
These items are manufactured by people with special needs, at "Something Special" – a network of occupational centers with a different orientation. All the income from the sale of these items is devoted to rehabilitate people with special needs and to their wages.

Main Projects / Activities

The Cochav Hatzafon Association has established and operates occupational centers and sheltered employment for people with multiple disabilities (emotional, mental and physical) at three locations in the Western Galilee; in the city of Ma'alot, one on Kibbutz Matzuva and an additional center on Moshav Shomera, situated very close to the northern border fence.
The occupational centers of the Cochav Hatzafon Association operate continually as a one system network that allows for the integration of a wide variety of disabled persons while maintaining social bonding based on the criterion of interpersonal communication. In addition, it enables mobility of persons from one framework to the next according to their wishes and suitability for the group employed at the particular center.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivan Resnick
Head of the organisation
Ruth Goffer

Atelier Kunstgras

National Network

Jacob Geelstraat 8
3532 TS


+31 30 299 24 37
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
"Atelier Kunstgras" (www.atelierkunstgras.nl) is a small cultural organisation. Painting is its core activity. It has one staff member and cooperates with different partners depending on the type of project. Funding comes from workshops and courses, artwork, and subsidies for specific projects. "Atelier Kunstgras" offers workshops and courses on painting and organises small-scale, concrete projects in cooperation and exchange with others. Partners involved so far include the Municipality of Utrecht, Stichting de Vrolijkheid at the centre for asylumseekers in Utrecht, schools, parents, a community health centre, an art museum, and artists from different disciplines and backgrounds.
Mission and Objectives

"Atelier Kunstgras" seeks to create place and space for anyone who would like to explore the world by painting and invites people to look across 'borders'. The main objective is to stimulate people, in particular children, to discover their own language of expression by encouraging everybody's talents taking paint, imagination and freedom as a starting point. "Atelier Kunstgras" has a special interest in languages, textiles and the Middle East.

Main Projects / Activities

The core activity is painting - in a broad sense. There are regular workshops and courses around different themes for children and adults, combined with expositions. Special small scale projects are organised with children from various backgrounds including refugee children.
The project "A fly in an Airplane" was carried out in cooperation with a Dutch primary school.
The project "Kids Art" gave children from the asylum-seekers centre and children from the neighbourhood the opportunity to express themselves in their own 'secret language'.
The project "Design your own Grass Carpet" was organised in the open air at the occasion of the Dutch Day of the Park and resulted in a multicoloured grass carpet.
The project "Art at the Hairdressers - Exchanging Looks" is scheduled for the end of 2009 in a multicultural neighbourhood.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anne Marie Kuijpers
Head of the organisation
Anne Marie Kuijpers

Association Ihsaan

National Network

Rue Amor Jab Allah Houmt Souk Djerba 4180
Houmt Souk Djerba

00 216 75 620 682
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 216 96 686 084
Mobile Phone (other)
00 216 22 159 228
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Notre organisation est une association de bienfaisance composée de 100 membres constituants une comité directrice et des adhérants simples unis tous pour faire des actions de charité. Nos sources de financement sont sous forme de dons accordés par des personnes physiques et morales. Crée depuis 2011, notre association a réussi à faire ces actions de charité: *Opérations de secours du peuple libyenو *campagnes de nettoyage de l'île de Djerba; *Donner à manger aux personnes jeûnes n'ayant pas des ressources financières; *Compétitions coranique; *Campagne d'aide au cours de la rentrée scolaire; *La participation à deux convois d'aide à Gaza; *Aide financière aux familles pauvres pendant aïd al idhha; *Aide continue de 13 orphelins; *Aide continue de 10 étudiants; *Aides journalières; Voici quelques partenaires associés à nos projets: *Association Rekaz; *Association de Islam et Arabisme; *Association Initie; *Association Initiation; *Association Nour Al Hidaya
Mission and Objectives

Les missions de l'association:
*Aider les orphelins, les pauvres et veuves;
*Aider les pauvres dans l'achat des médicaments et dans les dépenses des traitements médicaux;
*Organiser des colloques, des conférences et des siminaires.

Main Projects / Activities

Projets de l'association:
*Opérations de secours du peuple libyenو
*campagnes de nettoyage de l'île de Djerba;
*Donner à manger aux personnes jeûnes n'ayant pas des ressources financières;
*Compétitions coranique;
*Campagne d'aide au cours de la rentrée scolaire;
*La participation à deux convois d'aide à Gaza;
*Aide financière aux familles pauvres pendant aïd al idhha;
*Aide continue de 13 orphelins;
*Aide continue de 10 étudiants;
*Aides journalières;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

On est en train de construire une organisation qui assurera la coordination entre les différentes associations existantes dans le gouvernerat à laquelle nous appartenons. Par ce fait, nous pourrons contribuer au réseau de notre pays.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

On veut rejoindre le réseau FAL pour effectuer les échanges culturels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Adel BEN
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Melle. Arwa LOGTARI